"So are you saying…?" Eternity trailed off, her voice trembling but for a different reason this time.
Evan smiled soothingly as he nodded.
"You're finally ready to venture into the real world."
Her wet, emerald-green eyes grew wide as saucers, and her whole body started to tremble in disbelief.
"I… I can finally go out?" She asked breathlessly, like the news was enough to knock the air out of her.
Evan nodded again.
"But of course, you still can't go out of the apartment unchaperoned by me," he added as a disclaimer. His voice grew harder and harsher as he spat out his next set of words. "We don't want the Berlin field trip incident to happen again."
"Figures…" she muttered under her breath, but the joy in her eyes remained. "Still, I'll make do with what I can get."
"What incident?" Freiheit asked, raising an eyebrow.
I wonder what will happen with Eternity's goodbye with Olivia...? Are you curious as well? Well, let's wait for the next chapter on what's about to happen next!