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100% House Of The Dragons (HOTD) : Orphan SI / Chapter 24: Chapter 24 : Sunspear

Chapitre 24: Chapter 24 : Sunspear

------Wildlife near Sunspear--------

-----Two months since greenblood----

-----Kerith's pov-----

It has been a pleasant month, well spent on learning the information of the Rhyonar from the Old man. Then, another month was spent travelling towards Sunspear.

Frankly speaking, the magic of water wizards can say to be far too easy to me. Not the brute force manipulation, but the applications like healing, using water for divination, etc. 

It seems the Water wizards use their knowledge about water as means of controlling water. For example, our body has 65% water on average, which acts as a medium for transporting many nutrients, enzymes, and hormones. The wizard can maintain the nutrition of the patient even better than eating by using his magic.

I can even extract poisons as long as the I.V sent to him has my blood+Sap. Still, these are delicate procedures which are more knowledge intensive than magic. But on the sheer power side, I am nowhere as good at the others.

Jonas, for example, can easily manipulate a bucket of water, sending it with a force of hammer to an opponent. I can only do that after intense preparation and that too by making it easier by adding my blood to it. 

Sighing at my lack of progress in true water bending, I got up from the pool of blood.

I shouted to Garmond, "Clean this pit up. I am going to the river for a bath."

Garmond and Jonas immediately got to work to drain the blood pool made by the prey I killed. A new secret of mine, done at the suggestion of an old man.

Essentially, the weight of my blood in magic terms increases when I do such dips. According to the Old man, it is a temporary change in me after solo killing the prey, a nature's gift.

In modern terms, I absorb some minute amount of the magic from the pool. I don't really understand the consequences but according to him, as long as I do this only for feeding the seed, it is fine. It oddly reminds me of the odd legends of bathing in Dragon's blood.

After a quick bath in the river, I held the Seed in my hand. 

I could feel my blood decreasing until the seed was full. I saw that the seed was almost completely red, signifying a few more months than it will sprout finally.

Then onwards I could simply sacrifice others, as the sprout has already developed and stabilized its magic, which will be complimentary to me. Like a parent and child in magic terms.

After putting my pants on, I went back to my tent, not caring up the looks on my naked upper body. Even in my previous life, I wouldn't have cared about this, much less now, when I have such good muscles to show off.

As the tent flaps were opened by the guards, I saw that Garmond and Jonas has already returned from the cleanup.

I took my seat as Garmond reported, "As you instructed, we had the water magic imparted to the magical you had found. Some have been successful. The Warg named Blein was a surprise to be among the successful ones."

I nodded at that and asked the matter I want to know the most, "What about the Sap effects on the prisoners?"

He gave a sigh at that as he replied, "With the water wizards addition, we slowed down the effects and could even study them. But none withstood the Sap's effects on the mind, but according to the water wizards, the sap seems to have succeeded in occasional cases in imbuing magic."

While it is not a new discovery, considering the first men's culture involves the drinking of sap. The thing I want is the ability to safely convert a non-magical to magical, not the occasional lucky find with a sound mind.

Once I have such a way to control the sap, then the so-called opposition to magic will disappear in its entirety. The biggest problem with the opposition is their envy of not having magic. A basic feature of mankind☠️.

I was disturbed from my thoughts by a guard entering the tent. ""r, it is an emergency. There is a messenger from Sunspear, summoning you to attend the prince's court."" Turned to Jonas, who was silent. Knowing the complicated relation shared by their tribe with Martells, I asked I needed an answer to immediately, ""Can you and your friends control yourself in Sunspear?"

"There are a dozen water wizards with me. If they go berserk in Sunspear, the only future for me is in Essos or Summer lands.

Jonas took a deep breath and nodded. " I give you my word on Mother Rhyonar. We can put aside our grudges."

I nodded at that. In their culture, such an oath being broken is a violation on par with raping or killing a newborn baby.

Jonas has actually said something shocking in his next sentence, ""Old Man has said there is a reserve of Rhyonar knowledge in Sunspear, hidden by our Princess Nymeria, when she arrived in Westeros. Unlike our common knowledge, it has the true secrets of Rhynor. He entrusted me with the few clues he knows of its location.""---------------Sunspear, ----------

---------Martell court, water gardens------

I was accompanied by Garmond and Smallfoot to the prince'' court. I had Walder stay back to maintain vigil over Jonas, my Kleptomaniac Rhyonar water wizard.

The court is conducted here in the water gardens, thanks to which I could directly feel the temperature cooling down from the Dorne'' summer heat.

A good decision by the prince to conduct the court here, rather than the castle.

It truly is beautiful with water paths throughout the entrance structure, from the center pools to corridors into the rooms. If one wants, they can swim from their room to anywhere in the garden. Of course, the condition is that the doors to the water path be opened by the guards for you.

I Plucked a mango from one of the myriad trees that are grown throughout the gardens. As I took a bite out of the juicy fruit, I could only mutter out, "It is fucking tasty."

Looking at the paintings that tell the story of Nymeria.

[Princess Nymeria of Ny Sar was a princess of the Rhoynar. After the Rhoyne was conquered by the Valyrian Freehold, Nymeria led the Rhoynar to Dorne, where she took Lord Mors Martell of the Sand ship as her husband.

After years of war and conquest, House Nymeros Martell took control of Dorne, with Nymeria ruling for over two decades as the Princess of Dorne. Under her rule, the Dornish adopted many Rhoynish customs and laws that still exist today.

Dorne became a principality, not a kingdom, because Nymeria preferred the Rhoynish titles of prince and princess. She remarried twice after Mors Martell's death in war, to Lord Uller of Hellholt and Ser Davos Dayne of Starfall, but her husbands were only advisors and consorts.

During her long reign, Nymeria survived many assassination attempts, stopped two rebellions, and repelled invasions by the Storm King, Durran the Third, and King Greydon Gardener of the Reach. As she grew older, her heirs led the armies of House Martell. When she died, her eldest daughter by Lord Mors succeeded her as Princess of Dorne, not her only son by Ser Davos, because Dorne followed many Rhoynar laws and customs.

Nymeria's life inspired the books Ten Thousand Ships and The Loves of Queen Nymeria.]

I couldn't help but say, out loud, "Impressive woman, she single-handedly established gender equality as part of Dorne, with her actions."

A voice was heard behind me. "Most people will look at the achievements, Ser Kerith. Not the social reform."

I turned to see a young man of 15 years age, with dark eyes, dark hair in ringlets, and olive skin. Considering his attire and the kneeling guards, I understood his identity.

With a curt bow as a courtesy, I replied," Wars and territory have been won many times in the long history of Westeros, spanning 8000 years. But it was her reform that has directly doubled the scope of Dorne's economy, with both men and women pursuing all things in life. Sure, there are examples of women excelling in other kingdoms, but they are the exceptions, not the norm. So, yes, I am impressed with just the social reform Prince Qoren. "

[Prince Qoren Martell: Heir to the throne of Dorne, eldest born of Prince of Dorne, Lord Obrien Martell

In the canon, he sided with Trachy in the war for step stones, 110 Ac, against Daemon and Sea Snake. Effectively crippling the Iron throne's control in step stones in the subsequent decades.

The most impressive point is that he avoided taking part in the Dance of Dragons and instead used the civil war to accumulate wealth and rebuild Dorne, which had been ruined because of the 4 disastrous Dornish Wars. ]

Prince Qoren nodded at my answer, as if to signify his approval. He then waved to me, "Come with me, my Father has summoned you to the Court."

Feeling a bit irritated by his disregard for me, I followed him, thinking it might be a quirk of royalty. 

The walk to the court was awkward, filled only with the sounds of the water flowing and the sounds of our boots.

You could guess the speaker from the next words, "So, how does it feel to be so free at a young age? I mean, you might be the most famous one out of our generation."

I thought about how to answer his question and slowly said, "Ironically, it's not much different from my normal life before I went to Braavos. You have an idea about it, don't you?"

He gave a nod at that. "Yeah, the Sealord was being too generous for saving his son's life back then."

Cold-hearted with but it has logic.

The Sea lord's rewards to me can rival the wealth of a landed knight. Showing his love for son will send a message to show his son's status is all good, but for shrewd ones, such love is a weakness to be exploited.

Hopefully, I could repay such a debt in the future.

I shook myself from such thoughts and continued my conversation with Prince Qoren, "After the initial high from the craze, all that will be left be the same people you encounter every day."

He questioned back, "So there isn't much difference from "

I shook my head and said, "Rather, the difference is great. The sheer respect and doors opened from my rise to fame is a kind of power in its own right. What I meant when I mentioned my normal life remained the same is that only the scale of day-to-day activities increased, not the life I have to spend."

Thinking about how to better explain this, I was wrecking my brain. To my surprise, Prince Qoren understood and said, "You mean the struggles of life will remain the same. I can see that, no matter high one's position is, he/she must endure the struggles for wealth, love and power. Only the scale of things changes."

I let out a whistle involuntarily. "You explained that well, Prince Qoren. I must say that I am impressed. Few can understand such truths of life."

Prince Qoren nodded back with a smile, " Me too, Ser Kerith. I can see us getting along fine. But for now, you must meet my father - Prince of Dorne, O'Brien Martell."

I could hear the announcements going on as we entered the hall.

"Presenting Prince Obrein, the Red Spear of Dorne, Heir to the Prince of Dorne."

"Presenting Ser Kerith, the brightest healer, Maester of Combat, Youngest knight of Westeros. Painter of Reach."

I felt a sigh leave me at that, considering that it was not accurate. I have only drawn half of Reach. But it is dismissed by the Reach lords who were currying favor with their Lord paramount.

I knelt to the Prince of Dorne, who in a way has status just below the Iron throne.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Obrein. Please inform me. How may I assist you?"

Unlike the minor nobles I might till now, I should be the one to try my best to curry favor with the prince. So, him sending an invitation is a god send chance for me. 

Prince Obrein got to his feet and said, "So, Ser Kerith. I wonder how you like the beauty of Dorne?"

I answered honestly, "Under the ever-present sun, it has the sharp beauty of its Prince Dorne. The thing I loved the most is the culture of Dorne, where both men and women are treated as equals."


With such a single word, he kept his silence. After a few seconds, it continued. I realized he wants something as reply from me.

It took me sometime, before I understood, "Rather than doing injustice to Dorne's beauty with mere words. Let me show you, Prince Obrein."

No wonder my reply seemed to satisfy them.

The nobles competitiveness is not a joke. Especially the one between Reach and Dorne. Hence, a painting of Dorne will be done to satisfy the ego of Dorne. I only wonder if it will follow to other kingdoms.

------------------Camp of travellers, the red mountains of Dorne, night----------

Looking at the full moon that is rising into the sky, I felt how weird my journey in Dorne was.

The stay in Sunspear was the shortest in my entire journey, just a week. However, it might be the most fruitful among them all. Because the fucking heir of Dorne is travelling with us.

Looking at Prince Qoren, who is happily kissing his lovers, Saren and Quint. Considering how openly they do that, I believe they are teasing us by showing the true dornish love.

Though, it means an open relationship in modern terms and it is extreme even in Dorne. But this guy seems to be devoid of shame.

"My prince, yes, my prince. More, I want more of you."

Qoren happily held her while his guy lover quint went behind Saren. Seeing this is going too far, I signalled for Simba.

Simba, to my shock, seems puzzled, but still followed my request.


Looking at Simba, who is growling by showing his teeth that are as big as their heads, the lustful trio controlled themselves. However, it was quite funny seeing their hardened pants become slack, like a loose trouser.

"No offense, Ser Kerith, but you seem far too naïve. Maybe because you are too young."

I rolled my eyes at her provocation and said to Shalira, who was sucking and eating some grapes while dressed in provocative dornish dancer clothes, "Listen, women, stop testing me so much. If you do this anymore, I full throw you into the tents of the Guards. Considering how long they went without the whores of Dorne because of our travel, they will enjoy the treat."

"Ser Kerith, that is so unknightly of yourself."

"I am sorry about his offense, lovely lady. Oh my, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the heir to house wyl."

"Hmm, Rapist bastards."

"You fucker, it has been 100 years since then. Even a child in that incident met the stranger out of old age."

I ignored the insulting nobles and focused on Shalira, who was sitting with her kids on the cushion provided by the servants.

Ignoring the glares of from two pairs of green eyes, her twin kids, I also added to her threat, "However, if you try to incite conflicts or factions in my men like you tried it with Leonins, I will cut your head and throw you to the tigers as there feed."


Shalira, the singer whose performance I could barely remember seeing in Starfall, has somehow joined our group as soon as prince Qoren announced his decision to join our travelling group.

Though not just her. A bunch of nobles or noble heirs joined the travellers, following Qoren. Of course, they don't come alone. Instead, they come with a package of servants, singers, lovers and a wide variety.

Not just that, these nobles are all happy to pouch my men, who I gathered with great effort. Thankfully, I could control the extent of such things with my pets when they were feeding on attacking bandits or escaping prisoners.

However, there is an advantage to this. Recruiting people became so much easier that 8 out of 10 are accepting my offer as soon as they saw Qoren and his followers.

My group bulged in size to a noble procession of a size counted in hundreds. In a way, it is a good thing. But, it leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth.

Especially when power-hungry people like Shalira join the group. Just yesterday, she tried to start a conflict between Leonis and his wife by saying that Leonis wanted to marry her. Of course, he had said that in a wishful talk around the fire.

Somehow, she heard it and provoked the conflict to see what would happen, especially if it affected Bautista, who keeps tight control over the guards. Hmm, it hasn't even been a week, and these people are already trying to buy off my guards for information.

Whether she knew or it not, Leonis's loyal and stable marriage is important for me to hold Batista's loyalty, who is an unbreakable rock when faced with many offers from the nobles. So, I gave a death threat, and I mean it.

Looking at Walder and Garmond, who can't seem to avert their eyes from her, I inwardly grumbled, 'especially when half of my group seems to be infatuated with her.'

Her model like looks that can be counted as devastating beauty to the people of westeros, which is filled with smallfolk who are half starved and strain under hard labour most of the time. So, one can expect how rare her beauty is to them. 

When combined with the fact that she is a renowned singer and her blonde kids with green eyes, it stroked their desire for her. Especially when they said kids seem to be the most talented kids in swordsmanship I saw in my life. Wonderful, a lover/ former lover of a cannister with incredible talent and beauty dressed in provocative dresses, made her a headache that was on par with Qoren for me.

Puberty can be challenging enough the first time, let alone experiencing it again in a new life! It has been quite a change, especially with Simba's antics adding to the mix.

His ability to attract so many tigresses and lionesses has become quite a sight, but feeling the echo of his lust makes things even more complicated for me.

Like now. Considering how much I am focusing on the breasts and backs of the women, I am sure he is fucking in some cave.

I really need a good way to vent. 

So, I took up my mace, Gada. 

With it on my shoulders, I threw the detachable head of the mace on to the clearing, making a loud sound, "Alright people, I have enough of your chatter. If you are a man who possesses a dick, come into the ring for a fight."

I felt more and more excited to vent the excess energy in the hormone filled body.

"Is he drunk?"

"Could it be the dornish wine became too much for me, hahaha?"

Bautista being my staunch supporter standing making sounds by slamming his spear on to the ground. The guards, who fear their leader/instructor, followed suit.

Seeing the ensuring silence that followed, only filled with the rhythmic thumping of spears hitting the ground, I said, "Rather than being called an alcoholic, it is better to call me a battle maniac. Also, there is me not touching a single drop of wine for drinking except to numb my pain. So, come on pussies, come fight me."

I had to mind my language around my people, so that they won't pick up my habits but in a fight in which I am throwing the invitation, I am to cuss like a sailor. Instead of blaming myself, I blamed Berek and his sailors like a genuine leader.


Heir Wyl smashed his wine bottle on the ground and stepped into the ring. Instead of fearing the head of my Gada, which made a hole in the ground, he walked past it with a voice filled with disdain, "Listen kid, don't think you are a hotshot just because you got some fame because of luck. Let me teach you something. You are some trashy book cleaner who cleans the dust out of libraries that is filled with the history of my forefathers."

Ah, the superiority complex. As expected, of a 18-year-old showing his weakness like a teenager.

I happily pulled the handle of my Gada, which had a chain extending to the Head on the ground.


Before the idiot can understand, the Gada's head came back from under his drunken feet, making him fall down.

Not even giving him some time, I jumped and brought my Gada down on his chest.



Looking at the idiot's face dripping with blood, I took my leg back to an angle of 90 degrees and followed physics. The combination of gravity and my strength brought my leg into a beautiful arc that sent an idiot into sleep.

"Listen brats, I took you with me because you were vassals, i.e. servants of prince Qoren that wanted to accompany me. You are not my guests, so I don't carry if you have massive territory or big army back at your home. I will throw you out or smash you into the ground. Of course, if you piss me off enough, I will feed you to my pets."




"Isn't that right, Prince Qoren?"

Qoren was all happy to put to his vassals in their place, that is beneath his feet. "That's right, Ser Kerith."

Looking at the full moon, I went for my training regime. "Alright, big cat 1 and 2, come to the field."

Two 6 foot lions came to the field on my command, "Let's begin."


Unfortunately, their roars are the last thing that can affect me. After all, I have been raising them, crushing them and even inspiring fear in them for years.

I ran at them as they ran at me, though the cat no 2 was circling at me from behind. Not bothered about him, I continued running towards Cat no 1 who had a habit of jumping on to the prey.

So, I ducked right as he jumped, essentially sliding under him. With a flicker of movement from my wrist, a hidden blade extended on it. So, I happily cut through the under surface of no 1, causing him pain and injury.

"Now, Now. No 1, I have been saying to the same thing to you since I train you when you were this size," I showed him his height when he arrived as cub to my manor in Oldtown, by emphasizing the level at my knee.

However, I must say that nature truly blessed these animals which incredible bodies fit for fighting, hunting and killing.

It was my vast experience from seeing through the eyes of Simba and the fact, these cats grew in care that allowed me to subdue them.

Of course, there is the fact, these two are the first ones to defy me in the pride. So, I keep using them as a training instruments that hone my skill and strength.

Feeling the claw heading for my head from cat no 2, who had silently snuck behind me, I could only grumble, "Even after I put this much effort, people are surprised and trying to diminish my achievements."






 Seeing the scraped armour that was ripped apart and feeling the pain from the claw marks on my chest, it was not surprising that I was in no mood to hear Garhammer's complaints.

"Enough old guy. Did you forget why I hired you to travel with me?"

Garhammer shouted back happily with genuine fury, "Yes, yes, you did. But, I didn't expect you to tear through my armours that I put my blood, sweat and tears into on their forging. I was expecting to hammer the minor scratches or uneven surfaces of armour, not make them anew every time when you do such insane training."


I felt lucky that Walder and Small folk are not here. Otherwise, they would have joined him in shouting at me. Instead of relief, it worries me more that they are so infatuated with Shalira that they listening to her music and dance show even now.

It would have been normally fine if it wasn't the fact that women Shalira, is power hungry to the core and use men as pawns.

It was information I got from her servants, who accepted my bribes.

Hmm, unlike me, those guys can't seem to control their people. Good.

[Author: Not everyone has a pride filled with carnivores that eats men alive to instil fear and respect. Not to forget about education, wealth and benefits. Φ(* ̄0 ̄)]

"What's with her that got all of them riled up?"

Qoren asked me with a hint of teasing, "So, what's wrong with you that you are not appreciating such a beauty with flawless skin, incredible curves and an unbelievable voice? Let me tell you something, she is famous in all of Dorne for her skill in dance and singing. If it wasn't because you were a boy, you would be hungry for her, too."

Pointing at my hardened dick poking into my pants, I said, "she is beautiful and sexy, I got that but my question is so what?"

That completely flattened Qoren into silence and burst out laughing, "Oh my Seven, you are a man, but you just didn't care about her beauty. I see, I see. This toast is for you, Ser Kerith, a knight of such virtue that won't be felled by lust. HAHAHHAAAAA,"

His loud proclamation went into the ears of everyone, including the subject of our talk. Sigh!

It was now that I realized that unlike the modern world, which bombards everyone with provocative content, the people of westeros are fully dried out in such things except the whore houses.

Except for the best whore house that prices whores in gold for a single night, no one must have seen a model or heroine level beauty. Shalira, being a famed singer, adds a bonus halo.

Qoren lazily asked as he pawed at Saren's breasts with one hand and Quint's dick with another, "Why don't you kill her if you are so irritated by her? If you are afraid that her Lannister lover is someone famous, no need to worry. He is has no inheritance to his name."

That froze any kind of conversation going in the background and made everyone listen to the conversation full-fledged, not even hiding their interest or even attempting to hide the fact they are listening in on the conversation.

I smirked at the trap in Prince Qoren's words. He has no inheritance doesn't mean that he has no power. If such beauty remains unspoiled, it implies that the father of her illegitimate children possesses enough power to prevent them from being recognized or inheriting anything. Coupled with the few rumors that ran through the citadel a few years ago, I guessed his name, Tyland Lannister, the younger twin of the sons of Lord Lannister. Heir of the Heir.

Normally, anyone in my place would expect to say he didn't intend to such abnormal things. But, I am not normal. Someone getting involved in the workings of my group is a taboo. It is the one I have invested all my effort and wealth into. I will have no one to mess with it.


"I thought about killing her and even gave the order to my lions yesterday. But the song she sang was incredibly beautiful, and the dance made my dick go hard. So, I must say, I respect her skill and talent. Hence, a warning will do for neo,"

That choked Shalira's voice came out with a hint of fear. "M-my Lord."

I teasingly said, "It is ser, Shalira. You might not know this as a member of smallfolk. Lord is not a title normally used by any noble. I am just a knight. Though, a knight with competent servants and a bloodied army."

Though, I don't consider 100 men as an army, but they are an army to everyone else in Westeros. So, they are an army.


I looked into her eyes and said seriously, "Trying to mess with my people angers me, Shalira. So, don't forget your place."

Prince Qoren snorted and said, "Oh well, if she crossed the line again, you can kill her. You have my support."

As expected of the xenophobic Dorne, the fact she sleeps with a foreigner is enough to piss off this lustful Qoren to kill her. Meaning, Qoren has a lot of national pride for Dorne. Hence, Xenophobic.

The scary fact about this world that might scary anyone from the modern world is that no one objected or cared that we are ideally deciding the fate of Shalira. This shows the tempting power of nobles.

I saw Shalira had been seating from all over body, either from fright or something else. It doesn't matter, at least this incident will knock some sense into the idiots whose heads are filled with lust.

I am not an insane monster, but I have to keep my word if she gets involved with my group. In fact, this threat was truly intended for the Dornish nobles who were keeping their hands in my group. Including the very prince who is inviting me into his bed for sating both of our lust.

The fucker even promised Bautista a fucking lordship to pull the entire group to settle in Dorne.

I underestimated both Bautista's loyalty and how scheming the nobles truly are. Even Prince Qoren's decision to support killing Shalira has to do with gaining the support of full on xenophobic Dornish nobles and also saying his sorry to me because I find out about his schemes.

Schemes and interests layered at each word and move. It is exhausting. To think the game of thrones is even more dangerous than this is rather scary.

"Come on, brother Kerith. I will show you the ins and outs of sex."

I scoffed and said, "No need to worry, Prince Qoren. I am well versed in sex and the various ways one can do it. In fact, in terms of the knowledge of such things, I believe I am even better than you."

I added the last part with a wink and showed full confidence. A lifetime of porn and hentai made me well versed in sex.

Prince Qoren showed true Dornish spirit, "I vow this by seven, I will drag you into my bed no matter how."

I felt a headache thinking that I have to deal with this indefinitely.


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