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54.54% House Of The Dragons (HOTD) : Orphan SI / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 : Emergency

Chapitre 11: Chapter 11 : Emergency

----===Sealord's palace, Braavos===---


A soldier came over, and just as it stuck in my brain he was the current first sword of Braavos, The Sealord ordered him, " If my son dies today, Kill everyone here. Especially this old man, drown him in the sea. Since he couldn't find an issue in my child till now, he better pay the price."

The old man in question was the personal healer of the patient. He took the explanation as anyone expected, trying to run for his life.



The old man's bones creaked as he tried his best, but the sword of Braavos who was on him in a second. 

"NO, NO, NO. My lord, please listen to me. Nobody can find such things beforehand."

"Fereggon, please control yourself." It was the chief healer, Mantayon, who intervened and tried to reason. "Listen, my child."


The Sealord only sorted in response and we heard the result.



They threw the old healer out of the window into the seas, and anyone who dared to peek would have found the sharks ripping him to pieces.


Whether it might be because of the crowd's panic or the true madness in his voice, I was more terrified of seeing him than the pirates who tried to kill me.

As the Sealord's anger boiled over, his threats reverberated through the room once more, ranging from drowning in the sea to ordering his guards to kill everyone if they failed to save his son.

The sheer intensity of his rage sent shivers down everyone's spine, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me.

"Please, my lord, you must understand," Mantayon interjected, speaking calmly but firmly in a tone that would cause a person being hanged at any other time. "The situation is dire, but remember how your wife dealt with her death? She never ordered the death of her healers, but spared them to spread the word for a healer. After all, healers are the only ones who spread accurate information about these types of diseases in their circle. "

The Sealord's expression softened slightly as the truth of the matter sank in. He took a deep breath, his features contorted with a mixture of frustration and desperation.

In a moment of desperation, the Sealord made a bold proclamation, "I will award 50,000 Golden Dragons, a Manor in whichever city they desire, and anything else within my power as a favour," he declared, his voice echoing through the chamber. "Please, do whatever it takes to save my son."

It was the last part that held a new tone. A tone of begging.


People gulped at the promise of such rewards. They woke up rather fast.

Especially when they bring the broken skeleton with fresh flesh still attached to it into the room. It was wet and had the robes of the man who was alive that morning.

The level of risk was simply too high for anyone to dismiss. Even the temptation of wealth and prestige isn't enough to disregard the risk.

Let me give you the proper context of this disease in their minds.

Even Citadel, with its long history, had only encountered a few bursting belly cases. The reason is simple; the victims died before finding a healer. Treatment in use has varying degrees of success. The successful outcomes in recorded history were 7, each with many potential complications were many.

So, none will attempt such a dangerous task, knowing the potential consequences of failure.

The love the Sealord held for his son was clear to all, and the thought of facing his wrath, if the surgery were to fail, was enough to send shivers down the spines.

The healer's name might make the history books on the chance of failure, not because of glory, but because of his fate.

"Is there no one stepping forward?"


The sight of the Sealord collapsing in sorrow only added to the gloomy atmosphere. His despair was easy to see. It was a heartbreaking moment, witnessing a father's anguish over his son's plight.


People obeyed.


"Damn it. We are moving away from Braavos today."

Weird enough, it was not Teacher Bracken, or me, who said that. It was one of the other healers who was still shivering from fright. I am sure many think the same way.

If Sealord was any other person, these healers might have stayed. But, he is the most powerful man in Braavos and he loves his son to the point of madness. No one will stop his madness if his son kicks the bucket.

As we were being escorted through the hallways, I turned to Teacher Bracken, unable to shake the lingering questions from my mind. "What do you think are the chances of survival are based on this method?" I asked, my voice filled with uncertainty.

Teacher Bracken lifted an eyebrow as when I put my thoughts into words, "Rather than go for just the bulging potion, we can cut ....."

I explained the modern open appendectomy surgery procedure which is changed to suit the tools we had. All thanks to the AI.

Unlike Citadel, which can't encounter living patients suffering from this condition, modern society has cured millions.

Although the procedure is the same as Citadel's treatment, it has many minor modifications that make a lot of difference.

"If successful, there is potential for a complete recovery," said Teacher Braken. His words made me happy, but he just had to continue.

"But we must consider the risks involved. Specifically with this procedure, the surgeon will make incisions on both sides of the affected area in order to eliminate the possibility of any remaining disease in the gut. These will lead to severe bleeding and, most importantly, even if the surgery succeeds under the blessing of seven, how can we feed him? Because of the extent of gut cut, the food we give him through the mouth won't be absorbed, regardless of what it is. "

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the severity of the situation. "Indeed, Feeding is tough," I admitted. "But with the right approach, there is hope."

I said to him, "We can just skip the gut. We can use the Blood Line, discovered by Archmaester Berender centuries ago."

Teacher Bracken thought over suggestion and said, "His body will reject the blood like all the patients in Berender's experiments."

[Blood line/ I.V line:

A needle with a bore, connected to a similar needle in the donor veins.

Archmaester Berender suggested and used it to replace lost blood, but unfortunately, the transfusion success varies with the loss of a large amount of lives. Still, Citadel uses it if a patient loses too much blood, leaving the chance of success to the gods. ]

"Perhaps," I countered, "but if we ensure a compatible blood match, the risk of rejection will be minimal."

To illustrate my point, I reached into my satchel and retrieved a vial of Mongrel's Weed. And explained my discovery of its properties.

[Mongrel's weed: With a small drop of this herb, the reaction between donor and recipient blood became visible, confirming the compatibility. 


According to popular belief, it comes from Gardener Fields. Every aspiring magic user knows that Gardener Line is the best in Plant magic and botany. So, it may have magical origins. ]

I discovered it only because I found the Gardener books in The ROOM, which correlated with Mongrel's weed effects. Its original use by the magic users was to choose the right blood for sacrifice in the ritual.

From there, it was easy to form a streamlined composition of I.V fluid containing donor blood, sugars, salt and this weed trying to feed him. A composition that would take years to find, but I am lucky to be a reborn doctor.

"With the IV line secured," I continued, "we can administer the nutrition directly, ensuring a steady recovery."

Though this transfusion is crude, it is much better than just leaving his fate to luck.

"It puts our lives at risk to attempt it on the Sealord's son directly," Teacher Bracken remarked, his voice tinged with concern.

That got me silent, and it was also the reason for my silence in the Chamber back then. Success is possible with our proposed treatment. Putting Sealord's son's life directly in danger with an unknown method was a risk.

It might be silly to most people, but as healers, especially healers like Teacher, it weighs on the heart to not save someone when we have the chance.


He influenced me enough to make me feel bad. Here I was thinking Westeros made me cruel because of killing pirates.

As we settled into the carriage, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over me.



My feeling came true with the presence of the guards surrounding us with their weapons at the ready.

Among them stood the figure of Lerio Neol, the first sword of Braavos, accompanied by the guard who had escorted us.

Habits, as I had just learned, could be dangerous things. In our short time in Braavos, we had grown accustomed to hearing Braavosi, the common tongue of the city. It had become second nature to us, that there is a language barrier between us and Braavosi most of the time. In the myriad amount of Braavosi, I met only occasional merchants, officials, and nobles who spoke the Common Tongue.

But now, to my shock, the common guard who had escorted us spoke in fluent Common Tongue to Lerio Neol, betraying our conversation. "I heard this healer saying they have a way to treat the young master," he declared solemnly. "I swear it on the founders of our Braavos."

After sentencing an old man to a cruel death, the first Sword of Braavos turned his gaze towards Teacher Bracken and me, his expression cold as stone.


[Author's note: The next part is for the realism of fanfic. You can skip it if you don't want to. Though I made it easy to understand for those who read.]

-===In an hour, Back in the healing chamber===--

In a whirlwind of events, we found ourselves back in the healing chamber with our patient, the Sealord's son, awaiting our treatment. The current situation is that we have no choice but to proceed with the risky procedure.

After all, defying the wrath-filled Sealord was not an option, given his influence and power in the Known World.

"So, this remake of Berender's blood line, now called I.V line, directly sends blood carrying the sugars into the child after we cut the Burst belly."

Mantayon, the Chief Healer of the Sealord's palace, listened intently as Teacher Bracken outlined the procedure, including measures such as blood transfusions and IV lines.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he said to me, "Your treatment method is sound." Mantayon remarked, his voice filled with admiration. "But it is the small things that you recommend that mind every aspect that shows your talent as a healer."

The Sealord turned to Mantayon and said, "What are the chances of success?" 

Mantayon's expression softened as he considered the question. "Of success, but we can't say for sure," he replied, his tone measured but hopeful. "With the expertise of Maester Bracken and the innovative measures suggested, we may save your son's life."

The Sealord's shoulders visibly relaxed at Mantayon's words. Saying the chance to be 30% might be an immediate execution order. Smart old man. If it fails, we will be the ones fed to the Sharks.


The tension went up in the healing chamber as Teacher Bracken prepared for the surgery. Mantayon stood by his side, offering help as they planned each step of the operation.

I, along with a team of skilled assistants, stood ready to lend our support, our hearts pounding with anticipation and nerves. Since in this situation, our lives are on the line.

I put the IV Line ready and put a herbal paste from Silvershine, Oaksmire etc into the patient's mouth.

[Herbal paste-Anaesthetic: Induced into the patient. ]

"Let's begin," said Teacher Bracken, the chief surgeon in this op, his voice steady despite the tension in the air.


With practised precision, he made the initial incision, carefully cutting through the layers of flesh to expose the bulging portion of the belly.

As he worked, I monitored the patient's vital signs by checking the veins using my hands. Making me wish I had the modern equipment with me. It is too tiresome.

[BP: 120/80, Respiration: 18 breaths per minute].

Mantayon, an observant Old Man, offered suggestions and adjustments as needed, his years of experience shining through in his calm and collected demeanour.

As Teacher Bracken delved deeper into the abdomen, I handed him the instruments, my hands steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins.


The moment I noticed the cut artery, I knew it was coming.


It was a drenched me, covered in blood from top to bottom, who handed the Scalpel heated with flames.


The heated metal cauterized the vessel, allowing for the surgery to continue.

I carefully monitored the patient's vital signs, ready to alert the surgeons to any signs of distress

[BP: 75/65, Respiration: 45 breaths per minute].

Fuck, as expected, the child is going into shock. Fuck, I am a child right now.

I immediately shouted to the other assistants, "Add two spoons of sugar and another spoon of salt. Also, 13 drops of water and 5 spoons moonrise into the new I.V bag."

[Moonrise: A Herbal adrenaline.]

I am so thankful for my former education to hammer the compositions into me and the basic procedure.

I gave emergency chest compressions while another assistant did the CPR. Thank the gods, otherwise I would have lost my first kiss.

The surgery progressed smoothly from that point, with Teacher Bracken's skilled hands removing the inflamed appendix.


I held my breath as Teacher Bracken made the last cut, carefully extracting the diseased organ from the patient's body.

I then felt the sudden drop in vitals as the kid started heaving in pain. Again.

Seriously, kid, just decide. Either die or live, stop going into shock over and over.

Hearing the distinct prayers of the Sealord, my brain worked again. No, please live, kid. I can't live without you.

 I nodded to the teacher and connected the new I.V line to the kid.

"Dear Stranger, Seven, Old gods, Rhyonar. Whichever god that may hear me, please save my son."

The weakened Donor- the loving father just stood by outside the room, muttering prayers which echoed inside.

[BP: 125/80, Respiration: 16 breaths per minute].

We heaved a collective sigh of relief swept through the room as the patient's vitals stabilized.

"It's done." Teacher Bracken announced, his voice tinged with exhaustion and relief.

While everyone celebrated the successful surgery, I couldn't help but think about the challenging recovery that lay ahead. Without the right antibiotics, the recovery process becomes uncertain. Herbal alternatives for antibiotics exist, but they are ineffective for someone weak and have harmful side effects, especially for a child with a surgically cut gut.

It's unfortunate that the magical herbs have become rare since the Gardner house fell. If they were still available, Sealord's power and status would make them accessible.

Guess we must make do.


Our observation of the patient changed from hours into days and finally, the kid woke up.

"YES. FINALLY, He woke up."

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