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Chapter 516-520: The Unrivaled Method of Transmission (6k+ words)

So, almost unanimously opposed by the entire sect, Senior Sister Zhao resolutely married Li Fan.

The wedding was modest, even somewhat crude.

However, her master, Zhang Wangshuang, ultimately attended. Watching the newlyweds below, he sighed faintly, then reluctantly forced a smile.

That night, numerous hearts were broken among the Dao Unity Sect disciples, leading to many brawls.

It's worth noting that the reason many young disciples in the Dao Unity Sect had deep feelings for Senior Sister Zhao was not just because of her appearance and strength, which surpassed her peers. More importantly, after cultivating the technique "Tian Di Jiao Zheng Fu," Senior Sister Zhao's feminine charm became more irresistible, almost overwhelming.

Moreover, in the eyes of outsiders, Senior Sister Zhao, whose Yuan Yin remained intact, still appeared as a virgin.

So, despite her constant companionship with Li Fan, she still had no shortage of persistent suitors.

After the grand wedding, following Li Fan's advice, Senior Sister Zhao dispelled the disguise.

While many were once again heartbroken, some infatuated individuals refused to give up.

Fortunately, Senior Sister Zhao was wholeheartedly devoted to Li Fan, relieving some of the pressure on him.

However, whether for longevity or to protect Senior Sister Zhao, Li Fan became even more diligent in his cultivation.

With an abundance of spirit stones and elixirs, coupled with the dual cultivation of "Tian Di Jiao Zheng Fu," Li Fan's realm increased day by day.

In the blink of an eye, thirteen years passed.

One day, a natural phenomenon occurred.

All beings in the Xuan Huang Realm saw a benevolent-looking elderly man, holding up the sky with his hands.

The phenomenon didn't last long, but all cultivators felt a complex and indescribable mix of emotions—seeming sadness, confusion, and anger.

After the image of the old man disappeared, all cultivators gradually understood.

Today, the Transmission Dao Venerable achieved longevity.

From now on, people were to address him as the "Transmission Dao Venerable."

With his solo efforts, he changed the path of cultivation for everyone. From now on, cultivators could only practice according to the method he established, a method that plundered the heavens and earth.

Although many years had passed, a considerable number of cultivators stubbornly adhered to the old method of "Harmony of Heaven and Man."

Now, he directly severed the old path.

These so-called "antiques" who clung to the old method faced despair, some choosing to end their lives, and others departing, hiding from the world.

Chaos unfolded in every corner of the Xuan Huang Realm, including within the Dao Unity Sect.

The new method was unstoppable.

The upheaval, just small ripples in the vast trend, couldn't change the overall direction of the river.

After the turmoil subsided, a rare period of peace and explosive growth followed.

The number of cultivators and the quality of their realms increased at a terrifying pace.

Even Li Fan, a person of mediocre talent, with abundant resources and the adoption of the new method, only took a little over twenty years to reach the Divine Transformation realm.

Not to mention other elite disciples within the sect.

If it weren't for the scarcity of the essence of heaven and earth and the unpredictable timing, there would likely be an explosive emergence of numerous Dao Unity cultivators.

As the most eye-catching junior disciple of the Dao Unity Sect, after passing various tests, Senior Sister Zhao finally succeeded in achieving Dao Unity.

She became one of the few true disciples of the Dao Unity Sect.

"Congratulations, congratulations! With the current tide, what could previously be achieved with Divine Transformation now requires Dao Unity," Li Fan kissed Senior Sister Zhao and congratulated her warmly.

However, there was not much joy on her face. A rare hint of worry appeared.

Knowing her well after decades of close association, Li Fan couldn't help but be surprised. This kind of expression on Senior Sister Zhao was exceptionally rare.

Concerned, he asked, "Senior Sister, what are you worried about?"

Chapter 517: The Unexpected Change

"When I was breaking through, I inexplicably sensed something," Senior Sister Zhao waved her hand, sealing off the surrounding space.

Then she transmitted her voice quietly, "Now, this seemingly prosperous and lively cultivation world is like a powder keg. Although it thrives to the extreme, there's a hidden crisis."

"Once it erupts..."

Li Fan shivered with astonishment.

He knew that the moment of breaking through the Dao Unity realm was almost infinitely close to the previous realm of "Harmony of Heaven and Man" in ancient cultivation methods. The insights gained at this stage were definitely not random.

Although they didn't know where the crisis was coming from, it didn't prevent them from being prepared for the imminent changes in the world.

Having cultivated together for many years, the couple had become an inseparable entity, forming a common interest.

Without alerting others, while continuing their regular cultivation, they secretly gathered resources, preparing for the possible upheaval that could occur at any moment.

What they didn't expect was that it would take more than thirty years.

Time passed swiftly, and the anticipated crisis never manifested. The couple began to treat their previous premonition as a misconception.

In these thirty years, Senior Sister Zhao, with her increasingly exquisite cultivation and overwhelming strength, became the acknowledged Dao Child of the Dao Unity Sect, receiving the "Slaying Heaven Grand Dao Scripture."

If nothing unexpected happened, in several years, when the current sect leader ascended, she would be the next leader of the Dao Unity Sect.

Senior Sister Zhao was excited, and Li Fan was genuinely happy for her.

But their joy didn't last long.

One day, the world-changing event they had almost forgotten suddenly arrived.

It was so astonishing, unexpected, and difficult for cultivators to accept.

So much so that the "preparations" they made over the years became a joke.

During a dual cultivation session, Li Fan and Senior Sister Zhao felt something unusual.


After an equally enchanting dual cultivation journey, Li Fan couldn't help but voice his confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Senior Sister Zhao, who hadn't fully recovered from the recent pleasure, couldn't help but ask.

"Why does it feel like the effect of this dual cultivation is not as good as before?"

Li Fan frowned.

"Could it be that we've encountered another bottleneck?"

After achieving Dao Unity, the improvements from dual cultivation were no longer as significant. So Senior Sister Zhao didn't notice anything unusual at first.

But now, after Li Fan's reminder and a thorough investigation, her expression changed slightly.

"There's no bottleneck, but the effectiveness has greatly diminished."

"Let's try it again."

Li Fan nodded in agreement.

After a long while.

Li Fan's expression turned serious, "How could the effect suddenly disappear?"

"Could it be that 'Tian Di Jiao Zheng Fu'..."

Just as they were discussing this, they suddenly heard commotion and uproar from outside.

"It's not just the dual cultivation method; it's all cultivation methods..."

"... They're all having issues!"

Senior Sister Zhao finally realized, stood up abruptly, and her face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 517: Transforming Cultivation to Xuan Tian Technique

Upon Senior Sister Zhao's reminder, Li Fan's heart skipped a beat. He quickly tried to activate his own cultivated technique, the "Dong Xu Nine Revolving True Secret."

The "Dong Xu Nine Revolving True Secret" was the technique he switched to after advancing to the Nascent Divinity realm. While its power might not match the "Slaying Heaven Grand Dao Scripture," it was still quite remarkable. It directly targeted the Immortal Ascension realm, making it an unparalleled technique.

In each revolution of the nine cycles, it penetrated his own being, gaining insights into a unique supernatural ability. In any other sect, it would be considered a treasure of the highest order.

Generally, only senior elders and a few core disciples had the qualifications to cultivate it.

Li Fan was fortunate to have the opportunity to practice this technique, thanks to Senior Sister Zhao's promotion to Dao Child.

However, at this moment...

After running the technique for several cycles, not only did his cultivation not increase, but he also faintly sensed the positions of several senior brothers cultivating the "Dong Xu Nine Revolving True Secret."

Moreover, the more he focused on sensing, the more an uncontrollable murderous intent surged within him.

"What's going on?!" Li Fan was shocked and frightened, his face instantly turning ugly.

"The same technique cannot be cultivated together... This is the backlash of heaven and earth," Senior Sister Zhao muttered while looking up at the sky. "I didn't expect that the calamity I foresaw back then would come in such a way."

The same technique cannot be cultivated together.

Hearing these words, Li Fan felt his heart pounding. With just a little thought, he seemed to see the impending, unstoppable bloodshed in the cultivation world.

Since he embarked on the path of cultivation, he had never felt such deep-seated fear.

But he was now a Nascent Divinity cultivator after all, a prominent figure even in the outside world.

Although shocked, Li Fan walked back and forth in the room, his brows furrowed, contemplating.

"The 'Slaying Heaven Grand Dao Scripture' is only cultivated by the two of us. Although the effect has weakened, it hasn't become completely ineffective."

"So, the more people cultivating the same technique, the stronger the restriction's effect?"

"I can almost foresee that this change will have a devastating impact on almost all sects in the world. With tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of disciples, where can they find enough techniques for their disciples to cultivate!"

"Even the Wan Xian Alliance won't fare well, and it might be even worse than us! After all, it's a recently established organization, not as deeply rooted as our Ten Immortal Sects. The number of techniques is limited, and most of their lower-level members reportedly cultivate the 'Heavenly Net Divine Technique.'" Li Fan's eyes flashed with a hint of gloom.

"This is a calamity for all of us cultivators."

Li Fan turned to look at Senior Sister Zhao, hesitated for a moment, and still spoke up, "The same technique cannot be cultivated together, so there must be sacrifices. The 'Slaying Heaven Grand Dao Scripture' you cultivate conflicts with the sect leader..."

Senior Sister Zhao's face also revealed a hint of coldness.

About to speak, a crisp and urgent bell suddenly rang from outside the room.

"The sect leader is convening an emergency meeting, presumably to discuss how to deal with this calamity. I'll go first."

As her figure disappeared, her faint voice reached Li Fan's ears.

"Rest assured, I know what to do."

Li Fan looked towards the sect's main hall on the mountaintop, his expression inexplicable.

"The same technique cannot be cultivated..."

Alone in the secret room, Li Fan recalled the content of several techniques he obtained in the ancient ruins of the Xuan Tian Sect.

Apart from the "Slaying Heaven Grand Dao Scripture," there were also the "Myriad Eons Only I Secret," "Soul Severing Illuminating Divine Technique," and "Heavenly Grief Earth Wailing Scripture."

These techniques had been studied by Li Fan and Senior Sister Zhao together in private.

However, the Xuan Tian Sect's techniques, both in terms of cultivation methods and post-cultivation effects, were quite different from today's techniques. It was also likely that there were some unknown imprints or restrictions, similar to the dual cultivation method.

So, over the years, they had only memorized them and hadn't practiced them after the original copies were destroyed.

"If there's no other choice, I can only switch to cultivating these exclusive Xuan Tian Sect techniques." Li Fan was well aware that his status within the sect was absolutely incomparable to those core disciples. He would likely be the first to be abandoned. "Fortunately, the new techniques have a very fast cultivation speed. Even if I start over, I can quickly catch up."

Chapter 518: Unexpected Opportunities

"One sip, one bite, all matters are predestined. Who would have thought that the adventures of youth would play a decisive role several years later? With these exclusive techniques, even in the face of such a calamity, as long as I am careful, I can safely get through it." Li Fan's eyes flickered as his mind immersed in the content of the techniques.

The highest-level meeting of the Ten Immortal Sects didn't last long. Soon, Sect Master Ji Changxi issued a decree to stabilize everyone.

He instructed disciples not to panic, as the Ten Immortal Sects had already started studying countermeasures.

Later, he ordered the recall of disciples from the Great Dao Sect outside and commanded the initiation of the sect's protective array to seal the mountain gate.

At the same time, the pill room worked tirelessly to refine life-extending medicines as a precaution.


With each command issued, the restless hearts of the disciples gradually calmed down.

The Ten Immortal Sects, with a heritage of thousands of years, should be able to find a solution.

Most disciples thought so.

Three years passed in this extremely oppressive atmosphere.

Three years had gone by, and despite various attempts by cultivators, they still hadn't found a solution to the problem of "The same technique cannot be cultivated together."

On the contrary, rumors from the outside world spoke of frequent conflicts among major and minor sects over coveted techniques, resulting in numerous sects being annihilated.

The only good news was that the elusive Transcendent Being, the one known as the Transmission of the Dao Transcendent, suddenly appeared.

He forcefully entered the Supreme Sect and obtained the "Cultivation Chapter" from the "Supreme Primal True Scripture."

With this marvelous technique, even if forced to abandon their current cultivation methods, cultivators wouldn't lose much of their cultivation.

"I'm actually a bit grateful to the Transmission of the Dao. With the 'Soul Severing Illuminating Divine Technique,' I can feel the pure cultivation in my dantian rapidly elevating my realm. It's quite impressive," Li Fan remarked while operating the "Soul Severing Illuminating Divine Technique."

"Humph, grateful to him? If it weren't for him introducing some new method, there wouldn't have been incidents like the backlash of heaven and earth or the arrival of the great calamity. Hidden dangers within, he deserves to be condemned!" Senior Sister Zhao snorted coldly.

"According to the sect master, when he first spread the new method, the Ten Immortal Sects had investigated this person's background."

"Unfortunately, it seems they didn't find anything unusual."

"At that time, they were too arrogant, not taking this Transmission of the Dao seriously. And there was also..."

"There were other matters to attend to, so they unexpectedly neglected him."

"When they came to their senses, the new method had spread like a wildfire, unstoppable!"


Senior Sister Zhao, who also switched to a new technique, spoke coldly, a hint of killing intent flashing in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 518: The Saintly Envoy of Xuantian

Li Fan noticed the deliberate omission in Senior Sister Zhao's words, but he didn't delve deeper. Although they were Dao companions, she, being a Dao disciple of the Great Dao Sect, was bound to come across highly confidential matters. It was normal not to disclose everything.

"Regardless, the Transmission of the Dao seizing and announcing the 'Supreme Primal True Scripture' can be considered an indirect salvation for countless cultivators. It's a great merit," Li Fan sighed.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, Li Fan was slightly taken aback.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Senior Sister noticed Li Fan's anomaly and asked with some surprise.

"Against the natural order..." Li Fan turned his head, staring directly at Senior Sister Zhao.

"The principle that the same technique cannot be cultivated is also part of the natural order, right? If a cultivator reverses this principle, attains immortality, wouldn't the Xuanhuang Realm be saved?" 

Senior Sister Zhao fell silent for a moment, shaking her head slightly. "You're not wrong in thinking that. Indeed, a few seniors have tried to do just that."

"But without exception, they all failed."

"The stronger the natural order, the harder it is to reverse it. The prohibition against cultivating the same technique is a natural change that heaven and earth produced to counter us cultivators."

"Upon deeper investigation, this principle has already been reversed once. Trying to reverse it again is even more difficult. If that weren't the case, why haven't any outstanding figures within the Ten Immortal Sects attempted to reverse the 'Transmission of the Dao Transcendent's principles,' completely destroying the foundation of the new method?"

Senior Sister Zhao explained to Li Fan.

Li Fan carefully considered the meaning in Senior Sister's words, falling into contemplation.

After three years of chaos, cultivators seemed to have gradually grown accustomed to the days of being unable to cultivate the same technique.

It was merely a matter of being unable to advance in cultivation, saving them the effort of daily cultivation, idly wandering and playing in the sect.

Life wasn't bad.

As for those with extraordinary talents, they were given the privilege of cultivating a technique alone under the arrangements of the sect's elders.

Senior Sister Zhao was no exception.

The technique she currently cultivated, the "Impermanence Profound Truth," although weaker than the "Supreme Primal True Scripture," was enough for her to cultivate to the Immortal Realm.

But Senior Sister Zhao, with her lofty aspirations, was naturally unwilling to settle for mediocrity.

Having once experienced the most exquisite technique in the world, practicing a technique one level lower felt like chewing wax.

So, she shifted her focus to the remaining two techniques of the Xuantian Sect.

After some consideration, she chose the "Heaven Mourning Earth Wailing Sutra."

"Heaven mourns, earth wails, the world mourns. This technique is only slightly inferior to the 'Supreme Primal True Scripture'!" Senior Sister Zhao commented.

"The Xuantian Sect is indeed the former master of the entire Xuanhuang Realm. A single Law King can carry so many exquisite and peerless techniques. I really wonder how many treasures that escaped envoy still possesses." Senior Sister Zhao casually sighed.

"Envoy? The Xuantian Sect envoy?" Li Fan asked with some curiosity. "This person actually escaped under the pursuit of the Ten Immortal Sects?"

"Yes, not only did he escape but he also took the Xuantian Treasure Mirror, a treasure of the Xuantian Sect. He disappeared without a trace. Even though the Ten Sects searched the entire Xuanhuang Realm, they couldn't find his whereabouts."

Senior Sister Zhao shook her head, glossing over this matter.

"Junior Brother, it's been a long time since we've cultivated together..." A faint blush appeared on her cheeks as she whispered.

"Hehe..." Li Fan understood and promptly pulled Senior Sister Zhao into the secret chamber, sealing the surrounding space.


The peaceful days didn't last long.

Li Fan didn't know the situation outside, but when the first disciple died because they couldn't break through their realm, a sense of anxiety and unease began to spread among the people.

Li Fan attended the funeral of this cultivator named Zhu Jun.

It was very simple, just hastily cremating the body and, according to Zhu Jun's wishes, burying it on a mountain. 

The atmosphere at the funeral wasn't particularly mournful, but Li Fan clearly saw the sorrowful emotions in the eyes of all the participating cultivators.

Shortly after, a prophecy spread within the Great Dao Sect, "Yesterday Zhu Jun, today all of you, tomorrow, the extermination!"

In the Great Dao Sect, there are Immortal Realm cultivators suppressing everyone. Even if they wanted to resist, they couldn't turn the situation around. Instead of dying helplessly on the mountain, it's better to go down the mountain and seek a ray of hope!

Influenced by the news of Zhu Jun's death, many disciples, with this thought in mind, voluntarily abandoned the Great Dao Sect's cultivation methods, applied to go down the mountain, and seek a way out.

The Sect Leader, Ji Changxi, was not heartless. He agreed to the disciples' request and promised that if they felt regret and had no other choice, they could return at any time.

Some disciples were moved to tears on the spot, changing their minds and deciding to stay in the sect, living and dying together with the sect. However, there were still a few cultivators who insisted on going down the mountain.

Ji Changxi did not stop them.

With this group of unstable elements gone, the Great Dao Sect returned to a semblance of peace. However, perceptive individuals could see that beneath the apparent calmness, there was a terrifying force accumulating, ready to erupt at any moment.

Just half a year later, some of the cultivators who had initially gone down the mountain came back, crying and pleading outside the sect's protective formation, requesting the Sect Leader to let them return.

As they returned to the sect and recounted the external situation, the surviving Great Dao Sect cultivators learned how lucky they were. Because of the prohibition against cultivating the same technique, the outside world had turned into a horrifying slaughterhouse.

The past peace was completely gone.

Walking on the road, one might be attacked by a cultivator who would stop at nothing, all for the chance of having a valuable technique.

The disciples who went down the mountain had already been stripped of their techniques, having only a few magical tools for defense. How could they survive in such circumstances?

Those who returned to the sect with severe injuries were considered fortunate to be alive.

These people lost their courage, stopped talking about cultivation, and simply existed in the sect, waiting for death.

The other Great Dao Sect disciples were also disheartened, no longer considering going down the mountain.

One day, Li Fan found Senior Sister Zhao, his expression solemn, and asked, "Senior Sister, have you noticed anything unusual?"

"Hmm? Is there a problem with the cultivation methods?" Senior Sister Zhao, rarely caught in a daze, took a long time to react and asked with a frown.

"Why do I see many disciples constantly coughing?" Li Fan sensed Senior Sister's unusual demeanor, his eyes flickering, choosing not to ask further. Instead, he mentioned the strange phenomenon he had observed.

"Coughing? That's impossible, right? Although they've abandoned their cultivation methods, their realms are still intact. Can cultivators get sick like ordinary people?" Senior Sister Zhao said, scanning the surroundings with her divine sense.

After taking a look, her expression changed dramatically.

Ignoring Li Fan, she flew out directly and arrived in front of a sickly disciple.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 519: Manifestation of the Immortal Mortal Epidemic

Li Fan noticed that something was amiss and quickly followed. He saw Senior Sister Zhao, some distance away, examining the condition of a cultivator with a serious expression.

"Cough, cough..." This Great Dao Sect disciple was stuck at the Yuan Infant stage, but at this moment, he resembled a dying mortal. His eyes were vacant, consciousness blurred, and his breath frail. He frequently erupted into intense coughing fits, as if trying to cough out his lungs. Faint traces of deathly aura appeared on his face, indicating extreme weakness, far from the appearance of a Yuan Infant cultivator.

Li Fan felt a surge of unease. Just moments ago, this cultivator didn't seem this severe. In the short time he went to find Senior Sister Zhao, the situation had significantly worsened.

"Could it be some evil curse?" Li Fan squinted, examining the situation.

"Cough... Daoist?" In a daze, the cultivator saw the two of them standing in front of him. Subconsciously struggling to get up and bow, he said, "It's fine, don't move if you feel unwell. Rest well," Senior Sister Zhao stopped him, speaking gently.

"Thank you..." This Great Dao Sect disciple, who had never seen Senior Sister Zhao so gentle and approachable, suddenly regained some vitality. His eyes were filled with infatuation as he stared at Senior Sister Zhao, seemingly captivated.

"After you went down the mountain, where did you go? What happened, and whom did you encounter?" Senior Sister Zhao asked again, disregarding the near-death state of the cultivator. He kept coughing, but with each breath, he continued to narrate the details of his experiences.

Gradually, his breath weakened further. However, watching Senior Sister Zhao's eyes full of curiosity, he persisted, intermittently conveying the information.

Eventually, after uttering the last word, his breath suddenly vanished. Yet, his eyes remained open, staring at Senior Sister Zhao with an unwillingness to let go.

"Let's go!" Senior Sister Zhao grabbed Li Fan and quickly left the area. At the same time, she handed him a purple-gold pill, instructing him to take it.

"Nature's Fortune Purple-Gold Pill?" Li Fan was surprised. This kind of pill was a secret treasure of the Great Dao Sect and was generally only concocted by experts of the Immortal Realm. Even if severely injured, as long as one didn't die on the spot, taking this pill could instantly restore them to their original state, akin to a second life.

Extremely rare, the entire Great Dao Sect had only a limited supply. Yet, at this moment, Senior Sister Zhao didn't hesitate to consume it...

Li Fan instantly understood the seriousness of the situation and immediately swallowed the Nature's Fortune Purple-Gold Pill.

"Don't waste it. Envelop it with spiritual energy and gradually absorb its medicinal power," Senior Sister Zhao instructed, continuously casting spells to create layers of barriers around them.

"Could the cause of that disciple's death be contagious? What kind of curse is so formidable? Is it aimed at our Great Dao Sect?" Li Fan couldn't help but be astonished.

"Rather than calling it a curse, it's more like a disease. A lethal disease that even cultivators cannot avoid or escape." Senior Sister Zhao's face showed an unprecedented seriousness. Even during the dramatic changes caused by the prohibition on cultivating the same technique, she had not been this worried.

"Its target is definitely not just our Great Dao Sect. It aims to annihilate all cultivators in the world... This matter must be reported as soon as possible!"

Li Fan suddenly lost focus, "Could it be another backlash from heaven and earth?! Damn heavens, they really want to wipe us out!"

"Cough... Cough..." As they flew towards the sect's main hall, Senior Sister Zhao's face suddenly showed a strange pale color.

Then, uncontrollably, she began to cough lightly.

However, soon a purple-golden light emerged, suppressing the paleness. The coughing ceased, and Senior Sister Zhao's complexion returned to a healthy red.

"How could it flare up so quickly? Senior Sister, you have reached the Dao Unity stage, haven't you?" Li Fan was suddenly filled with an unbelievable fear.

Even at the Dao Unity stage, what about him, a mere Nascent Soul cultivator?

Unable to wait for symptoms to manifest on himself, he immediately activated a trace of the medicinal power of the Nature's Fortune Purple-Gold Pill in his dantian, circulating it throughout his body as a protective measure.

Sure enough, shortly after doing all this, he felt a wave of exhaustion rushing over him.

As if he had battled Senior Sister Zhao continuously for seven days and nights, his whole body ached, and his bones felt like they were about to fall apart.

The throat seemed to be cut, yet the body yearned to emerge from the water, gasping for air.

Fortunately, the Nature's Fortune Purple-Gold Pill was indeed worthy of its reputation.

The purple-golden medicinal power circulated, and the abnormality in his body disappeared in an instant.

"Sigh... This illness is so vicious!" As if he had just passed through the gates of hell, Li Fan looked at Senior Sister Zhao with lingering fear. "Fortunately, Senior Sister, you had that pill. If not for that, I'm afraid I would have followed in the footsteps of that senior martial brother just now!"

"Don't take it lightly; we've only temporarily suppressed the symptoms. The mastermind behind all of this, the root cause, still hasn't been eradicated. It's still hidden within our bodies," Senior Sister Zhao timely reminded.

As if confirming her words, she soon uncontrollably emitted a slight cough.

Even though the symptoms were quickly resolved by the Nature's Fortune Purple-Gold Pill, this made Li Fan's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

With divine pills protecting them, they still couldn't escape from this unknown illness. How much worse off would ordinary Great Dao Sect disciples and casual cultivators be? It's simply unimaginable.

Struggling against the disease, the two quickly arrived at the sect's main hall.

In response to the message transmitted by Senior Sister Zhao, the sect master of the Great Dao Sect, Ji Changxi, had already gathered all the elders for a meeting.

Although Senior Sister Zhao had explained the terrifying nature of this illness in as much detail as possible, Ji Changxi and the elders of the Great Dao Sect gave it enough attention but...

Not as much attention as it deserved.

In their eyes, even though both were Dao Unity cultivators, Senior Sister Zhao, a newly promoted Dao Unity cultivator who had successfully broken through with the advantage of the new method, was obviously incomparable to those senior predecessors who had been in the Dao Unity stage for hundreds of years.

They possessed numerous secrets and various techniques. This young Daoist might be affected by this unknown "disease," but they might not be.

Moreover, they believed they had made sufficient preparations.

Various restrictions were deployed around the open space in the main hall, layer upon layer of sealing.

They even activated the "Deep Abyss Dao Formation," appearing to be within reach but, in reality, separated by several worlds.

Everything was meticulous and foolproof.

"Both of you, don't suppress that strange illness. Afterwards, each release a drop of your own blood," Ji Changxi ordered.

Li Fan and Senior Sister Zhao followed the command.

In the soft sound of coughing, two drops of blood, seemingly emanating an ominous aura, appeared before everyone.

Observing from a distance, silence enveloped the main hall for a moment.

Suddenly, a trace of imperceptible astonishment flashed across Ji Changxi's face.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 520: Celestial Sovereign Slaughters Myriad Immortals

For some unknown reason, he took Senior Sister Zhao's blood from the isolated space without authorization and examined it carefully.

" Sect Master, you!" Senior Sister Zhao couldn't help but exclaim.

"No harm!" Ji Changxi was surrounded by a layer of black light, wrapping himself up.

Senior Sister Zhao instantly recognized that it was the unique divine light displayed by the supernatural power "Dao Solely Belongs to Me" from the "Slaying Heaven Dao Classic" in the presence of Ji Changxi. All abnormal energies would be transformed into something controllable by the user in front of this supernatural power.

She had briefly practiced this divine skill! It's just that now...

Lowering her head, Senior Sister Zhao carefully concealed her ambitions and dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, the attention of the senior Great Dao Sect members present was all focused on the blood droplet continuously surging in Ji Changxi's hand, seemingly oblivious to any abnormalities on her.

The black light continued to emerge on Sect Master Ji, enclosing the blood droplet.

While the black light surged, the blood droplet was being consumed.

However, before Ji Changxi could analyze what was happening, a crisp cough suddenly sounded beside him.

A trace of surprise appeared on his face.

And this was just the beginning.

As if triggering a chain reaction, uncontrollable coughing sounds echoed one after another in this elite-gathering main hall.

"How is this possible?!" After personally experiencing the severity of this unknown illness, the elders' expressions changed drastically.

"Interesting, interesting..."

"Wait a minute, this seems to be..."

However, those present were all elite figures among the Xuanhuang Cultivation World, accumulated over thousands of years.

Soon, they each used their means to suppress the anomalies in their bodies.

Some of them were even interested and started studying it on the spot.

Seeing the elders behave in this way, Li Fan and Senior Sister Zhao exchanged a glance, feeling somewhat relieved.

"This disease is extremely terrifying in terms of its spread and pathogenicity. It's unprecedented! Perhaps even the 'Decree of Absolute Immortality' released by the Xuantian Sect in a desperate attempt before dying might not be as formidable as this." An elderly man with white hair, known as Mo Zhiran, spoke slowly.

Li Fan only knew this person by the name of Mo Zhiran, one of the Great Dao Sect's elders who was well-versed in the Dao of Pharmacy. He seldom appeared, paying no attention to the sect's miscellaneous affairs. However, it was said that the pills he refined were of extremely high quality. Even the Nature's Fortune Purple-Gold Pill he had just taken, a flawed product with only seven or eight percent efficacy, could be concocted by him with his Dao Unity cultivation.

Mo Zhiran set the tone, and other elders began expressing their opinions.

"This disease is all-encompassing. As long as there is contact with it, it will spontaneously grow stronger in a cultivator's body. While it might be manageable in its mild form, if not immediately suppressed, it will transform into a severe illness..."

"Mild cases may cause a decline in cultivation, and severe cases lead to death and annihilation!"

This statement made the atmosphere in the hall somewhat heavy.

"I tried more than a dozen methods just now. Although they all quickly eliminated the symptoms caused by it, the fundamental force causing this disease seems to have never truly dissipated. It still lurks deep within. What exactly is its host medium? Truly peculiar..."

"We old fellows have a decent level of cultivation, so we can easily suppress the disease. But what about the disciples in the sect? Without the aid of pills, I'm afraid..."

"First, it was the 'Decree of Absolute Immortality,' and now this mysterious illness..."

"The path of immortality is severed, the future is bleak! It's better to return, better to return!"

"Lei Fanzhi, there are juniors present, why are you talking nonsense again?"


The solemn main hall of the sect, the most dignified and serious place, had now become as noisy as a market.

Li Fan and Senior Sister Zhao simply bowed their heads, not daring to show the slightest anomaly.


At this moment, a voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

The hall instantly quieted down.

"I have an idea." Ji Changxi, the sect master of the Great Dao Sect, said with a solemn expression.

"I believe some of you have already noticed that the reason this so-called strange disease is so difficult to guard against is because it is also one of the new laws born in the world, known as the principles of heaven and earth. Moreover, it is different from 'Incompatible Laws of Cultivation.'"

"It is caused by cultivators!"

Chapter 520: Celestial Sovereign Slaughters Myriad Immortals (Part 2)

The voice roared like thunder. Li Fan and Senior Sister Zhao suddenly lifted their heads, staring at Ji Changxi. In their minds, waves of shock and turmoil surged.

Cultivators causing this?

Defying the principles of heaven and earth?

Keep in mind, since the transmission of laws for achieving longevity, there has only been the New Dao for cultivation between heaven and earth.

Although numerous Dao Unity cultivators emerged in the world, breaking through to the realm of longevity, no one had succeeded.

In the Immortal Dao's ten sects, there were countless heroes. For decades, numerous attempts were made, but none of the so-called geniuses had succeeded.

It showed how difficult it was to defy the principles of heaven and earth!

However, according to Sect Master Ji's statement, there seemed to be a cultivator who quietly achieved longevity without anyone noticing?

Who could it be?

Although the Immortal Dao's ten sects had their own secrets, they still maintained communication. If a disciple broke through to the realm of longevity, even if there was no advance notice, they would certainly send a message after the successful promotion to inform the other sects.

Moreover, this newly promoted Longevity Celestial Sovereign seemed to be defying the "disease cannot harm cultivators."

This kind of approach, almost antagonizing all cultivators, was definitely not the style of the Immortal Dao's ten sects.

Why would someone dig their own grave?

So, who was this person who not only achieved longevity but also planned to exterminate all cultivators in the world?

This was a blatant provocation and declaration of war.

Not only Li Fan and Senior Sister Zhao, but the elders and Sect Master Ji in the main hall also couldn't suppress the emerging killing intent in their eyes.

"Investigate! We must investigate thoroughly!"

"Even if this person is the Longevity Celestial Sovereign, such actions are unforgivable!"

"I will immediately meet with the other leaders of the Immortal Sect and pass on this information. As for the Myriad Immortals Alliance..."

"We will also send someone to inform them. Check their reactions."

"The most powerful forces in the entire Xuanhuang realm must unite. I don't believe this person can escape unscathed!"

"While investigating the mastermind, we must also pay attention to protecting against this disease. From today onwards, the Medicine Hall will operate at full capacity to ensure an ample supply of elixirs within our Great Dao Sect."

"As for outside our sect..."

Ji Changxi hesitated slightly.

"After many calamities, our Great Dao Sect has suffered heavy losses. We might not have the strength to protect ourselves..."

"Let them face the consequences on their own."

The elders nodded slightly, showing no opposition to Sect Master Ji's resolution.

"I will also try to find a way to alleviate the symptoms of this strange disease," Mo Zhiran said with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

"If I can completely dissolve its harm to cultivators, it would be equivalent to defying the principles of heaven and earth again."

"In that case, I might have a chance at longevity."

He murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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