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61.29% I Am Apollo, The Blinding Light, And The Incandescent Sun / Chapter 18: Chapter 18 - The "Justice" Of The Gods

Chapitre 18: Chapter 18 - The "Justice" Of The Gods

(Apollo POV)

"I disagree." Hera opened her mouth, drawing the attention of all the gods to her.

On the throne next to her was Aunt Demeter, who frowned, while a male god sat on the left, in front of the inverted U, giving an almost savage smile.

The god in question had bright red hair like a lion's mane and crimson red eyes, his features were masculine, and instead of normal clothes, he wore a crimson-red outfit similar to a military uniform.

(Ares image)

From his military manner and violent divine power, he must be Ares, the god of war.

Furthermore, his conflict-loving smile reveals a lot about who he is.

Zeus turned his face to his wife coldly, which made her fear with fear, but he didn't say anything, in the end, it was Demeter who opened her mouth to speak.

"Why do you disagree?" Demeter asked with her beautiful face frowning.

"Hmph!" Hera snorted first and then said, "I don't see much of a problem with the girl, but Apollo committed blood murder."

Blood murder!?

I thought, questioningly, finally getting a little interested in this idiocy of Hera.

"Blood Murder! You're going too far, Hera." A soft but warm voice carried through the hall.

The owner of the warm voice was a beautiful goddess of small stature. She had blue eyes and long hair tied in double tails that went down to the middle of her thighs. Her hair was tied up with cute accessories.

On her small body, which emphasized her large breasts, she wore a white mini dress with a blue ribbon around her neck; tied under her breasts was another blue ribbon that went around her arms, and she had a pair of white gloves on her hands.

Even though her appearance was cute and pretty when she said this, all the gods heard her words.

The most interesting thing is that she had the second-greatest divine power in this room, obviously, Zeus being the first.

Before I can think of who she was, the jealous bitch's voice is heard again.

(Hestia image)

"Hestia, where am I going too far?" Hera crossed her arms over her breasts.

So she is Hestia, the goddess of the hearth and of the sacred fire, as well as being the older sister of Zeus. She is one of three virgin goddesses who represent an aspect of virginity, my sister being chastity, Athena, purity, and Hestia representing virginity itself.

Unlike some myths, especially my sister's, they do not need to take vows of virginity, as they are a representation of this aspect.

As my thoughts went the other way, only caring a little about what the jealous bitch was saying, Hestia's voice snapped me out of them.

"You still ask, "Where did you go too far?" The crime of Blood Murder is one of the heaviest crimes you can attribute to someone, you are practically saying that Apollo brutally killed someone in his family." Hestia looked indignant.

"And that's exactly what he did. You forgot that Python is the daughter of Gaia, which makes her a close relative of Apollo."

"What are you talking about? Python is a creation of Gaia and not one of her children, and furthermore, her death was a consequence of Python herself."

"It doesn't matter, even though it is a creation, Python is still considered Gaia's daughter and the crime of blood murder still falls to Apollo." Hera said, standing up from her throne and pointing at me.

"Look at his face, there is no guilt whatsoever for brutally killing Python." Upon hearing Hera's words, the eyes of the gods returned to me.

I calmly met their gaze, while my sister next to me seethed with anger.

Artemis was a rather temperamental person.

I thought, moving my hand and placing it in her hair, calming this wild wolf.

"Yes, you are right, Queen of the Gods. I don't feel the slightest guilt about killing Python. After all, she is one of the bitches who caused my mother's suffering and humiliation, so get straight to the point, Queen of the Gods, because from me there is not the slightest trace of regret or remorse for my action." I said this with a cold smile, as my golden eyes looked deeply into her light blue ones.

My "sweet" words irritated Hera, mainly by indirectly calling her a bitch, so she angrily opened her mouth.

"you damn..."

"Shut up, Hera!" Zeus exclaimed, silencing Hera, and then he looked at Themis who was beside him.

"Judge him." With just those words from Zeus, Themis lifts the scales in her hand as her face focuses on me.

And in complete silence, she takes her sword and places it on the right side of the scale.

For a few seconds, the scales remained balanced, but in the next instant, this balance was broken, and the left side of the scales dropped, causing the sword to rise a few centimeters.

"Common sense and balance were broken, and Apollo's decision to commit bloody murder weighed heavily on his soul, making him guilty…"

Themis said slowly but in a soft voice. At the words of the goddess of order, Hera's smile was almost impossible to contain, she seemed genuinely happy. However, Themis continued to say:

"But your crime has justifications where your actions sought justice, making blood murder just a domino of causality; therefore, your punishment will be mitigated." With her words, she lowers the scales and takes a step back, standing behind Zeus, but still on his right side.

The beautiful young woman, with a slim and curvy body, a delicate face, full lips, and long purple hair, looked at the entire situation with her Stoic gaze. It seemed like nothing could surprise Athena.

(A/N: I decided to change Athena from Campione to Saint Seiya's Athena for a few reasons. The main thing is that I thought in a future arc, that Athena from Saint Seiya would fit better. Another reason that also mattered was that a lot of people didn't like the other Athena. And for those who didn't like this change, rest assured, this thing about changing the characters won't happen again.)

(Image of Athena from Saint Seiya)

Zeus looked into my eyes, probably thinking about punishment.

Honestly, I didn't care much, if it was a heavy punishment, I would just turn around and leave.

And then, like thunder, he exclaimed.

"9 years, this will be the time that Apollo cannot set foot on Olympus."

This was the "justice" of the gods, something totally absurd and unfair. But it's a shame that Zeus's way of demonstrating power doesn't work for me, after all, after hearing this terrible punishment, I could only think one thing about it.

This is so...light.

That was my thought for this "punishment", living with mortals didn't even seem like a punishment, it was more like a vacation.

But considering the pride and arrogance of the Gods, this would be more humiliating than receiving dozens of slaps in the face.

Well, let's welcome this paid vacation with open arms.

"Yes, Lord Father." I said, keeping a stoic expression.

"Well, after nine years, Phoebus Apollo will be forgiven of his crime and will be able to ascend to his throne." Zeus's decree was given.

"Artemis, ascend to your throne." Zeus said.

"I'm sorry, father, but I will only ascend the throne when my brother ascends to his. Could my request be granted?" Artemis asked politely.

From Zeus's expression, he didn't seem bothered by my sister's words.

"So be it, but even if you are not on your thrones, you will still be the sun and moon gods of the Greek pantheon.

""Yes, Lord Father."" We both said together.

It could have been much worse. I thought so when I saw the fruity face of the Hera.

This is rewarding and even a little pleasurable.

••• ••• •••

(3rd POV)

The Goddess of motherhood was outside the gates of Olympus with her two children, who had just left Zeus's palace.

"I'm glad nothing too serious happened." Leto, who had just heard the events through her children, breathed a sigh of relief.

{Knowing what a bitch Hera is, this could end in a much worse way.} Leto thought, feeling a slight happiness at offending Hera.

Let's just say that swearing at Hera is a special kind of sport for Leto.

"I still think this punishment is unfair." Artemis crossed her arms over her breasts while pouting.

"Honestly, I see this punishment as just a vacation." Apollo shrugged.

For the vast majority of Gods, living with humans was unimaginable, but for Apollo, it was not absurd at all.

Furthermore, Apollo had a great curiosity to know how humans lived at this time, where power was everything.

Now for Leto, who hated Olympus, found this punishment almost a blessing for her son, even if she found mortals boring.

9 years out of Olympus for Leto was a short time, if it had been 30 or 40 years, she wouldn't have been able to hold back her smile.

"Apollo is right, but my son, have you ever thought about what you are going to do in these 9 years?" Leto preferred that her son stay with her these 9 years in her arms. After all, it is your right to feel the warmth of your beloved child.

"Yes, as I was told, I will walk with the humans, and I will take care of Delphi since I have some responsibilities with that budding city. Obviously, I will go to Delos from time to time to be with my beautiful mother and sister."

As the ruling deity of Delphi, Apollo wanted to improve that small city.

There was also a small desire to transform Delphi into something superior to Olympus.

Even though Apollo didn't have many desires, a small spark was lighting up in his heart.

"A good plan." Leto said with a smile, but deep in her heart, she would rather take care of her son in Delos for these nine years, but her precious son was growing up, which made her happy and sad.

But Apollo will always be her son, so that sad feeling was somehow dispelled.

Her love for Apollo will always be unconditional and not obstructed by anything in this world.

Leto thought, but the next moment he saw a being coming towards him. This being was a beautiful figure walking towards them, and at the same moment, a malicious smile formed on Leto's lips.

"My son, let us take our leave, Artemis and I are heading to Delos now." Leto said, planting a kiss on Apollo's cheek a little too close to his lips as she grabbed her daughter's arms.

"Mom?!" Artemis tilts her face to the side.

"Come on, my daughter." Saying this, Leto pulled Artemis down the stairs.

"See you later, brother." Artemis, who was being pulled, said waving her hand happily, even though she was upset about not spending more time with her twin brother.

Fortunately, she couldn't see the figure slowly approaching Apollo.

Leto was just like her daughter, but at the same time, different from Artemis. While Artemis is extremely possessive of Apollo, Leto is more of a woman who is obsessive about her son than possessive. She knew she thought more about her son than a mother should, but even though she had this obsessive side, she didn't want to control Apollo's love life. But a certain moon goddess could easily hunt down either of her brother's love interests.

"See you later." Apollo said, somewhat confused by this sudden event.

"They're really... peculiar." Finding the best possible word, he exclaims with a smile but suddenly feels a familiar divine power behind him.

And along with this divine power, a familiar, provocative voice sounded.

"Strange, Mr. Sun, calling someone peculiar." The voice was charming, but with a clear teasing tone.

Apollo, without even seeing her face, already knew who owned the voice.

Turning around, he saw a beautiful woman with long golden hair that reached down to her waist. Her eyes were still like the most precious amethyst. And on her body, she wore a purple dress with a white skirt and golden boots that reached her shins.

(Pesephone image)

With her soft and graceful steps, she stopped a few centimeters from Apollo, who smiled at her.

"It's been a while, Persephone." It had been a year since the two last saw each other.

"Ufufu! Yes, it's been a while, Mr. Sun."

"Do you really like this Mr. Sun business?" Apollo rolled his eyes.

"Oh! Geez, don't tell me my cute nickname for you isn't to your liking anymore?"

"Wow, I love that nickname." Apollo said with a sarcastic smile.

"Obviously, it was given by a beautiful girl after all." Persephone humbly declared her beauty.

"Honestly, your tremendous humility is extremely touching to me, Persephone."

"Do what? If humility is part of one of my greatest qualities along with my beauty." Persephone placed her hand on the comic as she smiled.

Her smile widened even more as she felt Apollo's divine power, which had become greater than it had been a few years ago.

Before, it had almost the same quantity and quality as her, but now Apollo was much larger and denser.

{Right now, your divine power has far surpassed mine. This is so exciting.} Persephone thought, noticing Apollo's vast improvement in just two years.

"So Mr. Sun would leave without saying goodbye, huh?"

"Well. I kind of got kicked out of Olympus." Apollo said, not really caring about his provisional banishment.

"Getting kicked out is too strong a word, I'd say you got a scolding from Dad." Persephone was aware of Apollo's punishment from her mother.

"That's really the wrong way to say it."

"A little." Persephone shrugged.

"You're still the same girl as ever." Apollo gave a smile

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"But it's a compliment, after all, I like the way you are."

"Wow! That's a beautiful declaration of love." Although Persephone was joking, there was a slight blush on her cheeks.

"I've really missed you all this time, Persy." Apollo says it with a smile.

"Persy?!" Persephone blinked when she heard the name that came out of Apollo's mouth.

"Oh! Geez, don't tell me my cute nickname isn't to your liking?" Imitating Persephone's way of speaking, he says it with a smile.

"Actually, I...liked it." The red on her face spread even more.

{Cute.} Apollo thought, looking at Persephone.

"Sorry, Persy, but I really need to go before Hera starts complaining."

Although the idea of irritating Hera was quite amusing to Apollo.

"Of course, but next time I hope, for your sake, that I'm not the one who has to go after you." Persephone, who had regained her grace, placed her hand on her waist as she pointed her finger at Apollo with a mischievous smile.

"Yes, Mrs. Persy. And until next time, Persephone."

"Bye! Bye! Apollo."

The two smiled at each other, there was no malice or mischief from either of them this time, just a sincere smile.

Turning around, Apollo began to descend the white stairs.


Apollo, who had already reached the bottom of the stairs, placed his hand on an octagonal stone as he released his divine power.

And a blinding light fell on that area, and in the blink of an eye, Apollo found himself in front of a tall, but normal mountain.

He looked around and saw himself as just an ordinary forest without any sign of divine power.

"I see, so this octagonal stone really serves as the entrance to and exit from Olympus." Apollo muttered with interest.

{Well, where do I go now?} Apollo raised his arms, stretching, wondering where he would go next.


No, since it had only been a few hours since he left there.


Also no, as much as he wants to be close to his sweet mother and his clingy sister, he wants to explore this world.

"Hmm! Let's let the wind carry me." Apollo raised his hand towards the sun.

And he felt the same connection when Zeus placed the sun emblem on his glabella as he tried to invoke what was connected to him now.

Apollo had a vague idea of what it was.

And with this idea, he releases his divine power.

A few seconds of silence passed, but suddenly a figure could be seen trotting through the air.

The image was a little blurry, but little by little it revealed itself, and almost as if coming from the sun, Apollo could see a… fiery horse pulling a golden chariot.

The horse trotted through the air, and flaming hoof prints were left in the air, almost as if the air was solid and being burned.

"Iiirrrrí." The horse neighed as its flaming hooves touched the earth, and the golden carriage landed gently on the ground.

Apollo approached, and without thinking twice, his hand passed through the horse's flaming mane.

"Iiirrrrí." The horse neighed happily at her owner's touch.

"So, girl, what's your name?" Apollo asked, feeling the horse's happiness, thanks to the connection he had with the horse and carriage.

"Rilinchin! Iiirrrrí!" The horse neighed, rubbing its head against his hand.

"You're a newborn, and you don't have a name?" Apollo could understand, to some extent, what the horse was saying.

"Hmmm!... What do you think of Scarlet?" He asked amiably.

"Iirrrrí." Scarlet neighed, extremely proud and happy with her name.

"Good girl." Apollo affectionately ran his hand over Scarlet's body until he reached the golden carriage.

"So this is Helios' chariot. I have to admit it is beautiful, although it is now my chariot." Apollo climbed into the carriage.

If the temperature hadn't been contained, Apollo felt this carriage would be a walking disaster.

With that thought, he holds the bridle that leads to Scarlet's halter.

"Let's go, Scarlet." He lightly tapped the rein.

"Iirrrrí." Scarlet neighed and began to trot, taking flight.

Her hooves beat the air, and Apollo, the sun god, drove the solar chariot.

Without a previous direction, Apollo disappeared over the horizon, leaving only a trail of fire in the air.

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