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69.23% Elden Monarch [Dark Souls 2 SotFS X Elden Ring Crossover] / Chapter 18: Chapter 18 - Lunar Accord

Chapitre 18: Chapter 18 - Lunar Accord

The dragon spit a wave of blue fire towards us, I ran to the right, dodging the magic flames while Rennala jumped over it, letting the fire pass beneath her, and cast spells at the dragon as she fell.

I circled the dragon and threw a Sunlight Spear at its right side, hitting its neck and ripping off its scales. The dragon roared in pain, and with heavy steps that shook the ground, approached me with its mouth open.

The teeth the size of swords closed in, I prepared to roll out of the way, but there was no need since the dragon's attack was interrupted by a series of crystals hitting it in the face, one of them piercing its left eye.

The dragon roared as the crystal stuck itself in its eye with a squirt of blood. Wildly swinging its head from side to side, the dragon tried to get rid of the crystal, but eventually, the crystal came loose, and the dragon glared at us with rage.

Letting out a mighty roar, it charged towards Rennala. Raising its left wing, it tried to smash Rennala to the ground. 

However, with a fluid leap, Rennala stepped out of the way, casting spells at the dragon, the dragon tried to crush Rennala again, this time with its right wing.

Quickly, Rennala leaped back, casting ten magic swords above her head. The swords shot forward, piercing the dragon across its body, head, neck, wing, and back, each one being stuck before disappearing.

With fury, the dragon quickly advanced towards Rennala, trying to head-butt her. 

The Queen of the Full Moon created a great magic rapier, hitting the dragon in the neck amidst its attack, leaving a large oozing cut, making the dragon lose its balance in the middle of its run and hit a ruin close by.

The dragons got up, throwing debris everywhere before turning around roaring at us. Taking a deep breath, blue fire accumulated in its mouth, simultaneously Rennala readied another spell.

With my chime in hand, I approached the dragon and cast Heavenly Thunder. Lightning rained from above, hitting the dragon across its back, ripping scales with lightning explosions.

This made the dragon take its attention away from Rennala and focus on me. Raising its left paw, the dragon tried to crush me, but I rolled back, dodging the attack and cuts to the dragon's paw repeatedly with my Uchigatana.

The dragon swung its tail towards me, trying to throw me away. Seeing the tail approaching, I ran under the dragon with my Uchigatana raised, slashing the dragon's belly, leaving a gigantic bloody cut.

The dragon turned around and raised its wing, trying to crush me again, but I was faster and moved away from the attack, the impact creating a small shock wave and leaving a crater on the ground.

I quickly turned towards the dragon and threw a Sunlight Spear in its direction.

The dragon flapped its wings, taking flight and dodging the approaching miracle, and then, the dragon circled us until it hovered in the distance.

Knowing what it intended to do; Rennala and I ran away from there. 

The result was immediate; the dragon dived furiously, destroying the ruins where we were previously, creating a deafening noise followed by a small earthquake and dust cloud.

However, Rennala and I hid behind a set of ruins. Peeking out of it, we saw the dragon searching for us. We took this opportunity to plan our next action.

"That dragon is giving us more trouble than I'd like to admit. Since when do dragons breathe magical fire?" Rennala spoke.

"From what I've heard, dragons that breathe magical fire got that way after devouring sorcerers, probably from the glintstone that sorcerers carried in their pockets."

A half-truth, I only know that because Godwyn whispered in my ear just now.

"I'm more and more disappointed with how low Liurnia fell. I have a plan to get rid of this dragon, but I need your help, honey."

"What do you need?"

"I need you to fire more of those bolts that rip off the dragon's scales."

"Leave it to me."

"Alden, you better hurry." Godwyn spoke, looking beyond the ruins.

Leaning to the side, I saw what Godwyn was seeing. The dragon sniffed the air and turned in our direction. 

Flapping its wings, the dragon flew backward and created a great magic sword in its mouth, and then dove towards us again.

Seeing this, Rennala and I left immediately. I called Torrent and Rennala entered her moon. 

As the dragon dove, it swung its sword in an arc as it landed, destroying the ruins and freezing the ground, in a shower of earth, ice and stone. 

I felt ice covering my back, as an undead, I'm almost immune to the cold, but the feeling was inconvenient.

As I rode, I cast Sunlight Blade, covering my Uchigatana with lightning. 

I turned around and circled the dragon, passing under its wing, leaving a large cut. Lightning ran across the dragon's wing, creating small spasms in its body.

Continuing my attack, I cast Blinding Bolt, a ball of lightning shot out of my chime and floated towards the dragon. 

Making contact, the ball exploded in a shower of lightning, hurting the dragon across its face as scales fell to the ground, leaving charred wounds. 

The dragon roared and backed away amid the attack, and then the dragon created another great magic sword.

"Torrent jump!" I shouted at the steed.

Doing as I said, Torrent jumped, letting the dragon's blade hit the ground, but landed on the ice created on impact. 

Torrent whinnied as the ice covered its legs. Pulling Torrent's reins, I turned towards the dragon.

"HA!" Swinging the reins, Torrent shot forward. 

The dragon took a deep breath, ready to spit flames again, but the attack never came, a blue moon collided with its back, forcing the dragon's body against the ground. 

Moreover, from above came Rennala, creating a gigantic magic sword on her staff, Rennala pierced the dragon's back where the scales had been torn off.

The dragon roared and thrashed, swinging furiously, the dragon threw Rennala off and with one last roar, disappeared, dissipating into blue particles.

I didn't get souls, runes, or a dragon heart, it was still alive somewhere. With our enemy gone, I approached Rennala, checking if she was all right.

"Don't worry, it was just a scratch, I've been hit with worse." Rennala replied, getting to her feet.

She looked fine, but there's no harm in being sure.

"You are talking like me now." I responded, casting a healing miracle.

Torrent approached me; I noticed it had ice covering parts of its body.

"Let me help, Torrent." I said, casting Warmth. 

Creating a sphere of healing fire beside Torrent, the pyromancy melted the ice and healed us all. 

Torrent whinnied in thanks before disappearing.

With our fight over, Rennala, Godwyn, and I approached the tower at the top of the hill.

"Well, this is the place. Renna is hiding here, beyond my mansion, in an old, crumbling tower. How did she get access to this place?"

"I don't know." 

If Godwyn was right, I need to watch out for the person in that tower.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's find the so-called Renna." Rennala said, pulling me towards the tower.

"Rennala, wait a minute!" I said escaping her grip.

"Yes, dear?" Rennala asked.

"I understand that you want to help me and put things in order here in Liurnia, but I know next to nothing about Renna, much less you. What if it's a trap?"

"All the more reason for me to accompany you." Rennala replied.

"Please trust me, and all I ask is that you stay out here."

Rennala hesitated for a moment, I saw doubt and concern in her eyes, but in the end, she accepted it.

"Fine, but if something goes wrong, run away immediately."

"Don't worry, if there's a problem, I'll jump off the top of the tower."

"It doesn't calm me down!"

With Rennala's complaint, Godwyn and I entered the tower.

"So Godwyn, what should I expect?" I asked the demigod as we climbed the tower.

"Don't trust anything she says, always assume she has ulterior motives, and watch your back." Godwyn responded, placing his hand on the spot where he was stabbed in life.

With the seriousness of the situation emphasized, I put on a magic ring, and immediately, a ghost appeared hanging on my back with its arms around my neck.

"Magic ring?" Godwyn asked.

"Magic ring." I replied.

We climbed the stairs outside the tower and entered the room at the top. We found a ghostly-faced four-armed blue doll sitting in a chair.

In addition, on her lap was the Crown of the Old Ivory King.

"Ah, once again we cross paths. I believe I said my name was Renna when we last met. It pleases me to see Torrent happy and healthy…" Renna said as I approached.

"It has been some time; I don't think we would have met again had it not been for the letter you left in the library." I replied.

"I did it, didn't I? I think I should go straight to the point. I heard that you search for certain equipment scattered around the Lands Between, with an obsession with certain crowns. I happened to discover that the sorcerers of Raya Lucaria purchased one of them. I intercepted the sorcerer before he reached the academy and now the crown is in my possession. Due to this, I would like to offer you an accord."

"What kind of accord?" I asked, preparing my flame.

"I would like to request your services in exchange for the crown you so much seek." Renna responded, smiling and clasping her upper hands together while her lower hands caressed the crown.

Godwyn and I stared at each other.

"And what prevents me from taking the crown by force?"

"Ho, there's no need for such hostility, Blaidd would be sad if he found his new friend to be so aggressive. In addition, this crown has a beautiful design, wonderful details, and adornments. Nevertheless, that's not why you're looking for it, is it? The crown is enchanted." Renna replied, turning the crown in her hands, taking in the details.

I stiffened at Renna's comment, she knows.

"I see I'm right. The crown is enchanted; I feel pleasant warmth emanating from it and a powerful enchantment. I don't know how you got your hands on such an artifact. But it would be a shame if someone destroyed it, wouldn't it?" Ranni smiled, cocking her head to the side.

"You are bluffing."

"Am I? I have no use for it, unlike you; I can destroy the crown and seek out a tarnished willing to serve me." Renna spoke, tossing the crown from one hand to the other.

She has all the cards here.

Looking back at Godwyn, I spoke to Renna.

"Can you give me time to think?"

"Sure, take your time Undead. Alternatively, shall I use your name? Alden."

With Renna's last comment, Godwyn and I left the tower.

"That bitch!" Godwyn exclaimed, punching a wall, only for his fist to go through it.

"Admittedly, she had us on this one. I can't see any other way to get the crown without accepting the accord." I said, leaning against the tower while crossing my arms.

Godwyn dragged his hand along the tower wall.

"This tower is old. Maybe you can knock it down with those exploding fireballs and grab the crown." Godwyn suggested.

"But what guarantees that Renna doesn't have a way to escape?"

"What do we do now?" Godwyn sighed.

"Let's go back to the Round Table, we still have to take what we found in the catacomb to Rogier, let's calm our minds, we fought a lot today."

"You're right, let's get some rest." Godwyn replied, disappearing soon after.

Returning to Rennala, I found her sitting on a ruin with a telescope in her hand and a parchment in her lap. She looked up at the sky while something down on the parchment.

As I approached, I heard Rennala muttering something "How is this possible… Stars standing still… Destiny…"


Rennala jumped at my call and made her things disappear with magic.

"Yes dear?" Rennala asked nervously.

"Is there a problem?"

"I think so, at first I thought it was just me, but now I'm sure, the stars are still."

"How is this possible?"

"I'm not sure, but magic is involved, I need to investigate further."

"Well, if you want, we can do that later. How about we go back to the round table and get some rest?"

"I think it's a good idea, we've had a busy day."

You can't even imagine.

We both went towards the grace near the tower, touching it; we transported ourselves to the Round Table.


The main room was empty, not surprising, all of them have their own goals in the Lands Between.

As we stepped out of the grace, Rennala let out a huge yawn.

"Sorry about that darling, but I'm tired; it's been a while since I've had a good night's sleep."

I sometimes forget that Lands Betweeners needs to eat and sleep.

"I believe there's an empty room here at the Round Table, the room I'm using. You can sleep in it if you like."

"Thank you, my dear." Rennala said sleepily.

I guided Rennala to the bedroom, where she immediately laid down on the bed and fell asleep. It was a funny sight, as the bed was made for a person of normal height. Part of Rennala's body was sticking out of the bed.

I closed the door carefully and let Rennala sleep.

"And now?" Godwyn asked.

"Let's go find Rogier."

I found the sorcerer in his usual place.

"Hello Alden, it's been a while. How has your journey been?" Rogier asked with a smile.

"It has been fruitful; I found something that might interest you." I said, handing Rogier the knife print.

"This… is a black knife! I can't believe you managed to get your hands on this! You remember our conversation about the Night of the Black Knives, yes. They say that the assassins who carried out the act were descendants of the Eternal City. A group entirely of women, dressed in silver armor under cloaks that deceived the eye." Rogier said admiringly.

It's not just a rumor, I assure you.

"The knives they wielded, however, were imparted with the power of the Death Rune through the sinister rite. Please, I ask you to lend me the knife for a while. I would love nothing more than to unlock its secrets. However, only a fragment, a very specific ritual had to be performed to impart the Death Rune's power. Traces of whoever performed the rite will surely remain on the mark… Half of my body was impregnated with Death. I'm sure this will help me figure it out."

Rogier pleaded, looking down at his legs. I saw something sticking out from under the blanket, some kind of root.

"No problem, Rogier, you can keep the knife as long as you need." I replied with a smiled.

"Thank you, I'm grateful for that."

Rogier's attention was completely diverted to the knife, to the point where he ignored me. 

Well I didn't feel offended, each one with their obsessions. Leaving Rogier alone, searched for Roderika and Hewg.

I found them both talking in their usual spot, this time Roderika was next to Hewg, they were holding cups with a steaming liquid inside. I saw a tea set at Roderika's feet.

"Hello!" I greeted them.

"Alden! I'm glad you returned safely." Roderika smiled upon seeing me.

Hewg drank from his cup before speaking "Well, you're back in one piece, good news for sure. Where is the Queen of the Full Moon?"

"She is currently resting; Rennala had an emotionally draining day." I replied.

"I wish her a good rest, I may not know the situation in the Lands Between, but from what I've heard from the other tarnished, it's not good at all." Hewg said, putting his cup aside and going back to work.

"You should stop for a minute Hewg; working non-stop is bad for your health." Roderika spoke between sips.

"Girl, if it weren't for me, the tarnished would be dead already; these reckless youths only care about fighting. When their weapons and armor break, they run desperately to me. The work never ends." Hewg complained.

"Even so, you should take better care of yourself." Roderika scolded.

"Okay, I'll take a five-minute break. You sound like my mother complaining like that." Hewg laughed.

Roderika gave a small laugh at Hewg's comment. I admit that watching these two interact is fun; I couldn't help but smile under my helmet.

"Oh! Where are my manners? Would you like some tea Alden?" Roderika asked.

"Yes please." I accepted out of politeness, it's not as if I can taste it.

Roderika took the teapot and poured the contents into a cup, then offered it to me. 

Accepting the cup, I sat down next to Roderika. I took a sip of tea; I didn't taste anything, as usual.

"So Alden, do you have any news to tell us?" Roderika asked curiously.

"Not much, Liurnia is in the same decaying situation, I got some crystal tears fighting an Erdtree Avatar, Rennala and I took the bell Hewg mentioned, we broke into Carian Manor, met a Troll knight, fought a knight's spirit and faced a dragon." I responded drinking tea.

"Hump! Not much. What you did in one day is something that would fill a book and here you are being modest." Hewg growled.

"I'm not after fame, but I wouldn't mind having a book written about me." I replied.

"Keep it up and you'll eventually get some admirers." Hewg responded.

Maybe I already have… I remembered Boc, Thops and glanced at Roderika.

"But moving away from such violent subjects, do you have any interesting stories to tell, Alden?" Roderika asked.

"What kind of story would you like me to tell? About lost kingdoms? Horrible monsters? Dragons? Sorcerers? Grumpy blacksmiths?"

"What was the last one?"

"Grumpy blacksmiths?"

"Yes, that one, could you tell me more about it?" Roderika asked amused. 

I heard Hewg mumbling.

"Well, the blacksmith's name was Lenigrast, I found him at the beginning of my journey in the kingdom of Drangleic in a village called Majula. He was locked outside his forge."

"An abominable situation indeed." Hewg spoke with tremor in his voice.

With a small laugh, I continued. 

"I wanted Lenigrast to repair my equipment, but without being able to access his forge, he asked me to find the key to it. Eventually I found the key, being sold by an old woman in an abandoned fort in the middle of a forest."

"And what was this lady doing in an abandoned fort in the middle of the forest?" Roderika asked.

"No idea, but she overcharged me for the key."

"More importantly, how did the old hag got the blacksmith's key?"

"HEWG!" Roderika exclaimed.

"I don't care; the old hag locked a blacksmith out of his beloved forge, that's a sin to me." Hewg complained.

"When I finished my business at the fort, I returned to Lenigrast and unlocked the forge, leaving him to work. So during my journey, I requested Lenigrast's services to repair and improve my equipment, but I felt that he was not very fond of travelers like me."

"Why do you think that?" Roderika asked.

"Well, Lenigrast's words were 'I don't like travelers at all. A man must work with his feet firmly planted on the ground. Not wandering around like you flirtatious bums. '"

"Wise words." Hewg spoke.

"Hewg!" Roderika exclaimed.

"What? It's true. I would like to meet this blacksmith." Hewg shrugged.

"You two would be good friends, or would fight with each other. Anyway, Lenigrast came to Drangleic in search of his daughter, Chloanne. She was an expert in stones; she traveled the world in search of new types of ores. Lenigrast went after her, worried about her safety." I replied.

"I hope they found each other again." Roderika said hopefully.

"Fortunately, yes, but not in the way you might expect. I found Chloanne in Harvest Valley, an old mine filled with poisonous gas, reanimated skeletons, and large enslaved beings forced to work in mining."

"How did that airhead got there?" Hewg asked.

Roderika was about to scold Hewg again, but I stopped her.

"No idea, but after buying some stones from Chloanne, she returned to Majula, where her father was. Lenigrast recognized Chloanne, but Chloanne didn't recognize Lenigrast."

"How is this possible? For a daughter not to recognize her father." Roderika sighed.

"Let's say Lenigrast was sick, and that illness seriously altered his appearance to the point where Chloanne didn't recognize him."

"Well, at least they are close to each other now."

"Yes, better than wandering the world in search of each other."

"Hm… I believe I've rested long enough, I enjoyed your story, and I hope you'll have more to tell later, but now it's time to work. Want me to forge something for you?" Hewg asked, holding his hammer.

"Yes, those weapons, please." I said, handing my Uchigatana, Lord's Sword, and smiting stones.

"As you are here, would you like me to attune your spirits?" Roderika asked.

"I would like you to do something different. The strange spirits you said accompany me. Could you make them usable somehow?"

"You mean turn them into spirit ashes?"


"I've never done anything like that, but I can try. I'll never become a master if I don't accept new challenges. Please extend your hand."

I reached out my hand to Roderika. Holding my hand, Roderika concentrated. I saw effort on her face, sweat dripped from her forehead, as a light formed in our hands.

When the light disappeared, Roderika removed her hands from mine, and in the palm of my hand was the spirit ash. 

Looking closer, I saw the image of two great men in armor, one with a bow and the other with a halberd, the Twin Dragon Riders.

"It is done, the spirits have spoken to me, told me their names, who long ago served a king named Vendrick. They are eager to join you, Alden."

"Thank you Roderika, I am grateful for that." I said, putting the ashes in my bag and getting up.

"Your weapons are ready." Hewg spoke.

Taking back my equipment, I thanked them both.

"Careful out there." Hewg spoke.

"Travel safely." Roderika said.

With that accomplished, I approached the twin maidens. I was a bit disturbed at the husks leaning on each other. Now, how do I use the bell?

I hung the bell on one of the big sticks that the maidens carried. Now to test if it worked, I extended my hand to the maidens and handed over some runes. 

The maiden absorbed the runes and a smiting stone appeared on my hand.

It works!

I think I've done everything I had to do now, let's see how Rogier is doing.

I found the sorcerer muttering as he studied the knife, he was deep in thought but my arrival drew his attention.

"Hello! I was hoping to see you. My exam is complete. Here's the knife back, with my thanks." Rogier said, handing me the knife.

"And what did you discover?"

"Now, I have a good idea who performed the rite on the blade. The person who orchestrated the Night of the Black Knives. Lunar Princess Ranni, one of the children of King Consort Radagon and his first wife, Rennala. Demigod and sister of General Radahn and Praetor Rykard. Hers was the name I discovered in the print."

Nothing I didn't already know, thanks to Godwyn.

"Truly, you have my thanks. But, if I may be so bold, I would also like to ask you for something else."

I feel like I'll regret this. 

"Say it."

"If Ranni is indeed the one who masterminded that fateful night, then she must bear the imprint of the Destined Death somewhere in her flesh. I would like you to get it for me. Then everything will be exposed. I'll have the answers I've been looking for so long."

I crossed my arms thinking about the request. It's as Fia said, Rogier is obsessed with knowing more about Those Who Live in Death. 

"Rogier, why do you want to know so much about the black knives, Ranni, and the curse mark?"

Rogier went silent, looking at the ground.

"I'm afraid there is something I must tell you. Do you know Those Who Live in Death?"


"The very notion of life in death defies the Golden Order. According to D, these corrupted demons must be purged. However, truth be told, I seek the curse mark to save them. You might find this peculiar, but I discovered something in my exam. These souls didn't commit any offense. They have every right to life; it's just that they tapped into a flaw in the Order."

A situation similar to the Undead pursued by the Old Iron King, they didn't commit any crime, they just existed, but their presence unintentionally caused problems, so it was decided that they should be pursued and exterminated. History repeats itself again.

However, can I help?

"And you want me to ask Ranni about the curse mark?"

"Yes, please! Would you do me this favor, my friend?" Rogier begged.

I feel like I'm getting into more trouble. Everything is circling Ranni, those who live in death, and my crown.

"Wait a minute; I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you very much."

I turned away from Rogier and walked towards the grace.

"Are you sure what you are doing?" Godwyn asked.

"No, but I don't have much of a choice at the moment."


I climbed the tower again, and found Ranni in her usual place.

"Oh! I see you've returned. Have you made up your mind about my proposal yet?"

"First I want you to tell me something."

"Speak." Ranni said curiously.

"Are you Ranni the Witch, the one behind the Night of Black Knives?"

For a moment, Ranni's face changed to a surprised one.

"I see, quite the detective. Truly, I am the witch Ranni. I stole a shard of the Rune of Death and used it to forge the black god-killing knives through a terrible ritual. I did everything."

"And you talk like it's no big deal!" Godwyn exclaimed.

"I see, and where is the curse mark?"

Surprise returned to Ranni's face.

"I may have underestimated you, you know much more than meet the eye, but unfortunately for you, the curse mark you seek cannot be found here. I killed the body I was born and threw it away. And it is upon this flesh that the curse mark is carved."

"And where is the body?"

Ranni gave me an irritated look.

"And why should I reveal this to you? I did the act not to bury the past, nor out of shame for the act. The curse mark you seek is not here. That's all I'll say. Now go away or give me your answer."

I took a deep breath with what I was about to do. 

"I accept your accord."

The look Godwyn gave me was indescribable.

"Oh, just like that? Would you help me? Allowing you to search for the location of the curse mark, no doubt. Well done... There's nothing wrong with a well-thought-out scheme. Furthermore, if my past and past hurts beckon to you, I'm curious enough to see what your fate portends..."

"You might regret these words, I escaped fate once and I can do it again."

"Hm… Interesting… Then I ask that we move forward with haste. There is, in my service, a half-wolf warrior named Blaidd. I would like you to join him in his search for Nokron's hidden treasure, the Eternal City. I called Blaidd downstairs to greet him. Get the details out of him. Ah, and there thou shalt find Iji, my war counselor, and Seluvis, preceptor in the magical arts, too. Don't listen to their quirks; feel secure in getting what advantage you can from them. I'm sure others will do the same. Talk to the three that await you below. You don't need to condescend unduly to them, but they also want to assess your worth. After all, it has been a long time since a newcomer entered my service."

Therefore, Blaidd works for Ranni too. I don't know if this is a good thing or not.

"I hope you keep your part of the bargain." I said to Ranni.

"Likewise." Ranni replied.

Whit our talk over, went down the tower stairs, and on the way, Godwyn spoke to me.

"What are you thinking, making a deal with that witch?!?"

"Is there another option that doesn't involve evoking the wrath of a demigoddess?" 

"There must be another way!"

"Perhaps, but do we have time for that? You want to help Those Who Live in Death and I want my crown. Sadly, Ranni is involved with both of our objectives; Rogier and Fia are also included."

"I know, but beware, who knows what tricks that witch have up her sleeve."

After warning me, Godwyn disappeared.

Arriving at the ground floor of the tower, I found three ghostly figures waiting for me, Blaidd, Iji, and another man who must be Seluvis. I will speak with Blaidd first.

"Hi Blaidd, how have you been? I haven't seen you since the gaol." I said, waving at the Half-Wolf.

Blaidd smiled upon seeing me.

"Ahh, long time, friend. I am glad to have you in the service of Lady Ranni. Good. Getting straight to business… I'm still in Limgrave; the eternal city of Nokron lies somewhere deep within this land. I'm planning to go down through the pit in Mistwood. See if I can find the road to Nokron from there…"

"I hope we can work together in the future Blaidd, but it looks like you're in a hurry, I won't waste any more of your time, eventually I'll come to Mistwood and find you."

"I see I'm also looking forward to our future collaboration." Blaidd said before disappearing.

This time I approached Iji.

"Ah, so it was you. Lady Ranni explained everything. Once again, I'm Iji. The dedicated blacksmith of the Carian royal family, and the war advisor to Lady Ranni. I'm told you're looking for Nokron with Blaidd; I'll give you all the guidance I can and pray for its success. My apologies for the misleading words of warning, I never imagined that an audience, much less a service to Lady Ranni, was in your destiny. I, for one, should have seen it, but I didn't. Forgive me, my colleague. Let us give all we can of ourselves, together, for Lady Ranni."

"It's okay, Iji, I don't take any offense, we'll be working together from now on, so it would be good for us to get along." I smiled to the Troll.

"I agree, you know where I am, talk to me if you need anything." Iji said before disappearing.

Now only Seluvis remained.

I approached the man wearing the big hat and mask, but before I could say anything, Seluvis spoke.

"I see… You must be Ranni's new hire. Yes, yes, I've heard all about you, I'm Seluvis, preceptor of the sorcerous arts, I don't know what the Lady sees in a Tarnished like you, but since we have the misfortune of serving the same Mistress, I ask you to kindly try not to drag us all down with you. I reside… in another tower, close by, come visit me... If you wish to be of royal service to Lady Ranni, if it were up to me, I wouldn't waste my time with people like you. But who am I to oppose my Lady's wishes?"

Without saying another word, Seluvis disappeared; I already didn't like this man.

"There's something wrong with this man, I can feel it." Godwyn spoke.

"You're not the only one."

Returning to the top of the tower, I spoke with Ranni again.

"I've already greeted your associates."

"Oh! Nevertheless, what good news, I hope everything went well. Oh! Let me warn you. Soon I'll enter my sleep. Moreover, it will be some time before I wake up. This doll's body isn't without obstacles... Still, I am optimistic about you. I look forward to the good news when I get up." Ranni said before waving me farewell.

I think I've settled everything here, let's return to the Round Table.


I went to meet Rogier to give him the news.

"Hello Alden, did you find out anything about the curse mark?"

I told Rogier what Ranni told me.

"I see… When Ranni shed her flesh, she also shed the curse mark. You know, not everyone would trust such a tale… However, if she in her current form is nothing more than the living doll you profess… Then maybe it's true after all. Hm… Forgive the bluntness of the notion, but… How would you like to become one of Ranni's vassals? Oh, just to get what we want, of course. The location of the body bearing the curse mark. Moreover, the best way to find out is to go into her service and poke around on the sly. I know you have what it takes. Not only are you a superb fighter, but people want to trust you. I already saw it."

"I already did, Ranni also has something I want, and maybe we'll both get what we're looking for."

Rogier smiled with joy, I think he would have hugged me if he could get up.

"Thank you, my friend; you have no idea how important this is to me! Hm... Maybe I should tell you. Lately, I feel like I'm on the precipice... Of falling into a deep... bottomless, sleep. In addition, I've a feeling that could spell trouble for you, somehow. Therefore, I just wanted to get the apology out of the way, beforehand. Since you're so scary and all."

Am I scary? No one has ever said that to me. "Could you tell me more about this sleep?"

"It's hard to explain, but I feel like something is calling me, slowly eating away at my energy, I feel my mind wandering and getting lighter every day."

"I can't say I have a cure for it, I can only offer some advice and one of them would be to stay focused, don't deviate from your goals and that should keep you awake longer."

"Thank you, my friend; I'll try to do what you advised."

Saying goodbye to Rogier, I went to the room where Rennala was sleeping. Looking inside, I saw that she was still in bed. I closed the door and sat down next to it, with Godwyn appearing next to me. We talked until Rennala woke up.


The bedroom door opened and Rennala came out, letting out a long yawn, she smiled at me.

"Ready to continue our journey?" Rennala asked.

"Yes, and you?" I said, getting up.

"Do you need to ask? I'm always ready for whatever comes." Rennala responded determinedly.

Without further ado, we headed toward grace and transported ourselves to where we met Iji for the first time.

Heading south, I got some interesting things, a Carian Knight sword on the back of a wagon; I freed the chained Trolls after eliminating the escort.

A Jellyfish Shield near some red jellyfish and a spell on Cuckoo's ever gaol, I also got a piece of map.

We pretty much circled Liurnia and ended up returning close to the entrance to the region. I rode Torrent to one of the geysers and we were thrown upwards, landing on the highlands.

We rode until we saw a dreadful image, a village destroyed with corpses of strange creatures scattered everywhere.

"Signs of a fight, this place weren't attacked by disease or a powerful spell, someone did it." I said, getting off Torrent and walking through the village.

"Who did this to the albinaurics?" Rennala demanded with anger and sadness in her voice.

Godwyn was unusually quiet.

I saw burning houses and corpses of strange dark-eyed creatures scattered across the floor.

As we walked through the village I heard something strange, it was a jar, there was noise coming from it. Was it breathing?

I kicked the jar lightly, and in a burst of smoke, the jar disappeared, revealing an old man.

"Please don't. I haven't the foggiest idea. No secret is with me, not one. Oh, please let me go." The old man shouted as he shielded himself with one hand.

"Please calm down; we are not here to harm you." Rennala said, trying to calm down the old man.

"Lady Rennala? Thanks to the Chosen Land, you are here! As you can see, we're done. The whole village is finished. The damned one destroyed everything."

"Who are you exactly?" I asked the old man.

"I'm Albus. An albinauric, as you can see. I ask you, would you take care of this medallion? You must keep it out of the hands of the accursed one. And if you find the young albinauric Latenna, then please give her this." Albus pleaded, handing me part of a medallion.

I pulled the Decatus' medallion out of my bag, but the two pieces didn't match. 

"What's this medallion for?"

"A chosen land awaits us. The medallion is the key to the city. It's just a picturesque treasure, for those of us who can't make the journey. However, for dear Latenna, it is necessary. To fulfill her purpose, my legs will soon be gone and with them my life. Sadly, this is the immovable fate of all albinaurics…"

"Hm… Where can I find this Latenna?" I asked.

"Last I heard, she lived in a small cabin to the south, you probably passed by on your way here." Albus replied.

"Who did this to your village?" Rennala asked.

"It was an Omen Killer, he was sent by someone to destroy our village. Be careful, he is still here." Albus replied.

Rennala walked past me with a straight face and a hurried walk, advancing through the village.

"Thanks, Albus." I said to the old man as I caught up with Rennala.

"Rennala, what will you do?" I asked the Queen.

"I'll find the one who committed such crimes in my lands and give the appropriate punishment." Rennala replied.

"I'll help you. I've seen what happened in this village many times before, so much destruction, so much death, this time the person responsible is here somewhere, this is one of the few times I can do something about it."

I remembered all the persecution the Undead suffered in Drangleic when I arrived, the damage had already been done a long time ago. So many weren't to blame for being cursed and yet they were treated like monsters.

As we made our way through the village, I ran into a familiar person, Nepheli.

"Ah, it's you… Well, what do you think of that? What happened to this village? I witnessed a very similar sight in my childhood. The oppression of the weak, murder and plunder without control, a waking nightmare, made by men."

"A horrible sight, but I'm unfortunately used to visions of death and ruin, all caused due to a king's ego."

"The albinuarics were under the protection of my lands; this kind of destruction will not be tolerated. During my travel, I realized that Liurnia have some problems, but after what happened here, I feel that the time will come to take control, and put everything on the right place."

Rennala responded, gripping her staff with both hands, the wood creaking with the applied strength.

"I see you share my vision, this time I'm a grown woman. Though the suffering can't be undone, I can still do justice, justice against the oppressors. Let the scars I carved remind them. I am Nepheli Loux, a Warrior. Will you join me?"

"Certainly." Rennala replied.

"Count on me." I completed.

So the three of us advanced towards the center of the village and there we found the person responsible for the massacre.

It was a person wearing a wooden mask carved like a grimace. The person also carried two large serrated blades with what looked like horns.

The man upon seeing us took a deep breath and spat a wave of yellow flames in our direction, each of us went in a different direction, Rennala to the left, Nepheli to the right and I jumped back.

The man raised one of his swords and swooped down towards the approaching Nepheli, Nepheli deflected the blow with her ax, and then the masked man tried to hit her with his second sword.

Only to be hit in the back by a series of spells, the man turned away from Nepheli and tried to fight Rennala, leaping towards her with both swords raised.

Rennala calmly stepped out of the way and slammed her staff into the side of the man's head, tearing off a piece of his mask.

The man flew towards me, staggered and disoriented by the blow, which allowed me to slash him across the chest several times, with the final cut a spray of blood came out of his wounds.

The man dropped his swords, unable to fight anymore, looking around, he tried to run away, but before he could do so, Rennala kicked him, knocking him to the ground.

Rennala approached the man and pointed her staff at his mask.

"I am Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, as Ruler of Liurnia; I condemn you to death for the crimes committed here." Rennala said, casting a spell. 

A crystal shard flew out of her staff and pierced the man's forehead, shattering his mask and revealing his face. The man had a blank stare; there was no fear at the time of his death. 

Did he even know what was happening?

 "Rennala, are you okay?" I asked, noticing that Rennala was shaking. 

Small came out of the ground near her feet and a light magical wind blew through the village.

"Yes dear. I just need time to think. The killer was brought to justice, but who ordered the attack remains unknown. When I find him, I'll give him the same fate as his subordinate."

"I share your feelings, but for now we can only hope that something like this doesn't happen again, as a warrior that kind of destruction disgusts me." Nepheli said approaching us with an ax slung over each shoulder.

"Thank you for your help Nepheli, we are fortunate to meet you here." I said to the warrior.

"Maybe it's fate." Nepheli replied.

"The stars aligned for this to happen, though…" Rennala looked up.

"Is there a problem Rennala?"

"The stars remain still."

"Well, I don't know a thing about stars, so I can't say anything about the subject. They look normal to me."

"If everything here is solved, I'll return to the Round Table, we'll meet again, Sorcerer and Queen of the Full Moon." Nepheli said, turning away from us and walking out of the village.

"She seemed strangely calm seeing me." Rennala spoke.

"She's a warrior; she shouldn't care too much about nobility." I replied.

"It's nice to talk to someone without them bowing in front of me or being careful about every word they say."

Our small joy faded after the seriousness of the massacre that had taken place in the village returned.

"We must find Latenna." I said to Rennala.

"I agree with you dear, maybe she can clarify what happened here."

I called Torrent and Rennala returned to her moon, together we went in search of Latenna.

It took a while, but I think we found the person we were looking for. It was a woman wearing light armor, and carrying a large bow and a quiver full of arrows, she was leaning against a large dead wolf.

"Dirty tarnished, what do you want? I said to the all-hearing brute that I don't own such medallions. Alternatively, did you come to take more from me? Was my other half not enough?" Latenna spoke with disgust in her voice.

"I'm not the one who destroyed your village; in fact, I'd like to know who did it." I said as I approached.

"I am also looking for the person responsible to bring him to justice." Rennala said.

 "Lady Rennala? Why are you here? When did you return?" Latenna asked question after question after noticing who accompanied me.

"Calm down young one, we are here to help, your friend Albus entrusted us with part of the medallion." Rennala soothed Latenna and I showed her half of the medallion.

Surprise appeared on Latenna's face, and with hope in her eyes, she smiled.

"Ah… do you speak the truth? Albus entrusted you with his medallion… Therefore, I have no choice but to trust that this was his will before he died. Let's try again. I'm Latenna, an albinauric, same as Old Albus, my apologies for my rude words earlier. I assumed the worst, seeing you were another tarnished, like that all-hearing brute. I hope you forgive me."

"No problem." I spoke.

"There was no offense." Rennala completed.

"Mm, the medallion is better off in your hands anyway. Would you consider doing me a great service? I need to go back. There is something I must do, even if I have to say goodbye to my wolf, Lobo. Will you show me the way? To the land of the Miquella Haligtree, if you accept, I'll be happy to inform you the whereabouts of the other half of the medallion."

"PPSSHH! Alden, accept it!" Godwyn whispered.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"I'll explain later, just accept it."

Doing as the demigod said, I accepted Latenna's request.

"Thanks. They say the other half of the medallion is beyond the forbidden lands north of the Erdtree. At Castle Sol, at the top of the Giants' Mountains, accessible by Rold's Great Lift. Therefore, I think it's time, goodbye, Lobo, my faithful wolf, my better half. I'm going with the tarnished, so that our journey wasn't in vain. Forgive me, Lobo."

Saying goodbye to her companion, Latenna disappeared, and in her place was a spirit ash, as I took the ash, I heard a voice.

"Call upon me when needed. And I'll fight by your side."

Then silence, looking at Rennala, I saw sadness on her face, I had nothing to say, the recent events weighing on my mind. 

I had my suspicions about who the All-Hearing Brute was, but if I'm right, I can't do much, not without causing problems.

Sighing, we used the grace next to Latenna's hut to transport ourselves to another region of Liurnia; there was someone else I'd like to meet before leaving.

Rennala and I walked out of the grace at a church and we found Thops there.

"Hello Thops, ready for some magic lessons?" I told the sorcerer.

"Teacher Alden… And Lady Rennala?!?" Thops immediately dropped to the ground and bowed.

Rennala approached quickly, trying to calm Thops.

"Stand up Thops and show me what you learned from the spells I showed you." I told the sorcerer.

"Yes, teacher!" Thops immediately got up and cast a spell. 

A small Soul Arrow came out of his staff but it dissipated before it hit the church wall, Thops looked down disappointed.

"Hm… It needs a little bit of work, but we all start somewhere. I didn't become a master in a day and I don't expect you to become one right away, but I can help you."

"Yes, Teacher Alden! Please teach me!" Thops exclaimed.

"Well for starters…"

Therefore, I spent the day teaching Thops about sorcery, I've never taught anyone before but I'll admit it was fun and challenging, at least it helped ease my mind about what happened before.


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