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Chapter 46: My Good Xūn'er, Let's Wash Together!

Chapter 46: My Good Xūn'er, Let's Wash Together! 

Note: This chapter is around 2400 words in length. Took a long time to write this.. ;D

"Retrieve the Soul Controlling Banner!" Chen Feng commanded.

A black demonic banner materialized in his hand, its surface etched with eerie patterns and shrouded in a faint black mist. It radiated a hint of malevolence, but Chen Feng was indifferent to these details. Evil or not, as long as it worked, it was fine by him.

He wondered, "This thing, should be able to deal with Yaocen, right?" The thought of Yaocen, who resided within Xiao Yan's ring, crossed his mind.

If he could subdue this "Medicine Sovereign," he would gain significant benefits. At least, he wouldn't lack in pill resources in the future.

A wicked smile appeared on Chen Feng's lips. He had assured Xiao Yan previously that after taking the "Spirit Pill," his talent would be restored within three months. Now, with this Soul Controlling Banner, his talent could return ahead of time. However, this matter required careful consideration.

Yaocen was once a renowned Medicine Sovereign, an existence as an eighth-grade alchemist. Even if heavily injured now, he wouldn't be easy to deal with. Beside Chen Feng now were Ling Ying and the sixth-rank demonic beast, Purple Electric Ferret.

Coupled with this Soul Controlling Banner, extremely effective against souls, Chen Feng wasn't afraid to confront Yaocen head-on. But Chen Feng always proceeded cautiously.

"If Xun'er becomes pregnant, and we get another wave of rewards, dealing with Yaocen should be almost certain." Thinking of Xun'er within the miniature world, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel excited. Today, he must explore this exceptional woman of the Ancient Clan.

With that in mind, Chen Feng tidied up his attire and headed out directly. Arriving at Wutan City's main street, Chen Feng purchased all the daily necessities he usually needed.

If Xun'er was pregnant, Chen Feng intended to have her comfortably nurtured within the miniature world. Therefore, he needed to provide her with a comfortable environment.

Normally, such procurement didn't require his personal attention; he could just instruct people from the Mithril Auction House to handle it. But if this information reached Princess Yafei, it would be hard to explain.

An hour later, Chen Feng was back within the estate. He had procured all the necessary items. Following this, he summoned two maids and instructed them to bring a tub of hot water. After enduring a night of torment and serving Chen Feng again, Xun'er naturally needed a good bath.

The two maids were puzzled; hadn't Young Master Chen Feng just bathed? Why another bath? "If Miss Yafei asks for me after waking up, tell her I had urgent matters and will return tonight," Chen Feng instructed the two maids, worried that Yafei might be distressed if she couldn't find him upon waking.

Once the maids left, Chen Feng's mind raced. Carrying a tub filled with hot water, he entered the miniature world.


Inside the miniature world,Xun'er sat on the ground, arms hugging her knees, head resting on them, disheveled hair, eyes devoid of spirit.

Beside her, Ling Ying transformed into a dark shadow, guarding her as before.

Despite Ling Ying's presence, Xun'er still felt a sense of loneliness, her eyes vacant and her heart empty.

For some reason, she suddenly wished for Chen Feng to return to the miniature world. It felt too desolate here, and she felt an unsettling coldness throughout her body.

"Xiao Xun'er, why are you crying?"

At that moment, Chen Feng's voice suddenly sounded behind Xun'er.

Hearing Chen Feng's voice, Xun'er abruptly lifted her head. Though her once gloomy face displayed a hint of joy, albeit faint.

Although not evident, seeing Chen Feng had somehow dispelled Xun'er's sense of loneliness.

"Master, you're here..."

Xun'er stared blankly at Chen Feng, her red lips moving slightly, showing a hint of timidity.

At this moment, her fair and tender face was covered in tear streaks, evidently having cried a lot after Chen Feng's departure.

"Why are you crying? Do you miss your master?"

Chen Feng's face held a slight smile as he approached Xun'er gently. Extending his hand, he gently wiped the tears from the girl's cheeks.

"It's a shame to mar such a beautiful face with tears."

Seeing the slightly disheveled and distressed girl before him, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a pang of heartache.Then, he reached out and lifted Xun'er's delicate body.

"Master... what are you doing?"

Being embraced by Chen Feng, Xun'er was startled, her expression timid.

"Look at your dirty clothes. Let master help you wash."

Chen Feng carried Xun'er directly towards the tub. At the same time, He had a thought and dismissed Ling Ying.

He couldn't have a third wheel around when planning something amiss. Standing before the tub, watching the steam rising from the hot water, Xun'er blinked, feeling tempted.

As a pampered and clean young lady, Xun'er was particularly fond of cleanliness, usually changing several sets of clothes a day.

Feeling dirty at the moment made her extremely uncomfortable as if there were countless ants crawling all over her body.

"Come, take off your clothes."

Chen Feng reached out to untie the purple dress on Xun'er.

"N... no. Master, I can do it myself."

Seeing Chen Feng's actions, Xun'er instinctively moved backward, her ears turning red.

"Why be so polite with Master?"

Chen Feng acted warmly as he was adept at understanding people's needs. Eventually, after Xun'er's insistence, Chen Feng reluctantly turned away, facing the other side to give Xun'er privacy.

"Master... don't peek."

Blushing, Xun'er glanced at Chen Feng before moving to the other side of the tub, preventing any potential surprise peeks.

"Am I that kind of person?"

Chen Feng said with a righteous tone. Receiving Chen Feng's assurance, Xun'er began to undress herself. Soon, her pure and spotless jade-like skin was revealed, emanating a faint glow.

Her delicate collarbones seemed as if crafted by a divine hand, giving an impression of near perfection.

With each rustle of clothing being removed, a perfect masterpiece unfolded before Chen Feng's eyes. Pure and untainted, unable to be tarnished, yet seemingly touchable, offering an almost sacrilegious sensation to anyone who laid eyes upon it.

"Master, I'm done."

After a moment, Xun'er's voice, faintly trembling, came from behind Chen Feng. Turning around,

Chen Feng was met with a scene that made his heart palpitate. Xun'er stood before him, her delicate body submerged in the hot water, her skin emitting a faint jade-like glow, looking exceptionally beautiful and moving.

The water barely covered her shoulders, revealing a considerable portion of her fair, snowy neck.

Chen Feng's eyes lingered on her exquisite body, feeling his heartbeat hasten uncontrollably.

"Xun'er, come here. Let master help you wash."

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Chen Feng smiled warmly and gestured for Xun'er to come closer. Upon hearing Chen Feng's words, Xun'er couldn't help but feel a little awkward and shy. But seeing Chen Feng's gentle and caring expression, she slowly moved closer to him.

And thus, in the miniature world, a pure and beautiful girl soaked in hot water, while a young man with a caring heart stood beside her, ready to assist her in washing away the fatigue and dirt.

Their figures, reflected in the rippling water, seemed to intertwine, creating a beautiful yet ambiguous scene. Chen Feng gently dipped the cloth into the hot water, absorbing the warmth within, and then lightly swept it across Xun'er's delicate skin.

Xun'er's body was so tender and soft that Chen Feng felt an inexplicable sense of joy as he gently wiped her back. The moment the warm water touched Xun'er's body, she couldn't help but let out a relaxed sigh, her stiff body relaxing in the soothing heat.

Under Chen Feng's gentle care, her fatigue and worries seemed to melt away, leaving her feeling comforted and secure. The atmosphere inside the miniature world was tranquil and serene, filled with a sense of warmth and affection.

Chen Feng continued to cleanse Xun'er's body meticulously, his movements gentle and considerate. He cared for her as if she were a precious treasure, handling her with utmost care and devotion. Xun'er, immersed in the warm water and Chen Feng's attentive care, felt an unprecedented sense of peace and contentment.

The tension in her heart gradually dissipated, replaced by a tranquil and serene feeling.

She closed her eyes, letting herself relax completely in Chen Feng's embrace.

The sound of the water rippling filled the space, echoing a sense of intimacy between the two.

Time seemed to pass by slowly within this tranquil scene, allowing them to forget the outside world and revel in this moment of quiet companionship.

Chen Feng's heart felt unusually calm and serene as he bathed Xun'er, his mind free of distractions, focused solely on ensuring her comfort and relaxation.

In this moment, they shared an unspoken connection, a silent understanding that transcended words.

As the sun slowly set outside the miniature world, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Chen Feng and Xun'er remained immersed in their peaceful sanctuary, cherishing this moment of tranquility together.

And so, within the confines of the miniature world, their hearts became entwined in a silent dance, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

After an hour, Chenfeng casually put on his clothes.

Xiao Xuner collapsed weakly onto the bed, delicate tears still wet on her face, her eyes hollow, emitting an air of despair.

"Alright, cheer up. You must be hungry. The master brought something delicious for you."

Watching Xiao Xuner's miserable state, even Chenfeng felt he had gone too far.

After all, it was her first time.

"Kill me."

Upon hearing Chenfeng's words, Xiao Xuner's face showed no expression. Her eyes lacked color, as if she had lost all attachment to life.

Now, her innocence was gone, and she felt she had no face to see Xiao Yan.

Moreover, due to her deflowering, she could feel her extraordinary bloodline weakening.

Even if she were to leave here and return to the Ancient Clan, she'd be a mere shadow of her former self, devoid of her previous status.

And she couldn't face her own father either.

Thinking about this, Xiao Xuner felt complete despair, losing all will to live.

"How could the master bear to kill you?"

Chenfeng embraced Xiao Xuner, quickly comforting her. "Don't worry, Xiao Yan will never know about this."

Xiao Yan, the brother...

Hearing those two words, Xiao Xuner felt a stab in her heart. How could she face him in her current state?

"Master, I beg you, kill me..."

Tears fell from Xiao Xuner's eyes again as she pleaded with Chenfeng.

She knew she was in his hands now.

In the future, she might have to endure daily torment from him.

She couldn't bear to live like this for another day. Death would be a relief.

Seeing Xiao Xuner's strong desire for death, Chenfeng couldn't help but frown.

This wasn't a good sign.

He was troubled.

Xiao Xuner had lost her innocence now, making it difficult to use Xiao Yan as leverage.

Chenfeng was in a quandary.

It seemed the damage from her deflowering was truly severe for Xiao Xuner.

"Alright, Xuner, don't be like this..."

"How about I take you out to relax?"

Chenfeng suggested to Xiao Xuner.

"Go out..."

"Are you willing to let me leave?"

At these words, a glimmer appeared in Xiao Xuner's eyes briefly before disappearing, replaced by despair.

"No, I don't want to go out..."

"Master, just kill me!"

With her innocence lost and her bloodline damaged, Xiao Xuner couldn't face Xiao Yan or her own father.

She felt inadequate to love Xiao Yan and guilty for not meeting her father's expectations over the years.

Outside, she had no idea where to go.

She'd rather stay in this small world, avoiding the pain and anguish.

"Master, just kill me."

Xiao Xuner considered that staying here would mean enduring daily humiliation from Chenfeng, living without an ounce of dignity.

Death would be preferable!

Seeing Xiao Xuner's stubbornness, Chenfeng gradually grew impatient. Initially, he had pitied her for her earlier distress, but now he felt she was ungrateful.

He had been so good to her, yet she persisted in seeking death.

His patience had limits.

"Xiao Xuner, do you truly want to die?"

A cold smile played on Chenfeng's lips as his attitude shifted, causing Xiao Xuner to shiver involuntarily. But soon, she regained her composure.

She wasn't afraid anymore, not even of death, no longer fearing Chenfeng.

As for Xiao Yan, they would meet again on the path to the netherworld.

By then, she would be considered innocent once more.

Thinking this, a faint smile appeared on Xiao Xuner's face.

"Right, I don't want to live anymore. Chenfeng, just kill me."

At his words, Chenfeng narrowed his eyes.

So bold! She didn't even call him 'master' anymore, daring to address him directly by name.

Absolutely audacious!

"Don't want to live, huh? Fine, let me show you something first."

Chenfeng took out a crystal from the side.

Xiao Xuner looked at it, puzzled.

Chenfeng infused a bit of energy into the crystal.

Suddenly, a brilliant light radiated from it.

This magical scene captivated Xiao Xuner's gaze.

The light on the crystal condensed into an image, appearing in the air.

Xiao Xuner's face went pale.

How could she be in this image?

Her face turned red with embarrassment. Was that really her inside?

Xiao Xuner could hardly believe her eyes.

Beside her, even Chenfeng was stunned.

The crystal even recorded sound?

Who created this?

Truly considerate.

Chenfeng had to admit, with sound, it was a more immersive experience.

Yes, looking at that incredibly explicit scene in the air...

Chenfeng felt something again.

"Xuner, do you like it?"

Chenfeng asked Xiao Xuner, who was deeply engrossed in the image.

"Chen... Master... Please stop!"

Xiao Xuner reacted, her face flushed, even her ears turning red, desperately pleading with Chenfeng.

"Stop? Why should I? Such a captivating thing should be thoroughly enjoyed."

Chenfeng embraced Xiao Xuner, forcing her to look at the image in the air.

Gradually, his tone turned cold. "Tell me, if your brother Xiao Yan saw this scene, what would he think?"

Upon hearing Chenfeng's words, Xiao Xuner trembled, feeling a chilling sense of fear wash over her.

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