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5.88% Stargate Xion / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Abydos
Stargate Xion Stargate Xion original

Stargate Xion

Auteur: rdsellinsert

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Chapter 1 Abydos

NA 1: Hello everyone, this is the second fanfic of the character Xion. The first one is Naruto Xion, so I will make some small clarifications about the origin of the character. It should be noted that this is not a crossover and there will be no elements of Naruto in the plot.

Summary so far: Xion is a person who has been transmigrated to the world of Naruto. There, his soul merged with Naruto's and, over time, he became a god. However, not feeling part of that world, he decided to look for his way back to his own world. To do this, he split his soul in two and created a second body to infiltrate the Stargate universe. His plan was successful, but the ascended ones of the Milky Way discovered the portal through which he arrived and closed it, separating his two halves in different universes. This is how this second story begins.

Chapter 1 Abydos

Xion opened his eyes and the first thing he felt was that he was alone. His other half was nowhere to be found and his mind was a mess.

Xion got up from the floor where he was lying after his soul had succeeded in infiltrating this universe, the universe of Stargate. He could see that that part of the plan was a success because right now he was in front of a mirror in the room of his target in this universe and he could confirm it at a glance, besides he had assimilated the soul of his target and had all his knowledge and experiences.

Xion was now a middle-aged man, with brown hair that would soon start to show gray. His body was not athletic, but neither was he fat, and despite not having large muscles, he was in shape.

"I am Jack O'Neill" Xion smiled.

It was evident that something went wrong, but his goal had been completed and he was now in another universe, which in turn meant that returning to his own world was not a vain hope. Besides, in this world there was technology that he could use to increase his power as a god, so he would no longer fear that some other god would come for him. But all that was in the future, now he had to focus on his present and his current state.

Xion had assimilated the soul of Colonel O'Neill, a crime without a doubt, but he also had no doubts that he would thank him later.

Xion focused on his divine cells, which by this time should have absorbed the body of his target and be turning him into a god, but he was still a mortal, so he did not understand what was going on.

His divine cells were... "Stunned", Xion could not think of another word. His cells did not respond and seemed like a child abandoned in an unknown forest. They did nothing and did not dare to touch anything. Xion grimaced. By their reaction, his cells had no idea what to do, it seemed that the change of universe had left them in shock and they would not recover soon.

Xion did not understand what was happening. His soul had no problem adapting to this universe, and it was as simple as when he arrived in the universe of the ninja world. But it seemed that it was not so simple for material things, to pass from one universe to another.

That meant he was in big trouble. If he could not rebuild his divine body, he could also say goodbye to all his power and abilities. Even the power of his soul would be useless, because he needed his body to direct it, and he doubted that someone would come to try to steal his soul so that he could attack them. This was not that kind of universe, this was a technological universe. There was power, but it was far out of his reach.

Xion frowned. He would have no divine powers, until he figured out what the hell was going on with his cells, and for that he needed technology. Because without his divine power and divine abilities, all his knowledge was useless, because everything he knew how to do depended on his power to exert his will over the things he wanted to change to achieve the desired effects.

In this world, chakra did not exist, and since his cells were paralyzed, there was no way they could produce chakra for him. On the other hand, this body had no chakra channels or conduits, in this universe there was no such thing. In conclusion, goodbye divine abilities.

Leaving aside all his abilities and powers, Xion was still not defenseless, because even an eventuality like this had been foreseen. He expected something like the Ascended intervening and sealing his power, or forbidding him to use it, as they did with Anubis, not that his cells became useless in this universe. But the case was that such an eventuality of being left without powers was foreseen, and the contingency plan for that was the body he now occupied.

"I am Jack O'Neill," Xion thought. For many, Jack O'Neill was the protagonist of Stargate.

Jack O'Neill's life was a tragedy. His son committed suicide, and his wife left him because Jack could not get over it. Although he avoided suicide thanks to another of the main characters, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Skaara of the Abydonians, with whom he established a close relationship to the point of considering him his son.

Now Xion was Jack, one of his favorite characters from fiction, and he had his memories, experiences and abilities. This body could not compare to his divine body, but he did not intend to fight anyone. Xion was not a soldier or a hero, he did not like working for people, and in this world he was in charge, not Naruto. Now he was happy, and he had no desire to be the selfless and responsible hero.

In this world, Xion was a simple mortal, and that meant he was weak and vulnerable. They could kill him with one blow, so he would not think of risking his life unnecessarily, nor did he feel like doing it.

Xion thought about his next steps. The only thing he and Jack O'Neill agreed on was that they liked to joke and accuse people in a brazen way, and in fact, he was in the right mood for that, since being in this world had given him hope.

The problem was that in everything else he and O'Neill were different. First of all, Jack O'Neill was something he would never be: a soldier and a hero. In his world, he was a common worker and his entertainment was movies, reading books and, occasionally, playing a game.

At some point he was a big fan of video games and anime, but that changed as he got older. It was not that he did not like them anymore, but that he did not like the new things that came out. They seemed boring and simple, without any essence. Maybe they were of poor quality, or maybe he just got old, because his age before his death was not different from the one he had now.

As for his feelings or experience of war, the closest thing was the war games he played from the safety of a computer. In his life, if he saw a robbery, he ran away. If there was a fight, he moved away. If people talked too much, he got bored. He was introverted.

If he had replaced Teal'c, he would do great. He would be the perfect Teal'c. But he could not replace Teal'c because he did not have the ancient genes. He had to replace the guy who won the hearts of most of the aliens in the original story, thanks to his charisma and good heart.

Did Xion have any charisma? How many friends did he have in his old life? Few? None? He did not remember, but it seemed to him that the second answer was more likely.

"Earth, if you count on me to make alliances, we're all dead" Jack said. Now he had to be Jack and manage without divine powers.

The Naruto personality in him led him to think of becoming a warrior and a hero, but Xion dismissed all those nonsense. Naruto was immature, and here he was In charge, so no heroic nonsense. He was too busy to let himself be carried away by his other personality.

Besides, Naruto also had no experience in war, since they pacified the ninja world before there was any war. Of course, they assimilated the soul of many people with dark pasts, but that was like watching a movie, and he had seen many movies. In the end, only what happened to himself would affect him in a real way, and assimilating someone did not mean he could feel anything he felt.

On the other hand, it was not as if those knowledge were useless, because they made it clear to him that, under no circumstances, should he get involved in a war and act cautiously. Jack O'Neill had participated in one or another war, and in one they fractured his skull and he spent days suffering the pain until they found him.

No, definitely, he would not participate in any war. Wars were a mess. He could kill his enemies without even worrying. He did not hesitate to kill hundreds of people in the ninja world, but war was an atrocity. There tens, hundreds, thousands and even millions of people died for no reason.

War was a nonsense without any meaning, and killing innocent people, without a doubt, would cause him trauma, because now he was back to being a mortal and could do nothing to prevent it…

Xion began to feel anxious and shook his head to free himself from those thoughts. Going back to being a mortal was a difficult matter. It was better not to think about it and focus on what he had to do.

Xion thought about what to do as a human. Without his power of god, the only advantage he had was the knowledge of the future of this world, since he had the knowledge of the original story. He did not remember any useful address… He remembered Abydos… Jack O'Neill knew the address of Abydos, but being O'Neill, that did not help him at all. That is, he had no practical advantages, such as knowing the address of the replicant android, so using the replicators was ruled out.

Jack could not even use the portal. He had no access to it. At this moment he was a military in retirement and had been inactive since he went to Abydos. If Xion by pure chance remembered some address, he could not do anything about it now. And since he could not do anything and did not remember any address, it did not matter.

Xion frowned. He had just realized another disadvantage. His learning ability and intelligence had been drastically reduced. His perfect and divine memory was gone. His knowledge was with him, but the emergency protocol had been activated in his mind and they had been sealed to prevent his small and mortal brain from exploding.

"Well, anyway, the knowledge of the ninja world would not have helped me much in this world", Xion thought. The loss of his intellectual capacity was a big blow, since as a god, he had eidetic memory and did not forget anything he saw. Now he was back to being a mortal by all means.

"More reasons not to strive beyond the limits", Jack thought.

"I have to manage with what I know of the original story", Jack thought.

Jack O'Neill was not the best character for a transmigrated. The best character would be a minor Goa'uld, who was young enough not to deal with the Goa'uld madness, or at least not face it completely. Of course, there were the Asgard, the Tollan and even the Nox. If he transmigrated to those races, he would be a god in just one day. But all those races were a danger to his divine cells, which were also useless to him now.

Jack decided to leave that matter aside. Maybe he could fix his cells later. He had to focus on his advantages and the good things about his current state.

The good thing was that, of all the humans, he had replaced the most OP human in the whole history, and if he did everything right, in a maximum of three years, he could face the Goa'ulds, which was not necessary at this time, since the Asgard were still present and if he managed to impress them, they would defend Earth and give him more time.

The problem with the plan of depending on the Asgard was that he was not Jack O'Neill. Besides, he was not like other transmigrants who seemed to remember every dialogue or address of the Stargate. He could not quote a single miserable sentence, so he did not remember any conversation between O'Neill and Thor to imitate him and earn his trust by a convincing forgery.

"I better get technologies as fast as I can, because if I depend on my charisma to make friends, in a couple of years the whole Earth will be enslaved by the Goa'ulds or, worse, it will be destroyed", Jack thought. These guys did not know the catastrophe that was that their charismatic savior was replaced by a guy without personality.

Xion could have been a god, but that's how things turned out and nothing could be done about it. He had to be patient and do things according to his current limitations. Then he would worry about the loss of contact with his other half in the ninja world, his useless cells and his return to his own world. Now he was tired and needed to rest.

With this thought, Jack sighed and went to lie down on the bed. Getting technology and friends was not the only thing in his future. Stargate was full of betrayals and dishonest people with bad intentions. The main one of them, at the beginning, was Senator Kinsey and the idiot of Maybourne, his lackey, who helped to form the terrorist faction of the NID.

The original Jack was a tough guy who faced everyone and came out alive, but Xion would not bet a penny on himself if he allowed these conspiracies to take place. He had to deal with Kinsey and Maybourne before they created the rebel NID. That was a priority and he had an idea that might work. If not, he would have to see what life was like on other worlds. He was not such a good person as to see everything lost and stay to face the consequences.

After thinking for a couple of hours, Jack had more or less decided what direction to take. He could not do the same as the original Jack, because the original Jack was a tough guy and a hero. He was a player who preferred to use a sniper rifle, nothing of hand-to-hand combat, nothing of making bravado in front of the enemy.

Xion's style was to wait for them to turn their backs and stab a knife in the heart of his enemy, attacking only when he was ready, not a second before. Besides, he was too old to play the hero. If he added his past life and the one he lived in the ninja world, he was over a hundred years old. He was an old man and he was not in the mood for nonsense.

"Now to sleep and wait for the SGC command to call me", Jack thought, wondering how much longer Apophis would take to make his appearance.

A while later someone knocked on the door. Jack got out of bed and went to see who it was, finding two Air Force officers.

"That was quick," Jack thought, as they informed him and ordered him to report to the SGC.

The officers took him away in a hurry and before he knew it, he was in General Hammond's office, while he told him that this was his retirement assignment and that Apophis had interrupted his retirement by attacking the base.

Jack knew that the original Jack denied everything and said he didn't know or have any idea what was going on, but Jack wouldn't do the same and replied with an expression and a face of circumstance, that would prompt the general to ask what he was thinking, or at least that's what he believed, because he hadn't had time to adjust to this body and didn't know if he was acting according to what he thought.

"Do you know anything about what happened here, colonel? Anything you omitted in your report?" General Hammond asked, who already had his own suspicions.

That was perfect for Jack, because it gave him the opportunity to put things in order and perspective from the beginning, so he spoke:

"I omitted two things, sir. First, I omitted my own judgment on the mission and my encounter with Ra, considering it paranoia. And second, I left people behind and didn't report it," Jack confessed. General Hammond nodded and waited for more details.

"Regarding the people I left behind, Dr. Daniel Jackson got a wife and I guess his life here on Earth, being mocked by the scientific community, didn't interest him much. That's why he decided to stay with her after we made a bomb explode in Ra's face.

"As for the second thing, I'm afraid we're in serious trouble, because if what you say is correct, in my opinion, Earth faces a serious danger.

"You see, sir. Abydos, the planet our expedition reached, was a desert inhabited only by slaves. There was nothing like a factory or even a toilet. But while we were there, Ra arrived in a spaceship. A spaceship!" he repeated. "As much as I've thought about it all this time, I can't understand where he got it from. Unless Ra had magical powers, I can only think that that world was a tourist place for him and that Ra came from somewhere else.

"Even considering that, it would be incomprehensible that only Ra's ship existed in that other world, or that the little Naquadah that the Abydonians extract was enough for Ra to build a spaceship. Besides, there was the portal.

"By his actions, it was evident that Ra knew how to use the portal. In fact, by the way he planned to attack Earth, Ra seemed to have experience in using it for military purposes. That led me to wonder why this individual would leave such valuable technology abandoned on a planet of slaves. Then, I thought that the portal actually didn't have much value for him.

"And that led me to the conclusion that it was likely that Ra had dozens, maybe hundreds of other portals at his disposal, as well as hundreds of planets that were his slaves," Jack explained, observing the alarmed expression of General Hammond. "Of course, all this is just a product of my imagination and I don't like to base reports on speculations," Jack said seriously. Then he pretended to be dejected. "But if you've called me here, I guess my imagination wasn't so wrong after all, and we're in serious trouble," Jack added, making General Hammond worry more, considering all the possibilities.

Jack knew that, at this stage of the story, they would think at most that there was another Goa'uld, and his plan was to make them see the real extent of the threat. By the expression that General Hammon had at this moment, he had already understood, so Jack continued:

"General, who was the one who came through the door?" Jack asked directly. General Hammond got up from his chair and headed for the door.

"Colonel, follow me," General Hammond ordered with a worried expression.

The general led him to an improvised morgue, where he showed him the corpse of a Jaffa. Jack stepped back when he saw the pouch on the abdomen of the dead Jaffa. He knew that the Goa'uld came out of those pouches when the Jaffa died, and he didn't want to be their next victim. That hadn't happened in the original story, but in situations like this, he wouldn't bet his life on the story as he knew it.

"Have you seen anything like this before?" General Hammond asked and Jack shook his head.

"No, that's why I stepped back," Jack said, looking at the doctor for an explanation.

"It's a pouch, like a marsupial's. We don't know much more, we haven't done the autopsy yet," the doctor explained.

"That's reassuring!" Jack said sarcastically. "Especially considering that there might be something inside that thing. You are very professional to let us roam around here without knowing what's inside, considering that you know where this man comes from," Jack accused. The doctor frowned.

"The pouches of marsupials are for carrying their young…" Jack looked at him as if he were stupid.

"Do you think this individual would carry his children in that pouch?" the doctor seemed indignant. "Haven't you seen a movie called Alien?" Jack asked, and the doctor changed his indignant expression to one of fear, interrupting his scientific reply. It seemed that at this moment horror movies seemed more relevant to him than his scientific ideas. Jack looked at him coldly.

"We're waiting," Jack said, directing a meaningful look at the Jaffa's pouch. The doctor seemed indecisive, looking at General Hammond with puppy eyes.

"Man, don't cry. If whatever is in there hasn't jumped, it's probably already dead," Jack consoled.

The doctor cheered up when he remembered his scientific knowledge and regained his composure, bravely approaching, putting on gloves and reaching in.

A few seconds later, the doctor looked scared again and had to clench his teeth to keep from pulling his hand out. Jack and General Hammond had moved a few meters away, just in case. The doctor clenched his teeth harder as he held something and then pulled out the Goa'uld, leaving it on the pouch for everyone to see. As Jack had guessed, the symbiote was already dead, but that didn't ease the apprehension in everyone's expressions.

"I think the next time we encounter aliens, it would be advisable to subject them to a thorough medical examination in a secure room," Jack warned, and General Hammond nodded as he recounted the rest of the story, of how the Jaffa got there and took him to the Stargate room.

A couple of minutes later, they were in the portal room, which was identical to the original story, and they were also preparing a bomb, as in the original story.

"General, Abydos is a desert where only ordinary people live, struggling to survive. They pose no threat to us, and if I'm not mistaken, and after seeing your morgue, I know I'm not, they don't even know who attacked us," Jack said, pointing to the plasma burn marks on the walls.

"You are very perceptive, Colonel O'Neill. And from what you have told me, you should have trusted your 'imagination and paranoia' more and written your full report," General Hammond said with a sigh, conveying a tone of reprimand.

"I'm afraid I wasn't trained to trust my paranoia, sir," Jack apologized, hoping his expression reflected regret and remorse.

"Yes, I suppose you would have been scolded for being an alarmist," General Hammond said. "But now we need to know who has come through the Stargate and if your assumptions are correct…" General Hammond said no more.

"Sir, let me go back to Abydos. I think if anyone can find clues about what happened, it's Daniel. He helped us find the way back to Earth, and there might be more things on Abydos. After all, even though Abydos is not Ra's home planet, he visited it regularly, so there might be more clues there," Jack asked. General Hammond looked at him thoughtfully.

"Colonel, if what you said before is correct, it is possible that one of these beings has arrived on Abydos looking for answers for the disappearance of their ally, which makes that place unsafe," General Hammond said. Jack nodded.

"Sir, I have a way to find out if Abydos is in enemy hands," Jack said.

After that, Jack sent the emblematic tissue box to Dr. Daniel Jackson and waited for a response. While he waited, he ran into Kawalsky, who fortunately was busy remembering his adventures and didn't pay much attention to him.

"Sir, if Daniel responds, we must be prepared," Jack explained as he sent the napkin box.

"Colonel, don't rush us. There are security protocols that we must follow in case they respond to your message. In a few hours there will be a meeting where I expect you to present a report that includes your assumptions about this attack," General Hammond explained.

"Sir, I'll start right away," Jack said to get rid of Kawalsky.

Jack didn't remember that meeting, but it must have taken place, because he still had to meet Captain Samantha Carter, the number one genius of the whole galaxy and whom many fans were in love with.

The woman was the second most OP character after Colonel O'Neill, she was only a hair away from being a Mary Sue. She was a brilliant scientist and seemed to master all areas of knowledge, from physics and astrophysics to chemistry and mathematics. Besides, she was an engineer, mechanic, electrician, expert in combat, pilot, had participated in some wars and was a strategist.

Too much for such a young person; she could only be described as a prodigy. However, she was not a bad character, and that was due to her charismatic personality and how easy it was to empathize with her.

Maybe she could take his place convincing Thor to protect Earth, Jack thought as he finished his report and tried to remember more details of the plot, but it was useless, he couldn't remember anything important from the meeting, apart from the captain's presentation and the discussion about whether she was worthy of being part of the team.

Jack shook his head and sent his report to General Hammond. In it, Jack included his theories about the existence of more aliens similar to Ra and more Stargates. Then he made a brief presentation following the procedures that he barely remembered and that, as he recalled, were a nuisance for O'Neill.

Once finished, Jack started playing solitaire, but a couple of minutes later, the alarms went off for the activation of the Stargate.

As Jack expected, the tissue box was returned empty with a message from Daniel inside. General Hammond reinstated Jack to active duty and shortly after, Jack was back in uniform, standing in General Hammond's meeting room, in front of more people than he expected. There were Kawalsky, Ferreti and General Hammond whom he already knew, but the others were strangers and there were five of them.

"Are we all here?" Jack asked, knowing that Carter was missing.

"Where's Sam?" the general asked.

Jack waited silently and, seconds later, Captain Samantha Carter appeared. As she apologized for her delay, Jack wondered why the general called her Sam. It was an inappropriate way to refer to a subordinate, unless they had a friendship relationship…

"Captain Carter has been working on the Stargate project for several years, and if this mission is approved, she will be assigned to your team," General Hammond explained as he introduced her.

At that moment, Jack remembered that she had been there for years. He nodded and continued reading his report, interrupted occasionally by Captain Carter's technical explanations. Jack nodded to everything without saying anything and proceeded with his brief report. Then he presented his theory that Ra came from another planet different from Abydos and that he had dozens, or perhaps hundreds, of Stargates.

"Sir, that's not possible," Carter interrupted. Jack raised an eyebrow to indicate that she should explain herself. "Sir, we have already tried other random combinations of addresses and none of them have worked so far," she explained. Jack nodded.

"That's simple," Jack said. "Since I don't think those who built the Stargate planned to break their spine, if they had one, by turning the wheel, I assume that the original device had another part that served to dial the address, similar to the one we found on Abydos.

"If that's the case, this works like a phone and we're trying to make it work by only having the handset or the box. That means it's already a miracle that it's worked so far. Maybe there's something special about the address we've dialed," Jack explained, leaving Carter stunned. Then she seemed excited.

"That's brilliant!" Carter exclaimed.

"It's called common sense," Jack said. General Hammond coughed to get Carter out of her excited state.

"Sir, the implications of this are huge and could support Colonel O'Neill's explanation," Carter said, supporting his theory.

"Well, if we all agree…"

"Colonel," interrupted an officer present, who by his insignia seemed to be a major. Jack didn't remember him and didn't know his name. He might have been in the series, but since he didn't recognize him earlier, he didn't think he was important. "I think that, when talking about the security of Earth and considering your own assumptions, what suits us best at this moment is to bury the portal to prevent our enemies from reaching Earth," the major said.

"That wouldn't be a good idea in any case," Jack said, annoyed by the interruption. "First of all, let's assume that our enemies can only come through the Stargate.

"In that case, it would be enough to make sure that they can't dial Earth or seal the portal once activated so that nothing passes. This way, the possibility of the enemies crossing would be eliminated, and your proposal to bury the portal would only take away a valuable strategic advantage, with which we could explore thousands of worlds, obtain resources and acquire advanced technology, among many other things. Therefore, it is an absurd idea.

"Second, these aliens have huge ships. Ra's was so big that it needed a pyramid to land. If you 'buried' the Stargate, they would arrive using their ships. It's not about avoiding provoking them."

"Tell me, Major, after hearing my explanation, which is part of my report, do you think that the best solution to keep Earth safe is to bury the Stargate?" Jack asked. He was annoyed and that was evident in his words, but he managed to keep a neutral tone.

Jack didn't remember that the idea of burying the portal had been mentioned in this part of the original story so it took him by surprise. The idea was so absurd that discussing it was a waste of time.

The Major seemed to want to reply, but Jack narrowed his eyes to make it clear that if he said another stupidity, he might not survive until the next day. The man understood the warning and kept quiet.

"Well, if there are no reasonable objections, I think there are people kidnapped who need our help and, to provide it, we need some clues," Jack said, looking at General Hammond.

Jack needed to have access to the portal and for the Stargate project to get underway. Otherwise, everyone would be dead in a few years, regardless of the possibilities that this world could offer, and that would be a cause of eternal regret.

General Hammond dismissed the proposal to bury the portal and started the mission, giving them a day to return and report. Jack headed straight to the armory and selected his equipment, replacing the M16 rifle with the P90s, which in the series, were more effective weapons against armored enemies like the Jaffa.

Jack made his entire team carry these weapons and armed himself with a couple of good knives. He didn't expect to face Apophis and, if he could avoid it, he wouldn't, but it was better to be prepared.

After everyone got organized, the portal was activated and Jack and his team crossed it, meeting Skaara and Daniel. Skaara was one of his favorite characters in the series, but he was one of the ones who appeared the least. After greeting and being made to drink a kind of high-octane fuel that almost choked him, Daniel explained that the new alien didn't come from there and offered to show him a discovery he had made in the pyramid.

Jack ordered his team to be alert and handed his P90 to Skaara after he refused to follow him. Jack knew that Apophis was about to arrive because the time of the mission had not been changed, and for Skaara to have a chance to fight for his life, Jack handed him his weapon and warned him not to do anything foolish, warning him to be alert due to the presence of enemies outside.

"Daniel, I wouldn't leave my wife in a dangerous area knowing that at any moment an alien can come through that door," Jack warned before leaving. Daniel looked alarmed.

"Do you think they'll also come here?" Daniel asked.

Jack pointed to the weapon he had given to Skaara to show him how seriously he took the situation. Seeing that the situation was serious, the meeting ended and Daniel ordered most of the people present to return to their village, while the rest had to watch the portal seriously, along with Kawalsky, Ferreti and other soldiers.

Then, Daniel took them to the caves under the pyramid, taking his wife with him as well. Jack didn't care about altering the plot in relation to Apophis in this sense, since he didn't depend on Apophis' actions to carry out his plans of acquiring technology.

Once Daniel took them to the cave, the theory of the multiple Stargates was confirmed. Jack was not impressed by the discussion between Daniel and Carter.

"Have you discovered anything else?" Jack asked, interrupting their useless ramblings. He needed to find Ra's treasure chamber to find the eye of Ra, something that could be useful to him.

These addresses were also fundamental, but he already had them in his hands and didn't need to waste time listening to explanations about something he already knew.

"Jack, there may be thousands of gates out there…"

"Colonel O'Neill already knew or suspected that there were more gates, so this discovery is not a big deal for him," Carter explained, interrupting Daniel. Jack nodded.

"That's… impressive," Daniel said.

Jack looked at him threateningly. By his words, he seemed to think that Jack was too stupid to think of something like that. Daniel coughed uncomfortably.

"I don't know, Jack. This is a maze and I haven't finished exploring it all," Daniel said hastily.

"Well, the main thing now are these portal addresses. If what you talked about before is true, maybe if someone calculates the movements of the planets, we can access other addresses without needing a dialing device," Jack said, leaving Daniel stunned and Carter excited. Jack again gave Daniel a threatening look. Daniel coughed uncomfortably.

"That should be possible," Daniel said looking at Carter, who nodded repeatedly.

"Any idea which of these addresses was used for the attack on Earth?" Jack asked while Carter seemed absorbed in her own thoughts, and Share sent a meaningful look to Daniel not to get too excited. Jack wondered what would happen if she didn't let him return to Earth when shots were heard and he and Carter ran back to the portal.

Upon arrival, they found six dead Jaffas, Ferreti wounded and an Abydonian dead.

"Where's Skaara?" Jack asked. Although he already imagined his fate as he picked up the weapon they had lent him, lying a couple of meters from the portal. The weapon was out of bullets, which implied that he must have fired before being captured.

"He stayed behind so we could retreat, since there were too many men from the alien. Even so, Skaara managed to take down two before being captured," Kawalsky reported. "Then we managed to repel them and we were about to eliminate their men, but he used Skaara and an energy shield to escape," he added.

"I've seen the address," Ferreti said, holding a nasty burn on his right side and struggling to stay awake while Kawalsky applied pressure to his wound, which was more of a burn. Had it hit a little higher and in the center, Ferreti would be a corpse, because his vest was useless against the Goa'uld plasma discharge. Jack nodded, ordering a soldier to dial Earth.

"Stay away from them, there's some kind of parasite in their belly pouches, and we don't want to find out what they can do if they come out of there," Jack warned the soldiers and the Abydonians who approached the bodies of the Jaffas. "You, take them carefully. We'll take them for the doctors to study and we'll also be able to examine their equipment and armor closely," Jack said.

With few differences, things had turned out as in the series, and Skaara had been captured. Jack clenched his teeth for the stubbornness of that idiot who hadn't listened to him.

NA 1: Next fanfiction of the Xion saga, a continuation of Anaruto Xion. This story is already complete and doesn't need any corrections, so I will be uploading the chapters as I translate them.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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Stone -- Pierre de Pouvoir
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