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64.28% Star Wars: That One Word...Ordo / Chapter 9: Interlude III: Master and Apprentice

Chapitre 9: Interlude III: Master and Apprentice

(Jedi Training Room, Jedi Temple, Jedi Temple District, Coruscant, Coruscant System, Coruscant Subsector, Corusca Subsector, Core Worlds)


(Jedi Master Kellian Ordo)


Kellian had quietly arranged a test for the apprentice he chose, of course, he did it quietly because he had yet to tell the girl in question he'd chosen her as his Padawan. This test was just for her. The Training room had been set to a dire situation. Every time the youngling adapted, the room would adjust and make it more difficult. He wanted to teach the girl there were some situations they just couldn't prevent.

''I heard you had selected a new Padawan, and wanted to see her for myself.'' A voice says as the doors open.

''Master.'' Kellian says as Windu comes to stand beside him.

''She's lost two masters already, this will likely be a short apprenticeship,'' Windu says.

''Probably. But I've a good feeling about this one, with the exception of her weak connection to the Force, I saw a lot of myself in her. I think in the next year or two… she'll be ready to undergo the trials of Knighthood.'' Kellian says.

''That's an ambitious estimate.'' Says Windu with a modicum of judgment seeping into his tone.

''Yeah well, you did your best, master. Not your fault, some ambition remained.'' Kellian Says sarcastically, before moving to enter the chamber. ''Let's see how well she fares against a more seasoned opponent.'' Kellian says as he enters the armory room to don a disguise suit to further test his prospective Apprentice.


(POV Shift: Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy)


She'd been ordered to report to the Training room by Master Ilena Xan, apparently one of the masters had arranged a test for her and she was to report to it as soon as possible. She wasn't told who the master was nor what the test was, but as she soon found out…the test was extremely difficult. Every time she had a hint of success the test would adapt and become more difficult. Enough that Tallisibeth was quite exhausted after nearly an hour of doing the test.

The sound of a Lightsaber activating caught her attention, and standing before her was…

''Master?'' Tallisibeth says in surprise, the appearance of her first Master in this test was thoroughly unexpected, to say the least, this test must be to test her resolve.

''Time to see how far you've come, apprentice.'' Her master replied, and they rushed towards her, striking out at her.

''You are not a simulation or droid.'' Tallisibeth says in realization.

''And you are losing focus.'' Her master responded, stepping up the attack. ''If you have any hope of defeating me - apparition or not - you must realize the purpose of this test!'' Her master adds as they continue to attack her.

''You're trying to test my resolve.'' Tallisibeth responds, relying on Soresu to defend herself as she'd been taught to use against a superior opponent.

''That's just a small part of the greater reason, try again!'' Her master says chastising her as she is given a glancing strike against her lower back. The burning sensation makes her realize this is either a very real apparition playing tricks on her or a Master trying to test her ability to overcome impossible odds. She hopes it's the latter, her master should be allowed to rest in peace.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


Kellian had been testing Tallisibeth for nearly an hour before taking a more personal role in the testing. He had set the disguise suit to make him look as if he were her old master, Jedi Master Chankar Kim, while the Force and the vocal scrambler allowed him to perfectly replicate Kim's voice and tones.

He didn't like playing with Tallisibeth's emotions like this, but it was necessary to ensure she was ready to undertake the traditional pilgrimage he took all of his Padawan's on.

''Your edges are still rough, you disappoint me.'' Says Kellian.


(POV Shift: Mace Windu)


Kellian was his greatest student for many reasons.

High on the list was the fact that he was an exceptional instructor, having raised three Padawan's to Knighthood already, one of whom had become a Jedi Master. But perhaps most important was the exceptional rate he absorbed knowledge and information. He was a skilled investigator and extremely strong in the Force..no actually it was fairer to say that his skill wasn't in being an investigator and just in being an exceptionally observant person. Not to mention his…ability to ferret out the truth because of these observation skills, and with his ability to rapidly absorb knowledge he's able to easily identify weak points in people to target for an advantage in his investigations.

That was a large part of why he was occasionally assigned to the Jedi Shadows in the Past, and why he made an exceptional Padawan and excellent teacher.

But this test was different, the Girl was a Padawan to two masters, and the first one had died because Mace had taken her to Geonosis with him. The second had been killed on Vjun. Now she was a Padawan without a Master until now, and she was proving to be a rather good student of the Lightsaber. Not exceptional, but far from terrible. It was just the question of whether she was able to compensate for her weaknesses or if she was able to overcome them.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


Tallisibeth was getting tired, yet she refused to give up and it was time to end the test because they had a pilgrimage to do. To the Crystal Canyons of Chandrila, they would go, and from there they would pay their respects in the Tomb of The Third Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order. After that, they would take a quick trip elsewhere.

''Enough, you've proven yourself Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy. In the eyes of the High Council and sight of the Force, I hereby accept you as my Padawan.'' Kellian Says, dropping his disguise suit effects and revealing his true appearance.

''Master Ordo?'' Tallisibeth says in surprise.

''Don't be so shocked, Talli, I needed a new Padawan and you fit my criteria easily enough. Go get some Bacta, and prepare for a mission to Chandrila. This'll be a short trip.'' Says Kellian as Tallisibeth smiles with joy, before running off to follow his instructions.

Master Windu joins him in the Training Room. ''You pushed her well enough, but I'm still concerned about her ability to know when it's best to cut her losses.'' Says Windu.

''As am I, Master, but I'm still hopeful. In any case, I should prepare myself for the Crystal Canyons. It's not exactly a cakewalk as you well know.'' Kellian says and a wry smile appears on Mace's face.

''Even amidst a war, you still find time to make a pilgrimage to the tomb of one of Order's greatest heroes…good luck, Kellian.'' Mace says as he departs.

''May the force be with you Master.'' Kellian says softly before, heading to see the Temple's Quartermaster, he'd need a few specialized pieces of equipment for the Crystal Caverns and more than a few specialized pieces for what would be following, he'd actually need to take Tallisibeth to one of his storehouses to take one of his special ships for what happened after the Crystal Canyons because his ships were the only ones with the equipment to get to the locations safely.


(POV Shift: Supreme Chancellor Palpatine / Darth Sidious)


An opportunity had arisen that could not be ignored.

Kellian Ordo was taking a pilgrimage to the Crystal Canyons of Chandrila, a very dangerous location, and one where he could disappear easily with little need for extensive investigation.

He'd hoped for Kellian's luck to run out, but no longer. This was an opportunity he could not afford to ignore. And if he managed to have the new Padawan killed as well? Then that was one less Jedi to worry about now, wasn't it? Two birds, one Vibroblade.

Or a Lightsaber in this case.

Activating the security features of the room, Sidious connects to his Apprentice's line and awaits a response.

''What is thy bidding, my master?'' Dooku asks, kneeling before him in submission.

''An opportunity has presented itself. Jedi Master Ordo is making a Pilgrimage to the Crystal Canyons of Chandrila. We must be rid of him.'' Says Sidious.

''I will dispatch Asajj Ventress at once, my master. Let her atone for her past failures.'' Says Dooku.

''No, you will handle this personally. This is too important to entrust to lesser acolytes. See to it that he dies.'' Sidious orders, not trusting Ventress to be able to kill a Jedi Master of Ordo's caliber, especially in light of failing to even wound him the last time they crossed Lightsabers.

''As you wish Master, I shall see to it personally.'' Dooku says.

''If you're unable to kill him, at the very least try to cripple him. A Jedi more Machine than man is a Jedi whose connection to the Force is weakened, and the weaker our Enemy is in the Force, the better and cleaner the execution of our grand plan shall be. See it done Lord Tyranus, and quickly.'' Sidious says, cutting off the hollow.

It's truly a shame Kellian Ordo had to be born in the same age as Anakin, the boy would have made an exceptional Sith Apprentice if poked And prodded the right way. But Anakin was simply the better candidate, it wasn't personal, it's just a simple fact.


POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


Kellian and Tallisibeth had made it to his storehouse, he went through all the security measures and got them inside.

''What is this place?'' Tallisibeth askes.

''One of my secret storehouses, one of many on Coruscant. They House a lot of emergency supplies, including ships, weapons, ammo, fuel, and countless other things. Only myself and a select few have access to them. In the event that we lose this war, and the Jedi are hunted, these storehouses will serve as a vast network to get refugees and survivors out unharmed and without fear of persecution. I'll arrange to grant you access when we get to the central Hub, which is one of our destinations after the pilgrimage.'' Says Kellian.

''What exactly does this pilgrimage entail, Master?'' Tallisibeth asks.

''We have some time, so I'll explain when we get to the hub, for now just follow me and stick close. The internal sensors won't flag you as an intruder so long as you stick close to me.'' Kellian explains.

''What happens if I am flagged as an intruder?'' Asks Tallisibeth.

''Then the facility and the network goes on full lockdown until I reset it, and that's not a fun process, nor is it a short one. We're almost at the hub, so I'll be able to grant you temporary security access, now stick close.'' He instructed as they came to an area filled with various monitors and stations.

{Welcome Warmaster Ordo, it has been four thousand, seven hundred, and eighty-six solar rotations since you last visited this storehouse. Shall I provide a report of current operational effectiveness?} A voice calls out.

''Not right now Bastion, send future reports at yellow and orange marks to Kal, Sariss, and Qi'ra. Continue to send Red marked reports and higher to me, in the meantime please grant temporary access to Padawan Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy.'' Kellian instructs.

''Master?'' Tallisibeth asks in surprise.

{Very good Warmaster, temporary secure access granted, Padawan Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy now has complete, albeit temporary security access.} The voice says.

''That was Bastion. Formerly a legendary Anomid Droid Maker, who was killed by Trade Federation assassins. Thanks to his people and my friends in the Gree Enclave and Colicoid Hives, we were able to download Bastion's memories before uploading his consciousness to a vast network of servers. He serves me as a caretaker of my storehouse network.'' Kellian tells Tallisibeth as she's scanned and appears on one of the screens with a blue coloring around her picture.

''Why did he call you Warmaster?'' Asks Tallisibeth.

''As a Jedi Master of considerable skill and knowledge in the combat arts, the Anomid Technology Collective named me Warmaster, because I provided their most skilled Droid Makers a challenge to overcome when they created battle droids.'' Kellian explains. ''The Gree Enclave knows me as The Black Bisector of Ordo, a title that amounts to problem solver in their language, but carries considerably more respect in their society because they're acknowledging my family.'' Kellian adds on.

''Can you tell me more about this pilgrimage?'' Tallisibeth asks.

''In a moment Talli, Bastion, please prepare the Star Eagle for Flight.'' Says Kellian.

{Of course, Warmaster.} Bastion replied dutifully.

''Now then, the pilgrimage, yes? The pilgrimage we'll be making on Chandrila is to the tomb of one of the Order's greatest healers and leaders. The Third Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order, Jedi Master Allana Cortess of Alderaan. Barsen'thor means Warden of the Jedi Order, and following the death of Master Cortess, the title was only Bestowed another three more times, the last person who received the title would have been Jedi Master Stellian Gios during the High Republic Era. This will be a dangerous Pilgrimage, the tomb is guarded by all manner of traps and tests, these tests change according to each visitor, but they follow the principles and teachings passed down by Master Cortess.'' Says Kellian.

''You said we had other stops to make, what did that mean?'' Tallisibeth asks.

''After the Pilgrimage, we'll be headed to the Central Hub for my Storehouses, we'll get you full security access to the network and from there we'll be headed first to the Kessel Sector, and then we're to meet up with Master's Skywalker and Kenobi on Orto Plutonia, something is going on on that frigid moon, enough that Pantora has asked the Order to send a task force to investigate. So after we're done at the Kessel Sector we'll rendezvous with the fleet and head to Orto Plutonia.'' Says Kellian.

{Warmaster, you've got an incoming communication from Captain Rax, shall I put it through?} Bastion's voice cuts in.

''Bastion, see to it that the caretakers have Tallisibeth outfitted and provided the necessary data on Master Cortess. I'll take the call in the bunker.'' Kellian says as the Platform he's standing on in front of the monitor begins to descend. ''I'll be back shortly Tallisibeth, Bastion will see you it you taken care of in the meantime.'' Says Kellian just as the hole in the floor is sealed up.


(POV Shift: Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy)


So much had happened in a short period, she'd acquired a new master, and a network of storehouses was revealed to her that was apparently a failsafe for the possibility of losing the war and being hunted down. Now a pilgrimage to a legendary but forgotten Master's tomb on Chandrila?

But who was Captain Rax? And how was it he had a line of communication directly to this facility? From what her master had inferred, anyone who accessed even one bunker without either being granted total security access or being in close proximity to Master Ordo while inside would result in the entire network of storehouses being locked down. So how much did her Master trust this person to grant him access?

Actually on the subject of trust, who were Qi'ra, Sariss, and Kal?

''Bastion? Who were those people you and my Master mentioned? Kal? Sariss? Qi'ra? And Captain Rax?'' She asked the…what exactly was Bastion?

{Normally I wouldn't be able to say much because of your temporary Security access, however, as the Warmaster has indicated that you'll be receiving full security access I see no reason not to tell you what to expect. Captain Gallius Rax, is a Captain in the Republic Navy, currently assigned to a covert assignment under the Warmaster, codenamed: War Trust. As a child, he was rescued from servitude to a cult of Jedi Worshippers by the Warmaster, who took issue with their responses to the children's questions about his order. As for Mistresses Qi'ra and Sariss? Both women were refused by the Warmaster. Sariss from an ancient Dark Side Cult founded from the Lineage of one of the Sith who fought in the battle of Ruusan, and Qi'ra from slavery on Corellia to a Criminal Syndicate. All three see the Warmaster as their Father.} Bastion tells her.

''Where are they now?'' Asks Tallisibeth.

{Though I cannot comment on Captain Rax, Mistresses Qi'ra and Sariss are currently overseeing Operations in the Ryloth Sector and Rishi Maze respectively. More Than that I'm unable to say, as your Temporary security access does place limits as to what I'm able to tell you.} Bastion informs her.

''I see, what about Master Cortess? What do you know about her?'' Asks Tallisibeth.

{A great deal, Padawan Enwandung-Esterhazy, the Warmaster has connected me to the Jedi Archives via a node on the secure link between the Republic Special Operations Brigade and the Jedi Temple Security Network. Shall I brief you on the trials Master Cortess's trials?} Bastion asks.

''Please do, if Master Cortess's tomb does have traps and tests based on the trials and tribulations she faced, then I should start from the beginning.'' Tallisibeth tells Bastion.

She would not disappoint herself or her new master, her skills might lay in combat, but that didn't mean that reading the history and lore of the master whose tomb they were visiting was a bad thing. She might be disinclined to read about history, but the fact was that reading up on Master Cortess's history saved her and her master from paying for her arrogance in the belief that reading up on history wouldn't ensure their survival chance was higher as opposed to relying on her own skills. She learned that lesson on Vjun, believing her skills and unorthodox tactics would save her and her fellow Padawan.

It didn't, it just put them in more danger.

So she planned to read up on as much of Master Cortess's history as she could, with Bastion filling in the blanks.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


Gallius generally tried to avoid contacting him through the secured network. Came with the territory of not only being highly placed within the Republic Military, but one of his secret children.

Which means that sending a call directly through Bastion's network had to be important. And given that Kellian had ordered him to get close to the Tagge, Motti and Tarkin families with a focus on Massimo and Cassio Tagge, Conan Antonio Motti, and Wilhuf Tarkin.

''Father, thank goodness I was able to reach you. There's a problem, Sariss just informed me that Dooku disappeared from our surveillance, and that his Hyperspace coordinates were set for Chandrila.'' Says Gallius.

''Who else knows about this?'' Asks Kellian.

''Just you, me, and Sariss. But there's something else Father, Dooku's not alone, he's brought help. Sariss believes he's coming for you.'' Says Galli.

''It was only a matter of time before Sidious stopped being passive. I did not expect him to immediately send Dooku though. Get in touch with Arligan Zey, inform him he's been placed in temporary command of the Special Operations Brigade. Galli, listen carefully, I need you to alert Kal, have him prepare the Nulls and Bad Batch for an emergency extraction on Chandrila. I'll send the signal, it's doubtful I'll be able to take Dooku alive, but the best should be prepared in any case. I'm headed to Chandrila shortly, do not tell anyone else about this, I'll come back one or another.'' Says Kellian as he goes to the Wall and presses a button.

The Wall panel slides back, revealing a hidden room.

''Father, this is suicide, I beg you to reconsider.'' Galli says pleadingly.

''You are my son Gallius Rax, not by blood, but by my own damn choice. You know our ways, we do not hide behind allies unless it serves Mandalore as a whole. We fight for a warrior's death, we fight for Mandalore, we fight for our Clan. If this is to be the end for me, then I invest in you, the authority as my heir. If Vorten dies after me, you will be next in line for Clan Leader. Ordo has always valued family, but Sariss will never be able to lead the Clan, and Qi'ra is too young, as is Mara. You are a proven Commander of fleets, you have trained extensively in martial arts and have been taught how to fight and lead ground forces, your speciality is infiltration and logistics. If I do not return, go to Concord Dawn, find your Grandmother, and recite to her this phrase from the Mandalorian Language: Aliit ori'shya tal'din Ni kar'tayl gai sa'ad buir Kellian Ordo. That will identify you as my son to Clan Cadera, and allow you to join them properly. The Clan's Ordo, Beroya, and Cadera have always been close and you my son will be tip of the Beskar Spear that pierces the heart of the Sith.'' Says Kellian as he dons the armor and gathers some of the weapons in the room, reappearing in new armor with a spear in hand.

''I understand father.'' Galli says in resignation, though the fear is evident in his face.

''This may be pointless to bring these out, but I will not die without them. Your grandfather died protecting these, it's only right I die using them. I'll leave my left Kom'rk here, you'll need it to provide additional proof to Clan Cadera. It'll be a poor death without it, but you'll need it more than I do. Good luck Galli, take care of your sister's if I can't, Bastion has instructions for when and who to reveal and entrust the network to.'' Says Kellian as he ends the call.

''Tallisibeth? Change of plans, we're going to have some very unpleasant company at Chandrila, so I'm ordering Bastion to provide you a suit of Armor. You might wish to seriously brush up on your Soresu and Makashi as well.'' Kellian says through comms.

This was not going to be a good pilgrimage….


(POV Shift: Count Dooku / Darth Tyranus)


His hand had been forced, he'd hoped to entice Kellian to his side, together they'd destroy Lord Sidious and they would replace the Republic and Jedi Order with a System that truly worked. But that hope, that plan, had been now killed in its Cradle.

Lord Sidious had ordered him either to end Kellian or cripple him. Neither was ideal, but not for the reasons one might suspect. Kellian's death was obvious, but crippling him? Dooku had a little too much self-respect to be fine with that. He understood it, but that didn't mean he liked it. Of all his students, formal and informal alike, no one was a more natural swordsman with the Lightsaber than Kellian Ordo.

It insulted them both to be ordered to cripple such a person if he could not kill them. Dooku might be a Lord of the Sith, but crippling a fellow swordsman left a bad taste in his mouth. He'd do it all the same, but…it just wasn't the same as proving one's superiority as a swordsman. Besides, the company he had was less than desirable. If there was one type of person he truly hated it was those who enjoyed being used as blunt instruments in scenarios where a precise weapon was often more suitable.

They had their uses, these….Knights of Ren, but Kellian Ordo was one of the Jedi Order's most dangerous Lightsaber Duelists. Moreover, he was also an incredibly skilled Martial Artist, being just a couple of steps below Grandmaster level in the form of Bakuuni, with the distinction of also having exceptional mastery in Echani and Teräs Kasi. Even when disarmed he's a formidable opponent.

''We can feel you frowning from here.'' Dooku heard the leader of the Knights of Ren tell him.

''I merely concerned that your heavy-handed modus operandi will be your undoing against a powerful Jedi Master such as Kellian Ordo.'' Dooku replies evenly and to his credit, Ren takes his doubts in stride.

''I'll admit we're not the most cunning strategists, but our speciality is as frontline warriors, if you wished shadowy assassins, you should have called upon the Mecrosa Order or Nightsisters.'' Ren conceded.

''Kellian Ordo is unlike most of his Order. He's meticulous and decisive, and a pragmatist. Well-versed in many techniques and abilities, and one of the few Jedi capable of utilizing their forbidden form of Lightsaber Combat. If you have any chance of defeating him, you must broaden your perspective.'' Dooku cautions.

''You know him better than any of us, how do we get the upper hand?'' Asks Ren.

''In his youth, Kellian Ordo was impatient and stubborn, often feeling dissatisfied with the rate of progression for his training. It won't be easy to place him off balance, but there might just be a way for us to do it.'' Dooku says.

''We're listening.'' Ren responds.


(POV Shift: Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy)


The armor was so heavy, it was difficult for her to move in. But her Master seemed unconcerned by the weight of his own.

''Tallisibeth, listen closely. We can expect Count Dooku to make an appearance at Chandrila. That armor is mostly Beskar, it'll protect your vital areas.'' Says her master.

''Does the Council know? Will we have reinforcements?'' She asks her master.

''I didn't inform them, because by the time they've responded it'll be too late, and I can't risk an influx of troops scaring off Dooku. If we capture him, it'd mean this war ended that much more quickly. As for reinforcements however, I've ordered my two best squads to rendezvous on Chandrila for an emergency extraction. Either we capture Dooku or need to be rescued and they'll breach and save us from him. We'll try to perform the Pilgrimage but I don't know if we'll be able to complete it. For now though, let's focus on getting to Chandrila.'' He tells her.

''Yes, master. What are the odds we can survive?'' She asks him.

''If it was just Dooku, odds are we'd be able to survive. But I'm told he's got company, so we could have a problem or two. That Beskar should save your life, it's not entirely Beskar, but it will protect the most important parts of your body from harm. Enjoy it while it lasts, I rarely entrust Beskar to non-mandalorians. Something of a cultural taboo, but it's necessary if we hope to survive this pilgrimage. I'll see to it you have a more suitable attire made for you after Orto Plutonia. For now though, let's get the ship in the air and we'll go through some practice drills after that.'' Her master responds.

''Yes, master.'' Tallisibeth responds as they enter the hanger and a ship is revealed to her. A magnificent piece of work too.

''Just one of a number of ships I had custom and privately built by a few friends at Fondor with help from Siener, Kuat, and CEC. This is the Star Eagle, built with a focus on being a frontier lawman. Fast and agile, but with enough supplies, fuel reserves, and firepower to control the battlefield in a small war. You'll have time to familiarize yourself with the controls after Chandrila, R5 will pilot it while we go through some Lightsaber Combat drills, come on we shouldn't delay too much.'' Her master tells her.


(POV Shift: Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren)


There were few greater callings than obeying the will of the Shadow and the Shadow directed them to assist the Sith with the destruction of a particularly troublesome Jedi. Their new patron wasn't especially satisfied with their way of doing things, but he did not deny them their service. Service to the greatest of the Shadow's chosen was its own reward, but only half of their reward.

As sacred as their duty was, theirs was a costly calling, and thus as mercenaries famed and feared throughout the Outer Rim and within Wild Space, they needed payment either in credits or goods of similar value.

Their payment for aiding in the death or dismemberment of this Jedi Master was… well it was substantial to say the least. Enough that their crusade could continue for an extended period of time without much need for payment.

''We've almost arrived at Chandrila, try to keep your presence in the Shadow small, we don't want to spook our target.'' Ren orders his Knights.

''He's already here.'' Their client informs them. ''And he's already aware of our arrival and intentions…curious.'' Their client says.

''One way or another this Jedi will meet his end with us.'' Ren vows.

''Overconfidence will not serve you against Ordo.'' He warns Ren.

''It's not overconfidence, it's fact.'' Ren counters.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


''Strange.'' Kellian says as they enter the Tomb.

''Master?'' Tallisibeth asks him as cautiously grabs his lightsaber.

''I can sense your presence, show yourself before I make you.'' Kellian warns activating his Lightsaber, with Tallisibeth following his lead and activating hers.

''You've no need for fear Master Jedi, I've watched you over the years, your Pilgrimage here is a tradition for you, a staple of the training you impart to your Padawans, and one that they have continued with their own.'' A voice says as a Force Ghost appears, a human woman in gear that Kellian recognized from his last life. ''It's such a pleasure to meet he who has lived before. Even in death, the Force tells me of you, of your great purpose. Do you know who I am?'' The Ghost asks.

''Tallisibeth, turn off your Lightsaber. We're in the presence of one of our own. I know who you are, Master Cortess. Do you know who I am?'' Asks Kellian.

''You are Kellian Ordo, you first came here just over a decade ago. Some years later, you were a Jedi Knight with a Padawan who was older than you. My traps caused you both significant trouble, my apologies for that, it was Qyzen's idea.'' Says Cortess's ghost.

''It wouldn't have been very fun if there weren't traps, but why are you appearing to us now?'' Kellian asks.

At this, Master Cortess sighs.

''Before my death, I faced a great enemy. The disciples of his teachings in this era are coming for you specifically because you're vulnerable here. Together with the Sith they will also recover the key to his power. Go to my sarcophagus, open it and inside you will find my Holocron, within the Holocron is a Lightsaber Crystal. I'd hoped several thousand years within a nexus of the light side of the Force would purify the Crystal. Sadly I was wrong, however you may yet be capable of Purifying the Crystal of Kastos Ren. The traps will yield for you, but when the enemy arrives, they shall activate.'' Says Cortess.

''I've only ever read about the Purification technique, I've never even heard of it being done since the High Republic Era.'' Kellian protests.

''I tried and failed to Purify the Crystal, but I was older and near death then. You on the other hand are strong in the Force and only just entering your prime. You should be more than capable of doing what I could not. And besides, you have some time before the Sith arrive. Good luck Mandalorian.'' Says Cortess as her spirit vanishes.

''What now?'' Asks Tallisibeth.

''We do what she says.'' Kellian says in resignation. ''Dead as she is, she's still an esteemed Council Member, and I don't wish to be haunted by a spirit any more than I wish to Purify a Crystal that's been bled. Nevertheless if it keeps the Crystal out of Sith Hands and renders it useless to them, it's worth it. Come with me, this will take a while and it will need absolute Concentration. Watch my back while I do it.'' He orders as they head deeper into the Tomb of Master Cortess.


Kellian sat in meditation, his Jetpack and helmet lay at either side of him as he slowly removed the bled Kyber Crystal from the Holocron of Master Cortess. Looking through the Force, Kellian grunted as he realized it would be significantly more difficult for him to Purify. The Crystal was a Pontite Crystal, the most powerful Kyber Crystal ever found. It might be an Adegan Crystal in the old Republic, but in this day and age it was known as a Kyber Crystal.

Pontites - according to ancient lore - were notoriously difficult to bleed and thus purify. It'd be hard enough with any other Crystal but Pontites were on a different level. Reaching through the Force, Kellian is assaulted by Force Visions.


(POV Shift: No one Alive)


Younglings were playing and training, esteemed masters walked amongst them talking about one thing or another, but attention was drawn to a young Iktotchi male.

He was practicing his lightsaber skills, his movements were flawless and fluid, many fellow students observed him in admiration, his Indigo blade a beautiful shade that danced in the last rays of light in the sunset.

It was bliss.

But then the sky turned dark and with it…came the Sith. They stormed the Jedi Temple, an Agent, A Hunter, A Wrath, and a Force-Walker led the charge.

The best remaining masters in the Temple fell to blade and blaster of these four elites. The younglings were rounded up and forced to watch as some of the masters were executed and others sent offworld.

But when the Wrath spotted the Iktochi…she singled him out.

'I claim this one…' she growled out. 'Send him to the Bastion.'

And thus the nightmare of Kastos Ren began.


Aboard a powerful Sith Dreadnought, Kastos Ren was forced to fight and claw for every meal, for every moment of peace.

Desperately, he tried to hols on to the principles of his order, but slowly he was forced to kill others, when he refused, they would be killed slowly. He learned quickly that at his hands at least, they'd die quickly and be spared greater misery.

The Wrath slowly broke his mind, and eventually locked him in a Tomb instructing him to survive for a month.

He tried to…he honestly tried, but starvation and desperation on top of months of abuse and pain left him little options, he slaughtered the tomb beasts and feasted on their meat, but that only made him sick.

Whispers In the back of his mind promised sustenance and escape if only he let go and gave in. Finally….he gave in and at once his illness and his hunger vanished.

He was now a part of the Dark Side.


Pleased with his progress, his mistress sent him to the cells, ordering him to torture and slowly kill some prisoners.

But they were not ordinary prisoners. They were like him, they had been taken that fateful sunset, and were once his friends.

He numbed himself and muted his ears to their tears and their pain. And when at last the last of them breathed their last, the Mistress had him bleed and break his Crystal.

This Crystal had been his greatest comfort and strength, but the mistress took it early and now it seemed a stranger to him.

'You will bleed it, turn and twist it to your new nature. Make it subservient.' His Mistress commanded.

It took many attempts, but finally he broke the light side in the Crystal, and it was bleed. Kastos Ren would commit many crimes with the blade powered by this Crystal. And around it an ideology would form.

Born were the Knights of Kastos Ren.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


Kellian opened his eyes, he observed the red Kyber Crystal before him in understanding.

'He was there…the day the Temple fell and the Revanite Crisis began.' Kellian realized and conveyed that to the Crystal through the Force. The Crystal gave a small glow.

'He tried to stay true, but he ran out of options, options that were quickly limited because his light in the darkness - your light - wasn't there to help him. I understand, but that doesn't have to be the end of your story. Listen to mine.' He conveys to the Crystal.


(POV Shift: Nobody in Particular)


Reaching through to the memories of his old life, Kellian reluctantly confronted his past.

A child of abnormal height getting picked on and bullied, reacting with intense rage. Separated into timeout, he spots his light in his darkness, a light he can never have.

But he finds another passion, his shield against rage. He has family, and just as he gets to enjoy it, his life is robbed from him. But the Force gives him new life. He funds purpose in the Jedi Order, he finds friends.

He has the family he'd hoped to have and has yet lose anything because of it. He hopes for a brighter future, and even though the future is destined to be dark and frightful he will confront it all the same and though he might not be the one to end his enemies, he will live to pass on the knowledge to future generations.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


He had shown Crystal his painful history and childhood, from the bullying to growing up without a proper father figure, to finding his peace with everything that happened.

It still fought him, but it had formed a bond between him and the Crystal, Kellian was using that bond to counter the Crystal's attempts to stop the purification.

Every wall it pit up using the pain it's former owner had inflicted on it as an excuse, Kellian tore down with his own history and experiences, following up with what he'd gained.

Suddenly he felt himself thrown violently out of his meditation and standing up and approaching the Crystal, the once bloody red color was now a smokey grey and it glowed profoundly in his hand.

''Congratulations, you have done what I was unable to do in life and death, you have taken from Kastos Ren one part of his greatest weapon, his disciples will never again be able to use his Crystal to power his lightsaber. All that is left for you to do is take his lightsaber for your own and complete its purification by placing the Crystal in the hilt.'' Master Cortess's voice rings out.

''You have my thanks Master.'' Kellian says.

''You have my gratitude and thus we're even. Take my Holocron and my own Lightsaber, ensure that the legacy of the First Blade lives on with my teachings.'' Says Cortess's Voice, fading more and more with each world. ''Because you have finished what I Started, I am now able to become one with the Force. It'll be good to see Theron again. I have so missed my husband.'' Says Cortess as Kellian senses the presence in the Force Master Cortess's Force Ghost left vanish and slowly it was being replaced by another darker presence that was approaching Chandrila.

''Master? What do we do now?'' Says Tallisibeth.

''They're almost here, I should have enough time to swap out the Crystal's however. Stand strong Padawan, thjs will be quick.'' Says Kellian.


(POV Shift: Count Dooku / Darth Tyranus)


''Huh, this presence is familiar…it almost feels like The Ren.'' Ren commented.

''That's hardly a surprise, This Tomb belongs to Jedi Master Allana Cortess of Alderaan. Before her death she defeated the original Ren, Kastos Ren. According to the temple archives she stole from him his lightsaber Crystal.'' Dooku tells him.

''Then our mission has changed.'' Ren says, turning to his men. ''We must recover the Founder's Crystal, nothing can stop us from doing this.'' Ren orders his men.

''You're a little late I'm afraid!'' A voice - one Dooku is all too familiar with - calls out.

''Kellian.'' Dooku says, his former student of Makashi inclines his head to him, a gesture of respect from times past.

''You! What have you done!'' Ren asks furiously.

''What should have been done ages past, I have purified the Crystal of Kastos Ren. And soon, your lightsaber.'' Kellian says activating his Lightsaber and to Dooku's surprise the color is a smokey grey.

''Heretic!'' Ren snarls, rushing Kelliam, his men following behind him weapons drawn. Kellian doesn't bother meeting their strikes, instead choosing to dodge and sidestep each strike, or blocking it with his beskar.


''Hmm, now isn't that interesting?'' Dooku notes as he sees Kellian is more in sync with his movements and how he moves his blade when he finally activates it.

He's more graceful and fluid in his strikes and when he finally lands s killing blow, his face remains completely peaceful. But Dooku also is able to quickly note that Kellian has not completely donned his beskar. For whatever reason, Kellian's left gauntlet is Durasteel.

''Master!'' Turning his head, Dooku is surprised to see a familiar redheaded girl, rushing towards Kellian, Lightsaber drawn.

''I think not, I shall be your opponent!'' Dooku says activating his blade in front of his eyes, before performing a Saber salute and awaiting the girl's response to his challenge.

''So be it.'' She says quietly before engaging him.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


Kellian was growing tired, that Purification technique must have taxed him more than he previously thought. He needed to end this quickly.

Quickly he sent a Force wave that knocked the three remaining Knights of Ren on their asses. Following which he jumped into battle with Dooku.

''Tallisibeth, I'll handle it from here, you've done well. Retreat to the Caverns for now.'' Kellian says, handing her his lightsaber.

''Master?'' Tallisibeth asks unsure, glancing between him and Dook warily.

''I'm not here for you Youngling, if you decide to flee, I will not pursue you.'' Dooku tells her.

''We have your word?'' Kellian asks.

''I've never lied to you Kellian, I doubt I'd be able to in any case.'' Says Dooku.

''Go, Tallisibeth, get to the Ship.'' Says Kellian, before tapping his Comlink. ''R5? Warm Up the engines, Talli's coming to you.'' He orders before a response of beeps and whirls comes.

''Alright Master, let's do this. Just promise me one thing, if I'm to die, bury me as tradition dictates with my arms and armor.'' Kellian asks of Dooku, because he was right in that Dooku had never lied to him, nor would he have been able to anyway. Standard Jedi Shadows training included intelligence and interrogation training, meaning it was extremely difficult to lie to a Shadow.

''You have my word.'' Dooku says, before performing a saber salute and adopting his typical Makashi stance.

''Thank you, Master.'' Says Kellian as he draws his Beskar Spear and has it extend to full length. This would be a fight of Niman and Jar'Kai adept against a Makashi Master.

He should use his Lightsabers, but the Spear was Beskar, and using it meant he could fight defensively in order to regain some energy. The spear could take it, but eventually he'd need to go on the offensive, a Beskar Spear was still a spear, and it would force him to fight with a focus on counter attacks.

''I'll try to make this quick.'' Dooku says.

''The Fights not over till its over!'' Kellian bites back as he strikes out at Dooku who quickly blocks his strike effortlessly.


(POV Shift: Count Dooku / Darth Tyranus)


''Forgive me Kellian, but I had my orders, and you were the one who chose not to wear full Beskar. '' Dooku says, looking down at the stump of where Kellian's left hand used to be.

''I'm sorry too, Code 117! Kellian says and the familiar sound of engines can be heard as two ships appear, and one of them opens fire on him with precision shots.

Quickly he dodges the blasters as the ship provides cover for their counterpart to extract Kellian.

''This isn't over, Master.'' Kellian calls out. ''I might've lost my hand, but I didn't lose my arm, and the war is not yet over, so expect to face me again!'' Kellian calls out as he's evacuated.

''Looking forward to it.'' Dooku responds.


(POV Shift: CT-9904 / Crosshair)


''You alright General?'' He asked General Ordo.

''I'll be fine when I get back to the Star Eagle, every ship I got has a Cybernetics workshop installed. It'll be a placeholder hand till I get a proper replacement.'' Says General Ordo.

''I can probably do that for you.'' Tech offered.

''I'll have Skirata send you materials and blueprints after the blueprints are finished. In the meantime, send a message to R5, I have to get to Orto Plutonia and rendezvous with a task force.'' Ordo says.

''Orto Plutonia? Isn't that just a barren moon?'' Hunter asked.

''And yet, both Republic and CIS have outposts there that - according to recent chatter - were hit. Now it could be that both outposts wiped each other out, but I've my doubts. There's no reason for a conflict considering the distance between the outposts is too cost prohibitive.'' Says Ordo.

''Want us to back you up?'' Wrecker asks.

''Hmm.'' General Ordo goes still, noticeably considering the offer. ''Technically the outpost was for Intel, which makes it our business. I was just gonna take the Nulls, but…at the very least two commando squads are warranted given that there is at least one known Separatist outpost. Why not? Get me to my ship, and rendezvous with me at the edge of the Maw Cluster in the Kessel Sector.''

Says Ordo.

''The Maw Cluster is full of black Holes.'' Tech notes.

''Which is why I had a Space Station built in the cluster. Call it my treasure vault if you will. I need to make some adjustments to the systems and it can't wait, so meet me there.'' Says Ordo.

''What sort of treasure?'' Asks Hunter.

''Intel mostly, stuff that should never see the light of day, but is too valuable to risk destroying.'' Says Ordo.

''Such as?'' Crosshair asks.

''Take your pick. Bioweapons, experimental weapons technology, drugs and serums, anything capable of catastrophic damage. In any event, we're on the clock, so let's get moving.'' Says Ordo.


(POV Shift: Kellian Ordo)


It was a rookie mistake that cost him his hand. His attention had been stolen for a few precious seconds by the Knights of Ren and Dooku…used one of his own tactics against him.

Dooku had never used Trakata before, so Kellian had never anticipated him using it. Dooku had blinked his blade off in the seconds following him bringing his spear down on Dooku, who responded by raising his blade in defense. The Knights of Ren chose to charge him then, and when he glanced at them, Dooku sidestepped and turned his lightsaber off before readjusting his position and bringing his hands up in a swing and turning his Lightsaber back on when it was about to pass over his Durasteel Kom'rk, thus it resulted in his hand being cut off.

Honestly, it was just another reason why a Clan Mark should be placed on the inside of a Warrior's buy'ce or haalas. He had plenty of replacements for those parts of the Mandalorian Armor, but a Kom'rk was unique, it bore the Clan Mark on the inside of the underside of whichever Kom'rk on the side the Warrior in question considered their dominant hand. The Clan Mark was unique to each Clan's Master Metalsmith and would identify the wearer as a member of the Clan the Smith belonged to.

His Kom'rk would be needed for Gallius Rax to provide proof of identity to the Cadera Clan, the Clan his mother had married into some five years after his father's death.

The phrase from the Mandalorian Language coupled with the Gauntlet would get him into the house, but after that it would be up to Galli to convince his mother that Gallius was his son.

''It's my fault, I shouldn't have left you.'' Tallisibeth says as Kellian fashions a temporary hand for himself.

''Getting my Lightsaber away from those monsters took priority, Talli, besides it's my fault for not killing Ren when I had the chance. That and letting Dooku get one over on me.'' Says Kellian as he finishes up the work.


''Enough, Talli. I've known you a long time, long enough to understand that you don't like to talk about your issues too much. So, when I get myself s proper replacement, you and me will begin to train together.'' Kellian tells her, and her confusion is evident. ''You don't remember do you?'' Kellian asks in amusement.

''I'm drawing a blank.'' Tallisibeth says.

''You would've been six or seven. I'd just completed my Gathering and decided to help you with your training. For two weeks you wouldn't tell me exactly what was wrong, I had to figure it out myself. So I had you watch me in the Apprentice Tournament. Sure enough I showed you exactly what you were doing wrong. That was the first and - until recently - the last time we'd meet. But I never forgot.'' Kellian reminds her.

''I'd forgotten about that Tallisibeth says sheepishly.

''Eh, it's not a problem really. Trust me, Talli, I know what I'm doing…mostly. Dooku's not a fan of Trakata, which is why I didn't see his movements until it was too late. But we can overcome his change in style by training for our next face-off with him.'' Kellian tells her as his hand is now finished. ''Come on, we should be arriving at the Maw shortly.'' Kellian tells her.


''Why are we here Master?'' Tallisibeth asks as they overlook The Black Holes.

''Beyond one of those Black Holes is a great enemy. This Enemy will require either a strike team or great army of Force-users to stop.'' Kellian tells her after having granted her full security access to his Storehouse network.

''Does this enemy have a name?'' Asks Tallisibeth.

''In antiquity she was called the Mother. After drinking from the Fountain of the Dark Side and bathing in the Waters of the Light Side, she became known as Abeloth, she who bears the titles of the Destructor and the Bringer of Chaos. Even now, she calls to me, begging for her freedom, but I'm deaf to her pleasure and promises. I have no need for them. Everything she promises can be earned easily enough. And she was imprisoned because of her greed consuming Entire worlds worse than Hutt with a stim and adrenal addiction.'' Says Kellian.

''Are you alright master?'' Tallisibeth asks.

''It's difficult for me to maintain my mental shields here, so close to her prison. Come, we should rendezvous with the Batch and Nulls. It's time to head to Orto Plutonia.'' Says Kellian.


(POV Shift: Abeloth)


He'd come.

He was near the locks to her prison, he had to hear her calling for him.

So why…why would he not respond to her?


Mandalorian Words used in this Interlude Chapter and their meanings:


Aliit ori'shya tal'din: "Family is more than blood."

Ni kar'tayl gai sa'ad: "I know your name as my child"; A Mandalorian adoption vow.

buir: Father.

Kom'rk: Gauntlet.

Buy'ce: A Mandalorian's Helmet.

Haalas: The Cuirass of the Mandalorian Armor.


(Author's Note:)


So this is probably the largest Interlude Chapter to date, which is largely why it took so long. On side note we get the Debut of Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy and the Bad Batch. Wasn't going to initially include the BB in Orto Plutonia, but it makes the showdown I've planned even more interesting. I've also made it Canon here that despite the fact that the Jedi Consular storyline player character in SWTOR is canonically a male, he is now a she.

With this chapter done, I'll be releasing the poll shortly and I'll take Two days off to recharge while the votes accumulate.

Now then, I haven't had Kellian's hand severed on a whim. It serves a greater purpose and makes a coming relationship more interesting.

Hope that I continue to see you soon my dear readers.


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Thanks to Lewis Wilson, Mitchell Howard, David Martinez, Ken Harris, ROGUE505 Saver, Morgan Sinn, Mathew T Linderman, Luck George, Kyle Diano, and Zeldris Wrath for their support on P-atreon.

And also a big thank you to Cody, Luci Alarra, TJ Cruz, Beastmode2003, Kunta, Availon90, Gavin Barclay, Dragonslayer29, Jacarya Robinson, Nathan Just, Francisco J Guzman, Axlii, and Reece Hutton for their past support on Patreon.

The next Chapter is currently available on my relaunched and rebuilt P-atreon, to access simply search the following link, but without the dash between the P and A, Two tiers with the same benefits but different contexts. The chapters on P-atreon will be published when the chapters following them are done and dusted and ready to publish over here on this site.


TheRagFromTheCrag2 TheRagFromTheCrag2

Quick reminder because of the company's fuck up no chapters until July at the earliest when I can reasonably expect their shit to be sorted. Sorry.

Just realized I got my dates wrong, was going to release this tomorrow. sorry for the mistake, glad I caught it

Also, all may not be lost with this fiction.

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