[Third Person's PoV]
Alpha and the Deadly Sins all appeared in the old facility where Claire was once held captive.
"It's nice to see this place hasn't changed a bit," Epsilon said teasingly.
Delta sniffed the air. "I smell bossu!" She dropped to all fours and started running toward the scent.
The others looked confused but followed her, trusting her keen sense of smell.
Delta stood by a large wooden door and scratched it with her hands like paws.
"Delta, I don't detect anyone there," Alpha said.
Delta puffed out her chest. "Of course you can't. It's bossu. No one can detect him if he doesn't want to be found, but Delta can smell him," she said with a grin.
Alpha nodded and opened the door, finding piles of gold coins.
Delta walked toward the bags of coins and nudged them sadly. "Bossu?"
"Stupid mutt, what you were smelling wasn't our master. It was his lingering scent," Zeta scoffed.
Delta growled at Zeta before lunging at her. The two rolled on the ground, wrestling.
"Stop," Alpha commanded.
They froze, each with the other's hair in their hands and their fangs bared. Delta grumbled and got off, while Zeta scoffed and stood up, dusting herself off.
Alpha turned to Gamma. "Send the money to Nu. She'll know what to do."
Gamma nodded as her shadow expanded and consumed all the money. "Nu is a good choice as a substitute while we're absent. She's smart and has been shadowing me for a while, so she'll definitely know what needs to be done. Not to mention, our husband has a certain fondness for her, so it works."
Alpha nodded in agreement before calling for Bellion. Bellion soon appeared and asked if they were ready.
Alpha and the others nodded, while Eta leaned on Zeta, fast asleep. Bellion surrounded them in his shadow, and they all appeared in Cid's shadow realm.
"Woah…" Beta said, looking at the giant statue of Cid being polished by some of the Shadow soldiers.
There was also a giant black castle with an ominous presence.
"Where are we?" Zeta asked, looking around.
"We are in our lord's shadow, in other words, the shadow realm, where I will be training you all," Bellion said, hand on his sword.
"Here, time works differently. We can spend days training, while only seconds pass in real time. Apart from training, we will try to get you all to attain the same level of power as the gods themselves."
"Huh?" they all said at the same time.
Bellion sighed. "You all have the blood of a Monarch running through your system. Even with that, you are all still so weak. Haven't any of you ever wondered why?"
"We're not weak," Delta grumbled.
Bellion unleashed his pressure, causing them to struggle to breathe. "You can't even handle a hint of my aura, so by that definition, you are all still weak."
"So, as I was saying… You all have the blood of a Monarch coursing through your veins. So far, you have gained immortality and the ability to use a bit of his shadow, but do you truly believe that's all the blood of a Monarch can accomplish?"
"That seems like enough…" Beta muttered.
Bellion scoffed and clenched his fist. "It seems you still don't know what a Monarch truly is. A Monarch is the pinnacle of existence. They are the law of the universe brought to life, and you, who have his blood and essence coursing through you, should have powers no less than the gods themselves!"
They all looked at their hands in amazement. Epsilon raised her hand. "Does that mean we can become goddesses?"
Bellion nodded. "And I expect no less from those who will be known as the Wives of our Monarch."
They all gained excited expressions upon hearing that. "We're ready for your training, Sir Bellion," they shouted, saluting.
Bellion smirked and nodded. "Good. Now let's begin… First things first… Getting rid of your mortality."
Cid was sitting up on a branch, leaning against a tree and swinging his feet to the side as he watched the snow fall, painting the ground with its white colors.
From opposite ends, Yukime and Gettan appeared, each walking slowly toward the other, meeting in the middle.
"Just before the credit collapse, someone made a very large withdrawal of money. Thinking they were suspicious, I went to investigate, and imagine my surprise..." Gettan withdrew his katana and shouted in anger, "...that you were involved in this mess, YUKIME!"
Yukime held a closed fan near her mouth, then opened it to cover the bottom half of her face. "I have longed for this day for a very long time, Gettan. The Union is already done for. You should have given up, Gettan," she said, narrowing her eyes.
Gettan laughed loudly. "HA! You're not telling me this is for revenge, is it!? If I steal the money back from you bastards, we can still get the Union back on its feet!" he yelled, taking a fighting position and aiming his sword at her.
The two charged at each other, and in one quick maneuver, passed each other. Yukime stretched out her hand, her fan dripping with blood, while Gettan was on one knee, holding his bleeding chest.
"What!" Gettan exclaimed in surprise, coughing up blood.
A magic aura began to form around Yukime, her hair and tail swaying, giving her a majestic appearance. She flicked her fan, wiping it clean of blood, and pointed it back at Gettan.
"Ever since the day I was saved, I have spent my time training, improving my abilities to the point where I am no longer the naive little girl I once was. I no longer need anyone's protection."
Yukime held her fan over her chest to the side. Her ears were longer, and her fangs and nails had grown. Bluish markings appeared on her face as her magical aura intensified.
"Take a good look, Gettan. This is the true appearance of the Fox Spirit Tribe. Against the current me, you have no chance of winning!" she snarled.
[Third Person's PoV]
Yukime held her fan over her chest to the side. Her ears were longer, and her fangs and nails had grown. Bluish markings appeared on her face as her magical aura intensified.
"Take a good look, Gettan. This is the true appearance of the Fox Spirit Tribe. Against the current me, you have no chance of winning!" she snarled.
"Hahahahahaha!" Gettan started to laugh maniacally.
Yukime looked at Gettan strangely before watching him reach into the inner pockets of his yukata and pull out a bottle of pills.
"I should have killed you when I had the chance," he snarled back as he downed the bottle and bit down on all the pills.
As he did, he started to grow taller, and the cut on his chest rapidly healed, becoming covered by black fur that began to grow all over his body. His mouth and nose soon extended, turning into a snout, while his ears, tail, claws, and fangs grew longer and thicker.
Gettan let out a large howl towards the moon, which shone down on them before looking at Yukime with a large grin that exposed his massive canines while he salivated.
He turned into a blur as he appeared by Yukime with claws aimed right at her jugular. Yukime instinctively reacted and blocked it with her fan, but Gettan swung his sword, which was in his other hand.
A large cut appeared across her chest, tainting the white snow red with her blood. Yukime cried out in pain and had to take a couple of steps back.
"You should have joined us when I offered. This power could have been yours. But it's too late now!" he yelled as he once again turned into a blur. As he ran towards Yukime, everything was going in slow motion for him.
He grabbed his long katana with both of his hands… paws?… and aimed his blade towards her neck.
That was until a long black furry arm came out from her shadow and blocked the sword with its claws. Their clash created sparks as Gettan looked on in horror.
Due to his form, his instincts were more astute than normal, enabling him to sense the danger that a single arm possessed. He then felt a shiver down his spine as he heard a growl directed towards him.
"Step away from my daughter!" Yukihime growled from Yukime's shadow. She pushed Gettan back and placed her hand on the ground before another hand appeared. She then pushed herself up from Yukime's shadow, slowly revealing her entire figure.
Gettan could only watch as a large purple and black monstrous fox, ten meters tall and on all fours, started to appear with Yukime underneath it. All nine of its tails swung around wildly. Her giant fox eyes narrowed toward the three-meter-tall Gettan.
"Mom, I'm fine. I'll heal quickly, don't worry," Yukime said, looking up. But Yukihime didn't take her eyes away from Gettan.
Gettan gritted his teeth. He hated feeling so powerless, which was one of the reasons he had joined the cult in the first place—for more power. Gettan's brain suddenly short-circuited.
"Did you just call that thing 'Mom'? And did that thing call you its daughter?"
Yukime smirked as she used most of her magic to heal the wound on her chest.
"What do you think?" Yukihime growled, the power of her voice reverberating through the area.
"That voice… But you're supposed to be dead. I killed you myself. I witnessed it happen. So how? How are you alive and in that form?"
"You'll find out soon enough," Yukihime grinned as one of her tails stretched out and swung towards Gettan, taking him by surprise.
Due to its power, he went flying back, his figure being imprinted on the snow as he rolled.
When he stopped, he saw a shadow above him, and when he looked up, he saw a giant paw coming down towards him.
He rolled away as the paw came crashing down, sinking into the ground with all its bestial strength.
As Gettan rolled towards safety, Yukihime's tail came swatting down, breaking most of his bones and making him scream out in agony.
Yukihime's tail then wrapped around Gettan's broken body and brought him close to her.
"Your first mistake was killing me… Your second was thinking you could go after my daughter and not face the consequences."
The last thing Gettan saw was Yukihime opening her maw and moving it towards him.
Even with his broken bones, Gettan tried to break free but couldn't. He then began to plead when he realized how helpless he truly was.
"No! Please stop! I shouldn't have killed you! I'm sorry!" Gettan saw Yukime walking towards them. "Yukime! Please! Stop her! Remember all our good times together!"
Gettan didn't manage to say another word as Yukihime's jaw shut close over him, causing blood to gush out from between her fangs.
Yukime winced and looked away as it was too gory for her to stomach. Yukihime then spat it out to the side.
As she did, her form started to shrink, reverting to her regular fox lady figure. She wiped her mouth as she stood up in her yukata. "Disgusting," she spat to the side once more.
They all then heard Cid's voice, "That was quite the performance you guys put on, and that form was new, Yukihime. How did it come about?"
They turned towards the voice and saw Cid, surrounded in a purple outline, slowly float down towards them with a hand in his pocket. Yukihime put both her hands in her yukata sleeves and bowed towards Cid in respect. "I'm glad I was able to please you, my lord."
"As for the form, I don't know how it came about. I was just so angry and wanted to protect my daughter. My body acted on its own."
"I see. Then it appears there is more to Beastmen than we know. I'll have to look into it. Congrats, Yukihime."
Although Yukihime nodded, her tails betrayed her emotions as they rapidly swayed side to side, happy at being complimented.
Cid then turned towards Gettan's corpse and slightly pointed to it with a limp hand. "Erect."
From the corpse's shadow, a tall wolf wearing samurai armor appeared. It walked towards Cid with a katana in hand. Once it reached him, it knelt on one knee and presented the katana to him.
Cid took the shadow sword and swung it around, appreciating its appearance before knighting the samurai. "From here on out, you are to be known as Sushi."
Sushi felt power coursing through his soul as he bowed with a fist on the ground. "Gladly, my lord."
"Oh, it talks. Cool," Cid said, then gave him his sword back and started to walk away.
"Is that how he brought you to life, mother?" Yukime asked in awe.
Cid then walked towards the tree he had been sitting on and lightly tapped the ground with his foot. A small pillar began to rise, and on it was a bright ruby stone.
"What is that?" Yukime asked curiously.
Cid picked it up. "Sorry, you can't know." 'So this is her resentment…'
"Forgive me for prying," Yukime bowed.
But Cid just waved her off. "Don't worry about it. Anyway, onto what I wanted to talk to you about."
Yukime looked at Cid in confusion as Yukihime went to his side. "How would you feel about becoming a part of Shadow Garden?"
Yukime, hearing this, grew surprised, then smiled at him. "You have helped me out more times than I can count."
'I can, it's only like three times,' Cid thought but didn't say out loud.
She then bowed to him in the same way Yukihime had. "If it means I get to repay my long life debt to you, I would be more than honored to become a member of Shadow Garden."
The End... Of season 2 that is!
A/N: Now for some after words...
Truly, I think this volume went on to be so much Better than volume 1. I had more experience and i had more fun which is the most important, it was just overall better.
Now like I did last Volume I would like to know which part of volume 2 was your favorite. believe it or not my favorite part was writing Celeste Pov. I didn't expect myself to enjoy that part as much as I did.
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