[Third Person's PoV]
It's been 2 weeks since the rumor of Cid going on a date with Alexia has started to spread, all over the school.
It was to the point where Cid had to send a note in advance towards his wives so they wouldn't come knocking down the door and demanding an explanation.
Cid knows they wouldn't do that but he did it just in case, you can never know with them honestly. Cid mostly sent it with the intent to stop Beta from doing anything crazy, since she's the most likely to appear if she heard Cid is dating a princess.
During those two weeks Cid as kept the appearance of dating Alexia, by taking her on dates and holding her hands in public.
Due to the constant contact with Cid, Alexia's feelings for him have been all over the place. She knows she shouldn't develop feelings for him afterall he's a married man, but she couldn't help it. To her the fruit that is most forbidden is the juiciest one.
Right now both Alexia and Cid are both sitting down on a empty train.
"You know I've been thinking about what you told me previously" said Alexia while leaning on her seat.
"And what did I tell you? You can't expect me to know what thing you're talking about. We did do alot of talking afterall"
"When I told you about how I hated my swordsmanship. You told me that to hate my swordsmanship is the same as hating myself, that how I wield my sword is a representation of who you are.
You also said that there's nothing wrong in being simple when doing things, that there is beauty in simplicity. The last part stuck with me"
Alexia paused for a while thinking about all the simple things in life that have beauty to them, the days she spent with Cid. They were such simple moments but they were a wonderful memory to have.
Alexia let's out a small smile as she says "I think you're right. There is a beauty in the small things. Thanks to you I don't think I hate my swordsmanship as much as I used to and thanks to that I was able to see a small improvement on them as well."
"What's up with this mushy feeling type of vibe you're releasing and why bring it up?"
Alexia just shrugged her shoulder before getting slightly embarrassed, she softly scratched her cheek as she said "Well I guess I just wanted to express my gratitude"
"You're talking like it's your few minutes left alive... stop it, it's weird"
Alexia just started chuckling which just weirded out Cid even more. 'Seriously is my good looks that awesome that they leave girls feeling vulnerable and open up to me... I should get that under control'
Alexia then stood up and started stretching, she then waved Cid goodbye sensually 'He's already married to other girls... what's one more to the mix. I'll do it, I'll make him fall in love with me, so much so that he forgets about the other girls. Just wait and see' Alexia got off the train with a determined expression.
The next day...
Cid is slowly making his way towards class, 'well I guess I got to get "interrogated". Though if she didn't put up a fight i would be disappointed'
As soon as Cid was about to enter the school ground he was surrounded by all sides with knights. 'I see thanks to my known strength they have more reinforcement'
Cid decided to just play along "Although normally I would like this much attention, I would have at least preferred it if it was a bunch of girls doing it"
Zenon the stood infront of Cid with a hand on his sword ready to pull it out. And with a serious tone he said "Please come with us quietly we don't want any sorts of trouble. Princess Alexia has been missing since yesterday night and no one had seen her. You are the last known person to have been reported to have been seen with her last.
So you until proven innocent you are under arrest for the kidnapping of royalty."
Cid just raised a brow and looked around, he saw some of the guards with them have fresh wounds on their bodies which just made him snicker
Zenon's expression turned darker "it's something I said funny"
Cid just gave a casual smile as he shook his head "Nope, not at all. Well gentlemen lead the way I guess and this lowly noble will follow"
Zenon just narrowed his eyes when looking at Cid, this is not what he expected. 'He's supposed to be fighting back and denying these accusations, why is he taking everything with stride? Does he have a plan? Impossible this was a surprise attack there's no way'
[Alexia's Pov]
Waking up in a cell is the last thing I wanted, Maybe in Cid's arms... not in a cell. Tsk my magic is seal. These stupid chains, is that why Cid said to not always rely in magic but in your body.
Sigh, how does he always know what's for the best. Shit... they're going to think he's done something to me if I go missing for to long.
While I was deep in thought thinking of all possible consequenceses Cid may be facing because of me, I heard the sound of chains rattling.
It couldn't be mine I was laying down perfectly still, being able to turn my head, I look towards the direction of the sound. It looks like a creature with dark skin and it looks likes it's in pain... poor thing
While looking at the pitiful creature a heard the sound of quick footsteps fast approaching. Soon a lanky man appeared wearing a lab coat while holding an empty syringe.
"I will finally have it! With the blood of a royal all of over ambitions will come into fruition. With the blood of the demon all of my dreams would come true" the crazy scientists says clearly excited.
The crazy scientists then came and put the syringe near my veins, I want to struggle, scream, and shout, but I know that's foolish. The more cooperative I am the safer I'll be, even though I hate it.
Think about everything Cid has taught you. 'If I remain calm in any situation I can always find a way out'
I just got to abide my time and wait for the perfect opportunity to escape.
Sighhh i just hope nothing to drastic happens to Cid because of me, I would totally feel responsible if it does.
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/hj47X7fu
People in the comments have been cursing me to be bored, so it happened here's another one...
<testing something with this>
[Third Person's PoV]
Cid could be seen with his arms spread out while hanging from the ceiling, with chains holding his arms up.
"HEHEHEHE, tell us were the princess is"
"HAHAHAHAHA, you pretty bastard must have taken her somewhere"
*Whip* *Whip* *Whip* *Whip*
The guards just kept whipping Cid's back in delight and with a sadistic smile. Cid's who lowered his defenses had his back cover in lashes, his skin was basically open as blood just kept pouring down.
Cid didn't make a sound as he had his eyes close taking everything with stride.
Cid opened his eyes which now had a purple glint in them as he said in a cold voice "Beru don't"
The guards just started laughing even harder "HAHAHAHAHAHA did this bastard finally lose it, he's talking to himself now, HAHAHAHAHAHA I almost feel bad for the bastard"
Cid didn't have a reaction and just continued talking "I'll let you deal with them yourself later on but not right now, how does that sound"
Cid nodded his head after a few seconds before closing his eyes once again.
Meanwhile Zenon is reporting what happened to Iris in her office.
"He's being strangely cooperative, he didn't fight back when we told him we were going to interrogate him. The most strange part is that he didn't even seem surprised when we surrounded him. It's almost like he knew this would happen"
Iris while on her seat put on a pondering expression and with a worry tone asked "Well did he say where he's keeping Alexia... does he know at least who's done it if it isn't him. Anything, is he saying anything that could at least be useful"
Zenon just shook his head "Regrettably he isn't saying anything, everytime we ask him questions he just answers it with the same answer he's given to the other questions and I quote "I'm not answering any stupid questions that you yourself already know the answer to" end quote, that is all he's saying at the moment"
Before Iris and Zenon could continue their discussion the door to their meeting room was kicked down by Claire looking at both of them with an enraged expression.
Zenon quickly went towards Claire to calm her down "Wait Ms. Claire please don't do anyth-" before Zenon could continue Claire grabbed him by the face and threw him towards the ground between both herself and iris.
Zenon could be seen just embedded on the floor unable to escape due to the force of which Claire threw him.
Claire's magic then started to come out of her body showing just how pissed off she was. She walked slow and heavy steps towards Iris's desk stepping on Zenon on the way.
Claire instinctively started to release a bit of her 'Dragon Fear' which started to make Iris sweat where she was sitting.
'Has she always been this scary, I guess I could be the same if something happens to Alexia so it's understandable' thought Iris with cold sweat.
"Wait Claire it's understandable that you are angry but this is a very important matter"
Claire was having none of it, with clenched teeth and a crazed look in her eyes she looked deep into Iris's eyes as she said
"You're going to shut the fuck up and listen to me when I'm talking to you. If you don't return my little brother soon and in perfect condition there will be hell to pay. I don't care how many of you I have to kill or how much of this shitty kingdom I have to burn down for you to do it. Do I make myself clear."
Iris just look into Claire's eyes to see if she was bluffing but all Claire's eyes told were an untold promise of pain and misery. For a sec she thought she saw Claire's eyes turn into a dragon slit but that couldn't be possible so she chalked it up to her imagination and fears. Afterall they did poke this dragon's reverse scale.
Getting her barings together Iris tries and put a brave front "My sister is in danger, and your brother..."
Iris didn't make it far with her statement as Claire smashed her fist into the table destroying it. Claire's expression just got angrier and in a louder voice reaffirm her previous statement
Iris just shrinks back in fear but still doesn't want to appear weak "I'll see what I can do about it"
Claire just continued to look into her eyes, with an expression that gets crazier by the second, Claire just grabbed Iris by her shirt and pulled her in closer "If I don't see my brother..."
Claire didn't finish her threat she just left it to Iris's imagination.
She released Iris with a scoff and went back the way she came from but not before stepping on Zenon once more.
Meanwhile with Alexia....
Alexia is still tied up in chains that sealed her magic. She now has multiple holes by her arm showing just how much blood she's losing.
All the time she's been here she has tried to make conversations with the monster like beast next to her cell
"So... you come here often?. I'm new around here if you couldn't tell. So how's life treating you?
Not good huh? I could relate. You see I started catching feelings for a guy I shouldn't, crazy right. He's married, but not at the same time, don't tell him I said that it's a touchy subject for him.
But since they're technically not married that means I still have a chance. You don't think I'm deluding myself, do you?, of course you don't, you understand me.
Imagine me, a princess, catching feelings for a noble of the lowest caliber, it's almost like a fairytale story. Now I just have to come up with a plan to seduce him.
What? What are you talking about that it wouldn't work since he sounds like he loves all of his wives... tsk you're right, new plan, you ready for this? I meet his wives right? You following? And I get them to really like me, which should be fairly easy thing to do, I mean come on just look at me what's there not to like. When they start to like me they would try and convince Cid to add me to his harem.
I know right, its a genius idea, foolproof... my genius sometimes scares even myself"
While Alexia was making a fool of herself the lanky guy with a white labcoat appeared once again. This time instead of a syringe it's grub he's carrying and not the good looking kind.
When Alexia saw it she put on a weary smile "I don't think I would get all my nutritional value from just that"
The lanky scientists just put on a sinister expression "It's not supposed to be healthy, it's just supposed to make you produce more blood"
"These freaking vampires" muttered Alexia
As the lanky man came closer and forcefully fed her the disgusting food into her mouth. All Alexia could do was eat it reluctantly.
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