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28.08% Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter / Chapter 25: Hostess of Fertility

Chapitre 25: Hostess of Fertility

Shoutout to my new patrons:



connor tolmie

Moon Lightning

Seth Adam

robert papiez

Gavin Barclay


Erik Vorlicky

You are all bloody legends!


~Chatted some more, one more drink at the bar~

~Then put Van on the Jukebox, got up to dance you know~

~She played the fiddle in an Irish band~ 


Night life was unexpectedly active for a medieval themed city. Of course there were no streetlights like on earth. Instead there were lamps emitting light where the power source was a monster core. And these lamps were dotted along the roads with much space between them. Given that they weren't really all that bright in the first place, the street was still dark by itself.

What made the city feel alive though was how there was plenty of light flooding into the streets from the houses and the several bars and pubs open at this time to the adventurers. There were few things adventurers liked more than good drink, and so they spent their days fighting bad monsters, and rewarding themselves at night by getting completely pissed.

For people who ran establishments like taverns, pubs and bars, Orario was place where fortune could be made because of the sheer amount of hungry, tired customers they would have. As Steve walked with Ptah on top of his shoulders, he took the time to drink in his first night out in Orario. There was a sense of peace in the city, some sort of ethereal warmth.

That of a simple life, with none of the modern day craze and stupidity. Steve lived in Egypt half of his life, and due to being people of the desert, the Egyptians did their daily activities at night. Seeing active night life in pretty much third world settings was a ray of nostalgia for Steve...which he very quickly forgot in that same moment.

"Why do you not just walk?" Steve asked annoyedly.

"I've been on my feet all day craving statues. Have you any idea how long just making one takes?"

"How many did you do?"

"Fifteen in one go."


"Yep." Ptah said as he unwrapped one of his arms from Steve's head and rubbed his stomach. "You can bet that I'm starved after that."

"I doubt your hunger is enough that you've been robbed of your ability to walk though." Steve deadpanned as other people stared at them. "From their point of view, it looks like I'm carrying my little brother on my shoulders."

"...Don't you EVER think of me that way, you hear?"

"Are you trying to make me throw up?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

On and on the two Egyptians quarrelled just like two brothers until they reached the doorsteps of the Hostess of Fertility, which was by far the loudest and brightest pub in all of the ones they had come across in their journey here. Which was a lot mind you since Ptah's grotto was in the south while the pub was in the North-West of the city. The city itself was like a Labyrinth and without the helps of the many convenient street signs you get in our world, Steve (much to his chagrin) had to follow Ptah's directions (much to the smugness of the little sculptor).

They stepped through the door and some adventurers turned their way, momentarily puzzled as they saw the uncommon attire. Some smirked at Ptah, wondering what a kid was doing there before their eyes fell upon the 6'2, muscled man with scars on his arms and one under his jaw that they did a double take and turn their heads.

It turned out that the reason Steve's default character had wraps around his arms was meant to cover the numerous clean scars on his arms. When the Loki Familia asked him about it, he had avoided the question since he couldn't think of any scenario in Minecraft Steve's lore where he would get scars like that on his arms.

A large woman with brown hair standing at the bar with large arms in an equally giant of an apron with brown hair tied into a bun caught sight of the duo. Although they didn't wear much, she could tell by the quality of their dress and the gold plates on Steve's shoulder rest that they had money. She focused more on the taller one, and inside her mood soured a little bit as she realized that his face matched the descriptions of the boy that Syr was expecting. Not that she had anything against him, nor could she really deny her old mistress many of her requests, but she just didn't like seeing new and gullible adventurers being roped into the goddess's games.

But in the end, she still got her end of the benefits, so if this greenturn fell for the trap, he wasn't high on Mia's opinions anyway. She waved them over.

"Hey you two! Don't just stand in the door like idiots. You're not drunk just yet." She then bellowed into the kitchen. "Syr! Your pretty boy has come for the night. Do as you promised."

"Yes Mama Mia!" Came the voice of the waitress inside the kitchen before she stepped out of its heat, rubbing her hands on her apron as she looked for her guest. Catching sight of him, she skipped over to him and greeted him happily.

"You actually came Mister Stephen!" She exclaimed. "I was almost convinced you wouldn't!"

"Why would you think that, Miss Syr?" Steve raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms over his chest, involuntarily flexing as he did so. The girl took note of the many striations that appeared from this simple act.

"Well, you appeared to be a little dismissive of me." She tilted her head cutely. "I couldn't help but feel I left a bad impression." She then looked up at the little boy sitting on Steve's broad shoulders and she squinted a little, double-checking to see if it really was who she thought it was. It was ever so small, but Steve caught a nervous flicker in her eye. "W-who is this? Your little brother?"

Steve just waited for the shout of indignation to come from the boy on his shoulders but it never came. Instead he felt Ptah shift a little and he felt his patron's buttcheeks (no pause), clench a moment.

'The hell is his problem?' Steve thought as he noticed the god's usual behaviour. "No, he's my god."

"Oh, right. Well, shall I sit you down?" Syr gestured to the seats at the bar.

"Yeah sure." Steve said as he lifted Ptah off his shoulders and onto a stool before sitting down right next to him. "The house special for me if you please." Steve said as he looked at the menu, not even caring for the price. "Oh and some of that strong beef broth to go with it. What about you Ptah?"

Ptah continued to stare at Syr and muttered. "Grilled fish with lemon please."

"Coming right up!" Syr smiled and walked off into the kitchen to relay their orders to May, the alleged chef in the Hostess that never really showed up in the anime now that he thought hard about. He looked back at Ptah to see him still following Syr with his eyes as she walked away, not even blinking but looking a little annoyed and put-off. Steve frowned at his behaviour before his suspicions took root. Tentatively, he questioned Ptah.

"Do you see it?"

"...Yes." Ptah replied. "The spell is good, and its definitely powerful. Most likely the result of someone else though since the magic doesn't seem to be her own doing. But all the same I see her." Ptah finally looked away and at Steve. "How do YOU see her though?"

"...I don't. I just know. But how are you able to see past it? I thought your powers are sealed."

"You underestimate my power." Ptah replied before leaning on the counter. "I'll admit I'm not the most active god but I was amongst the most powerful. Too powerful sometimes. Even now, deceptive mortal magic does not cloud my vision. She can hide all she wants anyway, I've seen her too many times now to not smell her, even if I couldn't see through her magic."

"Aren't you concerned though? You know who we are dealing with, right?"

"I'm aware. Which is exactly why I know when to expect her. She won't be so brazen with me, but she is still stubborn. Just hold on tight until the time comes. Then you can smash her all you like." Ptah sighed. "It's all you know how to do anyway."



"...Phrasing Ptah. Phrasing."

"I just said you can smash her, though. You know, like beat her at her game or destroy her Familia in battle. You've already done it to the harpy's, so why not with her?"

"You could have worded it better. That's all I'm saying...but you're right, I would like to fight them. I've got a good estimate using my experience with the Loki Familia."

"Would you lose against so many then?"

"Nah, I'd win." Steve said immediately.

"Why do I feel like you're not the one talking right now?"

"Because I'm quoting someone."

"Another ignorant blockhead?"



The impact of two mugs sloshing with beer hitting the counter interrupted Steve's passionate outburst. Mia looked down at them intimidatingly.

"We'll have none of that in my pub boys." She said warningly. "This place is for eating and laughing only. I see any more of that, and I'll turn the both of you out."

Steve stared at her before looking at the mugs. "We didn't order those, Miss Proprietor."

"There's a rule in here young man. One which every idiot here knows. You either pick a drink or you tell me you don't want one. Or I choose for you."

"Not your typical ethics when it comes to customer-"

"MY pub. MY rules. Understand." She said, emphasising that she was not asking them to understand, she was TELLING them to. "And it's either Miss Mia, or Mama Mia. Your pick." THAT, she did give them a choice in.

"Very well, Mama Mia." Steve said.

"Good boy." She nodded before pushing their mugs to them and leaning over the counter. "Now then, how is it you came to know my Syr?"

"Yes, how did you Steve?" Ptah raise an eyebrow as he gave his child a side-eye.

Mia blinked between the both of them before focusing closely on Ptah. "Would you happen to be the god here?"

"That I am." Ptah replied. "My child was the one who told me about the girl and I thought it was well within my rights to come along and crash his date since he didn't even offer to spend the first outside meal with me, when I so generously took him in."

"It's not a date!" Steve replied angrily. "She just offered me a meal on her tab as thanks for stopping a criminal getting away with her money. I am not putting any of your gluttony on top of her burdens."

"Gluttony? Do you see how much I earn? Where do I get time to be gluttonous?"

"...What happened to all the cookies, cakes, steaks, chops, pies, apples , honey bottles and berries I left in the store cupboard?"



"Doesn't matter either way, I get my meal whether she pays for it or you pay for it. It's alright by me."

"You definitely seem like a merry duo." Mia said before she grabbed Steve's shoulder. "But I will say this once young man. I will not tolerate anybody mistreating my girls. So you make Syr unhappy, you will suffer the consequences, you hear."

Mia's fingers dug into the flesh in Steve's shoulder, although he didn't feel a thing. But still as a reflexive response, he flexed his shoulder and his neck muscles, making them bulge as Mia's fingers were pushed back. The dwarf woman's eyes widened as she tried to apply more pressure but found that her fingers could only press in the skin, underneath which was what felt like folded Orichalcum.

"Of course, Mama Mia." Steve smiled innocently.

"Think you're a tough one do ya?" Mia asked as she removed her hand and stood up straight. "I've seen plenty of boys like you quickly get turned into men...not when facing monsters but other adventurers. There's a difference between a mindless brute and an intelligent fighter...don't get ahead of yourself."

"Of course not, Mama Mia." Steve said. "I always aim to keep a mind on where I am. It's just that where I am at the moment, I am quite comfortable and I am very much ahead."

"...We'll see." Mia said, not showing that she was feeling a little wary all of a sudden. It was not uncommon for her to pressure any people her former goddess took an interest in...but something about this one unsettled her. "Go on, just eat up already." She said as Syr brought back the food with her.

"Enjoy the food." Syr sang as she slid the plates and the bowls over to them.

""Thank you for the food."" They both said simultaneously as their hands went for their respective dishes. At once they dug in, not minding much for table manners but then again, this was an adventurer's pub. There really was no need to be polite as you would in a restaurant.

The food was pretty much sub standard in Steve's opinion. In a world such as this, he didn't suppose there were many ingredients and varieties instantly available in the nearest supermarket so they had to make do with what they had. But still, it was better than he thought. It was not like he didn't enjoy it.

"So..." Syr began as she held her tray by her thighs with both hands. She flinched a little as Ptah set his golden eyes upon her. For a moment, both gods were locked into a slight staring contest. She saw, ever so briefly, Ptah's eyes flash red for a moment before he ignored her and went back to gorging himself on good food. "...how have you been finding Orario, Mister Stephen?"

"Steve, Miss Syr. Call me Steve. And to be honest, quite fun. I've spent most of my time in the dungeon, so I haven't had much chance of exploring the city. I've not yet been to the markets nor the stores or stalls. Not even the library or the Amphitheatron. The only public place I've gone to is perhaps the guild and that's just it."

"I would guess that this is the first public place you've come to eat at then?"

"You would be correct."

"Great. Then that means you'll be coming here more often."

"And why is that an assumption?"

"Duh." She said cutely while leaning forwards and pointing a finger up in the air. "Because people revisit the place they ate in first more than other places every time they go to a new city. Because that place becomes a standard. And all the other pubs in Orario fall below our standards."

"I'll be the judge of that." Steve chuckled. "You're quite enthusiastic tonight. I would have assumed that having to work around asshole adventurers all this time would have worn your spirit down."

"Well, things are slowing down tonight." Syr said as she pretended to look around the room. In reality she was looking at Mia with pleading eyes. Mia sighed before subtly nodding with a smile, making Syr delighted that she could spend as much time at this table as she wanted. "So, where is the big wolf?"

"She's out on her own, doing her own thing." Steve said. "Probably hunting if I'm being honest. I don't know what she does in her spare time."


(Outside Orario)

Orario was not just a city of good and bad. It was also a centre point of all the world's attention and as such, much riches came to and went out of there. In fact, Orario was perhaps the wealthiest place in the world because it was the source of the best monster cores.

Monster cores were Danmachi's equivalent of crude oil...because it fuelled all the magical technology that the world operated on. It was the backbone of advancement, and would perhaps lead that world into an age of advancement like that of Earth someday but hopefully in a much better and cleaner way. But naturally, due to this, there was much wealth to be found in Orario.

And where there is wealth, there are those who wish to seize it without having ever earnt it.

Bandit camps were set up in the forests surrounding the Labyrinth City. Miles upon miles of trees, too far for Familia to bother extending their jurisprudence to. In these camps that were embedded in the hearts of these forest, bandits lay in wait while keeping an eye on the road, so they could ambush any poorly guarded caravans coming to and from.

These lowlives salivated at the thought of how much wealth they could just take for themselves from petrified travellers. It was incredibly infuriating to say the least, that these scum had the audacity to think that they could just take other people's hard earnt spoils for themselves. But with no law enforcement out here, not much could be done about it.

And then there were the dangerous ones that did not care for the riches...but the people that came out of Orario.

It was a well known fact that the most beautiful of mortals came from Orario. Not to say that there weren't any true beauties outside of course, but some of the most beautiful people in the world always came from there. Even if they hadn't initially been born in the city, it was speculated that growing up in the presence of the gods had some supernatural effect on the growth of people there. That they became more beautiful and more exemplary as they matured.

Especially young girls and boys...

A filthy hive of the worst scum imaginable.

So would Steve had minded it that Bathsheba was tearing through these camps and ripping people apart? No not at all. He would have relished how Bathsheba chomped a man in half and in front of his still living eyes, she would make him watch her as she ate the lower part of his body bit by bit. In her opinion, fear 'salted' the meat quite well. The carnage was something Steve knew she was capable of but not something he quite expected of her even if he didn't mind it.

What he would have minded though, was the person astride her. On her back, a figure dressed in a light blue shirt, dark blue pants and grey shoes swung a sharp diamond sword around maniacally, killing people left and right while laughing in sadistic glee. The only thing the bandits registered about him though in the middle of their screams for help and the ocean of blood around them as the camps burned down was the stranger's eyes.

They glowed whiter and brighter than even the moon in the sky.


As Steve chatted away with her happily over different things, Syr sighed and smiled a little bit.

"You know, you're not like what I thought you'd be."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"When I first met you, you seemed a little angry and distant. But I see that I must have caught you at a bad time."

"Well you kind of did." Steve said as he put an arm around Ptah who had finished his fish by now and was running up Steve's bill as much as his stomach could hold. The little god ignored Steve's arm as he lapped up the sweet pudding he'd ordered. "I had to rush home so I could get to this little glutton."

"I see. Well I acknowledge that I was wrong." Syr said. "You said you hadn't been around the city much. How about I show you around then?"

"No thank you." Steve said. "Two others are already going to do that, so I can't go back on my plans with them. Sorry for that."

"Oh." Syr pouted a little. "That's unlucky. Would you mind telling me who else, or am I being too intrusive?"

"Two other girls I met while adventuring." Steve replied. "They said they knew the best places to visit in Orario, so I decided to have them as my tour guides."

"Two girls?" Syr tilted her head to the side suspiciously as she narrowed her eyes. "...Are you a playboy, Steve?"

'Look who's talking.'

"No. It's just platonic at the moment."

"At the moment? So you're interested them?"

"Of course. What, you think I don't stand a chance with them?"

"No..." Syr said as she leaned over the table, leaning her head in her hands with her chin resting on her palm. "I'd think any girl or woman would want to see what it is to be found in you...after all, you are very interesting Steve..." Syr said as she stared intently at his face before her eyes flicked over to his forehead and she tried to glimpse at his soul again.


But just then the doors were flung open, followed by a series of of arguing as Steve could hear familiar voices bickering with each other...voices he'd only heard the last of just a few hours past. The chatter in the pub quietened down a bit as they recognised who it was that marched in. 

A red-haired female of average height with her eyes nearly closed strode in with her hands on her hips like she owned the place as she cheerily announced.

"MAMA! Bring out the good stuff, because we're partying tonight!"

"Just sit down goddess Loki." Mia said shaking her head as she prepared for the excitement that would follow. "You'll get it when you're given it, alright?"

"Loud and clear!" Loki saluted as Finn just sighed before sitting down first with his Familia members choosing their own seats as well as arguing amongst themselves who got which.

Almost everyone in the pub began swooning and and gawping over the Loki Familia. After all, they were amongst the most influential Familia and people could only wish they were apart of it at times. The last people to walk through were the source of the arguing. Tione came in arguing with Bete over some random nonsense again. In Steve's experience, it did not take much to set them off on each other. Meanwhile Tiona followed behind looking exasperated and tired with her arms drooping, like she'd been trying to break the conflict but had given up.

Ais was the last one to come in, dressed very differently to her usual attire. This time she was wearing what seemed to be a white shirt over a purple skirt that came down to the middle of her thighs. To cover all the skin of her legs that would have remained in the open she wore long stockings and on her feet were simple buckle shoes. She looked quite cute in Steve's opinion, when she was dressed like a normal girl.

But of course she was the centre of attention for all people in that room, since she was the Loki Familia's pride and their most famous member for her insane records. Once again Steve saw some more fanboying over her, and he'd become perceptive enough now to know that when something bothered or annoyed Ais, she just turned her back on it instead of showing emotion. 

That little movement however made her hair billow out a bit revealing the side of her face as she lifted her hand to draw some of it over her ear while she lifted one leg onto its tiptoe. The lamp glowing behind her gave a soft tone to the pose she was unknowingly making, and for a moment Steve was short for breath as he was taken aback. His heart began beating faster and he clenched his chest.

'Damn it! I can't let Bathsheba ever see me like this. I'll never hear the end of it!' He looked back at her as she looked lost over which chair to pick since her Familia members were still arguing over the ones they got. Her simplicity and adorable cluelessness was part of her unique charms. 'But she really is a natural that's for sure. It's almost unfair how casually she can pull something like that.'

"You really should call your shot you know." Ptah whispered behind him while gesturing to the room. "Show these bastards she's taken."

"What the actual crap are you talking about?"

"About the BS you keep telling yourself. I only have one child you know, so I can focus on your feelings very well. If you're telling me that what's going on inside your chest at the moment is no indication of any sort, you might as well call me an immature brat."

"Immature brat!"

"You really like to be funny don't you?" Ptah narrowed his eyes. "When a fellow man is encouraging you on, you chicken out. I think that's quite telling."

"It's my life. Keep out of it."

"Just do it before she moves on. You'll regret it afterwards."

Steve rolled his eyes.

"I probably tempted fate when I said it was quieting down." Syr said. "I should have remembered the Loki Familia came back earlier today. Of course they would come here."

"You mean they're regulars?" Steve asked.

"They're our best customers."

"Oh. Now that I think about it, Gareth did say there was a pub in town he loved going to because it was run by an old friend. He must have been talking about this one." Steve said offhandedly. 

Syr gave him a curious stare. "...Uhm, do you know the Loki Familia, Steve? Personally?"

"Errrrrrrr..." Steve said as he realized he probably shouldn't have said that so casually. 

It was at that point that during Tione's argument with Bete, her eyes flickered off to the side and then she did a double-take as she recognized Steve in his uncommon attire. She pointed away so abruptly and suddenly, it caught the attention of all her Familia, as well as the other patrons in the bar.

"Hey! Isn't that Steve over there?!" She said loudly and every head in the room turned to where she was pointing, that is to Steve's back since his back was facing the door as he talked with Syr. The most attentive of those heads being Tiona and Ais, more so the latter than the former as the blonde saw the scene in which he was sitting and her eyes instantly narrowed.

'F*ck' Steve thought. 'How did I know it was going to be her?'

Instantly he felt his right hand being grasped, and pulled behind him as it was clamped between two smaller and softer hands with dainty fingers. It just so happened that Syr was seated at the bar to his right as well. He turned to see Ais claiming his hand as always.

"Hey Ais. What's up?" He asked.

She didn't answer as she looked at him then at Syr as her eyes narrowed again and she pulled his hand further, placing it in her chest between her curves as she hugged it possessively. Everyone in the room minus her, Steve and the adventurers of the Loki Familia let out a collective gasp as she did so. 

"W-wha...?" Syr gaped perplexed.

"Mine." Ais said firmly, making the grey haired girl gape.



The collective shout made people out in the streets jump in fright as the lanterns swung back and forth and the windows blew open from the force of the unified shout.


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