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14.28% Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man) / Chapter 1: I'm a What? In What?!
Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man) Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man) original

Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man)

Auteur: vtorx_0867

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: I'm a What? In What?!

"Alright… What's this?"

Opening my eyes, I spied a look around and nodded to myself.

"Ah, it's that kind of troupe, isn't it?"

I nodded sagely as if the answer has already been revealed to me at first glance.

After all, the troupe couldn't have been more obvious.

"Opening your eyes only to realize that you're no more in your room and at an unfamiliar place. Yes, this could only mean one thing. Transmigration… Or I have unknowingly been drugged… Or this is just a dream."

I pinched myself on the cheeks for a few seconds before nodding.

Yeah…The third hypothesis is a burst. Most, or at least, none of my dreams has ever been able to emulate pain on this level of clarity. There was also the fact that I feel too aware of myself and my surroundings for some mere dream - issue of lucid dream none withstanding.

Drugs…Hah! I'm a 16 year old kid. I love gaming, anime, and eating. I am a typical ordinary boy you can find anywhere. I've got better things to do that to waste my pocket money on buying drugs - not to mention that I don't even know 'where' to go and buy them.

So that leaves the first option… Transmigration. The famous anime troupe branded under the Isekai banner; to move to another point in time space or a different reality altogether.

Now I'm sure that might—no, would surely sound absurd in the ears of most people. After all, who comes up with transmigration as a logical reasoning when finding themselves in a place they don't recognize? Unless their chunnibyou syndrome is such that only the heavens can help them…

By dumping harsh reality checks on them.

In fact, for all I know, I could probably be bullshittng my ass here.

But unlike my formerly beloved comrades from Nalakuvara (yes, those were the days), I do have the perfect justification on my fixation that my being here is nothing less than a mystical transmigration event.

For one, I'm quite sure that this isn't Earth. Yes, that big ball of space rock where man, animals and plants reside in. Wherever this place is does not resemble Earth in the slightest.

How? Well, where the Earth I know has a yellow celestial orb as its sun. Situated above me are two celestial bodies - one, an eldritch green and the other, a jet black with a reddish outline. Just in case of clarification they are suns - or whatever constitutes as gaseous light around here.

Besides, that wasn't all…

Blood. Blood. Blood… A sea of red as far as the eye can see. Which translates to me seeing a lot of blood… And bones too. Varying skeleton parts belonging to animals and humans.

And that wasn't even the clincher.

Sighing, I relaxed myself on the throne of bones - rather than an ordinary bed- and traced a finger across one of the jutting horns that extended from my own head.

I went to sleep with two normal hands and feet. Thankfully, the said body parts are still there. But now, they're pure porcelain white.

Looking down, revealed to me that my night garbs were gone, replaced by what could only be called makeshift rags tied by a white girdle which was wrapped around my waist.

… … Oh, there was also a gaping hole in my chest by the way. One that should have definitely killed me.

"Hole? White skin… Horn. Hmm…?" I blinked.

Ok… This… This rings a very familiar bell.

"But it couldn't be… Right?"

Standing up from the bone-like throne, I strode down the heap of skeleton fragments upon which the seat of authority had been constructed on.

I have to see how I look right now. Because all the features I've gleamingly picked up remind me of a certain anime I have been watching. An anime that is certainly fictional… Although, in hindsight, there is nothing logical about my present situation.

As soon I saw my reflection on the liquid vital spark, I froze stock-still before a dry laugh unintentionally escaped my lips.

"A Vasto Lorde Menos. Heh, what a damn thing to be."

I blinked with the glowing green eyes reflected on the lifeblood copying my action.

This could explain why I don't feel much panic despite my current situation and also the… Should I say strange warm -yet at the same time- cold energy within me. I have become a Hollow, and from looks alone, a Vasto Lorde.

Although, while it seems like my present appearance bore a similar appearance to Bleach main character, mine seem to be of a different variety.

Where there was the orange mane draping from a cranium-like head, mine was jet black. The ferocious orange glow was replaced with an eldritch green optical orb. I could ostensibly comment that my Vasto Lorde variety bore a slight likeness to Uliquiorra Cifer and that, objectively speaking … Isn't a bad thing.

Straightening up, I looked around the area deliberating if I was in the Realm of Hollows; Hueco Mundo. But I decided to forsake that line of thought as I was not in exact authority to dictate my present location.

It would be better to find any other (un)living being to tell me where I am.

With a sigh, I shook my head and jumped—only to land on nothing.

Well, not nothing in the strictest sense. I simply created a platform composed of Reiryoku, which honestly speaking was surprisingly easy for me to do. It was like I had been doing it all my life.

In fact…

Pointing a finger towards the spanning red distance, I gathered and pushed spiritual energy towards its end. Externally, the encompassing light dimmed as a verdant light orb manifested at my fingertip.

Adjusting my finger, words automatically flowed out from my mouth as I uttered the words that signify the pinnacle a Hollow's destructive potential.


The world stilled—then roared as an orb smaller than a tennis ball expanded into 50-meter diameter pillar of destructive luminance, tearing through the blood sea, and extending far out in the horizon and finally exploding with the force of a multi-megaton bomb.

To put it in internet slangs, I'd completely 'vaped' the sea down to its seabed.

I could only dumbly watch with jaws dropped as my [Cero] reenacted the biblical sea parting with the only difference being that this mystical act had been done through sheer power rather than divine providence.

Now that I had fired my [Cero], I can now clearly feel my Reiryoku clearer than before. Techniques flowed into my head from Hollows and even Soul Reapers.

And that's...

Now I'm beginning to wonder if my story or this body's story had one similar to the artificial Hollow, White; a Vasto Lorde Menos Hollow comprised solely of thousands of Soul essence.

Sighing, I raised a fist towards the dual sun sky, clenching it as a look of disturbance was etched on my face.

"Hmm… Something doesn't feel right. There's something missing…" My face squeezed into a frown. "I don't feel complete."

Upon my interaction with my Reiryoku, I realized that there is something fundamentally off my body - like something had been torn off. It's like having my limbs sawn off and being forced to walk without them—evidently it is an unpleasant sensation.

Clicking my tongue in irritation, spiritual force gathered at my feet and the air around me visibly distorted as I deployed the Hollow high-speed movement, Sonido.

One second, I was 100 or so meters above from the bone-like throne - which miraculously had not been destroyed by my [Cero] aftershocks - the next, the throne was nothing more than a speck in the distance.

Say what you want about Hollows, but it does not change the fact that they can learn and evolve with tangible results in response to their growth.


A joyful howl escaped out of my lips as I once again broke the sound barrier while flying away from the blood sea. It's time to go seek out non-hostile Hollows with common sense.

I need to know which part of Hueco Mundo I'm in and at which point in time in cannon that I'm in—preferably pre-cannon as I still need (Mr. Keikaku) Aizen to make me an Arrancar.

With the Wandenreich and even the Soul Society still at large, I'm 100% sure that my being a Vasto Lorde means shit in the grand scheme of things - yeah, I'm talking about you; Zaraki, Ichigo, Yhwach, Yamamoto.

I need to get stronger for my own sake.

After all… I don't want to die.




Hmm, have I ever told you about my composure when it comes to things that take too much time? Oh, I haven't, well… Allow me to come clean and say this.

I hate the term 'monotone', 'monochrome', and anything associated to dullness and stretch in time spent staring at just one thing.

Ok, the question now becomes; what the hell am I even talking about? To that, my answer is easy…

… Easy in a vexing sense that is.

"Alright, I think I've been patient enough." I murmured, fruitlessly trying to quell my rising frustration. "For 15 minutes… Goddamn 15 minutes. I've been blasting Sonido after Sonido and I still haven't gotten anywhere."

Abruptly halting in the air, I lifted up my head and cried out.

"Is there no end to this freaking blood sea?!"

One could marvel the esoteric site for so long before it becomes deridingly monotone.

I was quite sure that I had already traversed over more 100 miles - a high speed technique could make you that fast – and even then, I still haven't spotted a hint of land.

At this point I would even take an island.

"Is this even Hueco Mundo by the way?"

Spreading out my fingers, orbs with the force of nuclear bombs gathered as I pointed towards the sky and sea with the intent of razing everything to the ground.

"Do I have to nuke everything before a way out reveals itse—hmm, what's this?"

In the course of my outlet (read whining) a giant black door reminiscent to the gate of hell manifested before me. [Cero] died down, as I tilted my head in bemusement.

While this is a positive change of events, it still doesn't change the fact that this so-called entrance could be a trap. But then again, it could be that the door only manifested because I wanted an out.

To test my hypothesis, I merely thought of the door to dismiss itself and it immediately did - I'll be honest, I kind of panicked when I had seemingly closed off my getaway from this place, only to sigh in relief when the door manifested once more at my beckoning.

"Hmm… To pass through the scary looking door or keep on flying over a sea of blood… Well, the answer's a no brainer."

The door opened with an ominous clang, and I flew right in.


In a way, I'd actually suspected it. Using a horror game analogy; not every entrance leads one towards the exit. So, expecting some Diablo-lite door to properly lead me out of wherever that is was plain stupidity.

Upon passing through the door, the scenery abruptly changed from an apocalyptic sky and a blood sea to… Grassy, flowery field with hills, with countless doors parallel in the sky.

"Seriously, am I really in Hueco Mundo?" I dryly commented while taking a look around. "Cause if so, then the Realm of Hollows must have gone through one heck of a renovation."

I raised my head towards the countless doors that served as the skies, wondering if my (?) own door was among their numbers and then there is the question of what hid behind the other doors.

Are they simply Hollows or Menos like me?

"Haaah… Not like thinking about it would help me much anyway."

I shook away the thoughts of the mysterious overhead doors and released my Reiatsu. I rather not fight this early in the game, so it will be better to just ping off the nearest intelligent Menos of my arrival and scare off any Hollow with belligerent ideas.

After all, I don't think there would be any Hollow stupid enough to pick a fight with a nuke dropping Vasto Lorde - even if it is one of a fellow grade.


It didn't even take long before I was welcomed by the residence occupants… Actually, did I say welcomed? Oh, my bad.

I meant stormed at.


I had first picked up the slight tremor in the air before realizing that something was heading my way. Something like an army. Strangely enough, I couldn't sense their Reiatsu and that should have been impossible considering the fact that everything in this world (Bleach's world) possess Reiryoku however small it may be.

Soon enough I could spot the sand dusts and the unique—w-w-w-wait a minute!

"The hell? Are those things Hollows?!"

If I were to describe their appearance it would be esoteric. I could say that those things are not Hollows due to the fact that three of the 70-meters-tall monstrosities leading the charge did not possess holes in their chest as it should be with all Hollows - I surmise the others too should lack that visible feature as well.

Anyways, from their rabid looks alone, I could confidently surmise that whatever reason they are heading towards me for wasn't an amiable one.

For some reason, rather than fear or apprehension at the sight of over a hundred plus monstrosities charging at me at once. It was a rather burning sensation that lit up in my chest.

I could not explicitly describe this burning sensation, but if I had to put it in words. Then it would be… Indignation—as strange as it is, I felt affronted by the fact that mere weaklings gathered to go against me.

"You all should have come at me with least a hundred times that number." I said with a scowl on my face while pointing a finger at hideous horde. "As it is you even can't serve as a proper warm-up."

Was it me or the Hollow within me talking right now?

The ambient surroundings tinged green as a verdant star surged forth.





"H-Hey, I've told you everything you want to know!"

"Huh~" I stamped my foot down, eliciting a pain-filled howl from the 4-meter eyesore. "Should you really be talking to me using that tone, eh? Or do want me to—"

"Eek~! Just kill me you bastard!"

Now I'm sure most people would be wondering about this present state of affairs. Me pressing a foot on top of a mammoth composed of claymores of various sizes—I understand to some that my actions may seem a bit… Harsh. But I actually have a good reason for doing this.

Back when I had fired off a [Cero] and vaporized almost all of the monstrosities, some of their ilk were lucky enough to be far away from the epicenter and escaped if not with serious injuries - or could have been serious injuries if it weren't for the fact that their regeneration potency is quite high.

I could have ended things by firing off another [Cero] but I needed someone amongst the monstrosities to tell me where I am - because now I'm quite sure that this isn't Hueco Mundo. Or at least this isn't the Hueco Mundo that I know.

So I'd decided to finish off the rest using my fist—mainly to see how strong these things are and to test how physically strong I am in proportion to them. Suffice to say; I'm basically Saitama to them.

In the end, I'm left standing in a gorge of my own making and a monstrosity under my feet, I began asking my question nicely so to say I feel like I would make Barragan or Grimmjow proud.

Now I'm going off tangent.

"Devils?" I said skeptically, "That's what you all call yourselves."

"That's what the humans refer to us as." The now named Claymore Devil said.

"Us…" I echoed raising a brow. "I'm not a Devil like you guys, I'm a Hol… Low."

I paused, now regarding the Claymore Devil with a new sentiment. Its explanation about Devils, hell, and the situation regarding their interaction with humanity felt quite familiar - had I ever read this in manga or something.

The doors above… Yeah, I think I've seen them in a manga. Something about chainsaw…


"Hey, does the name Denji or Makima mean anything to you?"

Despite the fact that the Claymore Devil had no eyes, I could still feel it blinking in bemusement as it shook its blade jagged head.

"I don't know who those humans are."

"Humans? No, they're—oh!" I then remembered that those two were known to the denizens of Hell by a different name. "My bad, what of Chainsaw Devil and Control Devil. Does that ring any bell?"

"O-Oh, those guys." The Claymore Devil said in a nervous tone. "The Control Devil is a Primal Devil. They're like the honchos in Hell. The Chainsaw Devil, well… That one's got some few screws loose. But we call him the—"

"Hero of Hell." I said knowingly and resignedly. "That's the Chainsaw Devil's title, right?"

"R-Right." The Claymore Devil nodded.

Of all places I had to end up in, it had to be a special kind of death world where you are either in danger of being killed by some passerby Devil or possessed and have your consciousness being overwritten by one to become a Fiend.

Well, it seems all hope isn't lost… I think.

It's just that…

It's just that…

"Haaah~ I was kind of looking forward to meeting Harribel-chan and Yoruichi-tan."

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