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78.57% RWBY: The Spider / Chapter 11: First Day Of Class - Volume: 1

Chapitre 11: First Day Of Class - Volume: 1


Swinging back to Beacon, with just a mere three minutes to spare before class started, I made it back into my dorm through the window.

Breezing into my dorm in a rush, I noticed that my team had reorganized the room with bunk beds, and left already to Port's lecture.

I dove into the closet without a second thought, grabbing whatever I needed. Threw on my school uniform right on top of my suit, tore off my mask then put on my sunglasses, and bolted out of there. Darting through several hallways and stairs, I finally landed outside Port's class just in time.

Strolling alongside my team as we step into class, Weiss catches sight of me and halts.

"Where've you been?" Weiss asks, her accusatory finger pointed in my direction.

I raise both hands, "Whoa, relax. I just left early to grab some breakfast," I say defensively.

She stares some more but then seems to accept my false excuse, "Next time leave a note," Weiss suggests sternly.

"Will do Ice Queen," I say, she narrows her eyes, then huffs and turns to step into class.

When Weiss went into class I saw Owen down the hall giving me a death stare.

Can't he just stop already, it's getting old.

I ignore him and go to class. Taking our seats, Ruby sits at the edge, Weiss beside her, followed by Yang, Blake, and finally, me.


"Monsters, demons... Night prowlers! The creatures of Grimm boast many names, but I simply label them as prey! Ha-ha!" Port exclaimed.

My eyes grew heavy, exhaustion creeping over me.

I'm too tired for this. Maybe I shouldn't have been fighting thugs all night. I need to stay awake, but Port's lecture is just too boring.

I keep struggling to lift my head, determined not to fall asleep.

"Uhhhh... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, along with the other three kingdoms, serves as a safe haven in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses... (giving Yang a wink, to which she uncomfortably groans) Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!" Port continues his boring lecture.

"Ayyyy-yep!" a student yells, standing awkwardly for a moment as everyone looks at him strangely before sitting down, embarrassed.

Port resumes his lecture. "That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy..."

I fight the urge to close my eyes, but eventually, sleep wins, and I am overwhelmed by tiredness.

Sometime later...

I'm shaken awake, rubbing my eyes to shake off the grogginess. By my side is Blake, who's responsible for waking me, I look around the classroom noticing a wall was broken and a couple of desks were trashed.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask, still half asleep.

"You dozed off," Blake replies, nonchalantly.

"Yeah, but did anything happen while I was out?" I press for details.

"Ruby tried giving Weiss advice. Then Weiss snapped at her and told her to cut it out," Blake recounts. I already knew this was going to happen, I think the next thing she is going to say is 'Weiss storms out the class and Ruby follows her.' Blake then adds, "Ruby tried again, but this time, Owen jumped in, yelling at Ruby to quit it, saying to shut up already."

I slam my hands on the table, rising from my seat, and turn to Blake. "Where is he?" I demand, my anger rising..

"In the infirmary. Yang took care of him right after he pulled that stunt. He went through five classrooms," Blake informs me.

I feel a wave of calm wash over me, knowing that Owen got what was coming to him. Why does Owen have to be such a dick? Now, I really can't stand him. If he pulls anything like that again, he's going through ten classrooms next time.

I got up and left the classroom, with Blake tagged along.

"Anything else?"

"No, not really. Class ended early, Yang's dealing with Ms. Goodwitch, Ruby took off, and Weiss seemed torn up about the whole thing."

"I probably shouldn't have been sleeping," I admitted, rubbing my face as I replayed the events I slept through.

"Surprised you slept through that. Seems like you never went to sleep," Blake remarked, eyeing me.

"Maybe I didn't. So what?"

I turn my head to look at her, her eyes narrowed.

"You sneaked out through the window last night, I heard you. Why?" she inquired.

I stopped in my tracks, contemplating a lie, sweat trickling down my face.

I can't tell her I go out at night fighting crime, in a spider-themed spandex suit... actually, Blake might agree with what I'm doing, but right now, I wanna keep it a secret and see how things go.

"Answer." Her narrowed eyes demanded.

"...I do ballet dancing... and I'm too embarrassed to admit it," I feigned shame.

"Oh," Blake responded, genuinely surprised. "It's... nothing to be ashamed about... sorry," she added, looking awkward and a bit guilty for making me spill my secret.

"it's all good," I respond, steering the chat in a different direction. "Anyway, I don't think I properly introduced myself, since we became a team. I'm Bell."


Soon enough, Blake heads off to dive into some reading, leaving me to my own devices.

Now, I'm on a mission to track down Weiss or Ruby, just to check in on them. I can't help but wonder if they will make up at all because Owen changed the story.

After a prolonged search, I stumble upon Weiss perched on a bench near a garden. Opting to join her, I take a seat. Weiss acknowledges my presence with a turn of her head.

She turns to me, desperation in her eyes. "Do... Do you think I could lead Team RWBBY?"

Oh great, I gotta take Port's place instead. Dammit, I'm never good with this stuff.

I take a bit to answer, thinking of what to say.

"Maybe... maybe not. It all depends on you. I think you've got what it takes to be a leader. But I think Ozpin picked Ruby for a reason. He sees something in her, something we might not fully see, I think that's why he chose her as a leader."

Weiss looks down, mulling over my words. Eventually, she lifts her gaze and hugs me before letting go.

"Thank you," she says.

"No problem, I'm your teammate, if you need help just ask."

Weiss smiles at my words, and looking away at the garden of roses, she speaks.

"Do you know where Ruby is?" she asks, her face looking a bit ashamed.

"No, but I heard about what went down."

Weiss inhales deeply, his voice weighted with remorse. "I owe her an apology for Owen's and my behavior. After some reflection, I realized Ruby was right. I should've heeded her advice. I shouldn't have been so harsh; she was just trying to help."

I smile, recognizing there's no need to prod Weiss into patching things up with Ruby.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes."

"I never thought a brute like you could be so compassionate."

"I suppose when the situation calls for it."

Weiss rises, plucking a rose from the garden.

"I'm going to find Ruby and make amends," she declares, cradling the rose.

"I think she might be in our dorm, but I'm not certain," I offer.

Weiss nods and strides towards our dorm, leaving me alone, gazing at the array of roses.

Now what to do, I could go out and stop some thugs or maybe Whitefang, upgrade my weapons, or mess with Cinder's plans. Ah, that sounds good. The perk with having a superhero identity is I could mess with Cinder all I want, and still keep my identity safe, it keeps a target off my back.

but I don't know where any of their hideouts are... but as Spider-Man I'll start my search soon.

My stomach suddenly grumbles.

Damn, I forgot to eat today. I'm hoping Remnant might have tacos.

Zooming through my day, hunger hits, and I decide to track down some grub. Spot a vending machine stocked with snacks.

Peek inside, and there's this limited edition bag of dust chips.

Love these, could only get 'em after a raid, but only if the village had them.

I reach for my wallet, crack it open, and realize it's empty. No cash.


No money means no chips or anything else I wanna grab, like those pricey weapon upgrades. Gotta figure out how to make that dinero.

.I saunter back to my dorm, not much else on the agenda, besides thinking of what to do next.


A few hours later...

I make it back to my dorm

Upon entering, I spot Weiss and Ruby engaged in conversation. It seems like Weiss apologized to Ruby. Blake is immersed in a book, and Yang is nowhere to be seen.

Ruby notices my presence and waves, "Hey, Bell, where have you been?" she asks.

"Nothing much, just strolling around, thinking," I reply, shutting the door behind me.

I shuffle into my cramped closet, sprawl on top of my belongings, and tug a blanket over me. I attempt to find a comfortable position, but this closet is just too small.

It's cramped in here.

Ruby leans over her bed, poking her head out.

"Bell, are you still sure you want to sleep in the closet?" Ruby asks from her bunkbed.

"Yes, I'm sure," I reply.

I miss my treehouse, I could sleep anywhere on the tree just by sticking, and now I can't. stuck in a cramped closet because I was being courteous. 

"Okay if you're sure... but if you want... we could share a-" *BAM* Ruby was cut off by someone slamming the door open.

Yang was the one to slam the door open.

"Four hours of detention, all because I decked that idiot!" Yang hollers, then lets the door slam shut again.

She exhales sharply, striding over to her bed with heavy steps and plopping down.

"That idiot had it coming, though," Yang says, while cracking her knuckles.

Having been hit by Yang and crashing through five classrooms, I wonder what Owen looked like after, maybe Yang hit him hard enough to fix his attitude.

"Weiss, I don't know how you're even friends with that jerk!" Yangs exclaims.

Weiss winces as Yang raises her voice. "He's not all terrible. He can be wrong sometimes, His personality isn't perfect, sure, but I've known him since we were kids. He's quick to get annoyed," Weiss tries to vouch for her friend.

"But that doesn't excuse his attitude," I chime in. "He carries himself like he's above everyone as if we're all obligated to follow his lead. Any idea why he's like that?" I ask Weiss.

"Since we were kids, especially when it comes to academics and winning in combat matches. he can be quite boastful, and his ego grew," Weiss reflects for a moment. "I'll talk to him."

I nod. accepting Weiss's decision to try and change Owen's attitude.

Everyone else is settled in their beds, and just as I'm about to get comfortable, Ruby bursts out of her bed, excitement lighting up her face.

"Hey, everyone, check this out!" Ruby exclaims, waving her scroll for all to see.

We all come around to see, it's Vale's news showing a top story.

"Hello Vale, I'm Lisa Lavander."

"And I'm John Jonah Jameson, veteran news anchor, Huntsman and reporter!"

The camera swings back to Lisa.

"Just last night, a masked vigilante was seen, in the upper-class district, fighting thugs and saving people from a fire caused by a stray rocket."

JJJ buts in "A weird vigilante dressed in a red and blue spider-themed spandex costume. is parading around Vale trying to play Huntsman. I'm not sold on him playing hero and trying to save people, I think he might have orchestrated the whole thing. Personally, I see him as a menace!" yells JJJ.

Lisa clears her throat, "Now, folks are dubbing this mysterious vigilante Spider-Man."

"Spider-Man has a nice ring to it, I'll give 'em that," quips JJJ.

"We've got a statement from a crook taken down by Spider-Man."

The screen shifts to a jail cell, featuring the criminal I webbed to the wall last night, decked out in a bright orange jumpsuit.

"In the beginning, I figured it was just some joker trying to be a hero, you know, playing the tough guy. But nope, it was like nothing I'd ever seen. That spider dude was quick and strong, and really gave us a run for our money. He was slinging webs from his wrist, and had these crazy metal spider arms popping out of his back. Poor Joel got a beating from those things. It was almost like this guy could read our minds, he predicted all our moves. making me feel like I was up against some S-rank hunter."

Then JJJ jumps in once more, "Listen up folks, Many Huntsman like myself don't like Spider-Man but hear this, Is Spider-Man a hero or a menace?" JJJ warns his viewers.

The screen shifted to Vale News, wanting snapshots of Spider-Man and they are willing to pay for the photos, also urging folks to dial a number for their next article.

Looks like I found out how to fix my lien problem.

"Did you see that, Amazing, Vale's very own superhero? Isn't that awesome?" Ruby exclaims with excitement.

"I don't like him. Why hide behind a mask?" Weiss says with disdain. "A real hero wouldn't wear a mask."

"But Weiss, he is a superhero! Didn't you see him kick butt?" Ruby counters.

Yang chimes in. "Sorry, sis, but I'm agreeing with Weiss on this one. We already have Huntsmen and Huntresses. Why do we need someone running around in spandex fighting criminals, who probably doesn't even have their Huntsman license?"

Ruby frowns a bit, and I decide to join the conversation.

"Maybe he's hiding his face because he doesn't want his identity getting out, or perhaps he has some special powers that aren't normal, and he wants to protect himself," I suggest. "You know, not all heroes fit the traditional mold."

They mull over my suggestion for a moment.

"Maybe, but I still don't like him, especially running around in tight red and blue spandex," Weiss remarks.

Weiss appears to dislike Spider-Man. Yang, on the other hand, questions the necessity of having a Spider-Man when we already have licensed Huntsmen. Meanwhile, many licensed Huntsmen don't seem to appreciate me much. At least Ruby is a fan of Spider-Man. I can't help but wonder about Blake's take on the matter.

I turn to Blake, who is engrossed in her book. "What about you, Blake?"


Seems like she doesn't care much.

Mixed feelings about Spider-Man linger, but I hope they'll warm up to me eventually. But with Remnant's version of J. Jonah Jameson, it would take some time.

I head to my closet, shut the doors, and strip down taking off my clothes and suit underneath. Grabbing a sewing kit, I start patching up any holes from last night's fights. Memories flood back about learning to sew here in Remnant, from Mariam, an old lady in the Branwen tribe. She taught me a ton, and her muffins were the best. I can't help but miss the tribe sometimes. I wonder how Mariam and Raven are holding up.


I prick my finger with the needle and instinctively suck on my thumb to clean the blood.


This time, I cut my tongue with my claws.

Note to self: claws are sharp.

After a night filled with needle pricks and a couple of muffeld curses, I managed to patch up my suit.

Excal_ Excal_

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