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100% DXD: Revenge of the forgotten / Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Chaos And Prelude OF The Game.

Chapitre 49: Chapter 49: Chaos And Prelude OF The Game.

Alex, Ingvild, Riser and Yubelluna appeared in the living room of Pyran and Trini's house in Kuoh town. As soon as he came in, he was hugged by Trini. She started to crass his head and say soothingly, "It's okay. Everything is over. You can let it all out. No one will blame you."

That's all it took for Riser to break down. He cried like he never did before. It hurt him more than he prepared for. All the memories of his childhood played like a movie continuously. He always thought that he was trying to catch up to them but, he never knew that they were moving away from him.

After his heart wrenching breakdown, he fell asleep in Trini's lap. Pyran then said to Yubelluna, "Take him to his room. Make sure no one disturbs him till he wakes up by himself. After that come meet us back here."

Yubelluna used magic to make Riser levitate without disturbing his sleep. While moving towards Riser's room, Yubelluna said quietly and soothings "Sleep well Riser-sama. After you wake up it will be a new beginning for you. It was time to put everything that was holding you back away and forge your own path with your own hand. And we will be there to support you and stand beside you." While caressing his cheek.

After tucking Riser in his bead, Yubelluna went to the living hall. What she failed to see was the gentle smile that appeared on Riser's face. He was partially conscious and was able hear what Yubelluna was saying. After that, he let sleep takeover his consciousness.

When Yubelluna settled back in the living room, Pyran said, "Riser would have already instructed you about his plans. So, have you made preparations."

Yubelluna was surprised and hesitantly said, "The plan is already in motion. But Riser-sama said that he wants to complete it himself. He does not want to disturb you."

Trini laughed and said, "Hahaha! We will not let ourselves involved in his plans but we are just asking to make sure that nothing is wrong. We are his godparents. And we are worried about what he is doing. The worry includes you too as you are our goddaughter-in-law. We are just making sure that you all are safe and nothing is hindering your plans."

Yubelluna was stunned and got a blush hearing goddaughter-in-law part. But she felt warmth enveloping her chest. It felt really nice to be cared about. Her eyes turned misty but there was a brilliant smile on her face. Then she started to tell them about their plans. Pyran and Trini gave few suggestions and corrected few parts where something could go wrong. After 2 hours of revising the plan. Yubelluna went to sleep with a light heart.

While a warm atmosphere was covering Pyran and Trini's home, the exact opposite was happening in the Phenex household. After Riser and his party left, the Phenex family left immediately. In the living hall of Phenex household, Corey was sitting with a hurt look, Caitlyn was staring into space, Ruval, Razer and Ravel were sitting down with an ashamed look. Thalmia went straight to her room where their son was staying. They were all thinking hard about what Riser said in the meeting.

Caitlyn suddenly said, "We have never been to any of Riser's Rating game." Corey took a moment to register what she was saying then retorted, "What do you mean. For the last 2 years we have been to all of Riser game where he won."

Caitlyn now faced Corey with a pale look and said, "No, for the last 2 years we went to Ravel's Rating game. If you don't understand, then please tell me what were the moves that Riser used to win last 5 games. Because I don't even remember what he did for the last game we watched."

Suddenly Ravel found a letter in her pocket. She was confused as to what this letter was as she didn't remember putting it in her pocket. As everyone was within their own world of contemplation. No one noticed her. When started to read the letter, she felt that she never considered Riser as her brother but Riser treated her as his sister. Even in this letter, he said that he did not blame her for his state. But he did say that he will no longer consider any of them as his family.

While this was happening, Gremory family was in another form of turmoil. They mainly went for two reasons. One, for Rias's marriage contract and two, for the news about Rahakki. The first one was messed up and they had to yield and for the second, they got information that Rahakki was alive but was refusing to meet up with them.

Vanalena was devastated. When Ingvild said that they knew that she and her family erased the memory of Rahakki, she was sure that he knows that too. All the things that she wanted to say were completely useless as she knows that if she has no explanation for the memory erasure, anything they say will not cover up the mistake.

Sirzechs was contemplating on how to postpone Rias's rating game as he was unable to take the troubled look on Rias's face. But his thought process was broken by one of his peerages coming into the living room. He came directly to Sirzechs and said something in his ears which made Sirzechs flare his power in anger.

Everyone was startled by Sirzechs and was looking at him for explanation. Sirzechs took a deep breath and said, "Riser sent the challenge letter to the Council and asked them to prepare the venue for Rating game by day after tomorrow."

Rias was thinking of how to postpone but now all hope was lost. Even if she gave an excuse of not feeling well, she will be announced as the loser and they have to compensate Riser. And that included that she has to apologize in pubic.

Then Grayfia received another news that Latia Astaroth and Sekivara Agres removed themselves from their respective families and were moving out. Latia, she can understand as she was being excluded from all the main family workings and plans but Sekivara was the Heiress. And she willingly gave up her position. That is what she was unable to understand.

This caused another headache for Sirzechs as he was the one handling the internal politics. This will rise a new wave of unrest within the underworld. But that did not end as they received multiple messages that more younger devils have separated themselves from the main family for various reasons.

Next day, when Riser woke up, he felt refreshed and lighter. When he reached the living room, he was able to see all his peerage and Pyran's family getting ready for their day. Riser knew that he has to receive the younger devils that came out from their family to grow under him.

Like that the day started, they got busy and everyone went to take care of their own matters. Pyran and Trini too had a busy day as they have their quarterly review in their office. Ingvild was the only one free and she took Inari and Hanami to school. Then she joined Riser to meet with his friends.

When they reached the agreed meeting point, they were able to see Latia Astaroth, Sekivara Agres, Calvin Vassago, Asanin Furfur, Visaret Amon and Ethania Sallos. They came with their own peerage members. After having a brief get together, Riser and Ingvild arranged for their temporary stay.

By evening everyone completed their own work and started to return back home. Riser came back with Latia, Sekivara, Calvin and Ethania. Asanin and Visaret went to underworld to organize all the devils that are willing to come under the rule of Riser. Belial, Furfur and Balam families agreed to be a vassal under Riser. The Belial family due to the Cleria, Furfur due to Asanin and Balam due to Riser's tenacity as they got to know Riser's hard work when they fought him during Rating games.

Riser's friends knew of Pyran and Trini but they don't know what position they hold in Eternity or their backstory. They only know them as Riser's godparents whom Riser used to call as Master and Mistress. They were having a pleasant evening after everyone gathered. Then there was knock on the door. When riser came back, he had an evil smirk on his face.

Inari who was sitting near the door, slapped the back of his head and said, "Stop smiling like a super villain and tell us what the envelope is."

Riser glared at her but then turned to the crowd and said, "The council sent the time and venue for the Rating game. It will be held tomorrow evening and I was allowed to invite 2 members. But all the younger devils are eligible to participate with their queen."

But suddenly Latia said, "So, from tomorrow onwards that spoiled princess will not stand on the way for me." But the everybody looked at her with astonishment. Latia got startled and blushed furiously and asked, "I said that out loud, didn't I?" Everyone nodded which made her wanted to crawl into a hole on earth and hide.

Riser was having a system crash as he was thinking, only he had a crush on Latia till now. Sekivara on the side said with exasperation, "Finally both the stupid blondes were able to understand that they love each other. If they took more time, I was planning to spell that out loud myself to them."

The day ended with all of them congratulating Riser and Latia and teasing them till Latia's brain overloaded and passing out. After that they all went back to their stay, eager for the next day to start. After tomorrow, they will have their own territory which they can build it to their ideals. They were all excited about their future.

In the underworld, unlike in the canon, the venue was filled with people. They were here to see the match between Riser and Rias. They all know that Riser is going to win as Rias didn't have any experience participating in Rating games whereas Riser was the undefeated champion among the younger devils. 

Most of them were confused about what was the need for a rating game as the result was already set in stone. But they still got the news that the Red Dragon Emperor came under Rias's peerage. So, they were expecting a reversal from Rias. Not to mention Rias's has her own title as the Crimson Haired Ruin Princess.

In the resting area of Rias's Peerage, Rias was having a lost look on her. Despite the comforting from Akeno, she was still down. They all know that this is a sure to lose match despite the one day training they got where they saw some improvements in their control of their power.

Issei unable to take the look on Rias said, "Bouchou, please don't worry, we will surely win and make that fired chicken pay for making you sad. We are here for you and we too have Ravel as our bishop. She knows Riser's team like the back of her hand. We still have a greater chance to win."

After the meeting with Riser, Ravel came to Gremory household to ask Rias about why she treated Riser like that. But she met with Issei who comforted her for Riser's actions which slowly made her change her perspective form Rias as the problem to Riser was in the wrong. This led her to join Rias's peerage as she started to have feelings for Issei.

After hearing that Ravel was willing to join her peerage, Rias jumped to accept her as one of her bishops. She also got the details of Riser peerage and their power level made several counter measures to face them. But all that was bare minimum as they had very low chance of winning.

Rias, after hearing Issei, felt like they will win. After seeing that Ravel was making adjustments to their plans, Akeno preparing their necessities for the battle, Kiba and Koneko warming up, Rias found her own resolve and said, "Thank you Issei. I needed that. I will make sure to win and will not falter in the face of huge odds. Let's go there and prove that we are better than him and even his sister believes so."

All present there heard her and got their own resolve. Ravel wanted to look at her brother and say that he was in the wrong and will make him apologize to her parents and brothers for his hurtful words. And unlike canon where Ravel joined Issei's peerage, here she took Asia's position and directly joined Rias.

After making sure that everyone is ready, Rias led them to the game ground. When she entered, the crowd cheered for them. This gave a new wave of confidence to Rias and her group. While walking through the ground, Rias was thinking, 'I will make sure to defeat you and make you beg for my forgiveness. And it seems you know something about the second brother I never met. I will make you spit out all the information you have on him before making you apologize.'

In the ground, they met with Riser's peerage. When Riser saw that Ravel was with Rias, he did not feel anything like he thought he would feel. That was when he realized, he left all the bad parts of his life an embraced his new life with all his heart.

But his peerage did not feel the same. Although they felt that what Ravel did was wrong, they understood that it was her own choice and they have no right to interfere. But they were sure that Ravel would've informed them about their usual strategy and made preparation for facing them.

Rias saw that Riser looking and Ravel and said with mocking tone, "See that, Riser. Even you sister thinks that you are in the wrong and decided to join me. It is not to late for you to accept defeat and apologize to me and my peerage."

Ravel to said in a neutral tone, "Brother you made the whole family sad. I will make sure to defeat you here and will make you see the mistake you have made. I will make use of all you have taught me to defeat you."

Issei did not want to be left out. So, he shouted, "Listen here Fried chicken. Even though you made a cowardly move to make us face you without giving us a chance to train and make preparation, we will defeat you. You know why, it is because we are strong and we know what your power level is. Isn't that because you are scared of us that you decided to make this game quicker. I will make sure you regret it."

Riser did not say anything but looked at them with amusement. After few more minutes of heavy staring, Riser took the EarPods out of his ears and gave it to Yubelluna and said, "Sorry can you repeat what you said. I was listening to music to calm my nerves. I'm sure Ravel informed you about my habit to you."

This made all those present fall into a heavy silence. They just remembered that Ravel informing them about Riser's habit. But as it was a trivial information, they forgot about it. Ravel who informed them about this information forgot about it to and blushed with shame. She completely forgot about this small issue in the heat of the moment.

But other did not take it so well. Rias was fuming with anger even though the mistake laid on her part, she felt like Riser was mocking them like Idiots. Issei was furious as he felt like an idiot. He felt Riser was already an eyesore, but now he felt Riser was his life long enemy. And the influence of the world will made their emotion to magnify to the extreme.

Ravel felt that she hated Riser like she never did before. Rias felt like killing Riser here and now for making her look like a fool. The same was felt by Issei. They all wanted nothing more than to jump on Riser and beat him down. But as they were about to say something, Grayfia appeared in the ground. 

Grayfia without looking at both teams announced, "This a Rating Game between Crimson Haired Ruin Princess, Rias Gremory and the Undefeatable Champion, The Flame Prince, Riser Phenex. This match will be held under the format of capture the king….." Like that Grayfia started to explain about the rules.

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