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100% Oh No, I get stuck with Crazy Name that Stuck me with A crazy Goddess! / Chapter 19: The Day Is Almost Over, Hang In There

Chapitre 19: The Day Is Almost Over, Hang In There

While still looking at the cat girl, who still has her hands together, giving me an apologetic smile. I couldn't help but wave one hand up than back and forth.

"No, no, it's fine. Like I said, I was at fault as well. How about we just say it's both our faults and just move on? Is that fine with you?"

"Really, Nya," she says, tilting her head after straightening her back and looking at me.

"Yes, really," I say sincerely while giving her a friendly smile.

"Phew, that's great now, Nya. At least I didn't accidentally hurt someone again. Yay for me," she says, wiping her brow with her hand and then doing a fist bump in the air. 

I couldn't help but sweat drop. 'Again? I know she's a little clumsy and airheaded. But how many people does she actually accidentally hurt?' I'm a little bit worried for my safety being around someone prone to accidents that cause bodily harm. 

Sighing 'Oh well. I can't let this chance pass by. So I'll take the risk.' Looking at her again. Time to begin operation (Cat Airheaded Patsy) or CAP short.

"Um, excuse me, miss." Phase 1 is a go. She snaps her attention to me, pointing a finger at herself. 

"Huh, you mean me," she said while pointing at herself and tilting her head. I couldn't help but have a twitch in my eye. 'Who else'

"Yes you."

"Oh, okay. But my name is Anya, Nya." She says she is puffing out her chest in pride. With her fist on her hips. All I heard was a joke setup that I couldn't help but say and also use as a misdirect.

"Anyanya?"I said it together as one word while looking confused. Trying not to laugh. She has a flabbergasted look after I butchered her name.

"What no. Not Anyanya, Nya! It's Anya, Nya!" She says this while stomping her foot and repeating her name.

"Anyanyanya? What kind of name is that?" Trying to keep my face from laughing or smiling. 'It's so hard'

"No, nyan! It's…"

This bit carried on for a couple more moments. Before she crossed her arms, huffing and looking away,.

"Your a meanie nya. Your just like Syr teasing me. Jerk" I got an imaginary arrow piercing me twice, once for the comparison to Syr/Freya and being called a jerk by my favorite character. 'Stay strong, me. You can fix this'

Clapping both my hands in a small apologetic pose while still having the bags on the crook of my elbow, I close one eye and do the exact same thing she did to me earlier.

"I'm really sorry, Anya. I just couldn't help myself. I thought it would be funny. I'm deeply sorry. Please forgive me," I say while giving her the best puppy dog eyes while opening my other eye.

She turns half way towards me but can't help but snort, seeing my face. Holding both hands to her mouth, she giggles.

"Pffft, you have a weird and funny face, Nya. Has anyone ever told you that?" Goddammit, not again. Is my face that weird? 'At least it was useful to getting her to laugh, I guess. You win some, you lose some'

Straightening my back out and shifting the bags into my hands. I couldn't help but give a dry laugh.

"Ha. Ha." I say slowly for each one, "I am so glad you find my face humorous. At least you didn't give it a disgusting response like some people." Looking at you, old man. Rosey. "So I'll take it as a win in my book. Does that mean you forgive me?"

Giggling a bit more, she wipes a stray tear from her eye, going back to her usual smile.

"Sure, nya. I forgive you. Your face was funny enough to forgive. And now that I think about it, it's kind of funny, Nya. Calling me Anyanya. Hehe," she says after taking a second to repeat the name I came up with. Playing around with it and how it feels with her tongue.

"Oh, does that mean I can call you that?" I say hopeful.

"No." She says it with a straight face, looking me in the eye. 'Well, you can't win them all, I guess.'

Shrugging, "That's fine. By the way, here are your bags. I took the liberty of checking when picking them up; nothing seems to be damaged. So you probably won't get scolded by your mom." I hand over the bags. She perks up, taking it from my hand.

Operation CAP Phase 1 (Learn her name that you already know but she doesn't know you know) Check.

Phase 2 (get her talking about her job so you have an in for your request) is a go.

"Thanks, Nya. I'm so glad," she says, taking the bags and quickly inspecting them, nodding to herself. Before pausing and looking me up with a confused look, "Mom? What do you mean by that, Nya?"

"Didn't you say you didn't want to get yelled at by Mama Mia?" I pretend to be confused with Mia's title. "Isn't she your mom?"

"No, no, no, Nya. Mama Mia is not my mom. She's my boss." Pausing "Well, technically, she tells us to call her that because she sees us as her daughters, so maybe, nya. But Mama Mia is just Mama Mia," she said, nodding to herself with her logic.

"I see. By the way, the clothes you're wearing," pointing to the long green dress she's wearing.

"Hmmm, what about them?" She says this, looking down at her waitress's outfit and making a small twirl. "It's not damage, is it, Nya? Or dirty. I don't want Mama Mia to take money from my paycheck again for ruining another uniform." She says she looks up to me since I am taller with a trembling lip.

'Resist the headpat. Resist it. There's a time and place for everything. Be patient'

"No, you're fine. It's just that your clothes remind me of something. Especially the name Mia. Any chance is her name Mia Grand, and is she the owner of Hostess of Fertility?" 

"Oh yeah. She is. Mama Mia owns the best place to eat and drink in all of Orario." Puffing her chest again "And I'm a proud member of the hostess of fertility as well, Nya. Some say the best employee." She says, braggingly, 'ha, take that useless Ryu and Meanie Syr.' She inwardly snickered. 

She misses the look in my eye and my smile, which look like everything's going according to plan. Going back to normal before she notices.

Phase 2 is done. Moving on to Phase 3. The most important part. Ditching the letter by using her as my proxy to deliver it.

"Oh, what a coincidence! It must be fate."

"Huh? Why nya?" Blinking at me after coming back from her self-promoted ego trip.


"See, the thing is, I was supposed to deliver a letter to Mia Grand from a mutual acquaintance of ours. I couldn't help but notice your outfit and the name Mia. I was told a bit about the hostess of fertility, and I couldn't help but ask, "

"Oh, really, Nya. What a funny coincidence!" She nodded her head, agreeing with the odds of me meeting her.

"I know, right. So yeah, I know we just met at all, but can I ask for a tiny little favor?" Holding up my right hand. Putting my index finger and thumb close together to emphasize. 

"A favor. What kind of favor, Nya?" Not outright agreeing, wanting to hear what kind of favor it is first. I couldn't help but smile inwardly at her cautiousness.

'So she's not totally an airhead. It goes to show she is still a level 4 and has some experience to know not to agree to anything, without knowing what it is. I can't help but respect that' focusing back on her and rethinking how I should word this. 

"See, the thing is, I'm on an important mission for my captain to look for my wayward God. And since you're already going back to the hostess of fertility, it just saves me the trouble of delivering it myself. I was hoping if you can deliver it on my behalf." giving her a small summary of why I can't deliver the letter. 'Please say yes'

"Hmmmmm. I don't know, Nya," she says, thinking about it. Well, time for plan B.

"I'll give you 300 Valis if you do it." I tell her with a straight face, pulling out three coins.

"Deal nya!" She says giddily by making easy money. Holding out her hand with her fingers moving back and forth, waiting for me to drop the coins in. Which I did. 300 isn't that much just to get rid of the letter and not go to the hostess.

"I appreciate it."

"No problem, Nya. I get to practically do nothing, and I made 300 valis easily," she says, looking at her coins and then putting them away.

"Well, I'm happy for you." I reach into the side of my coat's inner pocket and pull out the letter. Handing it to her. "Here is the letter from Mia Grand." 

She takes the letter from my hand and looks at it from both sides. She sees the name of her boss, and on top is the name of the person it's from.

"Ru Ru Rudra Wolfgang," she says, trying to pronounce the word from the tiny writing. "What a weird name, Nya."

"I know, right," I said, nodding in agreement. "It belongs to a super grumpy old man. I'm doing him a favor because he has no friends."

Leaning down while looking both ways, I whisper, "But if you ever meet him, don't let him ever know I told you that. It'll break his poor old heart." I cannot resist making fun of that devil whenever I get the chance.

"Ok, nya." She whispers back. I watched her put the letter away safely. I can't help but figuratively pat myself on the back for a job well done. 'Not my problem anymore'

"Well, Anya," getting her attention more, 'It's sad; I have to go and look for the gigolo. I would like to interact with her a little bit more.' Sighing. Then, giving a small smile to show my gratitude, "I really appreciate this favor you're doing for me. Thanks"

"No problem, Nya, I'm happy to help." Giving a bright smile. Not even acknowledging she was bribed to do it. "But if you really want to thank me, how about coming to eat at the hostess of fertility? Mama Mia would be really happy if I could bring in customers just like Meanie Syr." She finishes looking me in the eye, trying to convince me so she can get praised.

"I'll think about it," I tell her, just to keep her somewhat satisfied.

' I'm sorry, my adorable kitty, for lying. But that's one place I don't feel comfortable sitting foot in, even if my skill protects me from being found out. I just don't want to risk it. I promise if the fates are kind and if we ever meet again, I'll treat you to something nice.'

"Really nay! That will be great." She says she is grabbing my hand with both of hers. "You promise." Her eyes sparkle somehow.

Looking into her adorable eyes, I endure the metaphorical gut punches. Figuratively gritting my teeth and bleeding tears of blood in my head, I give her a tight response. The tiny voice that comes and goes starts to call out, 'You can do it, me. Lie. You can always make it up to her later. It was never said when you would go, so it is not lying.' Listening to what I assume is my brain's logical response, I give her an answer that hurts.

"I...I promise Anya." It was so hard just to say it.

"Alright Nya!" She let go of my hand to skip back a bit. Raising a fist in victory. "Take that, syr. I can bring in customers just like you." 

Oh, look at that, another sucker punch right to the feels. 'If we ever do meet up again, I'm taking her to the nearest bakery and letting her buy whatever she wants'

"Well, Anya, it has been a pleasure, but I got to go and find my God before he does something stupid. I'll see you around."

"Oh OK. It was nice meeting you, Nya. See you later." Waving her hand, shaking the bags, and then seeing me return the gesture, she turns around, about to walk away.

As I was about to watch her leave, I suddenly remembered something truly important. That I have to do right here and right now. So I call out to her one last time.

"Wait before you go, Anya. Can I just ask for one more thing?" She stopped to turn around, looking at me, confused but a little impatient. Wondering why I'm calling for her again.

"What now, Nya? I really have to go before Mama Mia gets mad." Clearly worried, wondering how mad Mama Mia is with her for being a little late.

"Don't worry, it's a simple thing you just have to repeat after me. Is that okay with you? It's a fun tongue-twister."

"A tongue twister?" Confused? Clearly never hearing it before.

"Yeah, you say certain words in order very fast and see if your tongue gets twisted trying to complete the sentence."

"Okay, but why, Nya?" She tilted her head, wondering why I was asking her to do it.

"I've been asking a lot of people to do it. I just want to see if someone can pull it off. You seem like someone capable of doing it." Straight-up lie, I literally just thought about it now.

While putting the bags in the crook of her elbow. She uses one of her hands to tap her chin while contemplating. Then, closing her eyes, she shot me a finger gun. "Hmmmm, I don't know. I'm late, as is Nya. Mama Mia would be madder even more if I was more late."

"Well, it's not like she'll get even madder if it's a couple more seconds. But how about another 100 Valis?"

Narrowing her eyes at me, she counteroffers "300," making my eye twitch.

'Greedy little kitty,' holding up two fingers.

"200. That's as high as I go." I really want to hear her say this particular tongue twister and see if it's actually true if a cat girl says it.


"Nya, Nya. I would have done it for 150." She says nickering. Unfortunately for her, I would have literally gone up to 500 just for this moment. Is it a waste of money? Totally. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.

"Okay, okay, you win, you got me. Are you ready though, it's a toughie?"

"I'm ready, Nya. I'll show you I can do this tongue twister. Hit me with it, Nya," psyching herself up.

"Ok, if you say so, here goes." I coughed into my hand for a couple seconds to get ready. Looking her in the eye, I start, "Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?" I say with a straight face, trying not to smile for what's about to happen.

She cutely grabs her chin, tilting her head left and right, and repeats the words under her tongue. After a second, she makes a fist and drops it on her hand. Giving me a determined nod. 

"Can mey imyagine an imyanginyary mewnyagerie mewnyager imyagining mewnyaging an imyaginyary mewnyagerie?" She says back to me while, tilting her head side to side with a smile, liking how it sounds.

'so freaking damn cute' imaginary Arrow pierced my heart just seeing this adorable scene.

'Thank you, Koyomi Araragi from Bakemonogatari. Thanks to you, I learned such an interesting thing and got to see something truly incredible.' Inwardly doing thumbs up to the sky in his honor.

After taking a quick deep breath, I tried to control my facial expressions. I let it out with a long sigh but with a happy expression. 'I feel so refreshed'

"Did I do it right, Nya?" She asked me innocently while her tail swung back and forth.

"You did it perfectly, here," I said, handing her the valis that were promised.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Nya." She says this smugly, accepting the easy money.

"Well Anya. I'll see you around. I guess I got to go find my boss/god now." I turned sideways to walk in the opposite direction from her, giving her one final goodbye.

"Bye, nya. Stop by the hostess of fertility soon, ok?" she said, waving her hand happily. And there goes my mood.

"Yeah, sure." Sweet is a good apology gift, right?

With us both giving a final farewell, we both turn around and just walk away. Heading for our respective destinations.

As I'm walking away, heading for the glasssmith, to see if my wayward boss is there, or at least get a clue as to where he went. I'm hoping he hasn't done anything too generous by giving a lot of stuff away for free. Knowing him, he's probably unintentionally flirting with women.

I can't help but relax my shoulders after finally getting rid of the letter and not having to go in person. And the best part of all. I completed my secret, hidden mission. Grinning a bit.

'I was able to have a whole conversation without even uttering my name. If it weren't for the curse that makes me incapable of giving out any other name, I would have used a nickname. I couldn't even risk giving my last name just in case they tried to trace it back to the guild.' 

With a job well done, I pick up the pace, hoping to catch up to my God and learn the ways of the Rizz. 

Third Pov

Carrying the supplies to the hostess of fertility. Anya can't help but happily swing her arms while grinning.

"500 valis nya. And I had to do practically nothing. I can't wait to tell the others about this tongue-twister. Hehe" She said this while bouncing the coins in her hands. Making her way back to her workplace/home.

"I can't wait to show everyone the job I did. I have all the supplies on the list, Nya. And luckily, none of it is damaged." Frowning a bit 

'I hope Mama Mia isn't that mad at me for being a little late. She can be super scary when she's mad' Shivering for the last bit.

However, she went back to normal just as quickly. 'Oh well, it can't be too bad' pulling out the letter she just got. She looks it over, seeing both Mama Mia's name and the senders.

'If she does get mad, I just give her this. This will probably distract her from my scolding' nodding her head to the well-thought-out plan to escape Mama Mia's wrath. She suddenly has a smug face/smile.

"I can't wait to brag to everyone that even I, Anya, can bring in customers. I can do it just as well as meanie Syr, Nya." She says this with her chest puffed out in pride, thinking back to her last encounter and the promise she made with him for him to visit. When she suddenly stops and taps her chin

"Huh nya. I never got to hear the funny man's name." Just realizing she never heard him say his name.

"Oh well. I can always learn it later, Nya." Shrugging. She starts picking up the pace to bring back the hostess groceries and to give her boss her letter.

What both parties that just met didn't know was that the letter would cause a lot of problems and shenanigans later in time. The future Odr will think back to this moment, blaming his past self for not being paranoid enough to rip over the letter and checking it's content, like a sane person should have.

Oh, well, that's a future problem for Odr. Very soon, a game of cat and mouse will begin. 

Odr Pov

After spending a lot of time looking around for this particular shop, I finally found it. Looking at the familia symbol on top of the store, it seems to be one of the many shops owned by the Goibniu familia.

I know they not only work as a blacksmith family but also do house calls. They especially did the renovation for the Hestia familia's new home at one point. So it's not out there that they have a store mainly for glass work.

"Huh, what are the odds that bossman would shop at a place blogging to another Irish god?" I shrugged at the small coincidence as I walked in.

Looking around the store, I see different glassware stored safely in cabinets. I quickly went to the front counter to see someone facing away from me putting something away. Tapping on the counter to get their attention. They perk up a bit, turning around, noticing me, and giving me a customer-friendly smile.

I noticed the guy looks like a regular, plain old human, probably in his mid-thirties. There are no noticeable Demi human features or elf ears, and he's too tall to be a Pallum. Obviously, I can rule out Amazon.

He was wiping his hands on his small apron. He walks up to the counter, facing me.

"Good day, sir. Welcome to Glassmith's works. My name is Sean. How can I help you today? You looking for anything in particular?" He fires rapidly, like it's not his first time saying it. I can help but be amused by the speed of his opening.

"In order. Thank you. I hope it's a good day for you too. Thanks for the welcome. Names Friggs. Yes, there is something you can help me with. As for the other one, nothing in the moment in regards to your store. Maybe another time." I fired back less quickly but just as smoothly.

He gives me a confused look, wondering what I want if I'm not buying anything. He doesn't drop the friendly attitude, though, even if I'm not buying anything, so points to him.

"Than, Mr.Friggs, if you're not here to buy anything, what exactly can I help you with? And just for the record, if you saw the Familia symbol, I may be part of the Goibniu familia, however, I do not work with weaponry. I could recommend a different story if that's what you're looking for." He tries to guess what exactly I need help with. I can't fault him for the wrong assumption.

I waved a hand in front of my face. "No, no, nothing of that at the moment. I'm not looking for any weapon or armor." Putting my hand down, "I'm looking for someone who was supposed to be here to pick up an order of vials and glass work for my familia's shop. In fact, it's my own God, Miach. Have you seen him by any chance?"

Sean's eyes opened a bit, recalling exactly who I was talking about.

"Oh, you mean Lord Miach? Yeah, one of our regulars. He especially gets a discount with bulk orders, according to Lord Goibniu. Why, that I don't know?" He shrugs at the last part. 

It is an interesting thing to know. Maybe they know each other back in Tenkai. Seeing how they're both Irish gods and how there are different Pantheons living in Tenkai. So it's not that big of a stretch that they knew each other beforehand.

'Oh well, I'll deal about it later. It may not hurt to learn more about the type of connections bossman knows in regards to other deities.' Putting this piece of beneficial knowledge aside, I focus on why I came here.

"Yeah him. Have you seen him recently? I was sent out by my captain to look for him. To see what's taking him so long. Anything you know would be really much appreciated."

"Oh, yes, he was just here a while ago. Honestly, I think you just missed them by a couple minutes. If you head out right now and take a right, you can probably catch up to him. He's carrying two crates worth of viles, so he probably is not in a hurry." 

"Thanks so much, Sean. I appreciate it. I promise you, I'll be back if I'm ever in need of your services. Have a nice day," I tell him, quickly heading to the door. Just as I am about to leave, he quickly yells a farewell as well.

"You as well, Mr.Friggs. If you need any glasswork or glass repairs, Glassmith's Works will always be here waiting for you." He gives me an enthusiastic wave goodbye as I'm out the door. 

I was speed-walking down the street, trying to catch up to my God. I smoothly dodged a couple people on my way. Until finally, I noticed ahead of me in an open area a set of long blue hair, a long black robe, and a tan brown stole. I slowed down my walk the closer I got.

I finally stopped when I was close enough to hear and see him. By his feet, I can see two crates, which I assume were the vials. But that's not what I was focusing on. What I was focusing on was this hot chick he's talking to. And probably doing the natural thing of rizzing. Out of curiosity, I eavesdropped a bit to see if I could learn anything. Just in case, I cast my magic to enchant my hearing.

"Huh, are you sure this is okay?" A hot demi-human rabbit girl, 'A hume bunnie, I think' with a weapon on her back, asked Miach while taking a potion from him after he held out for her.

' Oh my Miach. It's literally almost the exact same scene as Quest X Quest Tale in Danmachi Memoria Freese. Just replace the dark skinned female adventure with a bunny girl. Which makes sense since the other female Adventure was around the time when Hestia met Miach for the first time. She still hasn't descended yet.'

"It's Fine. I'm sure many people would be sad if anything ever happened to your beautiful face. This potion was made just for things like this. So I insist you take it," he says, giving her a kind. That, of course, makes her blush with his unintentional flirting.

"Aww, you think I'm beautiful?" She says, shyly looking away with one eye, while the other is still on Miach.

"But, of course," Miach says smoothly. Not knowing that his natural kind words are being taken wrongly by the other party.

'Damnnnnnnnn Miach, you, Chad. I know you're just being kind with your words and not intentionally flirting. But you are spitting game. Mad respect' Giving a respectful nod to my Rizz Lord's natural gifts. I stay quite a bit longer to see if I can learn anything else.

"Um, Lord Miach...would you meet me here again?" The female adventurer says shyly, hoping to meet my gigolo of a god again. 

'Hold on, what's happening now?' Noticing this turn of events.

"Yes, I'm always somewhere around here. I'm the god of a small familia, so time is the one thing I have," he replied with a smile.

I couldn't help but frown. I get that he only has two members with me included now, but he still has a debt to worry about. Even if he doesn't have much business.

"Oh really! I mean, I'll come to see you again, okay? Tomorrow, the day after... maybe for as long as I live," she says the first part eagerly, then fixes it, and at the end starts to whisper creepily, which freaks me out. Luckily, Miach didn't hear it, but unfortunately for me and my enchanted ears, I did.

'so this is the consequence of having powers of rizz; you may end up with the cray cray.' I couldn't help but shiver, noticing her eyes when looking at my idiotic but kind God, who doesn't know what he's doing.


'Well damn, I think this is the part where I step in' I was thinking a bit about what to do to pull my boss away from this situation and not set off this female adventurer's wrath.

I suddenly remembered a special episode in Jujutsu Kaisen in regards to Megumi. I can't help but grin in regards to that scene. And with my lack of shame, I have no problem pulling it off. 

'Formation B. It's the perfect plan to drive her away.' Looking around, I see there are fewer people around, which is good for me, I guess. I crack my knuckles and neck. Getting into character. I'm going to have to rework the lines since I'm doing it alone, but I got this. Slapping my cheeks, I set off to do what I think is super hilarious but a tad embarrassing.

'Ok, Odr, do it for the familia. You know the Puppy Captain would be happy with you driving women away from Bossman. It's game time' giving myself a determined nod, I set off and commence Formation B. 

Third Pov

"Then I can't wait to se.." Miach pauses what he was about to say when he hears someone running and calling his name. Turning around, he sees his newest child sprinting up to him.

"Young Friggs?" Clearly confused, he's wondering why he's running up in a hurry. The female bunny Adventure also looks confused but also irritated with the interruption.

"Miach-Samaaaa!" Odr says, quickly approaching and then latching on to his god's shoulder, startling him.

"Miach-Sama, Who is that woman? Was it all a lie when you said your time with me was the most enjoyable of all?!" Odr questioned his god while having tears in his eyes and looking up at him.

"....Seriously what?" He has no idea what's happening with his newest child or what is happening right now. Same with the female adventurer. She raises a hand, trying to get a word in.

"Um, excuse me?" Unfortunately for her, Odr won't let her.

Letting go of his God, he suddenly turns around, pointing a finger at the startled bunny girl.

"And you?!" In an overdramatic manner, he calls out to her.

"Me?" She points to herself.

"Yes you, Could you not touch him so casually, please, you homewrecker?!" Saying the last word with a high-pitched voice.

"Homewrecker!" Scandalous at the accusation.

"Yes, Miach-Sama has prior commitments with me and my captain. Now than," Grabbing his god's hand and looking back at him with sparkling eyes, "Let's go home, Miach-Sama. Captain Naaza-Chan is eagerly waiting for our return. She even sent me to get you." Odr says with an innocent voice that nothing is wrong with what he's saying.

"....What?" Still not understanding what's happening, but blushing a bit at what Odr is doing, out of embarrassment.

The female adventurer shakily puts a finger up back and forth to the God and his familia member.

"Y....yo...you and him. Are in that type of relationship?" She is clearly shocked and devastated.

Miach was confused about what she meant for a moment until his eyes opened wide in realization. Before he can fix the misunderstanding, Odr beats it to him.

"That's right. It's exactly how it looks," with hands on his hip and proudly puffing up his chest. "It's exactly what you're thinking. He's already in a committed relationship with me and my captain." Miach turns toward his child to correct him.

"No, it's no...." Unfortunately for him, he's interrupted again. Poor guy.

"I'M SO SORRY!" The bunny girl bows repeatedly. And looking back up at us with a blush, she turned her head back and forth while looking at us. "I didn't know. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. I'll leave you guys alone," she says, turning around. 

Miach raises his hand to call out for her, but it's already too late. She's speed walking away, and the last thing both of them heard was her giggling a couple words: Yaoi, Bi, Love Triangle, and Secret Affair.



Both of them stood there awkwardly for a couple seconds. Until Miach frowns, looking at Odr.

"Now, Young Friggs care to explain what that was? Because I'm..." he pauses, noticing his child's face. "Are you crying?" Dropping the frown and putting up a worried look.

"Yes Boss. I'm just watching my dignity walk away. And realizing what I committed for the sake of our familia." Odr stood straight, looking at the direction the hot bunny girl left. And then look to the sky with tears streaming down his face. 

"Are you ok, young Friggs?" clearly worried for his child now. Pushing aside what happened for a moment.

"Sniffle. You're such a kind and great guy, you know, boss." He was wiping his tears and thankful to God for not demanding an explanation and worrying about him. "And I'll gladly explain why I did what I did. But I just need you to do me one favor."

"What is it, Young Friggs?" Wondering what it is.

"I need you to give me a couple minutes while I go to that corner over there by the wall and start to throw up or just dry heave. Whatever happens happens, I guess." 

Without waiting for a response, Odr walks to the wall while placing one hand on it, bending down a bit, and starts to gag, remembering everything he just said to drive the crazy woman away.

Miach couldn't help but deadpan at his child's antics. Sighing, he starts to walk over. "What a problem child, you are." Finally making his way over to said problem child, he comfortably puts a hand on his back, rubbing it up and down. "There there. Let it out," comforting his new idiotic son.

All Odr does is give a thumbs up with his other hand that's not on the wall. With his attempt at dry heaving. 

Pov Odr

Fortunately for me, I wasn't able to self-induce vomiting. I just needed a couple seconds to catch my breath while my boss comfortably rubbed my back. Straightening up and turning to face Miach.

"Are you ok, Young Friggs?" 

"Yeah, I'm good." I gave him an okay sign with my hand.

"Good, now than," he said, crossing his arm and giving me a stern look. "Care to explain what all of that was?" he says, patiently waiting to hear what I have to say.

'Hmmmm, should I tell a roundabout, half-truthful story that won't set off his lie detector or just straight up tell the truth? I'm tired, honestly. I already embarrassed myself in front of a hot but slightly crazed bunny girl. I don't have the energy to make a tall tale just to get out of this.'

"Look, I'm going to be straight up with you, bossman. I had a long day at the dungeon. I had to deal with my advisor. And finally, when I got home, instead of being able to rest, I was sent out by Puppy Captain to look for you because you were taking your time."

Seeing how he's not interrupting me but just giving me a nod for me to continue, I do.

"Since I have no skills managing the Blue Pharmacy, I was, as you say, encouraged with logic to look for you." I air-quote the word encouraged with my fingers. A better word would have been Forced to do it.

"After the Puppy Captain gave me directions to where you were supposed to pick up supplies for the Pharmacy. I headed there after she pointed it out on the map. I ran into someone, which I'll tell you about later. Since it's not important right now, I finally made it Glassmith's Works." I paused and took a big breath since I was just saying everything quickly.

"Meet Sean, who works there. And I got to say, What a nice guy he is, and really friendly too."

Miach smiled at that. "He is, isn't he? We've been going to his business for a long time. I knew him when he was such a young lad."

"Yeah yeah. Nice guy. We talked a bit; I learned something interesting that I want to talk to you about later." He raises an eyebrow at that, but doesn't interrupt.

"He told me I just nearly missed you, so I quickly got out and headed in the direction he pointed out. Yada yada, I quickly caught up to you. I stopped seeing you were in the middle of a conversation and didn't want to interrupt." Finally telling him everything that happened right before Formation B.

"Then why did you?" He asked questioningly, wondering what motivated me to do it.

"So yeah, like I was saying, I stopped to see what was happening. I was watching you flirt with that hot and sexy bunny girl. I stopped to learn the way of the rizz." Here, Miach raised his hand to stop me.

"Flirting? What do you mean by flirting? I was just being kind and offering her a potion since she was heading to the dungeon." He says confused, ignoring the Rizz comment for now.

I just looked at him, equally confused. 'I know he's a natural Gigolo, but he can't be this unaware of his actions.'

"Yeah, clearly, you were flirting with her; I mean, you were calling her beautiful and all that stuff," trying to get the point across so he could understand what he was doing.

Crossing his arms and huffing, "Young Friggs I was not flirting. I was just naturally complementing her physical appearance. Offering her a potion to preserve any damage to it." 

"....rightttttttt. You know, boss, you and I are just going to have to sit down and talk about this topic in great detail one day. With a paper and pencil. I'm quite curious to learn the way you do things in regards to women. Especially in regards to women."

He just looks at me confused but reluctantly nods, seeing that I want to push past this and get to why I did my honest to God perfect performance of Formation B.

Clapping my hands and pointing both my index fingers towards him "So right at the ending, I started to notice odd behavior from her, especially when she said she wanted to meet up with you again and again for the rest of her life."

"And what was wrong with that?" He says he is not seeing the problem. Seeing nothing wrong with helping out adventurers if they need help.

"It's because you didn't see the look in her eye like I did. Especially what she said, the last part for the rest of her life, super slowly and creepily. I need you to trust me on this. I have extensive knowledge on this type of category of women, what I would like to call a budding yandere." 

Said knowledge comes from my years of experience with anime culture. Be it anime, manga, light novels, or a bunch of fanfiction. Clearly knowing the signs to look out for. And when to cut losses and bail.

"You know, I would call you out on lying if I didn't have the ability to tell if you were lying, which you aren't. Now I'm quite curious what this knowledge is." Honestly wondering what type of information I have on the said subject.

Waving him off: "Yeah, yeah, maybe some other time. Moving on, I quickly tried to think of a way to intervene and kindly make the woman leave on her own. Because in these situations, they're prone to anger if interrupted with what they want." 

"Uh-huh, and any particular reason you did it that way." Raising an eyebrow at me

Scratching the back of my head, then shrugging, "Eh, what can I say? I got caught up in the moment. I saw this particular scenario playout before my eyes before, and it worked, so I thought, why not? I just have to rework some things and do it on my own. Original Formation B, if you're curious, that's what it's called. It was carried out by three people. And not to tute my own horn despite my lack of shame and willingness to throw away my dignity. I didn't do a bad job if I say so myself," putting my hands behind my head and refusing to look Miach in the eye by looking in the opposite direction.

Miach was just pinching his nose, shaking his head, and expressing disappointment at my attitude. Taking a deep breath, he lets out a long sigh.

"Look, Odr." I snap my attention to him since this is the first time he has called me by my first name. I quickly look to see if anyone else is around. Seeing no one, I look back at him.

"I appreciate you taking into consideration my well-being." He walks up to me, pointing a finger at my chest and poking it. "However, I need you to understand that I'm quite capable of handling things on my own. And I need you to trust in that. And if there was ever a scenario like this again, I would like to be informed of your plans ahead of time. Do you understand?"

I sigh, nodding to his request. "Ok, Lord Miach, I understand."

"Good," he said, lowering his finger from my chest. He smirks at me, confused. "Despite all of that, I do have to say your acting was on point. And looking back, it was quite hilarious thinking about it. Pushing aside the embarrassing parts."

"Really?" I said with a little doubt in my voice at his sudden change in attitude.

"Yes, looking back, if I wasn't the one in the middle. It would have been a funny thing to watch from an outside perspective. If anything, it's what one of my associates would have called a practical joke."

"Anyone in particular?" I'm trying to guess who it is. My money is on Loki. But I honestly don't know if he actually knows her at this point or not.

"Never you mind that. If anything, I think you and her would get along splendidly. And that's what worries me. I could see all types of mischief you two would cause. It's better for everyone if you two don't meet. As long as possible." Definitely Loki

"Rightttttt," I say while ignoring him, calling me practically a troublemaker who thrives in chaos and mischief.

'I mean he's not wrong. I may have an act for a good prank or witty banter. But the audacity to compare me to Loki. I'm not that crazy.' Shaking my head at the comparison. I look over towards the crates Miach left on the floor.

Walking past him, I pick up both crates, which are a little heavy, but I can manage. I was walking back over to him with both crates in my arms. Standing in front of him.

"Look bossman I had a long day. So Yeah, as much as I want to keep talking about this, I'm ready to head home....again" Totally done with today. Wondering what I should make for dinner.

Miach looks at me for a couple seconds and reaches over to take one of the crates, and despite my protest, he takes one and starts to turn in the direction of the Blue Pharmacy. I follow him, walking side by side.

"Very well, Young Friggs, we can talk about this later. However, just answer me this." I just look at him questioningly while walking, wondering what it is. "Can you at least explain to me why you have three long scratch marks on the side of your coat and what it looks like on your shirt as well?"

Looking down to my side at said scratch marks. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. 'Of course he would see it' looking back ahead while carrying the crate, making sure to be careful.

"Before you ask, I'm perfectly fine and healthy. I drank one of the health potions. For the record, it was barely a scratch."

"I see." Nodding his head while acknowledging that I didn't lie "Since we have a little bit of a walk before we get home, care to tell me how your first day in the dungeon was. It's been such a long time since I heard about one of my child's adventures in the dungeon, and I'm quite curious about how it went."

Nodding my head, I begin retelling how my day went from the very beginning.

"So it all started when Captain Puppy and I made it to the guild." I began regaling my patron deity on my first adventure in Orario. All the while, he just walks right next to me, listening and nodding his head. And occasionally asking a question or two. Both of us heading home as the day comes to a close.


[7,500 Word Count]

Odr's day is almost over. Finally getting rid of the letter. Meeting his favorite character and being able to see the most adorable/cute scene from said character. Even if both things needed a bit of bribing, It was worth it.

Unfortunately for him, his day is not over just yet. Finally catching up to his boss and, on the way, learning a couple interesting things. For a moment, he caught a glimpse of Lord Rizz in his natural habitat. However, he also saw the consequences of this great power and what it has on women.

So to drive the cray-cray away, he performed an iconic scene from one of his favorite shows. Formation B. Despite regretting it in the end, he feels proud of nailing it and accomplishing the end goal.

Odr received a small lecture from his god, which was to believe in him more. While are also learning from Miach the comparison he has to one goddess of mischief, which irritated him.

Finally, both he and his patron deity are heading home while he Regals Miach with the wonders of his first adventure.

Not even thinking anymore about the letter and its contents. Which, unfortunately for him, is going to bite him in the ass later on.

How? And what exactly was in the letter? Well, stay tuned to find out. 


Once again, I'm alive, people; no need to worry. Once again, there you guys go, a new chapter. Sorry for the almost-month-long wait. Like I said before, I have other responsibilities to take care of, and whenever I get a chance, I write for the story. Do take note that I'm the type of writer who needs complete concentration and no distractions to write my story. I easily lose focus if I have something to worry about.

Like before, I don't think I'm able to pump out chapters like other authors. For this particular chapter, I spent agonizing weeks just rewriting a couple scenes. Even now, I don't think it's the best I can do. But I don't want to keep you guys waiting so long since I am getting replies asking when the next chapter is. So I'm going to believe that this chapter met your guys expectations.

As I said before, I'm more of a situational writer. Whenever I have a moment of inspiration, I put it down. Then comes the writer's block. This honestly just started out as a hobby for my first work. I honestly didn't think it would turn out this well. So I'm trying my best to keep it going.

In that regard, I'm thankful to all my faithful readers who are sticking with me regardless of the long wait time. I'm always trying my best to get as much free time as possible to write. And bring you guys new chapters.

On that note, in regards to the last chapter's author notes, I spoke about interludes. I heard positive feedback about small chapter interludes. So I plan to write three of them. After the next chapter or the following one, I'll release them. Just a heads up: they're supposed to be shorter chapters, so I can have an easier time getting them out. I'll give you guys a sneak peek at what they're going to be about. Here are the placeholders for the interlude chapter titles in order.

1) The Old Man and the Three Stooges.

2) Hostess of Fertility and the Curious Letter


Well, there they are. Obviously, the first two are not hard to figure out. But for the last one, I'm going to keep that a secret. I have to keep the mystery alive, I guess. I'll let you guys guess who in particular this interlude is going to be about. If you guess right in the comment here, I'll give you guys a shout-out in that particular chapter. So you guys have plenty of time before the third interlude is released.

One other thing in regards to the grimoire. I just have to ask you guys to be patient; it's coming up, trust me. I'm not trying to rush it because, for Odr, he only has one shot at using the grimoire. So for the story, he's just trying to cover his bases and test out his first magic. Finding out all its capabilities and what it's lacking. So he knows what to hope for in the next magic with the grimoire. 

After watching Bell experience with a grimoire, he knows he's going to be asked questions in regards to his next magic. Even if it's still random, he wants to be prepared so he knows what to say when the time comes to get magic that will suit his overall build. So that's why I'm not rushing it. I was trying to write the MC first, testing out everything he has right now, then use grimoire. I hope that can satisfy some of you who keep asking. 

Also for those that keep asking: No, this story is not dropped, even if sometimes I need a while to make a new chapter. Like I said, making content is not easy for me compared to others, but regardless, I always strive to give you guys good-quality work. 

About the discord I'm a part of. Just know that my invite link below only lasts a week until I post a new chapter with a new one. If it expires, you can always go to vulkizaro_zoromi's since he posts a discord code in every chapter.


Once again, a couple questions if you guys are interested in commenting on them. Please also let me know what you guys thought of the chapter as well.

1. Once again, what do you guys think about the character interaction in this chapter?

2. How do you guys feel about the references I made to other works from other series? Like the tongue twister with Anya and Formation B with Miach. Would you care to see more scenes like this or not? Because I thought if my MC had a lot of animated-related knowledge, he would make a lot of references or try to recreate his favorite scenes. I even Include scene insipired by the Miach Familia special Quest X Quest Tale | Danmachi Memoria Freese.

3. This question is important. I've already thought about what his next magic should be. However, I wouldn't mind hearing your guys thoughts on what type of magic he should have that will go well with his enchantment magic. 

So in the comment, if you have an idea, I wouldn't mind hearing it. If anything, leave a name, a chant and the description of the magic, and I'll think about using it if I think it works. I want to give you guys the chance to throw in your ideas since a lot of people are asking me to hurry up with the grimoire. 

All that's left to say is that your power stone is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard; cheer me up! Vote for me!

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RikuKage RikuKage

Quick Arthur Notes. Sorry again for the late chapter. Again, I've been busy with other things. And this story is more of a hobby than anything. Whenever I get the chance, I will write a bit at a time. Sorry for it being so long overdue.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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