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86.36% Oh No, I get stuck with Crazy Name that Stuck me with A crazy Goddess! / Chapter 16: The Day Wasn't So Bad...I think?

Chapitre 16: The Day Wasn't So Bad...I think?

Watching the goblins and Kobold rush me, I meet them halfway. I decided not to use my magic right now. I want to see my base standard while taking on these low-level monsters in the dungeon.

The kobold is the first one to reach me since it's faster than the goblins. Watching it lunge at me, I swiftly sidestepped to allow it to go through. Quickly turning around, I brandish my iron sword to cut it at the back of its knees. Unfortunately, it dodged but received a shallow cut on the side of its right leg.

"Grrrrrr," the Kobold growled at me, backing away warily after receiving the wound.

Looking at it with annoyance, I couldn't help but click my teeth. "Tch, stupid dog, you ruined that great moment for me. Now you just make this harder on you." Hearing footsteps behind me rushing, I quickly turned, using my left leg, to hit a goblin in the face like a soccer ball that was about to jump me, knocking the first goblin into the second one. Hopping a couple feet backwards, I kept all three monsters in my view.

I watch them get up slowly, since I want to take my time adjusting to the dungeon monsters. I couldn't help but notice the sword in my hand while swinging it earlier; it felt weird. 'Interesting. Compared to before, it's felt easier to swing the sword. Like I instinctively knew what to do. Especially when I almost took out the Kobold back knees. I wonder if it's due to the falna.' Shaking my head, 'whatever I'll worry about it later' I switched back my focus onto my opponents.

Deciding to take out the faster one first. I rushed it. Blocking the swing of his claw with my sword, I stub my dagger into the side of his arm, twisting it. Yet I overestimated my abilities and underestimated them a bit. It uses its other claw to score a hit on me, scratching not only my coat and shirt but my side as well. A tiny scratch but nevertheless. I ripped my dagger out and kicked it in the chest. While it lands on its back, I quickly take my sword to stab it in the legs, taking away it's ability to move. 'That's 1'

Glancing at a sweet-ass coat with claw marks. I look at the kolbold, pissed off. "Oh, that's it, you stupid mutt. It's one thing to cut me, but damaging this coat is a whole other story. You sit there and think about what you've done; I'll deal with you later." Turning away from it, I call out the magic that I should have done at the beginning. "All I ever desire is Here, Enchant (Clothes)" increasingly their durability for the lack of armor, making it harder to tear and damage. 'I should've invested in armor'.

I took my eyes off of the dog for a second, letting it wither on the ground in pain for its audacity. I focused on the goblin twins. For dumb monsters of the lowest grade, at least they are not dumb enough to run into danger. 'They're probably cautious about what happened to the kobold. Monster instincts, I guess ' Putting away my sword for now, I brandished my dagger. Turning back to the downmutt, "Stay." And returning my focus to the other two.

Pushing off with my legs, I dash to the goblins. I aim low, tackling the first goblin off its feet easily with its small size. Carrying it a couple feet away and tossing it further down the hallway. Quickly pivoting with my foot, I turned back to the other goblin that's coming at me, flipping the dagger over in my right hand. "All I ever desire is here, Enchant (Dagger)." Increasing its sharpness for what I'm about to do. Meeting the goblin that is still standing, I let it swipe left and right, dodging them. When it overextends with its right hand, I quickly pin it to my left side. Before it can react, I take the dagger that's in my right hand, flip it so I'm holding it facing downward, and stab it directly into its head. Piercing its brain. I let go of both its arm and the dagger, leaving it there for a second. The goblin blinks once and twice, not realizing what happened, and then starts to fall forward, hitting its head and pushing the dagger even further. 'That's 2'

As I'm about to kick the goblin over and retrieve my dagger, I hear a whistling sound. I was quickly leaning backwards, tilting my head, and letting a stone pass by. I turned to the one I knocked over earlier, seeing it pick up loose rocks to throw at me. Smirking, "Oh, you dare use my own spell against me. You think you're worthy of using the mighty rock throw."

Apparently it did when it kept throwing more rocks. I left my dagger inside the goblin's head on the floor. I start to approach the one throwing stones at me. "I know you don't understand what I'm saying, but you have nothing on the evil old man. Get on his level, scrub."

"KREEEE!" My taunt seems to work; clearly, it doesn't understand what I'm saying, but apparently, it pissed it off. Doubling its effort and using everything it has to hit me.

Moving left and right easily and dodging the stones 'got to grind on that agility stat' honestly makes for good reflex training. While the goblin uses its last stone, it tries to pick up another. While looking down and realizing it's out of stones, it quickly looks up, but it's already too late. I'm in front of it, roughly grabbing its left shoulder. I smile wickedly, making it flinch. "You better grit those teeth. All I ever desire is Here, Enchant (Pain and Bone Fragility)," enchanting not only the pain but also increasing its bone brittleness. Due to it being smaller, instead of smashing its face with my fist, I grabbed the back of its head and quickly brought it down into my approaching knee, making a satisfying crunch sound. Letting it go, it falls onto its back.

"Graaaaauuuuuuggghhm," on its back, rolling on the ground and shrieking in somewhat gargled pain. It's screams are trapped somewhere down its gullet, with its teeth and skull smashed in. Only letting out unpleasant and indistinguishable noises.

"And that makes 3." I take stock of the situation, while pulling my sword out just incase. One goblin was on the floor, completely withering in agonizing pain. While ignoring the noise it's making, I turned to the left to see the other goblin. "Yup, still dead," with my dagger buried deep in its head.

Looking way past it, my eyes opened in surprise. Seeing the kobold literally claw its way towards me with its injured and unworkable legs. Dragging its body with pure hatred in its eyes. 'I honestly feel a tiny bit of pity for it. And then I remember what it did to my clothes. So screw pity'

Making sure there's no more monsters around. It takes me a second to figure out if I should just end it or experiment with my magic. Looking at both the still-alive goblin and Kobold. I came to a decision.

I'm walking to the last goblin, who's still crying in pain. When I make it to its head, it turns its tear-stained and bloody face towards me. I looked down at it, slightly apologetic. "Yeah, sorry about that, buddy; I just got lost in the moment. Don't worry, I'll make the pain go away shortly." I pause for a moment, remembering the first goblin I met. "If anything, if you do become a xeno, I hope you remember this name and take it as your own. In honor of my sworn nemesis and rival. I entrust to you the name Gobta the Second, or simply Gobta. Wear it proudly in your hypothetical new life." And with that, I take my sword and stab it straight into its face, killing it instantly.

While clapping my hands together, I make a small prayer to Dungeon-chan for Gobta's reincarnation. Nodding my head, I turned back to the first dead goblin. Not forgetting to drag the one I just killed to retrieve the magic stone later, I walk over to the other one to get my dagger. While still ignoring the struggling kobold that still thinks it has a chance at winning. 'Because fuck it and it's pain'

Leaving the other one on the ground, I use my foot to flip the other one over. I reached down to pull the dagger out. Assuming I could pull it out in one pull, I used only one hand. However, it didn't come out. "Damn. You're buried deep, ain'tcha?" Putting one foot on its chest, I use more effort to rip the blade out. After pulling for a couple seconds, it comes right out with a bit of brain matter. I can't help but look at it in disgust. "Nasty.".

While standing straight up, after flicking my dagger a couple times to remove the stuff on it, I finally look over when I hear a mix of panting and growling. Tilting my head downwards, the kobold is literally two feet away on the ground; its nails are bloody. Reaching out weakly with its right arm towards me, it made a crappy attempt to claw at my feet. Snorting, I casually kick his arm aside. "Well, at least I can't fault you for your tenacity, if anything."

Putting my dagger away while leaving my sword out. I move around around the kobold, to casually sit on its back, making it grunt in pain and stuffing its head into the ground. I make sure I'm able to see both ends of the hallway, so I am aware of my surroundings.

Glancing to the right, where the kobold head is, I begin to speak to it, regardless of whether it can understand or is capable of speaking back. "Now you may be wondering why I'm not just killing you like your two friends over there," forking a thumb over to the dead goblins. It grunts, trying to lift itself up and push me off. Unfortunately, I smacked the back of its head, pushing its face further into the ground and making it whimper.

"Bad mutt. Now where was I?" Smacking it several times while pretending to think, "Oh yes, why am I not giving you the wonderful release of death? There are multiple reasons, really, and let me tell you what they are." The Kobold tries to crawl away, but unfortunately for it, I'm not letting it go that easily.

Holding one finger up, I start to list off the multiple reasons it pissed me off and is getting what it deserves. "First, I made a promise to you that you would pay for damaging my sweet coat, and yes, I know, I'm also at fault for underestimating you. However, it's the principle of the matter, and more importantly, fuck you." The Kobold is just wondering why it hasn't died from blood loss and what is taking so long.

Ignoring its resigned and lifeless look, begging for death, I move on. Raising a second finger "Reason number two. This one is multi-layered. Because of you, I have physical evidence that I was injured, with the claw marks not only on my coat but on my shirt. Even if I use a potion to heal any injury, I'm not going to be able to fix the tears on my clothes."

Glaring at the mutt below me "Do you know what that means? Thanks to you, I'm going to have to deal with multiple people getting on my case for getting slightly injured. From my advisor, who's probably going to give me another long lecture. To Bossman, unneeded worrying." Gritting my teeth for the next one, "To seeing, my puppy captain smug stupid face of all things. After all the boasting I did about coming back safe and sound, that one is the worst of them all. I can already see her holding this over me."

Throwing my hands out "Let's not even think about what happens if that sadistic old man ever hears about this. He'll probably beat me for being too cocky. How I got hit by the WEAKEST of monsters after all the training he gave me. Letting you get the better of me for even a second, no matter if it was a shallow scratch. Regardless if I'm a new level 1 and it was my first time in Dungeon-chan, Oh, no, no, no, he probably insist on remedial lessons." Glaring one more time at the kobold's head, "Did you see now what you caused?" It doesn't even turn its head to glare back at me. Staring head, waiting for the sweet embrace of death.

Calming down, I sigh, looking at the opposite wall. "And for my last reason, it's just a selfish, petty one for me, honestly. I was hoping to come out unscathed for my first dungeon experience, you know. To prove something to myself, I guess." Shaking my head and chuckling, "If anything, I should be thanking you. You gave me a reality check that I have so much to improve on if I want to make it in Orario." Finally getting up and wiping my pants.

Looking down at the still-in-pain Kobold, who is still bleeding out, "So thanks, I guess, for listening to my rant. Also for the wake-up call," letting it suffer enough, I bent down, placing my hand on its back. "This is a small mercy I'll give you as thanks for the reality check. All I ever desire is Here, Enchant (Pain Tolerance)," increasing his pain tolerance and lessening his suffering.

After using my magic, it relaxed a bit, but it was still in pain, 'probably wasn't enough' sighing. I get up, moving my sword to the back of its neck. "I'll make it quick." I swing down, cutting off its head.

After watching its head roll off, I lower my right hand with the sword and raise my left hand, opening and closing it. 'That makes it five times, I have used my magic since entering the dungeon. I can't even tell if I'm running low or not or if I'm close to a mind-down.' Making a fist, 'I can't even accurately tell how much I'm enchanting or the cost for each one when I use my magic.' Sighing, while lowering my hand and looking at all the dead monsters. "I would kill to have an appraisal skill right about now. Or that awesome Op Great Sage skill. How much easier it would be to calculate, my total mind, the cost of each enchantment and how much percentage each enchant gives."

Shaking my head, 'I'm probably just going to have to keep performing trial and error on this stuff.' I wish this magic could at least come in with a built-in sense for it. All I've been going on so far is an image of a percentage bar and how much I want to use per enchantment. I don't even know if that's accurate. I'm probably going to have to experiment more at home.

'Maybe intentionally setting off a mind down, just to see what it's like.' Pulling out one of Naaza's diluted citrus-colored magic potion with my left hand 'For now, I'm going to top off my Mind and get to work getting my magic stones'

Looking at the magic potion vial, grimacing, "Omori-Dammit Naaza, just because I can make these shitty potion better doesn't mean the return payout will be worth it, just to refill my mind." Shaking my head, I sigh, "Whatever free Magic stat points I guss. All I ever desire is Here, Enchant (Potion)," waiting for my magic to do its wonders. I uncorked the vial and chugged it down. Looking at the vial, "Huh, citrusy. Almost tastes like oranges," putting away the vial.

Once again, making sure there's no one around, I switch my sword for my dagger and get to work dismantling the monsters to get my magic stones. While approaching the first goblin I killed, I bent down to get ready. When I remembered the helpful Chienthrope I met earlier, unlike a certain puppy captain of mine, 'she said to be careful when removing the magic stones since they're worth less if damaged'

Smirking at the thought, "Well, unfortunately for you, Lulune, you don't have a magic cheat to help preserve the stone." Leaving my hand on the goblin's chest, I concentrate on just the stone alone, wanting to enchant its durability. "All I ever desire is here, Enchant (Magic Stone)." Once again feeling the sensation of my magic being used, I can't help but be slightly jealous of Bell's instant one-word casting magic.

Remembering Rosey and Naaza's advice for the location of the magic stones on the monster's body on the first couple floors, I start to get to work. I spend the next couple minutes digging around, trying to make sure I don't damage the stone even with the enchantment. 10 minutes later, after digging around, I finally pulled the stone out, making its body turn to dust. "Damn, no drop item." Looking at the stone, for my first attempt, there's a couple nicks and scratches, but it's still whole. "Nice"

I repeat the same process for the next goblin. Taking the same amount of time, there is still no dropped item, but the stone is less scratched and still whole. I repeat the process one final time with the headless kobold. After getting its stone as well, I'm surprised when it turns to dust; I found a kobold nail.

"Oh, how lucky!" I picked it up, looking it over. 'So three fully intact but scratched magic stones and one drop item. A good haul for my first time' I put all of them safely in my bag on my waist. Getting up and stretching my back, releasing a satisfying pop "Ahhhhh, that's the stuff."

I walk to the nearest wall, patting it, making sure I show some appreciation towards it. "Thanks again for the monsters, Dungeon-chan. I don't know if my magic actually had anything to do with you spawning them close to me. However, I would like to think that it did, and you probably enjoyed it. Seeing, how you didn't become enraged and send a monster party or any high-level monsters my way. It might not have been a jackbird, but at least it was something instead of me wasting more time looking around."

Giving it some good hearty taps like I'm patting it on the back like a good buddy, "I would totally try to do it again, but I think once is enough for today. Maybe another day, you and I can take some time and do some experimenting together," Phrasing intended "seeing if what happened before was not a one-time deal but something I can totally abuse later. Maybe if I'm lucky and if you're feeling generous, you'll give me that Jackbird. It's a win-win for the both of us."

Leaving my hand on the wall "So, Dungeon-chan, I'm probably going to go now, to spend a little bit more time looking for monsters on my own. I can't keep relying on you and my magic. I had to do it on my own. So I'll see you later, okay?" Pausing: "I mean, technically, I'll still be inside of you, but you get what I mean."

Giving it one final Pat, I turn around to begin my search for monsters of my own. Before I go, I give the wall a final farewell: "Nice talking to you, Dungeon-chan; we should totally do this again later." 'When no one's around,' I don't want to seem like a crazy person.

So I begin my honest and majestic search for at least a couple more monsters before I return to the surface and cash in my loot. While having my sword out, I move forward while humming a tune. Remember a fitting YouTube song called (Monster Hunter Song—The Monster)

Well humming I begin singing the song in my head, 'We once had hope for a future here.The last of us after all these years. The end came fast, with fire and fang. Fight my hunters!' For this particular next part, I say out loud, since it's fitting, "Soon may the monster fall~" walking onwards, hoping for the best.

Timeship (a couple hours later)

Walking back to the stairs so I can begin the climb up, I can't help but sulk on the way there. 'In the end, I was only able to run into one more goblin for myself.' Witnessing a lot of other people slaying their own share of monsters, so that's one more stone added to my total, I guess.

Wall walking I suddenly feel an unnatural feeling, 'what the' momentarily distracting me. Not watching where I'm going, right before I get to the first step, I bump into someone who literally feels like hitting a wall.

"Ow," rubbing my forehead, not yet paying attention to the other guy, I call out a quick apology, "Sorry, my bad. I should have paid attention to where I was going."

"It's fine" A gruff voice responded back.

Turning to them, I continue, "No, it's not fine. I should pay more attention to my surro." I trailed off, finally realizing who I'm talking to: 'HOLY SHIT, ITS FUCKING OTTAR!.' I scream internally, 'What bullshit luck is this? It's only been a day since I got to Orario and I literally ran into Freya's Top Dog.'

Looking up at this behemoth of a man. Who's a head and shoulder taller than me. 'He's the same as I last remembered'. A heavily muscular Boaz with rust-colored hair and eyes, along with a pair of boar ears. Wearing a dark blue sleeveless top with a red pectoral and a collar-like part, grey pants, and brown and gray shoes.

Seeing his stoic expression, I quickly snapped out of it. Hearing an inner voice that's probably my brain: 'Focus, Odr, this just might be the ultimate coincidence. You know he frequently goes to the dungeon. So act naturally; you literally never met this guy before. For the love of all that is holy, don't blow this' coughing into my fist and then awkwardly rubbing the back of my head. "Sorry about that. I was just taken off guard by your size," pausing, "and I don't mean that as a bad thing; I think being tall and swoll like you is super cool." My brain starts to yell, 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN SAYING? STOP TALKING YOU IDIOT AND LEAVE'

Seeing Ottar's silent and emotionless face, I awkwardly laugh, "So once again, I apologize for bumping into you. I just had a rough day on my first dungeon dive and the lack of monsters." Carefully sidestepping around him while he slowly turns his head to follow me, "I'm just going to get out of your way now and head back up. I wish you luck on your adventure, big guy. Hopefully you do better than I did." Turning around to face the stairs, I tried not to break into a sprint, so as not look suspicious. Just as I'm about to step on the first step, a rough voice calls out, making me cringe: 'Every single God there is dammit.'

"Name," he calls out.

Instead of running away, I turned to look back at him, pretending like I didn't hear him. "Excuse me. What was that?"

"I said," he said, staring intently at me, "Name. What is it?" Leaving me no choice but to answer, since he'll be more suspicious if I don't give him one.

I looked him straight in the eye after getting control of myself. While looking at him directly in the eye, I call out naturally, "Names Friggs." Well, no point in backing down, I return the favor, "You?"

"....Ottar" short and simple. Exacrly what can I expect from this guy. After that, we just stared at each other for a couple seconds. Seeing what he wanted to see, he nods once, turns around, and walks away into the dungeon.

Watching him leave, I finally turn around and start to climb the stairs. All the while thinking about what the hell just happened. Chuckling "Of course I couldn't end my first Dungeon adventure on a good note." Shaking my head, I look forward and up so I don't bump into any other adventures, 'Once is enough'

While walking up, I think about what this means for me. If anything, I should be lucky that it's just Ottar. With his constant monotony personality, it's unlikely he'll go out of his way to tell Freya about a random encounter with a rookie adventurer. Since he knows her personality the best,.

He isn't blindly obedient, nor is he clouded by his loyalty. He has repeatedly argued against her wishes for the consequences that these could entail or has acted on his own when he believes that it is for the best for her. 'So he probably wouldn't bring it up to her if it wasn't important. Thank Miach, I just gave him my last name'.

Thinking back to the moment right before I bumped into him. I had this weird feeling that just come over me. Wondering if it's related. Rubbing my chin while thinking. Suddenly my eyes open wide remembering the first sub skill to Vanadis Odr. Or more exactly it's side effects, being able to perceive Freya's presence.

'How does it tie to Ottar, though?' Stopping for a second, when it hits me, 'The Falna!' snapping my fingers, 'It makes perfect sense. Since each falna is made from a deity's divinity through their blood. With me being able to sense Freya's presence thanks to Vanadis Odr, I will be able to sense every member of her familia. Just like what happened with Ottar. Since they each carry a piece of her divine essence. Following that thought process probably means a higher level, means a bigger reaction to my Freya sense.' Pausing 'Since that feeling from before was just a level seven in her familia, I shudder to think what kind of feeling I'll get from meeting Freya herself.'

Looking forward to the winding steps, I start moving again. "Well, whatever, I'll push that aside for now. There's no use worrying about it. I'll probably lose my hair if I do." While passing another group of adventurers, 'For now, I'll keep this encounter to myself. Don't want to worry, Bossman Miach, if anything. I'll just keep regularly updating my status and checking on Vanadis Odr. To see if anything happens to sub-skill (Passionate Chase). If it doesn't change in the next couple days, then I probably have nothing to worry about with Ottar telling Freya. At least with this skill, I can always know and plan ahead.'

Finally smiling "Well, no matter. Time to visit the guild and show off my loot. I can't wait to see Rosey's face. She probably won't expect me to come with more than one magic stone for my first dive, let alone four of them in good condition and a drop item."

Wall rubbing my hands together "I am also going to brag about this to the puppy captain's face as well. Just you wait, you lazy captain, I'm going to totally take an employee of the month away from you." Snickering and imaging her face.

Finally making it to the top and leaving Babel Tower. I look up to see the sun in the middle of the sky, meaning I've been there for a couple hours. I started to head to the guild. With my hands behind my head, I start to take a nice walk through the city. "Maybe this day wasn't so bad after all."


















Ottar Pov

While walking further down the dungeon to reach the lower floors, since the monsters on the upper and mid floors yield practically nothing to me, I suddenly swing my arm out, hitting a lunging goblin in the face and knocking it straight into a wall, killing it instantly. "Mindless monster"

Passing by a group of low-class adventurers, I watch sparingly as they instantly look away, cowering in fear and trepidation. Just seeing them reminds me of my recent encounter with a fresh rookie.

Not only accidentally bumping into me instead of cowering like the rest. The minute he saw me, he froze more in surprise than in fear. 'Like he knew me' and when he got his wits together, he started to act like a fool. Complimenting my stature, as if that's the most important thing.

Instead of instantly running away. He tried to play it off as no big deal after apologizing. Right before he walked around, I saw something in his eyes.

I can see clearly through his eyes. Passed his foolish behavior and whatever else he hides behind. That endless hunger, that drive to get stronger by any means necessary. A strong desire to not let weakness take hold. The very same eyes I see every day in a mirror.

I personally recognize and respect those who are strong or accomplish a great feat, as well as those who demonstrate great resolve to become stronger.

'I truly believe that adventurers would never break out of their shell if they didn't adventure. It's idiotic to think otherwise.'

(Unknowingly, making a certain glasses-wearing elf girl from the guild sneeze.)

I hold a high standard for every individual and hate those who complain about weakness without doing something about it. I especially hold myself to that standard as well.

I don't know what compelled me at the moment, but as he was about to leave, I turned, calling out for his name. After he turned around and asked me to repeat myself, his eyes changed; instead of nervousness, it turned into resolution and determination. He gave me his name, and he returned the favor, asking for mine, to which I replied. And at that moment, as I was staring at him and judging him, he refused to turn away, not backing down. I found what I was looking for and left without another word.

For now, I'll keep this little thing to myself. It's not worth mentioning to Lady Freya. If he's capable of leveling up quite a bit, then I'll probably bring it up. But for now, I'll leave it alone.

"Friggs huh. I'll remember that." Stepping down the stairs to the next floor, "I wonder what kind of adventurer you'll turn out to be."


[5,100 Word Count]

Odr finally had his first experience with Dungeon-chan. After wasting a lot of hours, he finally got the fight he wanted. Trying to see how well he does without relying on his magic, he overestimated his abilities and ended up damaging his coat and shirt. At least he returned the favor. Now the question is: how is he going to explain it to his familia and advisor? After promising he wouldn't get hurt.

At least he got a wake-up call that he has so much to work on if he wants to live the life he wants. He also got to experiment with his magic. In the end, he walks away from his first dungeon dive with four intact monster magic stones and even a drop item. Leaving, he thought it wasn't such a bad day when reality struck him against the face, literally with a 6'11 ft walking brick wall.

And by some divine intervention, he literally runs into one of the people he wanted to avoid. (Author holding his hands up "I swear, it was super coincidental; there is no hidden meaning. Odr just has a random case of bad luck." When everyone looks away, the author evilly, rubbing his hands, smirking.)

After that awkward encounter and exchanging names, he finally left the dungeon. He's coming to realize there's more to his skills than he thought. Promising himself to check his skill to make sure Ottar does screw him over. He pushes it aside for now to enjoy a nice walk. Wondering how he can rub in other people's face his great loot for his first dungeon experience.

Not knowing the big impact he left on Ottar and his new fond interest in Odr's adventuring career. Praise everything; at least Ottar will keep this encounter to himself (Author nodding, while holding a drink, "Your welcome).

Let's all stay tuned to see what happens next.


I finally got this chapter ready. You won't believe how many times I rewrote about the fight scene and his encounter with Ottar. I wanted to make both of them perfect before I sent this chapter out. I'm not used to writing fight scenes; I just hope I did it well.

Also especially writing about Ottar personalities and his encounter with Odr. It is why I am a day late. I just couldn't help looking it over. Re-reading it over and over again. But here it is. I hope you guys enjoy it.

I just have a couple of questions.

1. What do you think of the fight scene?

2. Do you guys like the way I used his magic? Also, the small explanation I left at the end of the fight? Like, how good would it be to have a freaking appraisal skill right now? Have any ideas? Please share them.

3. How about Odr and Ottar face off?


4. Finally, do you think I somewhat got Ottar's personality, right? I used every resource available to me to at least come close to it. Tell me what you think.

All that's left to say is that your power stone is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard; cheer me up! Vote for me!

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RikuKage RikuKage

Writing is so hard, you guys. Especially when you're not used to writing fight scenes. Looking over my work in agony over and over again if it's right? I kept rewriting the same scene over and over again to see if it fit well. Especially writing character personalities. I hope you guys enjoy it. Please tell me I'm not the only one.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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