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4.54% Naruto : Namikaze's return / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 : A new start !(2)

Chapitre 2: Chapter 2 : A new start !(2)

1 month later...

Naruto grunted as he came up and did another set of pushups, he had been going at them for about an hour now and was just about finished. It had been a month since he had learned the kage bushin method and Naruto's training had been progressing far faster than most people could ever hope to. Every day Naruto would create about 200 clones, half of them would go through the taijutsu kata that Jiraiya was trying to teach him. The style was called Hamingu Tori No Ken (humming bird style) and relied on high speed attacks that were designed to inflict significant damage on the weak spots of the body, such as joints. The other half would work on chakra control, which was easily Naruto's worst subject with Genjutsu being a close second.

Naruto had been told by Jiraiya that because of his massive reserves, doing things like Genjutsu and medical jutsu would be impossible. However if he got his control up, Naruto should at the very least be able to dispel high level Genjutsu even if he could not cast them. So his clones would do a mixture of exercises, most of them would run around on a body of water with several large rocks sticking to different areas of the body while balancing senbon or kunai on his fingers. He hoped that he could at least get Anbu level chakra control by the end of the training trip.

While his clones were doing that Naruto would work on the physical aspect, training his body to withstand high speed combat. Every morning Naruto would wake up and do his work out, currently he would do a 15 mile run, 400 pushups, 400 sit ups, 200 pull ups, 1000 squats, 500 kicks and 500 punches; each week he would add 5 miles and 100 more of each exercise. He had gotten inspiration for the training regimen from his friend Rock Lee, a boy who could only use taijutsu. While Naruto was considered a ninjutsu specialist he had strong hopes that he could also match Lee and Gai in taijutsu. Finishing his pushups Naruto started on his sit ups.

A little ways away Jiraiya watched his apprentice work with a frown, while he was proud of the boy for pushing himself so hard he was also worried. Naruto had been doing nothing but training for the entire month they had started, the boy would only stop to eat and sleep; though Jiraiya was positive the boy was only getting half as much sleep as he should. Jiraiya's original decision to take Naruto on this training trip was too focus on helping him use Kyuubi's chakra, but with the boy had been adamant on learning to fight without it that Jiraiya had decided to focus on actual shinobi training before going to that. While the blond had improved a good deal, going from mid gennin to about high chunin level, he would eventually crash if he kept at it.

"Naruto!" Jiraiya called out, "I want you to stop for a second and come here!"

Naruto looked up and nodded; finishing his set he stood and made his way towards Jiraiya. "What do you need Jiraiya-sensei."

That was another thing that was different about their relationship; whenever they were training Naruto would always refer to him as sensei. Of course once they were finished it was right back to Ero-Sennin, but at least it was progress.

"I want to know what's eating you," Jiraiya said narrowing his eyes as Naruto looked away.

"I don't know what you're talking about sensei," Naruto said, though he still wouldn't make eye contact."

"Don't give me that crap," Jiraiya scowled, "you've been quiet ever since we left Konoha. In fact you haven't been your typical loud mouth self since you got out of the hospital now that I think about it, I've rarely ever heard you speak more than two words unless it was about training. Now spill it or I won't train you anymore."

Naruto winced at the obvious threat, for a moment he was silent before he sat down with a sigh. "It's just… I realized just how badly I've handicapped myself all this time. When I was younger no one would ever teach me anything, I had to learn to read and write on my own because the lady who owned the orphanage said 'demon's don't deserve to learn how to do human things' and when I went to the academy it was the same way. I thought that since the old man was letting me go there I would finally be able to learn and show everyone what an awesome ninja I could be if given the chance." Naruto closed his eyes, "that never happened. I was always sent out during important lessons or assignments, when they taught us taijutsu I was taught incorrect stances, the list for the things they did go on… I eventually decided to stop paying attention; I played pranks so people would notice me. And by the time I found someone who was willing to teach me it was too late, I didn't care anymore. Sure I always said I would be Hokage but I never really worked at it, I want to change that."

Jiraiya sighed as he realized what the problem was; he should have known that Sarutobi-sensei would not have been able to protect the boy like he should have. Jiraiya should have been far more adamant more about taking Naruto with him after the Kyuubi's attack, he was sure that a life on the move would have been better then a life of hatred. "I suppose I can understand that," Jiraiya said, "but you're still going to burn out if you keep this up."

"I know…" Naruto sighed, "But I can't help it. I want to become better; I don't want to be considered the dobe, the loser anymore."

The toad Sennin looked at his godson for a long while before smile broke out on his face, "alright then, get back to your training and I'll make sure you become the best shinobi in Konoha if not the entire elemental nations."

Naruto grinned before running back to his spot where he began exercising again.


As soon as Naruto and Jiraiya entered the next town, the Toad Sennin immediately turned to Naruto. "Listen I'm going to go and find one of my contacts here so I can look for some information. You can wander around just stay out of trouble, got it?" he asked.

Naruto rolled his eyes at the man, "I'm not you Ero-sensei."

Jiraiya rolled his eyes at the new nickname; apparently Naruto had decided that because Jiraiya had earned his respect he would give him the sensei title. Of course he later told the man that because he was still a pervert he would not be removing the 'Ero' part any time soon.

"I'll be fine, I'll just go and see if this place has any ramen, maybe do some training afterwards."

"Whatever brat," Jiraiya stated as he ran off, Naruto having been with the pervert for the last month recognized that the man was heading towards the red lights district.

"Informant my ass," Naruto mumbled as he began walking around town. He didn't really bother taking in the sights, having seen one city in fire country, he noticed that they all kind of looked the same.

Instead he looked around at all the people, even though he had been out of Konoha for over month, actually having people smile at him rather than glare was a novel experience. He still was not really sure how to react, but he would occasionally return someone's smile with a tentative one of his own. As he was wandering he noticed something else that made him curious; he had passed several groups of girls his own age, and not one to be rude to well, anyone really, he had offered them a smile. This had the unexpected side effect of the girls doing two things, the first was for the girls to blush at him, the second was to huddle in whatever group they were in and start giggling while looking at him. He really was not sure how to react to this, having never had experience with girls aside from getting his face to cave in whenever Sakura hit him, he had not even touched a member of the opposite sex before (he did not count Tsunade-baa-chan, Shizune-nee-chan or Ayame-nee-chan) at least not without bodily harm done to him.

And so he was left confused as he made his way around town, looking for a stand that would sell him some good ramen. After several minutes of searching, he finally found a stand that looked promising, he walked in and sat down at one of the stools.

At the sound of his entrance the chef turned around and spotted him, "what'll you have kid?"

Naruto frowned as he looked over the menu, "hmm… I'll have five orders of your Miso Ramen, four orders of your chicken ramen and two orders of your beef ramen to start!"

The man behind the counter just looked at him for a second, wondering if this kid had some kind of mental deficiency. "Um… are you sure you can eat that much kid?" he asked.

Naruto looked at him with his newly created 'do you know who the fuck your talking to' look, "of course I'm sure, if I wasn't I wouldn't have ordered it."

The man just looked at him before shrugging, "well if you say so…"

One hour and twenty three bowls of ramen later, Naruto left the stand leaving a very happy ramen chef and the feeling of his wallet several pounds lighter. He decided to continue his walk through the city before finding a nice quiet place to train, he wasn't too worried about getting lost, Jiraiya somehow always knew how to find him even when the man was drunk as a skunk. As he continued Naruto noticed he was getting more and more of those look's from the female population. He was not sure what they meant but the looks had the odd effect of making him swell with pride, and at the same time want to run away screaming. Though, he could have sworn he had seen those looks before…

He shrugged the thought off as he looked at some of the stores, wanting to see if they may have anything interesting. He didn't go into any of the stores right now, since he could not see anything interesting, instead he satisfied himself with window shopping to see if there as something he might want. As he was looking into one of the stores he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder. Turning around he found himself staring at a girl around his age, she had long light brown hair, green eyes and a decent figure for someone who he recognized as a civilian. She was giving him the same smile with that light redness across the cheeks that he had noticed other girls giving him as he had walked around the city.

"Um…" Naruto was really not sure what to say, he had next to no experience with woman so he was completely unsure what to do. He decided to be… quieter than he usually was, after all Sakura would hit him when he was loud, so there was no reason to assume other females would not do that either. "Can I help you?" he asked.

He picked up several giggles coming from behind the girl, turning his head slightly he saw a group of them just a little ways away looking at the two of them. He did not know why but this instantly had his danger senses going haywire, telling him to run and never look back.

The girl continued to give him a small smile, "actually me and my friends were just wondering… if you wanted to go shopping with us?"

Naruto blinked, opened his mouth, closed his mouth and blinked again. No one had ever asked him to do something like this with them before; it went without saying that he was stumped on what to do. "What?" he asked in a voice that sounded like he had not heard what the girl had asked.

The girl talking to him could not help but think he looked extremely cute with his confused look, she starting giggling again, "I asked if you wanted to go shopping with us?"

Naruto for reasons he did not know, felt his cheeks become inflamed and he was positive he looked like a tomato; this was confirmed when the girl and her friends in the distance started giggling again. Naruto thought the giggling was kind of cute, yet at the same time felt it was the single most terrifying thing in existence. He was tempted to just run and hope these girls could not find him again to ask him, yet at the same time he had never actually spent time with anyone his own age outside of the academy and missions.

"Sure, I'd love to go with you!" Naruto said as he gave the girl his mega watt smile. After all it would be nice to hang out with people his own age just to be with them instead of on a mission or training.

That was the wrong thing to say.

Naruto was unsure what had happened, but he soon found himself being dragged by the arm to nearly every store in the city. The girls did not do any shopping, however they had decided to see what kind of clothes he liked to see them in. Apparently they wanted a guy's opinion or something, he wasn't quite sure since they were talking so fast it was next to impossible to understand them. In any case, every store they went to, the girls would grab a bunch of clothes, change into them and model for him while asking for his opinion. Naruto having never done anything even remotely like this before was completely unsure what to say to them, instead he found himself spending that time blushing and trying to speak, only for no words to actually come out, or for his words to sound more like he was choking on a piece of food. Unfortunately for him, rather than irritate them, this seemed to endear the group of females he was hanging out with even further. They began calling him cute and asking him things like if he had a girlfriend, one was even bold enough to ask if she could touch his whiskers.

Luckily helped arrived, as he was walking down the street, two of the girls having somehow latched onto each of his arms, Naruto noticed a large dust cloud being kicked up and coming his way. He and the girls stopped and watched as Jiraiya passed with a horde of barely clothed women coming at him with bats, pitchforks and many other devices used to maim and cripple, all the while yelling about 'perverts' and 'getting what he deserved'. As soon as they passed Naruto got out of the girls grip and turned to them, "er… sorry for cutting this short but it looks like I have to save my perverted sensei from his rightful execution." With nary another word Naruto was gone, leaving the girls to watch the second, smaller cloud of dust he made.

Naruto found Jiraiya just as he assumed he would have, lying unconscious and twitching as the women walked away after beating him. Walking up the blond toed the spastically twitching Toad Sennin, a second later said Sennin jumped up and dusted himself off as if nothing had even happened.

"I knew you weren't going to be meeting any contact Ero-sensei," Naruto said once the man was up, "stupid pervert why can't you ever just act normal?"

"Normal is over rated gaki," Jiraiya exclaimed as a smirk formed on his face, "besides, you have no right to talk, I saw all those females you were with. I have to say I'm quite impressed," his smirk turned into a lecherous grin as he saw Naruto's face turn beat red.

"I-it's not like that you god damn pervert!" Naruto shouted, pointing a finger at his sensei. "They asked me to go shopping with them, and I was just trying to be nice!"

"Oh ho, so they came on to you eh?" Jiraiya wiped away a fake tear, "my student is growing up so fast, to have women asking him to spend time with them…"

"Shut up, shut up shut up shut up!" Naruto shouted, covering his ears.

"Now don't be like that gaki," Jiraiya said with a grin, "it's quite impressive what you did. In fact I'm so impressed that I'm going to give you some tips on how to please women…"

As the two went to the hotel Jiraiya had rented before deciding to do his research, Naruto was forced to listen to his sensei giving him tips on how to please a women. He tried not to listen to the man, knowing that all he was talking about was some perverted crap that he did not want to know, however he somehow found himself listening anyways. Half of it he didn't even understand, having been sent out of class during the sexual education course he did not actually know about sex, even his infamous Orokie No Jutsu (Sexy Jutsu) was merely the bi product of having seen the front cover of Icha Icha when he caught Ojisan reading it several times.

Jiraiya had finished talking by the time they reached their room, and Naruto being Naruto used his way with words to form a comprehensible and well thought out sentence after listening. "What the hell are you talking about Ero-sensei! What in the hell is a

pussy? Is that like a cat? Cuz I seriously hate cats!" Naruto shivered as he remembered his horrendous times with Tora.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto as if he had sprouted wings and grown several tails, "are you telling me you've never heard that word? Shouldn't you know this stuff? Kami I thought they would have taught at least a little sexual education in the academy!"

Naruto blinked, "I think they did mention something about it once…" he frowned as he tried to remember if they had a class on that.

"And you didn't listen?" Jiraiya asked, sounding for all the world frustrated. The kid had been getting a lot better at being a ninja, he acted smarter too, Jiraiya was sure the boy was not as dumb as he acted, or used to act to a certain extent. But about other things he seemed he was still an idiot about.

Naruto looked down at his feet, "well I would have, but I didn't have Iruka as a teacher back then… they sent me out, telling me that because of my pranks the other day I didn't deserve to know about this."

Jiraiya found himself frowning, he had learned a while ago that because many of the teachers had been biased against Naruto due to the fox, that they would often send him out during important lessons in class. It was part of the reason Naruto had next to no knowledge about being a shinobi. "What about your Orokie No Jutsu?" Jiraiya asked, "how did you come up with that if you had no knowledge of sexual education."

"Oh that," Naruto said in a dismissive tone, "I saw Ojisan reading that perverted book of yours and saw the cover, I got the idea from that."

"But the girl in the front cover isn't naked," Jiraiya said.

Naruto tilted his head to the side, "neither is mine, what do you think that smoke covering is for?"

Jiraiya found himself feeling stupid as he heard that, he had assumed that the smoke covering had been used to tantalize the person Naruto used it on into wanting more. Apparently from what Naruto was saying that was not the case, and the only reason the smoke was there was because Naruto did not know enough about female anatomy to actually create those parts. This meant that his apprentice knew next to nothing about sex, or the opposite sex. It was both fortunate and unfortunate that Naruto happened to be with a man who made his living off of books that were little better then porn.

"Alright Naruto," Jiraiya said as he pulled out his first addition of Icha Icha volume one, "I'm going to be teaching you all you need to know about women."

As soon as Naruto saw the little orange book he knew he had to escape, he shot towards the window, hoping to make a quick exit. However Jiraiya was far faster than he was, before the blond even knew what was happening he found himself being tied to a chair and trying not to stare or listen to his sensei as he talked about sex and used his perverted book as a reference.

His screams and pleas could be heard all throughout the night.

The next day found Naruto at the library, looking up knowledge on females and sex. He had been forced to listen to his damn sensei for more than half of the night, now he felt like he had been scarred for life. However the toad Sennin's talk had also made him curious, Jiraiya had told him a lot, but he also felt that the man had left a lot out; after all he had only focused on the perverted parts about sex. So here Naruto was, along with several clones, reading books on human anatomy, the reproductive system and intimate relationships in general; he had even gotten a few romance novels, hoping it would help him understand more about women and relationships with the opposite sex in general.

After all there was no way he was going to let his sensei corrupt him with his perverted ways.

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