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Chapter 00102: Ais's Apprenticeship Request!

Inside the dungeon.

A large number of Orcs and Imps gathered, the scene can be said to be very familiar.

Looking at the monsters running towards her, Shinobu subconsciously raised her right hand and placed it on her left waist, but the imaginable touch did not come.

The girl suddenly lowered her head, only to realize that she was not carrying a weapon.

The approaching monsters kept roaring, which immediately brought her a great sense of urgency.

If she were to fight these monsters, she would naturally be unambiguous, but she couldn't fight back and can only stand there and be beaten. Shinobu really didn't think she could bear it.

But it seems that even if she want to fight back, it is a little unrealistic.

Originally, her strength was small, but now she didn't even bring a weapon. It would be a bit too whimsical to kill these rough-skinned and thick-skinned monsters with just her fists.

"Shinobu, don't forget your own purpose. Don't you want to become stronger? Then try to dodge these monster attacks. If you can't dodge, withstand the opponent's attack and protect your vital parts. Don't be cornered."

"If you can't bear it any longer, then use magic recovery and work hard!"

Words without any emotion came out of Yami's mouth, and he was still standing at the same place at the moment, looking at Shinobu who had been surrounded by countless monsters calmly.

In this case, the role of God's Grace can be used brilliantly.

Although it is not as good as the harvest brought by going all out when challenging powerful enemies, this method is more effective than ordinary dungeon exploration.

Therefore, as long as Shinobu endures and overcomes her psychological barriers, her improvement will definitely be far beyond her imagination!

Hearing Yami's words, Shinobu gritted her teeth, and her will gradually become firm again. Bearing the weight on her body, she felt that even her breathing method had improved.

Unfortunately, these are all illusions.

"Come, I won't back down, I will become stronger!"

Relying on her own roar to forcibly strengthen her courage, the monsters have already been handed to her. The orc's strong arms are raised high, its eyes shining with scarlet light, and it smashes towards Shinobu's head with all its strength.

The latter quickly moved her body and barely avoided the blow.

Because of the weight on her body, the girl's dexterity, which should be agile, completely disappeared. Although the shadow of the past can still be seen in the movements, but now she looks a little stiff

Before Shinobu could breathe a sigh of relief, an Imp suddenly came out and hit her chest directly.

Although it was protected by light armor, she could still feel obvious pain. The huge impact instantly sent Shinobu flying out, rolling back and forth on the ground in embarrassment.

"Is the restriction caused by the load so much greater than imagined?"

Yami, who had been standing on the sidelines, frowned subconsciously. He had already opened the transparent world, so he naturally knew that Shinobu had not suffered any obvious injuries, but the blood flow in her body obviously began to become disordered.

So this kind of weight is still too much of a burden for such a petite girl.

However it seems unbearable.

At any rate, it has been carefully calculated, and only in this most extreme state can the potential in the body be fully stimulated, thereby obtaining a huge improvement.

God's grace is probably the most scientific way to use it!

Ever since, the following time can be called the Good Friday of Shinobu Endurance.

The girl shuttled back and forth among the monsters, trying her best to dodge every monster's attack, but due to the difference in numbers and the weight she wore, it was impossible to perfectly dodge every attack, so she often suffered as she endured being beaten and flew out.

The tragic appearance made Yami a little bit tormented.

Just when he was about to kill all the monsters and let Shinobu rest for a while, he subconsciously stopped.

Because in the middle of the battlefield, that resolute expression seemed to tell that she could still persevere.

"Even she works so hard herself. So I can only become a villain to the end."

In this way, in the following time, Shinobu was 'ravaged' by a large number of monsters, and even her delicate face was turned blue and purple.

The beautiful and flowery girl before had disappeared, and she was in a state of embarrassment at the moment.

At the same time, she has reached her limit.

"Take a break for a while."

Yami saw that Shinobu was about to be unable to hold on any longer, so he stopped hesitating immediately, jumped up high, his feet slashed out like blades, a large number of vacuum slashes flew out instantly, and landed precisely beside Shinobu , splitting all the monsters coming towards us in half.

The sky was filled with smoke and dust, and Shinobu let go of her spirit, her legs became weak and she fell towards the ground.

The next moment, she directly entered into a warm embrace.

"You've done a good job, Shinobu, let's take a break now." Looking at the haggard Shinobu in front of him, Yami's eyes were filled with distress, but his expression was filled with relief.

"That just now...was the six...six style?"

"That's right, you can also learn the kicking skills in the six styles, let's not talk about this, first drink the magic potion and rest for a while."

Yami explained with a gentle face, and at the same time opened the potion and poured it into the girl's mouth.

The effect of the magic potion was much better than what Ms. Tamayo described. After a few breaths, the breathing of the girl who was very weak just now became much more stable and gradually recovered.

However, this warm embrace made her a little obsessed, and she didn't want to leave so soon.

The two of them hugged each other amidst the corpses of monsters all over the floor. This kind of scene felt very strange no matter how they looked at it, but neither of them felt anything strange.

Suddenly, a sound not far away broke the warmth.

"Damn it, little brother, you are too powerful, what was that just now, magic?"

Shinobu was startled by the sudden sound, struggled to get up from Yami's arms, and then looked in the direction of the sound with an uneasy expression.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and only four figures appeared in the line of sight of the two of them.

It was Ais and the others who followed all the way.

At this moment, Tiona revealed a look of surprise, walked quickly with a face full of curiosity, and asked Yami impatiently, as if she would not give up until she figured it out.

In addition, Ais's hot eyes did not hide at all, as if she wanted to swallow Yami alive.

"It turns out it's you guys, are you also here to train?" Yami also showed a faint smile when he saw an acquaintance, and then his expression became a little weird, "But it doesn't look like you are here to train. So what's going on?"


The sudden questioning made several people unable to deal with it immediately.

They were a little embarrassed. After all, the reason was a little hard to say. It was impossible to say that they came here secretly to spy on him on a whim right?

It is not a polite thing to follow other adventurers in a dungeon.

Before Tiona and the three of them could figure out a reason, Ais, who had already been impatient for a long time, jumped up directly, startling everyone.

"I want to learn, the trick just now, teach me!"

Yami was also taken aback by Ais sudden appearance in front of him, but after hearing the girl's words clearly, his expression became calm again.

Sure enough, there are probably only various powerful forces that can cause such a big change in Ais.

"You want to learn the trick I just did?"


Nodding crazily like a hamster, Ais at this time can be said to be very cute, even Tiona and the others on the side are a little dumbfounded, when have they ever seen their Familia's baby sword girl show such an expression?

If Loki knew about it, she would definitely go crazy with envy!

But soon, Lefiya was the first to recover.

"Miss Ais, this is not acceptable!" The girl quickly ran forward and grabbed the excited Ais, "Adventurers' abilities are very valuable, and the captain also said that you must never ask about other adventurers abilities!?"

She wanted to pull Ais away, but as a mage, how could she be Ais's opponent in terms of strength, let alone the level gap between them.

She couldn't be shaken at all, and even made Lefiya herself tired enough.

The elf girl was about to cry.

However, Ais didn't notice anything strange about her at all, and her eyes still stayed on Yami, repeating what she said before, "Can you teach me the trick just now? I can pay the learning fee."

"It's no problem to teach you. After all, it's not too precious a skill. However, these skills have no effect on you at all. As a swordsman, if you practice physical skills, it's a little bit upside down, so I definitely don't recommend learning it. It's better to train your own sword skills."

Yami expressed his suggestion very kindly, but it did not shake Ais's determination at all.

The girl's eyes remained firm, and she shook her head lightly, "I want to learn, any conditions are fine, as long as I can meet them."

"How is this possible, Miss Ais, in case..."

Lefiya was sore when she heard this, and wanted to continue to dissuade her, but she had no position at all, and she dared not say some things at all.

However, Yami directly heard the deep meaning hidden in Lefiya's words.

It should be said that he is called a 'sex goblin'. She is not very old, but she is unexpectedly precocious…

"I've said that it doesn't have much effect on you, do you still want to learn it?"

"Sigh! You're not listening at all." Scratching his head a little weirdly, Yami's expression quickly returned to normal, "Okay, but I have one condition. At present, I need a group of middle-level monsters to drops. For the special materials that fell, if you have them there, or if you get them later, I hope you can sell the excess to me first, shouldn't this be a problem?"

"Is that all?"

The Amazon sisters suddenly showed a look of surprise, after all the condition was too simple.

Although their Familia members would walk a long distance every time they entered the dungeon, they would naturally be able to obtain a lot of special materials, even if a lot were used to maintain equipment, there would still be some left over.

Anyway, they all need to be sold, so it is the same to sell to anyone. If they can exchange it for a skill, they will naturally make a lot of money, and judging from Yami's actions before, this skill is not as simple as imagined, and its power is far greater and powerful beyond cognition.

If it wasn't for the absence of magic power fluctuations, they would even regard it as magic.

But they have to say that every time they see this little brother in front of them, it will always bring them surprises. Last time he used sword skills comparable to magic, and this time he showed powerful physical skills.

So many good things come from one person!

Simply enviable!

"That's all. The relationship between Hephaestus-sama and Loki-sama is very good. Even Captain and the others often participate in the leveling ranks of your Familia. And Miss Ais is very favored in your Familia, so I will not choose to refuse such a good thing if Orario's most powerful Familia owes me a favor."

Yami explained while shrugging his shoulders.

This is not a lie, he does have this kind of purpose, at least in the future when something happens, Loki will take into account today's favor, and choose to come forward to help him stand

After all, Yami knows how much Ais is loved by the Loki Familia.

"Thank you, I will not pass on the skills you taught me to others, and I will try my best to collect the special materials you need."

Ais nodded gratefully, and the meaning in her words was also obvious.

She obviously regards this matter as her own, and she doesn't really want to rely on Loki Familia. It should be said that it is her. Although this kind of character is a bit straightforward, it is indeed very pleasing to the eyes.

But there are some things that are not just what she wants.

"Then I will trouble you, Miss Ain."

Yami nodded with a smile on his face, his goal has been achieved!

"Then let's start now! It just so happens that Shinobu has almost rested, and her injuries have recovered, so let's continue!"

Hearing this, the others noticed Shinobu beside them.

The continuous healing magic on the other party also made them very concerned. At the same time, there was an envious expression in their eyes. The new members of Hephaestus's Familia are really excellent.

Such a good seedling was also taken one step ahead by the other party, you must know that they don't have many familia!

It's a pity that the matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is obviously unlikely to fight for it. If Finn and the others find out, they will definitely feel very sorry!

"Tione, I want to stay and study, you go back first."

What Ais said made the other people's faces darken. Are they this kind of tool people in the end?

Tione sighed helplessly, "Then I'll take Lefiya back first, and I'll go to Riveria to explain what happened here. But for the sake of safety, Tiona, you should stay with Ais, so that you can take care of her."

"Understood, sister."

In fact, Tiona also wanted to stay, after all, she was very curious about Yami's skills, and now she finally had a valid reason.

But, she still need to obtain the permission of the person concerned.

"Do you mind if I stay? Little Brother, if you don't want me to see your teaching process, I can stay away from you a little bit, and I promise not to eavesdrop."

"It doesn't matter, if you want to stay, you can stay, anyway, I don't plan to hide it, after all...It's not a precious skill."

Although the six styles are powerful, they are also very difficult to learn, but they are not as difficult as imagined.

There is no shortage of geniuses in every world, and there are not a few people who can learn other skills at a glance, so it didn't matter to him.

It would be better to say that this is also a contact that came to his door.

"Then I will trouble you, brother Yami, I will take Lefiya to leave first."

After finishing speaking, Tione directly pulled the unwilling Lefiya away from the place, and it was undoubtedly a dream for a mage to resist her.

In the blink of an eye, there were only four people left on the spot.

This change also made Yami somewhat unexpected, but it should be said that the situation is not bad, or even better than he imagined.

Adventurers don't fight and kill, adventurers are people with sophistication!

"Then let's start now! Shinobu, you can continue to train. It is too early for you to learn the six styles. When you upgrade, you will have the basic qualifications."


Although a little disappointed, Shinobu didn't refute, and ran to the other side on her own.

She knows that she is too weak, so she just needs to work hard.

First-level adventurer?

Sooner or later, she will also reach that point too!

Looking at her appearance full of fighting spirit, Yami nodded in satisfaction.

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