'So, care to tell me more about your little lover's quarrel?' Issei inquired of Ddraig as he was walking towards a certain cave in the familiar forest. His talk with the familiar master was brief and unpleasant, that ended with Issei knocking him out and proceeding with his plan.
[Don't call it lover's quarrel! The thought alone makes me shiver! Well, long story short, I borrowed some of her treasures. But before I could return them, or even hide them in a secure place, the fight between Albion and I started. And after my sealing, those treasures were stolen and scattered around the world.]
'I see...I say she'd well within her right to be angry and wanting to kill you. After all, it is you who's constantly reminding me how much their treasure means to a dragon.'
[You're supposed to be my partner!]
'A good friend points out your mistakes before others can.'
[Shut up. I'm going to sleep, don't wake me up even if that woman kills you.]
'As you wish, the oh-so great heavenly dragon.' Ddraig scoffed at Issei's sarcastic remark and succumbed to deep sleep.
'This is it then.' Issei was finally at his destination. A cave entrance larger than anything he's ever seen. 'For fuck's sake...is it 50 meters high? 100? And that width...' Shaking his head to clear the thoughts, he took a step forward. Then another. And another.
With every step, the eerie atmosphere he was feeling grew more ominous. As if he was walking to greet death. He gulped and steeled his heart, releasing a bit of his aura in the process. And as soon as he did that, a humongous roar vertebrated from within the cave. He smiled nervously and began walking again.
When the entrance of the cave was no longer visible, Issei had to stop. Not because he reached the end, but because the end was reaching him.
A blue western dragon with celestial blue scales that captivated Issei came flying and sent him hurling out the cave. Issei landed 20 meters from the entrance on the ground.
"I guess that counts as a greeting?" Issei blurted out, clearly mocking dragon tradition.
The azure dragon was floating above his head in the sky, looking down with furious eyes.
"Red Dragon Emperor, you dare invade my home!?! You must have some guts, to walk to your own death to willingly." Her voice sent shockwaves hurling through the forest as she prepared a fire breath to launch at Issei.
He dodged at the last second and floated up to meet the attacker on eye level. Looking down, the place where he was lying had been disintegrated. 'She really was trying to end it with one attack...this won't be easy.' Issei looked into her eyes and began speaking.
"Chaos Karma Dragon, Tiamat, I didn't come here to fight! I know you're angry at the dragon inside me, and rightfully so. But he's asleep right now and I have-" Issei's speech was interrupted by another fire breath aimed right at his face, which he dodged. He grit his teeth together and released the full brunt of his aura in response, along with a glare that sent shivers down Tiamat's spine.
'W-What's this glare...and that aura...it isn't just Ddraig's...there's something else mixed in it. To think he could make me tremble.' Tiamat smiled. She was expecting this to be a small scuffle but it looked like she won't be bored after all.
"A possessor of Ddraig that doesn't want to fight? I won't fall for your petty tricks human. You better dawn your armor, because the next attack will have my full force." She flapped her wings in an attempt to intimidate the boy. But he did something that she had never expected.
Issei dropped his guard and his aura at the same time, closing his eyes. When he opened them, the intense glare was no longer to be seen, replaced by an understanding and pleading expression.
"I said I didn't come here to fight, Tiamat. And I'll stick by my words. But it looks like I can't convince you, that's why..." Issei took a deep breath before continuing. "You can attack me all you want. I won't defend or dodge. Release it. Release all your anger on me, all of it! And when you're satisfied, then you will listen to what I have to say."
Tiamat flared her aura in a rampage. She was infuriated. To think that a fledging would challenge her in such a manner...would underestimate her in such a manner...She was going to mutilate him.
"You'll swallow those words, little boy." Her eyes turned red and she began her assault. Starting with a flick of her tail that sent Issei to a nearby mountain.
'Damn, that really hurt.' Issei stood up slowly and dusted his clothes off, which were now torn in certain places. He was interrupted by Tiamat, who slammed into him and burst through the other side of the mountain, with Issei in front of her taking all of the impact.
She prepared a fire breath and fired it from top of him, sending him down into the earth in the form of a blazing meteor. A few seconds later, he stood back on his feet.
'What's going on...he really isn't defending himself or dodging my attacks. But then...why isn't he hurt? Is it a trick?' Tiamat flew down and picked the boy up. She then flew to a couple thousand meters in the air and dropped Issei, firing another fire breath at him.
This time, the place where Issei landed was dented down to almost 30 meters towards the center of the earth. But after a deep breath, he stood back up again. His shirt was almost gone, showing off his chiseled veteran chest. And he still hadn't received a single wound.
5 Hours Later
Tiamat was on all fours in her human form, panting from exhaustion. She had been constantly attacking Issei with all her arsenal. But even the strongest Dragon King could only extract a small blood trail from the boy's mouth after all that.
Issei wiped his mouth and stood on his feet, looking at Tiamat with the same expression he had when they started.
Dragons had the stamina to fight for days, weeks on end. But Tiamat had been tormenting Issei without a missed beat, she was furious and embarrassed with the fact that the boy still hadn't defended, dodged or attacked. And being the only one attacking, she was bound to be tired.
"*pant* How...*pant*" She spoke to herself in a whisper.
And for the first time during their fight, Issei opened his mouth.
"Will you listen to me now? Or you still want to continue?" In the state that Tiamat was, Issei could've easily flared his aura and made her submit to him, but that would've defeated his purpose in coming here.
He was secretly admiring the appearance of the female dragon that was trying to kill him. Tiamat's human form was a beautiful woman with straight, long, pale blue hair and dark blue eyes. Her navy blue one piece skirt had especially captured Issei's gaze. It did nothing to hide the curves of this busty dragon.
"This isn't *pant* over yet...but I'll hear what you have to say, boy." Tiamat collected herself and stood to look him in the eye.
'Finally...' Issei sighed and changed his expression to one that of a determined warrior.
"I am Issei Hyoudou, this generation's Red Dragon Emperor. Tiamat, tell me something, which is the most feared race in this world?" Issei inquired.
"Dragons." And she answered without delay.
"That's right. And which is the most respected race in this world?"
"...Dragons." Tiamat thought for a second before answering this time.
"Wrong. We might be respected by many, but there are far more denizens who in their fear of us, have decided to hate, despise, scorn and even look down upon us. I want to change that." Issei's eyes never wavered. His expression made it clear that he wasn't playing around. "I have a dream that I one day hope to achieve. And to do that, I need to take certain steps. One of those steps is..." He took a sharp breath before continuing. "...to create a Dragon faction."
"You can't be serious! You think you can do that!?! Dragons have been around for eons, time that you couldn't even comprehend the length of. And to say that you want to unite these prideful dragons!?! Hah..." Tiamat scoffed at the boy.
"I'll accomplish it. No matter who stands in my way, I will forge it. The path that will guide me to my dream." Issei looked at his hand in admiration and then looked back at her. "And it won't be exclusive to dragons. Anyone who wants a peaceful life, without constant conflict and betrayal will be welcomed. In the end, it'll just be a small step in my journey." He smiled.
"To call that a small step...you're unbelievable." The ridiculous joke that the boy had told her would've made the population of the world laugh like they had never before. But meeting the determined gaze, Tiamat couldn't bring herself to chuckle or look down upon his words.
'Shit...this feeling...' Tiamat knew it since the start of their battle. The second Issei had flared his aura, she feared this moment would come. That's why she had tried to kill him before he could speak any words. But not only did she fail, but he took all her attacks head on without a guard and came out practically unharmed. Dragons are at their core, simple creatures. And their instincts can't be ignored. And her instincts yearned for something. For someone.
Like now, Issei's instincts were telling him to make Tiamat his property. At least he was doing a far better job at controlling them than the female.
Tiamat's cheeks had turned red and she sighed. The time had finally come.
"I have seen your resolve first hand in this battle, Issei Hyoudou! But I'll only accept on one condition!" She practically screamed that last sentence.
"What's the condition?" Issei asked with happiness oozing out of his voice. He was nervous that she would reject his offer and they'll have to fight again.
"You will be my mate." She declared.
The dragon part of Issei was screeching in joy. Persuading him to push her down right here and take her. But Issei kept his composure.
"...there will be others you know." He had walked up to her and only an inch of air separated their bodies. Being slightly taller, Issei was looking down into her eyes and smirking, holding her chin in his grip.
"There better be." Tiamat smirked back.
Issei slammed their lips together in a heated kiss worthy of being called battle for domination, which he won and claimed the strongest dragon king as his.
Kuoh Academy
Occult Research Club
Rias and Akeno's eyes were almost bulging out with the revelation that Sona had just handed to them.
"Issei Hyoudou is the Red Dragon Emperor!?!" Rias screamed.
"Yeah, there's no mistaking it. I saw the Boosted gear myself." Sona replied. "And that aura...I'm afraid he might be stronger than my sister." She reluctantly admitted.
Rias gulped and Akeno trembled in fear. The boy they were targeting was capable of ending their lives whenever he felt like doing it.
"Shit...How could I not notice!?!" Rias blurted out her feelings without regard for her noble standing.
"Anyway, now that you know, you better leave him alone. I have business to attend to." Saying that, Sona left the building.
But she had too much trust in her best friend. Rias was drooling with greed and lust at Issei's power. She wanted him in her peerage even more than she did before.
Fortunately, a small rational part of her still remained and told her that she can't force him to do anything. But her spoiled personality wasn't going to tolerate that. Her plan still stood strong in her mind, she'll easily seduce him with her and her queen's body. And then he would beg her to make him into a devil so he can serve her eternally.
"Akeno, you know what to do." Rias ordered.
Akeno, who was still sweating profusely, was tempted to retort back and tell Rias the truth of the situation. But alas, she couldn't go against her King's wishes.
Smut 18+(lasts till the end of chapter)
Issei had pushed Tiamat to a nearby tree and was making out with her. Somewhere along the line she had crossed her legs on his waist and his hands had started to caress her ass, which made her moan into his mouth.
When they were finally out of breath, they had to reluctantly separate.
"F-Fuck...You're so good at this ~" Tiamat praised his skills.
"I've had plenty of practice." Issei conjured a magic circle to bring out a picnic cloth and spread it on the ground. Watching that made it clear to Tiamat - they were going to have sex in an open forest.
Her pussy lips twitched in anticipation of what was coming. Issei smirked in response because he could smell her lust, which made her blush and turn her head.
However, doing that was a mistake as Issei began feasting on her neck and leaving marks, making her shiver.
"W-Wait...my neck is! Funhiiiangh!" Her words were cut off when he cupped one of her breasts with his hand. Quickly removing the dress to the side, Issei pinched her nipple roughly. She was a dragon, so he didn't have to hold back.
He moved away from the tree and slammed Tiamat on the ground where he had laid the sheet. Moving his mouth down, leaving kisses on her body, he suckled on her breasts like a beast. Tiamat grabbed his hair and pulled on it for support while trying to catch her breath. Every time Issei's tongue rolled on her body, she would tremble like crazy.
"Mmm...you're tasty, Tiamat." Issei pulled her dress down and revealed her magnificent body in all its glory. It was clear she didn't wear any panties, but still, seeing her naked folds sent Issei over the edge. He quickly gave a few kisses to her abdomen and reached his destination.
'Calling me tasty...this cheeky mate!!!!' Tiamat screamed inside her mind but her rambling was interrupted when Issei rubbed his finger over her slit. She quickly covered her mouth to suppress her moans. This was an empty forest, but if, by any chance someone were to hear her...
Frustrated, Issei caught her arms and removed them from her face, revealing her drool and removing the barrier that was holding back her moans.
"ISSEI!?!" Tiamat let out a shocked voice.
"Don't hold back." He ordered in a stern voice, leaving no room for negotiations.
Embarrassed but obedient, Tiamat complied.
Issei nodded and let his tongue slide across her cunt, before coming to rest on her clit. His index finger found its way to her entrance, thrusting slowly and giving him time to ravish his meal.
Meanwhile, Tiamat was turning into a mesh with all this teasing. But she knew Issei wasn't going to stop. Maybe this was her payback for hitting him for 5 hours.
'Ah geez! I'll let you have this one! But our next bout will be different, Issei Hyoudou!' She comforted herself.
Issei's finger sensed a hymen, making him smile. He inserted another finger and began thrusting rapidly. With how wet she was, the sounds were aesthetic.
'Shit- I'm gonna!' Tiamat screamed freely as her body spasmed and she came all over Issei's hand. As she was recovering, Issei licked his hand clean, sending a blush towards Tiamat's way.
Issei finally removed his pants and showed off his own goods.
"Fuck...that can't be real..." Tiamat was shocked and at a loss for words at the sight of Issei's cock.
"Still think I'm a 'boy'?" He stroked his member to tease the female dragon.
"No...Not anymore." Tiamat steeled her courage and opened her legs, using her two fingers she spread her lips and invited Issei. "Come, my Dragon ~"
The Red Dragon Emperor wasted not time. Knowing she can handle the pain, Issei broke her hymen with one long, rough thrust and slammed all of his length in her at once.
"Issei...Aah...I can feel you...Hah...Hah...after all these years..." Tiamat was grabbing Issei's shoulders for support. Her nails were digging in his skin, but he didn't mind.
Staying still for a few seconds, Issei began moving. Slowly at first, but he reached a medium pace and teased Tiamat's sweet spot repeatedly, sometimes even missing on purpose.
Tiamat grit her teeth and moaned into the sloppy kiss she had pulled Issei into. Wrapping her legs around his hips as he rammed in and out, she got the gist of it and began moving her hips as well.
Tiamat was embarrassed that she was already about to cum, even though it was her first time. Resigning to her fate, she called out to her mate.
"Hngh! Issei! Bite! HNGH...Angh! Bite my neck!" Tiamat screamed simultaneously trying her best to hold back.
Issei, who was no stranger to Dragon tradition, complied. He bit her neck with all his strength, marking Tiamat, for all time to come, as his forever.
A magic circle appeared on her chest and glowed profusely. As soon as it did, Tiamat came with a splash and her body began rambling so much that Issei had to hold her down.
And since Issei never stopped thrusting even as Tiamat begged him to let her rest, her tightness right after an orgasm made him cum as well. With one last thrust, Issei's cock kissed her cervix and filled her with buckets of cum.
Once he pulled out, which wasn't easy since she was still clamping hard, he watched as drops of his cum oozed out from the pussy he had just ravaged. Catching his breath, he pulled Tiamat in for a hug and kissed her forehead.
"You did good. With this, you're mine forever." He whispered to her.
Too exhausted to reply, she let out a 'hmm' and went to sleep in his arms. The mark on her chest had stopped glowing and showed Issei its shape and colors. It was identical to the mark he had bestowed on his first wife, who is probably missing him and cursing at him at the same time.
Resembling a ferocious Dragon's head, the mark was a mixture of black and red. You could stare at it all day and not get tired.
Issei wanted to go another round, but he cut her some slack and was satisfied with kissing her head again. He wrapped her in the sheet, picked up their clothes, and teleported home.