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100% HP: Son of Voldemort / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Boy Who Born
HP: Son of Voldemort HP: Son of Voldemort original

HP: Son of Voldemort

Auteur: Tio_Iroh99

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Chapter 1: The Boy Who Born





St. John's Hospital, Surrey, England, UK, August 10, 17:35 UTC, 1980

"AAAAAAAAGH" the loud scream of a young woman could be heard in the delivery room of the hospital.

"Come on ma'am, one last push, you can do it!" Dr. Richard asked the woman who was screaming as if she was being tortured. 

"I can't, aghhh, I can't!" the woman exclaimed pleadingly, at this moment she felt as if her body was being torn in half. 

"don't give up ma'am, we can see the head now, come on, one last push" Dr. Richard asked her

"AAAAAAAAAGGGGH" with renewed strength, said woman pushed hard enough to finally end her ordeal, the pain she was feeling at this moment was unimaginable, and it had already been several hours at that. Her tirade was interrupted by the cry of a baby. 

"aaagggh, agghg", "congratulations Mrs. Williams, your son is a healthy baby boy, what do you want to name him?" 

The woman in question was named, Rebecca Williams, she was 33 years old, she had dirty blonde hair, and light green eyes and striking, although at this moment she was sweating and her face was red from crying, you could still see her tremendous beauty and her mettle. 

The doctor brought the baby to the woman, and Rebecca finally glimpsed her son, for whom she had suffered great pain. But when she saw his face, and knew that this was her child, all the anger she felt had dissipated, at this moment, she could only feel love and affection, "Anton, his name is Anton, just like my father". 

"and the last name ma'am..., will it be Williams?"

"Riddle, Anton Riddle", the nurse wrote down his name on a small piece of paper and stuck it to the baby's wrist, this was standard procedure to avoid confusion, as the babies had to go for a check up, and more babies would be there 

"you will be a strong and talented boy my little Anton, I want you to know that mommy loves you, and will always love you, never forget that" giving him a kiss on the forehead, she proceeded to leave him with the nurse, when she left him, she turned to look at a corner of the room. 

In that corner there was nothing unusual, just a simple white painted corner, however, Rebecca changed her happy and loving expression to a serious and angry one, as if in that corner was her worst enemy. 

"What is the patient doing Doctor?"

"I think she is delirious, let's give her electrolytes, maybe she lost a lot of fluid..."

"Desmaius" Rebecca chanted a spell, and with a strong impulse, a red light shot out of her hand, which made everyone in the room faint.

"I know your master sent you to kill me, but don't worry, my time is running out, I can feel it, this piece of magic exhausted me completely... but the child, my son, is innocent, you know what your master will do to him, the poison he will put in his head, will you really be so cruel to give such a fate to an innocent child..... I ask you to save him, I know it sounds selfish, but please, don't give him to him... please, I ask you as a mother, don't give my son to that man, please" each time if speech was getting slower and slower, Rebecca slowly started to faint, and just in time, because the spell had already run out and the people on the floor were starting to get up 

'What the hell happened?' thought Doctor Richard, but he was brought out of his reverie with the sound of the machine monitoring Rebecca's vitals 

"pip, pip, pip, pip", "doctor, pressure's dropping, she's going into arrest" a nurse who had also gotten up exclaimed. 

"Epi, 5 mg now."

"Pip, pip, pip, pip"

"no response doctor, what do we do"

"paddles, charge to 180 volts, charge, again, charge, again, charge, again, charge" 

"piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....doctor, she's gone…"

"sigh... time of death, 17:45, damn it" doctor Richard was frustrated, surely Rebecca was bleeding internally, but it took too long for them to react.

"poor little boy, he was orphaned just when he was born..." exclaimed another nurse sadly. 

"I'm going to call children's services, I'm going to advocate for him to be treated well and taken to a good place, it's the only thing we can do for the little one."

However, a voice in the corner interrupted him, "desmaius", a louder light than the first one shot out of the corner, again every person in the room fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes. 

From the corner, which was apparently empty, a woman suddenly appeared, she was a young witch of about 27 years old, she had brown hair and honey-colored eyes, she had small and delicate features, and her body was small and thin, in general terms, we could say that she was a delicate woman, but those who knew her could not help but laugh at such a comparison, this young witch was one of the most dangerous witches in the United Kingdom, being one of the death eater of the inner circle of Lord Voldemort himself. 

Her name was Melinda Marchbanks, her great aunt was Griselda Marchbanks, governor of the Magical Examination Tribunal, however, her family, who were purebloods, had cut ties with her aunt because of her beliefs. Her family owned a potions store in Diagon Alley, and she worked as an editor at the Diary the Prophet, however, this was not why she became one of the main death eaters in Lord Voldemort's circle, it was because of her talent. 

She was a natural occlumens, and a pretty decent leglimens, and, although in fighting and dueling, she was no match for monsters like Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black, Severus Snape or her Lord himself, her skill with the mind allowed her to be one of the main information capturers, as there were very few who could handle her Legeremancy. Being the editor of the newspaper gave her a plus to find juicy information for her master.

She looked at the baby, if she could say so, he was quite a cute baby, he had deep green eyes, darker than his mother's, and his jet black hair made him look quite adorable.

As Rebecca had said, Melinda had been sent by Lord Voldemort to kill her and take the baby, what her lord wanted with the baby?, she did not know, and she did not care either, since, as a follower of her lord, her job was not to question him, only to follow his orders...

Or so she thought, when she looked at the baby she began to feel doubts inside, she knew that, if she fulfilled her mission, that child would grow up as a cruel and loveless person. His lord could be powerful, charismatic and a great magician, but it could not be denied that, at least for the most part, each of his followers feared him deeply, his sadism was incomparable. 

Suddenly, the boy in his arms, raised his little hand, and grabbed one of Melinda's fingers, looking up curiously, suddenly began to laugh as if Melinda's finger told the best jokes in the world. This brought a genuine smile to the witch's face, the child was certainly adorable.... 'He doesn't  deserve that fate' she thought

Melinda no longer hesitated, she had made a decision. That decision would change the  child's destiny, and give him the opportunity to become the savior or  destroyer of  the whole  magic world.known

"Poof" with  a loud bang, disappeared from the place, but not before  having used a  spell of dememorization in all the doctors and nurses from the area. In the end they would only remember that they had a failed operation, but no baby involved in that operation. 


Saint Helena Orphanage, Surrey, England, UK, August 10, 18:03 UTC, 1980

"poof" reappearing on the outskirts of Surrey, in a medium-sized orphanage, which, to Melinda's knowledge was quite popular and had a very good reputation. Melinda proceeded to leave the baby behind the door, but not before putting a heating spell on him so that the temperature would not affect him. 

The child in question was falling asleep and had a slight smile on his face, from time to time he would grimace, only the baby knowing how interesting the dream was. 

"take care child, if you generated so much enthusiasm in my lord, then you will grow up to be quite powerful, I hope I can see your growth someday...". Heading for the door, She tapped twice on the metal handle, and proceeded to disappear with another "poof". 

After a few minutes passed, a lady in her 60's opened the door, her face was a bit wrinkled and her black hair was slowly turning an ashy gray sign of the large gray hair she had. Her face was stern, and her eyes showed a high wisdom, however, those who knew her knew that she loved her work and that every child in the orphanage was considered a son to her. Her name was Antonietta Pellegrini, of French origin, and she was the matron of the orphanage in question.

"oh God, a baby" taking the little one in her arms, she saw the label indicating his name, "Anton...Riddle, nice name, come let's go inside, surely you are cold, and when you wake up surely you will want to feed" Anton never woke up, he was still in the world of dreams, not even me, the author who is writing at the moment knows what those dreams contained (AN: a world where Gojo is still alive :'( ).


Riddle House, Little Hangleton, England, UK, August 10, 18:45 UTC, 1980

"My lord" Melinda was kneeling on the floor, dipping her head down in surrender. "I have failed you, my lord, please punish me."

In front of her was a golden throne with snake detailing, seated on said throne was a man who could only be described with the word, 'beautiful', he was the epitome of loveliness, his pale skin giving him a flawless vampiric look, his jet black hair properly coiffed and his red eyes that had a slight snake slit gave him a wild and dangerous appearance. He was known as Lord Voldemort, a wizard who, at his young age of 38, was already considered equal to or, in the opinion of his followers, more powerful than Dumbledore himself, the wizard considered to be the second coming of Merlin.

His charisma, as well as his pureblood ideals, his disdain for half-bloods and the inferior race known as 'muggles', quickly won him many, many followers throughout the entire Magic Kingdom, and his influence was slowly spreading to the outskirts of all of Europe.

Standing beside him was one of his most loyal servants, as well as the main sponsor of his campaign against the half-blood Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius, heir to the wealthy House Malfoy, the third wealthiest after the honorable House Black and Potter, was a tall man, about 24 years old, had long blond hair and a face with sharp, aristocratic features.

"And where have you failed Melinda?" Lord Voldemort asked 

"I am sorry my lord, my negligence prevented me from being able to get the child, when I arrived the mother and him, they were dead."

"Get up Melinda, let me see the memory."

"Of course my lord" Lifting his occlumency barriers, only leaving the barriers protecting his subconscious, he let his lord read his memories. 

The subconscious barrier was a barrier that all occlumens must always maintain, if broken it could cause said wizard or witch to completely lose their identity or worse, become a vegetable.


"Aagh" a small groan came from Melinda's mouth, despite having opened the barriers for her master, Voldemort's magic was quite potent and savage, clearly gentleness had not been used in this attack on the witch's mind. 

Voldemort glimpsed the memory of Melinda, how she had arrived just as the doctors pronounced Rebecca and the baby dead, Rebecca from internal bleeding and the baby from asphyxiation from the umbilical cord. 

This memory was false, clearly the situation had not been like that, but the spell that Rebecca had used was such an advanced and ancient magic that it made the person in question believe that the memory she was showing was true, Rebecca herself could swear that everything shown was the very truth. If Voldemort had analyzed the memory properly, he would have found a small box hidden at the bottom of the room.

In said box was inside Rebecca's true memory. This protection was subtle and advanced for any normal Leglimens, however, Voldemort was not normal, to him, this would have been quite obvious, however, Voldemort if anything had arrogance for his power, so he did not probe further and simply accepted the memory as true, after all, who would dare deceive Lord Voldemort himself?

"I am disappointed Melinda, I asked one thing of you, and you failed, I should kill you for said failure... But the main fault is not yours, it is that inferior Muggle race, their incompetence is unprecedented, you will not die for this Melinda"

"My lord, thank you, thank you, your mercy is unprecedented..."


"AGGGGGGGGGGGH" Melinda felt such extreme pain throughout her body that it made her scream so loud that her throat hurt, she could not describe the pain she felt at this moment it felt as if thousands of needles were piercing every nerve and muscle in her body, it was the worst feeling she had ever felt in her entire life. just when she thought that such torture was ending Voldemort sang again


"AGGH" his scream was stifled, his throat hurt so much that it no longer gave him the strength to scream, his mind was slowly losing its rationality, drool was starting to come out of his mouth. In the end he fainted.

"Take her to St. Mungos, Lucius, get her the best healers."

"Yes, my Lord."

"And Lucius..."

"Yes, my lord?"

"Let this be an example, no one is indispensable, if you fail me there will be no forgiveness from me. I was still merciful enough not to kill her."

"I will not fail you my lord, but if I may ask..."

"Ask Lucius, without fear."

"You don't think she lied my lord?"

"Do you think he managed to deceive Lucius, me, LORD VOLDEMORT?"

"I dare not my lord, but from what you said earlier...the child was quite important to you."

"The child's death is... Unfortunate. He would have been a great addition to my ranks, would have made him a worthy successor, we will mourn the death of what could have been an excellent wizard" 

"It certainly is sad my lord..." Lucius was about to comment when he was interrupted by the urgency of a voice coming in the door 

"My lord!" entered a man with a beard and brown hair, he had grey colored eyes and as he spoke to his lord there was only adoration and respect in his gaze

"Tell me Rodolfus!" 

"Peter has just arrived, he has information about the Potters. He says that they are preparing the Fidelius charm to hide

"Excellent, tell Wormtail who has to be the secret keeper at all costs, I'm getting impatient"

"Yes, my lord"

The Potters had been elusive but it's a matter of time to catch them. The prophecy indicates a child born to his enemies, the Potter's son fulfilled that and more, soon he himself would go and kill him, and no one will be able to defeat, not even destiny itself.


Saint Helena Orphanage, Surrey, England, UK, July 13, 14:36 UTC, 1991

"Don't you have to tell me anything Anton?" an older lady asked, she was wearing an apron, indicating that she was or had recently cooked, her face already had wrinkles from her age, and her dark brown eyes indicated wisdom but also sternness, although at this moment there was a slight look of anger towards the boy she was addressing. 

"No…" Anton, a boy of 11 answered nervously. He was tall for his age but not excessively so, just taller than average, he had rather pale skin, but not to the point of being considered sickly, rather one could say his skin was flawless due to the lack of imperfections or blemishes, his eyes were a deep forest green, he had thin lips and his face, though still with baby fat, could already be considered pretty, clearly in the future he would be a rather handsome young man.

"Are you sure?" Miss Pellegrini, asked again with a frown on her face. 


"Are you going to deny me that, again you did Roman's homework...?, sight, if you keep doing it he's not going to learn and you're only going to hurt him in the future, Anton?"

"But Roman is bad at math, and he's about to fail, I didn't want him to do it, he is my brother after all..."

Antonieta bent down to be at Anton's level. 

"You're a good boy Anton, and I know you want to help, but if you don't let Roman learn by himself, it will be worse."

"So you're saying I can't help him anymore?" Little tears started to come out of Anton's eyes.

"No Anton, help him, but don't do everything for him, okay?"

"Okay..." he suddenly felt a smack on his forehead "Augh, why is that?"

"That's for lying to me in the beginning, don't do it again."

"Yes Miss Pellegrini" said Anton with a regretful look on his face. Antoinette smiled slightly at this 

"Good, stop suffering, now go play with the other children, and I'll keep cooking, today we'll have ribs, your favorite"

"Yeeei, thank you, Miss Pellegrini" giving him a kiss on the cheek, Anton went on his way as he left Miss Pellegrini with a small smile, he wouldn't admit it, but Anton was her favorite among the children at the orphanage. 

Ever since he was dropped off at the entrance he had been a pretty quiet baby, he didn't cry or throw tantrums. As he grew up he showed intelligence beyond his age, especially in mathematics, chemistry and biology, but not only that, he had also learned to play the piano, violin and he painted quite well too. He could certainly be described with the word 'genius'.

Being so talented he would surely be the envy of the other children in the orphanage, but that didn't happen here, on the contrary, Anton was very close to each of the children, he supported them with their homework (sometimes he did it for them) and invited them to do whatever they liked, from sports to art.

This was demonstrated with Marie, the youngest of the orphanage children who was only 4. Anton had worked as a paperboy to save money to buy her the paintings she wanted for her birthday, needless to say that from that day on Marie and Anton were inseparable, Anton was so to speak, a good big brother to the orphanage children.

'One day you will achieve great things Anton, of that I have no doubt' Miss Pellegrini thought, as she went to continue finishing the food for the children, after all, those ribs were not going to cook themselves.


"Knock knock" a little girl, about 4 years old, knocked on Anton's door. Opening the door, the little black-haired, honey-eyed girl walked in. Her big baby cheeks made her look adorable and cuddly, "Big brother, I can't sleep."

Anton got up from his bed and carried her in his arms, this almost always happened, many of the younger children would go to his room for him to tell them a story so they could sleep

"Don't worry Marie, do you want me to tell you a story" Marie however shook her head. 


"I want to see the magic tricks big brother."

A wry smile entered Anton's face, "I knew you would say that...fine, I'll do magic tricks for you, but you know the rules, never say anything, least of all to Miss Pellegrini."

"Mmm mmm, I get it Big brother" the girl nodded frantically, she would never betray her beloved big brother

"Hahahah well, there you go" Anton took a plastic ball and with a wave of his hand threw it slightly high, however, the ball never fell, it stayed in the air. If you looked closely Anton had his left hand raised and had a look of concentration on his face. 

Then like in an orchestra, he started to move his hands which made the ball move to his sound, left, right, up and down, circular and square movements, the ball moved to the fictitious rhythm of Anton's hands.

"Yeii big brother, it's so cool" Marie expressed, she had a great look of joy and you could tell she was quite impressed by her big brother's 'powers'.

After about 20 minutes Anton got tired and dropped the ball, a bit of sweat was on his forehead, "ready Marie, it's time to go to sleep"

"Auuuf, yes big brother" Marie snuggled into Anton's chest and was closing her eyes, Anton let her fall asleep and, when she started to snore, he gently put her on the bed, then he went to his bureau and took a book out of a drawer, this was his diary.

Note 334-

My control of my powers has grown, I can now levitate the ball for more than 20 minutes without breaking a sweat, would have to try using heavier objects to see the response time. The heaviest I have tried is my bed, but I could only manage to levitate it a couple of centimeters for less than a minute before it fell.

Also the memory exercises I started to do have paid off, every day I feel that my mental processing speed improves more and more, I can remember every detail of the day and go over it reevaluating every minimal action, you have to keep monitoring that ability. 

My body, has improved due to the light morning training, however, unfortunately I have confirmed that I do not have super strength like Superman, although it remains to be seen if I can fly, we would have to perform a controlled experiment to find out, we do not want another accident like last year's broken hand. 

Finally, I need to convince Miss Pellegrini to take us to the zoo again, I still remember that nice snake that called me speaker, I want to know why that name.

After writing this last, I closed the diary and as if by magic (wink wink) everything I had written had disappeared leaving the space blank. This was a technique he had learned a couple of years ago, he didn't know specifically how it worked, he just knew that if he wanted to, people could not read what he had written.

(AN: this is not a magic diary nor a magic pen, this is purely derived from Anton's magic, which I will explore later on)

"Aaauf" a loud yawn gave announcement of the great tiredness he felt, he quickly crawled into his bed, Marie snuggled into his chest and started drooling on it


"Anton, please come down, there is a letter for you" Miss Pellegrini shouted to Anton. 

Anton quickly made his way to the entrance where the letter was waiting for him. This was nothing out of the ordinary, his grades were excellent and many well known schools were sending him offers to enlist as a student, some even had full scholarships on offer. However, he was still undecided on which option he would enter.

However, to his surprise, the letter in question had a rather conspicuous stamp, whichever school wrote to him, it was not known to Anton. This letter had a strange logo as it was divided into four colors: red, green, blue and yellow, in each color was an animal, lion, snake, raven and badger respectively

'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry....Then my powers are of magical origin.'

"So coool!"


Author's note: this is the first episode of HP: Son of Voldemort and I have to clarify some things

1-. Voldemort will be younger than canon, only 38, he is too powerful derived from magic rituals principally

2-. Harry Potter was born before, January 31, 1980, specifically (the prophecy also changes to, a child born in January)

3-. Voldemort 'dies' on Halloween in 1980, with Harry being 9 months old

4-. The MC will be a little childish at first, come on, he is learning about a new world, A MAGIC WORLD, but over time he will change and mature, being Voldemort's son will bring many problems to his life

Tio_Iroh99 Tio_Iroh99

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