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82.25% Rebirth of Aron Blackthorn: A Pokémon Odyssey / Chapter 50: Peril of Pallet Town

Chapitre 50: Peril of Pallet Town

Pallet Town, Kanto

While the sea tide wreaked havoc on lower Kanto, a remarkable exception unfolded near the Viridian Forest. Despite the widespread devastation, towns in proximity to the forest remained unscathed. This anomaly emerged from a surprising turn of events accompanying the onset of the Pokémon tide two days prior. A formidable Pokémon army from the depths of the Viridian Forest began engaging the sea-generated Pokémon tide, thus revealing an unexpected clash of forces.

Little did many know, the Viridian Forest harbored a concealed mythical Pokémon powerhouse, and the pokemon living inside the Viridian Forest perceived the encroachment of the sea tide as a direct challenge to their monarch's authority. Thus, the Pokémon tide from the sea found itself confronted by the formidable forces of the Viridian Forest, each serving a different Pokémon ruler. However, luckily for the sea tide, the mythical pokemon that inhabited the Viridian Forest chose not to take action because of its peaceful nature; if not, the legendary Articuno would have been shredded to pieces. But this did not stop the Pokemon in the forest from clashing with the incoming tide.

This clash between the sea tide and the Viridian Forest's Pokémon tide not only marked a unique spectacle but also hinted at the intricate power dynamics underlying the natural world of Pokémon. Even the legendary Articuno was wary and chose not to confront the mythical pokemon and chose to redirect its attention a bit south in the direction of Pallet Town.

As the clash between the sea tide and the Viridian Forest's Pokémon tide escalated, the battlefield transformed into a scene of chaos and carnage. The air crackled with energy as powerful attacks from different Pokemon collided, sending shockwaves rippling through the landscape. Even Wild Pokemon of Aurora and Epic Stage clashed for the single reason of asserting dominance in their monarch's name.

From the sea tide emerged fierce water-type Pokémon, their roars echoing across the tumultuous waters. The epic stage Gyarados thrashed with its massive form, sending torrents of water crashing against the opposing forces. It used its massive jaws and ripped apart an Aurora stage Venausar, which tried to push it back with a powerful solar beam. An Aurora stage, Tentacruel's tentacles lashed out from beneath the waters, ensnaring unsuspecting opponents that were trying to encircle the Gyarados and dragging them beneath the waves.

On the other side, the Pokémon of the Viridian Forest fought with primal fury. An epic stage, Scyther's blades glinted in the sunlight as it darted through the air, slicing through waves of enemy Pokémon with deadly precision. Its original body, which was vibrant green, had now turned crimson due to the countless sea pokemon it had sliced through. On its side was an Aurora stage Pinsir, whose massive pincers snapped shut with bone-crushing force, leaving a trail of defeated foes in its wake.

As the battle raged on, the ground shook beneath the onslaught of earthquake attacks unleashed by Golem and Rhydon, while the sky blazed with the fiery assaults of Charizard and Arcanine. Amidst the chaos, cries of pain and fury echoed as Pokémon on both sides fell to the relentless onslaught.

The clash of two armies continued unabated, each side refusing to yield an inch of ground. The once serene landscape of the Viridian Forest was now transformed into a gruesome battlefield, strewn with the wreckage of fallen Pokémon and stained with the blood of the combatants.

In this brutal contest of wills, only the strongest would emerge victorious, while the weak would be swept away by the tide of battle. As the sun completely set on the horizon, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield, the outcome of this epic clash remained uncertain, shrouded in the haze of war.

The citizens of Pallet Town had hastily begun fortifying themselves in various underground bunkers and strongholds. Originally caught off guard, they scrambled to prepare, but the fortuitous intervention of the second tide granted them precious time to bolster their defenses. However, the subsequent days proved harrowing as they remained trapped in the town, caught amidst the escalating clash of the two tides.

Despite the Pokémon tide surging from the Viridian Forest, boasting formidable and robust creatures, the sea tide held dominance due to sheer numerical superiority. While the sea tide spread out along the southern borders of both Kanto and Johto, the Pokémon defenders of the Viridian Forest, tasked with safeguarding only a portion of Kanto's coastal borders, found themselves vastly outnumbered. Only the exceptional quality of Pokémon from the Viridian Forest forestalled the collapse of their defensive line.

"Damn it! How much longer do you reckon this will endure?" An Elite-level trainer, observing the relentless carnage from the secondary defense line a few miles outside Pallet Town, voiced his frustration to his companion. "From my rough estimation, the corpses of over a hundred thousand Pokémon litter the battleground. What in Arceus's name are the Blackthorns playing at?"

His friend cautioned against hasty conclusions, urging a deeper understanding of the situation. "You shouldn't jump to conclusions without the full picture. If the Blackthorns were truly behind this chaos, why would they be defending Johto's borders? Reports suggest Johto remains relatively unscathed, whereas Kanto has already ceded over 30% of its territory to the tide. I fear the casualty count may soar into the tens of millions before this ordeal concludes."

The frustrated trainer countered, "But doesn't that bolster the suspicion? Kanto's losses far outweigh Johto's, despite our region's strength. Unless the Blackthorns possess some means to stem the tide, it's perplexing why Johto remains unharmed. I refuse to believe Kanto is inherently weaker than Johto, especially with influential legacy families supporting our region."

As the debate raged on amidst the chaos, shadows of doubt and fear loomed over the beleaguered defenders of Pallet Town, uncertain of what dark machinations lay behind the relentless assault.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an eerie fog enveloped the entire town, shrouding it in an unsettling haze. The temperature plummeted rapidly, sending chills down the spines of the inhabitants. Confusion reigned as trainers and townsfolk alike struggled to comprehend the sudden change. Before they could make sense of the situation, a deafening cry echoed through the air, sending primal fear coursing through their veins. Even those hidden within bunkers and strongholds could sense that something was amiss.

"What in the world is happening now?" The elite trainer's voice trembled with a mixture of frustration and dread. As if in response to his question, a blinding streak of icy light tore through the defensive line erected by the humans. In an instant, hundreds of trainers and their Pokémon were encased in frozen capsules, their horrified screams silenced by the icy grip of Articuno's power.

With a deafening roar, Articuno descended upon Pallet Town, its majestic form striking fear into the hearts of all who beheld it. Fearing the presence of a mythical Pokémon in the Viridian Forest, Articuno redirected its wrath towards the coastal town, situated at the forest's edge. Even the Pokémon from the Viridian Forest found themselves frozen in place, unable to withstand the overwhelming aura of the legendary creature.

Unleashing its fury upon the hapless humans, Articuno tore through Pallet Town with reckless abandon. Trainers and their Pokémon stood no chance against the relentless onslaught of the legendary bird. With each passing moment, the body count rose as Articuno's icy wrath left destruction in its wake.

Amidst the chaos, a pregnant woman emerged from a collapsed bunker, her survival hanging by a thread. As she crawled to safety, a low growl caught her attention. Slowly turning around, her blood ran cold as she came face-to-face with a pack of wild Mightyena, their hungry eyes fixed on her as if she were nothing more than fresh prey.

Just as the pack was about to descend on the hapless prey, the woman released a pokéball, and from it emerged a massive Rhydon. From the sheer pressure it emanated, it was clearly an Aurora stage Pokémon. With the sudden intrusion of this powerhouse, the pack froze, immediately preparing to flee. However, the Rhydon, seeing the battered condition of the woman, redirected all its wrath toward the more than two dozen Mightyena. With a wrath-filled stomp, the Rhydon caused a powerful fissure to erupt, consuming the pack as they tried to flee to safety.

The leader of the pack, a Diamond Stage Mightyena, attempted to distract the Rhydon to gain time for its pack to retreat. It fired a powerful Dark Pulse at the Rhydon, but the Rhydon was not going to give it a chance. It countered with a powerful hyperbeam. Seeing their leader confronting the massive Rhydon, the rest of the pack circled back to confront the Pokémon.

But then suddenly, the Rhydon cleaved through the pack with its massive figure, delivering a wild charge that crushed the Mightyena beneath its massive form. Blood splattered, bones broke; it was a gruesome display of the might of an Aurora stage Pokémon. The fight was quick and brutal; within minutes, the entire pack lay dead, and the leader of the pack was caught in the maw of the Rhydon, which casually brought the Mightyena by the pregnant woman's side.

The Mightyena tried to scratch and tear to escape the jaws of death, but the hide of the Palladium stage Pokémon was too tough to breach. Approaching the woman, the Rhydon tore the spine of the Mightyena with a mighty pull and dropped the headless carcass in front of her. Although she knew the Pokémon was protecting her, she still felt a bit sickened by the gruesome display. It was not her own Pokémon, but one given to her by her husband for her safety in times of emergency.

"Thank you, boy. Let's go find a safe area. I am sure there must still be a few places standing. I am sure Professor Oak's sanctuary is still untouched. It should have quite a few Epic Stage Pokémon protecting it," she said, avoiding making eye contact with the broken corpses around her. She could still hear screams and wailing, and the entire town was covered in fog with low visibility. Using her memory, she started walking towards Oak's estate, with the Rhydon walking by her side, squashing any Pokémon that tried to harm her. It wasn't just her; almost the entire population of Pallet Town was making their way towards the final fortress.

It had been more than a dozen minutes since Articuno descended, carrying its icy wrath. More than half of Pallet Town was frozen beneath an icy coffin. However, the people were gathering under the last safe haven—the estate of Professor Oak. Currently, because of the absence of Professor Oak, his son Azrel Oak has taken it upon himself to form the final defensive line. He was an Epic Class Trainer, so unless Articuno personally targeted the reserve, he was confident in defending the place.

As he directed the people to help the injured who were making their way towards the estate, a powerful presence from the direction of the entrance attracted his attention. He immediately gestured, and a massive Arcanine fell by his side as the duo rushed towards the entrance. Many of the people who were moving towards the reserve panicked and started running into the area with fear, as if they were being chased.

"Quick! Make sure that people do not panic too much. It will only cause trouble for the ones who are in the back. Move them all into the interior of the reserve. I have already left a few of my Pokémon there for protection," Azrel commanded one of the trainers who worked for Oak. As an Epic class trainer, he held quite a sway, and as Oak's son, his status was next only to that of the Professor himself. With his words, many trainers who were near the gate moved to direct the rushing civilians towards the safer area.

Just then, the ground trembled as a massive Rhydon, drenched in blood, charged towards the entrance. Azrel immediately gestured for his Aurora stage Arcanine to intercept, thinking it was a wild Pokémon that had slipped into the city during the chaos. But as the Pokémon finally neared them, he saw a woman sitting on the back of the Rhydon. He immediately recognized who the woman was.

"Deliah, is that you?" Azrel was surprised to see someone whom he was familiar with coming from the direction of the town. If he had known that Deliah was still inside the town, he would have ventured in to rescue his friend's wife. Nonetheless, he was relieved that his friend had the presence of mind to leave behind a Pokémon to safeguard Deliah.

"Blue," Deliah replied, relieved to finally see a familiar face. As the Rhydon walked up to the entrance, following the massive Pokémon were hundreds of civilians who had used the Rhydon as cover to make it towards the outskirts. Blue greeted his friend and quickly passed a few orders to assist the people who had made it.

Just as Blue was escorting Deliah towards the area where his Pokémon were, a sudden chilling cry caught everyone's attention. After going on a rampage throughout the town, Articuno finally set its sights on the massive Pokémon reserve. Blue immediately understood the legendary Pokémon's intention.

"Deliah, quickly get to a safe area. I will try to distract the Pokémon and draw it away from the town if possible," Blue said, without waiting for Deliah to respond. He immediately hopped on the Arcanine, which sprinted in the direction of the incoming Articuno. With a series of loud howls, Blue's Arcanine summoned more of Blue's Pokémon.

From the center of the reserve, where Blue had formed a stronghold, two majestic auras rose to the skies—both Epic-level Pokémon: a monstrous-sized Aerodactyl and an even larger Pidgeot.

Though impressive, in front of the majestic Articuno, both of these auras paled in comparison. However, Blue's strategy was not to confront the natural legendary head-on but to harass the Pokémon with his two flying Pokémon so that Articuno would not have time to concentrate on the reserve.

This was a near-suicidal maneuver, but it was the only way he could think of buying time. He already knew that one of the Aura Guardians, a legendary-level trainer, was making his way towards Pallet Town at the fastest speed. He would probably make it to Pallet Town by dawn, so Blue had to hold on until then.

Articuno, sensing the challenge posed by the two Epic stage Pokémon, screeched, releasing its icy domain. Even the pristine white moon in the background seemed to shift in color because of the sudden change in temperature. But the two Pokémon did not completely succumb to the pressure; they released their own aura to keep themselves safe from the icy onslaught and started circling around Articuno warily. Both the Pidgeot and Aerodactyl knew that one mistake, and they were as good as dead.

Articuno screeched in an attempt to make the two Pokémon submit, but they refused. Aerodactyl even started with a Hyper Beam, firing it right at Articuno's face. However, the legendary Pokémon used its wings to easily defend itself and immediately started a Blizzard, which engulfed the entire town, causing the temperature to drop steadily.

Blue, seated on his Arcanine, raced towards the coast as his two Pokémon started harassing the legendary Pokémon. Although most of the attacks didn't cause substantial damage, each strike sent a jolt of pain through Articuno, fueling its rage. Finally, Articuno decided to get rid of these pests that were incessantly attacking it from afar.

Articuno attempted to pin down the Pidgeot, but the Aerodactyl countered with a Giga Impact, putting its entire weight behind the attack as it crashed onto the legendary Pokémon. Articuno reeled back from the recoil, firing an Ice Beam at the Aerodactyl. However, the Pidgeot swiftly intervened, using an Aerial Ace to divert Articuno's aim, causing the Ice Beam to miss. The duo of flying Pokémon had taken synchronization and combo moves to the next level, narrowly escaping the jaws of death with each maneuver.

As they soared through the air, Blue directed his Pokémon with precision, orchestrating their attacks to keep Articuno off balance and divert it towards the shoreline. The more the two Pokémon intervened, the more incensed Articuno became.

The sea, with its crashing waves and rocky cliffs, came into view as the two Pokémon had finally managed to drag Articuno away from Pallet Town. It was more akin to a game of cat and mouse, and as minutes passed, it was clearly evident that Aerodactyl and Pidgeot were losing their advantage rapidly.

The Ice Domain of Articuno was taking its toll on the two Epic level Pokémon. Although they fought bravely, it was not enough to overcome the chasm that lay in front of them.

As the three Pokémon arrived above the sea, Blue was still on the back of his Arcanine. With a roar of defiance, Aerodactyl unleashed a devastating Dragon Breath, simultaneously hurling itself towards Articuno with incredible force. The legendary bird squawked in surprise as the impact from the attack sent it staggering backward, its wings flapping wildly to maintain its balance.

Seizing the opportunity, Pidgeot darted in, its keen eyes focused on Articuno's movements. With a swift steel wing, it tried to chain Aerodactyl's attack, but Articuno had already steadied itself and launched an Ice beam. Pidgeot immediately sliced through the air, narrowly avoiding a blast of icy wind from Articuno's beak.

But Articuno was not to be underestimated, as it finally stopped holding back. With a screech of fury, it retaliated, unleashing a powerful Tera Blast laced with Ice aimed directly at Aerodactyl. The frigid blast crackled through the air, and for a moment, it seemed as though Aerodactyl would be engulfed in icy tendrils. However, Pidgeot intervened once more, executing a graceful loop in the air to intercept the attack. Its hurricane blurred with speed as it deflected the Tera Blast just enough, sending it harmlessly into the ocean below.

The battle raged on, with the two Epic Pokémon pushing themselves to their limits in a dance of strength and agility, teetering on the edge of death's door. Articuno's attacks grew more ferocious with each passing moment, its icy wrath unleashed upon the night sky. Yet Pidgeot and Aerodactyl remained undeterred, their bond with Blue fueling their determination to protect their trainer at all costs.

As Blue finally made it to the shoreline, he could feel the tension in the air thickening. The sea roared below them, its crashing waves echoing the intensity of the battle above. But it all changed in an instant as the entire shoreline froze right before Blue's eyes, and in the meantime, Articuno's aura skyrocketed.

Suddenly, Articuno let out a deafening cry, its wings glowing with an ethereal light. Blue's heart skipped a beat as he realized what was coming next. Articuno invoked its ancient power, channeling it throughout its body, and initiated a Freeze Dry. The legendary Pokémon was preparing to unleash its full power, a devastating onslaught that could decimate everything in its path.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Pidgeot veered to the side, narrowly avoiding the brunt of Articuno's attack. But Aerodactyl was not as fortunate. As the icy blast struck, one of its wings froze solid, sending it spiraling towards the frozen shore below.

Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

Dear readers and fans,

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