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33.87% Rebirth of Aron Blackthorn: A Pokémon Odyssey / Chapter 20: Chairman's Gambit

Chapitre 20: Chairman's Gambit

The following morning, the atmosphere had significantly shifted from the chaos of the previous night. The sun painted the sky with gentle hues of pink and orange, casting a serene light upon the Blackthorn territory. It was a morning of calm and healing after the storm.

As I stood on the balcony, gazing out at the tranquil surroundings, the events of the previous night felt like a distant nightmare. My grandmother, Alice, and the family head, Richard, came to check on me. With them was Lance, my trusty and loyal cousin.

Alice looked at me with a mixture of concern and relief in her eyes. She was like a second mother to me, always worrying about my safety and well-being.

"Aron, are you alright? You had us all so worried last night," she said, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Richard Blackthorn, the family head, was a stoic figure, but he couldn't hide the relief in his eyes. He had been strict and sternly opposed to my decision to allow me to act as bait, but I knew it was because he cared for the family and didn't want to lose anyone.

Lance, my partner in many adventures, was mostly unaware of the gruesome events that happened the previous night. He seemed to be saying, "Aron, did you notice today that everything seems very calm and I did not meet quite a few people that I normally meet every day? It's weird, isn't it?"

I smiled at them, the weight of the previous night's events still fresh in my mind. "I'm fine, Grandma. Everything went according to plan, and we managed to catch all the bugs."

Richard nodded, his expression serious. "You did well, but it's not over. We have to investigate how they infiltrated our family and what their motives were. We can't afford any more surprises."

Lance, who was confused by the ongoing conversation, leaned over and whispered to me, his voice filled with innocence and curiosity, "Hey, Aron, has the old man gone bonkers? Why would he want to know how the stupid bugs you caught came into family territory? And when did you start the hobby of catching bugs without me? You should have let me know; I would have joined you. Yesterday, Grandma Alice and Old Man Alfred said that I was being grounded all night for being mischievous in the past. I was so bored, you know."

I couldn't help but smile at Lance's childlike wonder. Despite the serious conversation happening around us, he managed to find a way to bring some lightness to the situation with his innocent remarks.

Chuckling softly, I replied in a hushed tone, "Lance, we're not talking about actual bugs. 'Bugs' is just a word for sneaky people who tried to enter our family territory last night. It's not a fun kind of bug-catching; it's about keeping our family safe."

Lance's eyes widened in understanding, and he whispered back, "Oh, I get it now! Bad people trying to sneak in? That's not good at all."

I nodded in agreement. "Exactly, Lance. We have to make sure our family stays safe, and that's why we're trying to figure out how these intruders managed to get in."

Lance's unwavering support and simple, honest outlook on things warmed my heart. He might be young, but he had a big heart and a determination to help keep our family secure.

With a smile, I assured him, "I appreciate your support, Lance. We'll make sure the bad people don't succeed in their plans."

As the discussion continued and the family head brought up the topic of the upcoming meeting with League representatives, the atmosphere in the room grew more serious. It was a reminder that, amidst the recent turmoil, we had important matters to attend to.

The family head turned to me, asking, "Aron, would you like to be present at the time of the discussion today with the League representatives?"

I considered the proposition carefully. Given what I had uncovered about the recent infiltration attempts, it was crucial to weigh our options. My grandmother, Alice, was understandably furious about the League's audacity to send spies and still expect an alliance. Her anger was palpable.

However, I recognized the importance of not revealing our knowledge prematurely. If my suspicions were accurate, the League's motives might go deeper than we initially thought. I shared my thoughts with the family head, saying, "Old man, I suggest we don't expose the fact that we are aware of their actions in trying to infiltrate our family. Let's not spook them by making them realize their acts are exposed. I want to know exactly what their motives are. If my suspicions are correct, they may be planning something significant."

The family head nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in my words. The upcoming meeting with the League representatives was an opportunity to gather information and understand their true intentions, which would be crucial for making informed decisions and safeguarding the interests of the Blackthorn family.

I addressed the family head, expressing my reservations about directly exposing myself to the League representatives too early in the proceedings. Instead, I suggested that I would prefer to be kept informed about all the details discussed during the meeting.

Before concluding, I added, "Ah, yes, one more thing: please thank the ancestor for his help and return the Froslass to the sanctuary for me, would you, old man?"

As soon as I finished speaking, an eerie occurrence transpired. My shadow flickered, and a portion of it merged with the family head's shadow. Lance, who witnessed this surreal event, was overwhelmed with fear, his screams piercing the air.

Lance, my ever-enthusiastic and imaginative cousin, was the first to react, his eyes wide with astonishment. He exclaimed, "Ah, Aron! Look at your shadow; it moved. I swear it moved and went into the old man's shadow."

It was typical of Lance to overreact to even the slightest unusual occurrence. Before I could correct his fanciful interpretation, my grandmother, Alice, couldn't hold back her frustration and delivered a well-deserved bonk to Lance's head.

She scolded him in exasperation, "How can such a stupid brat be my grandson? Have you not been taught about ghost Pokémon? Why are you sniveling like a little girl over something so trivial?"

Lance, in full realization of his mistake, was flushed with embarrassment as the room filled with a mix of relief and amusement.

The family head rose from his seat, ready to make the necessary preparations before the League representatives' arrival. With a hearty chuckle, he said, "Well, I guess it's time that I make some preparations before the League representatives arrive. We wouldn't want anyone saying that our Blackthorn family lacks hospitality, right? Hahaha. Well, little Alice, I want you to be present at the meeting today, along with the other elders. I've got to go and meet the core elders to discuss this before I meet the representatives."

As the family head was about to leave, I realized there was something crucial to discuss and called out to him. "Old man, if you're going to meet the ancestor, please let him know that we need to be prepared for the next phase."

The old man stopped in his tracks, his demeanor growing serious. "Aron, are you sure that your speculations will come true? If what you predict really happens, it might lead to a full-blown war."

I met the old man's grave tone with an equal level of seriousness. "Yes, old man. Now that they have lost all their internal assets, they will soon know about it and perceive it as a challenge to their authority, leading to retaliation. I'm certain that we'll have to advance our schedule and fill all the void left by the recent cleansing at the earliest."

My words hung in the air, a heavy sense of anticipation and apprehension filling the room as we contemplated the turbulent times that lay ahead.

In the headquarters of the Pokemon League in Goldenrod City, an emergency meeting had been hastily arranged. The atmosphere in the room was palpably gloomy, and it was not just due to the inclement weather outside. Among the attendees were some of the most notable figures in the current Pokemon world, and the tension in the air was thick.

Lady Agatha, an elderly woman in her early 50s, exuded an eerie aura. Her appearance, though not too different from her younger days, had an air of mystique and wisdom that came with age. She had lived through the same generation as Samuel Oak and Cecilia Blackthorn, and her impatience was evident as she inquired, "Chairman, mind telling us why you've called us for this emergency meeting and why are most of the significant members missing, especially people from the legacy families?"

Giovanni, a man of significant influence within the League, was quick to address Lady Agatha's impatience. He was a man of sharp features, sporting an immaculate suit, and his cunning eyes hinted at a shrewd nature. "Lady Agatha, the chairman would not have called us for such an emergency meeting if the situation were not important."

Agatha's frustration was apparent as she retorted, "Oh, it's important, you say? But why don't I see Samuel present in the meeting then? If it's important, shouldn't he be here? It is not much of a league without the man who created it."

Bruno, who was eager to make his presence known by undermining Oak's status, added, "Lady Agatha, you should be careful with your words. The League represents the will of the people. It does not belong to a single man. If anyone were to hear you speak, they would think that the League is Oak's personal property."

As Bruno retorted and insulted Professor Oak, a wave of tension rippled through the room. His words were like a spark, threatening to ignite a fiery confrontation. Agatha's piercing gaze bore into Bruno, and her eerie aura seemed to intensify.

"Say that again, you little worm. I dare you, and I will rip out your tongue and feed it to you," Agatha hissed, her voice laced with a venomous tone. Her expression held a dangerous promise, and the room fell into an uneasy silence.

Many of the attendees were watching the situation unfold, their eyes darting between Lady Agatha and Bruno. The room was on the verge of chaos. Bruno, his anger consuming him, flared his fighting-type aura to its maximum extent, causing palpable tension in the air. His clenched fists held a Pokeball, ready to unleash his Pokemon if needed.

Agatha, known for her formidable abilities, was equally prepared for a confrontation. She exuded an aura of power, and her hand subtly moved toward her own Pokeball. The tension in the room was thick enough to be cut with a knife. A clash between these two formidable figures seemed inevitable.

However, before the confrontation could escalate any further, the chairman intervened. Just when it seemed like a confrontation was inevitable, the chairman slammed his hand on the table in frustration, and the room fell silent.

"Enough! Just enough! Everyone, return to your seats. Why are you all acting like children when we are already neck-deep in issues?" He exclaimed, exasperated.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he continued, addressing Lady Agatha, "Lady Agatha, why don't you give me some face and let the junior go this time? We have much more important things to discuss."

Lady Agatha snorted, feeling somewhat thwarted, and returned to her seat. Bruno, his seething anger somewhat reined in, sat back down.

Giovanni, who had been observing the entire scene, couldn't help but let out a knowing smirk. However, when he turned toward the chairman, he met the glare of two sharp eyes belonging to Lt. Surge. Giovanni nodded toward Surge in acknowledgement and refocused his attention on the chairman. The meeting was far from over, and the discussion of the urgent matters at hand was yet to begin.

The chairman's words hung heavily in the air as he addressed the room. The atmosphere remained tense, with the recent confrontation between Lady Agatha and Bruno still fresh in everyone's minds. The question the chairman posed was nothing short of explosive, touching on a deeply ingrained issue within the Pokemon League.

"I have called all of you here to discuss a very important matter," the chairman continued, choosing his words carefully. "This meeting concerns our stance against the legacy families. Should these families be allowed to hold such authority and continue to monopolize the resources meant for the collective betterment of humanity?"

The way he phrased the question cleverly painted the legacy families as the ones hoarding the League's resources, framing them as potential impediments to progress. This perspective put the spotlight on the legacy families' authority, which had been a point of contention for many over the years.

"We have discovered two new regions, and they are willing to join the League with one basic requirement: that everyone will be treated fairly and equally," the chairman revealed. This revelation added a sense of urgency and momentum to the discussion. "Therefore, we must examine the authority these legacy families hold and consider whether such inequality can persist."

The room was divided in its response to the chairman's statements. Some seemed eager for a change, hoping to reduce the influence of the legacy families and distribute resources more evenly. Others, especially those connected to the legacy families, wore expressions of concern or outright opposition. The meeting was a battleground of ideas and a clash of perspectives, and the future of the League hung in the balance.

Lady Agatha's laughter cut through the room, startling everyone with its stark contrast to the gravity of the chairman's revelation. She seemed to find the situation utterly amusing, though her unapologetic demeanor irked some and mystified others. Her laughter gradually subsided, and she addressed the chairman directly.

"Chairman, please tell me that you are joking," she began, her voice now laced with a seriousness that had been missing before. "Do you even know the significance of what you're discussing here and how dire the consequences would be if the wrong idea gets conveyed? Do you want to start a new war?"

Her directness hit home, causing a murmur of agreement among some of the attendees. Agatha had a reputation for her insight, and her words carried weight. However, a respected senior member sought to mediate and urged caution.

"Lady Agatha, I'm sure that is not what the chairman meant," the senior member interjected. "Why don't we listen to the chairman's explanation before we proceed? After all, isn't that why the meeting has been called in the first place?"

His diplomatic intervention aimed to prevent immediate tension from boiling over, offering a chance for the chairman to clarify his intentions and provide a more comprehensive perspective on the matter at hand. The room held its collective breath, waiting for the chairman's response.

Agatha's words cast a heavy shadow in the room, and the attendees listened with a mix of surprise and concern. She addressed Lt. Surge, the elder who had attempted to mediate the situation.

"Ah, come on, Surge, do you take me for a naive little girl?" Agatha said, her voice dripping with cynicism. "You may be fooled by the chairman's words for righteousness, but with all the Legacy family members missing, the chairman just wants to portray a scenario where it looks like everyone within this meeting is in favor of the chairman's decisions. I'm sure this meeting is just a joke, and some people have already taken steps in trying to make this a reality, right, chairman?"

Her revelation sent shockwaves throughout the room. All eyes turned to the chairman, whose expression soured. It was evident that he had underestimated Agatha's ability to discern his true intentions when he invited her to the meeting. Nonetheless, he couldn't challenge her openly, as she had reached a level of power and respect within the League that he couldn't easily confront.

With Agatha's pointed accusations hanging in the air, the chairman found himself in a precarious situation. His ability to gain support from the League members had been significantly compromised. The room had become a battleground of ideas and alliances, and the chairman's authority was being questioned. The future of the League was now even more uncertain, and the decision to hold this meeting appeared to have been a double-edged sword.

"Lady Agatha," the chairman responded with a veneer of patience, "please allow me to clarify. I am not suggesting the complete appropriation of the resources and knowledge held by legacy families. The idea is to foster cooperation, where they willingly contribute their wealth of resources and expertise in exchange for certain privileges and recognition."

"Everyone, please rest assured that I have no intentions of creating a conflict between the League and the Legacy families. The reason the family members are not present here is to ensure we gather unbiased opinions. What I am suggesting is not to take everything from these families but to offer privileges in exchange for the resources and knowledge they hold," the chairman affirmed, his resolve unshaken as he attempted to portray himself as a righteous leader.

He continued with renewed vigor, aiming to dispel any doubts or accusations: "Just so you know, families truly willing to contribute to the betterment of humanity are ready to do so without asking for anything in return, except for some privileges. We are also prepared to offer similar, or perhaps even better, alternatives if these families are willing to contribute to the greater cause of humanity."

The chairman's enthusiasm was evident as he went on: "Take, for example, the Blackthorn family. They control almost a quarter of the entire Johto region, including the prosperous lands of the Silver Ranges and the Mt. Silver region. They also possess two pseudo-legendary bloodline Pokémon. We can only imagine the extent of knowledge and resources they have hoarded for millennia. Consider for a moment what the League could achieve with access to these exceptional resources, knowledge, and Pokémon. The potential for growth and progress is limitless."

Lady Agatha interrupted the chairman again, breaking his flow: "Just out of curiosity, may I know the names of the families that have agreed to your proposal to share their resources and knowledge? I would also like to understand how the League plans to take over the responsibilities of safeguarding the territories and borders currently maintained by the legacy families. The Blackthorn family, for instance, has been diligently upholding the peace along the entire northern border and acting as the vanguard against wild Pokémon tides. Will the League be assuming these responsibilities, or is the intention to simply appropriate everything in the name of righteousness, Mr. Chairman?"

The chairman, concealing his frustration, reluctantly addressed Lady Agatha's questions. The chairman's words carried the subtle promise of mutual gain. "For instance," he added, "these families have shown a willingness to collaborate, including the Seafolk, Pallet, and Birch families; we do not intend to force anyone into this arrangement. If they decide to participate, we are open to negotiating terms that ensure equitable benefit for all. As for the matter regarding the borders, the Blackthorn family, which plays a vital role in maintaining the northern border, would not simply have their responsibilities taken over. Instead, the intention is to work alongside them to provide comprehensive protection to these regions. The transition will be gradual, with each party contributing according to their strengths."

Lady Agatha couldn't suppress a wry, disbelieving smile. "I never thought I'd witness such self-righteous hypocrisy, Mr. Chairman. Those families you mentioned have long lost their standing, and it's shameless to invoke their fallen names. As for the Blackthorn family's responsibility in defending the borders, you should realize that they do so out of goodwill, and it was never their responsibility. The League, in its current state without the support of these families, has absolutely zero chance of safeguarding human borders. I can't bear to be part of this ludicrous charade any longer," Agatha exclaimed, her voice dripping with frustration and exasperation.

With her indignation barely contained, Lady Agatha rose from her seat and stormed off toward the exit, her long hair billowing behind her. The chairman, nursing a burgeoning headache and desperate to release his pent-up frustration, maintained what little composure he could muster. He called for an adjournment of the meeting and hastily rescheduled it for a later time. The rest of the attendees watched as the formidable trainer departed, and the tension in the room lingered long after she had left.

Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

Dear readers and fans,

I hope you're enjoying this fanfiction journey as much as I am. It's been a labor of love, but I'm at a point where I'm considering how best to invest my time. While this story draws inspiration from an existing world, I've been passionate about building upon it, adding my own creative touches, and sharing it with you.

I want to maintain the essence of what fanfiction stands for: a community of like-minded individuals who come together to appreciate creativity. That's why I've decided to introduce a voluntary way for those who can afford it and believe in the value of my work to support me.

I'm in the process of setting up a Patreon account dedicated solely to donations. It's not about making this a profit-driven endeavor but rather a way for those who find value in my writing to show their appreciation and encouragement.

Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

Warm regards,


Patreon : patreon.com/Silent_stiele

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