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87.5% ECHOES OF TRANSMIGRATION / Chapter 14: Chapter Thirteen:

Chapitre 14: Chapter Thirteen:

Main Character Pov~

' Dear passengers, we have arrived at our predetermined location. ' The Plane notified everyone on board as the view of a new large city could be seen from the window, it was late at night, but we made it.

I looked at the window and saw somewhat of a Victorian Style Modernized city.

The six hours I had spent on this Plane were fairly uneventful, but there were many screens, the VIP offered an entire small sized luxurious bedroom with a large TV that had movies, games and even documentaries about Pokemon.

I tried to look for anything about Legendary Pokemon, there wasn't much notable information though. I learned that Legendary Pokemon were still worshipped in some parts of the world as Gods, which they rightfully were considering their immense immeasurable power and the complete dominion they had over their respective domains.

Other than that, there was information that Trainers with Legendary Pokemon were indeed special individuals and usually grab a lot of attention from the world when they appear, they usually appear publicly for a few hours to a few days before going off the radar, such trainers grabbed attention whenever they appeared in the world they were considered to be Dark Horses among Trainers, the last Legendary Pokemon Trainer that appeared was a few months ago, the trainer had a Urshifu and was located in Galar.

Though a lot of individuals are rumoured to have Legendaries, such as Professor Oak for example.

When Wild Legendary Pokemon or Pokemon Trainer with such Pokemon appeared the media usually goes crazy over it. 

The number of trainers with Legendary Pokemon were unknown, only of a few identities had been revealed in what was the 'Legendary Pokemon Trainer' list, which had around 9 Official names.

Which surprisingly even had Giovanni in the list. I don't know if they know he made Mewtwo or has another Legendary in his team, it was just stated he had a Legendary but didn't specify which one. I also saw Red on the list who was stated to have each member of the Legendary Birds Group in his arsenal. Another familiar name was N who was stated to have a Reshiram. There were a few other familiar names like Brandon who was confirmed to have a Regirock, its unknown whether he had a Regice or Registeel.

I didn't see Tobias's name in the list strangely, looks like he still didn't reveal himself yet.

Other than that, I saw a few other unfamiliar names, all these trainers are stated to have the power to bring down an entire continent and possibly the whole world. 

None of these Legendary Pokemon Trainer's had participated in an Official Pokemon League yet to properly show the world the power of Legendary Pokemon yet, or that's how the media calls it.

I mused in my thoughts before realizing that I have been musing for far too long as the Plane had finally landed and stopped moving as the flight crew told everyone to pack up and leave the plane.

I chuckled as I exited the plane without really having any packages except my backpack.

I would soon find myself inside of the airport after passing through the plane exit tunnel, I began to walk towards the exit of the airport observing everything as I gazed at everything around me.

I looked around and noted the difference in architecture Saffron city. If Viridian City was a Futuristic Metropolis City, then Saffron city was undoubtedly a British Style City. I exited the airport and noted the heavy fog in the city, the only indicators of where to go being the streetlights. 

If I hear people speaking in a British accent, I will literally lose it in a fit of laughter.

I walked in the dense night of the fog, deciding to go to the Pokemon Centre right away instead of waiting till tomorrow morning, Pokemon Centres remained open for twenty hours a day.

I saw an available Taxi Service driver in front of me, I decided to take it instead of walking.

I walked towards the vehicle, opened the door and sat inside.

" Where would you like to go, sir?" The Driver had asked in a normal accent.

Oh, he is not using a British accent, dang it.

" I would like to go the Pokemon Centre, how far is it?" I asked the driver.

" The Pokemon Centre, huh? It shouldn't take too long sir, just an hour of driving." The Driver said with a nod as he began moving, heading for the Pokemon Centre.

I nodded as I saw that it began raining, heavy dense rain and fog? That's quite a combo, bad for walking though. Seems like I made the right decision to ride a vehicle instead of walking.

The roads seemed quite empty, which makes sense considering its 1 Am and that vehicles are reserved for the rich.

Vehicles cost an average of a million Pokedollars, and High-Class Vehicles cost three million, which is really a lot of money, not to mention that getting a driving license cost a bit of money on itself.

I should probably consider using my Pokemon to travel faster in the future.

After an hour of driving, we finally reached the Pokemon Centre, 

" We have arrived at our destination Sir, that would 200 Pokedollars." The Driver said as he parked in front of the Pokemon Centre.

200, huh? with that kind of money, you can buy 100 meals.

The Marketing in the Pokemon World really is odd. Travelling fees cost far much more than life necessities such as food and world. Of course, Pokemon Food cost much more than human food.

I can see why Trainer's use Pokemon to travel to places faster and prefer walking. It's in order to save money.

I paid the driver and got out of the Taxi vehicle, I looked at the sky happy that the rain momentarily stopped, though the fog was still around.

As I paid, I saw the system notify me that my money count had gone down by 200.


You have withdrawn 200 Pokedollars from the system. 


You have 25,207,562 Pokedollars left in your system Character Status.


I saw the Driver bid me farewell as he left and drove away, I shook my head of my thoughts and began walking towards the Pokemon Centre Entrance, holding the Registration Card in my Pocket to give to the Nurse Joy inside. 

I was going to also ask for directions and book the closest Hotel to the Pokemon Centre. I haven't seen much of the city due to the fog, cloudy rainy dark sky and the fact that it was nighttime didn't help at all.

As I entered the Pokemon Centre I noticed that the Pokemon Centre seemed to be almost empty with a few exceptions of some trainers and Pokemon, but then again, seeing the current time I am not surprised.

I looked up and saw several signs telling me specific directions. 

Apparently, there was a room for Pokemon Affinity testing. Another room for Pokemon Scanning for those that don't have a Pokedex.

There were really a lot of cool things here.

I went straight towards the main counter where the Nurse Joy was seen working on the computer with a serious expression.

As I came closer and closer, she finally noticed my appearance and stood up.

" Hello there sir! How can I help you?" She said with a rather tired expression and a professional tone.

" I have come here all the way from Viridian City for the Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam, I have already paid and got a ticket from the Pokemon Centre there, I want to Officially register myself for it." I said giving her the Unofficial Examinee Entry I got from the Nurse Joy at viridian city.

" Ah! let me have a look." She said taking the Unofficial Examinee Entry and then going back to computer and checking the system.

" I found your number; your name is indeed among the Unofficial Examinee Entry; you even paid the exam fee. Just in time too, its currently 2:05 Am and 11:59 PM night is the last opening for registry. The exam is officially in two days after the Registration closes in the Saffron Stadium at 10 Am Morning, make sure to be sure to be there in time." She said as she continued typing in the computer and stood up as a machine printed out another Card.

She came back to me and handed me the card.

" Just hand over this to the Official Saffron City Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam receptionists located over at the Stadium. The Written Exam last's roughly three hours, the second part of the exam will take place three hours and thirty after the written exam thirty minutes after the results had been announced, which is a combat test of one on one to test combat skills which will take place in the coliseum using our examiner's you will only be taken into the second round if you succeed the first test, a message will be sent to you via a notification to your PokeMessages App. All of the results will be installed within the system regardless of failure or passing, it will be added to your record. The third test is reserved for only the best of the best out of all the Examinee's, we call them Super Rookies." The Nurse Joy said as she handed over the card.

" Should you prove to be qualified for the Super Rookie Tournament held at the Stadium the very next day after that. The whole city will be there, it will also be broadcasted in some of Saffron's city channels worldwide." She explained with a tired expression and sigh.

She really looks like she is overworking herself.

" I will also be there to heal the injured Pokemon alongside one of my sisters who will come all the way from Joy Headquarters during the second and third parts of the exam and another to help maintain the Pokemon Centre while I am not here." She said more to herself than me. as she went back to her computer.

I nodded as I looked around and decided to go Book a hotel for a week.

I asked the information hub in the Pokemon Centre for directions to the best hotel near the Pokemon Centre.

After I was told the directions I thanked them and went on my way.

I exited the Pokemon Centre and started walking to the Hotel, which was only 30 minutes of walking away from the Pokemon Centre.

~ Over thirty minutes later~

I stood and watched as I saw a luxurious looking, tall tower which seemed to have around 31 floors give or take.

I entered and booked the best room for a week, which was more expensive than the previous hotel as it cost around 2500 Pokedollars for a week including food and all other available facilities in the building.

Once everything was over and done, I sat on my room bed looking at the ceiling.

The Practical Battle Exam is not the part I am worried about, but I can't help but ask on what Pokemon I should use, I am thinking I will use Totodile. 

What I really was somewhat worried the most about was the written test, what kind of material should I expect to come in that test?

But regarding that third part of the test, should I bother participating? If I do participate, I will undoubtedly bring a lot of attention considering the whole city will watch this event, and its being broadcasted to the world.

Though I doubt people from other regions would be too interested in some random newbies in some far away region. But a lot of people will undoubtedly watch it, apparently this world has organizations scouting out newbies for their elite Pokemon Trainer teams.

I wasn't planning to become a member or even a leader of an organization or anything like that though. 

That super rookie tournament though... I might participate after all, its a tournament that requires someone to have atleast three Pokemon and be regarded as the best of the best among their peers.

If someone who performed valiantly in the written and battling test and has only one Pokemon on his team, what happens? They are all Rookie's after all, I really couldn't help but wonder.

I spent a few more moments musing in my thoughts before going to bed to sleep for the night.

~ Two days later, May 1st, Monday 8 AM~

I was right now exiting the Hotel; I have been prepared for this for days. I am extremely prepared to take the test. I did some exploring of the city yesterday through the district's and figured that I needed at least 1 hour and 30 minutes to go from my Hotel to the Stadium on foot. 

I had bought a Pokephone yesterday and synced it with my Pokedex, so I now have a Pokedex app on my phone along with all the accounts and applications including my bank account. It cost a two thousand Pokedollars considering it was the best model.

This crime rate in this city is surprisingly lower than Viridian city despite the fact that the security here is less than Viridian city.

Just like the previous city though, this city also follows a District system, I recalled as I walked on the road looking at the other people who are also walking the streets. 

The written test starts at around 10 AM and ends at 1 PM, Thankfully I prepared myself for it as much as I could. In all sorts of ways, mind you.

Even if I have to resort to using Aura to cheat. 

I chuckled at that thought as I walked towards the massive stadium visible on top of the hill in front of us, The Stadium could be seen all over the city and honestly it was massive. So massive I couldn't help but gulp at the thought that the main Conference stadium in indigo plateau was even bigger than this Stadium by a lot!

I eventually reached my destination; I spent a few minutes looking for the reception for the Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam, I did find it though there was a rather tall line of people in front.

I only had to wait for 10 minutes before it was my turn to hand over my Official Examinee Entry to the receptionist.

The receptionist took it and scanned it before stamping it and giving me the Official Examinee Entry and telling me where to go.

" You should go to Exam Hall No.8, its in that hallway in that direction. Your seat is No. 98." The receptionist said as he pointed towards the direction.

I nodded and thanked him before going towards the direction, as I entered the hallway, I saw a massive hallway leading to around 8 different halls, each one had enough people to fit hundreds of people inside of them.

The exam hadn't officially begun yet, there was still 10 minutes left. Some people were also still not seated in their rooms.

My Hall was the last, so I basically walked past all of the other halls and went towards mine, I saw hordes of people seated inside each hall as I passed through the doors.

So many people want to be a Pokemon Trainer it seems, I couldn't help but smirk confidently as I stepped into the room. 

As I walked into the room, I nodded towards the people who were supposed to be watching us, one of them a middle-aged man, stood as he walked up to me and asked me for my Official Examinee Entry.

" Here." I said giving him the Official Examinee Entry.

" Ayron, Eh? Well seat no. 98 is located that way in the back." he said as he pointed at the direction of my seat and table and took my Official Examinee Entry.

I nodded and went to the table; I observed the faces of the people and didn't recognize anybody. So far, they were a bunch of random people.

I seemed to gather a lot of attention from everyone as they looked at me with curiosity as they saw the Ultra Balls on my Pokemon Belt.

This might sound egotistical, but I really feel like a Level 100 Over geared Player walking into a room of Level 1 Noobs.

I doubt any of these people actually stood a chance against me in a one-on-one battle, my Pokemon were too strong.

The only exception is Totodile, who was still at level 60 but was undoubtedly far superior to ordinary Pokemon at level 60 due to his Potential and status as a Regional Starter Pokemon. I believe I made a good choice waiting for two weeks to catch a sixth Pokemon and even better decision was spending an entire year training in that massive Steelix and Onix Clan Mountain, it really ended up being the right decision.

I smiled as I reached my seat and took the seat.

I looked at the Clock in front of the hall, there was 7 minutes left, I gazed at my surrounding's seeing countless trainers seated and some even walking in being directed by the people towards their seats. I deduce that there is around atleast 100 to 150 people in each hall judging by the number of seats in this hall. 

Meaning that there is anywhere between 800 to 1200 Examinee's in this entire hallway.

This exam had a sixty six percent success rate, which means that only 528 - 792 will manage to succeed on this first test, The second test has an even lower success rate of thirty three percent which means that the number of people will really be brought down a lot, to around 174 - 261 people. 

Out of these 174 - 261 who will get their License and the Official Pokemon Trainer Guidelines Book, only 32 will be chosen to participate in the Super Rookie Tournament, a place where only the best out of the examinee's will show their true skills. 

Regarding whether or not they have three Pokemon they will be having the opportunity to select a random Pokeball in a Pokemon Selection to have a total of three Pokemon in their teams, the Pokemon will be given to the Examinee's as a gift by the league for making it to the third part of the exam alongside the license and Official Pokemon Trainer Guidelines Book, which is an authentic Pokemon Trainer Guide Book which tells you everything about being a trainer.

I inwardly chuckled at that thought. The Official Pokemon Alliance League were really being generous it seems. But I already have a full team, so I won't be able to pick.

My Official Examinee Entry says that I already have a full team of six Pokemon since its taken out of my credentials in my Pokedex, the identities of my Pokemon are anonymous though.

Not to mention that despite my Trenchcoat hiding 2 Pokeballs, which were Raikou's Ultra Ball and Groudon's Master Ball. The four other Pokeballs were in visible line of sight on my Pokeball belt so it's obvious I have more than three Pokemon available.

Eventually it was time of the exam to begin, one of the watchers closed the door as another one stood up in front of all of the Examinee's and blew a whistle, catching everyone's attention before speaking.

" Do I have all of your attention? Good. The Exam is officially going to start in one minute, me and my colleagues will pass the papers, the exam will last for three hours. It will take another three hours to grade everything using our machines, once the results have been determined you will be sent a message to your Pokephones or for some special cases, Pokedex's depending on which one you have. The exam paper contains three hundred questions regarding the material, should you pass, you will go to the Open Arena, where the second part of the test will take place." One of the examiners spoke before taking a breath and continuing.

" In order to receive a license, you must pass both the written and practical pokemon battling test. The examinees for the second exam will all be examined by a single professional examiner in front of the rest of the examinees and examiners. The best 32 to perform in the written and practical test will henceforth move on onto the Super Rookie Tournament, where it shall be broadcasted to not only the entire region but also the world, participation in the third part of the test is optional, in the unlikelihood of someone refusing to participate in the Super Rookie Tournament, said person's placing will be offered the place instead, Only the best thirty two will be chosen to participate in this tournament of rookies, the top three winners of the Super Rookie Winners will be rewarded handsomely by the league . Good luck to all of you, I hope I don't catch any of you cheating though!" The Examiner said with a stern look before laughing, causing everyone in the hall to chuckle in return.

After everything calmed down, the Examiners began giving all the Examinee's the exam papers which seemingly had multiple pages, it made sense considering they said there were around three hundred questions.

I watched silently as I saw the Examiners eventually reach me and give me the papers.

I wrote my name and the current date down before reviewing the paper questions.

After spending ten minutes speed reading through all three hundred questions, I noted that there were five main subjects.

Pokemon Evolution, Pokemon Typing, Pokemon & Trainer History, Pokemon World Geographics and Pokemon Environmental lifestyle and Habitual nature.

 Luckily all these questions were about the Kanto Region rather than other regions, including the questions about the Pokemon.

Some were easily and others were a bit harder.

There was a question about the lifestyle and food prey of the Charmander evolution line.

Another question was about Onix's physiology.

So many questions.....

You needed to get 70% of these questions right if you wanted to become a trainer.

With so many questions I can understand why so many people have such a hard time, I thought as I began answering the easy questions first to get them out of the way.

So, this is what the real Pokemon World looks like in reality? it was a steep competition to the top. Becoming a known trainer was extremely difficult, Gym Battles were not as easy as it were made out to be in the Games and Anime. 

It took a lot of effort for people to become strong in this world. The funny part is that I was the exception to this rule. The system provided to me by the god who brought me here really saved me the hassle with that Starter Pack I received. The moment Shiny Groudon hatched out of that Egg, it was pretty much already written in stone that I was destined for greatness.

In the modern age, I was undoubtedly considered an absolute anomaly just like many others with the power of Legendary Pokemon at their disposal. I had Raikou and Shiny Groudon as my absolute trump cards that hid away from sight unless their time has come to be unleashed.

Shiny Aggron and his Mega Evolution was the barrier keeping Shiny Groudon and Raikou away, if the barrier is broken the two within will be. unleashed. Shiny Aggron had fought two legendary Pokemon and had a taste of their immeasurable power, even though he was absolutely thrashed by both of them in one blow.

Mega Evolution was only something I would use for worst-case scenarios, a Mega Evolved Champion - Ranked Pokemon was no joke, except for Legendaries, Mythicals and Ultra Beasts that is.

Mega Shiny Aggron isn't something I would openly use, but people like Professor Sycamore will undoubtedly be able to recognize that it could mega evolve when they see the Aggronite and a Mega Bracelet on his wrist. 

Absol and Corviknight were also large monsters in their own right. They had fought hordes of Pokemon with ease for days on end, they deserve massive credit for such a feat.

Totodile had a long way to go before he catches up to the rest of the team, but he will undoubtedly become a monster one day. That doesn't change the fact that he was the weakest in my team though. If I use him first, people will undoubtedly think he is my starter when they recognize its identity as a Regional Starter Pokemon.

I was really happy with this current team of mine, they had massive diversity when it comes to strength and appearance, but they had one thing in common, they were all powerful and had massive Potential.

I chuckled before shaking my head out of these thoughts and focusing back on the Exam.

~ Two hours and forty minutes later, May 1st, Monday 12:50 PM~

I yawned as I walked out of the exam room.

I finished a bit early, but I think I would score around 85% to 95% out of a hundred. I was really confident that I would pass the first test. We were told we would be notified whether or not we would pass at 4:00 PM, The second part of the test would begin as soon as the results come out.

I was going to the dining area to eat, that test made me really hungry, I had to ask around for directions, but I eventually found the dining area. It was close to the battle area of the Stadium. It was a really massive plot of land, fit for any kind of battling.

I decided to go with Totodile just like my original plan, for the Super Rookie Tournament I will also use Totodile as my vanguard and Corviknight and Absol as my insurance of victory if Totodile lost. 

Shiny Aggron, Raikou and Shiny Groudon will have to sit this one out I am afraid. Do you really need to ask why? Who uses a nuclear warhead to kill an ant?

Once I register as a Trainer, I will be given special Trainer privileges such as discounts on stores, travelling and flight depending on my rank. I will also be able to use the battle system provided by Official Pokemon League Alliance to keep my record of victories and losses and rewards from bets, I have put 5 million inside my back account for future occasions, which I had withdrawn from my Character Status.

I made a Poke Visa Card and even bought a wallet for it.

I will also be able to participate in any official events, gym battles and tournaments once I become a licensed trainer. Not forget you also get the Official Pokemon Trainer Guidelines Book which gives the official rankings of trainers, potentials, affinities and pokemon tiers that the Official Pokemon League Alliance uses.

As I spent the next couple of hours in the Dining Area my Pokephone finally rung out, I checked and saw a notification. 'You have scored 94% in the Written Exam, if you received this message than you have passed the test! Out of the 952 participants only 200 have passed the first test successfully. Please make sure to be in the centre of the Arena in the coliseum at around 4:30 PM to be informed about the steps for the Second Exam, you are Examinee No. 50.'

I smirked and stood up and began to walk towards the Arena. 

Once I had arrived, I saw other people coming as well. The people who had presumably passed. I stood in the arena alongside many others, who were going to be tested to become trainers.

The stadium seats were empty, it seems.

I saw a crowd of people surrounding something or rather someone, but I didn't them much attention as I laid my back on the wall of the arena of the stadium and closed my eyes and waited patiently.

~ 30 Minutes later, Monday 4:30 PM~

Nearly over thirty minutes later, I heard a loud whistle making me snap my eyes open and look to see that the crowd gathered in front a stand, where there was a table filled with dozens of Pokeballs, around 200 of them one for each trainer I presume.

At the front were two people, a blonde woman with a microphone and a black-haired man with a whistle, behind them were two Nurse Joy's and 4 Chansey's, the Nurse Joy's who had our attention now waved at us with a smile. Man, why does everyone in this world has to be so damn attractive?

" Attention! The Second part of the Exam is about to begin, my name is Bella I am the referee for this part of the exam. The man beside me is Jack, Jack is a professional Pokemon trainer hired by the league to be the Examiner for the second part of the test. He will determine whether or not you pass the second part of the test, your goal is to show your skills as a Pokemon Trainer, these Pokeballs in the table beside us contain the Pokemon you will all be fighting against, we will call numbers one by one according to your Examinee No. stated in the message you received, Examinee's will stand on the left side of the trainers." The Announcer continued.

" Those who pass will stand on the right side and those who fail will go back to the left side, you are free to spectate or leave if you fail the exam. Those who pass need to say for us to announce and determine the 32 who will participate in the Super Rookie Tournament Tomorow morning, the whole city will be here watching in these stadium seats." The Announcer now named Bella announced herself as the referee for the Second part of the exam.

We all nodded in understanding as we went to the left after the announcement was over.

" We will begin by calling the first Examinee Entry the Nurse Joys and Chansey's behind will us make sure every Inexperienced Pokemon undergoing this Exam is all healed and safe by the time each battle ends." She said as she stepped into the middle of the arena and nodded towards Jack who nodded back as he took a Pokeball and nodded back before stepping up with a few Pokeball's for the first couple of rounds.

" Examinee No.1 your up! State your name and show your Examinee ID!" The referee announced as she gestured for the first Examinee.

I watched as I stood a bit away from the crowd as someone came out, it was a woman with jet black hair and crimson red eyes, murmurs began to speak in the crowd as she stepped up, I couldn't help but notice that she was an extremely drop dead gorgeous on the appearance department. She wore a black and white outfit with a cold expression on her face. She had a powerful psychic Aura.

My eyes widened as I noticed her identity, wait is she....

" My name is Sabrina, daughter of the Saffron City Gym Leader. I am the No.1 Examinee Entry." called out the woman, who seemed to be around my age as she showed her Examinee Entry on her Pokephone which read out as 'Examinee No. 1' I watched as the Referee nodded before opening her mouth.

I completely forgot about Sabrina when it came to Saffron City, she is a future Gym Leader of the Saffron City Gym. It's crazy that we are taking the same exact test at the same time.

" Examinee Sabrina against Examiner Jack, go to your appropriate positions to begin the first Practical Examination test." Both nodded as they went opposite sides of the arena and held Pokeballs in their hands.

" This a Pokemon Battle Examination between Examinee Sabrina and Examiner Jack, according to the rules and regulations the Examiner always goes first, battle begin!" The referee announced and the battle began as Jack threw his Pokeball and out came a Geo dude.

I saw that the Geodude was approximately level 46 but had relatively ordinary potential.

Sabrina threw her Pokeball and out came an Abra, which was level 48.

Their aura was immensely far weaker than what I was used to, I noted but a lot of people from the crowd began cheering for Sabrina and some were intimidated by the Aura of the Pokemon.

The battle had begun.


I watched in anticipation as I saw the Examiner Jack begin the battle.

" Geodude use Sandstorm." The Examiner called out to Geodude.

~ 1 minute later, Monday 4:33 PM~

The battle barely lasted a minute and ended as soon as it started, Sabrina's Abra had way higher potential and a much wider range of moves, The Abra finished the Geodude with a Psychic move. The match was basically Sabrina's Abra bullying Geodude into submission.

" Examiner Jack's Geodude is unable to battle, Examinee Sabrina had won the battle and passed the second part of the exam!" The Referee called out as a lot of the crowd cheered after seeing the battle which was rather boring in my opinion.

I guess my standards got a bit too high.

Sabrina maintained her cold expression as she withdrew her Pokemon, she turned around and looked at the crowd before her eyes met mine, her eyes narrowed before she turned around and went to the right side of the arena. 

She must have felt my Aura.... I thought inwardly.

I paid attention to the referee as she called. 

~ 15 minute later, Monday 4:50 PM~

The last ten matches were rather boring in my opinion, out of the first eleven only six examinees had passed including Sabrina. The ones who failed went back to the crowd sulking as they opted to watch the rest of the match.

The Nurse Joy's and their Chansey's healing any injured Pokemon.

The winners stood on the right side proudly as they had officially become trainers even though they hadn't gotten their license and the Official Pokemon Trainer Guidebook.

" Examinee No. 12 you're the next in line! Come up and state your name and show your Examinee ID!" I watched as the crowd murmured once more as a tan skinned boy with squinted eyes and dark brown hair walked up.

" My name is Brock, Son of the Pewter City Gym Leader." said Brock as he showed his Examinee Number.

BROCK?! I couldn't help but chuckle as I realized that this was indeed Brock, he was a bit older than me. though. 

At Brock's announcement everyone's attention focused on him, he was the child of a gym Leader after all.

The Examiner nodded and told him to get into Position and prepare for the battle examination.

Jack brought out a Pokemon, it was a Gastly.

I watched as Brock brought out a small Onix which was a bit smaller than what I had seen in the Onix and Steelix Clan, The Onix roared as it appeared. The Onix was level 55 and had S Ranked Potential.

The Examiners eyes widened slightly as he saw the Pokemon's aura as it broke through the Level 50 Barrier, this was undoubtedly the strongest Pokemon shown in this Examination so far.

It seems like everyone in the Examinee's crowd was excited as Brock brought out his Pokemon.

Even the disinterested Sabrina seemed interested in this battle as she noted the Onix's strength.

This would undoubtedly be an interesting battle.

I watched in anticipation as the Referee announced the start of the battle.

" ONIX USE DIG!" Brock roared as he commanded the Onix who roared as he used dig.

" Gastly use disable!" Jack tried to counter.

~ 6 minute later, Monday 4:56 PM~

That was quite an interesting match, Onix managed to defeat Gastly with a final Dragon Breath Attack. But it was a real struggle as Gastly was a powerful opponent for the Onix.

With a bit of back-and-forth Onix was declared the winner and Brock passed the exam, Brock grinned with happiness as he walked to the winner's area.

Sadly, none of the upcoming matched were proving to be as interesting as Sabrina's and Brocks. 

Most of them were Examinee's whose Pokemon was under the level of 40.

I closed my eyes and waited for my turn.

I was planning to use Totodile, anything else would be far too much for such a small event.

~ Nearly Fifty Minutes later, Monday 5:45 PM~

49 Examinees had taken the exam and including Brock and Sabrina only 22 had passed the test. To think I had to go through seeing 150 more Examination Battles after my victory.

Yes, the possibility of me failing a mere Trainer License exam is impossible.

I groaned as it was finally my turn, I grinned as I heard the Referee speak.

" You're up next, Examinee No. 50! Come up and state your name and show your Examinee ID!" The Referee said as she looked at the crowd. 

I stood up from where I was laying on the wall and uncrossed my arms as I walked forwards towards the middle of the arena with complete confidence and a smirk on my face.

All attention was now one me as I stepped forward.

" I am Ayron Stellarknight, I am Examinee No. 50!" I declared as I raised my Pokephone showing the message to the Referee revealing my entry as Examinee No. 50.

The Examinee nodded.

" Examinee Ayron go to your appropriate position so we can proceed with your examination." She said as I nodded and went towards the opposite side of the Examiner.

Jack nodded as he threw a Pokeball revealing a Level 50 Scyther.

Everyone watched as Scyther roared as it made its appearance, I can see some people are impressed with the Scyther who was super-sized and had a decent aura.

I took an Ultra Ball from my belt and looked at it.

" I guess you will do." I said as I threw the Ultra Ball in front of everyone's eyes which unleashed the Pokemon within revealing Totodile in his full majesty as he roared releasing his aura as a Level 60 Pokemon, and one that is of S Ranked Potential just as Sabrina and Brock's Pokemon did.

Alot of the people watching watched in amazement as they recognized the identity of the Pokemon I had brought out. Some even bringing out a Pokedex to see what kind of Pokemon it was as they were seeing it for the first time.

" DILE!" Totodile roared before looking around it before focusing its gazed on me.

I nodded at it, and it nodded back.

Totodile focused its gazed in front as it saw a Scyther and its eyes lit up in fierce determination to prove itself.

Scyther looked intimidated by Totodile's presence and Aura as it nervously looked at Totodile.

The Examiner spoke as he gazed at Totodile.

" A Totodile, eh? Haven't seen one of those in a while." The Examiner said before grinning.

I chuckled before making a serious expression as the referee started the battle.

" This a Pokemon Battle Examination between Examinee Ayron and Examiner Jack, let the battle begin!" The Referee announced.

I immediately started the first move.

" Totodile use water gun." I commanded and Totodile did as I asked and targeted a powerful water gun at Scyther.

" Scyther use Agility and then sword dance!" The Examiner commanded back as Scyther roared as its body was enveloped in energy as its speed and attack power increased.

The Scyther barely managed to dodge, I smirked and made another command.

" Totodile, use Dragon Dance and then use Aqua Jet." I commanded and stretched one of my hands for dramatic effect and watched as Totodile roared as its body was enveloped in dragon type energy as its power increased and its whole body was covered in a massive armour of water as it blasted towards the Scyther who glared at the incoming attack.

" Scyther use Quick Guard and X - Scissors!" The Examiner said excitedly as this was undoubtedly going to be a fun battle.

Me, The Examiner, The Examinees, Referee, Nurse Joy's and Chansey's watched in anticipation as Totodile and Scyther Collided in a massive clash of power that sent small shockwaves and air currents in all directions. 

I watched as Totodile roared as it began to completely overpower the Scyther who was struggling to fight back against Totodile's sheer force. 

The Scyther was completely overpowered in mere seconds as it was sent back hurtling across the arena as it stood up and panted.

" Now Totodile! End it with Dragon Dance and Metal Claw!" I yelled out in excitement as victory was right in front of me. 

Totodile roared as its body was once more engulfed in Dragon Type energy as its power was increased once more reaching higher levels of power.

But it wasn't over as Totodile ran over to Scyther and started charging steel type energy using Metal Claw to finish Scyther with Dragon Type Energy erupting out of his body.

" Scyther use Quick Guard and Counter!" The Examiner tried to fight back but Totodile was immediately upon Scyther and appeared behind him as Scyther screamed in pain as a massive shockwave emerged in the middle of arena, The Scyther fell into the ground very injured and unconscious.

Totodile roared in excitement at its victory as it rushed to me.

I knelt down and petted Totodile.

Totodile had levelled up a little bit it seems.

" Good job, Totodile! Your performance was exquisite." I said as I petted Totodile who cheered at my compliment.

" Examiner Jack's Scyther is unable to battle, Examinee Ayron had won the battle and passed the second part of the exam!" The referee announced as the crowd clapped at Totodile's performance in its very one-sided battle against Scyther.

I withdrew Totodile and went to the winner area.

The rest of the Examination passed by, and it seems there were no more surprises as all those who came before me didn't match up to me, Sabrina or Brock's performance.

I could see both Brock and Sabrina glance at me occasionally with interest as a potential rival.

I couldn't help but chuckle at that, they didn't have the faintest clue of what kind of monstrous Pokemon I was hiding. 

I closed my eyes and leaned on the wall waiting for the Examination to end and for them to announce the 32 best performances for the Super Rookie Tournament.


Chapter Thirteen - Ends

Author: My fever had gotten a bit worse, but I am going to make a swift recovery soon according to the doctor.

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