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68% Leo A Journey Through Worlds / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Shopping, Titans and Gamers

Chapitre 17: Chapter 17: Shopping, Titans and Gamers

Chapter 17

I have been in school for a month now, and it's already May. I am already regretting needing to go back to school. I am a billionaire, please let me buy myself out of it or something. I complained to the empathy air in my room as I scratched Fluffy behind the ears.


"Well, at least you are suffering with me."


"Ya, ya, laugh it up. The teacher forgets I am there half the time, and we still only get one homework."


"Ya, at least we can do it together."


"So, are we doing anything today?"


"Hmm, I think I will buy some powers, then we can try world jumping and maybe pick up some powers for Izuku and/or souvenirs?"


This perked up Fluffy, as he had not had a chance to stretch his legs for a while. I mean, mostly, I carry him around when we are not at home. But sometimes he just wants to do stuff on his own, and that makes me feel like a part of me has separated from me. That's why we are always together, both for good and ill.


I sat up, walked to my desk, and took out my notebook to keep track of the powers I was going to make and the costs.


I opened my shop and went to buy some powers. I really tried to munchkin my powers to the best of my ability and maximize the points I have. I got a bit over 365 points, but I was keeping anything I got after my birthday as a reserve just in case I needed to buy something in an emergency.


World Walker Shop

Point accumulation


You only gain one point of energy once a day, around high noon.


Shop Categories


Basic Powers: These are fundamental powers that are relatively affordable and provide essential skills or enhancements.


Advanced Powers: These are more potent and stronger powers that build on the basic powers.


Ultimate Powers: [Locked] Unlocks with appropriate skill from the previous section.


Utility Powers: These are non-combat powers that provide practical benefits out of combat and quality of life powers.


Essential Powers: (0) These are the essential powers that the user interface highly recommends the user(s) get first before using said powers.


I spent the next few hours trying different combinations and spitballing ideas with Fluffy about what powers to get and this was the final list of powers I got.


Basic Technopathy

Cost: 20 points

Description: This power allows the user to communicate with and control electronic devices on a basic to advanced level. They can access information, manipulate these systems, and establish a connection with various gadgets. Physical contact with the device is faster than connecting mentally.


Advanced Technopathy

Cost: 200 points

Description: Building upon the basic technopathy, this advanced version significantly enhances the user's control. They can now manipulate complex systems, interface with much more advanced technologies, and exert a more profound influence over digital environments. This level would let the user control basic and advanced AI's.


Enter Pocket Dimension Storage

Cost: 100 points

Description: The user possesses the power to physically enter their own pocket dimension. Through any physical doorway, garage, or any other type of entryway. When inside, the user will be able to sort and store their inventory with the help of mental commands. The user can change how the space looks at will. Anything created with this power cannot be removed from storage and will not appear in the user's inventory.


Basic Phantom Transformation

Cost: 50 points

Description: This power grants the user a set of ghostly powers.


Ghost Form

The ability to transition into the user's ghostly form.


Intangibility & invisibility

The user can render themselves intangible and/or invisible on command, partially or entirely.



The power to project energy blasts of ectoplasm, serves as a basic offensive capability.



Achieve levitation and controlled flight, enabling swift movement through the air, but only while in a ghostly form. This can be combined with other flight powers.


Ghost Sense

Heightened awareness to supernatural occurrences, including the presence of other ghosts.


Basic Psychic Defense

Cost: 31 points

Description: Basic Psychic Defense fortifies the user's mind with a resilient shield, protecting them from various psychic intrusions, including mind reading, telepathy, memory manipulation, and mind control.


Basic Utility Power: Study Aid

Cost: 25 points

Description: Study Aid is a basic utility power that significantly enhances the user's ability to study and retain information. It makes the process of preparing for tests, exams, and normal school work easier. This power only works in an academic setting.


Basic Cosmetic Mantle

Cost: 10 points

Description: The Cosmetic Mantle is a non-combat power that bestows the user with a stylish and visually striking mantle. The exterior of the mantle is a sleek black, while the interior features a vibrant orange lining. The mantle can change colors on command. This mantle serves no combat purposes but is purely for aesthetic enjoyment.


Basic Utility Power: Cleansing & Cleaning

Cost: 12 points

Description: Cleansing gives the user the power to cleanse their own body or the bodies of others, leaving them with a refreshing and revitalized feeling, akin to stepping out of a soothing shower. The user can also use this power to clean an area around them of dirt, grime, and any other substances. This power focuses solely on cleansing & cleaning, without any additional effects.

I was happy with the set of powers I came up with. I tried to get some other powers, like the power to shape shift, but the basic version was too expensive and would not allow me to grow past the age I was stuck at. The best I could do with it was to appear as an adult, but I would need the advanced version to actually grow bigger than my size.


Utility Power: Mass-Limited Shape-Shifting

Cost: 120 points


The power would at least be useful in the future, but for now I had to settle for cheaper and more useful powers. But I can come back to it later, when I have more points.


As I was done with my list of powers, this is how my reasoning went.


Technopathy: I would need to deal with high tech on my travels, and the next time I meet someone like Tony Stark or need to get inside a villain's base, I could take over their base and turn it against them. And I totally did not get this power, so I can surf the web while in class or anything. Yupp only got this power for hero work...


Enter Pocket Dimension Storage: With this, I might finally be able to take people with me to other worlds, but if nothing else, I can make my own home away from home. I will never have to buy a house or live on the streets when I travel. In case I don't want to go home before I am done with my adventure,.


Phantom Transformation: I based this set of powers on Danny Phantom. With this power, I can finally fulfill one of my dreams: to fly. And maybe this is going to become my main way to prank people... Wa ha ha ha.


Psychic Defense: If I am going to travel to worlds like Harry Potter or meet the X-men, I want to make sure my mind is protected from tampering, reading, or brainwashing…


Study Aid: This was a no brainer. I am not redoing school without putting it on very easy mode.


Cosmetic Mantle: I did not have that many points left at this stage, so I just got the power to look good. I mean, superman or Batman capes look amazing, and by turning it into a power, I can make it move in the wind, and I can be as dramatic as I want as I swish my cape while I walk towards my enemies menacingly… in the body of a five year old.


Cleansing & Cleaning: I would need some way to clean the crime scene... Or I might have gotten this power, so I did not need to clean my room or take a bath when I did not want to.


When I was done, I bought the powers, and then... I fell out of my chair as I was clutching my head in agony. With great power… comes great suffering… The process took five minutes, but after the process was done, I was crying as Fluffy tried to console me until I finally got myself under control.


"Oww, oww, oww, I now remember why I don't do this as soon as I have enough points to buy a new power."


"Are you feeling better now, Sora?"


"Ya," I sniffled as I whipped my eyes.


After getting up from the floor, I flopped down on the bed and rested for a while, as my body felt like it had been through a meat grinder… twice. As I was on the bed, my head started to clear up, as did my body, and I could feel new sensations. This must be the electronics. I reached out to my alarm clock beside my bed and asked it what the time was, and I got an answer. I fist-pumped into the air.


"Woo, that's so cool."


"Ya, I can watch movies while you do school work now…"


"Oh no, you don't! If I suffer, you will suffer with me."




After feeling better, I stood up and did some stretches to see if anything was different. Then I focused on my Phantom power, and two rings appeared, one on the floor and one above me, that moved towards one another and met up in the middle. And… I looked the same… huh? Oh… I already have green eyes and white hair, so nothing really changed. So this transformation does not come with a built in hero suit… noted. I tried floating, and this was… easier than I thought.


I played around with my powers for another half an hour, and when I felt confident I had the bare basics down, I picked up Fluffy from the bed and turned invisible and intangible to scare our parents. As Fluffy was connected to me, he automatically turned invisible and intangible when I did, but he could ignore it if he wanted to. He told me when I asked him after I had already floated through the door without thinking.


We floated through the house, and I found my parents sitting by the kitchen table drinking tea or coffee while working. My dad was on his laptop, and my mom was writing something on some papers. I floated up through the table so only my head was visible, and I held up Fluffy beside my head, and then we screamed.








My parents were not prepared for the Spanish ghost inquisition.




Me and Fluffy floated up above the kitchen table as we laughed so hard that I might have died for a second time. After my parents got themselves under control, they did not look happy… Oh no! I thought to myself as I started to float through the floor, but before I could completely get through the floor, I heard it.


"SORA! Get back here right now" My mom shouted.


I thought for a second about not doing it, but Fluffy warned me it was a bad idea and that it would only get worse if I did. Why does he have to make so much sense? I floated up through the floor… reluctantly, while my dad tried to calm my mother down. She could be fiercely protective of me, but she was also very scary when that fierceness was directed towards me… Gulp…


"Eh, hi mom."


She seemed to have calmed down a bit, but she was looking like she would not let me go without having a long talk about what had just happened. I saw her visibly take a deep breath and maybe count to ten before starting in on me.


"Sora, please explain…" My mother demanded


"Ehh, I got new powers, and I wanted to prank you guys."


"And you thought scaring us half to death was a good idea?"


"Eh… yes?"


I saw her hands tremble.


"Come over here, Sora."


I floated over, and my mother pulled me in for a hug, and I let go of Fluffy to hug her back as Fluffy floated to the side of us.


"Sora, do you know why I am so upset?" My mother asked me while hugging me tightly.




"Well, you gotta see it from our perspective. I saw your head coming through the table… I thought you died and came back as a ghost or something I… I don't want to lose you, Sora. Do you understand?"


"I… I am sorry I scared you, mom."


"Are you ok?" I asked her.


"I already feel better." 


She said it, but I could hear a slight tremble in her voice. I really screwed this up. She let me go, and I floated there as she wiped her eyes. After she whipped them, she looked at me.


"Sora, why are you so cold?"


"Ghost power, so I guess I am cold like a ghost?"


My dad came over and pulled me and Fluffy into a side hug.


"Well, you did scare us good, but please try to keep your pranks to something milder when your mother is around." My dad asked me


"Ok dad"


"Were you at least super scared?"


"Yup, you scared me good. Look, you already made a hair turn gray." It was not really gray; he was just joking with me. 


"So what powers did you get this time?"


"I can control machines with my mind."


I said excitedly and pointed towards his laptop, and on the screen, a pixelated cartoon character of myself appeared on the screen waving and doing a silly dance.


"Wow, so now you can fix all our computer problems."


Oh, oh, now my parents are going to make me do the computer stuff. This gives me flashbacks to my old life, where my mother made me help her with all of her computer problems. MOM, YOU CAN GOOGLE STUFF YOURSELF. Then she would say, But it's easier to give it to you…


"I guess… Oh, and I got ghost powers."


"Ya, I heard you tell your mother."


"And I can do this."


I said this as I used my cleaning power to clean up the coffee my dad's cup had spilled on the floor. Luckily, nothing had landed on his laptop, or he might have been also angry at me.


"Can you clean anything?" My mom came over looking excited… Oh no, I think I made a huge mistake picking this power. I guess I know what my mom's new favorite punishments are going to become.




"Great!" My mother said with a foxy grin… Oh no, she is learning… Fluffy giggles in the back of my head.


"And last but not least, follow me."


I said taking them to the closest door, and when I opened it, I saw my inventory from the inside for the first time. And… everything was in a big pile in the middle of the floor… like everything I ever collected: blankets, pillows, plushies, Minecraft meat, pelts, and all my toys. The room had a polished white floor, ceiling, and walls, like someone forgot to add textures. I would need to spend some time here making the inventory look more homely and not so… futuristicly clean.


"Well, it looks like you have some sorting to do," my dad commented from the side.


"I ehh"


That's when I remembered there was a mental command to sort everything, so I tried to do an auto sort, and soon all of the stuff on the floor floated up in the air and started to fly to shelves, boxes and other forms of storage. Soon there was a room full of boxes, shelves, cabinets, and display cases with all my items, and everything was labeled. I could feel where every single item was and where to find them, or I could pull them out of my inventory like normal.


"Well, that is convenient," my mother said with stars in her eyes.


"Eh, this sorting only works while I am inside my storage," I said to my mother before she could get any ideas.


"Ahh, too bad," she said, mock pouting.


Then I showed them my collection of stuff I had hoarded over the years. And after looking around for a while, I got to my display cases. It was like an achievement and a hall of fame, my first gold block, No. 1 teddy bear, and much more. I already thought of displaying weapons and armors I took from villains and displaying them here on mannequins. The display case with my first golden block was the picture of the golden block from the cave.


On the way back, I saw a doorway, and when I opened it, I saw my Minecraft room, and it had no roof; it just went endlessly up and had cubes of all types I collected. There was no ceiling or walls, just an endless darkness when looking up or to the sides, but somehow the room was still brightly lit where the blocks were. My favorite part of the room was all the gold cubes. It was huge. I had over 100 gold cubes. I could not wait to turn all of them into gold coins.


"Wow," my dad said after giving a whistle in appreciation.


This room was big, and I guess it will only grow as I collect more cubes unless I change it. I might go with all the blocks are collected in minecraft chests with an item frame to display what's inside with a number plate with how many there are.


We left to go home, and my dad commented.


"Well, son, you have a very nice collection."


"Thanks," I said with a smile.


"And now we got to talk about your punishment, young sir, for scaring your poor old... young mother half to death. And then we can talk about you buying your powers without telling us. And Fluffy, why did you not tell us? I thought you were supposed to help my son."


"Oh shi-" my mother's eyes glared at me. "Oh snap?" 


"I got distracted by the head scratches..." was Fluffy's weak excuse.


"Well, as punishment, you both get to help me clean the house today. Fluffy gets upstairs and Sora gets downstairs. Now get moving; the house won't get cleaned by itself."


I bloody knew it—she had been planning this punishment the entire time I was talking about my powers and showing them my inventory. My mother is a very sweet and loving mom, but if I were to compare her and my dad's relationship, I feel it's Kushina and Minato from Naruto. She is the firecracker who wears the pants in our family and is not afraid to show it. But my dad has his moments when stuff gets too much, like… the first time my power activated… I shuddered as I remembered the sight… Ya, let's forget that day ever happened.


That day, our house was spotless and super clean for the first time after it was built. The ceiling, walls, floor, and all the furniture were cleaned as my mom and dad each swapped, overlooking my and Fluffy's work. It was not that hard of a job to fly, touch, clean, and repeat, and after a few hours, the house was cleaned… to my mother's standard. Before she let us go, She then warned that the next time I would have to clean the outside of the house.


After the work was done, I embraced Fluffy and felt better already. And now I did not have to really carry him per say as he could just float in my arms instead or even on my head. I decided to go to the DC universe to try out my powers with a live animal in my inventory, talk to my dad, and prank the Teen Titans, but mostly Dick.


"Mom, dad, can I go to Bruce? I want him to look over my powers and see if I can transport living stuff in my inventory."


"And you promise to only go there, right?"


"Yupp," I said with a smile. And it was not my fault if my power misfired.


"Ok, son, you can go, but be careful," my dad said.


"Ok," I said as I opened a portal behind me and floated inside.


I let go of my flight power and let it drag me to the DC universe. I did wonder: Could I use my power to go through my rift faster? What happens if I exit the protection? There were so many questions, but I was afraid to experiment with my own body, so they got to stay questions for a while longer.


I soon tumbled out of my rift and landed on my back in the lobby. Ahh, home sweet lobby floor, I missed you, I thought sarcastically as I got up from the floor when Alfred peeked out of the kitchen.


"Ahh, welcome back, master Leo." Alfred greeted me with a warm smile.


"Hello Alfred," I said as I threw myself at him for a hug, but what he did not expect was for me to stop right before hitting him before hugging him. I giggled at his raised eyebrow. It was his version of being very surprised.


"I see you have new powers."


"Yupp," I said, floating in the air away from him and giving him a twirl and a loop.


"Tada! I can fly now," I said in a very excited tone.


"Impressive, so what powers did you get this time?"


"Technomancy, ability to enter my pocket dimension, which I will show you and dad later, brain protection, study power, and best for last a cleaning power."


When I said cleaning power, I touched the floor and sent out a small cleaning pulse, and a small area looked so much cleaner than the rest of the floor that it was obvious that the house was old and that one spot was now cleaner than the rest of the floor.


"Amazing," Alfred said, touching the floor and comparing the non cleaned area to the clean one.


"Well, now we have this small spot cleaned. We can't let it be the only spot, or it will be lonely. We should clean the entire house," Alfred said with a slight joking manner and a wink.


"NO! Please don't mom already punish me earlier today when I scared them," I said with a frantic voice and pleaded with him.


"Haha, no worries, we don't have to do it all in one go," Alfred said with a slight smile.


"Where is dad?"


I said bluntly to change the subject, knowing that Alfred would not forget… Why did my lazy power have to be the one every adult would focus on? I have ghost powers, for goodness sake.


"Ahh, he is working downstairs. Are you going to prank him with your power as well?"


"Ya? Should I not?"


"Oh, you definitely should, but wait here for a bit." Alfred said, walking away and coming back with a tablet in hand.


"Ahh, there we go. You can go and prank Master Bruce now."


Alfred said. I looked at the tablet and saw a lifefeed from the batcave. Ah, he wanted to watch and maybe record it. I giggled when I saw it.


"I am going Agent A."


I saluted him. It was the code name Alfred has when someone speaks about or to him while in costume. But this time I pretended he was the mission commander, and Alfred played along.


"Good luck, Master Leo, and good luck on your mission," Alfred said while saluting back and making me giggle at how funny it looked to me.


I waved as I turned invisible in front of Alfred and saw him look around for a bit before giving a sigh and then looking down at the tablet in hand. I think he just learned that he now has a child in the house who can turn invisible on command and likes to pull small pranks at times.


I made myself intangible, floated down through the floor, and quickly made my way into the batcave. It was weird to come through the cave roof, where the bats normally hang out. I floated down and saw dad sitting at the bat computer in costume, but with his cowl down, typing something on the bat computer. I was afraid he would somehow notice me with some Spider-Man-type sense he honed through the years. But I was lucky, or dad was unlucky, as he had not noticed me, and I was floating in the air behind him, thinking of what I should do.


Then I got an idea and floated up above him, but not too high, as I did not want to miss him. I was sad I did not have pre filled water balloons, so I pulled out one of my pillows that was more firm and started to do my best to make sure it would hit his head when I dropped it. After a few seconds of sweating a bucket and a half, thinking he would look up at any second, I dropped it and floated down quickly to get a good vantage point.


The pillow was almost upon him when he threw himself to the side with a batarang in hand. He looked for whatever enemy he might have sensed, or so I assume. When he notices the pillow now sitting on the bat computer chair, he looks up at where the pillow must have come from before scanning the room for any threats.


He makes his way over to the pillow, every muscle in his body tense. When the bat computer starts to glitch and makes static noises before turning black then… A small animated chibi version of myself and Fluffy appears on the screen with the Jebaited song and us doing a silly dance. With a text saying you got pranked flashing above our animations.


Me and Fluffy appear beside the chair, still intangible, just in case we giggle so hard. Dad did not look too impressed, but he put away his batarang and gave us a smile while waiting for us to calm down from our laughing fit. The song was still going on, and the atmosphere lightened up at the absurdity of the situation.


Me and Fluffy soon got ourselves under control, and with foxy grins, we high fived one another before floating down to be at dad's eye level. While turning off the song on the computer and returning it to what it was before.


Dad raised an eyebrow with a bemused expression when the computer returned to normal without anyone touching it. Before sighing and opening up his arms for a hug, knowing that it was coming whether he liked it or not.


We floated over and gave Dad a hug without him needing to crouch down to give us a hug.


"Welcome back, Leo and Fluffy," dad said with a smile in his voice.


"So what brings you here today?"


"I got new powers, and I wanted your help to test one of them," I said after letting go and floating in the air in front of him.


"First tell me what powers you have, and I can see what I can do." Ever the detective, he wanted to know everything.


"I got the power of technopathy. I can control electronics. I got the power to enter my inventory through doors, and I think it would let me take someone with me to another universe. My ghost powers let me fly, turn intangible, and other ghostly powers. I got mind protection and a cleaning ability… Alfred already wants me to use it." I said to dad while whining at the cleaning part.


"Hmm, that is not a bad set of powers," dad said, thinking them over.


"I do have some laboratory rats, but we would need more animal types to test, and that will take a few more hours to get done… So while we are getting them, what are you going to do?"


"Hmm, I can go and visit Dick. I have never seen where he works, and I want to try flying there myself."


"Leo, Dick is in Jump City; it's on the other end of the USA," he said, showing me a world map on the bat computer, and where Jump City was on the map, it was the equivalent to California.


"I want to try. I can always teleport if it's too slow," I said stubbornly.


"Very well, but first take this," dad said, opening a drawer, pulling out a watch, and putting it on me.


"What's this?" I asked, looking over the watch.


"That is a GPS watch made for people with flying abilities who are still learning to navigate through the air." Huh, I did not expect dad to have something like this on hand.


"Want me to call ahead that you are coming?" Dad asked me while doing something on the computer when my watch pinged. It was now showing me a flight path to Jump City… COOL!.


"Huh, wait, no, don't call head; I want to prank Dick!" I said distracted by the watch when it beeped.


"The watch is now set; be safe and before you go."


Dad threw me a mask to hide my identity. I put it on before waving goodbye and flying away at top speed, turning invisible and intangible, and soon appearing outside the Wayne manor. It looked so small when I was flying high above it.


I rocketed away, I checked the watch from time to time. I did not really think of wind resistance and stuff when I made these powers, but now… flying through the air, I felt so free as I dipped in and out of the clouds. The speed meter on the watch kept climbing without air resistance or anything to drag me down. I could push my speed faster and faster.


It took me a while to push my speed to go faster, but I soon hit 5,000 miles per hour, and the watch said it would take me another 20 minutes to get to Jump City. So I had fun flying through pretend obstacles and other games like dodge the clouds at very high speed… It was very hard to maintain speed and maneuverability. But soon the watch beeped at me, and I saw I was very close to the city and started to slow down, but instead I halted in the air, almost at a dead stop. I… what? I thought to myself I did not expect to be able to stop on a dime. I started to fly again, and soon I saw Jump City.


As I flew over the city, I kept a lookout for the big T shaped building and soon found it. Before entering the building, I mentally turned my watch to vibrate mode so it would not give me away before I had a chance to mess with Dick. I flew on the side of the building, looking for a living room or something along those lines to enter from, as I did not want to accidentally enter any of their rooms.


I soon found an area that looked like the living room, where I saw Beastboy and Cyborg playing video games on the TV. I flew through the window and made my way over to see what game they were playing… and it's a game that does not exist in any world I have been to. It's a fighting game, and both of them are very intense.


Beast Boy is a teen that is all green and can wild shape into any creature or animal that ever existed on earth, and his real name is Garfield Logan. He is someone I would say is the class clown, but he seems to be a reliable teammate from the TV shows I have seen.


Cyborg is, well, a Cyborg. He is an African American teenager in this universe, and I can't remember his real name, but I remember that he was a normal person before getting into an accident, and his father saved his life by fusing him to a father/mother box, or was it normal tech? I can't remember, but he is a heavy hitter, and in some versions of the Justice League, he is one of its core members.


Between himself and me, I would win with my technomancy power… I think the mother/father boxes are supposed to be very strong when it comes to tech powers. I leave them alone for now and try to look for Dick when I find the kitchen, and I see Starfire in the kitchen cooking some horrific alien monstrosity.


Starfire Is a girl with red hair, green eyes, and orange skin. She is from an alien world called... something I don't remember, but she is a royal princess and tends to speak in an overly proper manner, but when she learned English through a kiss, her way of speaking sounds… a bit broken, like that of a foreigner who doesn't really know how to speak the language correctly. From what I remember, she is very nice and polite. I don't think I have ever seen an evil version of her when I think about it.


"This dish will be the best of meals, and I think Robin and thy rest of the Titans will love my home-world dish that they will shower me in thy praises."


She said to herself as she pulled out something that looked like a tentacle in purple poison-looking ooze… I was not going to stay for this meal. I thought to myself as I flew away.


I could not find Dick, so I started to put my head through walls, vents, and doors, thinking he might be hiding somewhere. As I was doing this, I came to a room where, when I tried to put my head through the door, I hit an invisible wall. Someone put a force field on the doorway, and the only one I could think of is Raven, the magic powerhouse of the Teen Titans.


Before I had a chance to ponder further, the door to the room opened up, and a black hand came out of the doorway and grabbed me and pulled me inside. If anyone asks, I did not yelp in fright when I was pulled inside the room, and the door closed with an ominous hiss.


The room was pitch black until candles all over the room lit up simultaneously. The room was still very dark, but with my enhanced eyesight, it was very easy to see, and above the bed, I saw her… Raven and she looked at me angrily. I gulped.


Raven is a girl with purple hair and eyes who has ash gray skin with a red gem on her forehead. I think it housed her father, or… it was going to? I don't remember. Raven is very unexpressive and is often not shown with many emotions, as she must keep them under control. Her father, Trigon, is a VERY strong and VERY scary demon who wants to conquer the world and wants to use Raven to come to earth. Her mantra, which she uses to activate her spells or meditate, is Azarath metrion zinthos. She wears a black leotard and a purple cloak and hood that casts dark shadows over her eyes, which makes her look more intimidating.


"Who sent you? Was it my father?"


"What… NO!" I turned off my invisibility.


"I am Robin's little brother. I came here to prank him, but... I could not find him. It's my first time at the tower," I said dejectedly.


"Please let us go," Fluffy said.


"Robin has never said he has any siblings."


"Well, we are not blood related, but we were adopted by the same dad... Well, I am unofficially adopted."


"I cannot sense your emotions; are you trying to lie to me?" She said it with a glare.


"No, I have super powers; one of them protects my mind and apparently prevents you from sensing my emotions. I only got the power earlier today. That's why I came here to prank Dick while waiting for dad to help me test my powers." I wanted to pull out a picture of me and Dick, but I did not have any with him and me in masks.


"Can you turn it off?"


"Ehh… no? I don't think so; I'm sorry."


"Why do you register as a ghost to my senses?"


"It's my new power I got today. I can turn invisible and intangible, so I thought it would be the perfect time to prank Robin."


"Please, you have to believe me or Batman is going to be angry; he knows I am here," I said as a last resort.


"You know Batman?" She asked me with skepticism.


"Yupp, he is teaching me," I said smugly.


"So if I call him, he will know who you are?" She says pulling out a phone.


"Yupp," go ahead and call him.


"I will," she says, trying to call my bluff… But I was not bluffing.


The phone call soon went through, and I could hear the conversation from both sides with my enhanced hearing.


"Hello, this is the watchtower. The flash fastest man alive speaking."


"Ugh, this is Raven. I got an unknown boy here saying he is Robin's younger brother. I am trying to get a hold of Batman."


"Hi Flash, remember me? I was the kid with Batman with the white hair," I shouted.


"Shut up," Raven said.


"Wait the white haired kid with Batman... Oh, I remember you. Ya, you were here at the watchtower. How are you, little guy?"


"I'm great, just, you know, hanging around."


"I said be quiet."


"Ah, let me patch Batman into the call; he should be available."


After only one ring, Batman answered with his rough Batman voice.


"Hello Batman, this is the watchtower you are on a connected call with the… Teen Titans Raven she says she got a kid with white hair. there can you confirm with her if you know him."


I heard a deep sigh from the other line.


"How did he get captured so fast?"


"She cheated, the room was warded. I hit my head against the door, and it hurt." I shouted at the phone.


"Is this enough confirmation, Raven? Flash asked Raven."


"Yes," she said, letting me go, and I floated closer to her so I did not have to shout, and she put her phone on speaker mode.


"Hi Batman I got here pretty quickly," I said with a smile.


"Be careful; if that had been an enemy, you would have been in trouble. We are going to have to talk about this when you get back, Batman out." and he hung up the call.


"Well… he was cheerful. Anything more? I would love to talk all day, but… long distance calls and all of that," Flash said with a careful tone.


"No, that's everything, goodbye," and she hangs up on Flash.


"So… what now?"


"Where you not going to prank Robin, the boy wonder?"


"Oh ya! Ehh, do you know where he is?" I say sheepishly.


"He is at the end of the corridor; the last door on the left it say's robin on the door," she said with a deadpan voice.


I made my way towards the door when I turned back to her.


"Ehh, can you keep this a secret from Robin… please?"


"We will see…"


Well, I guess that's the best I could get as I turn invisible and intangible and hit my head against the door… "Ouch!" I forgot the door could resist me. I made my hand tangible and opened the door before leaving her room, and I heard a slight giggle as I made my escape. I am making my way towards Dick's room and quickly find it.


I make sure the door is passable, then enter his room. I look around for Dick and see him. He is training on a training dummy, and it looks like he has been training for a while. and even now, he has his face mask on, even though he is sweating buckets. His room is a bit messy. There are two piles of clothing, some training gear is lying on the floor, and there is a dart board full of Robin's batarangs.


I make my way closer to him when he stops, and I panic and stop in mid-air, thinking I am busted, but he bends down to pick up a towel and wipe off his sweat. I didn't really have an idea of how to prank him, so I went with a low-effort prank.


"Ok, I got an idea. You pull down his pants and I take a picture with the camera," I sent to Fluffy.


"Oh, that will be funny blackmail material."


"I hope he doesn't have embarrassing underwear."


I let go of Fluffy and flew, so I was behind his bed. I pulled out the camera where he could not see it and signaled to Fluffy that I was ready to take the picture. We counted down together 1, 2, 3 and he pulled down the pants. I popped up with the camera as Robin started to flail his arms as he was not prepared for the prank.


I lined up the camera and took the shot when the flash went of Dick's head snapped towards me, and he just saw a floating camera… MY floating camera. He has seen my camera so many times ever since I got it that it almost instantly clicked for him: "LEO!!!!" Dick Roared. I quickly put away my camera and photo before I made myself visible as I pointed and laughed while floating backwards out of the door, and Fluffy quickly flew into his favorite spot in my arms.


I heard a crash in his room as I flew down the corridor, giggling the entire way. I heard a hiss as the door behind me opened just as I turned the corner. Dick chased me all the way to the big room, where Cyborg and Beast Boy were playing games. They must have heard Robin screaming after me, as when I entered the room, they had paused their game and were standing at the ready when I flew into the room. I quickly hid behind Cyborg when Dick finally caught up to me.


"Get over here, you little gremlin." Dick shouted




I shouted back as Beast Boy and Cyborg looked confused as they looked back and forth between me and Dick, not knowing what to do, and Beast Boy just shrugged his shoulders and pulled out some popcorn from behind his back and started eating while watching the show.


"Argh, why are you even here!?"


"I wanted to see where you worked. Say hi… Pull a prank," I said with a cheeky smile as I saw Ravin coming down the corridor.


"I will have my revenge on you… You little gremlin, he said with a growl."


"So do you guys like know one another?" Beast Boy asked


"Ya, I am like hella confused." Cyborg said


"Well, a bit late for an introduction, but... Hi, my name is the little Gremlin, and I am Robin's adopted little brother," I said with a cheeky smile.


"And this I hold up Fluffy above my head is Fluffy my side kick."


"I AM NOT YOUR SIDEKICK." Fluffy growled at me.


"Ok… he is my mascot."




"Oh, did you not want merchandise of yourself?" I said mentally


"I never said that," Fluffy said in a bit of a defeated tone.


"Wow, a talking Fox" Beast Boy's eyes sparkled. Can I hold him and pet him?


"Sure," I said as I threw Fluffy towards him, which made Beast Boy panic, and he dropped his popcorn to catch Fluffy.


"Hey, I am not something you can just throw." Fluffy growled but soon purred as Beast Boy started to pet him professionally as he can turn into animals. He knows where the best petting spots are, and I think I won't get back Fluffy for a while.


"Hey! I am not done with you," Dick said as he was stomping forward toward me and Cyborg. when Cyborg stepped to the side, I was not prepared when Dick launched at me, and in the panic, I made myself intangible and Dick flew right through me and landed on the floor, and everyone started to laugh at Dick's expense. As he lay on the floor, ass up in the air in an undignified pose.


"WHAT! When could you turn intangible or even fly?" Dick said as he turned around, pointing a finger towards me.


"Hehe, I got it today," I said, holding my nose up in the sky, hands on my hips.


"What is thy comotion?" we heard when Starfire came from the other side of the room.


"This is Robin's younger brother. He came to visit Robin, apparently," Cyborg said.


"Oh, this is the most wonderful he can stay and eat the most wonderful of meals with us."


She said it excitedly as she flew back to the kitchen to continue cooking the most wonderful of monstrosities. I thought to myself with a shudder. Ya I was going to leave before I ever put that food in my stomach.


"Hmm, that was not ominous," Raven said in her deadpan voice.


"Your power is a cheat." Robin grumbled as he crossed his arms in defeat.




"So… You are Robin's adopted brother, huh? Got any embarrassing stories about him?" Cyberg said with a smile on his face.


"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" Robin said, pointing towards me and Cyborg.


"Yupp… but I save them for another time; you never know when you will need some blackmail material."


"Oh, you forget I have blackmail material about you too?" Robin said as his aha moment


"Ya but… You think I care; you have nothing you can embarrass me with'' and Robin got a thoughtful expression, put up a finger, then dropped it. I think he was really trying to think of something I would find embarrassing.


"So… Robin's little brother, you play games?"


I do, but I have not owned a single game in this life. It's been hell—no phone, no games, no life. I could not even lie, as Dick knew I had never played a video game in this life, as I have complained about it to him several times in the past.


"I have never played a game before; my parents have not allowed me to own a phone or games."


I say it in a dejected tone, and I only had to play it up a bit as I have had gaming withdrawals since I was younger. So this would be my official FIRST time I ever got to play a video game in this life. My friend's parents know that I am not allowed to play, so I could not even get my fix secondhand.


"WHAT! That is sacrilege; we have to fix that," Cyborg said in a cheerful tone.


"Oh no, you don't; he is not allowed to," Robin said with a shit eating grin.


"Ahh, shut a can in it; I don't care," Cyborg said.


"Ya, let the kid play a game." Beast Boy said while petting Fluffy.


"You… you urg." Robin said as he stomped out of the room.


"Now, Robin's little brother, let's show you how to game like a real man." As he pulled me along to the game, they paused.


"Ya" Beast boy agreed.


For the next hour, I got to play this fighting game with them. I never really been that great at them. I could win against bots on like normal to high difficulty, but after losing the first few rounds to Cyborg juggling my character all around the level without me being able to do anything, I said fudge it and used my power for the next match.


"Ah, you get better at this soon enough," Cyborg said.


"Ok, I am taking the baby gloves off now," I said.


"Oh, the little man is taking off his baby gloves." Beast Boy said mockingly


We were in the character select menu when I used my power, and a new slot appeared on screen with a picture of me in a stylish superhero costume. I gave my character a cape like the one from my power and a stylish and expensive-looking three-piece suit with orange inner linings. When I picked the character, both Beast Boy and Cyborg looked at me, then the game, then back at me and shrugged their shoulders.


"I still beat you," Cyborg said.


"We will see," I said with a smile.


He picked his fighter, and soon the match started. I did not use my controller and took charge of my character directly. I had given my character all of my powers. I first summoned Fluffy, and he appeared by my character in a flash of white light.


"Oh, how is that going to help you? It's just a baby fox," he smack talked.


"Hey Fluffy, take control of your character, and we can beat him together." I sent it mentally.


"But I am in heaven," Fluffy said.


"Please… he is making fun of your character."




As soon as we finished talking, Fluffy's character grew to his big size and now towered over my character and Cyborg's fighter. He growled menacingly and stalked forward at Cyborg's fighter. He tried to attack Fluffy, but his fighter was not strong enough, and Fluffy's fox character said.


"My turn!"


He lunged at Cyborg's fighter, bit his head, and started swinging him back and forth as his life drained very fast.


"Ahh, attack him!" Cyborg screamed at his fighter as he mashed all the buttons, but the match was soon over.


"VICTORY," I said as I stood up on the couch, holding V signs above my head.


"You cheated," Cyborg said.


"Nope I never attacked you, Fluffy did; that's what you get for calling him a baby fox. He has the same powers in real life."


"What!" He said, flustered.


"I mean, nice fox," Cyborg said, looking at Fluffy.


Fluffy was not listening, as Beast Boy was in heaven, getting to pet Fluffy with a goofy smile on his face. He really seems to like Fluffy.


"DINNER IS READY." I hear star-fire shout. OH NO it's time, so skedaddle.


"I think it's time to go," I said.


"Oh, you should stay for food before you leave."


"I ehh"


"Fluffy, we need to leave," I said mentally.


"If you leave now, I will bite you," Fluffy said. Only half paying attention, I slumped down on the sofa in defeat.


"Eh, fine, I stay for dinner." I said, crying on the inside.


Everyone made their way to the kitchen and froze when they saw the food on the table. It looked like something out of an alien horror movie: black ooze, tentacles coming out of some purple bubbling ooze, and I swear I saw a puff of smoke shaped like a skull and crossbone float out of a dish.


"Come, friends, eat while the food is hot," Starfire said in excitement.


"Oh, ehh, this looks delicious." Dick said, lying through his teeth.


"Oh, I… don't think I am hungry any more." Raven said in her deadpan voice


"Oh, don't be silly, friend Ravin," Starfire said as she pulled her along to the table and pushed her into a seat.


Beast Boy and Cyborg reluctantly went to a seat, and I followed them. I was not going to eat anything, but I was going to watch as Robin pretended to like it… and maybe… die in the process.


After we were all seated, they all reluctantly started to put food on their plates, and I swear I saw a drop land on the table and saw it start to sizzle like acid and make a hole in the table.


"Oh, eh, this looks so yummy, Starfire," Robin said.


"I am the happiest." Starfire smiled, waiting for Robin to take a bite.


Dick slowly picked up the spoon, took a generous helping, took a bite, and swallowed. He went through every color of the rainbow before falling out of the chair, foaming at the mouth… Ah, what you do for love I thought as everyone ran over to check on Robin, and they quickly took him down to the infirmary and left me and Starfire at the dining table. In the comotion, Beast Boy had left Fluffy on the table beside his plate.


"Oh, what happened to the robin? Is he ill?" Starfire wondered out loud' I was not going to lie to her to spare her feelings like the rest of the team seem to be doing.


"Ehh starfire"


"Yes, the little brother of our robin."


"Your food is not meant for humans to eat," I said, looking at one of the tentacles trying to escape from one of the dishes.


"But none of the friends have had problems with thy food before."


"I am guessing they lied to spare your feelings, Starfire. They must be really good teammates, but I do not think you should cook for them in the future."


"Oh," Starfire said, looking like a kicked puppy and making me feel bad.


"Well, if you really want to cook for them, why don't you learn how to cook human food?"


"Yes, that is the excellent of ideas."


"No, wait before you do." I want to nip this trope in the bud.


"I think you should, in secret, learn how to cook from a professional. There are places in town where you can go and learn how to actually cook."


I hope this will at least stop her from trying to cook on her own and still making poisonous food like in those animes. This is still a hero world, and they still fall into tropes sometimes, like lying to their teammate that their cooking is in fact not killing them.


"I thank you for thy honesty, little brother of the robin."


"No problem," I said as I walked over to Fluffy, who was now sniffing the food and recoiling like he had been hit with a sledgehammer.


"Do you regret sniffing it now?"


"How can there be such a horrible smell?"


Starfire giggled at our antics.


"Well, I got to go home, but tell the rest of your friends that I had a fun time."


"I will have the greatest of days."


She waved goodbye as I opened a rift and jumped through, and soon appeared in the lobby. This time I activated my flight and, for the first time, did not fumble out of my rift. Sending up metaphorical fireworks and pumping my fist into the air.


"Ahh, you are back, Master Leo. How were the Teen Titans?" Alfred said, looking at me floating in the lobby upside down after just fist pumping.


"It was great; I pranked Dick," I said, flying over and pulling out the picture before giving it to Alfred. In the picture, he sees Dick flailing his arms, pants pulled down, and you can see his Batman underwear.


"Can I make a copy of this?"


"Sure," I said, wondering why he wants to make a copy, but hey, the more people who get to see it, the better, I guess.


"Ahh, before I forget, the animals are here. Alfred said Bruce is down in the cave waiting for you."


"Great," I say as I follow him into the kitchen and see Tim and Jason sitting at the table with homework.


"Oh, hi, guy's having fun with homework."


"Yes, it's super fun, Tim says" with a smile. Ah, I remember he being the smartest of the Robin's.


"No, it's so boring," Jason said, looking like he wanted to pull his hair out.


"Haha, sucks to be you," I said smuggly.


"What you don't get homework?" both of them asked me.


"Ahh, well, I get them, but I got new powers, and one of them makes school super easy; I don't even have to study."


"Wah, that's so unfair; that's cheating." Jason said, pouting.


"Haha, Sucks to be you, but I got to see dad see you."


I said as I slowly started to sink into the floor as both of them gaped at me, and just before I got through the floor completely, I heard, THAT'S SO UNFAIR.


I quickly made my way down to the batcave and saw Dad looking over some equipment.


"HI DAD!" I shouted as I came through the ceiling and scared all the bats there.


"Ahh, perfect timing. Leo, come down here, and we can setup the test."


Dad had a freestanding door and some animals; there were a cat, a dog, a cow, a horse, and the labrat he talked about before.


"Can you use your power on this freestanding door?" Dad asked me while pointing towards the door.


"Maybe?" I walked over and used my power on the door and opened it, and there was my inventory as white and clean as earlier today. This day feels like twice as long as any other day, I thought to myself. Dad walked inside and started to look around, and I followed him. After he was done taking a look around and seeing my hall of fame/trophy room, he entered the minecraft room and saw all of my gold blocks.


"That is a lot of gold blocks, Leo. Soon you are going to be as rich as me," dad said jokingly.




We soon got out of the inventory, and he helped me push all of the animals into the inventory. I think I forgot to tell him it would even work on double doors and garage doors… oops.


"Ehh, dad, my power works on ANY door, so we could have used something like a garage door or something."


"You forgot to say it." It was not a question.


I mentally used my inventory command to make a stable on the right side and made the room a bit bigger to fit the double doors that appeared. The animals got a bit spooked, but dad helped calm them down.


"We are going to have to sit down so you can exactly explain how the powers works later," dad said.


"Yes dad"


We got the animals into the new barn animal room. It looked like any ordinary animal barn. It felt a bit weird going from a white room to the barn room, but it seemed like the animals liked the new room. After leaving them, dad got some recording equipment and left it in the barn room recording.


We exited to the bat cave, and my dad walked over to some equipment, and after some fiddling with them, he said he was ready. I opened a rift and appeared a few meters from where I started, but I knew it took like 5–10 seconds from me entering the rift to appear again when doing jumps while inside the same world.


We walked over to the door, and I opened it in excitement. I wanted to run up ahead, but dad held me back to run and check.


"Stay here; I will go and check."




"In case they… did not make it," oh…


I saw him walk and take a peek inside before waving me over, and we walked inside the barn room, and all of the animals were all right. Dad went over to stop the recording and played it back as I watched over his shoulder. And there was nothing, just the animals standing there, so I guess everything is okay.


Dad took out the rest of the equipment. I guess he would not be Batman without checking every metric he could test.


"Well, it looks like your new inventory powers works. I am happy to say that you can now bring people with you… Please be responsible with it and ask me or your parents."


Yay, I can take people on adventures, and… oh no… my parents or… Batman would want to visit one another… ahh two worlds connecting, they are both going to embarrass me with baby pictures and everything I thought in dread.


"Well, now that that is done, we can finally have the talk."


Oh no, he wanted to talk about my powers and the incident at the Teen Titans tower. I am going to spare my metaphorical readers and summarize it… It was boring and lectury.

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