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64% Leo A Journey Through Worlds / Chapter 16: Chapter 16 A Jump, A Skip and FLUFF

Chapitre 16: Chapter 16 A Jump, A Skip and FLUFF

I woke up in my room with Fluffy still in my arms, and the clock said it was early in the morning. I guess I was really tired then. I got ready for the day and greeted Alfred and dad in the kitchen, where we ate breakfast together. Dad was reading on a tablet, and when I asked what it was, he told me he was reading some of the files he got from the alternative universe that I traveled to. Apparently, they gave dad a bunch of files on villains, heroes, and other stuff to look out for and told dad to keep a lookout for their younger selves.


"So what are you going to do with the stuff?"


"After I am done skimming through the files, I have some traveling to do."


"Where are you going?"


"Some of the people here are in a bad spot and need my help."


"What Master Bruce is trying to say is that he is going to adopt some new siblings for you to play with."


"You don't know that, Alfred."


"Oh, master Bruce I know you well enough that by the end of the week, most, if not all, of them will be living here." Alfred said it with finality.


It made me giggle at their antics. Alfred gave me a smile. After breakfast, my dad took me to the living room. It looked like he had something to talk to me about. He sat me down on the sofa and sat down beside me, and told me that there were going to be a lot of changes around here and that maybe some new children would come and live here with us, and that this was ok with me. I was ecstatic. Most children don't really get a say in what their parents do, but dad told me what he was planning and if it was okay with me, and I excitedly said yes.


We talked for a while longer, and dad told me that he might not be home for the next month and that I could still come as Alfred would still be here. I gave dad a hug before saying my goodbyes and left to go home.


When I got home, I found my parents had just finished with the laundry, and I gave them a hug.


"I'm back"


"Oh, how did your adventure go?" Dad asked me


"It was really dark and scary, but look what I got."


I said, holding out the picture of the gold cube I posed on. My parents took the picture and looked at it together before their jaws dropped open. In the picture, they see me posing on a golden cube that is bigger than myself, with Fluffy by my legs.


"Son, is this real?"


"Yupp LOOK" I pulled out a gold cube.


"I have super many."


I was richer than my parents combined with just one gold block, and I had so many. After my parents recollected themselves, they told me not to tell anyone I had them and to keep it a secret. I was not going to tell anyone, but they did not know that, so yay for good parenting, I guess.


"I wanted to ask Dad if he could turn them into gold coins, then I could swim in gold coins like that duck from my comics," I said.


I got a bunch of comics from both the DC universe and the MHA, but apparently both of them had Disney, and I got a bunch of comics as a birthday gift from one of my friends. He was really into them, so it was a really good excuse for why I knew of the Donald Duck series.


After that, I told my parents I met an alternative universe bat family, and that dad asked me to wait a month before coming back as he had a lot of stuff to do and kids to adopt. I showed them the picture I took of all of us together and gave them some brief information on each of them.


The next month was really boring. I took a break from traveling and spent some quality time with my family and friends. This was really relaxing, but I felt confined, not using my power, and I counted down the last few days so I could travel back. I really wanted to know what dad had been up to.


I appeared in the lobby and called out to Alfred.


"I'm in the kitchen, Master Leo."


I made my way over to the kitchen and was surprised. Sitting by the table are Jason Todd and Tim Drake. I already knew they might join our bat family, but actually seeing them is completely different. I walked up to the table and waved at them excitedly, as did Fluffy.


"Welcome back, master Leo. This is master Tim Drake and master Jason Todd."


"And this is Master Leo, and he is staying with us from time to time but lives with his parents when not here. Why don't you all introduce yourselves name, age, likes, and dislikes. Why don't you start master Leo"


"Ehh, hi, my name is Leo. I'm 7 years old, and I love Fluffy. I want to become a hero, and I love Alfred's cooking. I dislike boring stuff."


Alfred then pointed to Jason.


"Hi, my name is Jason. I'm 10 years old, and I like Alfred's cooking and video games. I dislike sleeping on the streets." Wow, that went dark by the end.


"Hi, my name is Tim. I'm 7 years old, and I like tinkering with stuff and board games like chess, and I dislike being alone."


"Wow, you are the same age as Tim, but he is so much taller than you." Jason snarked


"Ya so?" I asked, tilting my head, like what's the problem?


He scoffed, thinking I missed the barb, but I did not, but I won't do anything to a kid… I wait until he is older to get my revenge!!! (Very evil cackling in my head.)


"Shut up, you Saturday wannabe villain." Fluffy said to me mentally


"Well, that's great now that everyone knows one another a bit better. Why don't we have some snacks and we can talk while eating something good."


All of us immediately agreed, and Alfred went and got some snacks, cake, and juice. We all talked a bit in between bites, and Alfred chided both Time and Jason to not eat with their mouths open and table manners. I snickered at their plight as I went through the same thing, even though I only went overboard to mess with him, but it's not fun when you are the one getting the Alfred glare of disappointment.


After the snack break, we kids went to the living room, and to end the awkward silence, I asked if they wanted to play a game, and both of them perked up at that. We played tag, hide, and seek, and then we built a pillow fort. Fluffy cheated when he was the seeker and used his nose to sniff us out when it was his turn to look for us.


When we started to build the pillow fort, I started to pull tons of pillows out of the inventory. Both Jason and Tim started freaking out, and I had forgotten that I maybe should have kept it a secret, so I just shrugged my shoulders as there is nothing I can do about it now. I am just going to blame it on Alfred not warning me about it. Yeah, that sounds about right. Fluffy just laughed at my logic as he laid down on the couch, watching us.


"WOW!!!" How did you do that? Both of them asked me


"Oh, ehh, I am a metahuman, you know, like Superman and the Justice League."


"What else can you do?" Tim asked me


"Lots of stuff, but I don't know if I am allowed to tell you, but we can ask Alfred later, ok?" Both of them agreed, and I just bought myself some time, not needing to answer their questions at this time.


Soon the pillow fort was done, and we watched TV, read comics that I pulled out, and took a nap.


I woke up when I was shaken awake by Alfred. Beside me, Tim and Jason had fallen asleep as well. The pillow fort was a success, and I did not miss the camera Alfred was holding. 


"Goodmorning, master Leo, you can't nap the entire day."


"Yes, I can." I said turning away just to be a bit bratty.


That was my first mistake, as now I did not notice when Alfred went in for the attack… and tickled me mercilessly. The giggling from me woke up Tim and Jason, and they joined in, and we ganged up on Alfred, knowing he was not ticklish. It was a foolish attack, but it was fun.


We play fought with Alfred when we heard someone clearing their throat from the doorway to the living room, and there stood Dad.




I shouted and ran up and hugged him, wanting to cheer him up, and a welcome home hug was like the best I could do.


"Hello Leo I saw you meet Tim and Jason. Are you boys having fun?"








We all agreed in our own way.


"Well, it's getting late. Why don't you boys put away your pillow fort and we can get ready for dinner" Alfred said in his do what I say voice. He got some grumbles, yes, sir. But when we got to the pillows, Tim and Jason did not know what to do as I pulled them out of my inventory, so they looked at me for what to do.


"Just hand me the pillows, and I will throw them inside," I said, and so we started to clean up the pillows.


Alfred and Dad watched us from the doorway, talking about something. Most likely my power and explaining it to the other two who are not in the know.


We were soon done, and after Alfred gave us the okay, we all went to the kitchen to eat. Bruce seems to be in his own mind most of the meal. I think he might not have found the others or something, as only Tim and Jason are here. But I would ask him after dinner before I left for home. While we ate, Fluffy was under the table, pranking Jason by pawing his feet while eating. I laughed when he jumped in his seat and looked under the table to see Fluffy's foxy grin of victory.


Both Alfred and dad knew Fluffy was intelligent and did not say anything beside a slight smirk from both of them. I knew I could turn those frowns upside down… Yup, I am taking the credit for...




Fluffy, the fluffy menace, bit my foot, and now it was stinging.


"Why did you do that for?!"


"I heard your stupid inner monologue: don't take my glory, little midget."


"I… kind of deserve it, but you did not need to bite me!"


"Are you okay, Master Leo?"


"Ya Fluffy bit my foot because of," I pointed to my head in a way only Dad and Alfred could see.


"Ahh, well, Fluffy should not bite you; only children bite, and you are not a child, Fluffy" Alfred said while looking under the table. I saw Fluffy curl in on himself, looking like a kicked puppy.


The rest of the dinner went well, and Alfred took away the dinner plates when Tim piped up.


"Ehh, Mr. Bruce, sir, is it ok for Leo to tell us the hand in the air thing with the pillows… ehh sir" Oh, Tim was so nervous around dad; it was cute.


Dad raised an eyebrow and then gave me a look.


"Yes, he can explain it."


"YES!" Tim was excited, and Jason looked interested too.


"But I don't want to; can you do it, Dad? Pleaaaase"


I like to explain it, but I wanted to know how my dad would explain it. Dad gave me a brief look before exhaling and starting in on the explanation. It was more detailed, and he was patient and explained with a few demonstrations from me and a very big warning that the Rift's I make are VERY dangerous and they should not, under any circumstances, touch it or they might die.


The best part of the explanation was at the end, after they were told about the dangers, dad picked up Fluffy and sat him on the table, and both of them almost fell out of their chairs when Fluffy started to speak, which made me giggle and both gave me a glare.


After that, it was time for me to go home. Everyone saw us off in the lobby as Fluffy and I left for home. When we got home, we regaled our parents of what had happened, and they glared at Fluffy at the biting part, but as Alfred had already told Fluffy to not to do it again, they dropped it.


It was soon bedtime, and I soon became sleepy. Listening to Fluffy's calm heartbeat on my chest, it lulled me soon to sleep.


Time passed, and it was already my birthday. Again, I had some great times. There's a lot of birthday presents and happy birthdays. Tim and Jason had gotten used to my visits, and we became great friends. They loved when Dick came over to visit, and we pulled the best prank on him by turning his hair bright pink. They got some amazing prank tools in the DC universe. Normally, it's not this easy to turn people's hair into different colors.


It was soon the start of the new school year, and I had to go to a new school. This was my first year in elementary school in Japan. The school system goes through elementary, junior high school, high school, and then university. After junior high school, I can start applying to U.A. and enter the hero course to get a hero license. Otherwise, it's illegal to use your Quirk against other people. However, daily use and personal use are okay as long as you use them responsibly.


The first day at school was a bit nervous. I never really liked to meet big groups, and kids can be vicious. My new school is called Aldara Elementary School and is close to the junior high school the next block over.


My dad and mom both needed to be there for my first day and orientation, so lot's of parents were around, and to my great shock… or not really I saw a boy with fluffy green hair. It was Izuku Midoriya and his mom. Izuku looked nervous, and his mom looked all over.


The orientation was eventful, lot's of speaking and then seeing the classroom, and I will suffer… I did not want to go back to school. I whined to my parents about not needing school, but they insisted that I needed to learn. I have never told them of my previous memories, so they did not agree at all the monsters.


The first week was a lot of learning about one another, then came the day where everyone would do a show and tell about their quirk, as it was a big thing in this era of heroes. I was after Izuku, and the teacher singled him out in class. I do not know if it was malicious, but when the other kid learned he was quirkless, he became an outcast in less than a day. The people with flashy quirks were put forward on pedestals, and the worst was the angry little bird called Bakugou Katsuki. He only had small little pops, as he was still weak with his explosion quirk. When it was my turn to talk about my quirk, I got some jealous looks from some of the other kids.


"Next up is Sora Nakamura and his quirk… Nexus"


Ya, we finally updated the name of my quirk before school started. I had forgotten, and my mom did not want me to go to school with a half-finished quirk name. I did not want my Quirk registered name to tell anyone anything about my powers if they looked it up.


"Ok, Zora, can you show your quirk to the class?"


"Hai," I said.


First, I put my hand into my inventory and got the ooo's and ahh's from the class. And I pulled out a metal bar I got from the Minecraft world and showed it to the class. It got passed around, and the teacher allowed it, and after everyone tested it and saw it was real, I bent it like a pretzel. It was loud, and some kids covered their ears, but most were just awed at what I had just done. And last but not least, I held out to show everyone Fluffy. At first, the other kids were confused, but the teacher already knew Fluffy was my quirk; otherwise, I would not have been allowed to have him follow me to school.


"This is Fluffy." The other kids had already seen him before, but I saved this surprise for the quirk explanation for maximum effect.


"And he is my quirk also."


"Hello Everyone!"

Fluffy said, waving at all of the kids… Ya, the volume was through the roof. All the kids were really excited for a cute talking animal, and I think Fluffy just became the favorite in our classroom. Bakugo was both excited and looked jealous and glared at me… It was kind of cute, I won't lie, but if he tries to bully me, he is going to have a rude awakening. I would rather he try to take out his aggression on me and leave Izuku alone.

"That was an amazing demonstration, Sora. It seems like we got our own little All Might here in class."


The teacher pointed out that I had a powerful quirk and wanted to focus on it over Izuku, who just got a quick mention before switching to me, but even so, I saw Izuku light up when she called me a mini All Might.

The rest of the day was not that eventful, and soon the day was over and I got to go home and relax. I did not have any training with Dad today. I was learning how to fight from the world's best ninja dad in a bat costume. And dad learned that fighting a child that can bench press 10 tons is not easy, especially when I am also more durable. And I might have cheated by teaming up with Fluffy while Tim just so happened to be recording it. I totally did not share it with Dick as soon as the fight was done. The laughing emojis he sent back were hilarious, and I learned he had me sitting on dad's back with Fluffy from the video as his phone background.


The next day at school, it did not take long before I had a chance to befriend Izuku. It was recess, and we were outside when Bakugo cornered Izuku behind some cover so the teachers would not notice, but I saw what they were doing. Bakugo was calling Izuku names and popping his quirk menacingly, and I think he might have burned Izuku, but I quickly made my way over to confront him and to hopefully redirect his anger towards me instead of Izuku.


"Hey, what's going on?"


"Go away; this does not concern you… you white-hair extra and your stupid sidekick dog." Huh, I like my nickname. I will thank him for it later. 


"I AM NOT A DOG." Fluffy growled


"Are you bullying him?"


"So what if I am?" he said with a superiority he had not earned.


"Then I will tell on you to the teacher."


"Tch, I don't care what you do, you nerd. Why would you help a quirkless Deku like him any way?"


When he said Deku Izuku started to cry as Bakugo walked away. He tried to shoulder-check me and make me fall over, but instead he was the one that fell on his bum when he tried it. I might not look like it, but superior strength and durability made me very hard to push over if I did not want to, as he just learned. Bakugo got red in the face with shame for failing to knock me over and was about to yell at me when he noticed a teacher looking over at us.


"Tch," he said under his breath before standing up and walking away, mumbling profanities under his breath.


I made my way over to Izuku after Bakugo left. Izuku had been crying but stopped when Bakugo had fallen on his buttocks, and now he was looking at me in bewilderment and confusion. Maybe he had no one looking out for him until now. I wish I could have helped him earlier in life, but I did not have the power to do anything before now. So I will just have to cheer him up twice as much now. I don't like watching other people be sad, and if I can help it, I will. I would not call myself a knight in shining armor, but if I can and are willing, I will do my best.


"Hi, my name is Sora Nakamura. want to be friends?" I said it in a cheerful tone.


"I ehh"


Oh, he was so flustered, waving his arms around. Izuku was a small kid with dark green and fluffy hair; he also has green eyes, but they are not as bright and shiny as mine. He has symmetric-shaped freckles on each cheek. As a kid, he looks cute… but not as cute as myself tho hehe.


"What's your name?"


"Oh, eh, my name is Izuku Midoriya," he said with a slight bow while being flustered.


"Great, let's go and play!" I said while pulling him after me to the playground, as he was frantically waving his one arm while whipping his tears with the other.


We went to the sandbox and started to play, and Izuku was nervous.


"Why do you want to be friends with a deku like me?"


Oh boy, he needs lots of hugs and a big dose of talking to a psychologist. As far as I know, Deku means a wooden doll, but in this context, it means useless, and in a world where quirks rule supreme, it can be very hard for a child without a quirk. But do not worry; I have an idea. There are many worlds where you can get superpowers. I just need to find one and give it to him, and it would solve the problem.


Some ideas I have are any fruit from the One Piece world. I don't know if it would work if I took it to this world, but better than nothing. Another option is the Captain America Super Soldier serum from the Marvel universe, or, hmm, maybe the Chemical X from the Powerpuff Girls? That one I don't really know, but I can always ask the professor if I go to that world. There are so many options; I just need to find one that can be taken here for Izuku to use. Ah, I wish there was someone I could ask for suggestions. Hmm, maybe ask Greg Vader from the Worm universe? He is a nerd, and they seem to have or had Marvel and DC there.


"I don't care if you are quirkless or think you are a deku; as long as you don't become a villain, we can be friends," I said, giving him a wink.


This made Izuku tear up, and big, fat tears started tearing down his face as he gave me a big smile as he whipped them away.


"Thanks, let's be friends," he said, sniffling and wiping away the last of his tears.


And this is how you forc-… I mean, befriends someone against their wil-… Wow, that makes me sound like the villain now… ANY WAY!!! I now have a new green fluffy friend. We can be the FLUFFY SQUAD.


"I AM NOT YOUR MASCOT!" Fluffy said to me mentally


"Huh, so you don't want people wearing badges in your honor?"


"I did not say that!"




While playing, Izuku bombarded me with questions about my quirk, and I answered them to the best of my ability while not going into depth about them. He really likes Fluffy and did not leave him out of the bombardment of questions either.


Normally people don't tend to interact with Fluffy too often, and he did not care that much when the kids did it. They mostly wanted to pet him, and as long as they were not too rough, he did not complain… except for the bubble gum incident, where a kid once put gum in his perfectly white, fluffy hair. That was the only time I really saw him angry at someone.


Later, after school, when my parents came to pick me up, I gave them a very quick hug before dragging them over to meet Izuku. We were sitting by a table drawing together, and Izuku was already starting to get good at drawing for his hero notebook for the future as the number one analyst hero. Meh, his hero name is still pending.


"This is Izuku Midoriya. He is my new friend. Can he come over to play?" This surprised Izuku, and I imagined he was lonely before meeting me.


"I ehh, it's no problem; you eh don't have to," he waved his hands frantically.


My parents smiled, and my mother clapped her hands together.


"Oh, you don't have friends over that often. We would love to have your friend come over to play... But…" Oh no, what now?


"We would need to speak with his mother if it's okay." Oh, that makes sense, duh.


His mother came soon after and was surprised that her little Izuku had found a new friend.


"Mom!" He ran up to her, giving her a hug.


"Can I play with my friend, Sora?"


"Ohh Izuku"


His mother said, with tears starting to appear in her eyes, Oh no, they might start crying together. Izuku and his mother have always been known to be very emotional, and crying together can start an indoor flood. But before she had time to build up to a cry, my parents walked forward and introduced themselves, and this distracted her long enough to calm down.


"Hello, you must be Izuku's mother. My name is Maria Dubois, and this is my husband, Robin Williams. We are Sora's parents." They greeted her and shook hands.


"Oh, it's so nice to meet you. My name is Inko Midoriya."


Me, Izuku, and Fluffy were standing on the side watching our parents greet one another and started to talk shop. It was Friday, and it was decided that tomorrow Izuku could come over and play the full day instead. Izuku was hyped and was bouncing on his feet in excitement. I guess I made his day. We soon left for home, but not before waving goodbye to Izuku as we walked to the car. The entire car ride home, my mom interrogated me about my day at school and how I met Izuku, and then later about my encounter with Bakugou. My mom was angry on Izuku's behalf but told me to tell her or a teacher if he ever tries doing that again.


The rest of the day was chill, and I soon went to bed and got ready for the next day. But before falling asleep, I went through some ideas with Fluffy, but he said I should get some powers to help with getting the powers in case I was going to try nabbing Izuku some powers.


I soon woke up and got ready for my playdate with Izuku, but he would not be here until like 10 a.m., and that was in four hours, which is like forever, and I don't have a PC or phone to play with, so I made my way to the living room and watched some TV to my parents woke up, and we ate breakfast together.


Later, the doorbell rang, and there stood Izuku with his mother, both looking awed at our house. I had forgotten that not everyone can live in a big house like ours. My family is at the very top of the upper middle class I mean technically, I am already a billionaire with the Minecraft blocks.


"HELLO!!" I said this before hugging Izuku and pulling him inside.


My dad snickered at the bewildered expression on Izuku's face as I pulled him inside. And as Izuku was taking off his clothing, my parents took the opportunity to talk to Inko. I ignored them and pulled Izuku to my room before waving and saying goodbye to Inko. My mother shook her head at my antics, and I knew full well what I was doing, but... I did not care as long as she did not get angry or sad at me.


We soon got to my room, and when I opened the door, Izuku was surprised when he saw my room. I had "trophies" from my travels. I had posters, toys, and plushies from the DC universe. Picture frames with me, dad, Dick, and Alfred. There were also newer pictures with Tim and Jason in their Robin outfits. Ya Batman still let them become Robins, but not before they went through enough training. They were not happy that I did not need the physical exercise because of my special body.


I pulled him inside while he was looking around the room. I even had a real katana on my wall, but it was really high up. It was the only way to get my mom to allow me to keep it, and she was not happy that Dick had given me a real sword for my birthday. 


It did not take long before Izuku started to ask questions about some of the heroes in the picture's and I thought about not telling him of my power to open up rifts but then said, What the hell. You only live once, or YOLO.


"Who is this hero? I have never seen him before. Is he an underground hero? Where did you meet him? Where is that? Is that a supercomputer? Can I meet him?"


"Wow, calm down one question at a time, please," I said, and he looked startled and started to mumble and rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.


"Well, hmm, well, you know in class when I showed my power, right?"


"Ya! How could I forget you bent real metal like it was nothing."


"Well, that's not all I can do…"


"W… WHAT!"


"How many quirks do you have?"


"Ehh hmm" I started to count them down on my fingers as I said them out loud.


"Biological Immortality I can't age, the inventory I showed in class, Fluffy, I held up Fluffy; I have super strength, speed, durability, agility, and senses; and I am also immune to getting my powers stolen."


As I was counting with my fingers, I was watching Izuku's face, and I saw his metaphorical jaw hitting the floor. And when I was done, it looked like his soul had left his body. Then he snapped back, and then he was holding his hero notebook in his hand, mumbling down a storm and writing in his notebook: Where did that notebook come from? Does he also have a secret inventory?


I waited for him to calm down and stop writing in his hero notebook. It's only now that he noticed that he completely zoned out, and with an oops, he said he was sorry, but he REALLY likes to talk about powers, and meeting someone with nine powers was really exciting. I told him it was no problem, and I also really like powers and superheroes.


The next hour was spent with him asking questions about my powers and me demonstrating some of them.


I asked him to keep my powers a secret and to please not tell anyone in class. He got a bit sad at that, and who was he going to tell when no one wanted to be friends with him? I wanted to cheer him up, and I had the perfect plan to do so.


"Well, Izuku, do you want to know a secret?"


"Yes, please," his eyes shining with excitement.


"Well, I actually got two first look at this."


I said I was pulling out photos from my inventory. But these photos were not just any photos; they were the photos I took when I was in the alternative universe to this one and had them all signed by the U.A. Staff, and one of them is All Might. He squeezed out a few seconds of his hero form to take the picture with me, but he deflated soon after coughing blood. But the heroes "distracted" me when he transformed back, so I pretended I did not know he had changed back. 




I said, giving them to Izuku, and he gaped at me, then back at the pictures, then up to me again as he flipped through them.


"Wa… this… what… ALL MIGHT!!!" Ah, he finally found it. I giggled to myself. Why do I love messing with people and watching them lose their cool? The evil angel on my shoulder called Fluffy said it was because I was an asshole… Maybe… a tiny bit…


"OH MY GOD! You actually met him! He was here in Japan? WHEN?"


"Hehe, well, he is still not back in Japan; that picture was actually taken… in the future…"




"You need to stop dropping bombs like that on the poor kid." Fluffy said to me mentally


"BA!! Never!" I thought back.


"This is too much fun, and if I break him… I just have to put him back together, right?"


After Izuku finished blue screening, he gaped at me…


"Are… you from the future?"


"Hehe, nope, guess again," I said with a foxy grin.


"Can you travel to the future?"


"In a certain kind of way… yes"


"Oh! Can we go?"


"Ehh, no, I'm sorry. I have the power to open up rifts like this." I opened a rift behind me so he could not get to it and touch it.


"These rifts are deadly to anyone but me, and I can travel to parallel worlds. That's how I met All Might and the rest of the teachers at U.A. This was taken a week or so after the start of the school year."


This started a new round of questions and answers, and when he learned of what year it was, he asked me the single most important question that day.


"D.. did you meet me in that future parallel world? Was I in the hero course?"


I was not sure if I should tell him, but… I already planned to change the future from cannon as much as I could and weaken the villains before they even knew I was a threat. So without any further thought of what this might change, I said.


"Yes, I saw a boy that looked like you but was older, and he was in class 1-A, and his teacher was... is the teacher Eraser head."


This followed with a ton of more questions and answers, and somewhere in the middle of this, my mom came in with snacks and drinks, and we both ate while we talked.


I was exhausted. I finally had someone to talk to about my adventures, and Izuku was practically a genius compared to kids our age and was able to follow along with most things I said and ask for clarifications at times. We passed the time drawing and talking about hero stuff, and I told him of other worlds I had "seen," but I was actually talking about anime, manga, movies, cartoons, and I pretended I used my rift to see these worlds; it was fun. Izuku was probably very smart or very dedicated to learning, and I think he could have gone to any school other than U.A. if he only had a quirk.


I did not plan to bring up giving him a quirk at this time. I would try to see what I could maybe do and be his friend for a while and get him into a better mental state. I did not have that many friends, and Izuku was dedicated and smart enough that if I ever got a chance to travel with others, he would love to travel to other worlds with me.


After lunch, we played, and I showed him around the house. We played in the backyard for a while before going inside and watching TV for a while. The day ended with us building a pillow fort and taking a nap before waking up to my mother shaking us awake and saying Inko was there to pick up Izuku.


We went down stairs, and Izuku started to tell his mom all about today but left out my powers and the hero talk we had. He was doing so well. I wiped an imaginary tear. Ah, my anakin has grown up so fast I will turn him into a real sith soon.


"Ugh, stop being creepy," Fluffy said.


"Ahh, I love you to KISSES FOR EVERYONE" I thought back to him.


Before Izuku left, he waved enthusiastically at me.



"BYE," I waved back.


And that was a successful day. I thought to myself as I went to watch some TV and maybe tomorrow I would get some new powers. I have been REALLY good and saved a year's worth of points, and I really wanted to buy a new power. Should I go for a few weaker powers or one expensive power? Or maybe a utility power. Ahh, options make my head hurt… Okay, not really, but I get through this, and if nothing else, copy some other power set and call it a day.

mattecoolio mattecoolio

Author note: If you have any suggestions for powers for Izuku, give them down in the comments (they should be something my MC could realistically get).

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