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77.77% Persona: An Unknown's Arrival / Chapter 6: Golden Week

Chapitre 6: Golden Week

It's currently the beginning of May; immediately after the rescue of haruma, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary because the team got haruma out before anyone could alert the authorities.

The team then went back inside the TV world, so Haruma would get used to having Teddy on their team because he was asking about this "Teddy" that would not go inside his dungeon because it was scary."




" so you guys go through a TV in the middle of a public store?" Haruma asks the group as they all spread out at the entrance of the TV world.

" ya, not the greatest, I know, but if we don't enter here, we don't know where we'll turn up," Yosuke explained to the questioning Haru.

"Ah Sensei, your back," Haruma hears this high-pitched voice and is surprised that a mascot begins to walk out of the fog.

" wait. It's an actual teddy bear!" haruma exclaims in wonder at how a mascot-like figure can emerge from this world. He knows it might be something like Mona, but this is a bit weird even for him.

" ya, it really confused us at first," Chie said.

" ah, so this was the weird feeling I was picking up. The name Teddy." the now confirmed bear was named Teddy, which made more sense as to why it was called Teddy to Haruma now.

"Hello Teddy, my name is Haruma Ammaiya, but you can just call me Haru if you like." haruma says towards Teddy, making a pleasant smile. Teddy, on the other hand, is confused because why is the person who was rejecting this literal world acting this nice, but he discarded that thought as quickly as it came?

"nice to meet you," Teddy says back at Haru. Teddy and the group then explain the ins and outs of the TV world they know of. Hruma, while listening to this, was merely comparing the TV world to the meta nav and how similar they are.

'I can assume that the main focus point in this is the TV, for it is what the world's populace focuses on and not cellphones because they are not as developed as they are in p5. However, the worlds from TV and meta nav are almost the same as the places with the exception of haruma thought to himself.

"well, that's interesting, but why is everyone wearing glasses? Do you need it to see something." haruma asked the group but didn't really have anything to them about it because they really did suit everyone.

"oh, that's because of the fog, and you need one to see through the fog," Yu said to haruma, in which haruma was confused. He did not know what fog they were talking about because he didn't see any fog around him. he could guess they were talking about the fog he couldn't see at the beginning of his own dungeon, but not anymore.

"ummm... don't know how to say this, but what fog.?" haruma asked the group. The group, in response, and yes, even Teddy, were surprised at this. 

"what, can you really not see any fog and see everything clearly," Yosuke asked his underclassmate. They have always had the fog as a problem when they don't wear their glasses, and Youske has been lost, forgetting his own glasses. He would love not to need to bring in the things and just see the world like Haruma could.

"yes, I can't see anything like a fog. When I was in my dungeon, there was a fog, but that cleared up the more I defeated shadows and explored more of my dungeon." haruma explained the last time he saw the fog.

After saying this, Chie and Yukiko started to calm down, but the same could not be said for the rest. Teddy was getting that scary feeling of rejecting the world to where he is not seeing the fog that confuses everyone. Yu was somewhat undersaying what haruma was saying because of the conversation that he had in the velvet from. Haruma must reject the world and see through the fog. haruma was also around the same line but was becoming used to this.

haruma then asks if he could have a pair of glasses because he wants one. Teddy, of course, handed him one; however, there were two. haruma looked at the two glasses while the group stayed quiet about them, trying to see the perfect student make a fool of himself. Haruma, to their disappointment, didn't choose the clown glasses but a black pair of glasses that was on the other hand.

They were thin-framed glasses with only the top part connected with the black frame, but they looked like regular reading glasses that fit him quite well. Haruma decides just to wear them casually because they don't look bad.

"well, that's all we wanted to do, Teddy; we will be back if anything happens," Yu says towards Teddy, who in turn gets sad because they were leaving but quickly gets happy again and sends them off.




After exploring the TV world, the group dispersed, and they all went to their respective houses. haruma went back to his apartment but took his time taking walking back.

After he made it to his house, he quickly decided to do all of his homework because, yes, unlike the game, he does have homework, and thankfully with his knowledge, all this was a piece of cake for him. After going through all his homework and picking up his kitchen, he decided to watch the TV, which he hadn't really done since there wasn't a new potential victim for him to find, nor in the life he had before everything was developed where you could just watch everything on his phone or a streaming service.

Something he did find interesting was the ticket rifling on a motorcycle. is seems to be a custom one that they are selling for cheap, but put it up or a rafle. Although it was under a cover, its shape could be seen as a cruiser. This he found interesting because he had always wanted to ride one, and he had the leftover expensive money to buy a ticket. Something he would never do, but haruma can guess when he gained his persona, he grew a backbone, so he bought a ticket.

He knows some of the laws because the haruma before him also looked into the laws to get a motorcycle license. The best one that he could get was one for a 400cc motorcycle, which he can assume the one he is raffling for is, but in case he doesn't get the motorcycle, he can always go for the cheap license that is for 160cc. The results wouldn't be announced later, but he really doesn't think he would get it. He would keep this in the back of his mind but not really care for it.

Something that did come in was his monthly allowance from the government and also his parents. haruma would later sends a postcard he gets from a gas station and sends it to his parents and little brother, saying something as he misses them and how interesting this place is.

haruma, the day after, went back to school, and people could tell something was different about him. Unlike the investigation team, the school sees the face he put on to not deal with everyone. Now, however, he could be seen as more confident than the reserved character he had been building.

As he was looking around, he didn't see that delinquent boy he saw on the first day. In fact, he rarely came to school. He has been hearing rumors about him, and he can't say if they are true, but he doesn't deny them. Of course, he isn't here to fight against them, but he really doesn't care.

After school ended, he left the classroom inside of his sempai that he met and found them in 2-2 on the second floor. When he entered the classroom, he looked surprised but started to whisper about Haruma and why he was in this classroom. They know about the smart but handsome underclassmen that transferred here and if haruma was him because of his appearance and the number one on his uniform.

As he entered the classroom, he walked towards the investigation team that was grouped up and started to join in the discussion. They began to talk about more teenager-like topics and nothing about the TV world.

For the first time in both Haruma's lives, they found a group where they feel like they fit in and don't have to fack anything.




After a few days, he was invited by Chie to go get Yu and get him to hang out with the group since it was golden week. haruma agreed to this because he was curious about Yu's living conditions and wanted to see if they were worse or better than his brother's future living space.

Haruma decided to wear something different than he had worn the previous day. A Black Sweater under a Camel Overcoat with Black Trousers finished with White Sneakers. normally he wouldn't wear this, because it is in June; however, he doesn't really care about the weather and Just wants to wear good clothes

Chie, on the other hand, is wearing the same thing, but she said out of embarrassment that she has multiple pairs and really likes this look. haruma understands this because if something works, why change it?

They then found their way to the dojima household. It was not a bad-looking house, being a double-story house, but it was definitely bigger than the two-story apartment that haruma had. It was surrounded by a stone fence that the entryway is open, but you can see the wooden sliding door from the entryway. The house colors are just grey wooden-brown and blue windows; all in all, it really just looks like a normal house. 

They then knock on the door, waiting for someone to open it. Yu opens up the door, seaming surprised. Behind him is a hallway that can be seen to lead into their household. There was, from what he could see, a TV that was on the news that had a table and a sofa, a wooden floor that led into the living room, and from the table, he could see partly the dining room.

"oh cool, you're home," Chie said towards YU, standing in front of haruma and her with a little girl behind Yu.

"Hey, if you're free today, wanna go to Junes? Yukiko and Haruma are going, too." chie explains her reasoning for being at Yu's place of residency.

"How 'bout you, Nanako-chan? Wanna come?" chie asked the shy child whom Hruma could infer to be the cousin that Yu talked about when he first met him. After asking this question, we all, including Yu, look towards Nanako to wait for her answer.

"U-um..." Nanako shyly says, trying to figure out what to say to the question. But she was interrupted by her train of thought by her cousin saying she should come with us. 

"Huh? I-I can come?" Nanako asked in surprise because of the letdown of her father leaving for work and breaking yet another promise.

"of course you can!" Chie exclaims, excited to get the little cousin to join their group for the day.

"if you don't have anything else that you are doing, I don't have a problem with it," Haruma said with a kind smile towards the little girl. In turn, she blushed and hid behind the leg of her cousin. 

While hiding behind her cousin, anyone could obviously tell her mood flipped a whole 180, and she ran off to her room to get ready to head out with her cousin and his friends. With that, Yu, Haruma, and Chie waited for Nanako. Yu then asks if that was the cousin he talked about on the train, to which Yu nodded his head in agreement and began talking about why she is alone with him on Golden Week. Chie is upset with dojima a little bit, but Haruma can understand the stress and urgency a police detective would have if he were stationed at this time. 

'really, the whole department is probably running around like a chicken without heads, and more than likely are going to take any scapegoat they find to take the blame for the first two killings. I wonder if any independent detective agency will come down here and take over this case. really can see the local police find any contention to the TV world with the amount of rumors they see as false.' Haruma, though, is trying to at least understand how much time until things get really nasty around here.

It was only a matter of time until government agents came down and started ordering martial law if the killing stayed at this pace. Though he really doesn't know if anime logic would work here, everything has been going like the world that he knows about well, except for the TV world. After contemplating, Nanako comes out ready for the trip to Junes, and they all head out for the day.




Currently, they are in the Junes food court. They meet up with Yukiko, who has finished up her work at the inn, but they also see Yosuke, who is still working at the moment but decides to sit down with the group.

Everyone is currently discussing things that normal teenagers are talking about. things like gossip in school or the town. The difficulty of school and other things. The current mood in the group has certainly had a great effect on Nanako, who isn't really talking about anything but just listening in. After a while, the group discussion begins to calm down, and then Yosuke turns towards Nanako.

"why'd you bring poor Nanako-chan to a place like this on Golden Week," Yosuke said with a tired but somewhat pitying voice that Nanako didn't really understand, but the rest could, since this was a holiday that you were supposed to hang out with your family.

"Where else is there to go?" Chie said, trying to justify her reasons for bringing her. Really, it's better than just staying home and not doing anything.

"I love Junes!" Nanako exclaimed with a happy voice. Yosuke was surprised by this because of the hate and scorn he and his family get from the local stores about stealing customers.

"But we were supposed to go on a real trip somewhere. We were going to make boxed lunches..." Nanako says with a sad but accepted look on her face as if she has experienced this before.

"Wow! You can make boxed lunches, Nanako-chan?"Yukiko asked, and Nanako shook her head in disagreement. She looks towards Yu, and the group can infer that he is the one to make the boxed lunches for the family.

"Oh, so you're the family cook? Pretty impressive, 'big bro'!" Chie says to Yu, which catches his attention of Nanako about the words she used

" Big...bro," Nanako repeated after Chie.

"Whoa, you can cook? Well, you do seem to be great with your hands--Um, never mind."

"I-I'm a pretty good cook too, you know...Probably. If you'd asked, I would've whipped up some boxed lunches. Easy as pie! yeah..." Chie said with a voice that trailed off at the end.

"I don't know if I should trust you with any food with that tone," Haruma says, to which Youske agrees by saying something about putting a rain check on that.

"What makes you think I can't cook!? Let's see how good you are at making food?" Chie says to both Yosuke and Haruma. Yosuke says something about how he never said anything about how he could cook, but it is interrupted by haruma.

"pretty decent, I would say, since I live alone and make all of my food myself."

"oh, that's right, you live alone because of the transfer," CHie responded with a shocked face, remembering Haruma's situation. This got the rest of the table to listen on and send some pitying looks towards haruma for having to leave his family behind for a year.

"bah. I can still call them and send them things. besides even if we still do a cook, I'm pretty sure I'll still bet you. Haruma said, trying to direct the conversation away from depressing topics, Chie, which Yukiko agreed with. This, in response, got Chie to gasp in betrayal, which got YUkiko to start laughing at the embarrassed Chie.

" Here, Nanako-chan can be our judge. I bet we'll make something that ranks up there with your mom's cooking, Nanako-chan!" Yosuke said towards Nanako.

" I don't have a mom. She died in an accident," Nanako said, which in turn got everyone's attention, even Haruma. Everyone but Yu and Nanako were shocked because they did not know about this. Chie, after clearing up some of the shocks on her face, sends Yosuke a glare before asking him something.

"I-I see...Um...Sorry, I didn't know..." Yosuke said with a sorrowful expression for bringing up sad memories of the kid in their group.

"It's okay. Even if I don't have a mom, I have Dad with me... and now I have a brother, too. And I'm having ,a lot of fun today! I love Junes!" Nanako said with an expression that could only have been filled with all the joy a 6-year-old could muster.

"yeah? That's good." Yosuke said with a complex expression.

"well, play with you anytime you want, Nanako-chan!" Chie said, trying to make the mood of the happy 6-year-old. Yukiko and Haruma also agreed with Chie about hanging out more with her. 

" C'mon, Nanako-chan. Let's go get a soda!" Yosuke said as he tried to bribe the child to forget what he brought up about her mother. Which the child gratefully accepted. As the both of them walked away, the group then started to talk about her.

" she's a strong girl," Yukiko said while facing the direction Nanako and Yosuke went off.

"yeah. she makes me feel like I'm the little kid here," Chie said in agreement with Yukiko. Haurma also stated that she has a strong will to keep moving forward in desperate times.

' I can only imagine that the way she accepted it was either she was too young to know much about her mom or the dad is taking most of the angst, and she needs to grow up quickly to help him.' haruma thought of more than likely the main reason why Nanako has accepted the death of her mother so easily now.

"That's it; I'm gonna go get something for Nanako-chan too!" Chie said while getting up from her seat; Yukiko got up with her and walked away.

"she really has a strong heart huh?" haruma said while walking away inside the store. As we were walking by, he saw Nanako walk by, and he looked back to both "siblings" talking, and he got a weird sensation. He can feel something being formed, like a connection between both Yu and Nanako.

'huh... didn't think I would be able to feel when he gains a new social link, but I guess I can chalk that up to the world arcana.' Haruma thought while walking away.


Hey guys, this is another short chapter, but I feel this is a building block toward a more detailed future. I am getting ready to include the next person to join the team, but that won't happen until the next few chapters. Please tell me if I am rushing anything or going slowly. You can even tell me if something doesn't seem right, and that can be either a description or how the character acts.

Also, does anyone know how long the next dungeon will take? Is it just the day they go after him, or does it take three days? I will have to look at the anime and the manga, but all I know from the game is the last day you can get them. Sorry if it seems slow, but if you have played the games, it does take some time to progress to the main quest line.

And this story more than likely will have 200+ chapters, so this won't go anywhere. I just have to think about which social links to include. The funny thing is I didn't know if I wanted Haruma to feel the link between the wild card and the other arcana bonds when they for, but I feel like if I don't, I might not be able to connect things in the future when I think of something.

I know I didn't proof read this but I did scan though this while editing this.

Thank you for reading, and please leave a review.

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