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55.55% Persona: An Unknown's Arrival / Chapter 4: Haru's Ascension

Chapitre 4: Haru's Ascension

Haru was getting up from the ground that he fell on. The cold stone ground certainly did not do any favors for Haru, so he got up slowly, groaning. He is wearing black baggy pants and a white shirt, but all of it is now covered in a light amount of dust. 

As he begins to figure out where he is, he looks around and sees that he is in a Japanese-style castle; however, the place in the center looks more like a demonic shrine. The layout of the grounds is, from what he can infer, a random pattern that will lead him to the center. The coloring of the walls and shingles is black and crimson-like blood. Something that did bother him was this damn fog, which limited his perceptual vision.

Fortunately, from what he can see, the wall in front of him has a few weapons hanging on the wall. Unfortunately, they are all katanas. Haru doesn't like fighting with weapons because, in his opinion, it takes out the fun, but he is skilled with a sword.

"I will have to use this katana because I don't know if my fist will help me right now." As he says this, he begins to run in the open pathway that begins to turn for every turn he makes. He begins to wonder how exactly he got in here.




(20 minutes earlier)

Haruma was currently finishing cleaning up the dinner that he had just made. Haru was slightly surprised that it took him some time to find the right ingredients for chicken alfredo. While finishing washing the dishes and pots that he used, his lights started to flicker on and off. This caught his attention because he attempted to catch the killer's attention by appearing on the news. After putting everything down, he walks into the living room, and the lights shut off. Haru then looks towards the other electronics and sees they are also off from the lack of power.




Haru then turns around to hear the knocking sound coming from the door. He weighed the options of opening the door while all his lights were off. After a few minutes, he hears another round of knocking and the person on the other side of that door, trying to turn the knob that is locked, fortunately.

Before he could even think about the intruder, the TV behind him started to make a static effect, and a bright yellow color came from it. Which immediately caught his attention from the door to the screen.

Something is wrong.

Haru suddenly could not hear the knock on his door and was in a hypnotic-like state after looking at the TV and started to walk towards the television. The knocking stopped coming from the door and began to come for the window in a more frantic life pattern but began to stop after seeing this particular scene. Haru had his hand going through the TV, and the moment he put his hand in the TV, he felt a force pulling him in.

Something is wrong.

Haru immediately regained conciseness from the sudden force and tried to stop this from happening. However, this was for naught. He was dragged into the TV, and he immediately blacked out, not knowing how far he was falling from nor the land he was falling on.




(present time)

Haru is running around the grounds, and he has not seen any shadows; he has devised a plan to attack them from behind. He knew this was a good strategy from his experience with P5 and how it caught the enemy by surprise. He didn't know how large the castle was, but he could see that he was getting closer to the center.

While Haru did not notice his surroundings because of the thick fog, a shadow certainly did, and it attacked him. Haru, who felt something was wrong, jumped from the spot he was in and saw the shadow attack him. The shadow was certainly different from the shadows in P5. These shadows were more like monsters that had a cloak of darkness that seemed slime-like and had a mask on their face. Something different was that it didn't change from the shadow into a monster, but it stayed in that form.

Haru then decided to attack it before it would attack him again. He chose not to use the katana and see how much damage he could do with his fist. The shadow, in response to Haru running to him, grew two arms and began to attack him. Thankfully, it wasn't that intelligent and began swinging relentlessly and not targeting but throwing attacks at random. 

Haru eventually made it to the base of the shadow and began to throw light jabs at the body of the figure; in addition, he dodged back and forth in between the fists that were being swung at him. After a certain amount of punches that seemed to do no damage, he got tired of the back and forth and unsheathed his katana. He then made a slash at the mask while getting closer to him by running around the fist being thrown at him. After he slashed the white mask of the shadow, it released a loud screech and began to fade to nothing. 

Haru began to breathe out quickly while a large smile formed on his face. Haru, who had never faced anything like the fight he just had, was feeling a wave of adrenaline. Haru feels this is interesting, something that isn't boring, and he gets to fight something supernatural.

Haru then looks at his sword and determines that if he were to fight any more shadows without a persona, he needs to fight like he did. he needs to fight with a weapon as much as he hates to admit it. If he gets jumped, he will figure it out on the fly, but he loves this rush. Haru then starts to take off again deeper into the dungeon.




(outside world)

"I'm telling you, whatever we saw last night was creepy,'' Yosuke states, not knowing why he was getting the chills from remembering the picture of the shadow haruma and the dread that forms in the pit of his stomach.

"Relax, everyone's shadow was an ugly version of their selves. Remember mine; it freaked me out," Chie stated with an unenthusiastic voice, remembering the things shadowed her said to the group.

"Still, it was quite interesting to see him with all those tattoos," Yukiko says calmly while picturing the face that haruma had with all those black tattoos. Something in the back of her mind tugged when she was the features of Haruma's shadow.

"but he was really handsome, right, Yukiko." chie states with a smug grin towards Yukiko, trying to get a reaction out of her. 

''w-w-what are you talking about Chie!" Yukiko exclaims out of embarrassment. She could admit that he looked handsome, but his attitude drove her away. It talked like everything bore him and only showed excitement at murdering/destroying something.

"well, however creepy and disturbing his shadow is, Haru is still in there. We don't know what his dungeon might be, but from the background on the channel, it is probably a Japanese castle." Yu said

"of course, but we don't even know if it will be more dangerous than Yukiko's," Yosuke stated, trying to warn everyone there. 

"well, we will just have to watch ourselves; alright, is everyone ready," Yu states towards the group. In response, they all agree to adventure into the dungeon of Haruma.




After going through Junes and managing to avoid the crowd from seeing four teenagers walk through a TV screen. They all enter through the TV and enter the cognitive world. They all enter through a TV and see around them what looks like a fighting ring or a stage. After regaining their senses, they all get up, still not used to falling into this world. 

"ahhh, sensei!" a voice screamed out of the nothingness. as all the members of the investigation team stared toward the direction where the voice originated from. They could see a short-looking mascot emerge from the fog. It appears to be a bear with the colors of red, blue, yellow, white, and black. It had large eyes and what appeared to be a penguin running at the group. 

"Teddy, what's wrong," Yu asked, not expecting Teddy to be this emotional.

"It's that new dungeon, sensei; it feels wrong, and the shadows are more powerful there than in the last castle," Teddy exclaimed to the team with what seemed to be tears in his eyes.

"what do you mean teddy," Yosuke asked behind Yu 

"when it first appeared, I went to scout the area out, but the moment I got close to it, shadows immediately attacked me. I ran as quickly as I could and got here just now. Even their spirit levels were higher than the last one, and there's this weird feeling when I go there." This worried the team because this new dungeon is stronger than the last one, and Haru has been there since yesterday.

"Teddy, did you feel anyone there?" Chie asked the bear, trying to gather more information on Haruma's whereabouts.

"ya, and that was the creepy part." this gave the team pause, and they all asked Teddy what he meant by that.

"it feels like he is getting stronger in there, but it doesn't feel like he has a persona. I can only imagine that he is doing something to where he is rejecting this world, and it feels creepy," Teddy explained to the group about the creepy feeling he was getting when Haruma landed inside the TV world.

This got the group more confused because everyone, except Yu, who faced their shadows, never said anything about them getting strong before their shadow was defeated. After getting Teddy to calm down, they got him to show the way towards Haru's dungeon.




"ya, I can totally get that creepy feeling by just looking at this place," Chie says with a shiver running up her spine.

"ya, I know, it just makes you wonder what's so different about this place," Yosuke said with a worried face now that he was up face to face with this new dungeon.

"I wonder what Amamiya-kun is doing inside," Yukiko states, trying to wrap her mind around what he is doing inside the palace.

"Sensei, the dungeon just got stronger by 3 percent!" Teddy exclaims, not understanding why the shadows are growing at such an alarming rate.

"how much stronger are they all in all," Yu asked, trying to understand how strong these shadows would be.

"around 6% than regular shadows, but it is still growing. If you don't find out what this Amamiya-san is doing, the shadows could grow to an unbearable level." Teddy said with a terrible bear pun.

This got the group to understand what was at stake here. Their kohai was trapped in here and somehow growing in power. However, the shadows are getting stronger in power, so they must stop it after talking with Teddy about the castle layout and trying to see if he can sense Haruma's position. All they got is he is on the other side of the palace but moving inwards. After a few minutes of talking with the team, Yu led them into the dungeon.




A shadow was wandering around the palace, trying to uncover intruders or the counterfeit of their master. It truly could not understand why a human of all things was being this difficult to capture and get their master to realize his true form. 

As he was too busy trying to justify why this was happening, he was too distracted to see the shimmering glint moving towards him at an alarming pace. As if time was slowing down, the shadow looked up and saw from what he could see an edge moving towards his face, and he tried to move; however, it was too late. 

The sword pierced through the white mask and emerged on the back of its head. As this happened, a figure immediately jumped on the shadow, grabbed the sword, and pulled it out. As this happened, the shadow dissipated from existence. This figure starts to curl its fist and releases it right after, and he repeats this action multiple times until he concludes. 

"All alright, it's official, I'm becoming stronger the more I kill these shadows," the figure states, which tunes out to be Haruma and is still looking at his hand but quickly swipes his blade towards the left and then sheathes it back into the sheath.

' why is this happening? I know for a fact that I'm not turning into a Saiyan with a Zenkai boost or the shadow monarch. If it's not either of these, whats happening? This never was mentioned in p5; moreover, why do I feel like my fist might do more damage to these shadows now.' haruma thought to himself, trying to justify this odd phenomenon.

"Well, whatever, I'm almost near the center, and the quicker I get out of here, I can sleep. And why the hell is the fog getting clearer," he says while marching towards the maze's center.




"Zio... Izanagi!" Yu shouted, trying to clear the last of the shadows in front of the group. The team has been pushing throughout the dungeon to find Amamiya-san inside this dungeon, and they have had no luck. Unfortunately, Teddy's info was correct; these shadows were much stronger, and they kept swarming them relentlessly. Being as loud as their group was being did not help them either.

The shadows have grown from 6 percent to 11 percent. It had been a few hours, and they were reaching the center. They all continue to jog on the path in front of them.

"has Haru really been fighting shadows at this strength without a persona," Yosuke says with a voice mixed with awe and exhaustion.

" ya just make me wonder what martial arts he is using." chie stated with a voice of admiration and excitement, wondering how he was fighting these shadows alone.

"was my dungeon as exhausting as this one?" Yukiko says with her, gasping for breaths. She realized that she might have underestimated the group's difficulty in her dungeon and that it was as difficult as this one.

"no, it was nowhere near as difficult, and we had to run away from some of the shadows in this one," Yu says, trying to hide his exhaustion.

"sensei, the door is right in front of you," Teddy states, trying to get the group to stop and heal. The group heard this and immediately tried to heal themselves and gain back some of their energy to be prepared for this fight.

As they gathered back together, Yu put both hands on the giant door in front of him, and all he saw was a giant field of what looked like sand and the shrine to the left of them. It seems the door opened from the left of the field, and in front of the shrine, there is another door, which Yu can assume Haru will emerge from there.

As everyone appeared on the field, they looked towards the shrine, and what they saw shocked them. In front of them was a shrine with the basic structure of an ordinary shrine, but what was different was the skulls that surrounded it and the giant mouth that emerged from each of the sides of the walls. The colors were the same as the palace, but the feeling of dread that they experienced grew multiple times towards the group. Chie and Yukiko have already started to have their legs shake in fear. Yu saw this but tried to grasp the situation; he tried to walk more inward of the field; however, a barrier had it where he could not move anymore towards the center of the field. 

As this was happening, the doors on the opposite side of the shrine started to open, and a boy emerged with him wearing black baggy pants and a white shirt on him. Funny enough, he was wearing no shoes, which, from what he could see, did him no favor as they looked torn up. He also seemed to be carrying a katana; Yu wonders where he found that.

While Yu and his group were analyzing this, Haru had just stepped onto the field, and what surprised him the most was not the group standing on the sidelines but the shrine in front of him.

'T-that's Sukuna's malevolent shrine! WHAT THE HELL IS IT DOING HERE!!' haru exclaimed inside his head while keeping the best natural face he could. If it weren't for the shrine and the feeling of dread, the team would have recognized the surprise on Amamiya-kun's face.



As everyone was analyzing the field, a noise started to come from the darkness of the shrine's front mouth. The figure is almost identical to Haru's outframe; however, as it emerges through the darkness, it appears to be the same version of Haru on the midnight channel.

' it actually looks like Megumi-Sukuna. Damn, is this my shadow?' Haruma thought while looking over the features of this shadow. Thankfully, it does not have two pairs of arms, eyes, and mouth.

On the other hand, the feeling of dread and terror that held firm on the investigation team almost doubled. They understood something was wrong with this dungeon and could not find the reason, but after seeing this shadow in person. They could assume it had to be coming from the shadow version of Haruma.

" I see you made it; unfortunately, it was for naught," the shadow said with a large grin.

" ohh...why's that?" Haruma started to walk forward and chat with this version of him.

"Oh, I see, you think everything is a mere game to you. You constantly look down on everyone and think that those deemed inferior to you are mere worms. You constantly try to justify to yourself; why not give in to your real self and hurt everyone around you." He stated with a grin that started to show a wicked smile, anticipating what should happen when a human hears the ugly truth about themselves.

After hearing all of this, the investigation team turned to Haruma and tried to get him not to say anything from the moment he paused after hearing his inner thoughts come out. They did not want to imagine what would come from a powerful shadow and if they could defeat it.

Haruma paused for a second and tried to understand what the actual hell this thing was saying.

'The hell I was expecting a fight. I mean, this guy looks like Sukuna but is just shouting bullshit.' Haruma thought and started to hear banging noises and very carefully looked to the left of the field, where he could see a barrier being hit by some of the investigation team. While they were banging on the invisible barrier, a white ripple-like pattern could appear.

' huh, I was wondering when they were going to show up. Weird, I can clearly see their mouths moving, but no sound is coming from them.' At this point, Haruma looks back at his shadow and starts to walk again at him. The shadow, in turn, begins to descend the stairs and meets Haru at the center of the field.

" so after all that crap you spilled, I'll bite. What or who are you?" The shadow smile intensified and spoke the absolute truth to Haruma.

" I am you, your dark side, your inner sleeve, the real you."After saying these words, the investigation team started to pull themselves together and try to get ready to fight Haruma's shadow.

This got haruma to thing for a second; a persona was just a shadow of that person's reflection onto society, right? So this is the way the outside world sees him. Personally, haruma could not care for anyone's bullshit and would rather you say it to his face; however, an interesting idea formed in his plan after seeing the malevolent shine in the back ground.

"If you are the real me, you should know what I'm about to do, right, "Haruma asked with his hand on his sword. The shadow was taking delight in how this discussion was heading and did not notice Haruma's hand.

" I do"

" and if you are my inner self, that also means you are my weakness, right?" Haruma asked to get confirmation about a theory that had popped into his head.

'Man, this might kill me or get me what I think might be the strongest persona.'

"That's an interesting thought, but if you must know, the answer is yes," dark Haruma answered, ready to reveal his true self to the crowd.

"Well, if you are my weakness, all I need to do is kill you, right?" Haruma said with a grin growing on his face.

"Hu…*shing*" After this one response, haruma effortlessly sliced the head off of his shadow, which lifted the fear and dread among the team to his left. After doing this, however, the katana, which had served its purpose, broke after haruma tried to swipe it to clean off the blood.

The team, however, was in shock; they never thought that you could eliminate one's shadow before they became a persona.

Haruma, after admiring his work, immediately started to feel a shock course through his head. He figured this might happen from the information he gained through P5 and how the mental shutdowns worked, so he was already for this. The pain, however, was sharply increasing by the second, and he started to yell at the top of his lungs.

The team saw this and tried to rush over to him, but the barrier still blocked them. All they could do now was watch their younger classmate say In pain. Yukiko couldn't bear the painful screams, had fallen on her knees with her hands on her ears, and had to turn her head away. Chie, who found this painful, started to hold Yukiko but still watched the scene before them. Yu and Yosuke could only fight the need to go in there and help Haruma. However, they saw something happen to the body of Haruma's shadow, and it started to glow blue.

Haruma could not hear anything going around him because of the intense pain in his head, not the light in front of him. He thought he might have genuinely thrown this new life away, but that train of thought ended when he heard a single phrase.

'Summon me, or you will perish.'

Haruma, in response, tried with everything to figure out what that voice just said but couldn't really understand it.

'I...I refuse this. I REFUSE TO DIE LIKE THIS!' As a last resort, all Haruma could only form an open hand before him, and a blank blueish-white card emerged.

"PERSONA!" as he said those words, he crushed the card in his hand, and the ground around him formed a circle of blue flames. From the back of his, the flames gathered upwards and formed a figure. The bluish figure that formed from those flames hovered behind him and started to cross its arms with a bored expression.

The investigation team saw what happened, and the figure formed what they could tell to be his persona. This persona had the same if not more tattoos than the previous shadow and had no shirt but an extra pair of mouth, eyes, and arms. Its hair was a bright pink, and it was merely crossing its arms, waiting for a command.

Although the pain in Haruna's head subsided, all he could hear was

" I am thou…thou art I."

He immediately turned around and saw exactly what he thought his persona might be.

' fuck ya. Sukuna is my goddam persona …Huh. Cleave, Dismantle, and Diarama are his first abilities. I wonder what Dismantle is in this world, for Cleave acts more like Dismantle in JJK. Plus, for the reverse curse technique, a decent healing spell would work for that. I can feel another power, huh, spirit power? I guess that's what is required to use the skills, right?' Haruma thought to himself while falling. As he falls with his back to the ground, the image of Sukuna fades away.

At this moment, the barrier falls, and the team immediately heads toward the fallen Haruma. They immediately around him, and they can see all the cuts and bruises he has on him. They figure fighting all those shadows alone gave him more harm than good. They try to bandage him up with all the supplies they have, which does something to Haruma because of the effects of this world. Haruma begins to regain some of his stamina and stands up.

"Man, that was close; how did you guys get here," Haruma asked the team, which they were surrounding him, and they could only look at him as if he asked a stupid question.

"Asking us that, how bout why the absolute hell you killed your shadow," Chie exclaimed at the idiot in front of him

"Ya, like seriously, you almost died there," Yosuke added 

" Like seriously, if you are so smart, why the hell did you fight like that."

Chie and Yosuke started to hound him. Yukiko could only sigh and feel a weight be light from her chest. She doesn't want anyone to die because of this place.

Yu could only look into the eyes of his kohai and sign in relief that this didn't do any lasting damage from what he could tell. He then gets in the middle of the two children and asks them to calm down.

" Alright, Haruma, we will get you back outside of this place, but first, I want to ask if you are willing to help us stop the person responsible for putting people inside this world," Yu asked Haruma, trying to gain from what he could tell a powerful persona user on the team. he also felt like he need to ask while the iron was hot, he knows asking out if the blue would be bad timing but he didn't get that feeling with haruma. Haruma stopped and looked at Yu for a second, and an excited grin formed on his face.

" ya, I'm down." He responded to Yu, and the team was put into an excited mood for gaining a powerful ally

" Alright, then let's get going…* crash*

As they are about to move, they hear a loud crashing noise and look behind them and see a configuration of skulls and bone emerge from the shire and look directly at them. The team, in response, backed up away from the shrine to gain footing.

"Looks like we will have to fight something big after all. Haruma, can you use your persona right now!" Yu yells toward Haruma, who is getting ready to fight this shadow.

"Ya, I can...Diarama...Sukuna!" Haruma says while crushing the card inside of his hand. This spell healed all his injuries, which surprised the team because Yosuke and Yu have a healing ability but not as powerful as that. They figured Haruma was a support-type user; however, they were about to be proven wrong.

Once the skeleton gained a foothold, it began to swing at the team at different intervals, trying to take them out at different times. The team, on the other hand, was trying to dodge all his swings but mainly was unsuccessful because they lacked the experience to dodge something of this caliber. However, Haruma, lacking the expertise, had his natural physical abilities help even out the playing field and helped him avoid most of the attacks.

"Dismantle...Sukuna!" haruma exclaimed while crushing his card and summing his persona. He wanted to try out the attack that would be the single type attack in jujutsu kaisen, but to his surprise, the attack was a 9-hit combo physical attack. Of course, it was a light one, but still having that as a starting move was incredible. 

' Damn, I guess that cleave and dismantle are switched. Well, I guess that makes sense because Cleave really is just slashing on this at a time while dismantling is taking something apart.' haruma thought, trying to justify why they were switched.

As this was happening, the group watched it happen. They were in awe because they had never seen a multi-hit attack. Sure, they have seen attacks that can target all enemies, but never something like this, where something can hit one target multiple times.

As the boss was trying to gather the last remaining strength, he was hit by a lightning bolt that stunned him and left him hoping for haruma to attack. Haruma, in the moment, was in what athletes would call the zone—the feeling of adrenaline and how the world feels like it is revolving around him. 

As he gets to a close enough spot on this skeleton, he says, "Cleave," and it is hit with a light slash attack. This does the final blow from suffering from all the damage the group threw at from lightning, ice, fire, wind, debuffs, and physical attacks. The group looked at haruma as he landed in surprise; of course, they were surprised about his strength, but the real reason why they were in shock was because he used his persona's move without the need of the persona.

"What was that? Did you just use your persona without even summoning it!" Yosuke was getting tired of all the bullshit that was happing, from the juiced-up shadows to the strangled shadow version of Haruma, haruma then killing it and almost dieng himself from unknown means, then a giants combination of bones, and this was the final straw that broke him.

" ya, and how could you move so quickly and dodge all those attacks? It was throwing attacks at us relentlessly!" Chie, with her martial art fangirling all over the way he moved on the field, was asking him questions.

Haruma, who at this time was feeling exhausted but still feeling the lingering zap of adrenaline, tried to wave his hands up but just looked over toward Yu to get him to help him out. Yu, for his part, got the message I was sending him and helped me get Chie and Yosuke off of me. On the other hand, Yukiko was looking at haruma as if she was remembering something about him. It is almost as if she has seen him before but then stuffs it to the back of her mind.

"we can show you the way back, but you might have some difficulties with those clothes you have," Yosuke told Haruma as he asked for a way back to the main world.

"why?" Haruma asked, wondering why he would have difficulty with what he was wearing. He knew it was comfortable clothes, and he didn't have shoes on, but why could he have a hard time in the real world?

'it's because we all went through a TV in Junes" Yu explained to Haruma.

"Junes?" haruma asked another question, not knowing what the hell a Junes store is.

"It's a supermarket store, and we traveled through the TV there," Yosuke told Haruma. 

"oh ya, that would put me in a hard spot. What time is it?" haruma asked while understanding that if he went their way, he would be in clothes that would not be acceptable in the middle of the day, especially in a store.

"should be around 11ish; why?" Chie asked

"I was wondering how long I have been down here, and couldn't I just take the TV that was here when I got here?" haruma asked the group in front of him. This got the team to pause and turn to him with question marks above their head.

"well, on the front gates, there was a TV on it where I was pulled in from." 

"Teddy, could that work," Yu asked into the air, and to Haruna's surprise, it responded.

"Yes, sensei, that would work and bring him where he was thrown in from." the voice known as Teddy confirmed Haruma's theory.

"All alright then, I'll just go through that TV and end up in my house. When do you guys want to meet tomorrow?" haruma asked the team. 

"what do you mean tomorrow?" Yosuke asked 

"it means that I am exhausted from fighting for my life for around 14 hours and getting thrown into a TV." haruma stated with a deadpan face at what he could assume was the group's jokester.

The team accepted this response, and Chie berated Yosuke about his response to Haruma. The team and Haruma parted ways, and haruma returned to the path that sent him to the field. Something that he noticed was that once he got his persona, this fog cleared up, and he could see clearly in this maze. He also could get a better view of these shadows, which he started to explore more with the power he had gained. He started to use all three of his abilities, both with and without his persona. With the persona, he felt more of a drain to his stamina, and without, he felt less of a drain, almost half; however, it was less powerful than it was with his persona.

'Could this be my ability for my arcana? I know that certain arcana have special abilities like the wild card, which gives the user the ability to use multiple personas. Could mine be the ability to use skills without my persona but with the power cut in half.' haruma thought, trying to theorize why he could use his skills.

After a while, not trying to figure out his way to the center, in addition to being able to see the path, definitely helped cut the time to get back to the start. As he reached it, he saw the giant gate that was there, but in the middle of it, he saw a giant TV that was rippling. He then saw a shadow under it, which he smirked, forming a plan. He then started to run towards the shadow, which responded by turning towards the noise of feet stomping to his left. He then saw a shoe right in front of his face, which stomped on the white mask and used him as a launching pad to reach the TV on the wall.

Haruma, after using the shadow as a springboard, reached for the television and got the top part of his body through the TV, but the other half got caught by the bottom of the frame. In response, he pulled himself through the television, landed on his hard floor, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thankfully, this happened on the weekend, and he didn't need to deal with the police on why he was "kidnapped." haruma, for the rest of the tried to relax and calm down. He merled inside his apartment and waited for night time for something to eat and watch the news. Nothing really important was on the news, but there was an advertisement for Junes, and it was catchy. 

After finishing all of his nighttime activities, he made it to his bed, where he immediately felt like his body relaxed from a week full of stress. Not knowing what was going to happen by putting himself in the murder's crosshairs and being pulled into the cognitive world, fighting shadows, killing himself, then almost getting what he could assume was a mental shutdown, and then gaining a persona, which turned out to be Sukuna, fighting a skeleton like boss, and then his unknown arcana ability. He really wants to rest.

After going through that mental cluster, haruma quickly fell asleep to the point he would not notice the blue butterfly entering his room through the closed window. The same butterfly landed on his nose, which will give Haruma some answers to his questions.


Hey, it's a pretty long chapter, I know. I originally was going to cut this in two parts but didn't know when I could split it off without giving you guys a giant cliffhanger; hehe, get it. It still gave you guys a small cliffhanger, but you could probably expect it. 

 The next chapter will be mostly explanations, so Mystery and haruma really join the team. His arcana will be revealed in the next chapter. Also, do you guys like his persona? Sukuna was a perfect choice because of his appearance, which I don't need to make something up, but it looks like he belongs in this game's designs. Plus, he is mainly a physical attacker with healing and some fire abilities, which made it easy to plan around. need to justify the sp, so I just named it spirit points. hope everyone is happy with that.

Mavolent Shirne will be available, but that won't happen until later in the story. In addition, haruma being able to use skills without Sukuna is something that leads me to pick this arcana. I want him to keep Cleave, but since Cleave is a light slashing attack, I had to figure out a way that would let him keep it since Sukuna's main thing is Cleave and Dismantle. I also had to give him a great healing skill in the being because it's sukuna.

If you have any other questions, please message me, and I will try to clarify it.

Thank you for reading, and have a great day.


name: Haruma Amamiya

sex: male

Age: 16

Arcana: unknown

Persona: Sukuna


Cleave: medium phy, single

Dismantle: multi-hit combo, phy, single

Diarama: medium heal, single





( all skills are cut in half of potent without the use of Sukuna)

Abilities: able to use skills without a persona,... the rest unknown


Just want to add dismantle works like cleave, so if you don't understand how Sukuna's technique works then read the comments becuase I explained how it works

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