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72.8% I Stream DC on Marvel / Chapter 247: 247 Unforgivable Curse: Testicular Torsion, A Passionate Kiss in the Shower and Crisis at the FBI.

Chapitre 247: 247 Unforgivable Curse: Testicular Torsion, A Passionate Kiss in the Shower and Crisis at the FBI.

It was quite obvious that Allen was going to get angry, but this also served to make him realize one very important thing.

Allen spent so much time worrying about apocalypses and entities with absurd powers that he forgot how much damage ordinary criminals and villains without abilities can cause.

Isn't it the Joker who killed Dick Grayson?

It might seem ridiculous that someone with such great power that their fights end with entire galaxies destroyed would worry about a New York mobster. But anyone can harm others if they set their mind to it.

Allen let go of the gangster who had white eyes as he writhed in pain.

Seeing such an image, Allen took a step back. He really underestimated the effect of the Testicular Torsion spell; it might seem funny, but when you see the live result, it's not pleasant, especially if you're a man.

[This spell is so terrible that it causes psychological damage to its caster.]

2B appeared next to Allen, holding her sword. "Master, if you wish, I can end this guy's suffering." Despite the black-clad girl's tone being expressionless, Allen could sense the real threat in her words.

Rebecca appeared with her hands behind her head in a relaxed manner. "Hey, hey, weren't you supposed to idolize humanity?" Rebecca teased.

"My time in human society made me realize that not all of humanity is worthy of protection, and only my master should be idolized."

Allen heard the first half of 2B's words, feeling guilty for possibly breaking the image of humanity by showing this type of human being. People like Voldemort and his Death Eaters, as well as Fortunato and his gangsters, are also humans but definitely not worthy of YoRHa's loyalty and protection.

"Hey, your creator will be crying in his grave, hahaha," Rebecca laughed at 2B's words.

"..." 2B remained silent, seeming embarrassed by her own words, as it would mean saying that not even the humans who created her were worthy of admiration.

Allen disagreed; the man who designed YoRHa's aesthetics is a man of respect and culture who deserves heaven and more. Why was it a man and not a woman? Well...

Allen looked sideways at 2B...

"There's no need," Allen coughed and then looked at the man who had already lost consciousness from pain. "Can this spell be considered an Unforgivable Curse?"

Allen shook his head at his own musings.

The back door of the van opened, and one of the gangsters got out, blood on his head but seemingly fine. He pulled out his gun and aimed it at Allen.

"You, s-stay back!" exclaimed another trembling gangster, who had seen and heard his partner's scream. He had been living among gangs and had seen people get shot several times without screaming as horribly as this.

Allen ignored the man's threats and began walking towards him.

"I don't know what goes through the head of someone like you," Allen said with a scornful smile. "I mean, you know it won't work, but you keep pointing that gun at me."


The gangster started shooting in desperation. The bullets hit Allen only to fall to the ground without causing harm. Allen didn't even defend himself; he didn't need to, his body was no longer at the level of being damaged by something like bullets.

When Allen reached the man, he grabbed the hand with the gun and crushed it. The man's hand bones audibly broke; he screamed and fell to the ground.


"Did you come here with intentions to kidnap someone, torture them, and then heartlessly throw them into a corner without being prepared for the same to happen to you?"

"Wait! I beg you!! I didn't know she was your woman!"

"That's the problem. If it wasn't me, the outcome would be different... and people like you are disgusting, that's why I can't pity you!"

"No... I didn't... I just follow orders!"

Allen pointed his hand at the man. "Testicular Torsion..."


The man's agonizing scream was so loud that it made the windows of the buildings vibrate. It sent chills down the spine; when Allen crushed the gangster's hand, he could still curse, but the effect of the testicular torsion was so intense that it made him vomit and turn purple.

Inside the van, the last gangster was trembling as he cried; his colleagues' screams of pain had terrified him.

"M-mom, I'm sorry, you were right, I-I should've stayed in law school."

After apologizing to his mother, the gangster looked out the window to see Allen standing in front of his colleague. It was hard not to recognize him nowadays; even a gangster who had little to do with the world of social media recognized him.

'I have to inform Don Fortunato! We must escape from New York... no, leave the country!'

The gangster sneaked out discreetly and crawled towards an alley. It seemed that Allen hadn't noticed yet, and the gangster sighed in relief at this.

The ground was cold, dirty, and had broken glass that cut his hands, but it was worth it when he reached the alley. Then he stood up and started running for his life.

A demented smile formed on his face as cold sweat ran down his back; he had escaped.

"Not so fast, b*tch."

The words of a girl, along with a curse, interrupted his thoughts, and a bullet pierced through his calf.


The gangster fell and looked at his leg while enduring the pain. Rebecca was sitting on a dumpster.

"Hey, did you think you could escape, huh?" Rebecca smiled as she placed her green and pink pistol on her shoulder.

For a moment, the gangster's survival instinct kicked in. Like all people, this instinct makes them flee or fight when cornered. Seeing that he couldn't escape immediately, he switched to fighting. The man reached for his gun lying next to him.


The gangster's hand froze; yes, there is a third reaction apart from fighting or fleeing, and it only happens when both the conscious and subconscious conclude that resistance is futile.

The brain is overwhelmed by not knowing what to do, and instincts are forcibly overridden by... fear...

The steps echoed in an alley; maybe because there was no one nearby, the footsteps sounded more clearly.

The gangster's bloodshot eyes fixed on the alley entrance just as a figure peeked around the corner. The calm gaze of the young man and the gangster made eye contact.

The steps were like a countdown to an inevitable destiny. The man simply stood paralyzed. He no longer cared about the pain in his bleeding leg or the cuts on his hands.

There were no thoughts, no actions; every part and survival function within the man was forcibly deactivated, and his body and soul echoed the same conclusion: "There is no hope."


Allen arrived in front of the gangster, who seemed to have lost all will to resist.

"I suppose you'll be more cooperative than your comrades?" Allen asked without pity for the man. "You're lucky. If anything had happened to Tearju, you wouldn't want to know what I would have done."

The man trembled at Allen's cold words...


According to the gangster Vincent Fortunato's story, he is a Caucasian man, bald with an eye patch. He lost his wife long ago and thought he would never fall in love again, but he was captivated by Tearju Lunatique's beauty.

He didn't intend to force Tearju into anything, but he was going to eliminate any obstacles around her so he could take his time to win her heart.

Allen snorted at the hypocrisy. Fortunato claims he doesn't want to force her, yet he still threatens and hurts any men who get close to her. What kind of twisted logic is that?

Allen narrowed his eyes with disdain. "Tell me where she is."

"I-I don't know, sir," the man stammered.

Allen believed him. According to Gwen, her father had also tried to catch Vincent Fortunato, but the man was an expert at not dirtying his own hands. They can never connect him to anyone, even with these gangsters as witnesses. Fortunato's lawyers would dismiss any incriminating argument.

After all, men like Fortunato and Kingpin can operate within the gray areas of the law.

Of course, Allen could go to Fortunato's house, break down the door, and grab the man by the neck, throwing him into the sun. But Allen decided to stick to the original plan and use his incognito identity with his magic lenses (they're not magical) to arrange a date with Tearju and let the man kidnap him.

Allen entrusted Tearju's security to Rebecca. The girl grumbled but agreed to do it.

"This will cost you ❤️," the girl declared with a flirtatious wink.

Allen shook his head. "I know."

Allen turned to the man; his leg was no longer bleeding because Allen had healed him enough so he wouldn't bleed to death. "One more thing..."

"No..." the man pleaded as if he knew what was coming.

"Testicular Torsion..."

Legend has it that the man's screams were so loud and agonizing that the echo lingered in that alley for years, and if you pay attention, you can still hear them.


In the afternoon, Allen received a call from Fury; it seemed the situation had become serious.

Allen appeared in Shield's Helicarrier, the pendants worn by the girls functioned as coordinates for teleportation. There was one with Maria, so Allen went straight to her side.

Commander Maria Hill had spent many years at Shield, so she was used to practically living at Shield's facilities—eating, sleeping, and even showering there.

Maria was stressed about the Loki situation. His ability to control people had caused them to lose many agents and facilities. This led her to work all day, and going back to any of her apartments around the world and taking a shower was out of the question.

The beautiful woman undressed and entered the women's showers on the Helicarrier. She felt the warm water washing away her worries.


Maria Hill is a highly trained agent for all unexpected situations. Her instincts kicked in when she sensed a presence. Opening her eyes, she saw Allen in front of her.

Maria Hill's eyes widened, as did Allen's. He didn't expect to appear in this situation either.

Maria's mouth opened, but she had no idea what to say. She quickly realized her situation and blushed, using her hands to cover her chest and groin. Before she could scold Allen, two women entered the showers.

"We have a lot of work today."

"Don't complain. At least we haven't been brainwashed, haha."

"That's true!"


"Aunt, I-"

Maria pushed Allen away and covered his mouth with her hand, surprising him.

"Shh, I'll scold you later," Maria whispered with flushed cheeks. "I'm second on the list for the position of Shield Director. Do you have any idea what it would mean if I were caught with a man in the showers during a crisis?"

Allen nodded, agreeing to let Maria handle it.

He could argue that everything would be solved if he teleported away, turned invisible, erased the memories of the two women, or he could do nothing—after all, he's Allen Walker. He could say he made a mistake and teleported at the wrong time. It's not like it's a secret that he has a close relationship with Maria Hill.

Allen remained silent, with Maria's body pressed against his. He was clothed, but it had already gotten wet from being in the shower, leading to an awkward situation where both could feel each other's bodies.

Maria would have a serious look with a slight blush. She seemed focused as if there were a global crisis depending on not being caught, but inside... it was a different situation!

*Maria's POV*

Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool! Pervert, pervert, pervert, pervert, pervert!

Maria, you had to pounce on him?! Maria, are you planning to stay like this all day?!

You just had to push him away and let him go. Now you're in the shower with him!


I can feel his warmth and muscles through his clothes. I can feel my body sticking to him as if drawn by a magnet.

I'm not a perverted woman! This is to avoid getting caught!

I looked closely at his face, and he had a stunned look. Of course! He would never expect me to do this! I don't even know why I did it!

Wait... calm down, Maria, or you'll embarrass yourself. You're a woman, but before that, you're a Shield agent, the best after the superhuman agents.

Confidence returned to me... I smiled confidently but looking into Allen's eyes so closely made my body weak.

I can't! What dignity would I have left if I made a mistake? It's all that perverted bitch Natasha's fault. She always brags about her relationship with Allen and made me more aware of it!

How can she think of Allen that way... him?

Now that I have him so close, I realize how much he's grown. He's even taller than me now; his body has grown to the point where I feel small. Could he wrap me in a hug?

No! What am I thinking?!

It's not fair...

I knew him long before that blonde girl did, but I'm relegated to being a background character. It's unfair...

I couldn't think of anything when I looked into his eyes... and felt his warmth...

*End of POV*

Name - Maria Hill

Race - Human

Age - 31

Physical Characteristics Tab, touch to expand +

Physical Parameters Tab, touch to expand +

Supernatural Parameters (Not applicable)

Affection +99? (Any number above 100 indicates love)

Loyalty 400 (Any parameter above 100 indicates a low probability of betrayal, above four hundred indicates that there will be no betrayal even if her life is in danger.)

Note: Maria is suppressing her feelings, so the number is unreliable. Her position and training make her a very independent woman, but like everyone else, she has limits depending on the host if she breaks that barrier, keep in mind that she is suffering from suppressing her feelings.

Mission: Take a step, she's confused and doesn't know what to do, take the first step to open her heart. Reward the entire FBI investigation folder will be erased, and greater affinity with law enforcement.

Allen opened his eyes. 'Wait, I have what?!'

[Harry Potter...]

'Oh, I see...' Allen visibly trembled at the revelation he refused to accept; he always thought it was a joke, but they were investigating him.

Allen didn't care about the rewards of the system, no matter who investigated him, they couldn't arrest him. No, that's not right. First of all, he hasn't done anything wrong!

Putting jokes aside, Allen looked at Maria. She seemed to be in an internal struggle. Allen removed Maria's hand from her mouth and used his other hand to lift her chin and his other hand to hold her waist.


Maria was confused by Allen's actions, and he simply leaned in and kissed her.


Maria was so confused that she didn't react, allowing the invading tongue to enter her mouth. She tried to resist, but her repressed feelings overflowed, and she soon wrapped her arms around Allen's neck to return the kiss with passion.


Somewhere, an FBI agent sat happily in his chair as he reviewed the criminals on the screens. There was a video of a group of agents taking down an actor and arresting him, there was another group breaking into a house as the pervert jumped out the window.

His job was to catch perverted criminals, it wasn't as glorious as catching supervillains or fighting terrorism, but it gave him satisfaction to catch scum.

The man nodded put down his coffee with the image of Sakura Cart Captor and went through the list of criminals to cross a name off the list... his smile disappeared when one of the names at the top of the list disappeared.

The man screamed and called his superior, the dangerous Allen Walker had disappeared, with him his entire investigation folder and evidence.

That day the FBI offices went into crisis...


A/N: Poor FBI looks like evil will triumph :(

My new patreon is: Patreon.com/_Aizen

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