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1.16% I Stream DC on Marvel / Chapter 2: The beauties Gwen, Felicia and Mary Jane Watson

Chapitre 2: The beauties Gwen, Felicia and Mary Jane Watson

[Hello host... Allen Walker, I am the System of the Absolute Content Creator, I would give you a long introduction of what I do, but someone like you should be able to deduce it.]

In Allen's head, the voice of a girl sounded. She had a pleasant voice but with few emotions.

"Is this for real?!" Allen got up from his chair while exclaiming.

Needless to say, she was right. Allen and anyone who knows a little about anime and manga will know what a system is, but knowing and believing are two different things. Systems are something a protagonist gets when they die for a truck and go to another world.

How could Allen have one if he's alive?

Without giving him time to ask, a screen appeared in front of Allen. On the screen were all the statistics of his channel and other social media.

YT (YouTube): Subscribers 110k

Twitch: Followers 5k

Twitter: Followers 24k

[After reviewing all his features and abilities, the host Allen is suitable to be my bearer. He should be happy; the requirements for a system like mine are almost impossible to meet.]

"Wait, wait, wait, am I going to die?" Allen interrupted nervously. He needed to know if he was going to die or be teleported to another world.

[I don't understand your question, host...]

"Don't play with me, system, most, if not all, who receive a system go to another world or are dead and will reincarnate!"

[Ahh, that... don't worry, host, you won't die... well, that depends on you.]


Allen's head couldn't process everything that was happening. He knows that the world he lives in is not normal, but even so, systems were too fantastical to exist.

[I mean, if the host jumps out the window, it's their own decision, but just having the system won't cause anything to happen to you.]

"I understand... can I trust you?" Allen asked seriously. He knows that in some stories, systems force their bearers to do terrible things and punish them if they fail. Some systems involve doing degrading or very dangerous things.

[Since the moment you became my host, I will share life and death with you... I won't betray or abandon you until the day we die.]

"Well... I didn't expect such a heavy statement... I'll believe you, system, just give me some time to process everything, and we'll talk," Allen sighed in relief; at least he confirmed that his system is one of the good ones with its host.

[As you wish, Allen...]

The system girl fell silent; it was as if she wasn't there.

Allen left his workspace and went to the kitchen. His apartment was simple, with only a few pieces of furniture and minimal decoration. Being a young bachelor, Allen focused on setting up his streaming room and his personal room, where he spends most of his time, and of course, the room his aunt uses when she comes to spend the night.

"A lot happened today, and I didn't feel like starting a stream. I'd better have dinner and then watch some TV," the young man thought while making a sandwich.

Allen sat on the living room couch and turned on the TV.

«The green monster known as Hulk was last seen in South America, specifically in Brazil.»

'I don't defend Hulk, but the fact that the government's first reaction is always to shoot should change. While the green troll broke a lot of things, he didn't seem to have killed anyone and he defeated the other monster, abomination?.' Allen shook his head. 'Has anyone tried asking if he's okay? Maybe he just needs a hug.'


"System, don't eavesdrop on my thoughts... okay, I admit my last thought was pretty stupid."

Allen stopped playing, went to the bathroom to take a shower, then changed into gray pajamas. Too many things happened today, and he needed to sleep.

"Good night, host..."

The system's cold voice reminded him that he indeed had a system, but Allen no longer wanted to think about it.

"Good night, system."


The next day, Allen woke up and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, and saw his light gray eyes reflected in the mirror, then took the large, round glasses from his case and put them on.

"A debt and a system... a stroke of bad luck and one of good luck..." Allen murmured.

By hiding his face, Allen Walker became a discreet guy with no special features. 'I wonder if that's how Superman's glasses work? No matter, I'm ready to go to school again.' Allen sighed; another day in that survival prison called school.

[Host, I don't understand. If you dislike that school so much, why change to another school?]

"It's a matter of convenience, system. It's not very far from where I live, and I don't want to stand out too much. You know that a transferred student is the opposite of being discreet, right? But enough chit-chat; let's get going."

[I understand, host, you don't want to attract attention, but it's impossible... with a system like me.]


[Host, all my functions are with popularity, interaction, fame, achievements, missions, and, of course, live stream and content creation in general.]

Allen covered his ears and began to shout, "Oh, I don't want to know! That's the future Allen's problem!"


"Wait..." Allen was about to leave the bathroom but looked at his reflection because he noticed that the albino roots of his hair were showing again. "I should dye my hair again."

White hair like Allen's is not impossible in this world, but there are very few people with that hair color. For Allen, having his natural color makes him a center of attention.

Allen left his apartment and saw a lady taking out the trash; she looked at Allen annoyed.

"Yelling in the middle of the night again, Walker?" The woman on the floor below Allen's apartment was not very friendly.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Collins..." Allen responded without much attention and left immediately.

Allen applied soundproofing to the walls of his workspace. He checked how much sound leaked, and even if Allen yelled as loud as he could, it was barely heard on the floor below. However, Mrs. Collins always looks for excuses to curse at someone.

On his way, Allen ran into a taxi driver who yelled at him.

"Move, idiot!" the man shouted.

Allen looked at the traffic light, and he still had time to cross. '... I love this city,' Allen thought sarcastically.

The system and his debt can wait a little longer; now Allen has to face school.

"Yes, unfortunately, today is Monday." Allen checked his phone and had some messages from his aunt Natasha. "She'll come next week; it seems she finally got some time off."

The weather outside is mild, with a little chill. Allen was wearing black pants with boots and a light gray sweater and a dark gray jacket on top, along with a brown scarf.

People often say that Allen always wears gray, and although it's his favorite color to wear, only half of his clothes are gray.

Allen walked down the street to a mobile coffee stand. The man running it was friendly and a friend of Allen's.

"Oh, good day, Allen! Are you going to school?" the man greeted with a big smile.

His voice was deep but cheerful, his smile was large and sincere; he was the kind of man most people liked. Of course, being a sturdy man with hairy arms, if you didn't know him well, you might be scared to be near him.

"Good morning, Mr. Jackson. Yes, I'm going to school... unfortunately," Allen replied with a somewhat dejected smile.

"Hahaha, in my days, any bully used to shut up after proving difficult to intimidate!" Jackson flexed his muscles as his shirt strained as if it was about to burst. This man should be a bodybuilder rather than a street vendor.

"Well, if it's you, just staying still is enough, and the other person will run for their life,"

Allen scratched his cheek, wondering if this man was a superhuman or a mutant. 'If I were more intimidating, I wouldn't need these fake glasses.'

"Do you think I was always this mountain of muscles, kid?" Jackson approached and put his arm around Allen, whispering, "When I was your age, I was fat and not very handsome. Still, no one bothered me. It's a matter of attitude; you have to show a strong face that tells the bully you'll die before submitting." He added with a smile, "Yes, I lost several teeth, but the guy never messed with me again. Bullies don't fear the strong; they fear those who aren't afraid and the crazy ones."

"I'll keep that in mind, but I'm a lover of self-preservation," Allen rolled his eyes.

Although the advice was good, he wasn't going to risk finding out if it works. It may seem like Allen is a total coward, but not to the point of running away screaming like Shaggy and Scooby-Doo. He just prefers not to risk his safety unnecessarily.

Jackson grabbed a cup and handed it to Allen. "Here you go, kid, cappuccino with little sugar. Good luck at school!" he bid farewell with a laugh.

Allen smiled as his mood improved; this city has many idiots, but it also has people like Mr. Jackson.


As he approached the school, sipping his coffee, Allen saw a student being taken into an alley to be beaten shortly after.

"I told you to bring my homework today!" one of the bullies shouted.

'As I said, school is dangerous, and this is the law of the jungle,' Allen thought as he took out his phone and started recording. If he posts the video and it goes viral, the bullies, being exposed, will leave the guy for a while.

Allen prefers to stay under the radar, which is why he uses large round glasses to hide his face. Normally, this would be counterproductive, and he would be teased for those glasses, but the reason it doesn't happen is that Allen is lucky enough to have victims who are easier to intimidate and more attention-grabbing than him.

'I don't want to be recognized at school as the geeky guy who streams.'

With only an average of a hundred viewers, it's unlikely anyone would recognize him, but he didn't want to take the risk.

'My life at school is simple because I have only one friend and don't usually stand out.'


Allen listened to the teacher in the morning for a few hours and then went out to eat at the cafeteria. His mind couldn't focus on the class; the topic of the system was on his mind.

He took his tray and stood in line, then the cook lady served him some kind of brownish puree. Allen thought he should start bringing his own food. He sat at a nearly empty table and waited for Gwen Stacy, his friend, who was supposed to meet him in the cafeteria.

"Parker! Watch where you're going!" A gorilla from the football team pushed a skinny boy aside.

I watched as Peter Parker fell backward to the ground, and his food tray fell on him.


Peter was covered in food, but he still apologized to his personal bully, the idiot Flash Thomson, even if it wasn't his fault.

'This is why I hate this school and the damn education system in the country. Where are the teachers?

Everyone in the cafeteria turned to see the spectacle, but as cruel as it may seem, no one would help Peter, not when it came to antagonizing the entire football team.

"Haha, I have to admit you look better covered in food, Parker!" the gorilla laughed, and behind him, all his friends, including popular and rich guys from the next table, joined in.

He is Flash Thompson, the classic idiot trying to be the alpha of the pack. "I thought the way Peter hit Flash was weird; it was as if Flash asked for it." Allen muttered as he watched with disgust at Flash puffing up his feathers. Allen's gaze swept across the cafeteria, and he saw the reason Flash acted out of nowhere.

Observing this were three very beautiful girls. The gorilla wanted to impress the girls, as simple as that.

One of the beauties had white hair and looked from a table with little attention and some boredom. She wore a black leather jacket and blue denim pants.

Allen felt a bit embarrassed when he saw her; she had white hair like him, but she didn't dye it to hide it.

Allen's gaze turned to a very beautiful redhead girl, casually dressed in a white skirt and blouse and a pink jacket. She looked at Peter with pity and then turned to look at Allen. Their eyes met for a moment, and she ran away, as if fleeing from something.

Allen, surprised, didn't know the reason for this, but as he had no connection with her, he thought it wasn't because of him that the redhead ran.

"She ran to get a teacher, perhaps," Allen muttered.

Finally, there was a gorgeous blonde girl with blue eyes, dressed discreetly in a gray skirt, a brown jacket, and a red scarf. She was Gwen Stacy, and she seemed about to intervene, irritated by the situation.

"Danm... Gwen and her sense of justice..." Allen lamented.

Allen has only one close relationship at school, and that's with Gwen Stacy. She's his only friend in this animal school.

Allen used to be in charge of the library for a long time. That's how he got to know Gwen, who often goes there.

'I'm not a good enough person to jump in and help Peter Parker at the cost of my integrity, but Gwen is different... if I have to break a couple of teeth for her, I'll do it!.' Allen psyched himself up for his first and last heroic act.

'Now that Gwen is going to intervene, I have to act even if I end up in a dumpster.'


'Maybe Flash will kill me, but it's better than seeing my friend with that underdeveloped beast.'


'What do you want, system?! Can't you see I'm psyching myself up to die?"

[Did the host forget he has me? There's no need to act like a martyr.]

Something short-circuited in Allen's head, and his eyes lit up. 'That's right! Quick, system, turn me into Goku or something!'

[No... that's not how it works...]

'Well, what should I do quickly? Gwen's face tells me she's going to step in within half a minute.'

[I am the Absolute Content Creator System...]

'Don't tell me...'

[That's right, all my functions activate when you create content or do a live broadcast... of course, there are ways to become stronger without broadcasting, but you need to complete missions first.]

A screen appeared in front of Allen, similar to a combination of OBS, the program he uses for his streams, and a video game menu.

[There are many functions, but due to the urgency, just go to the camera control section, and before activating a camera, put it in "stealth mode."]

Allen did what the system said. Fortunately, the interface design is intuitive and easy to understand.

[I also activated "stream mode."]

When Allen did as the system said, a small sphere with a lens in the middle appeared floating. Allen looked around in fear, but no one noticed the floating presence.

The "stealth mode" is the invisible mode for various add-ons of the broadcasting system, such as cameras and microphones.

"I'm glad I have experience; I could understand most of it just by intuition." Allen sighed in relief.

He sent the floating camera away from him and summoned two more to have several angles. This way, it would appear that other students were recording.

"If I'm honest, since it's being broadcast live, my viewers will know that it's me who's recording and streaming... but it's only a hundred people. What are the chances that anyone will recognize me?" Allen thought with optimism, but deep down, he had a bad feeling.

He started the broadcast... and another window appeared, indicating that his channels had started broadcasting.

"It's time to create content or die trying!... I mean, it's time to save a bullying victim and prevent Gwen from getting into trouble..." Allen said aloud without worrying about who might hear him.


The system fell silent, and Allen's reserved personality disappeared. He almost seemed like a different person.

It's not that he has a split personality; Allen just appears reserved, but when the camera is on, he turns into a full-fledged content creator.

[On live]

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