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57.04% Fate/Roulette / Chapter 78: Chapter 77: Our mutual hate

Chapitre 78: Chapter 77: Our mutual hate

(Titus's POV)

[Announcer: Today marks a significant day for Italy as Nero Claudius leads the nation to multiple victories in the Olympic Games!

Nero: UMU~!! As you've witnessed my might, securing all the wins was just a matter of time. All hail ROMA!]

In my office, I tuned into the news, catching Nero being interviewed, adorned with various gold medals.

"Hehe, she's really savoring the moment. Good luck to the interviewers trying to rein in Nero's unstoppable chatter," I chuckled, imagining the plight of the hosts. Their ears would be ringing by the end of the show.

Not keen on watching the whole spectacle, I switched to a Japanese channel featuring a reality show called "Perfect Wife." Married couples were invited to undertake tasks for a cash prize, with Tamamo-no-Mae hosting and judging.

[Tamamo: Tamamo, your cute fox girl here! And we're back with another exciting show ☆!

Yae Miko: I'm so excited because this episode is all about excitement. Today, we determine if your wife is an M or S.]

Disturbing footage appeared as a wife, in questionable attire, held her husband on a leash around his neck.

I immediately turned off the TV and palmed my face. "I just hope they won't get banned," I sighed, reflecting on the unpredictability of reality shows.

Nonetheless, I was content providing my women some time to enjoy themselves.

Let me backtrack a bit.

If you recall from Chapter 72, I had received gifts allowing me to summon two servants permanently within the Moon Cell. This granted them a reality where they could relish eternal enjoyment, although they couldn't interact directly with the physical world.

You might be wondering why they're appearing in reality now. Well, that's where the second upgrade comes into play.

In Chapter 74, I unlocked Moon Cell Rank 2, a game-changer with incredible functions:

[Moon Cell Rank 2 Functions:

1. The host can create a Reality Marble spanning a 1km diameter within the Moon Cell, connected to actual reality. This allows any life form permitted by the host to enter and exit this Reality Marble, managed under the Moon Cell.

2. Servants within the Moon Cell can now exist in the real world.]

This upgrade elevated my power to new heights. While I couldn't employ it during my Dreamshifts yet, I could manipulate any adversary by dragging them into this Reality Marble, constructing a space with specific laws to confound them. Moreover, if I were to transport a person into the Moon Cell digitally and eliminate them, the death would occur in real-time—a testament to the Moon Cell's status as True Magic.

Taking advantage of this, I fashioned several sections within the apartment Reality Marble:

1. My office: A 4x6 square meters space, featuring my desk, a bookshelf, two sofas, and a table. This is where I currently sat.

2. Kitchen and other guest rooms.

3. Kama's Room: A compact abode for my Assassin Class servant, Kama.

4. Medb's (Head) Room: A moderately-sized chamber for Medb.

5. Workshop: A vast area segmented into territories where I and some of my students delved into magical research.

Having already relocated with Rin to Japan, I sold my London mansion, making this reality office my permanent meeting place. Only a select few had access, but I could invite anyone I wished. Accessible via various wrap gates in Japan and Europe (primarily England), this Reality Marble provided a seamless connection.

So, I granted Nero and Tamamo the freedom to explore the world, delaying my harem plans to let them adjust to the modern era.

Nero, having obtained citizenship, took an active role in the community, forming sports teams and hosting numerous events. Her charisma resonated, making her a beloved figure.

Tamamo, alongside Yae Miko, delved into creating reality shows. Initially hesitant about revealing their spirit identity, I reassured them to embrace their true selves. To my delight, people embraced these two girls with animal ears. Concerned about potential threats, I made it clear to Clock Tower and other organizations that targeting my women was off-limits.

Meanwhile, Scathach transitioned into a professional mangaka, leveraging her centuries of experience in drawing manga. Besides contributing to Jojo's continuation, she started publishing her own manga. Contrary to my expectations of her becoming a teacher, she sought a new profession to enjoy.

In terms of my daily routine, I'd wake up early to a breakfast prepared by Rin. We'd share the meal, exchange a kiss, and then I'd head to work. In my office, I'd delegate various commissions to mages and assign tasks to the El-Melloi family. Afterward, I'd teach advanced magecraft to my students before returning home.

This had been the rhythm of my life for the past few months.

"Harem, huh..." I mused, turning off the TV and staring at the ceiling. The idea lingered in my mind, contemplating the possibility of creating a perfect harem. Honestly, the concept didn't sit well with me. While I cherished every woman in my life and wished to provide for them, the idea of a harem seemed contradictory to my desire for commitment. Favoring either Nero or Tamamo would be inevitable, and I questioned if I could truly justify that.

It was an idea, albeit the only one I had to ensure everyone's happiness simultaneously. I decided to shelve the thought for another time.

"Master, can you stop fapping now? Your ass lick— I mean, that red-haired boy is here," Kama's interruption snapped me back to reality. She served as the cleaner in this Reality Marble.

Shirou entered with a box, greeting Kama awkwardly, given her past inhabiting Sakura's body. His presence brought a smile to my face, as it had been a while since our last meeting. After exchanging pleasantries, he handed me a cheesecake he had prepared.

"What's this for?" I inquired.

"Before that..." Shirou's brows twitched, and he glared at me, "What the hell did you tell Sakura?"

"Ah... nothing..." I rolled my eyes, feigning innocence.

During our previous meeting, I encouraged Sakura to start a family with Shirou as soon as possible. Knowing Shirou's continued dedication to his heroic endeavors, traveling the world to save others while being more cautious, I felt it was essential for Sakura to bring a child into the world. My intention was to prevent her from feeling lonely, ensuring she had a part of Shirou with her always.

And if something were to happen to Shirou, I, ahem, would look after the single mother.

Shirou sighed, "Sakura has been non-stop! Ever since we moved to Japan, it's been in and out, day in and day out! Before bed, after bed, before meals and after meals. If not for this powerful body, I would have given in."

Sympathy surged in me, realizing Sakura shared a similar intensity as my wives.

"Didn't know a fighter would be hiding behind such an innocent face. I feel sorry for your junk..." I gasped, realizing the reason for the cake, "Congratulations!"

"Yeah, but it's over." Shirou smiled, "So before her belly gets bigger, we've decided to hold a marriage ceremony in two months. Make sure to come."

"Of course, I will. On the contrary, how about I deliver the baby for you?"

"I don't think I need your help there..." Shirou shook his head, then pointed at Kama, "So, is that your new fetish?"

Confused, I glanced at Kama's outfit—a mini skirt maid dress with long stockings. Shirou's question caught me off guard, even though I had explicitly expressed my disdain for Kama.

"I just told her to make herself useful. Didn't even look at her," I said, shooting daggers at Kama, who grinned mischievously.

"Anyway, I should get going. Take care," Shirou bid farewell and left.

Afterward, I called Kama over to me.

"Hm~! What? Has my master finally noticed this lil' ol' girl's charms ☆?" Kama playfully smiled, slightly lifting her skirt in an attempt to tease me.

Grinning, I snapped my fingers, summoning a gust of wind that unexpectedly flipped her skirt, revealing her oversized lingerie on those tiny legs.

"Pfft! An oversized lingerie on those tiny legs?! Has the God of Love lost *his* sense of fashion?" I snickered, amused by the peculiar preferences of some fans who favored even the shorter version of Kama while being stringent about other child servants.

I could never understand those perverts.

"You!!!" Kama blushed intensely as she tightly held her skirt. "By the way, stop referring to me as a male. I am just a maiden now."

"Why, though? Aren't you a man inside? If I remember correctly, you were a male god. Why did you choose a miserable Japanese girl as a host? Do you have a thing for males, or are you just a pervert?" I bombarded the God of Love with questions, genuinely curious about the rationale behind Indian gods manifesting in Japanese individuals.

"Wha! Don't label me with the likes of you. Anyway, why the heck would I even tell you? Humph!" Kama snorted, "If you don't want to kill me or something, then I'll just get going to my room. Ugh, even breathing the same air as you makes me sick."

She started to walk away, but I used Force Control, lifting her into the air before gently placing her on my desk. Rolling my chair closer, my face mere inches away from Kama's adorable one. The position seemed suspicious, given her spread legs around my waist, but I didn't pay it much attention.

"W-what? Are you finally falling for me or something?" Kama attempted an evil act, but her flustered face couldn't be taken seriously.

I remained silent, only staring at her for a couple of minutes. She grew more flustered and frustrated, then sighed and looked at me with deadpan eyes.

"Kamadeva, you know, I would have never beaten you like before when you are in a child's body," I muttered, glaring at her, "but why the hell did every fiber of my body want to tear you down, torture you relentlessly, and see you burn in the deepest part of hell?"

There was only one individual I loathed the most, the Whore of Babylonia. However, just looking at Kama boiled my blood. While I was upset about what she did with Sakura's body and her attempt to end our relationship, I was generally a passive man. People had tried to mock me before, and I usually ignored them. In Kama's case, though, I felt a strong urge to take more drastic measures—to knock some teeth out, skin her alive, and do unspeakable things I hadn't even considered in my life.

Just what the hell did she do to me in the Moon Cell?

"Heh! What if I don't answer? Go ahead, take out the torture device. Let me see you becoming a Beast myself!" Kama glared back, her eyes filled with immense hatred for me. However, I also noticed her eyes welling up, sweat forming on her forehead, and her legs trembling.

After a few seconds of an intense stare, I gave up, sighed, and produced a tissue paper. I wiped Kama's eyes and forehead, leaving her confused.

"In that case, I forgive you," I grinned with a smile.

"HAH?!" Kama widened her eyes. "You scum! Why?"

"Hmm, my guess is that you might have messed with me in the Moon Cell?"

"That's right! I tortured you for 1000 years!" Kama finally blurted. "I screwed you over and over in the 'Far Side of the Moon'. I burned you, made you act my slave, broke your fingers, and made your life a living hell! I did more than you can ever imagine!"

So, she did torture me, huh? That explained why my body ached to smithereens at the sight of her.

"Go on, and kill me. At least, I would be freed from control," Kama continued, but I didn't waver from my smile.

"Yeah, that might be the case. However, judging from your hatred, I still came out victorious," I grinned and ruffled Kama's hair, "I was not only able to summon you from a whole different universe but also won the Holy Grail War too. My objective must have been achieved."

No matter what she said, she was my Main Assassin-class servant. I summoned her and won with her. I was victorious for both bringing her into the game and tossing her out of the game.

As for forgiveness, let me share a story. Once, during a time of war where many lives were lost, the forces of good emerged victorious, and evil faced defeat. When the king of the defeated evil side was brought before the Good King, he was asked what he would have done had the positions been reversed. The Evil King replied that he would have tortured the Good King before displaying his severed head on the city gates.

Rather than exacting revenge, the Good King smiled and forgave the Evil King. In a surprising twist, the Good King even bestowed jewelry and gold upon the Evil King before sending him back to his country. The Evil King, relieved that his life was spared, anticipated a hero's welcome in his homeland. However, his people perceived him as a coward, fearing that a king who could wage war and then shower his enemies with wealth might pose a renewed threat.

Consequently, the Evil King was tortured, and his head, along with twice the amount of wealth, was presented to the Good King.

This tale illustrates how forgiveness, at times, can be more potent than any punishment and I had given Kama something of same.

"Do you hate me?" I raised my brow.

"Of course, I hate you," Kama glared, grabbing my neck in an attempt to strangle me. "Kill me, or I will kill you, just like I should have done before!"

Despite her efforts, I didn't feel a thing. At Level 25, her attacks felt like pinches. Without magic or proper status as a servant, her attempts were akin to a child's futile pinches. Eventually, her grip loosened as tears streamed down her face.

Her hate was evident, but oddly, I didn't sense any resentment.

"I... I was first humiliated by those Chaldea jerks, and then by you. No... no matter what I did, I couldn't make you resent me, hate me. You are right. You won in both purposes you brought me into the Moon Cell... Even now..."

She started crying, and I offered my shoulder. Initially reluctant, she cried like a child while I comforted her by ruffling her hair without judgment. My body, too, calmed down, ceasing its attempts to generate evil thoughts.

"Calmed down, lil' God of perverts?" I teased, handing her a handkerchief. "Now, now, clear your nose."

"I hate you," Kama glared, but blew her nose forcefully.

"Look, Kama. I don't have time to torture you for a thousand years for something I don't even remember, and neither am I that kind of person. Whatever happened between us was in a different life. This is my life where I've started anew. You messed with me, I beat the crap out of you. You will do it again? I'll consider skinning you alive, which I'd definitely love to... cough."

I paused for a moment.

"The thing is, I am ready to move forward. I want allies, not enemies. If you want to hate me, I don't give a crap," I clarified.

Kama just folded her arms and snorted.

I then lifted her up in my arms and walked towards the door.

"H-hey, where the heck are you taking me?" Kama blushed and then grinned, "Don't tell me you will be making love—"

"Oh, I just wanted to go out with you together. It's called bonding, Mr. God of Pervert in a girl's body," I replied. I wanted to spend some time getting to know her, or I would continue to generate torturing methods for her.

"What? Now you want to be friendly with me? Do you think I will forget everything and become a goody two shoes for you?" Kama grinned, "You are willing to turn your back on someone who burned you alive?"

"Yeah, as I said, I want allies, not enemies. But if you are stupid enough to try, which I highly encourage you, I will show the world how a human can make a deity plead for death," I answered, shrugging my shoulders, "Well, if you are so against shopping or other fun places, then it can't be helped. I am not that kind."

"Master, who said that I don't want to~! Kama loves master! Kama adores master ☆~!" Kama affectionately rubbed her cheek against mine.

I smiled and passed a helpless look.

I then put her down, and with a snap, her clothes changed to normal attire. Bringing her in that skimpy dress would have the FBI crossing the sea for my neck.

"Let's go, Mr. God of Perverts," I smiled, extending my hand.

"Um, Mr. Manwhore master~!" Kama held my hand, and we departed.

"That's so not very nice of you, Kama."

"Then stop calling me that, Master~."

Our toxic relationship was going to be awesome.

(AN: I have written a lot of cringe now. Time for some rocky duets :P)


Unlike traditional romance route, I want Kama to approach a different path. What do you guys think?


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