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73.8% Degenerate Reborn In House Of The Dragon / Chapter 30: Ch 29 Succession Of Driftmark

Chapitre 30: Ch 29 Succession Of Driftmark

(Four Years Later 126AC)

I sat on the rear courtyard and was now aged 19 namedays.

I topped out at 6'6 and was now officially the tallest Targeryen known, and best of all I finally got facial hair....I still stayed clean shaven but it was good to have the option.

 I sat beside my wives with two new beautiful children playing near my feet.

They were both three namedays old,Twins

 born in 123AC. Aeria Targeryen and the other Aerion Targeryen.

Both given to me By Helaena, each had one Red eye and one Purple eye and they watched the battle going on in front of them.

Visenya wielding two blades just like her Papa sparring against Sarella, Jasmine, Draghul, And Laecon as the clanging of steel and fiery sparks flew as Visenya landed killing blows on each of my children as the battle went on until it was only her and Draghul in the ring.

{"Surrender Brother, you know you cannot defeat me.....I have father's Blood in my veins more than any other!"} She taunted Draghul.

{"Perhaps that is true, but that hasn't stopped me from beating you before....and I shall do so Again."} Draghul responded in a calm voice as he breathed heavily.

He moved forward with a feint and twirled his blade mid slash and came in from the side....just as Harrold taught him.

Just as the blade was about to reach Visenyas face she bent backwards and parried it away before returning with a whirlwind of strikes which nearly all landed hard.

After twelve strikes Draghul fell and raised his hands. {"I yield, you're too good at this"} Draghul said and they all stood up.

They all walked back to me and my Women to get juice from the table.

{"Father why do you make us battle her, you know we'll never win"} Jasmine spoke and I leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

{"You may not win against her, but through this training you can defeat those brown haired bastards or any other person easily....all of you will be as good if not better than Kingsguards when you grow older....It's just that Visenya is one in a million just like her father." I spoke before walking up to Visenya and bringing her into a hug.

{"I'm so proud of you my little Dragon"} I spoke and kissed her head, she melted in my arms and I just held her for a while.

{"Father is it true that those disgusting Bastards want to take Driftmark for themselves?"} Draghul asked.

Laena was the only true heir of Driftmark now that Laenor was dead and he had no trueborn sons, Vaemond the younger brother of Corlys might have a say but I had a Dragon....and he wouldn't live long enough.

{"They may try son...but they won't succeed."} I responded and patted his head.

{"Dad can I torture that stupid bastard cunt Jace once you make him pay for taking Uncle Aemonds eye?"} Laecon asked as he brushed his long black hair.

"Laecon....I know you cussed in Valyrian, no going to the torturing chamber for a week!!!" Hilde scolded the young Laecon.

"Okay Mom....I'll try not to cuss anymore...but I still want to torture that smelly Bast....Baseborn..." Laecon corrected himself.

"Aye, I'll see what I can do but no promises son." I spoke then patted his head.

"Daddy can you buy more books for me? I already read most of the ones we have thrice already..." Jasmine asked cutely.

"Yes my love, I will, but for now why don't you try writing your own?" I spoke and she nodded before running off. 

"Can I go flying Daddy, I haven't gone since yesterday morning." Sarella asked with her helmet in her hands.

"Go, just stay safe." I spoke and Sarella ran off while Silverwing screeched and flew towards the landing Field.

I went inside with Laena, Hilde, And Helaena and we walked into the Baths after handing the babies to Rhaenys.

Mother was in the Capitol frequently since the King was no longer fit to rule, Father spent most of his days in bed as he withered away.

We played around in the water for a few hours before exiting and returning to our room.

I sensed where my children were through their amulets and Sensed Visenya sleeping in her room, Draghul was in Greyghosts cave up in the mountains as he talked to his Dragon in high Valyrian, Jasmine was writing a book in her study, Sarella was zipping through the sky while strapped onto Silverwing who I gave a serum to increase her speed, and Laecon had sneaked into the Torture room where he laughed while cutting up a rapist.....he was a good kid apart from his love of torture....and the gayness.

Then I received a knock at the door.

I stood and walked to find the Castellan.

"My Lord, There has been a council called a week from now to decide the heirship of Driftmark now that Lord Corlys has aged and is in ill health and Laenor has regrettably been killed.....I expect " The man spoke and I took the small scroll from him.

"Send a message that I will attend." I spoke and the Castellan ran off, he had good sense not to bother me unless it was important.

I then kissed my wives and walked over to Corlys's room.

I alerted the maid and she walked inside to speak to the man.

She opened the door and bid me to come inside.

I entered and the Maid closed the door and waited outside.

*Cough *Cough "Maegor....good friend, we never did go to Get a fish woman for you." He joked.

"You still have plenty of time left, if we leave right now I reckon we can meet your Baseborn children on that island." I spoke and he smiled.

"No....I'd rather stay here with my Family and beautiful grandchildren....thank you by the way, I've never thanked you for Visenya, Sarella, and Draghul....I couldn't ask for better grandchildren." He spoke with a smile and I patted his shoulder gently.

"There is a council called to decide the heirs of Driftmark, Daemon and The Whore of Dragonstone wishes to instate Luke as Heir....owing to Laenor." I spoke and he furrowed his brow.

"No...never....I'll not let my legacy be passed in to Bastards....I'd name Draghul as Heir of Driftmark, he is smart and strong and calculating....perfect to take my position as lord of the tides...." He spoke with heavy breath.

"Aye....I agree with you, but you will need to write a decree, name that you find Luke to be unfit for the position, name Draghul as your heir and it will be harder for the King to select that Bastard boy.....he loves Rhaenyra more than anyone else because of Aemma but it should be enough." I spoke and he nodded.

"Aye, that's the way to go.... I'll write it tomorrow.....but if I ever recover from this we must visit the Thousand islands just you and me, I still remember which one had that green skinned maid..." He said with a smile and I agreed, he would recover from this so I had no reason not to.

"Sounds like a plan, I know Cannibal would love to have a good flight." I told him then I sat back and he brought out the opium for both of us to relax.

After three hits my mind muddled and I slumped into my chair as we both began to giggle at seemingly nothing.

Before long he picked up the bell beside his bed and rang it hard.

A servant girl walked in and he shouted. "Flan for my goodson and me!!!" The servant girl nodded and ran off to the kitchens to alert the cooks.

We both relaxed and enjoyed the trip.....

 . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . .. .. . . . . ..... 

(Same time in Kingslanding)

Dozens of Lord's stood around watching The sixteen year old Aemond One Eye Spar against knight after knight that they sent after him.

he had a blunted sword in hand but a Valyrian hand and a half sword at his waist as he danced circles around the knights with his excellent swordsmanship.

Harrold and Arryk trained him to be fast, efficient and deadly with a blade and after I thought he was good enough I gave him a sword.

He got a tenth knight to yield then retired to get some water since he was drenched in sweat.

Aemond always wore his eye patch but the Emerald eye saw through it.....always have a card hidden after all.

The Lord's all gathered around him to talk.

One Mooton Lord spoke. "Prince Aemond you are magnificent with a blade, I bet you'll dominate at tourneys soon enough." He said with a smile.

"I don't give a shit about tourneys." Aemond spoke roughly and drank some water.

The other Lords smiled in amusement.

Another asked. "Have you thought about taking a bride Aemond? You are certainly of age after all....I have a very pretty daughter you see...." The Lord stopped but was interrupted.

"I have yet to fall in love therefore I won't pursue a Marriage as of yet, My brother has plenty of Targeryen children and if I'm not in love then I'd rather not Marry." He spoke then returned to the field before anyone could speak.

"He really only cares for the Blade..." One spoke 

"Is he into men? I have a son he might like..." Another added.

"No, I've tried to offer him my nephew but he didn't take a second glance at the boy..." A fat one spoke.

"How the hell is anyone supposed to get his hand in marriage then?" Mooton asked.

"He worships his older brother so we could ask him..." One spoke.

"I don't want to....I get the shivers when I'm near him.....I remember when he tore of Lord Vance's head off.....I heard he still uses it as a dog bowl.."

"He used to drink out of Joffrey Lonmouth's Skull before he returned it to Laenor." Mooton spoke.

"Why did Cannibal kill Seasmoke that day???" A fat lord spoke.

"Laenor called him a 'Scoundrel Bastard' and when Maegor told Laenor to cut out his own tongue he refused...he couldn't take his tongue so he took his wings." Mooton responded.

"Why doesn't he ever get in trouble for all the evil things he does?" The fat lord asked and the others laughed.

""HAHAHAHAH!!!!"" The other four laughed to his face.

"What's so funny you cunts!!!" The fat lord yelled.

"He won't lose a trial by combat, and he has the biggest Dragon under his command....I also heard he does not die...." Mooton answered.

"What?" Another asked.

"The reason he slaughtered everyone at the Sealords palace and put the Sealord and his family on stakes is because the Sealord sent a faceless man after him." Mooton spoke when the others listened intently.

"Nonesense!!! No one survives a faceless man, and they never give up on a contract, everyone knows that!!!" The fat lord yelled.

"Exactly....they gave up because they couldn't kill him....that's why the new Sealord didn't retaliate, even the Faceless men won't touch the Evil Prince with a ten foot pole." Mooton whispered and the other Lords shivered.

"Remind me not to piss him off....I don't want to be a bowl in the kennels..." The fat lord spoke and the others agreed.

 . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . 

(Kingslanding One Week Later)

(Mc Is Fashionably late so not in Kingslanding yet)

The Lord's and Ladies gathered in the great Hall of the Red Keep as Grandpa Otto sat on the throne.

He sat as the council debated the Heirship of Driftmark now that Corlys seemed to be on his deathbed.

There were Dozens of Lord's and their families here for the council so the room was filled to capacity.

Mother sat in her high chair and behind her stood Arryk and Harrold menacingly.

Aemond sat beside her with a Valyrian blade I had gifted him, he had become an outstanding swordsman after he put his effort into it.

Rhaenyra and her Bastards by Harwin stood near Daemon in the front of the Crowd.

Grandfather Otto Hightower sat on the Iron Throne as hand of the King, he raised a hand then all people present quieted and listened.

"Though it is the great hope of this court and this Kingdom that Lord Corlys Velaryon

survive his illness, we gather here with the grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark....As Hand, I speak with the King's voice on this and all other matters." Otto spoke and motioned his assistant.

"The Crown will now hear Petitions....First Ser Vaemomd of House Velaryon!!!" The young man called out and Vaemond approached the center of the room for all to hear.

"My Queen....My Lord Hand....The history of our noble houses extends beyond the Seven Kingdoms to the days of Old Valyria....For as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies,

House Velaryon has ruled the seas....When the Doom fell on Valyria, our houses became the last of their kind....Our forebearers came to this new land, knowing that were they to fail,it would mean the end to their bloodlines and their name.....I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brother's seat.

I am Lord Corlys's closest kin, his own blood.

The true, unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins As it does in my sons....the offspring of Laen..."

He spoke but was interrupted by Rhaenyra who stood beside her Bastards.

"If you cared so much about your house's blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to usurp its rightful heir....Now, you only speak for yourself and for your own ambition."

The Whore of Dragonstone spoke aloud.

Mother cut the uppity slut short before she could speak much more.

"You will have chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhaenyra...Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard." Mother spoke she looking down on the now plump and far less attractive Rhaenyra.

"What do you know of Velaryon blood,

Princess? I could cut my veins and show it to you...and you still wouldn't recognize it. This is about the future and survival of my house, not yours....My Queen, my Lord Hand...This is a matter of blood, not ambition. I only Place the continuation of the survival of my house and my line above all....I humbly put myself before you as my brother's successor...the new Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the Tides."

Vaemomd finished and a few lords verbally agreed.

Grandfather Otto spoke next.

"Thank you, Ser Vaemond...Princess Rhaenyra, you may now speak for your son, Lucerys Velaryon."

Otto spoke and Rhaenyra stepped to the center of the Room....her weight gain could not be hidden.

If I am to grace this farce with an answer, I will begin by reminding the court that nearly 20 years ago, in this very..." She started but was interrupted by the huge doors opening as the Cryers voice sounded out.


The servant shouted and all eyes turned towards the doors that swung open.

He was supposed to be on his deathbed but here he stood...barely.

He was hunched over nearly to the ground and his loose sleeve dangled on the floor.

His brittle white hair looked dry and unkempt...he ambled forwards as his heavy breathing sounded out through the quiet room and every clack of his cane was heard while his golden mask and crown glimmered in the Mid-day light.

All the Lord's eyes widened as they saw their dying King make his way towards his throne while flanked by two Kingsguard.

Otto moved off the throne and waited nearby.

When Viserys reached the first steps he nearly collapsed and the Kingsguard rushed to help him.

He shooed them away and continued a few more steps until he nearly collapsed once more but this time his Golden Crown clattered on the Ground.

Daemon moved in and placed the Crown on his head while helping his brother up and onto his Throne.

Once the King was seated he breathed heavily as no one made a sound.

Then he caught his breath and spoke.

"I must... admit... my confusion....I do not understand....why petitions are being heard

over a settled succession?" He asked while eyeing everyone angrily.

"I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides...." The King wheezed out.

Vaemond growled and approached.

"You break law...and centuries of tradition

to install your daughter as heir....Yet you dare tell me...who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon.....No!!! I will not Have it!!!" Vaemond yelled out as he walked to the center of the room.

"Do not forget yourself, Vaemond." The King spoke through heavy breaths.

" 'That' is no true Velaryon, and certainly no nephew of mine....You...may run your house

as you see fit...but you will not decide

the future of mine!!!" 

Vaemond shouted angrily at the King.

"My ancient house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides. And gods be damned... I will not see it ended

on the account of this Ba..." He spoke angrily then turned to Rhaenyra and the Boys.

"HER CHILDREN....ARE BASTARDS!!! AND SHE....IS A WHORE!!!!" Vaemond shouted out while pointing at Rhaenyra, he then turned back to the King.

Viserys stood shakily and drew his dagger.

"I'll have your tongue for that Vaemond..." He spoke.

Before anyone could react Daemon walked behind Vaemond and split his head in half with Dark Sister as the Valyrian blade cut clean through flesh and skull.

The ladies I'm the court shrieked and a few fainted.

Then the Heavy doors creaked and trembled before opening. 

"PRINCE MAEGOR!!! THE GREEN FLAME, THE BLOOD EYED, OF HOUSE TARGERYEN AND HIS SON PRINCE DRAGHUL TARGERYEN!!!" The cryer shouted aloud and all heads instantly ignored the dead man as I walked in while wearing my finest clothes of Black and Green with both of my blades in my belt.

Draghul walked beside me as his purplish red eyes observed everything, he also had a sword at his hip.

I towered over everyone present as I slowly walked towards the Throne where father was barley holding on.

We casually stepped around the Corpse and stood before the throne.

Draghul kneeled while I bowed my head a bit.

"Father.....I come to petition Draghul as Heir of Driftmark on this fine day....I see another has failed to do so...." I spoke with a smile.

Before the King could respond Rheanyra interrupted. "King Viserys has already appointment Lucerys as Heir of Driftmark Half Brother....you are too late." She spoke.

"Hehehehe!!!" I laughed sinisterly and turned to look at Rhaenyra and her Bastards who stood beside Daemon....all the Lord's nearby felt as if death was looking at them.

"I was not late....you all were early....and if you interrupt me again I will likely take insult...do you wish to insult me Half Sister?"

I spoke coldly and every person in the room got a chill down their spines except for Mother and Grandpa Otto who has faint smiles.

"Watch yourself Maegor, that is my wife you're talking to!!!" Daemon shouted.

I just smiled. "Uncle Daemon....I remember I told you once when I was a boy that I could spill your guts with one hand, and drink milk with the other.....right now I don't have a glass in my hand....what do you think I could with two hands do now...." I spoke as my hands wandered to my blades and a cold wind blew over everyone.

"Maegor....Please....No more Bloodshed..." King Viserys spoke through heavy breaths.

"Very well..... I have an edict written by Lord Corlys himself....I would like it to be read aloud to the court." I spoke and a murmur spread throughout the court.

"How do we know it's real?" Daemon asked.

"If you are implying that I am lying I will take your wings from you like I did Laenor....then I will take the wings of those boys....then I will take your wife's wings.....then hehehehehe....well let that be a surprise..." I spoke and Cannibal Roared angrily outside as the building trembled.

"I wasn't....It was a harmless question...." Daemon spoke but glared daggers at me.

Grandpa Otto walked forwards and asked for the edict. 

"I will now read the sealed letter from Corlys Velaryon Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the Tides!!!" Otto spoke as he broke the seal and unrolled the parchment.

"I Corlys Of the house Velaryon hereby name Draghul Targeryen Son of My daughter Laena Velaryon and Maegor Targeryen as my Heir.

I disinherit Lucerys Velaryon from my house from this day until the end of time, he does not embody the Velaryon name and spirit....it would be a shame if my bloodline continued through such a 'disappointing' heir who could barely understand Valyrian, the language of our ancestors or could hardly wield a sword to save his life....therefore Draghul my most capable grandson shall be new heir, and his father to act as regent of House Velaryon until he comes of Age.....I Write this of soud body and mind, Let my words be heard before men and gods." Grandpa Otto read it all with a smile.

Then I drew both of my swords and dug their tips into the ground while everyone grew tense as my blood red eyes shined dangerously.

"I understand that some of you may wish to 'disavow' Corlys's words so I put forth two tests.....Lord Celtigar, you are as Valyrian as I am....speak a sentence in Valyrian to both my son Draghul then to Lucerys and see if they understand the words of our ancestors.

The old lord Celtigar stepped forward and spoke to my son. {"What color is the Banner of your father boy?"} He spoke in perfect Valyrian.

My son stepped forward and responded. {"The color of his personal Banner is Black and Green, although I'd prefer it if it were purple."} My son responded perfectly.

Celtigar giggled and told the crowd what they spoke about and a few lords giggled.

Then he walked to Lucerys....{"Tell me boy, which girls are the most beautiful?"} Lord Celtigar asked.

{"T..t... beautiful...."} His attempt was pathetic and my son laughed out loud.

{"Lord Celtigar, Valyrian Women tend to be the most beautiful but there are glaring exceptions on occasion."} My son spoke and Celtigar laughed before telling the other Lords what they spoke about.

"There you have it....clearly he does not embody the spirit of a Valyrian House.....Lord Corlys spoke that Luke there couldn't wield a sword to save his life.....if he defeats my son we will withdraw and never lay claim on Driftmark again...." I spoke with a smile, my swords were still menacingly drawn so no one dared object..

"I sanction the Duel....bring blunted blades I don't want anymore death on my floors...*Cough *Cough" the King spoke, he knew I'd resort to much worse methods if he didn't agree.

They both walked to the center of the room while servants were off retrieving blunted swords.

I walked up to mother and hugged her deeply while taking in her scent. "I missed you mother.....I wish you'd come by more often..." I spoke while buried in her arms..

"I missed you too baby, take me away more often.....twice a week isn't enough..." She whispered and kissed my cheek.

Then I let her go and greeted Aemond with a hug, he was strong and confident now.... exactly what I needed.

Then I greeted Uncle Harrold with a hug as he patted my back. "Good to see you Maegor...I think you finally stopped growing haha" he spoke.

We separated and then I greeted Arryk with a hug as well.

Once I was done I walked to Grandfather and he spoke in a low voice. "Can you make sure your son is extra rough..." Grandpa Otto whispered and I nodded before walking to Draghul who stood glaring at the Bastard in front of him.

I leaned into his ear and whispered. "Grandpa Otto wants you to make this victory unquestionable....let him waste a bit of energy then uleash everything until the guards stop you..." I whispered and he nodded.

Then I walked away next to Mother.

Before long the Servants came back with blunted blades that were inspected by the Kingsguard who approved.

"I hereby sanction this duel....the winner will receive my blessing as Lord of Driftmark...the other will forever rescind their claim....I want no death.....in the name of your King....begin..." Viserys spoke and slumped back in his chair while watching both of his grandchildren in the center of the room maneuvering around each other.

"You look alot like your father boy!" Draghul called out with a smirk and Luke snarled and charged with a flurry of wild blows that seemed like child play to Draghul....

Draghul sparred against Visenya daily and this chump bastard was not even a percentage of a decimal compared to that monster.

"Is that I you got.....I guess my Father beat yours as well, I wonder if it runs in our blood!" Draghul yelled out....it wasn't directly calling him a bastard since I'd beaten both Harwin and Laenor but all knew what he meant.

Then Luke began flailing his sword and all could see that Draghul was just playing with him. 

"Guess you're not as 'Strong' as I thought Luke, even my sister's could beat a useless twat like you!"

Draghul shouted then moved in to attack after it was clear Luke had no chance.

He charged and In only a moment he landed twenty blows on Luke who broke a cracked a few bones and lost some teeth before he hit the ground..... Rhaenyra screamed and ran forwards to her son who dropped before everyone's eyes.

My Mother then clapped out loud and the other Lords followed her example.

"As fearsome as his father!"


"It was just like the tourney!" 

"Dragonblood is in his veins!" 

"To the next Lord of Driftmark!" 


Then Otto stepped in to shut everyone up so the King could speak.

"I hereby proclaim Draghul as a Velaryon from this day forth.....I name him heir of Driftmark and next Lord of the Tides....*Cough *Cough" The King spoke as Rhaenyra screamed and got help for her son.

Otto walked up to Draghul and gave him a great big hug. "Well done great grandson....you reminded me of your father..." Otto spoke with a smile.

"Thank you Grandfather....if you want to see father reborn then just look at Visenya." He spoke nicely and Otto and I laughed.

I then stayed the night since Rhaenyra needed a bit of.....punishment...

 . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. ...



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