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52.81% Fate/DC Universe / Chapter 75: Raven Amore Mio

Chapitre 75: Raven Amore Mio

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'Have I been defeated ?' 

'All I see is darkness, I can open my eyes a bit, but my vision is blurry' 

'that's the black sky, lighting is falling all around me, I feel pain, this is too much, it hurts'

'I haven't felt like this since then, this is real pain, just like when Ivo used to torture me'

'Was I Too rash, I thought I could defeat him, if I was to face him, the system would have give me an appropriate servant, but they thought about that, they planned it, and orchestrated their efforts in a way that could defeat me, they made sure I wouldn't be able to summon my strongest' 

'I was too arrogant, I thought that now, I'm strong and unbeatable, yet here I am, laying in pain, with a counting timer hanging around me, telling me that I have three minutes to die'

'Is that Raven ? NO! you idiot Run! No not you too Kori! Don't fight him!'

'the gate of Skye, it's still active, I have to go back to battle, I have to help them'

'I can't stand it, Kori is in Pain, and Now Raven too, they've been caught'

"Get up, you rested long enough, you have to get up, you are to be my student, I don't allow my students to rest for long, your training will be hell, so Get up Raiden Kagawa, it's time to defeat this Demon"

'Scáthach….I have to Get up, if she's here, that means something weird is happening, how is she able to be here, I though only I could control the servants, I HAVE TO GET UP, you shitty system! I'm still ALIVE! Burn it all! My magic, my powers, my life force! Just take it all, I HAVE TO HELP THEM'

"I'll buy you a single minute, if you don't get up, The world will end, you are to blame, because you weren't strong enough" 

'NO I AM! I HAVE TO BE! I HAVE TO BE STRONG! If I can't beat him, how would I beat apocalypse? How could I defeat Darkseid ?'

{Condition met, Raven Has been defeated

Demi-Beast Trigon is no considered a threat towards Gaia}

'A Demi-Beast….i was defeated that easily by him, and he wasn't even a full Beast

{Summoning Grand Servant…

Overriding body Control to the Grand Servant}

'NO! NO! you will not take my body! GIVE ME THE CONTROL!'


Failed to Override

Overriding Body Control to the Grand Servant}

'I SAID NO! fuck no! JUST LET ME TAKE OVER! I'll fucking kill him'

(Allow it Alaya, I trust Raiden) 



Failed to Override

Cancellation of the Override

Host has been granted full control of the Grand Servant

Due to Host's affiliation being Unknown, Host will only access this power for 5 minutes}

(Hey, what the...? Did you summon me?! That's Awkward! Never thought I'd lose control of this Grand title! Good luck master)

(OI OI MASTER! Look at these three! They're all BEAUTIFUL!!! You should hit on them! I mean we should hit on them! You're in my body, so it's technically my charm winning them over!) said Orion inside Raiden's mind! The playboy hunter and the son of Poseidon! Orion was considered one of the strongest figures in Greek mythos, of course, he pales in comparison to Heracles and Achilles, but where Orion is special, is his current class

A Grand Archer! A grand is title the world gives to servants for meeting certain conditions, in the case of Archers, it's the [Independent Action EX] skill, it's the ability to ignore a master's command and live life with their own will, not caring for others, Orion gained this, due to his free spirit, even when pressured by the gods, and the Love of a Goddess such as Artemis, Orion ignored all that, and adventured to his heart's content, hitting on women, and living a live worthy of his legend, even when the goddess who loved him killed him, Orion didn't hold any resentment, or hatred, he simply thought it to be a proper end, and accepted it, after all, his that much a of free spirited man

With his powers as a Grand, Orion is now much stronger than all the servants Raiden has ever summoned, the special thing about Grand servants, is that unlike other servants, they don't take magic energy from a master, rather, it's infinitely supplied by the world, a Grand is an existence at the pinnacle of their class, and the world only calls upon them to save it, this is also the reason why the system was reluctant to give the Class to Raiden, Grand servants only exists to serve the world and save it, however Raiden is a completely free willed human, he could easily ignore the commands of Gaia, and take the power for himself, but now the goddess herself vouched for him, Alaya was forced to allow him control, albeit only for Five minutes

Looking at the free Trigon, Raiden in his new form smiled, he's figure was different, he was about two and half meters tall, a giant amongst man, downing only pants, that reached beyond hid knees, as for the top, it was completely uncovered, his muscles bulging all the way, showing the true physique of a Demi-god, around his back and neck, he was covered with a Lion's hide, Orion's first ever hunt, as for his weapon, there was a strap shining in bright blue light all around his uncovered top, the strap held the bow, as his hands were holding a massive club, Orion's favorite weapon, as for his face, well surprisingly, Orion had a very cute and round face, it's actually not supposed to be that cute, but due to the interference of a certain goddess in his saint graph, Orion's face was incredibly cute, almost that of a child

'Let's get this going' thought Raiden as he said "First things first, Let's end that Demon, or in this case, he's considered a Demi-Beast now yeah ? Well, since we don't have much time, Let the hunt begins!

Goddess of the moon, my destiny, 

I beg your guidance. Strengthen my body...

Calm my mind. 

And then seal my fate. 

Artemis Agnós"

Raiden immediately Activated Orion's Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, it's a special one, even though it's considered an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, It didn't actually do anything of that sort, instead of a powerful and flashy attack, it was a buff type noble phantasm, the reason it's considered an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, is due to the fact of how strong of a buff it is, making a single man, akin to an Army

Swinging his club Around, Raiden Deflected several dark energy ball coming his way, then strengthening his legs, He launched himself on the attack the club aimed at Trigon's face

"YOU FOOL! I'm free from the shackles of that gate! I don't need to conserve energy!" said Trigon as he activated his Dark Aura, the same one that protected him from being sliced by Raven's Shadow Blade, surrounding the Aura all around Him, Trigon was shocked to see it crack when the club connected, before it sent him flying, Yes, the Giant figure of Trigon was sent flying all the way, something that shocked everyone watching

Two thing were in play, first one was Orion's Skill [Stout Arm of Brutality B+] it's a skill similar to Heracles' [Monstrous Strength A+] giving it's user a significant boost in strength, Orion's skill was actually weaker and lower in rank, usually it's power isn't that strong, but that changes, when facing a Beast, Orion's entire theme is defeating Beasts, follow it up with the infinite magic granted by the world, Orion's strength right now could blow mountains away 

However that didn't explain why the Aura was cracked, after all that was magic, physical attack shouldn't be enough to crack it, well that's where the second thing comes in, Orion's constantly active Noble phantasm [Orion Hórkos] A Noble Phantasm that negates all defensive Skills, Noble Phantasms, etc… and increases attack if the target has demonic or animalistic traits, the Noble phantasm not only negated all of Trigon's defensive skills, it boosted Orion's strength against Demons, such as Trigon

Getting up, Trigon noticed that he has bled from his mouth, this angered the demon God as he screamed "YOU LOWLY PEST! YOU DARE! I WILL BURN YOU AND ALL THIS DAMNED CITY!

"Grukk'varun amal'narok zel'narok! Lohk'tul belzum'dek va'lashkun! Narok'krith Belzum!" ("Witness the true power of the abyss! Let my flames consume you! Hellfire Nova!")

Using his two hands dark fire started to condense in Trigon's hands as he unleashed, the fire was about to consume everything, it was large, very large, starting small in his hands, it grew and grew until it was about to engulf the entirety of Azarath, but then Trigon noticed, his fire wasn't as strong as he had hoped it to be, it was weaker, and not only that, it was being put out by the rain that constantly was falling

"THIS DAMNED RAIN! It is your work isn't it! You summoned it" spoke Trigon, and he wasn't wrong, the Rain wasn't exactly a skill of Orion, rather it was an Authority, granted to him as the son of Poseidon [Blessing of the Sea God] it had the ability to constantly change the weather to that of rain, for two reasons, the first one, was lowering the rank of every magic against Orion, that's why the flames were weaker, as for the second effect, it was, this "YOU ARE USING IT TO FLY !" 

Orion was using the Rain drops to balance himself in the air, of course it wasn't flying, rather it was more of hoping on individual drops of water, catching up once again to Trigon, Trigon was attempting to punch Raiden first, but he deflected it with his Club, another punch came in, and then another, and another, the two of them were caught in a standstill

"YOU WILL NEVER BEAT ME LIKE THIS HUMAN" said Trigon as he threw another punch, once again, Raiden deflected it with a club and then surprised Trigon by pulling out two arrows and releasing them on his eyes, Trigon would heal, but not fast enough to dodge the Club that was about to hit him in the face, Trigon eat it up however, instead of being sent flying like last time 

"You think my brutal strength is all I have ? oh, and Aren't you forgetting something Big Demon? I'm not alone" 

"Super Nova!" screamed Kori as she surprised the still healing Trigon as she emerged from behind Raiden, Releasing a beam right at his face, the aim from all of them was his face, as they knew that would make him lose focus, and his vision

"Thrust and Penetrate


The spear penetrated Trigon's leg, making him fall from his right side due to lasing his right leg, as he was falling, Raiden showed up from above him, hitting him with all his force on the head, making Trigon fall face first on the ground 'Shit! That wasn't enough! Even if I'm strong, I can't deal permanent damage!'

"ENOUGH!" as Trigon screamed a crack appeared on reality, a wave of dark energy sent everyone flying away, Each to a different Direction "Zaltharok Krith'korun" ("Pandemonium Pulse") the pulse continued to be released, dark energy pulsing away every few seconds, this protected Trigon, and pushed everyone away, and since it was technically an attack [Orion Hórkos] didn't negate it 

"You! You Damned human, you have damaged me the most in all of my history, I THE GREAT TRIGON have never faced such humiliation in all the thousands of years I've live! You shall be Erased! I won't leave a single trace of your existence alive! No matter what, Reality will forget about you!"

"Zel'narok koruun, zik'narok va'krith'ruk! Va'lok amal'narok inan'korun!" ("Your existence fades into nothingness! You are but dust in the winds of oblivion!")

"Zik'narok Va'krith'korun" ("Oblivion's Grasp") 

A Hand emerged, it had no color, it looked transparent, but Raiden knew, no he sensed it, every fiber in his body screamed that if that thing were to grasp him, he'd die, as the Hand closed itself Raiden dodged away, and looked at where he was, the hand opened again, and Some sort of darkness looked to be where he was, and then in mere milliseconds, air surrounded that darkness and filled its location 

'wha- did… He…Did he just?' 

(Master! That attack, it's breaking the fabric of reality! He's literally erasing parts of existence! This damn thing is a monster among monsters! It could equal to that of Nega-Reality) 

'He only took the energy of a thousand humans and he's able to do this much, what would happen if Trigon were to absorb ten thousands, a hundred thousand, a Million!' thought Raiden as he looked at the terrifying hand, that even the body of a Grand servant feared (Don't fret master, that Hand must be his last trump card, he can't contain it further, we just have to find a way to damage him, and I'm supposed to remind you of this! You only have one minute left) 

The Hand turned towards Raiden, open and chasing him, It was fast, fast enough to keep up with him, not fast to catch him, but one singular mistake, and Raiden would die as he dodged it, Raiden's danger sense kicked it, and dodged back even more, As a dark laser energy came at his earlier location, Not only was he dodging the Hand, but the dark laser from Trigon 'Glad that the laser spell's rank dropped due to Poseidon's blessing, it's not as fast as before now' Raiden dodged the two as he started to think hard, he only had one remaining minute, but He still is unable to kill Trigon 'Should we escape'

"Patéras!!" screamed a voice from behind Raiden

"I TOLD YOU BEFORE! And I'll do it AGAIN! I've accepted who I AM! Everything you can do! I CAN DO IT TO!" it was Raven, She screamed as energy condensed in her hand 

"Zel'narok, zik'narok va'krith'ruk! Vrek'kathul amal'narok, va'lok inan'zalthul!" (""In the void, there is no escape! Enter oblivion, and embrace the emptiness!")

"Zik'narok Korthul" ("Void Sphere")

Just like Trigon's hand, a Sphere created using Raven's magic, and Reality bending, the Sphere looked exactly like the hand, being transparent, and only partially visible, as it was released, everything around it was being erased until it reached the hand, the two collided, as a transparent explosion occurred, the explosion was small, but everything in the vicinity was erased just like earlier, the air soon, filled the darkness that was erased from Azarath's reality 


(MASTER! That GIRL! She's the key! We can use her, it will be my greatest ever attack! We'll create a noble phantasm right now and here, that thing, that demon, is too much, if he survives, he'll eventually turn into a beast and Conquer earth or even worst, erase it, I'll sacrifice my Rank as a Grand just for this attack) 

Raiden understood the assignment as he shouted "KORI ! Scáthach! I need just few Seconds! Distract him for just a few seconds!" as he turned and ran towards Raven

"RAVEN! Can you create something like that again, just once is enough, please" said Raiden as he asked Raven, she was a bit startled to see Raiden is such a Giant form but she quickly replied "My energy is running low, I could probably make one, but it will be the last" 

"Do that, Make it in the shape of an Arrow, And I'll handle the rest" said Raiden, he then spoke in his mind to Orion 'What now, even if she makes it, can we really use it? Wouldn't it just erase our existence?' 

(You know how I said my Rank as a grand will be lost after this ? it's because I'm going to break reality myself, I'll grant you a weapon, something that doesn't, and shouldn't even exist in your world, in fact, it didn't even exist in my world, it was created in a distant land, a Lost land) said Orion as in front of Raiden, a bow emerged from nothingness, the bow was almost glitching, as if it's not supposed to even be here 

(This bow won't exist for long, but it can control the power of the arrow the girl is making, this is Divine Bow 'Aegis Eclipse' it forged by Hephaestus) 

Raiden held the golden Bow in hand, and truly felt it, the energy from this bow was that of the same as something else Raiden held before 'just like Excalibur, it's a divine Construct' 

"Raiden! It's Ready" said Raven as floating in front of her was the Arrow it wasn't too big, but it fit in the arrow as Raiden said "This will end it all"

"KORI! Scáthach! Retreat!" screamed Raiden as the two girls started to fly away, this enraged Trigon as he screamed! "YOU THINK I WILL LET YOU RUNAWAY! I WILL CHASE YOU TO THE ENDS OF AZARATH!"

"Escape ?" said Raiden as he activated the bow, and then held the Arrow in his hands and nocked it on the bow, calming the energy of nothingness coming from it "I'm not trying to Escape, I'm going to end this" 

Just activating the bow puts such strain on his arms that it makes him feel as if his blood was boiling, His vessels pop, and he spills blood outside his veins 

"This is for you Raven

You've been alone for far too long!

I will free you from His darkness

Raven Amore Mio, This Arrow is Yours

Raven's Vélos tou Cháous" 

The Arrow started to shine with each word, Raiden aimed it, and then screamed the Noble Phantasm name he created with Orion [Raven's Vélos tou Cháous] meaning Raven's Arrow of Chaos, as Raiden released the Arrow, he felt his body lose all power, he didn't even get to hear Orion's last words, the transformation was forcefully undone, 

The Arrow flied through the battle field coming in contact with the Demi-Beast, The Demon God Trigon, everything in its wake, weather it was buildings, tress, or even Air, it was all turned into nothingness, Trigon saw this, but he couldn't even defend himself or Dodge, It was a Noble Phantasm that raced towards its destination with speed and power unlike the world had ever seen. It was an arrow created solely for Trigon, a Gift from his daughter

The Arrow Collided with him, and exploded, creating a sphere like explosion that erased Trigon, no last words, no cries of pain, not even a single sound

The Demon that has pushed them all to the brink of death, was Erased from existence 


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