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3.94% Saiyan in Warhammer / Chapter 1: The Call

Chapitre 1: The Call

*Beep* *Beep*

The alarm bell rings inside the attack capsule, causing the proud warrior inside to wake up, his onix eyes fluttering open as they adjusted to light after so long. It took a few moments until he was finally able to take the panorama in front of him.

The black canvas around the bright planet he calls home, planet Vegeta. With various stars tingling around it while shooting stars seemed to approach it.

Still somewhat confused by the lethargy of sleep, he slowly remembers the reason why he and his team are returning again. Emperor Frieza has called back the entirety of Saiyan's on mission. The reason for this was beyond his understandings, however he decided that the punishment for not following orders was not worth it.

"Pota, do you really think it was important to call us all? The mission reward would have been good for me, I hope it's worth it." The voice of his teammate, Reeze, reaches his ear. 

Still keeping his eyes on the planet, observing the faint sparks around it, Pota responds "Well, that would have been the last mission you would have taken in a long time if you hadn't answer it."

A laugh can be heard over the intercom which Pota recognizes as his other teammate, Lattasa. "Well, it would have been good for Reeze, with how weak he is, he wouldn't have made much difference to the team and maybe he could help his son so that he doesn't his follows  his father's path. The little one showed more potential than him after all."

A mocking laugh echoed after Latassa's words, making him and the rest laugh. Reeze could only grumble at this while Pota remembered his little son, who by now should have been born and growing healthily in his incubation pod.

'I've told her to give him a mighty name so he does aim to come worthy of it. I can only hope he lives up to the expectation.' Pota though to himself while clenching his fits. 

While being born as a low-class Saiyan with a laughable power level, Pota suffered greatly to achieve the power he had today. From being sent to a faraway planet and surviving since childhood and be able to return back as a warrior, to the continuing missions he was sent and forced to survive. He was always being looked down and being laughed from his peers. Yet he always came back from each mission stronger than before and more importantly, with a clear goal on his mind.

Thanks to all of that he was able to reach where he stand today, being captain of his own team and with a respectable amount of 2.500 units of battle power. Although still a low-class Saiyan, he could look up with proudness at those who once laughed at him.

'But such is the Saiyan way.' Pota smiled to himself, he had endured and suffered, but he wouldn't change anything if he had the power. It made him who he was today and he only hope for his son to surpass him. 

It was his first son after all.

Being young himself, he acknowledged that he has a far path ahead of him, but he knows better than no one how working under Frieza could always led to one demise. 

'And even if I survive Frieza, I'll have to look after my back at home.' His smile faded as he gulped down.

Those that thrived and became too powerful, were always crushed by King Vegeta himself or his lackeys. It was silently acknowledged among them all that if you dare to surpass certain limit, the king himself would make sure to remind everyone why he was still the king after such a long time.

And it was understandable, Pota himself could acknowledge that if he ever has the chance, he would challenge King Vegeta for his position. And he wouldn't be the last one to do it.

Yet sometimes he has to wonder himself if this was the right thing to do, yes they were a powerful race that was almost unchallenged by everyone else in the universe. 

But even the king himself has to bow a knee at Frieza and his father. 

Was this really all they could achieve?  Is the strongest among them all really only enough to bow down from a privileged position in front of Frieza?

He didn't believe so. Something inside him screamed that they could achieve much more, that the shackles they were put under Frieza could be broken if they want it.

But seeing those that could really surpass the expectations imposing to them and be able to grown, were killed before they could achieve something, made Pota doubt that Saiyans could continue this way.

And that King Vegeta should be held accountable for holding back so long their rise. His envy and jealousy was too much to be accepted.

It was something that he among his other companions shared in common, a wish and a need for something better.

With those thoughts in mind and a stern look on his face, he keep watching at the planet as they silently made their way back home.


While Pota and his team made their way back home, in Planet Vegeta the Saiyan's were stir in uncertainty and contemplation. At least for those in a more powerful positions. 

The team captains such as Pota that were currently on the planet were looking at the hoovering ship of Frieza with concern and doubts. While the figures in the palace of King Vegeta were filled with nervousness and anxiety.

One of such people was a mid-class warrior and a member of King Vegeta retinue. Kyassebe was a veteran warrior that followed King Vegeta since he was just a children. They fought together countless times and when it was time to fight for their race position at the top chain on this planet, he made sure to left everything on battle and thrive for better.

Which made King Vegeta reward him by being a member of his entourage and one of the few mid-class warrior on the planet. With the position came various benefits that he made sure to enjoy while also showcasing his loyalty to the king when he required so.

It was such that led to them being in their current position, they didn't know the reason behind the call made by Frieza, but everyone in the palace was frightful of one thing, that a secret tightly close in the palace was able to reach the ears of Frieza himself.

While the Saiyan's fought to being freed from enslavement and a better future for them, during their victory they were able to aquire not only an status that was soon after made known in the entire universe as a fierce and relentless conqueror-warrior race. But gain technology they weren't able to grasp their hands before.

With it, not only they were able to raise their children with more security, but also gained major improvements in other areas. One of which was genetical engineering who made them able earlier this year to create and improve the Saibaimen, a race that would greatly help them to not only train, but also conquer more planets.

However, secretly, King Vegeta also ordered a improvement made for the most promising chidrens.

Blinded by the unsurmountable talent that his first born son showcased, he was finally able to let their race aim for greatness. Something that could later on made them challenge Frieza and being freed from his claws once again.

With his son on the lead, King Vegeta expected a group of elite warriors that could ensure the growth of the Saiyan race and made them uncontested throughout the universe. 

It was with that in mind that various children's were put on direct supervision of Saiyan's scientist and engineers while making sure that Frieza ears wouldn't be able to know about it.

Kyassebe's own children's were in that program, one of his son's of three years that was still in incubation that showed an outstanding potential while having 200 units of power level, and a recently born daughter with more than 286 units of power level. A talent that made Kyassebe extremely proud of both them, and that made them mid-class warriors that would be nurture to reach the elite under prince Vegeta's lead.

There were in total twenty six of those kind of talented children's in the program with more or less talent than Kyassebe's kids. Yet they were seem as an invaluable material for the Saiyan race as a whole, and the crown in the jewel for King's Vegeta plans for the future.

Thus, is what made not only Kyassebe fearful of the current situation, but the King himself.

"Its been more than two weeks now, yet there wasn't any words from the Emperor Frieza nor they answered to our solicitude to a meeting with Zarbon. Th-there's something that need to be addressed Your Majesty..." the trembling voice of the current commander general of the Saiyan  army, Packle, spread through the throne room.

Looking over King's Vegeta dark visage, Kyassebe gulped loudly while waiting for the words of Packle "...What if Frieza is finally tired of us?" 

Unlike the hushed voices and whisper when talking about this issue, this time his voice was loud enough in the hall for everyone to hear. With none of the present wearing a scouter, there wasn't any fear for someone hearing what they were saying.

Moving their gazes towards their king, they saw him grasping his armrests with strength enough to crush it, yet none of them saw him showing anger. 

Slowly he get up on his feet and while looking over his subjects he said to them in a plain tone "If that's the case, there's nothing we can do about. But we still haven't reach that point, we are an invaluable asset to his forces, we made him gain much more than enough to prevent from such ideas to reach his head..." 

Kyassabe wasn't able to follow his words anymore, sharing a look with a figure on the other side, he gulped down as he silently acknowledged the situation they were in.

His king wasn't able or didn't want to accept the uncomfortable truth. Their hours may be counted and yet they didn't do anything about it.

'It has to be today. It will be today or never.' He assured to himself while thinking of the plan that many shared in whispers.

Those twenty six kids in the program would be sent to a hiding place, where they would be ordered to remain low for a while in the case that something went wrong with the current circumstances. 

'And if Frieza really decided to get rid of us, then they would be our last hope.' Kyassebe though to himself with rage building up inside of him.

He was angered at the notion that they were so weak that they have to recur such methods to ensure their survival. He was angered that at the face of extinction, they would wait like lambs for their butcher.

Still, he didn't let the anger be showcased on his face, while waiting for the meeting to finish, he forced himself to heard his King's rambling and the other issues arising among their population.

He was waiting for time to pass, for the night to come and with it, the start of their plan.


Seeing the sunset, Greena sighed deep while walking towards her house. Today her partner Pota would finally arrive and be able to meet their son, Bann. 

Although she wasn't someone soft nor affectionate, everytime she went to see her son she couldn't help but feel a deep connection and overprotective at him.

The scientist and the nurturers on the incubation area were pretty much annoying at her requests, yet none voice out their complaints at her and did all she asked for. 

Although her son was classified as a low-class Saiyan, just like herself and his father, with a power level of 89  she was sure he was someone that would surpass them both. But most importantly she would make sure he was able to achieve beyond what could she hope for.

She heard other mother's and father's being almost unaltered by the fate of their kids, and she was expecting to be the same. Yet now she was unable to not think about the future of her son and how she could help him in every way she could to ensure his growth.

She was thankful for Bann to being born with his battle power, as it was high enough to enable him to be live here in Planet Vegeta and not being sent to another world. The low percentage of survival was a grim reminder of the fate those children's were sent to.

"Hey Greena! Did you went there today too? I thought Pota was coming back today." Suddenly the voice of her neighbor and teammate, Ginjar, reached her ears.

Looking over and smiling at the thought of her son, Greena answered her back with a content look all over her face "He is! But I wasn't able to help myself and have to see Bann too, I know Pota would understand me hehe." 

Not minding the current amicable Greena at all, Ginjar smiled hearing her as she was glad for her companion, 'She changed so much since Bann's birth.' She thought to herself while remembering Greena's previous ruthless and snarky self.

"I'm sure he will, Bann was among the most talented kids at his batch, I'm sure he will be proud of him." Ginjar said back to her as they walked back the bustling road towards their homes.

Greena chuckled while hearing Ginjar, as the later was mother of the most exceptional kid among the current batch "And so I am" replied Greena with a sincere smile on her face,  "speaking of talented kids, how's Seleri doing?"

At the mention of her recently born daughter Ginjar could help puff out her chest proudly while a dashing smile adorned her face "They're taking well care of her, due to her battle power being so high she would be specially nurture and trained later on, I've even been told she would most likely end up under Prince Vegeta orders." 

Hearing her words, Greena was surprised and couldn't help but say to her friend with sincere tone "I'm really glad for her, and mostly for you." 

Both mother's were low-class Saiyan's, and survived through their lives to known how luck Seleri was. She would live a life without feeling the scornful remarks and the humiliating looks that people of their race were capable of giving.

"Thank you! I'm really looking forward to see our children battling together, make sure Bann grow strong enough!" Ginjar cheered at Greena as they continue walking. 

However, they joyful atmosphere was forcefully interrupted as they looked over the expression of the people around them. Seeing the uncertain looks all over their faces and the apparent nervousness around the people, was able to bring them back to the reality.

Lowering various degrees her voice, Ginjar couldn't help but comment to Greena "... do you think the rumours are true? Does this legendary super Saiyan really exist?..." 

They were both aware of the rumours that started to sprout around the recent call made by Frieza. Going from a special mission to conquer a planet that needed the whole Saiyan might, to the jarring rumour of a legendary super Saiyan that was born after a thousand years.

The last one was something that was heard around a lot during the recent times, mostly fue to a kid being born with a battle power that allegedly sometimes reached 10.000 units!

Although it was later said that was a malfunction of the scouters, no one heard of the kid since the rumour expanded and with the recent call of Frieza, many started to wonder if it's has to do something with it.

Greena let out a deep sigh and said to her "I don't know, but if it was anything that other people said, then Frieza could've had informed us with the scouter without needing to call everyone in advance."

Ginjar nodded at her words in agreement as they both were aware that something else, and important, may be going on.

Reaching their houses, both parted ways while promising to talk tomorrow and share some other news. Greena didn't waste time and started to prepare a sumptuous dinner for Pota, while humming a song.

She wanted her partner in the best mood to deliver the good news that he was most likely expecting to hear.

A long night was ahead of her.


As the hours passed and night encroached planet Vegeta, five different attacking pods could be seen docking at one of the space ports in the capital city.

Pota and his team finally arrived after more than 25 days travelling from their last mission.

With a gut wrenching hunger, they took their first breath back on their home-planet. Not wanting to waste more time Pota said loudly to his teammates "Tomorrow we'll gather once again at the mission board, try get whatever information you may find."

Without waiting for an answer, he leaped into the sky and flew towards his house, leaving behind his group that started chatting among themselves while making their way into the city. Not caring about the different aliens around them that were maintaining their attack pods and doing their job.

'There's not a single fight.' Pota addressed into his head while observing around the city. 

It was a normal occurrence to see various people fighting against each other. Seeing none of it deeply concerned Pota as only one though came to his head.

Raising his head, he looked over the bright ship that almost looked like another star in the sky, '...Frieza...'

Speeding up, he headed straight towards his house, leaving behind a white trail in the night sky.

Lowering his speed and levitating over the rocky house below, a small grin appeared on his face while smelling the enticing scent of meal that reached his nose.

Opening the door, he made his way inside as he was able to spot the figure of his partner, taking his time to enjoy the view he heard the voice of Greena as she welcomed him "You stink, go take a bath so we can eat at peace." 

Seeing her turning her head sideways to look after him with grin on her face, he couldn't help but smile at her words as he did as she said 'This isn't bad' he thought to himself while thinking of the good choice that made his past self for picking her as his partner.

Taking of his armor and the black spandex, he didn't waste time and sank into the small pond of water while letting out some of his energy, warming up the water.

After reaching the deepest part, he sat while closing his eyes, enjoying the sensation while letting out some thoughts wander through his head.

After a couple of minutes he started to rinse off his body while making himself presentable, at least to Greena standards.

While he finished his bath and reach for other clothes he thought to himself 'She looked happy, so it certainly our son live up to the expectations.

Seeing him appearing back, Greena sniffed the air as she let him approach the table after no foul smell encroached the kitchen.

"You look good, that's better since we can go together to see our Bann tomorrow." She smiled while seeing him sitting on the chair and reaching the first plate of food.

Pota's brows raised up in surprise for the name "Bann? Well is a exotic one, but it does have a punch on it." 

Seeing him wolfing down the food while nodding his head in approval Greena added "And he surely must pack a heavy punch, our son surpassed us both added together when we were his age." 

Hearing her words Pota stopped eating while gulping down what he had on his mouth as he looked over her "Both of us added together? How much was the lecture?" 

Seeing the glint on her partner eyes, she let out a wide grin as she simple said "Eighty nine." 

The calm look of Pota's face slowly changed into a sincere smile of joy, she continue eating her food as Pota started to laugh audible while patting the table loudly.

"Yes! Bann is a fitting name for him! Our son will be a capable warrior, of that I'm sure!" After saying that Pota continue eating his food joyfully while the grin never left his face.

Having being born with only thirteen units of battle power and seeing how far he reached, he couldn't help but let his mind wander around at the possibilities that his son could get with his natural talent.

Bann might still be a low-class, yet Pota himself was one while he was also one of the strongest Saiyans on the planet.

What made a strong warrior was the effort and battles they went through. A higher talent, in Pota's opinion, was an easier way up to the top.

Thus with a festive atmosphere in the house, the couple spend the rest of the hours chatting among themselves and sharing the different news on the planet. And with both parents being in a good mood, a sibling for Bann was being made.




Seeing the naked figure of Greena sleeping peacefully, Pota walked towards the backyard of his house wanting to get fresh air. As he bathed himself in the cool air of the night, he looked over the sky and the stagnant bright figures hovering over the planet.

While his head was in a whirlwind of thoughts, his eyes catch up twenty six different attacking pods breaking through the sky. With a frown on his face he quickly went inside and grabbed his scouter, as he turn it on he moved back to the backyard and looked over the pods.

'What's this?' He though to himself after seeing the various numbers.






Various of such lectures were hovering over the attacking pods, and a simple question passed through Pota's head. 

'Why are they sending so many low-class kids to other planets?' It was the first time on his life that he saw such thing.

Yet he stayed rooted on his place, seeing in just a couple of seconds the pods disappear leaving behind only a trail.

Unease flowed through his body at the sight as a gut feeling encroached his being. Just as he was about to return inside he heard someone sobbing nearby.

Flying lightly in the air, he took at look at the location and saw his neighbor Ginjar on her knees as she sobbed alone on her own backyard.

Not wanting meet her while being naked he went inside and woke up Greena, narrating her what he saw and her teammate state.

After getting dressed both went outside and approached the now wailing Saiyan "Ginjar, what's wrong?" Greena asked with concern.

Hearing the familiar voice, Ginjar looked over her companion and throw herself at Greena while openly sobbing "S-Seleri *sniff* they sent her away Greena, they just took her an-" 

Unable to understand what she was saying after that, Greena tried to soothe over her friend as she looked over with concern at Pota.

After a while and helping Ginjar recompose herself, the latter explained to them "They called Naat and he went towards the city, he didn't told me anything until he came back a while ago, t-th-they took our most promising child's and send them away... they're fearing that Frieza would've killed them all... *Sniff* b-but he's not telling me why, I fear it may have to be with that legendary Saiyan thing they are talking about." 

Both Pota and Greena looked over her with worried expression on their faces, quickly thinking about the reason behind such decision.

Seleri was one of the most promising children's recently born with an astounding 350 units of battle power, and according to Ginjar words, more of such kind of kids were sent away. 

Kids that would've been undoubtedly the future of the Saiyan race.

Looking over her teammate and her partner, Ginjar said to them with a pained but concerned tone "G-Greena, your boy... you'll have to send him away too, what if something worse is about to happen? They wouldn't sent my Seleri away if it wasn't for something that could threaten her..." 

Hearing her words, Greena furrowed her brows and was about to ask her what was she talking about when Pota finally connected some dots.

"But why should I sent Bann-"

"They called us all so it would be easier to kill us." Pota's voice reached their ears and made their bodies stiff.

"It was strange enough call us back amidst our missions, but there's various teams with formidable individuals outside that would be a problem to trace back in such case, why else if not to kill us all in one simple attack." Both Greena and Ginjar were able to feel the sheer rage behind the voice of Pota as they saw some rocks floating around them.

Reaching over his scouter, Pota crushed it under his fist as he looked up to the brightest point in the sky, Frieza's ship.

"He knows we can't do anything but do as he says, even if we know what he's planning, we can only wait until the times comes. Fucking bastard." Greena looked astonished at Pota's face, it was the first time she saw her partner looking powerlessness, he always carried with himself an aura of indomitable confidence, yet now it finally faltered.

Reaching her hands to his, she heard him saying "It's time to meet my son, it would be the first and last time I'll be seeing him." Seeing him looking at her with a defeated smile, Greena felt her guts wrenching at the reality finally stuck her.

She wouldn't be able to see her son grow nor train him.

She wouldn't be able to prepare his food.

She wouldn't be able to teach him.

She wouldn't be the mother she was expecting so much to become.

"Let's go and see our son." That's all she said as both flied towards the city.

Amidst their flying, Pota could only think of one thing, he was grateful to answer the call.

  His son was waiting for him after all.

SrDevoxero SrDevoxero

Hey, that wasn't bad, right?

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