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88.39% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 99: 099 In the Isle of Cedars

Chapitre 99: 099 In the Isle of Cedars


"It took a year but I finally finished making this ship." Paul planned for a floating city but that would still be hard to make even with the entire workforce available.


Like the Sentinels, Paul designed different types of puppet which enabled to expand his series of workers but they are only kept inside the castle.


Only the Great Warriors know of them as most were hidden with the use of tunnels as well as the Sewer systems.


Having made 200 cleaning puppets for the sewers with 500 guard puppets meant to ensure no beast wanders around the sewers, he had also stopped the people from going into the sewers.


The year had been busy as to ensure the food supply he taught these primitives animal husbandry, aeroponic farming, developed agriculture, Carpentry, basic moral behaviors and discipline.


Emphasis on the last one as being loyal does not mean they are not affected by their basic instincts which did become a bit of a problem.


Especially in terms of mating as these primitives did not have a sense of love and marriages but only did sex due to instinct, Paul had a hard time preventing some in trying to mate with close relatives.


Sure their genes are hardy but that is not reason to let them do things that would be detrimental to the gene pool.


The Targaryens did do it but Paul believed that the presences of Blood Magic as well as the bond with the dragons at least lessened the negatives of marrying within the family but it did not erase the inherent problems at all.


Also there was almost a coup when some tribes joined and found Paul did not seem to have any interest in females making some think he was incompetent as a male and chief of a large tribe.


Sure he brainwashed most but since the population has increased up to 42k+ as well as busy schedules, a few thousand were left unchecked and challenged his position.


Though unsuccessful, it forced Paul to take a partner as he found out the initial brainwashing can wash off when the recipients were dumb guys.


But displaying his strength again reaffirmed his position more and at least he got to release some tension when the one he chose was Kaash.


She was rather fit but oddly enough if she fixes her hair and braid it she could pass off as a beauty even with Paul's standards.


When he had her wash up to get rid of the grime and dirt in her body, he realized she was a light orange haired girl, the only sign of her being a Brindled Man is the small pattern within her cheeks and forehead.


Her arms had some tattoos as well as her back to mimic the brindled pattern but it was a tattoo so she could pass for human as long as she cleans herself up.


Maybe the special training as well as diet to make them at the peak of their kind helped as well.


The Super Soldier program of Erskine does work wonders, even Okkun and Ruka looked like Olympic athletes with great balance in their body build.


Only Ogap and some of the Great warriors did not change much as they prefer pure brute strength in fighting others.


But the worst thing he ever introduced to these knuckle heads was making Alcohol, it opened a box of trouble and brought a head ache to Paul remembering the month before.


He had intended it to be used in sanitation but as airheaded as some go, one idiot thought it was water and downed a glass in one go.


He liked the buzz as he felt dizzy that he bragged about it to others, when Paul found out he witnessed fifty passed out guards near the distillery after he went back from a taming spree.


It was then he added an aromatic herb but with a bitter taste so the alcohol would at least be safe, for some as others had become dangerous drunks.


Now some figured out it was made from fermented fruit so a few dozen gathered a lot and made their own makeshift wine.


This caused a lot of people getting sick from food poisoning but it did not deter the very nature of male idiocracy as their want for booze made them able to create a successful brew.


Now many hunters come back with a basket of fruits they like making into wine and it increased some breakouts of fights due to drunk people.


It made Paul less reluctant in leaving these idiots behind, not that there would be trouble when he is away because other than the Brindled men, a few Beastmen tribe opened up trade to them.


And he was surprised when they offered iron ores as exchange for food and weapons. Mostly the Goat tribe as the Elder himself initiated the trade when he heard from scouts that the patrols within the castle were at least equipped with some bronze weapons.


It was thanks to some mines nearby but all were copper and tin mines, others had silver and a few small gold mines as well but these primitives does not even care for things like gold so Paul kept them after processing them so he might be able to use it in the future.


His ship was reminiscent to the Russian Belyana's but instead of holding goods like lumber, the ship carried a wooden fort large enough to house at least 500 men with more space for cargo inside for other needed essentials.


There was also two outriggers by the sides equipped with three mast each with studding sails as well.


The ship has a 200 meters long, 50 meters wide and twenty meters tall. The outriggers are like twenty meters tall as well 10 meters away from the main body while also ten meters wide.


There is also a platform situated on the main ship that is ninety meters wide and 100 meters long sitting in the middle of the three ships combining them.


There is a wooden fort atop the platform with various facilities that enables it to set sail for a year without need for resupplying. Well not like Paul needed it because he still has the storage ring as well as the four beast taming rings.


He only intends to bring with him 150 warriors with 2 spears and five Javellins, 20 Walking lizards, 10 tamed Crocs(30ft long/9 meters), five Swamp Wyverns along with Shadow, ten elephants plus his own one, two brown belly wyvern for each warrior(300) and 50 Pouch tiger Cavalry.


The rest were puppets which only need repairs and maintenance, also at least Three of the Great Warriors namely Kaash, Ogap and Ruka.


To ensure no one takes this city with him absent, he left Okkun as well as 10 strong puppets designed for combat and one designed to be connected to him.


Paul's telepathic abilities might have been sealed but he made an artifact that made him able to control a puppet even from afar.


He did use 10,000 purified souls to make it and he forged the parts with special carbon steel from his storage which almost made the bracelet destroy the puppet if his calculation had been a tad over a fine point.


The puppet was quite strong even able to exert three tons of force and run up to 200kmph, that alone made it invisible even if he fought it himself.


Only problem is that it cannot regenerate and only he could repair it should it get damaged in battle, the bracelet did not break it since the artifact focused on connection between him and this puppet.


Now he plans to leave after half a month as he finalize the various matters that needed to be done while he is here.


He plans a year of voyage but that would still depend on what he finds if he should extend or end it earlier than planned.


Soon Paul became busy as he ensured the other beastmen tribes would not attack him and that the puppet works fine. Paul still needed these guys so he would not abandon them until he leaves this world.


At least by the time he was done, he was sure that even if a million Brindled Ghouls attacked this city, but with hundreds of tamed animals and beasts present, they will still not be able to get past through walls.


He had each warrior take care of two brown belly wyverns as they are easy to feed and ferocious enough that once hundreds are active it would shred even an elephant to bones in seconds.


Few elders were also taught simple medicine as well as basic surgery and the stores had medicine for years to come.


"Let us sail!" Paul said as he sat at the balcony viewing towards the front as he had a single tower built in the middle of the wooden fort where he can view the sea and relay orders but to drive it didn't need much since a few dozen puppets were acting like pistons like the monkeys in Madagascar flying that broken plane.


And it was faster even without the need for hanging bananas to motive them.


The ship could run from 20 knots normally and 27 on a good day with the studding sails unfurled.


"Westeros, brace yourself because I am going to make things messier. And Night King… you better hide whahahaha!!" Paul cackled like a villain as he felt happy having this cool of a ship.


"Chief, it is good time tonight." Kaash appeared behind him making him stop daydreaming as she invites him to his room. This made him shake his head in exasperation thinking he should not have gone hard on her as she now likes being hammered by him as long as it was 'safe'.


"Well nothing much to do here." Paul stood up from his seat and had a wild three days of stress free sailing the river.


Not that wild crocodiles or other beast tried to bother him but some fearless cannibal tribes of brindled men tried their luck and ended up feeding the swamp wyverns.


He chose them since even though they were larger, they eat less than the brindled wyvern since they usually rest to preserve energy.


Even the tamed Crocs were easy to maintain as they also like to sleep, they can also hunt their own food on the way.


Shadow ate more than them though, but that was because she is growing bigger almost as big as a grown up brindled wyvern.


She was called Shadow Wing Wyvern as she is mostly nocturnal, she's just active as long as Paul needed her. She needed to grow since Paul induced a mutation on her using various rare medicine like the Kongs.


Yet the most consumption in the ones brought might be with Grey Hill, the name he gave to the mutated Elephant.


It now stood 5 meters tall weighing at least 2 dozen tons of pure muscle covered with dark grey hide that spears would not even pierce and a trunk that could even strangle the Swamp Wyverns down unable to move.


Good thing it only eats hay and there is plenty on his storage ring for the gigantic pachyderm. Even with ten other 4 meter tall Elephants the storage ring has enough food still fresh to last for years.


It wasn't until five days after their departure that they finally arrived at sea while passing through the ruins of Zamettar.


From his memories, there were rarely settlements nearby but some were in the isle of tears filled with pirates which he avoided because he didn't want them to see him come from inside the Green Hell.


Then Paul connected to his Puppet which sat at his throne to receive the weekly report from S2 as S1 was with him right now.


Paul listened as he lay on the bed while stroking the back of Kaash, while also thinking about the marble that sealed his pets and companions.


He had studied the marbles and learned it was like a sealing spell very much advanced that he was only 80% at understanding them. He had tried breaking the marble or saying things like 'release' 'open sesame' and many other stuff but it did not work.


He really needed the help once Sapphire is out as she was quite a competent assistant.


He also found time to remove the tattoos of some of the warriors as it would be a bother if some idiot misinterpreted them to be slaves since he remembered that the Slaver's Bay existed and they tattoo some to distinguish them from the others.


Since they no longer had to hide in the jungles the warriors agreed, they were all Brindled men with less hair and no patterns, the ones that first joined Paul.


He chose them since they were very loyal to him and was marginally smarter than the hairy and patterned ones back at the city and could pass for Dothraki with their bronze skin as well as hairy bulky build.


But behavior wise, they are much closer to crannogmen in their hunting skills and techniques. A bulkier and hairy version of the Crannogmen with bronze bodies rippling with strength, yet to balance that they were left too little resources to develop their brains.


Paul had a repetitive schedule for the next few weeks making him relax a bit but trouble will always arrive as when he found the place of Old Valyria.


There a few pirate ships had found them and are closing in to their position, Paul looked at the binoculars and counter about six ships with about 100 pirates or more inside.



"Kaash, release the crocodiles." Paul said making Kaash send out orders to those below. Soon the sides of the two outrigger ships opened a gate on the sides as large Crocodiles crawled out while Paul controlled them.


It might seem beyond from the understanding of this world but he can just chalk it up that he is a great sorcerer and skinchanger. Though true in a sense, but he didn't want curious minds to speculate.


The pirates did see Paul's flagship from afar and thought that it was an easy prey since large ships like that are slow and bulky. They thought that it was a vessel of a rich inexperienced merchant or a young noble that had no fear in flaunting their wealth which stoked the Pirate's greed as well.


Though their greed was stoked, they were confident in their skills in making sure to kill all of those aboard and sell everything with no one knowing. But they did not notice that there were looming shadows already swimming below their ships.





The pirates were confused as their ships suddenly stopped then got out of control as their helmsman shouted they cannot control the ship.


The Captain was shocked as the ships seemed to be all rudderless.


"Raise the sails! Quick or we'll crash into each other!! Boatswain, get five men to oar the ship steady!" the Captain said as he saw that the wind still blew them forward but if this went on they might hit each other's ships.


"Captain! There's a beast circling us in the water!" a pirate cried out as he saw the large shadows beneath the surface of the sea.


"Seven Hells! Those are Sothoryan Crocodiles!" the first mate shouted as he recognized the threat below.


The pirates panicked as they tried to throw harpoons at the Crocodiles to chase them away to check on the rudders but they forgot about their initial target.


Soon the shadow of Paul's ship, the Leviathan loomed over the pirates making realize the ship was bigger than they thought it would be. He named it as such since he had a soft spot for that term when he also has some of the mutated sea beast included in the marbles he has in his hands.


Also it was quite apt since this ship of his is a giant compared to these smaller ships, a large size double-mast Brig and four singles mast cogs.


 The Brig had a 40 person crew while the rest were divided on the cogs, they were mostly fighters as these kind of ships does not need much to operate.


Especially the cogs as it only needed 4-5 crew members to use. Paul then let loose the warriors as they were itching for a fight while the pirates are still confused.


Soon as the pirates realized they bit off more than they can chew but it was more like they cannot bite anything at all, they paled and regretted it as they saw fierce looking warriors jump towards their ships.


Paul had the beasts on the ship hidden away except for a few Brown Belly Wyverns as they swooped down to fish out pirates that tried to escape by jumping to the sea.


Not that it matter since the crocodiles were present at sea but they still tried their luck.


Soon the fight was finished as all pirates were defeated, 30 dead while the rest injured and beaten.


Paul almost lost two since they were dumb enough to charge through spears or harpoons without raising their guard.


But after an hour of surgery they were saved, they were hardy people after all. The injured he also tended to as he had a few puppets repair the rudders so he can at least claim his prizes.


He had the ships sail near the ruins of old Valyria in a rather discreet corner where it was easy to hide even the large Leviathan.


Soon as Kaash finished from the interviews, he cleaned himself up and looked at the pirates lined up in front of him.


He checked first their memories and found their common tongue is English, it made Paul sigh at how pervasive the British Empire were that their influence reached even other realities.


He also learned that it was 258AC which was decades away from what Paul knew of this show. And from what he had experienced so far in living in other realities, they tend to have differences so being present here might have already changed the future but how much is not something he can tell yet.


"Put them in the brigs, have ten warriors guard the ships while I place ten 'Servants' to sail it." Paul could still read minds but since he is weakened things felt slow for him now, yet it was a welcome feeling as things had been overwhelming when his senses were on full power.


Soon night fell while Paul was browsing the memories of these pirates parsing through various infos within.


Soon he understood that these pirates were under secret employ by the power seeking people called the band of nine. They scoured these areas to steal from merchant ships coming from the seven Kingdoms to gain funds to further their war plans.


They were now in the process of invading Tyrosh while putting in their various powers like pirates, merchants and even included a member of the Blackfire in their ranks.


Paul did not immediately decide anything yet as he has not much of an idea of these events as he mostly remembered were the details in the show.


Though his uncles before groaned in denial about the existence of the last seasons of the show, they still let him watch with them from time to time.


Paul smiled fondly as he remembered these memories making him realize that maybe he had been rather avoiding his past when he found everything he knew was gone.


Taking a deep breath, he calm down as he sat down on the wooden throne in the hall inside the wooden fort of the ship, he liked having such a seat as his inner child loved watching medieval stories back then.


He still slowly parsed through the infos while resting for the night until some memories of some pirates made him pay attention, it was just a blurry one since it seemed the guy was drunk at the time.


But Paul heard how there were still some treasure hunters hopeful searching through the ruins of old Valyria of anything of value.


Normal people might have a hard time but Paul knew that maybe he can find something if he look carefully enough.


Soon using some routes these pirates knew in passing through the smoking sea, he had the Leviathan sail as close as he can and during the nights he would ride Shadow to do an aerial reconnaissance spanning a few hundred kilometers.


Yet for the next few days all he saw were fire and brimstone as the smell of sulfur and death prevailed the air even when it has been centuries since the Doom.


It also became apparent to him that the land of Old Valyria has a much thicker resentment and evil that is too pervasive for Paul to even clear.


This discovery made him frown hard as he speculated on what the Blood mages did before to make such dark forces even exist here after generations of abandon.


Still with the wards he placed on him and Shadow there is nothing to worry for him, even the Ship is safe as he used a lot of purified soul energy to ensure the ship would survive even the harshest storms.


At least he does not have to worry for a source for more soul energy since he felt he could get tons of it here if he even purified a small corner within these broken Islands.


No wonder that there were very little signs of civilization as well as sparse growth for plants. Only the rather hardy kind of trees and shrubberies were able to live in these demanding conditions.


Paul did see some signs of large serpentine beast near the smoking tunnels of the rugged volcanic mountains. He focused feeling what was below and found some creatures in hibernation under the abandoned mines of Old Valyria.


"Hmm, next time maybe." Paul said as he kept scouring the ruins of the once famous empire.


Days passed with him having the ships sail slowly while also gathering what he could like metal ores as well as study the local diseases and how to combat them.


He might be safe with his regeneration but his men might need it to build immunity as well as to ensure they don't die to sickness easily.


Other than the initial six ships, there are now 20 others added as more pirates tried their luck or were just unlucky to meet Paul at sea.


He had no mercy to these people when he learned of their actions, so he would sell them as slaves even as distasteful as it is and his first destination is to the city of Astapor.


He also received more reports from Yeen as three different types of wyverns were discovered, a green scaled wyvern with no patterns that is similar in size as a brindled wyvern yet stouter, shorter neck and bulkier body. It prefers to fight tooth and nail instead of ambushing its prey like the brindled wyvern.


A blue colored one which is smaller and slender than the others, a tad bigger than the Shadow wing but prefers to hunt near large bodies of water while quite gifted in swimming as well.


Then a mud colored one where it prefers to live near river banks rich in clay, second largest after the swamp wyverns and small in number.


There were also the reports of more beasts being documented within the Green Hell and Paul found a large number of dinosaur like creatures as well.


Though not quite large as the biggest one found was a Ceratosaurus like dinosaur with about the same size, 7 meters long and 2 meters tall, big enough to become a mount.


So Paul had his puppets capture a rather big one and prepared to teleport it to him, one thing he hated is that he cannot use a sling ring here.


So he had to improvise by making a teleportation spell circle which he had to power nonstop for two days just so he can transport something across the two points.


Doesn't matter the size of the target, as long as it is charged to use it, yet Paul didn't mind as he has the storage rings so he can just send them over then have his puppet fill them up.


This saves a lot of time for him as he only needed to charge four days to make an instant back and forth trip.


He still cannot open a portal though and he cannot put himself in the beast taming rings since he is needed to operate the spell circles.


Also it does drain him a bit making him a bit feeble a few days later, yet his pokemon trainer mentality was not deterred as he wanted to train them all! Paul pumped his fist up to the air as soon as the rings returned to the spell circle on the side of his bed.


"Ahem…" Paul was stiff as soon as he heard that cough behind him as he was doing a rather silly pose when he was day dreaming, turning around he saw Kaash confused and worried for him since he kept acting weird from time to time.


He did not break a sweat at all as he casually lowered his raised fist and patted to his side so he could relieve some stress tonight.


"Come, let us make the bald man cry." Paul's face was stoic as he held Kaash in his arms, his weeks of 'watering' this 'wild flower' has made her bloom into a beauty that could pass as 7.5/10 and plus with her firm athletic build which could be rated as 10/10 with the rather supple feel.


It might be thanks to her being a cavewoman but her breast were rather sizeable that Paul can barely fit one in his hands.


He almost paled when they shot out milk though last week, but he tested and she was not with 'fruit', rather is that they can make it when they feel like they need it which was normal for them somehow.


Also he was sure he was using a contraceptive spell when he does it but he had to make sure, maybe he forgot one night. He was just not that ready yet to have some mini-'hims' running around.


It wasn't until a few days later when they were passing by the ruins of Tyria that Paul was able to find something, a rather hollow area twenty meters underground where there are various things still intact.


Focusing his mind he found that inside was a storage room of sorts with scrolls and some jars of unknown substances that seemed to have become useless over the years sealed underground.


Yet what surprised him was some of the scrolls were recipes and blueprints, namely some buildings and such yet there is a note how Valyrian steel is made by using dragon fire to imbue the steel with magic while folding it many times.


That was enough for Paul to understand that Valyrian steel was more of a product of magic smithing, yet it needed copious amounts of magic that only dragons could make.


But that was not a problem for Paul, he didn't need Valyrian steel that much as he was more curious about it.


He can make a much harder and nigh indestructible alloy call carbonadium that almost rivals adamantium and vibranium.


But for now he has no facilities able to help him create the metal alloy, still making a metal similar to Valyrian steel can be achieved as long as he has a dwarven quality smith made.


He did find some bars of Valyrian Steel in the storage which was great, it was then he realized he was starting to be kleptomaniac as he thought about the various random things he'd just gather because he found it interesting.


"Hmm, maybe I can vie for the title of The Collector, Taneleer Tivan should brace himself when I show him my greater collection mwuahahaaha!" Paul cackled as he pulling the bars of valyrian steel underground using telekinesis.


Shadow looked worriedly at her master while also looked around warily for dangerous elements within the lands.


Soon Paul got all he wanted and counted about 20 bars which are about 50kgs of Valyrian steel in total. It was a lot and knew if he sold even one bar he could buy at least a few thousand slaves.


Feeling that he should get going, Paul rode on Shadow and went back to his ship as it now dragged 39 pirate ships.


He can sell these guys to slavery of make them slaves himself but that would depend on what he learns in Astapor.


But for the few days he ensured the pirates were in the brig unable to determine what was happening in the outside as Paul gathered all he could from them.


Traditions, common knowledge, Languages(Common Tongue, High Valyrian, Dothraki, Trade talk, Summer tongue and various other bastardation of other languages.), understanding of the common currencies, sea routes, various pirate dens and current political climate.


Paul decided from what they know to take root in the Isle of Cedars where there are no settlements present as the local Fauna seemed to be rather too much as they feared no man.


If a pirate ship even docks near the beaches they would then be subject to the harassment of many beasts, particularly monkeys which from their memories were similar to baboons.


They would cause sailors trouble as they raid ships for food and even drag some to the sea to kill. The isle is also riddled with ferocious animals and most notable were the giant boars in the island that were as big as a bull.


Some pirates tend to hunt from time to time for these boars since they produce a lot of lard/grease which could be used in many instances.


Luckily in one pirate crew, he found that they discovered a hidden corner by the smaller island in the Isle of Cedars where it has an inland shore.


The way inside though is perilous as it needed to sail through perilous waves near hundreds of sharp rocks that could breach the hull of a large ship.


The leviathan would fit but it will be hard to sail it inside the normal way yet Paul knew with his help he could steer the large ship inside.


And from what he could tell, the inland bay is large enough for the whole fleet of pirate ships behind him.


But like what was said, monkeys would totally try to make trouble as soon as he is in that inland shore.


Not that it mattered as they would be made into food as soon as they get near, there are hundreds of brown belly wyverns waiting to be released.


"Ruka, have the warriors brace themselves inside the ship. We are going to have a bumpy ride from hereon after." Paul looked at the Island which does show why it is called the Isle of Cedars.


It was filled with tall trees, mostly Red Cedars, that reach about 150 feet in average while some could be seen to reach more than 250 feet tall.


There were other kinds of flora that even Paul does not know when he used the sight of the brown belly wyverns for scouting.


Soon Paul saw the sharp boulders jutting out of the waters, using dozens of wyverns he focused on steering as he has about two kilometers of sailing to get past into the dangerous currents.


He looked at the depth of the waters and the hidden rocks beneath the waves so as to not get his ship damaged.


He realized he still needed about an hour until the peak of the high tide comes in so he can insure there is less likely for his ship to be damaged.


Soon he only had four scouting wyverns above so as not to overwork his brain as he is starting to feel tired.


Standing by the helm he squinted his eyes as he led the fleet of ships into the strong currents while some humanoid puppets were steering the ships.


They were given a recollection of the path taken into the hidden beach and it was easy for them because their ships were smaller that the Leviathan.


Largest still were two Brigs(large) manned with at least 40 pirates each, three caravels that has 25 pirates to man each, 10 cogs with 20 person crew per ship and over 20 other small sail ships with an average of 10 pirates per vessel.


They were mostly are modified small brig sail ships that has at least 15 pirates to man, small sloops with at least a dozen pirates to man and the rest were Smacks that only has 5-8 pirates in.


 Paul had been surprised when these small ships attacked him, the Smacks were all in one fleet with some sloops, a caravel and led by the other large Brig. They had a total of over 200 pirates which seemed to be a quite large group.


Paul had to kill their captain personally because the guy would not yield at all as he was more of a madman wanting to fight to the death.


He was quite skilled as well that he was able to keep his life even when facing Kaash and Ruka alone. It was a pity for the death of a skilled swordsman but he didn't care.


He knew these pirates were loose tongued as well but it was a simple erasing of memories once they are sold to the slavers.


Paul intended to buy young slaves so he can train them himself, the Unsullied of Astapor were indeed fearsome but from what he can calculate, if he sold all the treasure in the pirate ships along with the prisoners then he could only get around 400 unsullied.


That is if he included selling the other things he intended to trade in the first place which were exotic animals from the Green Hell. He can just say he got them in the basilisk isles but Paul does not need that much amount of slave warriors.


He needed were young moldable slaves which he can develop into a fearsome army.


And from what he can tell, such slaves were very cheap and an experienced pirate who can fight as well as sail cost at least five of such kids, that includes buying these kids clothes as well as supplies for a few days of food.


Paul knew that to have a say here does not mean he must only be strong, but also have a strong army to command as well.


Now with the war being quite hot within the disputed lands, there is an influx of young slaves being brought into slaver's bay.


There were at least hundreds brought in weekly from many sources like the captured slaves from the dothraki raids all around essos and some brought by debt that people sold their children into slavery.


Yet as he mused for a moment he was brought back by a sudden jerk of the ship as the waves coincidentally surged for a bit making his ship sway a little and hit a rock.


This made him focus for a moment as he was only a hundred meters away from the blind spot behind a large 50 meter tall and 500 meter wide boulder.


It looked similar to that Elephant Rock in Iceland but bigger and has a land bridge on the back and a large tunnel beneath that led into the inland beach.


From afar they cannot see it as the rock was situated between a curved stone cliff as well as other large rocks in front.


Finding this path in was a stroke of luck from the captain of that pirate fleet.


And from above Paul can see that the land bridge was wide and the inland beach was at least 500 meters inland passing through a tunnel while covered a bit by tall cedar trees from all sides.


Howls of monkeys were heard as they saw this large group of intruders in their island and were ready to make trouble starting by pooping in their hands and readying to throw it to the ships as soon as they arrive near the edges of the inland shore.


Paul already knew this would happen anyways since from the memories of that captain, who owned a caravel, would unfurl the sails and leave the ship in the dark tunnel while he rowed into the shore inside a covered boat.


But Paul doesn't want that as he let Shadow come out and roar towards the horde of monkeys, with her are the other five swamp wyverns which scared the hell out of the monkeys.



*SCREEECH!!*-Brown Belly Wyverns



They had forgone their initial poop rain as they scattered about scared into the trees and the deeper parts of the forest.


"Hmm, this would be a great place to have a hidden base." Paul's inner self screamed as he totally like having such places, because that was why he built the Man-cave before.


"Ruka, lead the tigers to clear the area while I have the servants build a port and a settlement for us." Paul then had the crocodiles be as they marked this rather deep inland shore as their territory with the swamp wyverns.



The inland shore is surrounded by cliffs fifty meters tall, the area of water after the end of the tunnel was about a kilometer long and two kilometers wide like an oval.


The shore is curved while beyond it is a small forest made of young cedars and many fruit trees like olives, figs, citron and many types of berries.


The area narrows down to about 500 meters wide two kilometers from the shore and then extends for about another kilometer in until you are met with a 50 meter tall cliff.


 Now that Paul looks at it, the whole place is shaped like an Erlenmeyer flask. This made him understand the pirate's thoughts in naming this Red Bloom Flask Shore.


The pirate captain called his crew the Red Bloom Pirates and thought they were the first to discover it.


But Paul thought about it and changed the name to Flask Basin as he looked at the area, the animals here were goats, boars, wolves, jungle cats, sea gulls and other birds that like to nest on cliffs.


There was also a small waterfall at the tip of the basin that created a small 100 meter diameter pond which then goes to a small stream directly into the shore, the stream is mostly on the northern side of the cliffs.


The shore was facing southeast while tip of the flask is northwest as Paul mapped the area.


This basin is quite vulnerable but it is hidden, atop the cliffs were the merciless jungles filled with monkeys, but with the wyverns they would now steer clear of this area.


He then let Shadow make a nest above the opening of the tunnel while the brown bellies just stole some poor bird's nests.


But not wanting to imbalance the ecosystem, he limited their hunting grounds to the sea which is still bountiful to hunt in.


For the next two weeks, he had placed in a large scale glamor spell to hide this basin while placing safety nets on the cliff sides should an animal get lost and fall.


Though he also had the Shadow mark the edges of the basin with her scent so the animals would steer clear of the area.


Paul then also caught some boars as well from time to time which added to the provisions used to feed the prisoners.


Though they were fed mostly gruel with little chunks of pork and hard bread which were plenty in the pirate ships, it was enough to have them behave as they were moved in a large prison.


400+ pirates were moved, while he held about 90 deck slaves which were young boys that were task to clean the ship and women meant to relieve these pirates.


Paul had given them a choice if they wanted to be sold again or stay here and act as caretakers of the settlement.


It wasn't hard for them to choose as they saw Paul to be quite a merciful lord if he even gave food to those lowlife pirates.

(A/N: So this chapter gave me quite a bit to think about, when I had the MC sleep with an OC I made for this arc, because when writing this made me imagine how it would be like in the MC's place.

If all that stress and responsibility were placed upon me then I would act in a rather foolish way as a form of defensive mechanism. Unsure about myself, unsure of what might happen in the future, the power you had that gave you calm sealed, while you have to stay sealed to get the companions you made when you were down and figuring things out.

I might have buckled over and cried, so to remedy this I thought why not give MC some action so he can put some deep thoughts in the back on his mind and instead make deep strokes on the back of the girl in front of him.

Sigh, I know many would hate this but from the start I had explicitly stated while I was high writing the first chapters of this fan fic that it would be a harem. Which means there will be some Pokemon gotta catch them all shit happening soon and some of the choices I made would make you confused because I won't be going for the ones most thought an MC would go for if they are in Westeros.

MC's going to do a lot of shitty things which others might not like but I wrote this guy based on my dumb wishes while high so I have to at least keep that random shit going on here. So I hope you all don't expect anything because seriously there is no serious thing going on in the last three braincells I have.

Because to believe, one must think they believe and that is something to think about... I'm going to go to sleep now.)

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