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32.14% Dragon in Marvel / Chapter 17: Politicking?

Chapitre 17: Politicking?

After a heavy silence the first to snap out of it was Ororo.

"Aragorn setting aside the fact that you're making it seem like a walk in the park, Why would you want to put mutants in an island that absorbs mutant energy? I know that you're not biased against mutants, or race for that matter, but this looks like you're trying to lock us away."- From her side it may look like that, and you can also say that in a way I am.

"Not to mention Mr. Abner that segregating our kind from others will only lead to alienation. Setting our kind aside in a country of mutants, while providing security, it will also allow for the festering of hate in the hearts of the rest of the world's population. It will only allow humans to make a clear difference between 'them' and 'us'"- Ignoring all the remarks clearly aimed to stir hate against me, it's a sound argument if I say so.

"The island will only siphon energy from intruders to protect itself. But if you manage to reach an agreement with it, you can set the conditions for the absorption. While the island can create shielding you should be able to leave as you please so don't worry about being trapped."- I answer to Ororo before looking back to Baldy.

"Xavier... Do you consider mutants are in the same situation as afro-descendants were in the previous centuries? Do you think of mutants as a harmless repressed minority? As harmless victims caught in the currents of the changing of times? Do you think that the reason governments are inimical to mutants is only because you look different? That mutants are just a misunderstood minority and that once they get to understand you you'll hug and sing at the sunset?" 

"To any working society, the raising of a new powered variant along their citizens is and will always be a headache better to get rid of. If it were only a different skin color or maybe an extra feature that differentiated you from the rest of the humans, there would be people in the streets protesting about how we all are equal and how we must protect the mutants, by the end of it all, mutants would have more rights than the rest of the humans and everybody would be complaining about how you're still lacking more."

"But that's not the case, is it? You ARE different and while it's true that in most cases your powers are useless and don't make you that much different from regular humans (if said powers don't hinder you at all) your betas, alphas and omegas are enough of a reason for the governments to panic and take whatever action they consider appropriate to deal with you. You are a risk for the order and control that they tightly hold."

"Sure, you are mostly innocent except for a few exceptions. But, Do you think that's enough? Do you really think that you could integrate in society, out in the open, without any deterrent or backing to keep the less benign hands away from the weak and innocent?"

"It's not possible, because your existence will always pose a risk for the 'normal' kind, the common folk, which will cause chaos and panic, the perfect opportunity for shifting the blame on a minority. The rift between regular humans and mutant humans is a reality, a fact, inevitable."

My ted-talk left most of the X-Men silent, I could feel their anger and desperation, but also under all of that a speck of understanding. From Nick I could feel his agreement. Which confirms that they are already working on measurements against mutants. 

"... Mr. Abner, you might be right, but we won't know until we try. We should believe in the capacity for good present in everybody. Just because it hasn't been done before it doesn't mean that we will fail. How can we strive for a brighter future together if we can't allow the benefit of the doubt to our neighbors and friends?"

"The moment we decide to build a country, separating ourselves from the rest, is the moment we take a step that could never be taken back. From that moment on, in their minds, it will be cemented that we are separate from them. We will become 'the others', there will be no turning back from that point on forward."- He said some more idealistic shit but this is the world of marvel, where Aniki made sure of two things: #1 Spider-heroes get fucked up! and #2 Mutants get recked!- Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right! You should learn from Shirou.

"You know, Xavier, mutants are not the only powered minority out there. There's the Inhumans who in my eyes are just mutants with extra steps, the Deviants who are closely related to mutants but at most only share their humanoid shape, the Eternals, humanly of appearance, immortal beings with great power, the Atlanteans always at the button of the sea... Surprising isn't it?"- Needless to say that all except my maids were shocked.

"All these powered races, to name a few, and yet... nobody knows of them. Why do you think that races older than humans inhabiting the same planet are unknown to the rest of the world? Where do you think they are?"- I let the silence reign a few seconds more before continuing.

"You don't know do you? Inhumans are on the moon and the Himalayas, Deviants in the empire of Subterranea, Eternals in their mountain Olympia and Atlanteans in their lost city Atlantis. All of them share the same peculiarity, all are hidden societies, all avoid human contact or hide within the crowds without expressing their powers. Maybe in the future some will come out of hiding, but I can already picture the mess that will entail."- This hopefully put a crack on his ideals.

It's true that these guys had their own circumstances and that previously some, like the eternals, were part of society. But they were never your friendly 'neighbor', they were your god or goddess, your king, your slaver, etc. Even in the possibly not very accurate comics, the mutants only catch a break after they build a place to seek refuge. Afterwards their home is always burned down, but that can be prevented here.

"Powered individuals have cohabited with humans before. It has always ended in tragedy for one side or the other. Humans have been slaves to mutants, eternals and deviants before. The powered races have been force to seclusion or oblivion as well. There can never be true equality between two if one side holds more power than the other. Humans have more social power than mutants and mutants have more actual power than humans."

"A country backing the mutants is the way of showing the world what you can accomplish, while also the deterrent for those that need one."- I concluded.

I didn't mention this but I could empower all of the humans and solve the problem of inequality, but Who in their right minds would give a weapon to a child? Specially a child that has proven to be problematic before, with suicidal tendencies.

"Aragorn, Why are you creating a country for mutants now?"- The only smart person of the current X-Men asked.

"Because there's an enemy in the shadows that controls society. Nick and I will start our black ops by rescuing their 'lab rats', mutants mostly, so I need a place outside of the purview of any acting government where I can shelter them. My options where founding a country or getting you off-world. Given that more mutants will be born in the future it's best to keep them on-world."- I said to Hank.

"That makes sense. But, Why would you need our help? Why not create this country on your own?"- To his question I made a face of disgust.

"And assume the responsibility of changing your diapers for the rest of my life? I like my life very much as it is, I'm happy to spend the 'rest' of it with my family, Why would I want to become the mutant nanny (King) instead?"- Since the senior Celestials did their whole monke experimentation on most of the population back then, even if now I get rid of all mutants more will pop up later, but these guys are such a pain in the ass that I did consider it.- I'm definitely above a genocide but not a FM-05, I would just ship these guys to Nirn and my fluff queen would be happy to take care of them.- Not Xavier though, I bet she would kill him. I, in her place, would as well. Add Scott because he is annoying.

"What a noble heart! All this talk about opportunity and giving the mutants a place, and you just won't do it yourself because you couldn't be bothered!"- Commented Scott with dripping sarcasm and scorn, who for some fucking reason Xavier hasn't fully fixed.

"Xavier! Why haven't you cleaned all the mind modifications from this little shit?!"- I asked while warping Scott to the other end of the property. 

"I did Mr. Abner, and I would appreciate it if you could stop doing that to my student."

"You did not! If you can't see where the problem is, swallow your pride and ask Jean to do it, this is child's play for her. This is getting more pathetic the more you let it go on. If you don't fully remove Essex's gunk before I meet him again I will do it myself, and believe me when I say that I will do my own modifications and turn him into the personification of manners and respect! I will mold him into the X-Butler or something like that."- I'm tired of respecting the boundaries of this laser shit, I'm done! Next time and I will make him a marvel's Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth, all butlers in the omniverse will cry tears of joy when he joins the ranks. 

"Look! We don't have to talk about this country business anymore. This is happening with or without you. Neither I, nor Nick, need you for this! The only ones of you that I actually want on this are Ororo, Hank and Logan."

"An idealist such as yourself is appreciated but certainly not needed. You're not the only mutant group that will be invited. The Brotherhood and Murlocks are included. And after the possible beating that Magneto will get I'm 87% sure, according to calculations, that he will join me, so Xavier, Can you really afford to allow Erik to wield the power that my backing entails without restrains?"- This did make his eyes bulge out. This Baldy can say whatever bullshit he wants, but on this world few things are as powerful as my backing; Emma knows.

If no one is up to the task, I know a queen that is desperate for new citizens that will be happy of stealing mutants from Earth, a temporary fix for sure, but I can wait until an appropriate leadership is born, or raise someone as such ourselves.

"Aragorn, Give us some time to talk things out!"- Strangely enough Logan, with all of his gruffness, asked something sensitive.

"Yes, this is just a preliminary thing. I will round the others and in about one week I will invite you all to Halo to formalize things. Nick, you will be the unofficial representative of the regular humans, if you find people you can trust and can get them passed the security screenings you can bring them with you."- My hidden objective is to add some normal humans to the ruling council that Spark suggested for Krakoa.

After that we left them be and warped to Halo, where I found Emma and Yao giving a tour around the Crystal to Agatha.

"Hi again! I'm back!"- I smiled to the foxes and witch.

"Hello Aragorn, How did it go with the X-Men?"- asked Yao.

"Honestly?... Better than expected. I managed to lit a fire in their metaphorical behinds so they will either join us or allow Erik to become the monarch of the future nation, at least that's what they think will happen... Are you sure that you don't want to add someone from your order to the future council?"- I had given her the chance since it's possible that Krakoa will become one of the heavy hitters in the future.

"Before you, I would have accepted, but now... I'm no longer pressed for options and control."- she said while lowering a little her ears. Probably remembering her previous situation.

"Well Yao, if you ever change your mind, just let me know."- I said while petting her soft ears.- Hehehehe! For some reason she never uses her spell on the ears.

*Slap*- She glared at my hand in betrayal.

"Don't think to much about it, in the worst case scenario Emma would love to have more powered citizens under her."- I said while moving to Emma's tails and tactically ignoring her glare.

"Yes I'm all for more capable citizens, but I would probably kill Magneto and Xavier to prevent future headaches."- She said all serious and queenly. But I don't think the other women are taking her seriously since her tails are twitching at my caress while happily holding me.

"Ancient One, If I get tails like you, Will I have to be subjected to... that?"- Agatha whispered to Yao while gesturing with her head to Emma. 

"Stop that Aragorn! You're making me look bad!"- Of course Emma with her enhanced hearing heard Agatha.

"Fine, but I will find you later for more. Is Wanda finally sleeping?"- I momentarily relented and asked about the missing teen.

"I like how you groom them so that's okay. And yes, she is."- What she doesn't know is that I use my bio-kinesis to give her a deluxe finish that no one else can provide. Slowly she will fall into dependency of my cuddles and petting.

"Alright, that's good. I'll talk to her later about her father. I will probably have her accompany us tomorrow. You should also get ready Emma, we found the place where your clone is located and that will be the first place that we will storm."

"Really? Only one?"- She looked calm but I could feel her inner turmoil. 

"We think that either only one is left or they were able to create just one. We found its location because the psychic presence should be strikingly similar to yours, so we could calibrate Brother Eye to look for it. There's also a chance that they have other clones and we haven't found them, but we will get more info once we storm the lab. We are also curious about why it took so long for the satellites to pick the presence in the scanning."

"*Sigh* I still don't know what to do with it-her."- She rested her head on my shoulder while saying so.

"We will raid the place in a week, so you still have time to think about it."- I said while petting her head... and ears.


"Don't take advantage of the situation, Idiot!"- She said so but still kept her head on my shoulder. 


After teasing Emma a little bit more, I went to my room to end my day with my latest morbid hobby. I didn't want any of my girls to witness this, only Spark and I will know about this.

"Spark, show me our lovebirds!"- A holoscreen showed me our participants that volunteered for the opportunity of a lifetime, all expenses covered, slight mental manipulation included, in a paradisiac island in the Caribbean. I had views from different cinematic angles. 

Project 'Let's try not to kill Gamora this time' or 'Cupid', I suggested the first one, Irina the second one.

On one end of the screen we have: Most eligible bachelor, meet... *Drumroll*... 'Pedolecter'! The product of a tragic family story combined with a special chemical disposition, 26 years old, born in Madripoor in September 14, 1972, Jackiol Merl!

After a faithful encounter with an imp on his messed up dreams, according to him, who taught him about the wonders of child-soul ingestion he develop a taste for kiddies and babies, 14/10 stars, more than 1M votes from the demons in hell, recently gained a spot in my must-kill list. Rescued from a purposeless death by yours truly.

On the other end, meet... *Drumroll*... 'BitchGein', The product of human vanity and bitchiness combined with an uselessly high skill in skin grafting along a pinch of madness, 40 years old, born in Madripoor in October 5, 1958, Marfia Kingson!

A decade ago after noticing the passage of time in her mirror, she had the genius idea of grafting skin from kiddies and babies for mixing it with a special mixture of her own design, all in order to get the famous baby-skin touch just right! 15/10 stars, one more than her darling because she skinned her victims alive to preserve the freshness, more than 1M votes. Of course rescued by yours truly from capital punishment.

A match made in heaven, or Halo if you will. What better place to find scum than in the country filled with them?

After a careful and delicate session of mental 'suggestions', our dream couple was dropped in a tropical island, here they are subjected to 16 daily hours of mental and physical torture in the shape of 'demons', also known as Nightmares, a specie brought from Otherworld that hunts for psionic energy by inducing nightmares and paralysis on the prey.

Once the prey is subjected to sleep paralysis their leech like mouth opens and hooks to the head of the prey, using special teeth the Nightmares suck the residual psionic energy on their minds. It's needlessly painful. After their daily dose of 'demons' the couple is left in a room for 8 hours to lick their wounds. 

After just 1 month of my type of couples counseling, the love story of the century, the power couple most liked by Mephistopheles himself (Rumors say), the selfless couple that will get me my Soul stone was born. 

This was the idea, to bring together a couple of remarkable scum, so when I needed them, they could make the choice that I could never. That's how the Cupid initiative was born. 

Torment them enough so that the only source of light becomes the other, but not enough for them to get used to the pain. Enough for something as beautiful and wicked as love to be born, and enough so that when I come down and present them with the choice of freedom they will tear each other apart to take it. They are ready, ready for harvest.

After I'm done with this mutant time bomb, I will go and pick my Power Stone and get our lovebirds to pick for me the Soul Stone. Leaving me only with the Mind and Reality stones missing. But Loki and Jane will be delivering them to me later, so no rush.

After observing my sacrifices some minutes more, I decided to go and spend the night at Noona's. Nothing like a night with Noona to recharge by levels of BT, Bullshitery Tolerance, after Xavier depleted them. I will need those levels for dealing with Magneto tomorrow. 

"Spark, let the girls know that I will sleep at Noona's tonight. I will come back tomorrow to pick up where we left."

"As you wish Master Chief. Enjoy your time with the Madame."

I opened the astral path to her palace and flew to Noona's presence. On the way I met her Valkyries, the souls of the departed Valkyries from different realities. They work for Noona, when she needs to reap problematic souls she sends them. Even though they look alive they are technically specters possessing bodies of energy.

These Valkyries reminded me of Hela, I wonder if I got the Hela daughter of Odin, or the Hela that was the result of attempting to create an infinity stone plus some time travel bullshitery that somehow ended with her as the pseudo-daughter of Loki... of some sort, it wasn't clear enough for me.

According to my metaknowledge, the more problematic one can be dealt with by simply removing her cloak... Press 'X' for doubt. Sounds too farfetched. 

But that can be left for later, I arrived at the Infinity Well, Noona says that it's just a fancy looking fountain, where I found my Noona. 

"~Hello Darling! Here for a pajama party?"- I approached and hugged her with the intention of fusing her with me while taking a deep breath in her neck.

"Yes Noona, I came to spend the night with you."- She brought her hands behind my head and gave me a hot but tender kiss after bringing our faces together.

"You can always come and spend the night here, with me."- She said before giving me a cute peck on the left cheek close to my eye.

This may look sultry from a third party's point of view, specially with the lust loaded tension between us, but we haven't taken the next step yet. We figured that since we took 11,000 steps forward into childbearing we might as well take our time and let the love between us grow. But I think that sooner rather than later one of us will cave in... Possibly me.

'HOLD.IT.IN!... Relax Death you've got this... *Sigh* Why lie to myself? I can't wait to have those eyes between my thighs but I must HOLD it in! No rushing! We agreed to take our time together, we already did some of the rushing before, no need for more of that... *Sigh* Sooner or later one of us will break... *Sigh* Possibly me.'-Death.

"Let's go then, I want some cuddles!"- Demanded Noona.- I wonder, How can she, always, be this calm and collected? Specially while cuddling, the only reason I don't embarrass myself is because I control 100% of my body, so no poking accidents while spooning.

We flew while holding hands to Noona's room; how lewd, I know; where I dispersed my clothing, except my boxer briefs. Noona followed my example and almost crushed my perfect control... yeah 'almost'... *Faint snapping sound in the background*

She was wearing black lace lingerie, like always, but even after recording her in my perfect memory and going over it during my free time it never ceases to blow my mind.

I guess love does make you stupid, as they say, because she is, in my eyes, the most gorgeous woman in existence and she makes my time in the void worth it. 

With my few remaining strings of sanity, I walked toward hers, where she waited for me with opened arms in the air, and grabbed her hips with my hands, I pulled her up and she hugged my head into her bosom, the warmth of her chest flooded my face. I repositioned my hands to her cheeks and subtly grasped.

"~Ahn!"- She cried.

She brought my head out of her bosom and looked into my pink eyes with an unending longing. She softly grabbed my jaw with both hands, without loosing eye contact, and took a bite of my lower lip before sucking on it, her eyes were half opened but she never broke contact. She released me from her bite while softly smiling, as if pleased with her work, and closed her eyes before fully enjoying my lips. 

I pushed her soft lips open with my tongue and aggressively tried to steal hers to my mouth, she pitifully resisted before conceding and letting me kidnap her tongue. I brought my fingers under her thong and rested her dripping labia in my fingers while supporting her weight in my palms.

"~Ah! Ahn-Ar~Ahn-gorn!"- I slowly began vibrating the tips of my fingers while she continued leaking over my fingers and subsequently over the crotch of her thong.

"Ahn- Yes my love~Ah- Keep-like t~aht"- She sank her delicate fingers in the hair on the back of my head on took command of my mouth with hers.

She lowered her waist, desperately, trying to put more weight on her labia, my fingers melded deeper in her wet and dripping lips. We stayed like this for a few minutes, constantly playing with each other's mouths, my fingers damp with her wetness, soft and sultry moans escaping Noona from time to time, until I felt her getting ready.

I took back the initiative in our tongue battle and took a bite of her lower lip while preparing for her climax, I increased the pace on my fingers and shortly after I felt her legs tighten around my waist, before spasming.

"~AAHNN-...*Huff* *Huff* Ara~ Stop! Oh~ Please! S~sh-top That!"- She said while spasming every time my fingers accidentally rubbed her clit.

I brought her to the edge of the bed, where I carefully sat her down, before removing her dampened underwear. I looked directly into her misty eyes and held her sight while I licked my fingers one by one, making sure I lost not a single drop of her, making sure she understood how delicious she tasted. I went down on my knees, almost pleadingly, and slowly extended my forked tongue around her thighs.

I licked all of hers that spilled along her thighs, and seductively moved upwards following the trail of her fluids. When I got to her wet lips I made sure to individually lick each of them. From the button slowly dragging my tongue upwards to her clit, which I made sure to nab with my split tip, once for each labia.

"~D-ah-arling! Aih-m cleaan now"- She pleaded, but her voice broke every time the forked end of my tongue cleaned her clit. 

I made sure to show her with my eyes how delighted I was with her savor.

After a few minutes of playing with her and making sure that she was cleaned. I casted a new thong on her and spooned her in my embrace.

"You were lovely today Noona! Thank you for the treat."- I set aside her log hair and kissed her on the back of the neck. 

"~Thank you my dragon. Next time is your turn."- Noona said as she got comfortable in my arms. 

We slowly fell asleep, but not before making sure I had saved Noona's cute face in the depths of my memory. I know I don't forget, but some things should be backed up twice, in the cloud and the internal storage.


Hello Readers!

I hope you liked the lemons and forgive me for the shorter chapter! It was a small tease so let me know if you have any feedback on the writing style.

The next chapter will be one of the long ones. I will write about the Morlocks and the Brotherhood, possibly will start the 1st part of the meeting, all together in one chapter.

The plan for future chapters is Meeting> Start of Country building> Emma's clone and everything in between. It will take us about 4 to 5 chapters (Long Ones), but I'm terrible at measuring content so this is subject to changes.

I have something curious planned for the infinity stones, but we won't know on this volume, Aragorn will gather the PStone and SStone on this volume though. 

I also planned for some space adventures related to Emma's empire.

And a short meeting of Jean, Phoenix and Aragorn in the AP.

[In case it was not clear enough in the previous chapters, I'm not trying to smuggle Gaea into a non-existent harem. I just think that this was the type of relationship that these three (Death, Aragorn and Gaea) should have (Probably the type that between emotional humans in said circumstances can't exist, because jealousy and shit). D and A romantically love each other. D and A love Gaea lots! But no sexual love. G loves D and A lots! Same for Emma and the rest of the girls. No Harem on this FF.]

Please stay tuned for more XD!}

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