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27.41% Streamer in the Omniverse / Chapter 30: Explanations and Saya.

Chapitre 30: Explanations and Saya.

The conversation I had with Saya's parents was a quick affair. It seems like both of them realized that being on the road for more than nine hours was tiring and didn't hold our group for too long.

The brief conversation was just them explaining what was happening and summarizing some plans they had. Based on the estimates they gave me, in less than three days, they should have everything ready to start moving the property to the island, and they hoped everything would be finished in two weeks.

I won't say it wasn't an optimistic estimate, but I highly doubt someone like Souichiro is an optimistic person. So, I imagine he has a Plan B, maybe even a C or D.

In the end, it was just me and Saya's father in front of the mansion, while the group followed Yuriko inside. Stretching my muscles stiffened by the journey, I raised my arms above my head and turned around.

"So, I don't think you held me here for no reason. What's up?"

Souichiro turned and looked at me for a moment before speaking. "About the man you warned me about before..." The guy with the cap, I suppose. "...I can understand why you said that about him. It hasn't been a day, and I've already received complaints from some women about the way he looks at them."

I shook my head in disappointment. "So, what did you do? I don't think he held me just to tell me I was right."

He started walking into the mansion, and I took the opportunity to follow him. "With him? Nothing, but he won't be a problem anymore, I can guarantee."

"I'm getting mixed signals here," I said confused. "You did nothing, but he won't be a problem anymore?" Did he kill the guy by any chance? Or did he order his men to kill him?

I could see a small smile appear on his face before his expression returned to his usual stoic demeanor. "He's not dead, if that's what you're thinking. We can't afford to lose manpower in this world state."

I climbed the stairs behind him, stopping by his side as he looked out a window. Through the window, I could see the cap guy working with some men who didn't seem friendly at all.

"The sleeping accommodations were full, so the only place I found for him to sleep was with our 'friend' Shido." I could hear a cheerful tone in his voice, even though he didn't change his expression. "I'm sure it was a wonderful night." He finished with a small nod.

I felt my lips twitch into a smile. "I guess it's a coincidence that he's working with those friendly faces over there." I pointed to the men surrounding the cap guy, who looked very uncomfortable with the stares he was getting. I'm pretty sure I even saw one of them licking his lips while looking at him.

The man seemed even more amused. "Of course, purely coincidental, I assure you."

We exchanged a few more minutes of conversation before I retired to the room he said was mine to use. It didn't take me long, even with the confusing layout of the mansion, I managed to find the room quickly.

It wasn't the luxurious room I had been in last time, which I assume is Saya's room, but it wasn't something like a basement or worse. It's probably or was a room for one of the mansion's employees.

Shrugging, I threw myself on the bed and relaxed. I wasn't tired or anything, but I just wanted to stay there for a while. After a few minutes, I sat up and took the cellphone from my inventory to finish checking my status. I had procrastinated enough.

But it seems like something or someone was against it, as the moment I opened the status screen, I heard two knocks on the door before a voice I recognized spoke.

"Devas? Are you in there? I was told you'd be using this room." It wasn't hard to recognize Saya's voice.

I sighed as I placed the phone on the pillow. "Come in, it's me, no one tricked you, little lion." I teased as I got up to open the door.

Turning the knob, I saw Saya. From what I remembered, it wasn't that late, maybe nine or ten in the evening, but Saya was already dressed for bed. I couldn't help but look at the petite woman in front of me for a moment.

Wrapped in a simple white nightgown that seemed to only enhance her elegance. The softness of the fabric embraced her figure with grace, revealing the delicacy of her posture. The simplicity of the outfit only highlighted the natural beauty of her features.

I was stunned for a second or two as the soft moonlight highlighted the shyness in her bright orange eyes and made her lightly flushed complexion seem even more beautiful.

All of this, combined with the small moonbeams streaming through the open windows onto the corridor, falling on Saya, made the scene look like it came straight out of a fairy tale.

I don't know how long I stared, but I snapped out of my small trance with the culprit calling me gently.

"Devas?" She asked, tilting her head up, looking me in the eyes. "Can I come in? I want to talk about something." She had a small proud smile on her face, realizing she was probably the cause of my current state.

I blinked as I took a step aside, letting her in while closing the door. As she passed by me, I caught a light floral scent following her with the breeze as her usually braided hair, now loose, swayed gently with her steps.

I had to close my eyes and count to three slowly before taking a deep breath and coming back to myself.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that Saya was already sitting at the end of the bed, her legs swinging slightly a bit apart as she leaned back, supporting herself with her arms while looking at me with her head tilted slightly to the side.

I steadied my steps to avoid tripping and pulled a chair from my inventory as I sat in front of Saya. I didn't think sitting on the bed would be a good idea at this moment.

"So..." I started. "What do you want to talk about?" At this point, I really didn't know, didn't want to jump to conclusions.

She pouted slightly as she looked at the chair I was sitting in with feigned anger, but it lasted only a moment before she returned her gaze to me.

"You!" She pointed at me. "I want to talk about you. I've been putting off this conversation for a while since it's really none of my business, but not anymore!" She seemed determined for some reason.

So, this conversation finally came up.

"What made you change your mind out of nowhere then?" I asked. I had noticed she was different today in the car, but I just thought it was shyness or embarrassment for what she had done while thinking I was asleep.

She didn't hesitate before repeating, "You! Or rather, you last night. There was something bothering you, and don't come with the excuse of thinking about the future or something like that." She huffed slightly as she crossed her arms, lifting her breasts slightly and making her neckline larger, finally making me realize that she wasn't wearing a bra.

"So let's go!" She continued. "What happened? What disturbed you so much?" She hesitated for a moment here. "I know we haven't known each other for long, but I think I deserve to know. I deserve at least that much trust." She seemed hopeful for my response.

I sighed lightly as I closed my eyes and brought my fingers to my forehead. I wasn't against explaining my situation to Saya or the group, it didn't really matter. I was already "The Streamer"; many people already watched me, and even more would in the future, a few more wouldn't make much of a difference.

I also no longer feared being threatened in case someone thought of using me, in the case of my inventory and any powers people in this world might think I had. No, I had a plan to protect myself, even against firearms.

But still, why? Why tell them when I would vanish from the planet in less than three months without a trace?

I opened my eyes and let my face relax. Saya deserved at least an explanation, even if I wasn't going to tell everyone, Saya among them was the person I had gotten closest to in this world, as she said, we might have known each other for only a week, but it was enough.

"It's going to sound impossible and unreal, you probably won't believe it either." I said as I got up and went to my phone on the bed. "But I guarantee you it's real, or as real as it can seem in my situation."

Sometimes I caught myself wondering if all of this was real or not, but these scarce and fleeting moments quickly passed when my body made a point to remind me of the monsters hidden in the moonlight.

She crossed her legs and gave me a sarcastic look. "Seriously, you think that?" She rolled her eyes. "I saw you jump in the air twice, saw you put what would be tons into that tiny bag." She pointed to my inventory. "Saw you heal yourself by drinking what I can only call a magic potion, what is more unbelievable than that?"

I didn't respond, just flipped the phone upside down on the chair and sat next to her on the bed. When I sat down, my weight made her slide slowly until she leaned against me and used me for support.

I ignored the softness of her chest and thigh touching me and pointed for her to pay attention to the phone. With a simple mental command, a hologram emerged from my phone's camera, showing the recording of my first stream.

"That, Saya." I said, opening my hand slightly as I pointed to the phone. "Is what's so unbelievable." I finished as the recording of my first day in Terraria began.

"What? A hologram? Or you in a forest?" She began. "The first one is really futuristic, but nothing that surpasses..." She stopped talking when she noticed the slime coming towards me.

"What...?" She said in a small whisper, not understanding what the small creature was; she also seemed to notice the (CHAT) with Red's messages.

"Welcome to my current life, my dear Saya!" She blushed slightly at how I addressed her, but before she could say anything, I continued. "Save the questions for later, for now, just watch."

So I began, showing her snippets of the stream, the slimes, me looking at Terraria from afar, walking through the town, meeting the people there, the diversity of races, then I jumped to the next stream.

I showed her the (CHAT); from the looks she gave me when Stark's first message appeared, I think she recognized him. It seems like Marvel, or an alternate version of Marvel, was a thing in this world.

I showed her the dungeon, how I almost died twice when I was impulsive, both to the mimic and the Mother Slime. When the stream was cut before the fight against the Mother Slime, I could see that she was about to ask something, but I raised my hand before.

"I was an idiot, did something I thought was shady, and turned off the stream out of embarrassment." It wasn't one of my brightest moments, I admit, but I had learned from it. "It's not something I'm proud of, but it happened."

She just nodded, somewhat stunned by what I was showing her, and went back to watching the recording.

Next, I quickly showed her my first week in Terraria, how I studied the runes with the Wizard, or Dumbledore now that I knew who he was, how I did some quests.

Then finally, when I unlocked the global travel system. When she saw the quests, what they were, quests for One Piece, Bloodborne, and other worlds, it didn't take long before her clever little head figured it out.

"You're not from this world..." She whispered almost incredulously.

Even in this situation, I had to hold back from laughing at her confused little face as she looked at me. I just nodded in confirmation and jumped to the part of the quest that brought me to this planet.

I could see her eyes widen as she read the quest, then her small mouth opened in shock when she saw me teleport from Terraria to Japan in my armor.

I quickly showed her how I looked confused, as everything was normal, not the supposed apocalypse. Then, the time I waited, sitting on the park bench, watching people live their lives normally without knowing that this would be the last day of their normal world.

And, finally, the scream that led me to her group, how I found them running towards the bus and our first interaction before I stood up and turned off the video.

Putting my phone away, I stored it in the inventory before sitting back in the chair and waiting. Just waited to see what she would say, about what she would talk about.

She opened and closed her mouth a few times, as if she was going to say something but didn't know what. After a few seconds, she finally seemed to make up her mind.

"So... you're leaving in three months?" she asked me as she stood up. "That's what the quest said, right?" She began walking towards me while raising her right hand.

I sighed resignedly. "Yes, that's what the quest said. I'll be back to Terraria in just under three months." I saw her nod as if confirming something to herself. I thought I was going to get slapped for the way she moved, or something similar since I had "hidden" this from her, from the group.

But her next actions reminded me of a phrase my grandfather used to say to me, one of the many lessons he gave me, but this one he seemed to say more often and always seemed amused while saying it.

"No matter the age, my idiot grandson, never, I repeat, never! Try to understand what goes on in a woman's mind!"

I vividly remembered how confused I was when he told me that and how he seemed even more amused by my ten-year-old self's reaction.

So, when Saya, instead of hitting me, sat on my lap while using her raised hand to hold onto the chair for support, let's just say I was a bit confused.

My confusion only increased when she pulled me into a kiss, chaste at first, but gradually becoming more passionate as she gained courage. A kiss that I reciprocated after snapping out of my confusion.

Emerging from my confused state, I held Saya in my lap by the waist and took the reins while deepening the kiss, using my tongue to explore her mouth. I could feel her momentarily surprised in my arms before feeling her tiny tongue doing the same with me.

We stayed there for a few minutes, just kissing before Saya took a step back, pulling her head out of the kiss in search of air.

I had turned off the room light when I started showing her the stream recordings, so the only thing illuminating the room was the scarce moonlight threads passing through the slightly open window.

Which only made the scene in front of me even more beautiful, as I could see how Saya's face looked flushed, how her small lips were now slightly swollen from our prolonged kiss, and the tiny bridge of saliva connecting us.

I had to restrain myself from going back to the kiss when I saw her pink tongue slowly licking her lips as if savoring our taste together.

"Why?" I had to ask before doing anything. Why would she do this? She knew I would disappear in a few months; I wasn't someone who would stay in this world for long.

She seemed to understand my question, as she sweetly smiled while placing one hand on my face and rubbing her thumb on my cheek slowly.

"Even if you go away." She leaned in, touching her forehead to mine. "Even though I know it's not for long." Our noses were touching, with her moving her face from side to side. "I won't hesitate, not anymore, I don't want to regret." She finished with a light and chaste kiss on my lips.

I brought my face, next to hers, and whispered in her ear, one last confirmation.

"Are you sure?" I could feel her shiver slightly with the breath that escaped from my mouth to her ear.

She didn't hesitate before doing the same, tilting her face to my ear and whispering in a tone that shattered, destroyed all my restraints.

  "Just be gentle~." She bit my ear lightly before continuing, rubbing against my lap as she spoke.

"It's my first time~."


That's all I needed, no more, no less.

I lowered my hands to Saya's buttocks and squeezed as I stood up, taking her with me. I ignored her mix of a small surprised scream and a moan as I carried us both to the bed.

Without even thinking, as I stood up, I put the bedroom door in my inventory; less than a second later, I put it back on its hinges, now properly locked.

Funny how the human brain works. In a normal moment, I wouldn't even think about doing something like this or that I could do something like this, but it seemed that having Saya moaning in my arms while I nibbled on her neck was an excellent motivator, and just the thought of someone coming in now and ruining things already stressed me out.

Just to make sure, with a quick thought, I put a wardrobe in front of the door too.

It shouldn't have taken even a single second, as before Saya could react to the furniture that appeared out of nowhere, I had put her on the bed, making her let out another surprised squeal.

With a single thought, her white dress had gone into my inventory before she even touched the bed, exposing her naked body for me to see.

I stood over her, placing my hands on either side of her head and looking at her blushing face. She held my gaze with intensity and shyness but without trying to cover herself.

With a gentle touch, I began to explore her soft skin, tracing delicate paths along her curves, slowly mapping her body. With each touch of my fingers, I could feel her trembling slightly, her body reacting to my touch.

I ran my hand slowly over her body, down her shoulders, slowly passing over her breasts now free from the prison that was her dress, until I reached her waist.

My upper part wasn't idle during this time. I traced light kisses on her neck, making her release small sighs. I continued as I descended, kissing slowly every part of her skin, passing through her collarbone, her shoulders, until I reached her breasts.

I lightly kissed the two mounds, quick and light kisses around the small cherries at the top, her nipples, which were fully hard at this point from Saya's excitement.

I could feel Saya's breath becoming even more ragged as her body reacted to my kisses before I, without hesitation, took her right nipple into my mouth, lightly nibbling it.

I could feel her body tremble even more as I alternated between taking small bites and gently sucking on the small cherry in my mouth. After a few seconds, I felt it was enough and shifted to the left, repeating the process without ignoring any part.

When I felt Saya start to gasp even more, I stopped, returning to gently kiss her skin, moving down her slightly toned stomach while leaving traces on her body, her immaculate white skin.

I traced the faint outlines of her stomach muscles with my tongue while using my hands to gently rub her thighs. Kissing her navel lightly, I traced my way down.

To Saya's frustration, I skipped her little patch that, curiously, I thought would have hair, but it was completely groomed and smooth. This either meant that the women's bodies in this world were naturally groomed, which I highly doubted, or Saya had come here already expecting this ending.

I glanced at her entrance briefly, which by now was thoroughly wet and dripping with her feminine fluids, and moved down to her legs.

I traced every part of her legs with the tips of my fingers, lightly brushing over each part until reaching her thighs. I lowered myself again while kissing the inside of her thighs, ascending slightly with each kiss, feeling her tremble with every touch.

My hands, in the meantime, stopped tracing her legs and went to her rear, squeezing her buttocks. I could feel my palms sinking into her flesh as Saya moaned.

At this point, my kisses were so close to her entrance but not quite touching it. I could feel Saya panting more and more with each step, each kiss I gave, as I approached her cleft.

I lifted my face slightly to look up. I could see that she was completely aroused, her gaze slightly glazed as her mouth opened and closed gently while she breathed rapidly.

She quickly realized that I had stopped my movements and looked down, meeting my gaze. I held her gaze with mine while grinning mischievously. Then, I brought my mouth down, finally reaching her vagina.

I ran my tongue lightly between her folds, kissing and licking her lower lips quickly before taking her clit into my mouth and sucking it gently.

Meanwhile, I used my right hand, with my index and middle fingers, to penetrate her lightly as she squirmed more and more, containing her moans to avoid waking up the entire mansion.

I moved my two fingers inside her pussy gently in alternating, long, rhythmic motions, along with my tongue on her clit. It didn't take long for me to find a small spot in her body that made her unable to contain her moans as I touched her.

When I felt that Saya had started to tremble more and more, her body getting closer and closer to the edge, without hesitation, I pressed her "G" spot while opening my two fingers in a "V" shape inside her and took her clit between my teeth, nibbling it at the same time.

I could feel, hear, and see Saya reaching climax.

Her mouth opened in a silent scream, her eyes glazed over, and her breath caught, stopping as her muscles contracted in spasms just before her body arched as she had an orgasm.

Her orgasm must have lasted about half a minute before starting to subside, as I could see her muscles relaxing while she breathed lightly.

I stood up to observe my final work and was pleased with what I saw.

Saya lay on the bed, enveloped in a gentle ecstasy. Her pink hair clung to her body with sweat and spread like delicate petals over the pillow. The soft moonlight permeating the room highlighted her white skin, now flushed from her recent orgasm.

Her eyes still reflected traces of recent pleasure, shining with a mix of contentment and satisfaction. Her breathing was soft and rhythmic.

But what pleased me the most was the expression on her face, which I could only describe as a tapestry, a set of emotions.

A subtle smile danced on her lips, while the distant gazes on the ceiling revealed thoughts that floated between the earthly and the ethereal, with her mind still lightly lost in the waves of pleasure.

I sat down lightly beside her; the sink of the mattress seemed enough to wake her from her light trance, making her look at me with a gentle gaze.

I ran my hand lightly over her face as I held her. Saya, even after that, didn't seem weak; she raised her hand and placed it on mine, closing her eyes and rubbing her face lightly against my palm like a cat seeking attention.

She did that for a few seconds before slowly opening her eyes and getting up, getting on all fours and crawling towards me like a lioness; without hesitation, she put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me back onto the bed, toppling me.

"Saya?" I said confused as I fell on the bed.

"Stay there now; it's my turn~." She practically purred as she pulled down my pants along with my underwear, causing my member, which at this point was harder than a rock, to hit her chin.

She looked at it with a mix of emotions: surprise, determination, affection, and mostly lust. She didn't hesitate as she took my cock with her small and delicate hand and began to stroke it slowly, looking at me in the eyes with intense focus.

While still staring into mine, she slowly lowered herself; her lips opened slightly as she leaned in and put the head of my member in her mouth, sucking gently as her tongue swirled around the tip.

I could feel my muscles tense and my fists clenched tightly as waves of pleasure attacked me.

Saya seemed to enjoy my reaction, as I could literally feel her smile around my cock as she began to bob her head up and down, taking more of my shaft into her mouth each time; her tongue not idle, swirling at the bottom as she became more and more enthusiastic with the blowjob.

I couldn't help the grunt that came out of my throat as she tried to put more and more of my length into her mouth.

She had no experience, that was obvious, but she more than made up for it with enthusiasm and eagerness. It didn't take long until I had to warn her.

"Saya, I'm close." I said between breaths.

This seemed to motivate her even more, as she sped up the movements with her head before coming up, leaving only the tip inside her mouth and taking care of the rest with her hands.

A few seconds later, I could feel reaching my limit and starting to cum; I didn't hold back, she even closed her eyes in concentration as she waited for me to cum.

As a kind of reward, it didn't take long until the first shots of cum sprayed from my cock into her mouth, which she happily swallowed.

It didn't stop there, as I continued to cum, more and more, until I filled Saya's mouth, making her cheeks puff up like a squirrel, with a little dripping from the corner of her lips.

I was sure before that there was something changing in my body; this just confirmed it, as I was sure I didn't have this amount before on Earth; no man did, for that matter.

I lay down waiting for the peaks of my orgasm to pass; Saya didn't seem to mind much as she finished sucking the rest of my cum from inside my urethra before crawling on all fours to come into my view.

She gestured for me to get up. When I sat down, she raised her head and opened her mouth, showing me all the thick white liquid she had stored there.

I was still hard, but if I weren't, just the sight of her little pink tongue swimming in the pool of cum she held in her mouth would be enough to bring me back from the dead.

After making sure I had looked well, she raised her head and put her hands to her mouth before swallowing slowly. I could see her throat ripple as the liquid in her mouth descended into her stomach.

Not content, she used her finger to scoop up the remainder that had dribbled down her chin to her mouth and licked it before saying in a husky voice while looking at me.


Seriously... this girl is going to kill me at this point.

I couldn't help it, but I grabbed Saya again as I pushed both of us back onto the bed, with her lying just beneath me and my member on her stomach.

I didn't need confirmation; her look was enough as she simply nodded while looking at me with what, at this point, could very well be love.

I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I did it without a condom at this point, but I'm not foolish enough to risk getting her pregnant knowing I won't be in this world in three months.

With a simple mental command, I brought out the box that Saya's mother had given me before from my inventory. I had already opened it to see what it was, a funny fact, it was condoms.

It seems at least one of Saya's parents is on my side.

I took one of the condoms from the box, but before I could put them on, Saya stopped me while shaking her head.

"No, let's do it without." I looked at her as if she were crazy, which she noticed and smiled slightly as she explained,

"I asked my mom for a pill before coming here." She smiled cheerfully. "I'm also close to my safe days; you can put it without a condom." She got up while hugging me.

"I want to feel you, completely~."

I still had my reservations, as it was riskier than just putting on the condom, but with her asking like that, it's kind of hard to refuse.

I nibbled her ear before she lay down again, making her squeal.

With her lying down, I aligned my shaft with her slit as I moved the tip up and down gently through her folds, making Saya groan in frustration.

I did this a few more times, and when I saw she was about to say something, without hesitation, I thrust my entire length into her at once.

I felt a slight obstruction that I'm sure was her hymen before it quickly gave way, and I continued my way until hitting the back, right at the entrance of her uterus.

I could hear a small silent scream from her mouth, which was already open, before feeling her folds contract around my shaft, and she convulsed forcefully beneath me.

I stood still for a few seconds before starting to move, which made Saya look at me alarmed.

"Stop!" She said between my thrusts. "I'm very sensitive~Hm...."

I clearly didn't stop and smirked maliciously at her in revenge.

"You know..." I said as I slowly withdrew my length from inside her, leaving only the tip in, and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "I was awake; you didn't stop~." I said slowly. "This is just a little revenge, my little lioness..." I finished while licking her ear and going back inside with all my strength.


I could feel her tighten even more around my length and moan, but it seems Saya was also vindictive, as she took advantage of my carelessness to slowly open her little mouth and close it around my shoulder as she bit me.

I didn't complain, as compared to the injuries I had already received, this could very well be a love bite, which, in reality, it was.

I let her bite me as I entered and exited her slowly. I could have said it was revenge against her, but going fast wouldn't let her enjoy everything, so I'll restrain myself.

I continued like this for a few minutes while feeling her moan with each bite she gave to my shoulders before feeling her tighten again as she came; that seemed to be enough for me too, as I let go of my control while filling her again, this time through another entrance.

I stayed there hugging her as we both felt the last waves of our orgasms pass.

I lifted slightly when I felt her pushing me and looked to see what she wanted to say, only for her to surprise me by grabbing me with her legs and trying to turn me.

Clearly, she wasn't going to succeed, but I helped her, letting her invert our positions. She just looked at me with lust and love while biting her lip, which actually made me realize that what was written in her race and racial traits had much more truth than I expected.

She practically purred as she rode me again.

"I'm on top now~."

...This was going to be a long night, I could already predict.


It took a while to come out, I know. I apologize for the delay; the main reason was, well, the scene, you know which one...

I took a long time to write and rewrite; it was the first time I wrote the actual act, so I tried to write it in a way that didn't feel forced, attempted to make it more fluid? I guess. Anyway, I'm not sure if it turned out well; I hope I managed to make it at least readable.

Well, let's get to the points now.

First: Devas explaining about the stream, or rather, showing it. I think it's something he really wouldn't mind at this point, since he feels safer using the inventory as a weapon and noticing that his body is different (It will be explained later, in the next chapter, probably). So, him showing the stream is something he would do without fear, especially since it was for one of the few people he really likes.

Second: Saya's reaction to the stream and everything in general. She will comment in the next chapter, ask more questions, clear up doubts, and everything else. She just chose to do it later and jump on our protagonist while she had the courage. (Basically pillow talk).

Third: The Limão, he will take a while to come back; this will be the only one for a while. I'll focus more on Devas evolving, so it will take time for the next one. (40 or 50 chapters, maybe less if it's a non-canonical Omake).

Fourth: As always, if you have something to comment, comment. Questions? Comment. Theories, advice, constructive criticisms if possible! Or just want to comment, comment. I'm reading all and trying to respond as much as I can without giving spoilers.

PS: The next chapter is an Interlude!

PSS: Vote for the crab or the armadillo; the penguin is useless!

PSSS: Good night to those who stay; I'm going to sleep. Enjoy the read.

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