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6.25% Eleceed ~ Jiwoo's Little Sisters / Chapter 2: [Prologue 2] New Beginning

Chapitre 2: [Prologue 2] New Beginning

[South Korea, Hospital] 

[Night 9:48 pm] 


After Yulius and Chelsea embraced the darkness unwillingly, a bright blue light followed soon right after. The next thing they knew it, they ended up somewhere else where they heard babies crying and a gentle soothing voice calling out to them, before being consumed by the darkness once again. "Hello there, little ones." The women said before shutting her tired eyes, weakly from birthing twins. 

Minutes later, after being taken to another room full of newborn babies, the newly reincarnated sisters opened their eyes, instantly looked at each other with one thought coating their little minds. {Reincarnation is real?!}

{W- wait, did we just talk to each other telepathically.} Chelsea exclaimed shockingly, filled with excitement flowing through the newborn baby body of hers, thinking of the possibility of having powers in this newly world they've been given the 2nd chance in. {My dude, your priorities are all over the place. It makes me question your reliability.} Yulius shook the small little head of hers as best as she could while giving her twin a disappointed look. {What?! We can talk to each other's with our minds. Isn't that cool?!} 

{Does the fact that we did not just die and reincarnate into an unknown world concern you?} Yulius asked. {A tiny bit, but we have powers. Besides, having different priorities does not make me unreliable.} She replied as a matter of fact.

{So, if I was ever in trouble-} Yulius started but was immediately cut off by a baby's laughter filling the entire room. To others, if one were to enter the room, it would sound like a psychotic manic laughing evilly and as such, many would view that child like it was possess by a demon.

{Y- you! In trouble?! W- what a joke!} She pointed her small index finger teasingly in front of Yulius's baby face as her other hand latched onto her stomach from laughing too hard.

{Hypothetically speaking though.} Yulius spoke, annoyed by her twin's unserious manner currently. {O- okay. If w- weee are ta- talking hy-po-thetic-ally, then yes, I would h- help you.} She manages to wheeze out, after laughing so hard that left her baby lungs out of breath. {M- man, laughing this hard is not good for my newborn baby body's health. Tone it down a notch on the joke's sister.}

{I don't follow on what's so funny about what I just said, but I consider that the many questionable qualities you possess. Now, what if your favorite candy brand had a newly release limited addition candy bar that came out and you have only fifteen minutes to claim it, but you also only have fifteen minutes to help me? Which would you choose?} Yulius questioned exasperated, so done with Chelsea inadequate and indifferent attitudes at times. 

{If it's like that, obviously I would choose-} Chelsea began before being interrupted by her twin who stated the supposed correct answer that sounds more like a question. {Me, right?} To which Chelsea replied. {No sh*t sherlock, I would obviously choose... The newly released limited addition candy bar.}

Yulius: {W- what?!} 

Her response not only left Yulius shell-shocked, but also speechless and most of all confused at why in the bloody f*ck would your own twin choose a candy bar over you. 

Chelsea: {Why in the bloody f*ck would I choose you over a newly released limited addition candy bar?}

She exclaimed, like it was obviously the correct and better option when in all seriousness, it would be seen and thought as the most selfish and cruel choice. I mean, how many people would choose a limited addition candy bar over their siblings. I highly doubt many... (A/n: I would lol) 

Yulius: {Because I need your help?}

She spoke in a 'duh' tone.

Chelsea: {You'll be fine, with or without my help.} 

Yulius: {Okay, but what if I was kidnapped and needed saving?} 

Chelsea: {Why so specific? And you being kidnapped and in need of saving doesn't mix in well. Are you okay? You don't sound like the Yulius I know. Did one of the nurses perhaps dropped you on our way here and you're currently suffering from a blood vessel popping in that tiny baby brain of yours leading to a brain injury? Do I need to cry out loud so someone can get you check?}

Yulius: {NO! I was not dropped, and I do not suffer from a brain injury. This is hypothetical, remember?} 

Chelsea: {Oh, right! Hypothetically speaking, if you were in need of saving then yes, I would-} 

Yulius: {Choose my dear sister over a bloody candy bar, right?}

Chelsea: {You're right-} 

Yulius: {Thank god for a sec-} 

Relief washed over Yulius, but only for a fragile pitiful second. 

Chelsea: {I would f*cking choose a candy bar over you!} 

She exclaimed proudly, causing an invisible arrow to shoot Yulius, leaving her once again, shell-shocked and confused. 

Yulius: {Chel-} 

Chelsea: {It's a limited addition candy bar. It's irreplaceable.} 

She explained, causing another invisible arrow to shoot Yulius, making her look pale like she seen a ghost. 

Yulius: {Am I not irreplaceable?} 

She exclaimed; a bit offended at the thought of her own sister comparing her well-being, being replaceable over a f*cking candy bar. 

Chelsea: {I never said that you're irreplaceable. Are you sure you didn't hit your head? Or perhaps Truck-kun bumped into you too hard. Maybe I should cry for a doctor or nurse-}

Yulius: {For the love of god, my brain is just fine!}

Chelsea: {Whoa, sister, you just use god twice. We're not religious or anything so maybe I should-} 

Yulius: {If you're going to say what I think you're about to say, you better shut it.}

Chelsea: {What do you think I'm about to say?} 

Yulius: {Cry out loud so a doctor or nurse can check up on me.}

Cheslea: {Alright, I'll cry-} 

Yulius: {W-wait, what?!} 

Chelsea: {Imma cry-}

Yulius: {No! Why would you cry?!}

Chelsea: {Because you told me to?} 

Yulius: {I did not!} 

Chelsea: {Did too!} 

Yulius: {Did not!} 

Chelsea: {Did too! In your own words, 'Cry out loud so a doctor or nurse can check up on me.'}

Yulius: {That's because I was answering what I thought you said.}

Chelsea: {Why would you be thinking of my thought process? That's a little weird, even for you Yulius-} 

Yulius: {I'm not thinking of your thought process, I was simply answering your question.} 

Chelsea: {Question? What question?} 

She played dumbed. 

Yulius: {When you said, 'What do you think I'm about to say?' after I said, 'If you're going to say what I think you're about to say, you better shut it.'}

Cheslea: {Oh, right, and what was your answer again?}

She taunted.

Yulius: {Chelsea-} 

Chelsea: {What?!} 

Yulius: {You already know the answer to that question.} 

Chelsea: {Do I now? I never knew my sister could read minds.}

The sister teased once more.

Yulius: {Forget it. Just tell me the reason why you would choose a damn candy bar over me.} 

She sighed, clearly done with her sister's teasing and playful banters. 

Chelsea: {Because it's delicious and you're not.} 

She said, causing Yulius to choke on air and go bloody red. 

Yulius: {If I had water inside my mouth, I would spit it out after hearing what you just said.} 

Cheslea: {Why?! A candy bar is more delicious than you... Bloody hell! That's not what I meant!} 

She yelled the latter part as she also turned terribly bloody red.

Yulius: {Don't worry, I'm just as disgusted at the thought of it as you are.} 

Chelsea: {Argghhh, someone bleach this baby brain of mines. Urrrgggg.}

She cried out in remorse. 

Yulius: {This is why you think before you speak Chelsea!}

She groaned pathetically while massaging her temple with her tiny baby fingers which looks very adorable from an outsider's perspective. 

Chelsea: {Dully noted.}

Yulius: {Well, ignoring the fact that you would leave me to die for a candy bar, we have other things to discuss.} 

Chelsea: {Wut?! I wouldn't-} 

Yulius: {For a limited addition candy bar, really?} 

Chelsea: {No comment.} 

She coughed, a bit uncomfortable as she thought too, that it's quite cold and heartless to choose a candy bar over your dear older sister, yet that doesn't mean she would change her mind about which option she would choose. 

Chelsea: {Anyways, what are the things we need to discuss?} 

Yulius: {Well first off, what are the chances we reincarnated in a manhwa?} 

Chelsea: {I mean, pretty high. Now the question is, which manhwa did we reincarnate in?} 

Yulius: {Hm, I think we both know which manhwa we are in based on our appearance wise...} 

Chelsea: {Hmm, couldn't possibility have anything to do with possessing Gojo's sky-blue eyes and angelic white hair, yeah?} 

Yulius: {Adding on to the fact that our cribs have a giant sign projecting, 'Yulius Tsuna Seo' and 'Chelsea Alora Seo.'}

Chelsea: {Couldn't be more obvious.} 

Yulius: {Right. We both say it on the count of 3?} 

Chelsea: {Sure.}





Chelsea: {Jujutsu Kaisen.}

Yulius: {Eleceed... Wut?!-} 

Chelsea: {Joking, I'm joking. Of course, I know we're in Eleceed.} 

Yulius: {Good, or else I would've been concern.} 

Chelsea: {Or are we?} 

She teased, grinning a bit as her cute baby cheeks project themselves clearly, making her look chibi. 

Yulius: {Chelsea...} 

Chelsea: {I know, I know. We're definitely in Eleceed. If we were in JJK I would've been quite concern.}

Yulius: {Quite?} 

Chelsea: {Well, we have sixth eyes and limitless which will make us the strongest like Gojo Satoru.}

Yulius: {Yet that didn't stop Sukuna from breaking the world's proclaimed strongest jujutsu sorcerer, Gojo Satoru's spine, like a kit-kat bar.} 

Chelsea: {Hm, fair point.} 

Yulius: {So, what are we going to do in our 2nd life?} 

She asked, though it came out more like a statement, knowing her childhood best friend from head to toe in their 1st life, it's quite easy to figure out her selfish desires. 

Chelsea: {Obviously join the World of Awakeners and make preparation to potentially fight the World's Top Ten.} 

She exclaimed happily as her hands shakes, filled with excitement. 

Yulius: {Yeah? I have no doubt you'll get along rather well with Kayden; you battle junky.}

Chelsea: {Hm, I'm just built like that.}

Yulius: {Well, if it's like that then we'll have to make an organization to secure power against Frame and the rest of the World's Top Ten. Also, other organizations like the ones that experiment on Awakeners, though I think that also has something to do with one of the World's Top Ten.} 

She spoke in a disgusted tone, rather displeased at the thought of children being experimented on and thrown away like trash once they're of no use. The atmosphere around those two, rather darkened and tense as both sister's facial expressions turned cold. 

Chelsea: {Let's do it then.} 

Yulius: {Yeah?!} 

Chelsea: {Yeah. We'll make an organization that will have power that rivals- no, surpasses that of all of the World's Top Ten, but also so Awakeners, such as those who have been experimented on can have a safe haven to grow, protect themselves, and most of all, have a place to call home.}

Yulius: {Hm, that sounds lovely.}

Chelsea: {Right?! But we have to be careful not to interfere too much with the plot.}

Yulius: {The plot is already ruined with our presence and there will be many, many butterfly effects because of it.} 

Chelsea: {I know, I know, that's why we must keep the Awakened World a secret from Jiwoo, till he meets Kayden. After all, the plot is mostly focused and based on Jiwoo.} 

Yulius: {So we'll be acting in the shadows, basically?}

Chelsea: {Whoa, that doesn't sound so bad at all! Reminds me of Eminence in Shadow. You know-}

Yulius: {Don't start-} 

Chelsea: {I mean, we might as well be another Cid Kagenou. Having a Shadow Garden 2.0 sounds fun.} 

Yulius: {You sure it's not because you want a harem?} 

Chelsea: {N- n- no, no, that couldn't possibly be my reason for having-} 

She stuttered in denial as she tried to explain herself as she looked away from Yulius's intense and slightly menacing glare. 

Yulius: {Chelsea Alora Seo.} 

The baby spoke in a dangerously calm and low tone that caused unrest to the girl she was speaking to, shivering and fidgeting as if she was freezing from a cold even when she had layers of layers of blankets wrapped burrito-style around her ity bity small baby body of hers. 

Chelsea: {Y-yess?!} 

She squeals frighteningly as she slowly turns to face her annoyed older twin. 

Yulius: {Must you always have these foolish ideals that are currently supposed to be the least of your worries?} 

Chelsea: {W- wait w- w- wait?! So, I can have one?} 

She exclaimed, a bit too excitedly and fast. 

Yulius: {That's what caught your attention?}

Chelsea: {I mean, you didn't deny me a harem so...} 

Yulius: {No, no you are not making a harem out of our organization.} 

Chelsea: {So I can make one if it was outside of our-} 

Yulius: {N- no, why are you so hung over about having a harem.} 

Chelsea: {I mean, isn't it everyone's dreams to have one except you.} 

Yulius: {I highly doubt that I'm the only one in the entire world that would be more than okay with having only one lover.} 

Chelsea: {I don't know mate, if some were given the option to have 3 beautiful fine women than 1, I believe most would choose the 1st option rather than the latter one.}

Yulius: {No harem. Knowing you, you'll probably have a harem of thousands which you will not have time for.} 

Chelsea: {What if I could make time-} 

Yulius: {No harem and that's final!} 

Chelsea: {Hmpt! You're no fun sister.}

She scoffed aggressively with her arms cross as she turns away to not face her sister as she angrily pouts rather cutely. Yulius rolls her eyes at her dramatic display of annoyance as she continues on to their next topic of discussion. {Moving on, let's discuss our plans for the future.}


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