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69.56% Overlord: The Path of Sin / Chapter 32: Ten Times the Intimidation

Chapitre 32: Ten Times the Intimidation

"Mr. Lucian," Lucian heard a voice from behind him as he gazed at the room. He turned to see an avatar of what appeared to be a man sitting in a seat.

Behind the man, there was a very familiar, vague brown-haired girl's avatar.

"I assume you're already aware that you've broken the game, creating scenarios that are very, very, very unlikely to happen," the man stated with authority in his voice.

"Yes. And?" Lucian replied nonchalantly.

"Are you aware that what you've done might possibly cause other players to be outraged at the game, potentially even impacting our reviews negatively?" asked the developer or whomever he was.

"Yes, but I didn't cheat. All I did was use the methods available to players, and the outcome I reached was only natural," Lucian argued as he took a seat, his gaze unwavering on the vague avatar of what appeared to be a middle-aged man, whose figure was also indistinct and very NPC-like.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Lucian, we will have to permanently ban you for cheating in the game."

"And who are you to do that?" Lucian inquired, a hidden smirk behind his avatar. His eyes then shifted to the brown-haired humanoid figure behind the man, noticing her shivering.

"I'm the head developer of Yggdrasil and one of the board members," the man introduced himself.

"My name is Kouki Amane," he added before getting up.

"I regret to inform you that I'll have to delete your account and permanently ban you from the game. Mr. Lucian, you've disrupted the entire system," said Kouki Amane.

"We'd also like to inquire about your purchase history, as we've noticed some rather suspicious activities,"

Come on, Kirin-kun, bring up this young man's purchase history for me," the man continued, prompting the woman behind him, Suzune, to retrieve Lucian's purchase history.

"Yes, sir," Suzune replied hesitantly. Her apprehension wasn't due to her boss, but rather because of the young man sitting in front of her. She feared him more than her superior, who remained unaware of Lucian's true identity. Despite using the company's data to uncover the player's name, they had only managed to find his first name. That's why the head developer was addressing him by his first name, as he was unaware of any additional information. Their attempts to access more data had been unsuccessful.

Immediately, a list appeared in front of the head developer, and he scrolled through the screen while listing some things out.

"17 Chests of High WCs worth 500,000 Yen.

7 Arcane Crown - Fire worth 76,000 yen.

50 Mana Dominators worth 3 Million Yen.

6 Resurrection Globe worth 750,000 yen.

34 Elixirs of Miracle worth 3 million Yen.

500 Flame Talismans: Type - Nova Evernine worth 3 Million Yen.

And 700 Cardinal Evil Sins - Lust," the developer completed recounting Lucian's most recent purchases.

"These are the most recent purchases, all made within 24 hours. Not to mention, you only stopped buying after reaching the limit of 3 million Yen, which is in place to prevent the game from breaking."

Lucian remained silent as he sat there, growing increasingly irritated by the head developer's behavior. The man was acting like an all-knowing, randomly appearing omnipotent being – in simpler terms, an ROB (Random Omnipotent Being). However, Lucian didn't like the feeling of being controlled or monitored, so he fixed his gaze on the head developer.

"So, why did you buy the 700 Cardinal Evil Sins? And how did you know that you would need a total of 700 to unlock the Doorway to Sin?" The head developer asked as he slammed his hand on the table, creating a loud cracking noise.

Even a child could guess what the developer was trying to do; he was attempting to intimidate Lucian. However, Lucian was not the type to be intimidated by a mere head developer of a DMMO-RPG. He had faced far more intimidating challenges.

Like his maid, who was way more intimidating in bed than this guy trying to act like a villain.

"Do you know that, under the VR Criminal Regulation Act, Section, intimidation within the VR world is considered a criminal offense? It can lead to investigation and prosecution under the law," Lucian calmly stated. "This includes creating fear or emotional harm in another user through any means of realistic simulation or threat."

Lucian smiled, though his avatar remained stoic. The head developer didn't flinch; he knew he held the power here. It was his game, after all. He also believed this player was cheating, as there was no other explanation for someone spending so much money in Yggdrasil every day.

"Are you implying that I'm a criminal?" the head developer asked, a hint of amusement in his tone.

"And who will prove it?" he added, almost giggling.

"My lawyer will," Lucian replied nonchalantly.

"What!?" The developer shouted, clearly taken aback by the unexpected threat.

"Yes, the head developer of The DMMO-RPG, Yggdrasil. My lawyer will be the one contacting you. You've resorted to intimidation to force a player to quit the game, falsely accused the same player of cheating without any evidence, and denied me the rewards I rightfully earned, even though I didn't cheat. You'll need a capable lawyer to handle the legal actions I'm prepared to take," Lucian confidently stated as he rose from his seat, a hint of amusement in his way of speaking, almost as if he is having fun..

"Charges include Breach of Contract, defamation, Unfair Business Practices, Privacy Violation, and Virtual Intimidation," Lucian added, once again pointing his finger at the head developer.

"You'll have to deal with this civil lawsuit." Lucian concluded. While he wasn't a legal expert, he had acquired some basic knowledge, thanks to his highly intelligent maid who continually educated him on effective player tactics. Moreover, his father had imparted a valuable lesson to him over the years: when faced with intimidation, respond with tenfold intimidation. Lucian was fully committed to this course of action.

"Are you attempting to threaten me?" the head developer questioned with a heavy tone.

Lucian raised an unseen eyebrow and muttered, "The kettle calling the pot black, huh? I've merely stated the actions I plan to take against the developers who've taken away an avatar I've painstakingly built over three years, wasting countless hours and millions."

"You're just trying to gain an upper hand in this situation. It's clear you're cheating, spending millions on gacha items is sheer stupidity. Let me verify the legality of all your transactions first."

The head developer then opened the transaction menu, which was only available to head developer, and examined the transactions. They all appeared legitimate, coming from the same bank with matching names; however, there was a question about the source of the money.

"Why would the Evans Corporation be giving money to you?" the head developer inquired, now visibly sweating. The Evans Corporation was a widely known conglomerate, not only in Japan but also around the world, and he was well aware of its prominence.

"Because it's mine," Lucian stated matter-of-factly.

"Stop lying and tell me the truth! Are you an employee of the Evans Corporation? It appears we'll need to conduct a thorough investigation into all your data," the head developer declared, once again attempting to intimidate Lucian.

"It won't be necessary," Lucian said as he accessed his menu, now with all functions available, including the option to make real-world calls while in the virtual world. He dialed the numbers and placed a call.

"Hello, Mei Mei? Yes, have you completed the task I asked for? Thanks. Anyway, no! They're banning me, apparently. Yeah, hurry up. I want to log out, but the head developer is trying to intimidate me. No! No, no, no need to take things too far! Why would you even think that!? That's horrifying, please stop, Mei Mei! Phew... good, I'll wait for 5 more minutes. Yeah..." Lucian's voice was clear, and the head developer listened to what seemed like a conversation with someone named Mei Mei.

"Yeah, prepare the cream rolls for me. Bye," Lucian concluded the call and turned his attention to the head developer. His eyes also fell on Suzune, who had been silent all this time but now wanted to speak up.

"Um, Mr. Kouki, I think we can come to a mutual conclusion if we try to talk it out," Suzune suggested, bowing her head to the head developer.

"Kirin Kun, are you implying that I'm incompetent and can't even handle this issue myself?" the head developer asked grumpily.

"It's not that, it's just that we might get in trouble..." Suzune began to explain when Lucian cut in, echoing her words.

"Oh, believe me, you will get in a lot of trouble," Lucian said with a smile. Suzune could see through that avatar, that sinister smile that always represented disaster for her.

"So what are you going to do, Mr. Lucian? We are going to permanently ban your account and have you banned from ever playing Yggdrasil again," the head developer said, bringing up a screen and tapping on an option to ban Lucian's avatar.

"Sure, go ahead, ban me. I dare you," Lucian responded calmly. This calmness troubled the head developer. It wasn't easy for most people to remain so composed in a situation where they could potentially face criminal accusations or be banned from playing a game they had invested so much money in.

Lucian glanced at Suzune with a mischievous smile, noticing her waving her hand as if signaling him not to involve her. This only fueled Lucian's desire to tease her.

"Suzune... You're not going to help your boyfriend?" he playfully taunted.

Suzune, in her embarrassment and fear, hit her head on the desk. Lucian's teasing was relentless, and she found herself at his mercy.

"Kirin Kun!" The head developer turned to her with a serious expression. "Do you know this player?" He was growing more suspicious of Suzune now.

"No, sir, I don't know him!" Suzune quickly denied. "Considering I'm getting a lot of promotions these days, he probably thought of using me as a scapegoat! Please don't believe him."

"Is that so?" Lucian chuckled, enjoying Suzune's reaction. Just then, the screen of the Head developer vibrated as if he were receiving a call.

"Kirin Kun, try to get any information out of him. I'm getting a call from the Head Director," the head developer said in a hurry before logging out.

"L-U-C-I-A-N!!!" The moment the head developer logged out, Suzune immediately lunged at Lucian, shouting and started punching him in the chest.

"Why did you have to break the game!? Weren't you overpowered enough!? Goddamn!" Suzune shouted as she held onto Lucian's avatar's waist while also continuing to punch it.

"Did you really miss me that much, Suzune? I thought you said you didn't want to spend a second with me, even if it's in VR," Lucian teased, holding onto the punching avatar of the girl.

"I said that because it's true! I would rather spend time with you in real life! But you have been fuc—" Suzune immediately shouted, then realized what Lucian was trying to do.

"What? Continue?" Lucian urged her to go on.

"You goddamn freak!" Suzune exclaimed, trying to kick him, but Lucian skillfully dodged her.

"Suzune, my reflexes have improved since I started playing Yggdrasil. They are better than yours at least now," Lucian proudly said as he continued to dodge Suzune's punches and kicks.

"You freak! You should show some sympathy for me at least!" Suzune shouted as she swung her hand toward Lucian to punch him again, but this time he caught her punch and pulled her into a warm embrace, even though it was barely felt in the virtual world.

"Stop toying with me!" Suzune demanded as she tried to break free, but it was Lucian, even if it was just an avatar.

"My dear Suzune... You are such a cute girl... You care so much for me, you even hid the truth of my Greatest Einherjar class, and you even hid the fact that I have more than 23 world items. Even though you could've told him and put all the blame on me. As expected, you really are a tsundere," Lucian said as he gently rubbed the head of Suzune's brown-haired avatar. Despite wanting to punch him and break his face, she couldn't refute his words because they were the truth.

"You should show some sympathy to me then," Suzune muttered as she punched Lucian, although her punches were as weak as a toddler's.

"Sure, I'll shower you with all the attention you want, but can you tell me something? I'm curious about it," Lucian said in a rather curious tone.

"What?" Suzune asked, still holding onto his waist.

"You know, when I used that world item, as you predicted, a fourth factor took place. What happened was that I actually fused with that world enemy. But you know, Suzune, I was actually quite surprised by the classes it gave me," Lucian said in a very innocent way, as if he were genuinely curious.

"What? Tell me! What do you want to know?" Suzune asked, now eager to answer his question. Although she hadn't realized it, one of the joys in Suzune's life was definitely quenching Lucian's curiosity. She loved giving him answers to his weird and crazy questions about the game. In fact, she always hoped for a message from Lucian every day, and even if it was about the game, she would be very happy with it.

"You see, Suzune, I received the class [First Dragon], which is pretty weird because I thought the Seven Deadly Sins were demons," Lucian said as he held Suzune tighter, tightening the hug.

"Oh! That's because the Seven Deadly Sins were originally supposed to be dragons, but the head developer got tired of seeing only dragons in the game as bosses. So, he asked for the Seven Deadly Sins to be changed into demons. However, in their lore, they are all the children of the World Devourer, the First Dragon, and are also considered the First Dragons, all cursed by him," Suzune explained in a rather masterful way.

"Oh, as expected from my Suzune, you know everything," Lucian said as he patted her head, complimenting her. Suzune acted as if she had already forgotten whatever took place before. In fact, it was all very easy. Lucian could easily manipulate Suzune. After all, she was a rather pure girl who could be manipulated easily as long as you had her heart bound to you by a thread. From using her name in every sentence, to hugging her tighter when asking a question to make her feel important, to using "dear" every time to make her feel even better, it was all a tactic. Lucian was a scumbag, using Suzune right now.

"Lucian, you are going to lose your avatar. Are you going to create a new one? Do you want my help? Although I can't give you a cheat class because there isn't one, I can still give you locations of world items, and it'll definitely help you at least reach higher than other players," Suzune said as she looked at Lucian with shining eyes, eager to help right now, even though she was cursing just moments ago. Women are easy, if you can understand their hearts.

"No, no, no, no. Don't misunderstand, dear Suzune. No one's avatar is getting deleted, and certainly not mine," Lucian said as he gave Suzune a hug. But just as she was about to melt into it, he abruptly shoved her away, shocking her. Suddenly, a familiar figure materialized.

"I'm very sorry!" The head developer bowed his head.

"Mr. Evans, I didn't know you were playing Yggdrasil. I'm very sorry for my earlier speech," the head developer profusely apologized, refusing to lift his head up.

Lucian looked at Suzune and gave her a smirk. Even though his avatar didn't show it, Suzune could see Lucian's smirk, which said, 'See, I told you.'

However, she didn't smile back; rather, she was angry at him for how he shoved her away. Although she appreciated it because she didn't want to be embarrassed, she still hated the fact that he did that.

"So, when are we appearing in court, Mr. Head Developer?" Lucian asked in a playful tone, almost as if he were teasing him.

The old man was pissed off at how such a young man was trying to tease him and provoke him, but he couldn't do anything, otherwise, his job would be the least of his worries.

"Surely you are joking," the head developer said as he lifted his head to address Lucian.

"Mr. Evans, although we have the data of your avatar, my assistant here has already compressed and saved it. But, we have deleted your player profile. So, unfortunately, you'll have to restart your Yggdrasil journey, progressing through the campaign and other activities. Although we could've reinstated the old avatar, due to the system perceiving you as a world enemy, a monster, we weren't able to do anything about it," the head developer explained to Lucian.

Lucian thought for a moment before asking.

"Are you going to take away all my privileges and classes I obtained through the world enemy?" Lucian asked with a serious expression.

"No, no, no, no, no!" The head developer hurriedly denied, shaking his head.

"I would never do that! But we would have to convert it into player data, which will take time. At most, a week!" said the head developer.

"Hmm... Will you take away all my stat gains?" Lucian inquired.

"No! Mr. Evans, you received a boost of 300 in every stat after becoming a world enemy. We won't be taking that away. However, we will be removing the 400 stat points you obtained after killing the 400 players," the head developer explained, sweating nervously.

"But didn't they attack me first? I think it was fine to PK anyone as long as you are able to deal with it," Lucian countered.

"No, that's not the problem. The thing is, those stat points were corrupted. The reason your HP plummeted to 0 was also because of that corrupted data. Otherwise, it would've taken us more time to infiltrate your system," the head developer clarified.

"Hmm... That should be fine then... If you are changing my player profile, can I choose my name this time? Last time, I was not able to access my name because it was already taken," Lucian requested politely.

"Sure. Just give us the name..." the head developer asked, showing a business-like smile. He was expecting a huge bonus check tonight.

"Hmm... Lucian Aeternus... Yes, that should be fine," Lucian confirmed.

"That should be fine then. Please, you can log out for the time being, and we will work on decompressing your world enemy data and converting it into player data," the head developer said, looking at Suzune.

"Kirin Kun, you should entertain our guest and be kind," the head developer instructed seriously before logging out. He had no intention of doing any work; his plan was to ask his employees to handle it later. He disappeared as soon as he logged out.

"So, my dear Suzune, what do you think? Was I able to rectify the situation?" Lucian asked with a smile, though it was hidden beneath his avatar.

"You really went above and beyond..." Suzune said as she giggled, finding the experience of her superiors trying to bootlick Lucian quite amusing.

"Well, I'm somewhat of a beyonder myself..." Lucian replied with a laugh.


Oh God, forgive me for I have sinned! I made this chapter over 3000 words long because I was so in love with this dynamic that I was not able to stop before completing everything I wanted to write. Sorry for being a bad author.

Now, time to answer some questions.

Q - (Divine-Class): Will Nazarick girls be in the harem?

Reply from God: Yes! Not only will the Nazarick girls be in the harem, but the entire Nazarick. If you want, I can even turn the entire dungeon into a female NPC. Lol!

Q - (Legendary-Class): When will the new world arrive?

Reply from God: Do you want me to skip the most interesting part, the guild base? Tell me! No! We are going to have some NPC creation chapters and guild base chapters. After that, it's off to the new world. Don't worry; it won't take many chapters. Although I've said it a lot of times, I almost sound like a scammer now, wanting you guys to read the story.

Also, a request from the author: For those of you who I've disappointed with the last chapter, I would really like to apologize. (Goes on my knees, does a dogeza.)

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