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87.5% Who wants to be president? / Chapter 7: 7.

Chapitre 7: 7.

Who wants to be president?


 After the refusal of the next minister from the post of president, many government officials and their relatives began to panic and have a premonition of the imminent collapse of their comfortable lives. The majority of the country's population secretly triumphed and rejoiced at this turn of events.

 The meeting of the government, scheduled for 8:00 am, postponed to 12:00 noon, as everyone did not sleep well this night. The Minister of Defense Clement was to become next acting President. Among the ordinary people, and not only, he considered the dumbest minister. Besides, Clement liked drinking, abused alcohol. He was said to be a store manager, where met the future President Konstantin. Who always preferred appointing his friends, relatives and people, loyal to him, to important positions. Not paying attention to their professional and intellectual abilities.

 A Minister of State Security Walter knew much more about him than the rest. And he repeatedly reported to the President about Clement's financial frauds in the Ministry of Defense.

 After everyone had taken their seats, Minister Walter, who assumed the role of chairman, in accordance with the Constitution, declared Minister of Defense Clement acting President. There were no protests, including from Clement.

 No one expected objections from him, since everyone knew about his poorly concealed lust for ambition, the desire for power. Although he had vague doubts and fears in connection with the appointment to this position. Over the past two days, to relieve stress and calm his nerves, he drank five bottles of whiskey, so his face today seemed more swollen than usual.

 "Mr. President... Mr. President..." the voice of Minister Walter brought him out of his thoughts, - Clement did not immediately understand they were addressing him. "I propose you to take your seat," and pointed to the armchair where President Konstantin usually sat, when was present at a government meeting. Two previous interim presidents avoided sitting there. However, Clement, because of the level of his intellect, never paid attention to superstition and bad signs. Sitting down there, he lordly and with some arrogance looked around.

 "President Clement -- that sounds proudly," he thought to himself.

 However, most of the ministers looked at him and tried to guess, how long he would last in this position. After all, their own destiny depended on it.

 After a short break, Minister Walter read out a report, prepared by his staff, on what had happened to President Konstantin. The fact of sudden and rapid burning was impossible to deny. It was difficult to explain this from a reasonable, scientific point of view. Yet, there was a hypothesis, suggesting, that an external factor, a driving force, an electromagnetic concentrated beam, high-frequency radiation with a certain periodicity, is necessary to start the combustion of the body. Under the influence of it, the vibration of atoms and molecules in cells begins. And activates the process of cold nuclear fusion and burning of the human body.

 Investigators and experts inquire into this incident, suggested it was as a result of such an influence, that the President Konstantin burned down.

 The source of this radiation has not yet found. This emitter was beyond doubt movable. The distance for action was also unknown.

 Since the investigation continues, and the terrorists, who committed this crime, are still at large, for the safety of the acting President Clement, Minister Walter offered to consign him on a trip to South America today. To visit several friendly Republics. All Ministers unanimously supported this proposal and concluded the meeting.

 Minister Walter did not deliver another report on the events of the previous day. No one expected such a sudden and rather foolish act from Minister Bartosz. So there was no careful observation of him by the special services. 

 There was little information about what happened at the airport after the announcement of his resignation. Obviously, he going to fly away, but was detained by Bolek, Deputy Minister Walter's, learned about his plans. And Bartosz went with wife to his home under house arrest, assigned to him by Bolek. 

 According to Bolek's guards, he told them that wanted to take the plane to another airfield and ordered them to go ride there. However, he did not land there and has since disappeared. His wife and mistress also did not know where he was. There were no reports of air crashes. The location of the customs inspector, whom he called on the plane, apparently to inspect Bartosz's luggage, is also unknown.

 Minister Walter postponed this puzzle for another time, ordered continued attempts to contact his deputy and took part in arranging a trip to South America.


 A loud knock woke Bolek up. He did not immediately understand where he was, but right away remembered everything and opened the door of the room. A security man told him to wait for Minister Mozi's call and handed him a smartphone. To communicate with foreigners in this Republic they used English, which he knew well.

 A minute later, a video call rang and the face of the minister appeared on the screen. After an exchange of greetings, he expressed surprise at Bolek sudden, unexpected arrival.

 "In my country, there such a situation that I was forced to urgently leave it. Very likely I will ask you for political asylum. I will tell you the details later at the meeting," Bolek said and asked the minister to order his people to transfer his luggage -- 10 suitcases -- to the hotel.

 "You can take this plane for yourself," he added. "Just do not fly it anywhere except Africa - this plane could confiscated. It's best to… put the crew to sleep, eliminate them."

 Noticing surprise and a silent question on the face of his interlocutor, he said. "Okay, I'll explain everything later."

 They agreed to meet and talk in three or four hours, because Minister Mozi was in the capital and now busy.

 Bolek lay down on the bed to take a nap and fell asleep again.

 He woke up from the melodious ringing of smartphone. Minister Mozi told that a car would come and take him to the presidential palace. There were some problems to solve. Bolek had already been there more than once and knew that were two metal detectors at the entrance. And also, a personal search carried out, so he left his leather briefcase in the room.

 Going downstairs, Bolek asked an acquaintance hotel manager where his luggage was.

 "What luggage?" he surprised.

 "They should have brought me 10 suitcases," Bolek said.

 "No one brought anything," the manager replied.

 "This is not good," Bolek thought, trying to suppress the suddenly arising and growing feeling of anxiety.

 After the air-conditioned coolness in the hotel, the hot, torrid air outside hit his face unpleasantly. The trip to the palace took a few minutes. At the entrance, two security officers whom he had before met were waiting for him. After a careful procedure of checking and inspecting, they headed deeper into the building and soon arrived at the large doors. One of the officers went inside and returned with Minister Mozi. After an exchange of greetings, rather lukewarm from the minister, he said: 

 "There were problems with your luggage. The customs did not let it through without inspection and they have questions."

 "OK." Bolek said. "I'm sure we can solve everything and agree on anything."

 Mozi nodded and invited him in.

 The room was expansive. Along the walls were wide metal tables. On those lay Bartosz's suitcases, sawn in half and their contents. When they entered, several uniformed men turned and looked at Bolek. Among them he recognized President Jelani.

 "And here is our dear guest - Mr. Bolek!" said the President with noticeably false courtesy. "You probably didn't know that it forbad bringing foreign currency and jewelry to our Republic without paying customs duty. And smuggling is 100% confiscated. Is this all yours?" He asked, pointing to the suitcases.

 "Yes - it's mine," said Bolek. "I'm ready to share; you can take half -- 50%."

 President Jelani didn't answer, only glanced at him indifferently.

 On a sudden Bolek understood, guessed - they decided to take everything. They, most likely, received information from his country about his escape. Apparently, found the corpse of a customs inspector there. And put him on the wanted list on suspicion of murder and plane hijacking. Why share such treasures with a fugitive? Maybe in their place he would have done the same. The sense of anxiety inside him replaced by a feeling of anger and hatred. Bolek regretted that did not have his briefcase with a pistol with him. He would have shot them all.

 "If this is all yours, then you must know the cipher, the code to open this beautiful jewelry box," President Jelani said. It was on a separate table and sparkling with inlaid precious stones. A paper strip with the inscription «Pandora» glued on the lid.

 Bolek looked at the President with anger and silently shook his head.

 After talking about something with Minister Mozi and other people in uniforms, President Jelani called a security officer to himself and said something to him. Officer approached Bolek, rather rough, without ceremony gripped him by the forearm, and led to the exit.

 "You need to give him a soothing injection of special medicine. Which one he brought to us before to cure our political opponents. He seems too much angry," the President told to the Minister Mozi.

 In accordance with the standard protocol of the local customs inspection, all baggage of arriving planes was always thoroughly examined and X-rayed. Bolek did not know about this, because he every time flew in with one briefcase. Bartosz's suitcases were also subjected to this procedure. Upon receiving a report of suspicious content, Minister Mozi ordered them to taken to the presidential palace. He, of course, knew about the bad events in the homeland of his business partner Deputy Minister Bolek. After his request for political asylum and an extraordinary wish for the crew of the plane, Mozi spoke to the pilots and received information from them about the origin of the suitcases. President Jelani, after listening to his report, ordered suitcases to open. They did not wanted to share such treasures with the fugitive political emigrant Bolek. In the present circumstances he was of no interest to them and useless. Besides, these suitcases, for sure, did not belong to him.

 President Jelani was in a good mood, because today was a Great Holiday. The birthday of his eldest son Afolabi from his first, main wife. He had four wives in total. Of the fifteen children, Afolabi was considered the most important. Because he was the heir, should in the remote future replace Jelani as president. A gift prepared - a unique handmade racing car, which was not yet in his considerable collection. And of course another medal – West African Republic Hero's Medal. He was now prime minister and head of the government of the Republic. Jelani's younger brother, who before held this position, died in a plane crash a few years ago. 

 All other children and numerous relatives were also employed in key positions in the government of the country. And they, also, took part in the management of all large companies and enterprises. The slightest manifestations of displeasure among the population with this state of affairs were fast and brutally suppressed by paramilitary police units. The clan of relatives of President Jelani has ruled the West African Republic for more than 30 years. There was not the slightest hint of an early end to this reign.


 Minister of State Security Walter sat down in a armchair, closed his eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled and relaxed. He had not slept much lately. In addition, today he was even wearier, participating in the preparation of the trip acting President Clement. After the announcement on television about taking office, his plane departed. And, with a small delegation of officials, was heading to South America.

 Minister Walter was very doubtful the correctness of the theory of an electromagnetic concentrated beam, capable of penetrating walls and burning a person's body at a great distance. However, he did not tell anyone about his doubts. Yet, some ministers, and especially Clement, liked this theory. He visibly cheered up, about to depart from the country. He even discussed plans for the future. Moreover, he ordered to prepare a project for the construction of a new presidential residence.

 The feeling of anxiety and danger did not leave Minister Walter. Thus, despite a headache and feeling unwell, he decided to stay overnight in his office to keep in touch with the president's plane.

 Hearing the intercom ring, he with reluctance opened his eyes and pressed a button. An assistant informed him of an urgent video call from the West African Republic. He turned on the monitor and saw on the screen a very agitated, unfamiliar officer with the rank of colonel. Maybe he had met him before, when he visited this republic, because a colonel recognized him right away.

 "Mr. Minister Walter!" said the officer, barely restraining his excitement. "We encounter a very big problems! You have to explain what it all signifies."

 "Which problems? What should I explain?" Walter asked with some irritation and discontent. He had a lot of complications here already.

 The colonel started spoke with excitement, gesticulating actively, but in his own language. Walter interrupted him with a gesture and asked to speak in English. Realizing his mistake, the officer was silent for a while, collecting his thoughts. He, probably, didn't know English very well.

 "I'd better show you everything," he finally said and directed the video camera to a nearby monitor. Soon there were records from outdoor surveillance cameras. The entrance to the presidential palace and two ambulances were visible. Nearby were the lifeless bodies of people. Then the image from another camera - a large hall with go in different directions corridors. And people, lying motionless. The picture on the screen changed several more times, but everywhere it was the same – people, who were immovable lying in different poses.

 The Colonel turned the video camera towards himself and asked: "How do you explain it? What does it all mean?"

 As Minister Walter had lately preoccupied with many problems in his own country, some extraordinary incident in a distant friendly republic alarmed him, but not much. Besides to a perhaps fake video, more substantial facts and confirmation of, in all probability, really serious incident needed.

 "Where is Minister Mozi?" he asked instead of answering. "I want to talk to him."

 "He was there in the palace," the colonel replied. "Together with other ministers, officials and the military. Today is the birthday of President Jelani's eldest son." 

"There is no connection with him, as well as with anyone in the palace at all. A couple of hours ago, an ambulance was called in from there. People on a sudden began to fall, suffocated and lost consciousness there. Shortly after arrival, the doctors also stopped responding."

 "So... clear," said Walter, trying to concentrate. "And who are you?"

 "I am Colonel Abubakar - we met with you," he answered. "Today I am on duty at the Ministry of Defense - all the other senior officers in the presidential palace."

 "So... I see... But why are you inquiring me about what happened in yours palace?" asked Walter.

 "How why!?... How is this why!?..."

The colonel switched back to his native language from excitement, but then he stopped talking and continued in English:

 "After all, this morning your deputy Bolek arrived to us with a bunch of suitcases. As I was told, his visit unexpected. The customs checked the luggage and then took all the suitcases to the presidential palace."

 "After opening a jewelry box, it all started. I looked at the surveillance footage. People began to choke and fell unconscious. The last message from the doctor who came on call was this. 'Some lethal virus is operating here, immediately block all entrances and exits from the palace.' The police followed his advice. What happened there? What should we do?"

 "So that's where he is," thought Minister Walter, hearing about the arrival of his deputy Bolek in the West African Republic. At least some part of the puzzle opened. The colonel's further account of what happened in the palace revealed another very severe problem. Without replying him, he leaned back in his armchair and closed his eyes. The frightening supposition and the growing headache maked it difficult to concentrate.

 "So Bolek flew there on Bartosz's plane," Walter thought. "And Bartosz apparently took something with him, there was some kind of jewelry box in his luggage." 

 He opened his eyes and said to the colonel. "Can you display me what this jewelry box is?"

 "I'll try now," he answered. And after a while, a room appeared on the screen with metal tables along the walls. On tables, he could see piles of jewelry, wads of money and something else. Several people lay on the floor closer to the exit. The jewelry box was on one of the tables. Walter tensed and leaned nearer to the screen.

 "Can you bring it closer?" he asked in a suddenly hoarse voice.

 The jewelry box began to increase and soon filled the entire screen. Doubts disappeared. He recognized it. A frightening presumption became a dreadful, horrific reality. There was a vague inscription on the lid – «Pandora».

 Minister Walter felt as if something had hit his head, even his eyes darkened, his headache intensified.

 "The blood pressure has jumped, I need to urgently take a pill," he thought.

 Through the ringing in his ears, he heard the voice of the colonel, "Mr. Minister - is it some virus?... Why did you bring it to us? ... What should we do?"

 Walter was silent for a long time and at length spoke:

 "Don't do anything yet, do not allow anyone into the palace and do not let anyone out of there. I need to find out something here, I will contact you back soon."

 He swallowed one blood pressure pill and put the other under his tongue. He couldn't wait for the pills to take effect. A few minutes later dialed the number of former Economy Minister Bartosz. They were sustaining a pretty good relationship, even celebrated some holidays together. Most recently, yesterday, they met and talked. Therefore, when he answered the phone, Walter at once got down to business.

 "As I was informed, after your resignation, you were going to fly abroad by plane and had luggage there, several suitcases. This is true?" Walter asked.

 It was useless to deny, and Bartosz admitted it.

 "Yesterday you were in the office of President Konstantin. He had a jewelry box in his safe, now it is not there. Did you take it?" Walter continued to ask.

 "But yesterday I was President, it was my office and everything that was there was also mine. That's why I took it," said Bartosz, attempting to justify himself.

 Without saying goodbye, Walter terminated the conversation.

 "What the fools! ..." he exclaimed and unexpectedly for himself, strikes the table with his fist.


 «Pandora» is the code name for a lethal virus created in his Ministry's secret laboratory. Like no one else, he knew what will be the consequences if it spreads. This virus was created to protect the country from possible military aggression, attack and occupation. It is better to be ready for war, even if you want peace. 

 However, virologists made a mistake somewhere or overdid it. The virus turned out to be too deadly. It entered the body not only with air when breathing, but even penetrated into the blood through the skin. 

 The experimental monkeys died in 10-15 minutes. The mortality rate was 100%. And according to the calculations, the same thing should have happened to people. Moreover, this virus multiplied and spread very fast. Most likely, it could carried out by the wind. 

 Until today, its might and destructiveness were unknown. Judging by what happened in the palace, this virus was much more deadly than all estimates suggested. It was a mortal danger to the entire human civilization. There was no protective vaccine or medicine.

 The military council, headed by the commander-in-chief, President Konstantin, was not going to employ it against the enemy army. Except as a last resort. The mere threat of its use, they assumed, would protect the country from attack.

 A couple of months ago, President Konstantin ordered him to bring, for no reason, one ampoule with this virus to his office. In a special protective container, Minister Walter delivered it there. This container did not fit into the safe, so the President, without thinking twice, took out a beautiful inlaid with precious stones jewelry box, apparently someone's recent gift, and put an ampoule there...


 Walter sat in thought for a few minutes and finally made a call.

 "Listen to me carefully - Colonel Abubakar," said Walter, trying to speak slowly and distinctly, when he reappeared on the screen. 

"My former deputy Bolek now declared a state criminal. He indeed brought to you a deadly virus, stolen from the research lab. What for, is still unknown. Probably wanted to sell, but something went wrong. This virus is extremely dangerous not only for you, but for the whole world. Everyone who was in the palace is already dead..."

 He paused a little and continued:

"Here's what you need to do, Colonel. You must now, immediately bomb out the presidential palace. Raze it to the ground and then burn the entire area with napalm. If you don't do this and the virus spreads outside the palace, will be necessary to burn with napalm your entire republic."


 The President's plane, had been flying smoothly for some time, is hit by turbulence once more and fell into an air pocket, for this once deeper than the others. Of course, there was a warning about thunderclouds along the route and rough air currents. However, the pilots, after a brief discussion, decided to proceed the flight as scheduled. Because to change course for a long flyby of the thunderhead or, moreover, to turn back, acting President Clement didn't want. He cursed out loud, dropping his whiskey glass again because of the downdraft.

 "Mr. President Clement -- behave yourself," said in a stern voice, but of course jokingly, his red-haired secretary Elsa.

 The two of them were in a spacious presidential stateroom. Next to it was a cabin for security and then a salon for the rest of the passengers.

 It goes without saying, everyone knew she was his mistress. Clement divorced his wife Barbara, who is currently living with their daughter in Italy, a few years ago.

 Elsa was wholly satisfied with her life and the role of secretary-lover of the almost always drunk and stupid Clement. And she did not pay attention to sidelong glances. Because he was a Minister and possessed many privileges that she enjoyed with him. Elsa considered herself much smarter than the other people. But these others did not think so at all.

 In her free time, she loved drawing and even once arranged an exhibition of her work with the help of Clement's administrative and financial support. Those who needed to it, knew about her participation in various financial frauds in the Ministry and illegally obtained apartments. She in fact used Minister Clement for her own enrichment.

 But now, after his appointment as President, the situation has changed. Being the wife of a clueless drunk -- but the President -- is quite a different matter. Trips abroad, meetings with the wives of other presidents. Dinners surrounded by influential people in the world. In addition, of course, a wardrobe with clothes from the most fashionable world brands. All this was at arm's length.

 "Dear," Elsa said in a gentle voice. "Maybe this is enough for you," and she looked at the bottle of whiskey, which stood in a special holder on the table.

 Clement didn't drink a drop of alcohol today because of the turmoil. On the plane, in the president's cabin, he saw a bar with a considerable number of various alcoholic drinks. And his mood straightaway improved much. Under Elsa's disapproving look, he promptly drank half a glass of his favorite whiskey. To soothe his nerves, as he always said.

 Clement was rather condescending about her manner of commanding. He even liked it sometimes. He nodded obediently, picked up the fallen glass, placed it on the table and pushed it far away. Now she was the sole close and loyal to him person, among these officials, which accompanied him on the trip and whom he barely knew. For no reason, Clement all a sudden wanted to hug her, bury his face in her stomach and not think about anything. However, he restrained himself.

 Elsa delighted at his unexpected obedience. She was almost one hundred percent sure that, after this trip abroad, would be able to persuade him to register an official marriage.

 "Dear - and we can land in Paris on the way back? Because in France we have a small house. I haven't been there for a long time, and you have ne'er been at all," she asked.

 It was rather a small castle. Bought a few years ago with money stolen from the Ministry and registered in the name of Clement's cousin.

 "France is no Banana Republic. To fly there on an official visit, one must arrange a month in advance, I suppose so," he answered.

 "But you're the President now, you can order and land for a while or come up with some urgent business," said Elsa.

 "Maybe it would be better for you fly to France on another plane, live there for one or two weeks, rest," he said.

 "How smart you are, dear," she asserted and blew him a kiss.

 "And what time is it now? Darling," asked Clement. He had never called her that before. He took off his own wristwatch for a couple of days. At the urgent request of a psychologist from the presidential medical team. And handed it over to her for safekeeping, requesting to be extra careful, since this watch cost a lot of money.

 "Half past eleven," said Elsa. "But you were told don't need to worry and think about time. It seems to me that what happened to President Konstantin is some kind of bizarre accident, a coincidence. Shorted the wiring, started a fire and he burned down. And even if the terrorists did it, who employed some kind of beam, as you said, now we are very far from them. Nothing will happen. Don't worry darling, merely don't think about it."

 Clement nodded silently. However, despite all the assurances and guarantees of safety, some strange, inexplicable feeling of anxiety gradually increased. The inexorable flow of time pursued its course all the same.

 "I need to get out, and I'll be soon," said Elsa.

 When she returned, through the half-open door of the neighboring cabin of the presidential guards, she saw some of the fire extinguishers of various types.

 "What does that mean, why are so many fire extinguishers here?" she asked the two guards, sitting there, in an alarmed voice.

 "We were given the order to," one of them answered shortly.

 "What the order to? Who ordered to?" she continued, in an almost commanding tone of voice.

 The guards looked at each other. It was a guard unit of the late President Konstantin. Clement's personal bodyguards were not allowed on this trip due to lack of enough qualifications. He often passed on to them through his secretary some small instructions, assignments. And they were forced, with great reluctance, to obey her. The presidential guard squad consisted of high-ranking officers. And they were not at all ready and didn't burn with the desire to obey some secretary, even a mistress, of this new President. Like many others, they had a very low opinion of his abilities. In addition, jokes were told about his secretary. They didn't even get up when she came in.

 "Ask the head of the guard squad," one of the guards finally said.

 "Let's see how you sing when I become the president's wife," Elsa thought. She's not expecting such an attitude from bodyguards, and pursed her lips angrily.

 In the salon of the plane, seeing the commander of the guard squad, she asked him to go with her. Everyone who was there turned and looked at her.

 "Why did you gather so many fire extinguishers here?" she demanded in a hushed voice.

 "By order to of Minister Walter," he replied.

 "But, after all, he promised, guaranteed us complete safety if we flew away. The terrorists with their beam can't harm us here. Remove everything immediately before Clement sees... Mr. President Clement. He will be nervous and worried," she said.

 "Listen Dear... Mrs. Elsa. I was there, in the residence, when President Konstantin burned down. The fire was from within. The temperature was extremely high. I very much doubt that this was due to some of the electromagnetic beam. It was some kind of otherworldly, supernatural event. The threat of repetition of which, unfortunately, still persists. While is not known who and how did it, no one has arrested. Therefore, I have to decline your request and leave the fire extinguishers where they are," said the guard commander in a firm, and also muffled, voice.

 Elsa understood that it was useless and unnecessary to argue further. A little frightened and disturbed by his words, she returned to the presidential cabin.

 Clement, while she was gone, managed to drink a whole glass of whiskey and was in a rather relaxed state. Lounging on the sofa, he was watching some the video film on the screen of a large monitor. The film was about the war, an American action movie. Other than those films, Clement liked to watch fights without rules.

 Elsa looked up at him with concern and even some apprehension. She drank a glass of strawberry liqueur and sat down in an armchair, pushing it away from the sofa.

 "What time is it now?" he asked again soon after.

 "Darling, let's not pay attention to the time. It's just unnerving. I'm sure we have an eternity ahead of us," said Elsa. Although she too had a strong desire, and at the same time she was afraid, to find out how long is left before the appointed deadline, to midnight.

 The other passengers of the plane also felt the misgiving and anxiety, growing every minute. Because, the commander of the presidential guard squad, who was personally present during the death of President Constantine in a fire of supernatural origin, spoke about this with frightening details. Despite the urgent request of the Minister of State Security Walter to keep quiet.

 No one forbade the members of the presidential delegation to look at their watches. And they frequently looked, but from this some kind of internal incomprehensible tension only intensified.

 At five minutes to twelve, the conversations stopped and silence fell, broken only by the roar of the aircraft's engines.

 These minutes seemed to drag on unbearably long, and finally midnight arrived. Everyone was silent, some looked at each other.

 One minute passed, two minutes, three... Someone relaxed and leaned back in their airplane seats with a sigh of relief.

 Suddenly, a piercing female scream broke the booming ominous silence. Causing almost everyone to flinch and jump out of their seats.

 The bodyguards, who were sitting in the passenger cabin, rushed to the president's stateroom, the door of which was already open. Inside, through clouds of thickening smoke, one could see the body of President Clement, lying on the sofa and engulfed in fire. A sheaf of flame burst upward from the middle of the body, scattering sparks and shreds of burning clothes around.

 Elsa had already stopped screaming and stood, pressed against the wall of the stateroom. Numb with horror, she sometimes opening her mouth, as if trying to say something, unable to take her eyes off the terrible sight.

 All the guards were already wearing protective masks. One of them turned on the fire extinguisher and directed a stream of powder at the hearth of the flame. Because of which the sparks only intensified. The other took Elsa out and put her on a convertible seat opposite the stateroom.

 The squad leader grabbed a large fire extinguisher and began to spray foam around the burning body. Hissing and crackling could heard. The smoke thickened even more -- almost nothing was visible inside -- and began to spread throughout the passenger salon.

 All a sudden the plane rocked, it banked over and something rolled out of the stateroom. It was President Clement's bald head. His wig came unglued. Head stopped near the side panel, opposite the seated Elsa. One bulging eye stared straight at her, and the other looked in a completely different direction. A blackened tongue was hang down out from gaping mouth. The shaking continued and from this, the head swayed and moved, as if alive.

 Elsa's deafening heartbreaking cry was penetrate even into the cockpit. The commander of the guard squad, who jumped out of the presidential stateroom, approached her and covered her mouth with his hand. She instantly fell silent. Beholding the head, the cause of her fright, he rather unceremoniously kicked it back into the stateroom with his foot.

 A man appeared from the depths of the smoke-filled saloon, and without coming close, said, addressing the commander of the guard. "An order received from Minister Walter to come back, to forthwith turn back."

 The commander silently nodded and was about to go to the cockpit. Elsa, who also heard everything, on a sudden jumped up and screamed shrilly. "I don't want to go back. Please, take me to France, to Paris. I order you. I am imploring you."

 The commander of the guard squad turned and looked at her with such a glance, that she immediately fell silent and sat down. He approached, took off his mask, leaned over and spoke into her ear in a calm, but even more menacing voice. "Listen… Lady… You're nothing now… If you don't shut up, I'll have my guys order to wrap you in with scotch tape and put a gag in that seductive mouth. In addition, all the way back you will be in this stateroom. So you better shut up, sit here and don't even move."


 As it should be on airplanes, there were special packages for particular occasions. And they were very useful, because many people vomited, and more than once. Much worse than the nasty smoke was the sweetish, nauseating smell (or rather, the stench) - the disgusting smell of burnt human flesh.



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