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8.33% Marvel: Sex Stories / Chapter 3: The Power Broker: Chapter 1 - Jean Grey // Wanda Maximoff

Chapitre 3: The Power Broker: Chapter 1 - Jean Grey // Wanda Maximoff

Themes: Master/Slave, Manipulation, Rough Sex

Summary: A dude with Power Manipulator from the Worm CYOA gets it on with the gals of Marvel~


Waking up is just as pleasurable as it's been every day for the last week, given there's a pair of eager lips wrapped around his member. Groaning in approval, Adrian doesn't immediately open his eyes. Instead, keeping them shut, he reaches down and slides his fingers through the hair of the one currently sucking him off, massaging into her scalp as she enthusiastically redoubles her efforts to please him with her mouth.

Reaching out with his other senses, Adrian smiles as he luxuriates in the godhood he now enjoys. Up to and including being sexually worshipped by his right-hand woman and High Priestess. But then… when you had as much power as he did, then you could only ever wallow in it, right? Even if he'd only been this god-like entity for a week… it was still all he needed.

Put simply, the Worm CYOA, at least its original version, was bullshit. And sure, there were those who liked to nerf it, who made every effort to make things 'fair' and 'reasonable' so they could write interesting stories and what not. But Adrian wasn't that kind of person. He was the sort to power game the shit out of whatever he was doing. He was a balls-to-the-wall kind of guy.

Luckily he was too, because when he'd filled out the Worm CYOA, he hadn't anticipated it becoming his reality. Self-Inserts and Power Fantasies were supposed to remain in the realm of absolute fiction… and yet, here he was. Not that he was complaining. No, having the powers he did in the world he now lived in? He was quite happy with how things had turned out.

Which of the CYOA's bullshit powers did he have, you might ask? Simple. Power Manipulation. That most ridiculous of abilities, one that let you control the powers of others however you liked, while making your own powers in the background. The daily charges a Power Manipulator got were honestly the limpest restriction ever. Most writers tried to nerf the ability by taking away the part where you could interact with other people's powers or at the very least, making it much harder to do.

Adrian had the real deal, however. He was Power Manipulator as it was originally written, with all the ridiculousness that that entailed. In an area around himself, he was effectively god to those with abilities. He could take their powers, he could manipulate them. He could nerf them or empower them. He could disable them all in a second.

This did not mean he was omnipotent or invincible just yet, however. But that was okay, because Adrian had made sure to shore up his weaknesses the moment he'd arrived in this world. Not just via the charges he was being granted on the daily to make his OWN powers, but also through the use of… outside recruitment.

Finally opening his eyes, Adrian lets his gaze slide down the length of his chiseled, Adonis-esque body. A slow grin spreads across his face as he takes a moment to appreciate just how fucking jacked, sexy, and altogether fit he is now. Then, his eyes reach the green gaze of the red head currently giddily throating his cock. At having him looking directly at her, Jean Grey once more redoubles her efforts, properly choking herself on his dick at this point as he stares at her warmly and affectionately.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

That's right. The best part of everything? He not only got to fill out the most busted of the Worm CYOAs… but he didn't even have to live in Worm afterwards! Sure, Marvel was plenty dangerous in its own right, and some of its apocalypses made Worm look like child's play… but it didn't necessarily have that constant undertone of "It gets worse" Grimderp that Worm so heavily relied on.

It also, if Adrian was being honest, had many more beautiful women for him to play with… which was of course the entire point behind filling the CYOA out in the first place. He was a total degenerate through and through, and for all that he could be a little lazy at times… he was a hedonist above all else. And in this world, he would let himself explore his hedonistic tendencies to their fullest extent.

His journey had started with Jean Grey not by accident, but fully on purpose. She was one of the more beautiful women in all of the Marvel Universe, but also one of the more broken and vulnerable. Indeed, when he'd first woken up in this world and found out that he'd landed in the middle of one of her routine mind break sessions courtesy of the Phoenix, Adrian hadn't hesitated to act.

In doing so, he'd secured himself an eternally loyal bodyguard… as evidenced by her efforts to suck his damn soul out through his dick right now. Still massaging her scalp with his fingers, Adrian groans as his hips lift off the bed from the sheer suction around his cock. Finally, he tips over the edge and spills his seed into the beautiful red head's throat.

Of course, psychic that she is, Jean knew his release was coming ahead of time and was more than prepared to swallow every last drop. His very good girl and eternally loyal bodyguard drinks down his jizz without hesitation, reveling in the taste, loving every last bit of his cum as it fills her belly with warmth.

Once she's done and Adrian has pulled his hand back, Jean doesn't hesitate to get up. She rises from her laid out position between his legs, her wings flaring back behind her as she bites her lower lip and climbs onto his cock. Oh yeah… Jean had wings now.

The excuse was plausible deniability, of course. He had no desire to change Jean's face directly, not when she was already such a cutie. But he needed to disguise her as Not-Jean-Grey to avoid being constantly beset by her many allies and also her distraught lovers who, despite HIM being the one who fixed things and HER willingly choosing to stay with him, would still try to take her back.

It was too much of a hassle, so instead, he'd modified Jean in another way. Letting her keep her natural beauty was paramount… which meant adding something on that would allow him to more easily claim "Oh this? This isn't Jean Grey, this is one of her many, many clones. Probably made by Mr. Sinister or something, you know? Look at the beautiful phoenix wings coming off her back. That's definitely not normal."

But really? Truth be told, he just liked how she looked with wings if he was being blatantly honest. And as she begins to ride him, gyrating her hips and undulating her torso while flaring said wings out to encompass the entire room, Adrian finds himself fully agreeing with his past self's decision-making. Yes… everything he'd done since arriving in this world had been exactly right. He'd made zero mistakes. Every last choice had been a total banger.

First and foremost, he'd tracked down mind-broken Jean Grey, aka the Phoenix… and made the cosmic entity a deal. Sure, technically he could have tested Power Manipulation to its very limits against the Phoenix Force and seen just what was possible. It probably would have even worked, because as far as he'd been able to tell, Power Manipulation worked on all 'powers' in the Marvel Universe. Which was pretty crazy to think about.

But he hadn't done that. Instead, he'd gone with a rather crazy third option. Specifically, he'd cloned Jean through one of her eggs, used her womb as an incubator with an accelerated pregnancy measured in minutes instead of months, and let the Phoenix Force bath the 'baby' in its energy. Within fifteen minutes, Jean had given birth to a mind blank clone of herself. Within thirty minutes, the mind blank clone had grown to a matching age.

At which point, the Phoenix Force had willingly transferred over to the improved host that would never fight against it doing what it needed to do. And then, just like that, the Ancient and Cosmic Force had left the planet, disappearing into the stars without another word. Not that Adrian was complaining. In fact, even if he hadn't gotten anything directly from the Phoenix Force for all his trouble, what he'd gotten indirectly was all the better.

Jean Grey was left traumatized and distraught… until he came along of course. Having used his first charges of Power Manipulation ON Power Manipulation, he'd made it so that whenever he modified someone's powers, they would be instilled with a sense of loyalty, love, and devotion towards him and him alone. On a mentally stable human being, this form of low key mind control wouldn't necessarily be game-ending to be fair. It was only strong enough to make them predisposed to him, to see him as a friend and ally, rather than anything truly character-changing.

However, on someone like poor Jean who had suffered quite a lot over the years she'd been host to the Phoenix Force… it was enough to make her latch onto him completely and utterly. She was all too willing to submit to him, to become whatever he needed her to be. And what he needed her to be was his lovingly devoted MILF bodyguard, using her psychic abilities to protect him at all costs.

With Power Manipulation, he'd made her stronger. She was already arguably the most powerful psychic on the planet, but he'd taken that and amplified it so that she was leagues above even the Omega-Class Psychics who could once claim to maybe be able to stand up to her. In fact, Jean was such a powerful psychic now that those other psychics couldn't even feel her… despite her reach extending across the entirety of Earth and indeed half of the Solar System at this point.

To be fair, they also couldn't feel her because she was within his range, and no powers worked within his range that he didn't want to. No Psychics could see within his bubble, no abilities could be used to harm him. Jean had permission to use her powers while she bounced up and down on his cock because she was his. His wonderful winged bodyguard, his lovely, loyal pet.

Holding her by the hips, thrusting up into her from below, Adrian groans his appreciation as Jean cries out and cums for him, messily and noisily. She is, after all, reading his mind right this moment. She knows everything he's thinking… she just doesn't care. As she is now, she is his totally and utterly and she wouldn't have it any other way. Neither would he, to be honest.

Jean represented a significant part of his plan. And what was his master plan, you might be wondering? Well… simple really. He fully intended to… do almost nothing at all. Look, he wasn't some conqueror. He wasn't the kind of guy who was in it to take over the world. Technically, he could do that right now if he wanted to.

With how much power he'd given Jean, she could take control of every other person on the planet in one fell swoop if SHE chose to, even her fellow psychics, regardless of how strong they all were. He'd basically raised her to a whole new level above Omega… in fact, probably a few rungs above the Omega Classification, to be honest. Yeah, that was how bullshit Power Manipulation in the original CYOA was.

His lovely, loyal psychic bodyguard slows for a moment at that, giving him a questioning look. But Adrian just chuckles and shakes his head. No, he doesn't want her to take over the world for him. It was simply a passing thought. In fact, he has no desire to rule anybody. All he wants to do is laze about… and use his powers to toy with beautiful women, of course.

Don't get him wrong, Jean is absolutely fantastic and he loves her for what she is to him. But he is a hedonist at his core… and the hedonist in him wants to see just how far he can spread his seed. Marvel is a universe with just as many gorgeous super-gals as it has superheroes. And Adrian intends to spend as long as he likes fucking them all.

Which is why today is a special today. Because today is the very first day of his new business… that of granting power boosts to anyone who's desperate enough to do it. As he slams Jean down on his cock, Adrian has a lazy grin on his face, even as he finally deigns to speak.

"Have our first customers made contact, pet?"

Moaning atop him, her beautiful red plumage still stretching out as she arches her back, his gorgeous bodyguard nods.

"Y-Yes, Master~ Mm… they're on their way now in fact… just a few more minutes."

Adrian hums at that, considering it for a moment… before nodding.

"That's good. Let's make them wait a little bit though once they arrive, shall we?"

Seeing his intentions quite clearly in his mind, his loyal psychic giggles and nods eagerly.

"Of course, Master~"

With that, Adrian begins to piston up into Jean from below all the harder and all the faster. He fucks her nonstop, even as she cries out in a lewd fashion, cumming upon his cock and riding him in a way that leaves her breasts bouncing up and down quite energetically. Her body shudders and quivers atop him, even as Adrian greatly enjoys the clenching walls of her cumming cunny while it tightens around his dick time and time again.

So good… so very good. Yes, he's all too happy to make their first customers wait a little longer. After all, they're not going anywhere. Not when he can offer them the world at their fingertips~


In the end, their first customers wait an hour to be seen. Adrian might have been more worried about alienating such important people… but in truth, he was the most important person of all now. And more than that, he offered a product that could not be understated. Everyone would eventually be vying for what he could offer, boosts and alterations to their powers and abilities. It would become an arms race… and he was the only arms dealer around.

Of course, while many of the world's greatest powers were already aware of his presence, most were too leery to approach just yet, even when he'd started sending out advertisements. Psychics especially, such as Charles Xavier and Emma Frost, had urged their respective factions to be cautious for the time being, out of fear of his ability to completely block their psychic intrusions.

But there was one major faction that did not have a psychic to warn it off. And it was led by a man who would stop at nothing to see his goals met. A man so driven that he would sacrifice everything for his cause.

Sitting in an armchair with Jean perched on one arm, Adrian smiles as he finds himself face to face with Magneto and the Scarlet Witch, representatives from the Brotherhood of Mutants. Erik and Wanda are reacting quite differently to this face to face conversation. Magneto is clearly on edge, wearing his full regalia and even that helmet of his that blocks psychics from messing with his mind. Of course, it doesn't work against Jean, but Erik doesn't need to know that.

Meanwhile, Wanda is wide-eyed and relaxed as she looks around herself, as though she's seeing something the rest of them aren't. Adrian understands immediately what the beautiful brunette is seeing… namely, a lack of chaos. Within his bubble, everything was under HIS control. That might have been more frightening to Wanda's senses… if he weren't so lazy. It was less that he was keeping an iron grip over everything, and more like he was holding a hand on the wheel, keeping them from going off the road.

Instead of feeling a dominating pressure weighing down on her and restricting her every movement, she's experiencing an area of stillness… of quiet and peace. And it's the first time she's gotten to feel that in her entire life, with her Chaos Magic currently stilled and no longer begging to constantly be used.

Poor Wanda Maximoff is a lot like his Jean. Broken. Traumatized. Vulnerable. Adrian can grant her relief. And he will, by the time this meeting is over.

"Welcome, Magneto. I am the Power Broker."

From beneath his helmet, the older man narrows his eyes.

"You are not the first to claim that title. And yet…"

Said narrowed gaze flicks over to Jean Grey. He clearly recognizes her. Smiling softly, Adrian waves a dismissive hand.

"I see you are familiar with my bodyguard's physical appearance. I believe Jane here is a clone of Jean Grey, a former member of the X-Men. I saved her from a terrible fate, and now she serves me. Isn't that right, Jane?"

Nodding, Jean doesn't hesitate to agree with me.

"Yes sir."

Her wings flick and shake at that, drawing attention to them. The red head was fully on board with Adrian's plan to hide her identity from everyone. She had no desire to return to the X-Men, nor to return to being in a love triangle with Scott and Logan. In the end, she wanted one thing and one thing only… to serve Adrian faithfully for the rest of her days.

Through her psychic abilities, which of course his lovely bodyguard is all too willing to share with him, Adrian can see the moment Erik and Wanda both decide to believe the story. It's all too believable in fact, given clones of Jean have popped up before, and this one has massive phoenix wings to set her further apart from the original.

Smirking now, Adrian leans forward.

"As for those who have deigned to call themselves Power Broker before me… wipe them from your minds. They are no longer an issue and they will never be again."

Indeed, technically what he offered wasn't actually unique in this world. Except… the previous Power Brokers had not been capable of anything that he was capable of. And ultimately, they never would be… because he'd unilaterally decided he would be the only Power Broker from now on. Some Power Manipulation, along with Jean's gifts, had set the idea of business rivals to rest. There was no one but him now. And what he offered was so far beyond what the others had ever been able to do anyways.

Magneto frowns, but after a moment nods. He looks down at one of his gloved hands for a moment, before clenching it into a fist.

"I require more power to make my goals a reality. You have promised said power. Now, all that's left is to name your price."

Adrian hums at that, before shaking his head.

"Come now. Before that, let's talk about your goals. I'll need to know what you want if I'm to make your dreams a reality."

It's obvious the older man doesn't want to talk about it too much. But a nudge from Jean has him spilling the beans anyways. Erik talks about the mutant nation he wants to build, and how he needs greater control and strength to both make it faster and protect it afterwards. Adrian just nods along, listening to both his words… and what else he isn't saying. Like the fact that in the end, Magneto will eventually come for blood. It might even be provoked, but it won't matter. One day, he'll threaten the world, deliver an ultimatum, start a war.

Obviously, Adrian can't have that. He likes this world. He lives in it. And more than anything, he doesn't want to have to deal with something like Magneto turning the world's nuclear arsenal against itself or something like that. He really can't be bothered.

Luckily, it's easy enough to make sure Erik won't be too much of a problem down the line. In fact, it's rather simple. The man is already somewhat defensively oriented… it's just that at a certain point, he'll find a way to justify to himself that the best defense is a good offense, and that the best way to protect his people and his nation is through a preemptive attack.

Tweaking the man's thoughts so that he will only use his empowered mutant abilities for construction and defense is the work of a moment. With that done, Adrian has no compunctions about any of this.

"Now then, let's discuss price. It's rather simple, really… I want her."

Adrian lifts a finger and points at Wanda Maximoff. Of course, the woman's father immediately bristles at the demand… while Wanda herself looks baffled but also incredibly flattered. She's already predisposed to him, given how comforting she finds being in his presence. In fact, thanks to Jean he knows she was already trying to think of an excuse for staying near him for at least a little while.

Gritting his teeth, Magneto begins to shake his head.

"I cannot-!"

But before he can finish his sentence, Wanda speaks up.

"We accept."

Erik whirls on his daughter, his eyes widening. Wanda is quick to pull him back away from them so they can whisper to one another. Not that it helps, Adrian hears every word even without Jean's assistance.

"Wanda, I would never expect you to-!"

"I know, father. Which is exactly why I'm going to do it. There is nothing to fear. I am… content to be of use to you. It is not as though I have anything else left to me."

Ah, that made some sense. Wanda has suffered quite a lot of loss recently. Her children, created by her own magic, had been dispelled. And then quite soon after that, her husband, the synthezoid Vision, had been destroyed. She was in a uniquely vulnerable state at the moment, what the kids back home would call her 'Villain Arc'. Except, Wanda's Villain Arc didn't end with her merely going back to her father and the Brotherhood, nor did it end with her attacking the Avengers a couple of times.

Eventually, if left unchecked, Wanda would rewrite reality entirely, and create the House of M storyline in the process. Lucky for Adrian, that hadn't happened yet. And now… it never would.

Magneto grumbles and his shoulders drop as he finally nods his head in wary agreement, no doubt sensing that Wanda was confident about this. Of course, it wasn't quite the self-sacrificing play that she was leading the older mutant to believe it was. In the end, Wanda was being most self-serving by tying herself to Adrian. He was the only peace and quiet she'd had in… far too long.

As the two walk back over, the leader of the Brotherhood looks quite dour as he nods silently, showing his agreement. Just as silently, Adrian offers up his hand. With a look of distaste, Erik pulls off one glove and gives his hand to Adrian… a bit of show for the other man that wasn't remotely necessary. As soon as Magneto entered Adrian's range, he was completely at the Power Manipulator's mercy. Before that, he was at the mercy of Adrian's lovely MILF bodyguard, just as the entire world was.

But… it helped if people thought that there were limits. For Magneto, believing that 'Jane' couldn't see into his mind thanks to his helmet, and that Adrian couldn't mess with his powers without physical touch… it all helped. It made them seem like they had weaknesses.

It's over in a moment, and when Adrian withdraws, Erik stares in wonder at both his hands for a moment.

"I can feel it… the strength. Yes… this will do nicely."

Indeed. It would take the man much less time to build his safe haven for mutants now. Adrian barely pays him any more mind however, leaving the Brotherhood's leader to speak with Wanda for a moment longer before departing. And thus it's just Adrian and the Scarlet Witch… and of course, his ever-present bodyguard.

Once they're alone, Wanda looks at him with a look of wonder and awe on her face.

"You… what are you?"

Smiling softly, Adrian reaches out and applies a small tweak to Wanda's reality-shaping abilities, dialing back the chaos aspect of her Chaos Magic just a tad so that she has slightly more control. In doing so, he injects a healthy dose of loyalty into the poor, vulnerable, mentally unwell woman. She was already predisposed to him due to how good it felt being within his range, but now… well, it's not QUITE like with Jean. Not yet anyways. She still has some… recalcitrance.

"I am your salvation, Wanda Maximoff."

A flush runs through the brunette, even as she bites her lower lip, looking at him with reddened cheeks.

"I-I see… I suppose… you'll want payment now…"

Adrian, the hedonist that he is, sees no reason to deny it. Smiling softly, he nods. In response, Wanda blushes even harder, her eyes darting to Jean.

"Pervert that you are… having a beauty like her isn't good enough then? You want more… you want ME."

Thanks to Jean's powers, Adrian can see how much the thought of that is turning Wanda on. He's not her dearly departed husband… but it doesn't matter. The Scarlet Witch's psyche is so fragile at this point that being desired by him, along with all of the other benefits that he brings to the table, is an immense source of arousal.

"I do want you. I want all of you, Wanda. Let's start with seeing that beautiful body of yours in its entirety."

Wanda looks down at herself, still blushing. But her embarrassment is easily overcome by her yearning. Deep down, she so desperately wants a place to belong. That's why she went back to her father. It's why she attacked the Avengers. A cry for help, pleading with them to stop her and find a way to bring her back into the fold. But they weren't strong enough for that. No one was… except for him.

After a moment, Wanda's eyes go unfocused… and then wide as she lets out a gasp. In an instant, her clothing vanishes in a flash of red, her beautiful costume disappearing from her body and exposing her to him in all of her naked glory.

"You… you already did something to my powers, d-didn't you?"

Adrian is a little surprised that she could tell. He smiles and nods.

"Do you like it?"

"I… y-yes. It's never been this easy before. Never felt this… clear and calm."

After a moment of staring down at herself in wonder, her own nudity reminds her of his presence… and what he wanted from her. Biting her lower lip once more, Wanda Maximoff makes her way over to where he's seated, swaying her hips as she does so. Once she stands in front of him, she runs her hands up and down her body, staring at him.

"Do you… do you like what you see? Or perhaps there's room for improvement. I could… make my breasts larger if it pleases you. Or enhance my looks in other ways."

Desperation leaks into her tone as she offers to warp her own reality just to make him happy. She's not QUITE to the point where she's as slavishly loyal as Jean is, but she's quickly approaching it, eager as she is to get on his good side. Chuckling, Adrian reaches out and grabs her by her hips, pulling her right into his lap and making her gasp.

"I like you just as you are, Wanda. We can discuss any… modifications later. Right now, I want the original Wanda Maximoff. I want her riding my cock and screaming my name."

Wanda looks down at his crotch at that, and another flare of red leaves him just as naked as she is. His cock unfurls now that it's no longer confined, and the tip of his throbbing erection presses against her slit as she shivers and wiggles in his lap. But just before she impales herself upon his member, she stops, a furrowed brow marking her confusion.

"Ah… but I don't even know your name, s-sir…"

Chuckling throatily, Adrian runs his hands up and down Wanda's sides for a moment.

"It's Adrian, my dear."

Of course, if she's anything like Jean, she'll talk herself into addressing him as Master within a few days. She'd already called him 'sir' even. But for now… Wanda looks pleased as punch that he's entrusted her with his name. She runs her hands along his cheeks, panting now as her nipples go rock hard. Her pussy lips clamp down on his cockhead even though he's not even inside of her properly just yet.


Then, she slams herself down his length. Adrian groans as he experiences the beautiful Scarlet Witch's wet, tight pussy wrapped around his cock. He lowers his mouth to her breasts after a moment, latching onto one nipple and then the other as she begins to ride him. To the side, Jean watches on, though her focus is spread out to make sure no one will try anything. Eventually, the powers that be in this world will properly register his presence and start to move against him, which is when Jean's immense power-up will really come in handy to let Adrian keep his hedonistic, lazy lifestyle intact.

But for now, it's only been a week. The only people who even know he exists are those he sent his advertisements to, and most of them don't know what to think of him, since they can't see through his bubble. Eventually though, word about him is going to get out. People will start to wonder where Wanda has gone and how Magneto got even stronger than he already was.

When they began moving against him, Adrian would let Jean take care of it. And when they came begging on hands and knees for what he could offer… he would give it to them, so long as they could afford his prices.

Wanda Maximoff was his price for empowering Magneto. The Scarlet Witch belonged to him now, even if she didn't fully know it quite yet. Ah, but as she rides him to kingdom come, climaxing messily upon his throbbing cock again and again, Adrian has no doubt that she's learning quite quickly. It's only a matter of time before her own vulnerable mind rewrites itself to be completely and totally loyal to him.

And then, not only will he have Jean… he'll also have Wanda. Two of the most powerful beings in the world. And everything he needs to make his new life as pleasurable and relaxed as possible.

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