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77.55% Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto / Chapter 37: Not Quite Straightforward

Chapitre 37: Not Quite Straightforward

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Akira POV-

To say the bombshell Hiruzen just dropped left us in shock...

Would be an understatement.

With the exception of my lazy Sensei who was probably informed prior about this and my Uncle who mayhaps knew of this a long time ago, The three of us Team 7 Members had similar reactions

The usual stoic Sasuke had his eyes wide and his mouth hung loose.

Naruto had crashed dramatically to the ground, tears streaming down his face as his body trembled.

If one were to take a closer look, you'd see his soul exiting his body, flying high into the afterlife.

As for me?

I simply tried my best to mask the frustration, anger, and direness of it all inside me, knowing that the consequences of this decision could be catastrophic.

Cause only I really knew how bad this was.

The best part?

Hiruzen wasn't even done.

He put the final nail in the coffin, declaring with finality, "And lastly, at the behest of the letter sent and stamped by Shion herself. Naruto, you are forever banned from ever officially visiting the Land of Demons. Mission or not. This punishment is to prevent further incidents on that scale."

At that, Naruto rose up, bitter tears flowing like a river down his face, "T-THAT EVIL WITCH! LIKE HELL I'D VISIT HER AGAIN! NEVER!" He declared.

An eyebrow raised in the faces of Hiruzen and Uncle at Naruto's tongue-lashing of the Decorated Priestess, but I carried on.

Ignoring his prattle to focus on trying to appeal Hiruzen's orders, "Lord Hokage, wouldn't banning Naruto from the Chunin Exams prove counterproductive to both his and our development? Isn't there a more fitting punishment available for him?"

A tense silent moment passed at my protest, Naruto's eyes gleaming with faint hope as he looked at me as if I was his savior, "A-Akira..."

Honestly, I would've beaten him to a pulp, again. Or settled by giving him the most seething glare I can muster, but right now I need to fix this.

I have to.

My eyes fixated on the composed figure of Hiruzen as he slowly extended his hand to grab his pipe, bringing it closer to his mouth, he lit it with seamless skill.

A puff of smoke escaped him, as my Team and Uncle looked at the both of us.

Hiruzen leveled an even look at me and replied, "There is not, and I am not planning on altering my decision. It is the most fitting punishment for Naruto. You will find little development to be gained in the Chunin Exams when compared to your last mission. Naruto's promotion to Chunin will be delayed. It is a light sentence considering he shamed the whole Village in front of the most influential woman in the world by causing a scene that almost escalated into a diplomatic crisis."

...He's stubborn, but Shion is that big of a deal.

I take a breath as I consider his words, attempting at another angle, "Don't we need a Team of three people to participate in the Chunin Exams? Without Naruto, who wil-"

Hiruzen had an amused expression as he cut me off, "That has been handled. Your new teammate should be on their way here. Someone whose rapid improvement has even surprised me, someone who has undergone intense training to be ready for this moment. I trust you will not be disappointed." His tone held an undercurrent of confidence that made me uneasy.

Intense training to be ready for this moment?


And he's calling the teammate here at this hour?

A loud slam was heard.

Naruto fell into despair, his expression ghastly, and once again, his face impacted the ground.

His body seemed to lose all its strength, collapsing under the weight of his realization.

He mumbled in despair, "I-I'm being replaced..."

Sasuke stepped forward, joining me at my side, "I refuse to have another teammate besides Naruto or Akira. A new teammate will disrupt our teamwork and slow us down."

I nodded resolutely and once again, Naruto gained a hopeful expression, as he gazed at Sasuke in awe.

Whatever Hiruzen's reaction was going to be, a proud smile wasn't what I expected from him.

He answered, "I will be blunt with you, Shinobi. The two of you, Sasuke and Akira, are more than capable of handling the Chunin Exams without issue, even with the addition of a new teammate. I have overseen the progress of countless teams, and I know what it takes to succeed. Therefore, your argument holds no weight."

Yeah... That would be the case if Orochimaru didn't think it amusing to infiltrate a Hidden Village, try and kidnap the Last Uchiha, and cause a bloody war.

Biting my lip, I had to hold myself back from spouting something that would send me straight to T&I regardless of my influential position.

Hiruzen's gaze hardened, and a pressure unlike I've ever felt in my life, second only to the Nine-Tails pressed down on my shoulders.

It wasn't pure malice and killing intent like the one the Nine-Tails had ingrained in my psyche all those years ago, but it carried the weight of countless battles and decisions that shaped the fate of our village.

This was a multitude of degrees less powerful, yet nevertheless, was nothing to scoff at.

It radiated an undeniable authority, far surpassing the presence I felt from Kakashi when he brutalized Faceless.

It was getting harder to breathe and a side glance at Sasuke showed his face having begun to sweat just as mine did.

Glancing at Hiruzen, I was brutally reminded that this man...

Is the Hokage.

The Military Leader and Dictator of the arguably Strongest Shinobi Village.

A veteran beyond my mentors, beyond the level of Makoto, Eiichi, and Kakashi.

The pressure was difficult to endure, like an invisible hand pressing down on my very soul. But I stood my ground, and I'm happy to say that Sasuke had done so as well.

The look of defiance in my eyes mirrored Sasuke's, yet nevertheless, we heard our Leader's words loud and clear.

There was no way we could unhear them.

"I refuse to have a teammate other than Naruto or Akira?" He repeated.

"Your camaraderie is admirable and reflects the principles of the Will Of Fire well. However, the Will Of Fire is not limited to your close friends and family. It is to All those loyal and allied to the Hidden Leaf. It is the principle passed down from Lord First and Lord Second. It has kept this Village strong, unified, and prosperous regardless of times of peace." He lectured.

He exhaled a puff of smoke from his pipe, "You have no right to refuse my orders. Not you Sasuke, Akira, and Naruto. If you do, there are consequences to pay, ones that are most definitely not to your benefit. Ones, that will prolong and delay you from reaching your goals, or even make sure you never reach them." He kept the pressure on our shoulders as he stared us down, lecturing us about our place in the world.

...So he resorted to throwing his authority and strength at our faces?

Sasuke had balled his fists at the subtle insinuation and threat.

As we processed his words, and tried our best to acclimate to the pressure Hiruzen exuded.

Suddenly, the pressure disappeared without a trace of it ever being there, prompting me to release a sigh of relief.

Hiruzen continued, his tone now notably gentler, "I have been through all three Great Ninja Wars. I only ask of you, young Shinobi, to trust your Hokage in deciding what is best for you. Am I clear?" He reminded.

I couldn't help but doubt his words.

Whether it was due to my knowledge of what was to come or not, I can't quite put my finger on it.

Taking a look at my silent Uncle's figure, I meet eyes with him, as he nods in agreement with Hiruzen's words.


Of all the times this neglectful grandfather decides to instill some discipline and obedience in Naruto, he decides to do it now.

I mean the incident does deserve a proper response in comparison to the others.

But for fucks sake... What a headache.

I nod, masking my frustration perfectly, my mind racing with thoughts of a whole new plan now that Naruto's missing from the equation, "Crystal, Lord Hokage."

Sasuke nods, a frown on his face as he grunts his reluctant agreement, "Hn."

Humming, Hiruzen nodded pleased, "Splendid. Now, anything else you would like to ask me while we wait for your third teammate?"

Naruto raised his hand from the ground, his voice barely a whisper, "C-Can I go home now?"

A pitying expression crossed Hiruzen's face for but a moment, as he answered, "Of course. You are to meet with Kakashi at 8:00 AM sharp in your usual meeting place for a review of your S-Rank. Are we clear Kakashi?" He turned to Kakashi who was leaning on the wall, his face the epitome of boredom.

"Hmm? Yes, sure, Lord Hokage." He waved with his hand absentmindedly, and whatever went through his head was an enigma to all of us present in the room.

Naruto rose up, his figure slouched as his legs dragged his loose upper body through the office as he opened the door.

I muttered, "See ya tomorrow Naruto."

"Cya, Dobe." Sasuke added.

"We promised to hit up Ichiraku when we're back. Let's do that tomorrow since it's already getting late." I reminded.

A sad smile crossed Naruto's face as he turned his head towards us, "Yeah... That'd be nice."

With the door creaking slowly as it closed, Hiruzen sighed, "Anything else?"

I spoke immediately, "Lord Hokage, if I may be so bold. May I request that the capabilities of my Deer and Toad remain confidential?"

He shook his head immediately, "Rejected. I will allow you to rest for a while, but your Deer, if what Kakashi has told me is true, is invaluable. Hundreds of disabled Shinobi that have retired may return to duty with but a few uses of your Deer."

...He's really bluntly flaunting his Authority over me without a hint of subtlety or anything?

Way to make Makoto look like a professional manipulator, old man.

...Not to be petty, but Hiruzen's really overdue for a replacement.

Before I can argue, Uncle thankfully chimes in, "Lord Hokage, The Eight Shadows Kekkei Genkai is property of the Nara. Its usage ultimately falls upon us and Akira. Wouldn't it be a waste to force him into using it through brute force and authority? It might interfere with his training as a future S-Rank of the Leaf, as the Deer drains a lot of Chakra. Might I suggest a concession?"

I blinked at Uncle's words, I turned to him, my expression filled with awe as he smirked at me.

Damn, he read me like a book.

It makes me think he didn't actually believe me when I said there are only Nine Shadows.

Well, as long as he doesn't press the issue I'm fine.

Anyway, I wasn't aiming for indefinite confidentiality, with what has happened, such a thing is impossible.

What I was aiming for was a concession.

It's a well-known negotiation tactic to introduce a realistic yet ridiculous offer, and then downgrade it to my actual intended offer, masked as a concession, making the other person believe I conceded, stroking his ego and making it seem as if I "gave up" and he "won."

Ultimately, leading to a higher likelihood of him agreeing to the conceded/downgraded offer.

Not a surefire tactic, but it heightens the odds.

By doing this, I hoped to secure some leverage over my role, ensuring I wouldn't be tied down to constant healing duties or worse, reveal Rudolph and Jeff's ability before the Invasion to the wider public.

They are my ace in the hole.

Humming, Hiruzen offered, "Hmm, I shall see. For now, I shall keep it confidential until the Chunin Exams. If someone from the Leaf were to be injured gravely you are ordered to heal them. After the Chunin Exams... I shall elaborate on your new role, then."

...That, isn't much.

But, it's enough, it's almost what I wanted.

However... I will NOT be tied down to a bloody hospital to heal everyone, not now.

Ideally, I'll heal all the disabled retired Shinobi just before the assault is underway.

I'll see how that one works out, surely I don't have to heal so many people right?

I nodded, bowing gratefully as etiquette guided, "Yes, thank you. Lord Hokage."

A minute passed, and my ears picked up on a small commotion further down the hallway, beyond the door to the office.

...Was that Naruto's voice?

He sounded surprised.


Shortly after that, all of us turned to look at the door, as footsteps echoed ever louder in their approach here.

Two people is it?

Then, with a look of anticipation, I turned my head to the door, whispering to Sasuke at my side, "Let's hope he's a good one."

Sasuke nodded, "I'd still have preferred the Dobe."

I nodded reluctantly, "Agreed. But we can't really do anything about it."

The door slammed open with great force, almost enough to break it down.


"Oh no," Sasuke whispered aghast.

"Yo! Old man! You called?" A boisterous, yet clearly feminine voice called out to Hiruzen, as she revealed herself by entering the office.

Purple hair styled in a short spiky ponytail, a slender and fit feminine figure covered in thin metal mesh that accentuated her curves, and a coat to seal the deal of her unique style.

And, without exception, the leftover stick of dango hanging in her mouth without care made her identity crystal clear.

The Tokubetsu Jonin known as Mitirashi Anko made herself present.

Honestly, she is a very attractive woman.

However, due to her personality pretty much equating to a Genderbent Naruto that adores Dango.

I can never see her that way.


It didn't take much speculation for Sasuke and I to fit the puzzle pieces together.

Especially when she entered the room.

A considerably shorter girl entered the room, a familiar pink-haired kunoichi.

Haruno Sakura.

Her hair was tied in a ponytail like Anko's, it was not farfetched to call her a pink-haired Anko mini-me.


When Hiruzen said, and I quote:

"You will not be disappointed."

I hadn't expected this to be our new temporary third teammate for the Chunin Exams.

If memory serves me right, and it usually doesn't - She isn't particularly useful nor noteworthy.

What had she done, up to the fight of Naruto and Sasuke besides crying for help from Naruto?

However, one thing is clear.

There's a different air around her, one of newfound strength and confidence, much different than what I remember.

Her posture was straighter, her eyes sharper, and she exuded a sense of purpose that was previously absent.

...Getting malnourished and going on a diet to impress and entice Sasuke isn't and will never be a proper purpose.

Additionally from closer inspection, she looked much healthier.

Her skin was a much healthier shade, unlike the usual paleness of a couple of months ago when I had last seen her.

She didn't look as if she was on the edge of malnutrition due to going on a completely unnecessary diet.

Her hands didn't look as flabby and weak as before.

At my inspecting look, she gained a mischievous and confident smirk.

I stated bluntly, my face a clear deadpan, "Perish the thought."

She scoffed, and looked at me, then at Sasuke, whose face looked positively grim.

The only time I recall his expression being more disgusted than this was back in the Land Of Woods.

She called out to us, a confidence that was never quite there radiating from her voice, as she greeted us, "Hey boys! Been a while huh?" She tilted her head, placing her arms on her hips.

I blinked, "Yeah... Sure." I replied with a clear undertone of hesitance.


Yeah, something's off.

I turned to Sasuke, his expression was as confused as mine.

She's radiating an aura of competence.

And given she isn't as optimistically and idiotically confident as Naruto...

Maybe there's substance to it?

...Is she actually competent?

And for the umpteenth time...

Is Kakashi that useless?

I turned to look at Kakashi, who detected my gaze and looked back at me with innocent curiosity, he eye smiled and waved at me with a cheery atmosphere surrounding him.


I got my answer.

Anko nodded proudly, her arms folded, "Aren't I just a miracle worker? You're that Uchiha brat right?" She called out to Sasuke.

He nodded absentmindedly.

She grinned sadistically, "Although it was a pain, it was a delight to beat the fan girl out of her and make her a proper Kunoichi. Yup yup!"

Sakura shivered for a moment, as she sweatdropped, her cheeks pink from slight embarrassment, she waved her Sensei off, "Oh please, I wasn't that bad, right? Anko-sensei?"

Anko gave a so-so gesture, making Sakura even more embarrassed.

Hiruzen coughed attention, prompting all of us to turn to him,

He directed his words at the proud figure of Anko, "Yes, Anko. As I had promised, Sakura will be replacing Naruto in Team 7 for the upcoming Chunin Exams."

He turned to us, "I had anticipated your return to be earlier, so you had time to train and work on your teamwork, but now that you have a week left... The choice is yours. Train or unwind, I wouldn't chastise you in either case." Hiruzen stated empathetically.

Smiling in a warm manner, he added, "But if you choose to rest, it is paramount that you recognize who your third teammate will be for the coming exams."

Sasuke and I nodded, and Kakashi finally voiced out his own lack of patience, "Lord Hokage, it's getting late, I'm assuming that'll be all?"

Hiruzen nodded, directing his gaze at the three of us and Anko, "You may continue your conversations outside, I have conveyed all that was necessary. Once again, fantastic job. And remember to keep confidentiality... Kakashi, you're staying, don't move."

"Gah, walking all the way here just for this?" Anko complained with a deadpan, her shoulders slumped.

Sakura replied evenly, "It is important for me-"

"Shut up, pipsqueak." She chastised quickly.

"Yes ma'am!" She saluted, almost reflexively.

...I think I'm getting the picture.

With all hope of going back home being snuffed out from Kakashi, his voice cracked as he mumbled with similarly slumped shoulders, his tone depressed, "Y-Yes, sir."

Sasuke turned around, no mercy in his eyes for our definitely not poor Sensei, as he walked towards the door.

I turned to Uncle, who simply smiled at me tiredly, "I'll talk to you in the morning, tell your Aunt that I'll be late."

I nodded as I joined Sasuke, we walked and reached Sakura and Anko who stood at the door.

The four of us left the office together.

Sakura looked positively pleased and bright, clearly eager for some kind of praise or comment from us as we walked.

She must have forgotten who her number one hater is.

Our steps echoed in the hallway as Anko leisurely followed the three of us from a careful distance behind us, letting us kiddies have our talk.

I commented, with a hint of intrigue, as I walked, "You're walking and talking as if you grew a pair. Pinky."

Tilting my head at her innocently, I brutally stated, with a tone of pure pity, "Which doesn't seem to be the case..." I moved my hand across my chest, to indicate the flatness of it.

She hummed, lifting an eyebrow as she struck back, "And don't you think you're compensating for something by spouting that unprompted harassment? Akira?" She made a tiny gap between both her fingers.



Sasuke whispered to me, his expression as bewildered as it was when he caught a glimpse of the... Alien Sakura, "Think we can exchange Sensei's?"

I ignored his nonsense as we walked, I addressed Sakura's words with an apology, "My sincerest apologies, I was not familiar with your game. Sakura-san." For the first time in a long while. I had been forced to call her by her name.

She's evolved beyond ignoring me or needing a Yamanaka Heiress Bodyguard to nag me.

She can fight back, effectively.

Waving me off, she sneered, "It's fine, Anko-sensei's verbal abuse tests are much worse than that child's play you just threw at me."

"Oi, that was 10% of my power at best," I mumbled

She chuckled lightly in response.

Eavesdropping on us, Anko commented neutrally, "Kids and their exaggerations, I swear..." She shook her head helplessly.

Nevertheless, verbal abuse tests?

I mean, Makoto had similar tests, I hadn't expected the cheery purple-haired lady behind us to force a frail, emotional, and pubescent girl into brutal character assassinations.

Leveling a look at her, I had to ask as we reached the exit of the building, "Say... What did you go through to... Turn into this?" I gestured at her.

Sasuke did little to mask his own curiosity as he nodded, acknowledging Sakura's existence with a degree of interest for the first time in... Years, I think.

She seemed to beam at the attention as she proudly proclaimed, "Throwing me into a helpless state in the Forest of Death, ambushing me both physically and mentally while lecturing me mid-fight as I tried my best to survive. Two hospital stays, two mental breakdowns, an Identity Crisis with my inner voice, and a couple of D-rank missions with heavy handicaps... That's about it?" She tilted her head as she contemplated.

Sasuke's jaw had already hung loose, as I whistled impressed.

For a "Sakura" to endure that much, all in her lonesome.

I've got to say, impressive.

We've endured much more and worse, but that isn't really a fair comparison.

But with a sudden excitement, Sakura turned to Sasuke and me, genuine interest gleaming in her eyes, "But more importantly! How have you boys been? I've heard from Shikamaru that you were having trouble with the Missio-"

She stopped from continuing her sentence upon seeing our drained expressions.

"Oh, Heh, Sorry... I forgot you just came back. Well, I'm confident we'll do well in the exam! I've got the two strongest boys with me, after all. I swear that I'm not going to hold you back, I'll pull my own weight." She proudly declared as she clenched her fist in front of us, a reassuring smile on her face.

At least she hadn't lost that head of hers.

Managing to catch onto our skepticism regarding her capabilities and all.

Sasuke stated simply, his tone pragmatic, "If your skills match your newfound confidence, then we'll be fine."

Sasuke directly addressing Sakura garnered a different reaction than when I did.

It is either due to my hater status or her infatuation with the stoic Uchiha that hadn't yet died down.

Judging by the slight blush on her face, it's the latter.

Oi, Anko-san, you haven't completely beaten it out of her!

Sakura nodded with a bright smile, "We will. If you boys are tired, I'm fine with you taking a week's break. We can figure out our teamwork at the exam itself. I'm used to fighting on my own, after all." She mentioned empathetically.

I sure hope it's not arrogance all that talk of hers.

We finally left the building at her utterance, our bodies greeted pleasantly by the night's gentle breeze.

Sakura walked ahead of us, stating, "If you boys are interested in joining me in training. I'll be at Training Ground Four. I'm there every day for at least three hours from 1:00 PM. Bye bye!" She waved us goodbye.

With that, she turned around, leaving us to watch her retreating figure as she strolled away at a brisk pace, gradually diminishing into the distance.

Not letting us convey any departing words...

She's pretty good.

Sasuke questioned me, his tone genuinely curious, "Think she'll live up to the expectations she set?"


I shook my head, "She can't be compared to Naruto. But, I guess she won't be useless, that, I feel is the safest assessment."

I turned to smile at him, "Besides, we gotta cheer him up tomorrow. Shall we split Ichiraku's bill fifty-fifty for him? We've gotten paid quite a hefty sum you know?"

"Hn." He grunted his approval.

Of course, the presence behind us wrapped her arms around our shoulders, and she mumbled, her tone laced with threat, "I trust you, boys, to take care of my mini-me. Alright? I'm counting on the Nara Prodigy to show his mettle, just like that one time with Iruka! You were hilarious! Hahahaha!" She laughed sadistically as she unwrapped her hands and waved us goodbye walking away from us.

I blinked, "Okay, rude."

That was not a fun time, for both me and Iruka.

Never could have imagined how trigger-happy the more insecure and fearful clans can be with "Prodigies".

Sasuke nodded, "Agreed. She didn't mention me."

"Of course she didn't, I'm worth five of you."

Without any interruption, with the follow-up of Sasuke's clicking of the tongue, a sharp stinging pain was felt on my arm.



Having split up with Sasuke as I headed home, I finally reached the Nara Compound.

From there, I took a leisurely nightly stroll as I reveled in the nostalgic sights of my home that I had sorely missed.

Truth be told, at this hour, most people were either asleep, or back home resting and spending time with their families.

Or, if you were an active non "Office Chunin", you'd probably be out on some mission.

Even so, the Nara Clan and other Shinobi Clans for that matter are not fully composed of active Shinobi.

There are civilians and most notably craftsmen among the clansmen.

Incidentally, they are the ones I was most likely to encounter on my way home at this hour:

"Ah, Akira-sama! Thank goodness you're back! The Clan was in a state of unrest with you gone for that long and in alleged danger." Senda, the Nara's blacksmith greeted me as he was currently closing his shop, noticing me walking.

I paused to greet him with a tired smile, "Yeah, we've had a little trouble on the mission... Life of a Shinobi and all." I played it off.

He folded his arms as he grunted, "Made me feel bad ya know kid? I was among the last Nara to greet you when you left on that mission, thought I infected you with my bad luck."

Deadpanning at him, I mumbled, "...That was you?"

Senda snorted at my joke, getting to business, "Was all the kunai I supplied you put to good use?"

Snorting back at him, I replied, "That and much more. The entire Nara toolbelt and connections relating to manslaughter equipment were put to good use, trust me. One could say I'm the one keeping all of you in business." 

Especially the poison business...

I alone, am keeping the financially unstable Sunagakure afloat.

...Unfortunately for Senda, I rarely use Kunai if they don't have poison on them.

Blinking as he closed the curtain of his shop, Senda replied, "What kinda hell hole of a mission did you get sent to? Does Eiichi-sama know?"

Waving him off as I restarted my walk home, I replied, "Trust me, you don't want to know. But the bastards I used those things on got what they deserved."

His voice was a degree lower as I moved away from him, Senda replied to my other statement, "Now don't be getting a big ego Akira-sama! I've got the entire Nara buying my wares, not just you!"

I lifted my hand as I waved him goodbye behind my back.

A couple of minutes of strolling later, without any sidetracking, I was met with the home I grew up in all these years of my life.

"Ah... It never was so beautiful as it is today, under the moonlit sky." I couldn't help but mutter poetically as I paused before the grandiose and majestic sight.

Without further prompting, I approached the door shoving my hand through the shadows and drawing out my house key.

With it properly organized on our way back here, and a degree lighter than before... With me practically throwing all I had on that mission.

My Shadow Storage is as impeccably organized and useful as can be, not a thing can be lost.

Opening the door slowly, in case anyone's asleep, I am greeted with a lit living room.

My nose is immediately assaulted with the smell of seafood.

Hmm, someone's awake, Auntie maybe?

A sound is emanated from the direction of the kitchen.

The sound is familiar...

Shogi pieces?

I walk leisurely towards the living room, turning my head towards the kitchen I am met with the rare sight of Auntie playing Shogi with Shikamaru.

They turn to me, Shikamaru greeting me first with a smirk, "Damn, I'd have hoped to have a little more peace and quiet for a good month or two."

Guess they knew I was coming?

Shikamaru doesn't usually stay up so late.

I smirked back, "Missed me so much you stayed up late AND got as cheeky as m-"

Only to be impacted by the bullet-like figure of Auntie who hugged me tightly, whispering as her body trembled, "Do. You. Know. How. Worried. I. Was?"

I could go on and ramble on about how this wasn't that much different than my road trips with Eiichi, even when this mission was a couple of magnitudes more dangerous.

What I need to focus on now, is the important and genuine feelings of both me and my family.

Hugging her back, I reciprocated genuinely and warmly, "Missed you too."

Looking over her shoulder I wiggled my eyebrows at Shikamaru.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, approaching and joining us in a group hug.

After I unattached myself from my clingy family members, especially Shikamaru.

"Oi, you're thinking something stupid and rude." He narrowed his eyes at me.

Shut up.

Auntie questioned, "Hungry?"

My eyes gravitated towards the food she had made late at night, and I replied simply, "Well... If you're offering."

It was under this warm atmosphere, that I had stayed up nearly all night with Shikamaru and Auntie, recounting the tales of my... Wonderful and Woeful "C" - Rank Mission.

The empathetic and sympathetic gazes and words as I recounted our mission only lessened the weight on my shoulders and heightened the relief that I was back home among family.

Even Uncle, who came back just when I had reached the part regarding the fate of Yumemori, which he and they were already privy to, he stayed and listened alongside Shikamaru and Auntie, regardless of him having heard it the second time.

I finished my story at dawn when the sun had begun its cyclical crawl on the canvas of the sky.

The three of us were positively exhausted, especially myself, but Shikamaru uttered his own interpretation regarding the mission, "What an absolute drag. I would have left the moment I saw what happened in Midorimachi."

I scoffed as Auntie and Uncle waved at me and headed to bed, "I'm sure you wouldn't have even gone off on a mission that far away."

Auntie yelled at me when she went upstairs, barking orders even when sleep-deprived, "Akira! Take a shower! You stink!"

Rolling my eyes, I answer evenly, "I have to go meet Kakashi and my Team in a couple of hours, once that's done it's back to sleep here for me... If Makoto and Eiichi are looking for me, tell them to look for me later this evening. I've got to go to Ichiraku for lunch." I added before I shrugged.

It was barely noticeable, but at the mention of Makoto, Auntie froze for a second but nodded and headed out of my view upstairs.

Quickly I turned to Shikamaru, who held no readable expression, "Spill. I'm too tired for these games."

He seemed receptive today, so he answered, "Makoto came over a couple of weeks ago to talk with Mom and Dad about something. Didn't care enough to listen in."

Narrowing my eyes at him, I threatened, "If you're lying, I'm poisoning your food like Asuma-sensei had done to you on your first day with him."

His face cringed, "Can you not be a bother the instant you're back?"

"Sure do feel the love, Brother."

Ah... Way too tired to see if he's lying.

Rubbing the back of my head, I sigh, "Fine... Was he worried that I was gone or something?"

Shikamaru nodded, his voice drawled out tiredly as he rose up, "Yeah, Eiichi even more so. He had also been acting a little strange lately. You should be mentally prepared for their... Interrogation of you from what I'm gathering."

"With those two? I always have to be mentally prepared."


"I am extremely disappointed in you, Akira... No, perhaps disappointed would be putting it mildly." Eiichi's voice came out slow and furious as it resonated in his office, sitting beside Makoto and in front of me.

Cups of green tea, that were formerly steaming, are now lukewarm as none of us dared to take a sip.

It seems, that coming here after eating Ichiraku was a bad idea.

Makoto held a curious expression as he looked inquisitively at Eiichi.


When I told them the story of my S - Rank, with omissions of Rudolph and Jeff as well as altering the story, I did not ask for input or feedback.

But as usual, here we are.

"Not that I particularly mind, but can I ask why?" I ask nonchalantly.

The frown on Eiichi's face deepened as he raised two fingers, "The first, is that you lied to us."

Makoto, with childish glee and curiosity, asked, "How so?"

Narrowing his eyes at me, he stated, "Akira has been hiding a Ninth Shadow. I do not know what you have told the Hokage. If the story you told him is a forgery like the one you told us now..."

He leaned his body forward, meeting my eyes with his, "But if you told him the truth, and lied to us. This is an unparalleled insult."

Stroking his chin, thoroughly entertained, Makoto let the interaction unfold uninterrupted.

Without any outward change in expression or tone, I answer the accusation, "Assuming that is true... Where did you get the information that I have an alleged "Ninth Shadow"?" I emphasized.

I have to probe how much he knows.

He replied vaguely, "I have my sources."

I immediately went on the attack, "Surpassing Makoto's?" I gestured at the silent and gleeful old coot.

His eyes narrowed as his tone exuded authority and firmness, "That is inconsequential. Do not divert the topic, Akira. It matters not how I know. What matters is that you were hiding it."

Tilting my head, I ask, "Assuming this Ninth Shadow exists... What is it? Enlighten me. I'm curious if one knows more about my Kekkei Genkai than I, the user, myself know." My tone came out subtly contemptful and degrading.

Eiichi elaborated unfazed, "I understand the reason behind hiding it clearly. it wouldn't be an exaggeration it be called an icon or even the staple of the Nara itself. A Deer. Capable of Canceling Jutsu and Healing people to perfect health, even restoring lost limbs."


Makoto blinked as he turned to Eiichi, bewildered at the normally outlandish claim, "Is that true, Eiichi? Such a Shadow would be..."

Motherfucker... How does he know?


Suspecting someone snitching is a no-go, for my own sake.

Mission Records is also invalidated, as Eiichi stated he isn't certain about the story I told about the Hokage.

Then... How?

Eiichi does have an information network of his own, that I know.

But is it truly more extensive than the Hokage's?

Is that possible?

My eyes narrowed as I gazed at the imposing and aged figure of Eiichi.

Once again, I am reminded of how scary this man can be.


But wait...

He hadn't mentioned Jeff's Domain Expansion.


If he really wants to seal the deal, he'll probably check the Mission Records himself if I press the issue and the lie will be revealed all the same.

Sighing, i replied, lifting my hands placatingly, "Fine, fine. You got me. It's true. His name's Rudolph and he is indeed capable of what you mentioned."

Before they could ask why, I answered their unasked question, "I was hiding it from you two for my own amusement."

Makoto's jaw hung loose, as he suddenly roared into laughter, whilst Eiichi didn't look so amused.

Eiichi glared at the laughing Makoto, "It is your foolish influence that made him even consider acting so childishly and foolishly."

A moment later following the accusation, Makoto calmed down, replying, "You've been rather on edge this whole conversation, Eiichi-sama." Makoto smiled playfully.

Woah, rare.

Makoto on my side, and Eiichi against me.

Turning to me, Makoto wondered, "So... If I cut off your hand, or remove your organs... This Deer will heal you to perfect health?"

Narrowing my eyes at him, I nodded slowly, "I will not be showing it off now. And if anyone's getting it tested on out of all of us here. It'll be you."

"Woah scary!" He wrapped his arms around himself.

Coughing, and switching masks and moods as he always does, "I understand Eiichi's perspective. A Shadow capable of such a thing is a game-changer for the Hidden Leaf and the world as a whole... How long can you keep it active?"

I state the truth, "I can heal a hundred or so without much trouble before my Chakra goes down the drain. Of course, they have to be one after another in quick succession."

Clicking his fingers, Makoto replied, "Even now, if the Leaf was under a more warmongering leadership, sticking you in the front lines as you hide in the shadows, popping out to heal our most Elite Shinobi... Taking over the entire world wouldn't be so farfetched."

I start carefully, "And... Are we planning on doing something like that?"

If I were to be born in Iwagakure, we'd most certainly be on a Fourth Great Ninja War all thanks to Rudolph's Power.


...I found just the man to ask!

Eiichi sighed, the fury in his eyes not dimming down as he replied, "Regardless, I will have you show us the Deer when you are more properly rested, I shall trust your words for now. Now, let me present the second pressing reason as to my disappointment in you."

Lifting his second finger, "Your performance in this mission, particularly in the invasion of Shintaku No Machi left much to be desired."

... I know where he's going with this.

He pinched his forehead in frustration, "Tell me... Why have we taught you and trained you to specialize in assassination if you use it reluctantly?"

Tilting my head, "I did, against that Seal-"

"And yet you failed and resorted to using the enigmatic Tiger. A risky move. But the failure of the assassination wasn't what irked me."

"It irks me!" Makoto cheerfully added.

No one asked.

Eiichi's eyes bore through me as he asked, "Tell me, Akira. When was it that you have gotten so weak? To the point that you listen to the ignorant and naive prattle of your inexperienced and weaker teammates? Even without Hatake's input. You could have easily assassinated Satsujin and be done with it."

Taking a moment to process his words I shook my head, "That would've been a worse outcome. From this mission, I have learned that my method of approaching missions, especially those involving elimination was not foolproof nor hardly correct."

Elaborating I continued, "Had I been inquisitive, had I been empathetic, had I dug deeper... I would've figured out the complexity of the issue. Avoid unnecessary conflict, bloodshed, and chaos. We have caused irreversible damage to the Land Of Woods, undoubtedly. The invasion of Shintaku No Machi was unnecessary, albeit a benefit to the Leaf with our elimination of noteworthy forces from Iwagakure."

Then, suddenly, a loud slam echoed in the room, startling both me and Makoto.

Eiichi's fist impacted the wooden table, "Tell me... Are you loyal to the Leaf or to the Woods?"

Blinking, I composed myself, "Eiichi you are not making sense. What does that have to-"


W-What the fuck?

Makoto's hand blurred towards Eiichi's shoulder as he pressed it down, his eyes narrowing dangerously at Eiichi, "I do not know what has gotten into you, Old Friend. But compose yourself. Take your tea, take a breather outside, and come back in a couple of minutes."

At Makoto's calm and infrequent serious tone, Eiichi rose up wordlessly.

His eyes hadn't left me as he walked out of his office, teacup in hand, closing the door with a slam.

The furious echo of his steps in the hallway was audible even here.

Prompting Makoto and me to sigh in tandem.

I met eyes with Makoto, "What's with him? Did he go senile or something? You're usually the more infuriating elder."

Makoto's eyes hadn't left the door, as they were narrowed, he whispered, "I pray it is only his age acting up." He shook his head.

Thus, a comfortable and familiar silence enveloped us, and Makoto seemed to be positively pleasant today.

Couldn't help but wonder why.

Maybe it's the contrast with the oddness and temperamental Eiichi that I've met with today?

Sheesh, talk about a warm welcome back home.

Feeling a knot of unease form in my stomach, I couldn't shake off the lingering tension from this encounter with Eiichi.

His unusual behavior left me on edge, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor.

I couldn't help but wonder what had triggered such an outburst from the typically composed elder.

It's as if he and Makoto exchanged roles... Might as well ask.

I express my curiosity, causing him to turn to me, "Say, Makoto. You're awfully tame. Not pressing the issue with Rudolph and whatnot. You don't care if I'm rested or not so... What gives?"

A broad, almost creepy smile twisted itself onto Makoto's face.

As if he was waiting for that question.

"You know what? Never mi-"

"What do you think, my dear Akira-kun?" He singsonged with a cheery tone.

Eww... Disgusting.



Oh shit.

I almost forgot.

There was just so much on my plate that I forgot about it entirely...

I hazarded a guess, "Your... Grandaughter?"

He nodded, pleased, "Exactly. It's time for you to meet my dear Naomi-chan!"

Oh, I got a name out of him after all these years.




That name rings a bell, but I can't put a face on it without confirmation.

I'm more of a face-than-name kind of guy.

I have had many interactions with Nara men and women of varying ages.

Being as busy and reclusive as I am, I usually don't reach out to strangers without a reason, clansmen or not.

So if she hadn't talked to me, I probably wouldn't remember her.

Maybe as a face on the street or something.

I am less popular with the younger more modern and less traditional generation of the Nara.

Particularly those who are more autonomous - Teenagers.

Simply because I am... Overshadowing them? Is that the right word?

Heh, Ironic.

I sighed, "Okay, when am I meeting her?"

If it doesn't go well, I'll just reject her and check the next Marriage prospect.

Though I don't think I have many tries on that strategy, more or less two or three rejections depending on the rate of me meeting Nara girls.

Anywho, I gotta try for Makoto, I at least owe him that much.

He beamed, "Tomorrow beside the Nara Council building. At 1:00 PM. You're lucky she just came back from a mission, I had forbidden her from taking anything else until you two properly met. You are officially engaged after all." He confirmed.

He says officially engaged, but that piece of legal nonsense isn't as set in stone as he's making it out to be...

Well, I wasn't planning on joining Sakura in her training tomorrow, but that settles that.

On that note, Naomi seems to be a proper Shinobi...

...She's going to kill me in my sleep, isn't she?

"Already thoroughly planned and scheduled huh... No funny stuff, okay old man? I'm giving this a try because I'm trying to be nice." I warned.

He faux blushed in a disgusting manner, "Don't worry! I'm certain you will love Naomi-chan! Soon, you will be calling me Grandpa~!"

Waving him off with an undertone of clear disdain, I coughed attention, my tone turning serious, "Back to my mission, there's something I'd like to ask."

Noting my serious tone, Makoto leaned his face on his hands, as he nodded, "Go on."

"During the mission, Naruto got dangerously close to dying before I saved him... My question is rather simple."

My eyes narrowed, "Should he have died, would the Nine Tails be released?"

I have to know... To proceed with my plans for the Chunin Exams.

Blinking, Makoto replied, "Yes and No. Should Uzumaki truly perish, the Nine-Tails would die with him. But reform in a random place in the world at a later point."


I nodded, "Thank you. Would it be safe to assume this is true for all those who have Demons or Spirits sealed inside them?"

Makoto nodded wordlessly.


Looks like... I have no excuse to avoid that option...


Chunin Exams.

Prospective Bride.

Just came back, and already got a lot to prepare and do.

...I'll sip on my green tea in Sasuke Style, then.

Maybe replicating his brooding will lighten the toll...

I wonder how the Land Of Waves thing went?

...Not that I have the time to investigate that right now.

Beneath my nonchalant facade, a nagging sense of urgency tugged at the back of my mind.

The mention of the Chunin Exams and the prospect of marriage loomed over me like a storm on the horizon.

The six days I have left to prepare, one of which, is already going to be wasted on going on a date, basically.

Guess that counts as resting at least?



-Third Person POV-

As the sun ascended in the sky, casting a warm glow over the landscape, a familiar routine unfolded within a Nara household.

With a soft rustle of sheets, a young woman stirred from her slumber, her movements graceful yet purposeful as she greeted the new day.

Stretching her limbs with a contented sigh, she rose from her bed, the morning light illuminating her features.

Strolling in her pajamas, she calmly went to the restroom to wash up.

After a brisk tooth brushing and face washing, she emerged refreshed, her gaze reflecting focus and energy.

The girl went back to her room, dressing up in casual clothing fit for exercise.

Tying her cascading black hair into a long ponytail, the girl checked herself out in front of the mirror.

She was met with the amber gaze of a 15 almost 16-year-old girl, 5'3 feet in height with a fit and slim figure fitting of a Kunoichi.

Silently, beneath her eager and energetic smile, turmoil lingered deep within...

Regardless, such early morning proactiveness is unusual for a Nara such as herself.

However, there exists a misconception.

Nara Men are the lazy ones.

Nara Women on the other hand...

Nodding to herself, pleased, her thoughts are cut off by a feminine voice downstairs, "Naomi! Breakfast is ready!"

"Just a second, Mom!" The now-named Naomi shouted back.

With a subtle adjustment to her hair, she prepared to face the day ahead, the weight of familial expectations pressing down upon her like an invisible burden.

As her mother's reminder echoed through the halls, a flicker of discomfort crossed Naomi's features, her smile faltering, "Don't forget to pretty yourself up after your workout! You're meeting Akira-sama!"

And, without interruption, Naomi's smile fell and her expression soured.

Uncertainty and reluctance introducing themselves to her countenance.

To Be Continued!

-Omake Start-

Title - You Saw Nothing (Canon)

-Third Person POV-

A 7-year-old Akira was having a nice time, experimenting with his partners, Noc and Mir.

This time... It was how little Chakra something needs to be Undetectable in the eyes of Noc and Mir.

Noc went out to play, while Mir was the lab rat.

"Hmm... So non-Ninja Rabbits are a no-go?" Akira mumbled in observation at the rabbit Mir caught.

"Hmm?" Akira turned in the direction of a fast-approaching black wolf, a Noc with a dead rabbit in his mouth.

Deadpanning, Akira gazed at how Noc dropped a freshly hunted rabbit before him.

Staring into the clueless and innocent eyes of his loyal wolf, Akira sighed.

He lowered his gaze, "Ah, might as well put this to good use. Good work." He rubbed Noc's fur.

Lowering his hand and placing it on the rabbit, Noc and Mir exchanged confused looks at their master's doing.


Shadow Summons... Means...

"Arise." Akira tried to do a deep voice but failed horribly.

He chuckled, "Well, was worth a tr-"

He turned to see Shikamaru staring at him as if he had grown a second head.

Nodding, Akira stated simply, "You saw nothing."

"Pretty sure I did see something."

-Omake End-

-Author Note Start-

Hello lovely readers!

Hope you've enjoyed the chapter, up to snuff in quality and stuff.

It's looking like this nice and warm slice of life totally not political stuff related break will be taking a little longer.

And by that, I mean just one more chapter so I can start with the Engagement shenanigans for Akira. 

Now, this obviously won't be the main focus of the fic, so calm your horses.

I could simply just pull something out of my ass and say "Akira got a wife now" and skip to the Chunin Exams, but this isn't supposed to be a strictly Fight ooga booga story.

Wait patiently! You'll be getting your fight ooga booga very soon!

About the OC - Naomi.

Let me cook.

I know what I'm doing.

This has been brewing for a while lol.

Also you got a lil world building here and there.

I'm contemplating whether to write the next chapter as an interlude or not.

Because I'm thinking of writing it in a...


Probably in Naomi's POV if I actually decide to do that, simply because I think it'll be nice to showcase how the outside world or the "Average" Konoha Resident sees Akira.

And yes, some of you have guessed it already.

But Sakura is replacing Naruto in the Chunin Exams.

This shit just fits like a glove.

Easy way to showcase her improvements.

Chunin Exams still will be a side character fiesta, with me finally showcasing the Stronger Shikamaru as well so look forward to that.

Though I'll skip through whomever isn't interesting.

So yeah!

Anywho, without anything else to add, I think.

Cya next chappie!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-

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