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84.61% FFXIV/DC: An Ancients journey / Chapter 11: Giant killer robot

Chapitre 11: Giant killer robot

Well this was quite the conundrum.

I stared at the fallen frames of some of my teammates. Kid Flash was knocked out cold, courtesy of a powerful sleeping gas. Kara and Superboy layed sprawled onto the cold ground, a chunk of kryptonite sat between their fallen frames. Conner was trying and failing to reach it so he could throw it away or something. M'gann was much in the same state, she was curled up into a fetal position, a ring of fire surrounding her, as her usually bright features had morphed into a look of pure fear.

I looked at the thing responsible for it.

It stood at a towering height of over 10 feet tall, with a menacing aura emanating from its metallic frame, a large metal deadly robot was a sight to behold. Its sturdy construction gave one the impression of immensity and durability, constructed entirely of steel, titanium, or other advanced alloys. Its body was angular and imposing, with menacing spikes, jagged edges, and sharp corners jutting out of its frame. The metal plating that coverd its body was dark and menacing, like a glossy black obsidian that reflected no light. Its eyes were glowing orbs of red, exuding a malevolent like feeling. Its overall body shape was akin to a humanoid, with two large arms that end in sharp, serrated pincers designed to rend and tear apart anything it touched. Its legs were shorter and sturdier than those of a human, with large clawed feet that could crush the hardest steels. The long tail swished behind it, with razor-sharp blades at the end serving as a deadly weapon. Additionally, it had a chest plate with a glowing emblem that marked its allegiance, perhaps to some particular group. If that wasn't enough it had some additional weapons mounted on its shoulders and back, such as missile pods, energy cannons and even flame throwers.

Currently Blue Beetle was raining down plasma fire on the metal monstrosity, while said monstrosity was practically jumping around wildly and dodging the blast of fire, despite its huge frames those task seemed easy to do. Beetle did good with occupying it.

As suddenly it's large form was encased by something, pitch black tendrils seemed to come to life from the ground as they ensnared the giant robot. To my side Raven's eye's seemed to glow ominously as her palm radiated with a dark energy. With its movement's halted Robin acted, with swift and quick movements he retrieved our downed teammates, dragging them all back to the ship as I nodded to Raven. She recoperated the gesture as the tendrils fell back, Blue Beetle noticed the signal as he falled back to us.

Again Raven's eye's lit up as a translucent dark purple, bubble-like shield encased us, as well as the ship. Now it was my turn.

So as I raised my right palm to the metal monstrosity. I strained my eye's as I tried to zero in on it, my eye's still stung from what it did, so I guess I'll be dropping a meteor on it.



"You're looking down alot." To her side, M'gann's voice reached her ears as Kara turned to the Martian girl.

"It's nothing, just-"

"You're thinking about Emet again, right?" The girl accused with the same bright smile as they flew through the air.

"Wait, are you..."

"Oh no! I'm not going through your thoughts. If that's what you were wondering, it's just that I find you staring at him alot."

She knew the Martian girl was telling the truth, her mellow heart rate and relaxed features attested to that. But was she really being that obvious? Maybe. So heaving out a sigh Kara spoke.

"It's just that I haven't gotten the chance to properly talk to him yet. You see a while back he helped me out and I never really got the chance to express my gratitude." She explained as M'gann seemed to take in all the information.

"Yes, he's quite the kind person. His thoughts were muddled but very calm, and he wasn't angry with me." She agreed with a smile. "But I heard its appropriate to give gifts to those who you owe gratitude to."

"A gift? I'm not exactly sure what he would want. I mean he's kinda mysterious and unreadable." The Kryptonian spoke with a sigh.

"Maybe you could ask him what he'd like." M'gann suggested.

"Wouldn't be much of a gift if he knew what I was going to get him."

"Oh, true...maybe I could..." She let her word's hang in the air to convey what she was suggesting and Kara was quick to note what it was.

"I don't know if he would appreciate us looking through his head just to find out what he likes." Kara spoke with a slight look of uncertainty.

"Telepathy is much simpler. I wouldn't go through his mind per say, I'd just focus on some key elements. For instance 'what he likes' and then I'll simply see that. So I won't go prying." She explained.

Kara mulled it over. It seemed like a bit too much effort just to get him a gift, but she owed at least this and much more.

"Then let's do it. I just hope he understands."

"I'm sure he will, he's kind after all." M'gann reassured with a smile.


Genocide is a solution.

Because when everyone experiences that feeling of death then everyone will be equal.

What the hell am I even thinking about? Right I was bored. Thinking about which Primals to construct gets tedious. So I tried to be a philosopher. But eh, it ain't for me.

I looked to my side, seated on my created chair Raven seemed to meditate again. Conversation between us had died down rather quickly, but that was fine. Gave me some time to mentally prepare.

I still didn't know which Primal I wanted to bring forth first though. There was so many options, but the further down the line of Primals I went the more complex they got. Garuda, Ifrit and Titan were amongst the easiest to create, well there's also Good King Moogle, but he's pretty useless. So which one to focus one, probably not an elemental type if I can help it. I'd need a primal that would be useful in every situation. Or maybe I could just try and multi create them, Ifrit and Garuda would make a good team. Bahamut seemed most appealing, but he'd probably take the most Aether to maintain. But there's also Anima, I'd imagine he'd be pretty useful. There was also Phoenix of course, that healing abilities would be more than useful. As for primarily combat ones Odin and Ravana stood out most. But of course there was the power house that was Alexander. He'd be the most useful no doubt but creating him is way too beyond me, so I'll focus on more simpler Primals.

Decisions, decisions.

My thoughts on the matter would've continued were not for me spotting a figure from afar rapidly descending to the ground. Said figure reached it in record time. A loud thud echoed throughout the barren desert as he crashed into the thick ice that made up the ground. His body hit the ground with such force that it created a large crator around him, the impact sending small chunks of ice flying in all directions.

Standing up from my seat I took note of who said person was. Connor laid in the makeshift crator as he stood up from the ground seemingly without any injury. I was about to ask what happend but something else caught my attention.


From seemingly out of nowhere a large figure landed on the ground a few metres away from Connor. It's heavy frame imprinted a small crator in the ground, I studied the iron monstrosity. It was pitch black in colour with numerous jagged edges, it looked like some miniature mech. It had a sleek spiked tail and two glowing red orbs for eye's to add in to its imposing nature.

My musings were cut short when the glaring Connor attacked. With a yell he leaped into the air and straight towards the killer robot. Said robot, despite its metal and chunky body, twisted its body nimbly as it swung its long jagged tail at Superboy. Being mid air he most likely couldn't dodge, so he crossed his arms before his body as he prepared to block the attack. Only to find his body suddenly being pulled upwards.

The sharp spiked tail hit nothing but air as Superboy himself looked confused.

"Sorry I hope we're not late." M'gann spoke her hand outstretched towards Connor as she used her power to set him back on the ground.

Kara was here too but she was already engaging the robot. In blinding speeds she flew straight at the robot, both fist outstretched as they collided with its face. Its large frame all but shot backwards as it skidded against the ground. Kara smirked at the effectiveness as I frowned.

That thing had apperantly sent Connor flying and now it didn't burst into bits when Kara hit it. Regardless if Kara is still learning to control her power and whatnot, she should've tore through that thing no problem. Similarly Connor shouldn't have too much trouble with it, regardless if he's only partial Kryptonian.

The robotic monstrosity stood back on its feet in no time, Kara's attack seengly haven left its mark, seeings as it had a heavily dented jaw.

"Whoa, what is that?" A yellow streak zipped in as Kid Flash appeared.

"A killer robot." I spoke as I stepped next to him, Raven was still hanging behind. "But how'd you know there was trouble here?"

"I contacted him along with Robin and Beetle." M'gann floated onto the ground as she spoke. "The other two or on their way as we speak."

I nodded at her words as I turned back to he robot that was currently battling both Connor and Kara. The two were landing endless blows onto it, it barely even being able to react to the vicious onslaught. Odd, Kara isn't using heat vision.

"Should we help?" Kid asked as I shrugged.

"Maybe." Turning to it I prepared to line up an attack but suddenly the robot got crazy. Its movements became erratic as it wildly swung its metal arms. The two avoided its seemingly random blows, but suddenly its chest plate slid open, something pulsed inside of it as suddenly Kara and Connor seemed immediatley more slugglish and strained. Something shot out of its chest, said something colliding with the ground between the two as Kara collapsed to the ground immediately while Connor fell to his knees. A green radiating rock like object sat between the two. Kryptonite, of course.

"W-What is the matter with the two of them." A worried expression ecthed onto her face, M'gann seemed slightly panicky.

"Kryptonite, can you use your telekinesis to move it away." She nodded as she prepared to get to work, but Kid Flash interrupted.

"Eh, don't bother I'll have it gone it a millisecond." Boasting he prepared to take off as I spoke.

"Don't just rush-"

My words fell on death ears as he already sped off towards Connor and Kara, an action the robot seemed to predict as its foot sunk deep into the ground. The singular action reverberated throughout the ground as cracks split onto the ground, making it rigid and uneven.

Kid Flash tried his best to keep his footing, but the ice beneath him was too unstable. Immediately he slipped and stumbled, his arms pinwheeling as they fought to maintain their balance. His body slid along the barely smooth ground as it eventually came to a skidding halt. He tried to stand up, but he appeared to be in a daze. The killer robot took the oppertunity to act.

Its shoulders split apart revealing small canisters that glinted in the light. From the canisters, the robot fired a faint mist into Kid Flash's direction. Still in a daze Kid Flash couldn't react as the thin layer of gass engulfed him. His body slumped as it fell to the ground again, he was till breathing just fast asleep.

M'gann seemed slightly too shocked to act, strange. You'd think she'd be more used to this. Raven didn't seem to care much, that was understandable, she probably figured out what this was when the thing conveniently had Kryptonite. But I digress.

Seemingly content with leaving Kid Flash to nap, its glowing red orbs turned to us. And with speeds not befitting its large frame it lunged at us, closing the distance seemingly instantly it swiped at us with its right arm. This time M'gann did act, as did I. The two of us shot upwards in flight as its jagged claws swiped at nothing. I threw a glance back at M'gann, she seemed way too panicky. I'd thought she would be more like her Young Justice counterpart when it came to battle, seeing as she had that bubbly personality, guess not. I hoverd away from it as M'gann slightly lagged behind.

Again the Robot took the oppertunity to act, its head suddenly shot upwards as its mouth opened wide. I heard the whirring sound of machinery from inside it, as a faint glow of red light began emanating from its throat. Then, suddenly, a powerful beam of flame burst forth from the inside of the robot, illuminating everything with a pulsing orange glow. The fire rushed out in a steady stream that collided with M'gann who was all but frozen in fear.

The harsh flames engulfed her, though it was clear to see that they did nothing to harm her, or even burn her organic clothing. Nonetheless horror was all but etched into her face as wildly thrashed around. She lost focus as she started plummeting to the ground, I prepared to help now but one look at the robot and its bright orbs flashed a seering white. Then...

"Shit!" Everything in my vision burned with an intense white as I clutched my eye's shut with my hands. The bastard flashed banged me, my eye's stung as I could barely see anything. So I prepared to throw every godddam attack at the metal piece of shit, but I was stopped when something wrapped around my waist. It wasn't the hand of the robot, this was too soft and felt...I dunno nimble and boneless. Whatever grabbed onto me pulled me towards something before gently sitting me back on the ground. I rubbed my eye's some more as a voice spoke to me.

"Are you alright?" Ravens ever calm and soothing voice reached me as I continued vigoursly rubbing my eye's.

"I will be once I turn that thing into scrap metal...ah, there." Rather quickly my vision was coming back, everything was a tad blurry but I could still more or less make things out. I made out the outline of the piece of shit robot, who didn't even turn to us, M'gann was on the ground with the rest, a ring of flames circling her as she layed motionless.

"It doesn't seem to know we're here..."

"A cloaking spell." Raven simply informed as I nodded, before I heard someone descending from above. I could make out Robin, with Blue Beetle having carried him before placing him down onto the ground.

"Okaaay, what is that." Blue Beetle asked, his gaze no doubt latching onto the robot.

"Soon to be scrap metal. Help me out, yeah? So we can atleast get a passing grade, four of us are already out of commission." I gestured with my head to their general direction. Seeing as I couldn't see shit, I assume their expressions were shocked.

"Wait, what do you mean passing grade?" Blue Beetle asked, my word's only now catching up to him.

"It's all a test." Robin spoked up, deciding to answer.

"Wait, wait test? But those four..."

"Weren't too injured, well M'gann might be traumatised so I suggest we stop dilly-dalling."

"Right, but how come it hasn't noticed us?" Robin asked and Raven actually decided to talk again.

"Magic. I'm cloaking us." She simply spoke and I could imagine their confused expressions.

"Magic? Seriously magic?" Blue Beetle asked, sounding flabbergasted.

"Yes, yes. Magic's real, and Santa Claus too, so let's kill the killer robot so we can get out of this place." I spoke.

"Right then we'll need a plan. Beetle think you can keep that thing occupied?" Robin asked as I imagined Blue Beetle nodded as he didn't reply. "Good, and Raven, this magic of yours, could you maybe restrain that thing long enough for me to get the other's back?"

"I can."

"Great, and Emet-"

"I'm gonna drop a meteor on it."

"Huh?" Blue Beetle seemed confused at my statement, I dunno why, my word's were clear. Nonetheless I decided to provide some context.

"I'm going to drop a huge ass rock on its head, applying pressure to it seems to do the most damage." Wish I could see the dumbstruck look he was totally sporting. Nevermind I can see again, well not 100% but my vision was decent now atleast. "And another thing, fall back when Raven's restraints drop."

"Okay then..." Robin spoke, sounding unsure of my plan on dropping a rock on the robot, but he seemed not to mull over it too much. "Let's move out, Beetle..."

Blue Beetle nodded as his wings morphed out of his back before he shot into the sky and straight at the robot.

"Hey deshilvanado!" He taunted it as immediately it turned its attention to him. From its shoulders missile pods shot up before said missiles were promptly launched at Blue Beetle.

The sound of whistling missiles cut through the air as he soared through the sky. He accelerated, pushing himself higher into the air. The missiles were coming straight for him, streaking through the air like angry hornets. With lightning-fast reflexes, Blue Beetle darted and weaved his way through the missile fire, dodging and twisting out of harm's way. He didn't seem to mind as the heat of the explosions washed over, and the shockwaves did nothing to even stun him. However the missiles kept coming, their deadly payloads raining down all around him like a storm of fiery death. But he merely flew faster and faster, weaving and dodging with precision. He managed to dodge every missile, darting, weaving, and twisting through the air like a bird.

Eventually the onslaught stopped, signalling that it was out of missiles. Now Blue Beetle took the initiative, he held out his right arm as it morphed into some kinda canon. Energy pulsed from the tip as a blue bolt of something shot out from it, it whizzed through the air in a blur as it struck its target.

The bolt pierced and scorched its jagged shoulder. More bolts shot through the air as the robot seemed to learn that it could not take the hit, as in a surprising display, it erratically moved around, despite its large form its moves seemed too nimble. Yet Blue Beetle didn't let up.

"You're up Raven." Robin spoke as the aforementioned girl merely nodded. Stepping forward slightly, she outstretched an arm at it. Her hand pulsed with a pitch blackish energy as her pupils seemed to disappear. Looking back to the robot, I noticed a dark puddle rapidly forming from underneath it. Then in the next instance something sprang from within them, several pitch black tendrils shot out and wrapped and ensnared the robot in an instant, restraining it effectively, its arms, legs, head and even tail were restrained by the tendrils.

If Robin was surprised by the display he didn't voice it as he immediately got to work, with fast and nimble movements he ran forward and directly towards M'gann first, simply covering himself with his cape he sprang through the flames without hesitation. Not long after he had already retrieved M'gann, carrying her on his back he placed her by us before getting to work again. Easily reaching Kara and Connor he kicked away the Kryptonite as he slung Kara over his shoulder before taking Connor by the collar of his shirt, seemingly not weighed down by their fat asses he reached Kid Flash before also dragging him by the neck of his suit, quickly and surprisingly swiftly he reached as, and placed them all aside.

"Raven, think you could shield us when I attack?"

"I can." She confirmed.

I gave her a nod as the tendrils wrapped around the robot began seemingly dissolving into thin air. Blue Beetle took the signal as he immediately falled back to us.

Again Raven's eye's lit up as a translucent dark purple, bubble-like shield encased us, as well as the ship. Now it was my turn.

So as I raised my right palm to the metal monstrosity. I strained my eye's as I tried to zero in on it, my eye's still stung from what it did. Time for vengeance.

Raising my hand higher and higher, the rest could help but follow by movements. The sun was suddenly and seemingly blocked off as a large shadow encased all.

"Holy shit!" Blue Beetle could not help but exclaim as he stared upwards, Robin seemed just as baffled. Dunno why, I told them what I was about to do.

So staring up myself I looked at my makeshift meteor. Honesty it was just a giant rock, spanning about let's see, nah I had no clue. It spanned about, maybe 17 buildings long? Yeah I had no clue, it was big and encased us too, hope Raven's shield holds up.

So gesturing my hand downwards the meteor followed as it plummeted to the ground alarmingly fast, it wasn't too high up to generate any friction but, eh. The Robot that was in slight dissary didn't quite know what hit him and the meteor flattened him in an instant, its form breaking apart as the red orbs that were its eye's disappeared. Of course, there was some environmental damage.

The ground shook violently, with a force that even the thick layers of ice and snow couldn't contain. A deep rumbling filled the air as the meteor punched through earth's crust. The impact was deafening, throwing up an enormous cloud of dust and debris that obscured the surrounding landscape. As the dust began to settle, the devastation wrought by my meteor was revealed in all its terrifying glory. The impact crater was massive, stretching out for miles in all directions. The surrounding terrain was flattened, the once-pristine snow and ice blasted aside or into a roiling mess. The aftermath of the shockwave would've no doubt have been unbearable were it not for Raven's shield. The latter looking like she was slightly strained, my bad.

Robin and Blue Beetle looked at the scene with gaping mouths as they were struck with awe at the scale of the impact. The crater was massive after all , easily dwarfing the surrounding landscape and stretching as far as the eye could see. They were also probably surprised as the giant meteor was seemingly gone, vanished without a trace courtesy of me of course.

"Don't worry, no people or animals got caught up in it, I made sure no one was nearby." I spoke as Raven's barrier finnally dropped. We stood on a still intact patch of ground whilst all around us was a huge ass crater. "But sorry about that, I should've warned you how big it was going to be." I said turning to Raven.

"It's fine." She merely said.

"Remind me to never piss you off compañero." Beetle spoke as he admired the destruction.

Ah, such devastation, this was actually not my intention.

"Well, let's hope we get that passing grade. Our examiners are on their way."


A/N: Just a note further down the line I'll be adding in some more FFXIV elements. Mainly just a few other Ancients and Etheirys, and maybe a Metion. So some who reads this may be confused, so I'll do my best to give some exposition for when the time comes. Also I'm open to suggestions on how else you would want the mc to use his power. And regarding the giant meteor, unnecessary true, but the mc is still young and will get pissed from time to time.

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