"So you understand why I put on pause for the soldier's now? I need some time to plan this out before you all keep sending more people into this city." Yuqi added.
"Okay, I'll go tell them about it. They will understand." Xiaoyun left the office and called the two.
After explaining it to Yezi and Yiming, both of them were understanding enough to accept it.
But the two also raised another concern with Yuqi's suggestion.
"Who's going to guard the other city? Someone has to be responsible for that and be able to command the military there. It has to be someone that we can trust." Yiming asked.
"Can you two not go? I trust you two." Xiaoyun replied.
"No, we still have to teach the current soldiers and officers." Yiming replied back.
"Huayi is still the head of agriculture department, I can't leave her here and go there myself... s-she's pregnant now. You understand me right?" Yezi took over
Yiming's phone and replied back.
Updated last chapter. Fix some of the issues and made it back to normal chapter length. Anyway my brains had finally stopped making itself depressed and burning out. That one day break really fixed it.
Most of the older chapter would be grammar editing. No major overhauls to the plot. So dont worry about needing to go back.
Update: First chapter has been edited to fix massive amount of grammar issues.