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75.36% Fate/Juggernaut / Chapter 52: 52. Brutality of Camelot

Chapitre 52: 52. Brutality of Camelot


"Are we ready?" Archer asked, looking at the others as they readied themselves for what was to come.

"Yes, but you're right, I don't like this plan at all. We are going off of an assumption that Caster isn't working alone, but what if it turns out to be false?" Rin said, eyeing Archer as they gathered in the main room of her estate.

"I know you have reservations about what's about to happen," He responded. "but I just can't shake the feeling something else is going on behind the scenes. If it turns out to be false…" He stopped and looked at the Juggernaut.

"Sorry, I guess. We'll fight for no reason. But on the off chance that something else is happening, it will be worth it."

Rin huffed as she folded her arms over her chest and nodded sharply that she understood. Shirou was standing to the side, his head held low as he prepared for his part in the plan. He would be trying to keep his teacher busy while Archer and the Juggernaut performed their parts of the plan.

There were so many parts where it could go wrong, but they needed it to work. They needed to get Saber back. HE needed to get Saber back.

"OK, let's get going." He said as he stood up.

Rin had used familiars to find the location where Caster had been, by following her master's movement throughout the night as they planned their assault. Though, they had seen that they moved from the church back to the temple where they were originally located.

Leaving the Tohsaka estate, the four of them made their way to the temple, where Caster, Saber, and Assassin waited.

Along the way, Godrick and Archer noticed another servant following them, though they didn't feel any malicious intent behind the servant's actions, so they decided it didn't matter.

"You know I'll have to go all out for this right?" Archer asked the Juggernaut as they neared the steps to the temple.

Godrick nodded in affirmation, making Archer relax a small bit. "Well," Archer said, breaking the silence once more.

"No hard feelings."

Finally making it to the steps, the group walked to the summit of the mountain, preparing themselves for a battle that would determine the outcome of the future of them all.

Rin and Shirou felt nervous about what was to come, while Godrick and Archer felt calm about the situation.

Walking through the torii, the group stopped at the sight that greeted them.

Caster was standing by Artoria, who was in a compromising position with her hands bound in front of her while wearing what looked to be a modern day wedding dress.

Assassin was standing off to the side, almost seeming to try and distance himself from his master, as well as the situation she had created.

Artoria had a pained look on her face, looking like she was using all her might to resist some great temptation as beads of sweat rolled down her face.

Casters master, Kuzuki Souichirou, was standing next to his servant near the center of the courtyard.

"Well, well, well." Caster said, her voice laced with mockery.

"It seems dear Artoria Pendragon here was right after all. You did end up coming, Godrick." She said, using their names to let them know she knew almost everything.

Looking at his mother, Godrick summoned his armor before clenching his fists. The metal of his gauntlet creaked as did so, but Caster's next action made him summon his halberd and rush forward.

Caster was looking at the small group before she leaned down to whisper something in Artoria's ear.

The Saber shook her head before Caster slapped her once more. A red Command Seal lit up and disappeared before the magic that was keeping Artoria bound faded, letting her fall to the floor.

Godrick was now on them, before a burst of magical energy stopped him in his tracks as a sword lashed out at him.

Godricks target was Caster but now with Artoria bent to her will, he had to deal with her first.

"Damn it." Archer said, seeing the Juggernaut run forward. Assassin had leapt into action as well, but Archer was able to intercept him before the purple clad swordsman reached the others.

Rin and Shirou dashed to either side, Shirou moving to attack Kuzuki, while Rin ran for Caster.

"I must apologize," Assassin said, now locked by the blade with Archer.

"What for?" Archer said, voice strained as they vied for dominance.

"Well you see," Assassin said, voice strained as well as he pushed against his foe.

"I didn't want any of this. Sabers treatment, I did all I could to keep Casters filthy hands from her, but there was only so much I could do."

"Oh, I understand," Archer said. "The Juggernaut will pay her back for everything that she's done." He said before letting Assassin's blade slide down his own towards him.

Assassin took the opportunity for a killing blow, and swiped at Archer, who deftly leaned back as the blade flashed over him.

Archer lunged with his blades, trying to cut into Assassin's side, but a twist of the servant's body brought his long blade back around to catch the short swords once more.

Breaking their clash, Archer backstepped before throwing both his blades at Assassin, who skillfully knocked them out of the air.

"What's wrong Archer? I know you're better than this." Assassin said, now lowering his blade to his side.

"I'm just waiting for the right moment. Pay it no mind." Archer answered.

Godrick caught Excalibur on the shaft of his halberd before looking at his mother. She seemed to have empty eyes, though he knew she was still fighting against Caster's will.

Pushing her blade off of his halberd, Godrick forced his handle into her face, snapping her head back before driving his left fist into her stomach. He then smashed his halberd into Artorias left side with one hand, but she caught it with Excalibur. The force was strong enough though, that she was still forced backwards

With a flash of sparks, she was thrown backwards, but she still landed on her feet, carving lines in the rock before she came to a stop.

She was being sloppy. Even though she had been bent to Casters will, she was resisting the command seal. Even now, his mother was still trying her best to look out for him.

Godrick knew he would be able to end this in one clean blow, as his mother would give him an opportunity which he had to take.

Blitzing towards her, he stopped in front of her, stomping on the ground to plant himself before bringing his halberd down in a devastating blow which Artoria caught on Excalibur.

The ground around them shattered as her feet sunk into the ground before Godrick's halberd left her blade and and the butt end came up to clip the hilt of Excalibur, throwing her arms to the left.

Pivoting on his right foot, Godrick spun to his right, whipping his halberd around to come whistling towards Artoria's head.

She was able to react a split moment before the halberd hit her, and brought her right arm up to protect the side of her head before her vision suddenly went black, and she felt no more.

A loud 'CRACK' rang through the courtyard, making everyone stop and look at where the Juggernaut and Saber were fighting, only to see the Sabers body sitting limply against the wall of the temple.

Blood leaked from her right arm as well as her head.

Godrick stood over her before he turned to Caster, and lunged forward to take Rins place, who had been fighting her.

But as Godrick's halberd neared the magician, two short swords suddenly blocked its path, stopping it dead.

From Casters viewpoint, the Juggernaut froze in shock, not having expected this level of betrayal.

"Archer, what are you doing!" Rin screamed, having gone to help Shirou deal with Casters master.

She raised her hand high to the sky before her Command Seals lit up, but Caster's quick thinking was faster.

Whipping out her dagger she plunged it into Archer's side, severing his connection to Rin, who suddenly let out a cry of pain before falling to her knees and cradling her arm.

Archer broke his engagement with the Juggernaut before planting both feet on his chest and kicking with all his force. To everyone's surprise, Godrick was actually thrown back a few meters before he was able to catch his balance.

He was now standing next to Rin and Shirou, forcing Souichirou to jump back to his own side.

It was Godrick against four other servants, and things were looking grim at the moment.

Looking at Archer, steam came from Godricks helmet at the indignation of the situation and the betrayal.

"What have you done Archer?" Rin asked, horrified at the situation that had been made.

"I have joined the winning side Rin. you couldn't possibly hope that we could have won, and plus, i have my own agenda." Archer said.

Stepping in front of the two teenagers, Godrick took his halberd in both hands, making his stance clear.

"You really think that you can face all of us at once?" Caster said, mockery thick in her voice.

Godricks only response was to tighten his hold on his halberd, slightly bending the metal shaft of his weapon in anticipation for the fight to come.

_Flashback to the night before_

"OK. Here's what we need to do. Caster is getting help from someone else. There is no way she could be doing all of this by herself." Archer said, leaning on the table they were all sitting at.

"So, the crux of my plan is that Godrick can hold out with us going all out on him long enough for the backers to show themselves. When we first get there, I'll make my move of betrayal. I can survive on my own magical energy while not relying on a master, but the other servants can't. I'll get Caster to steal me away to free Rin so she can get to Saber, and form a contract with her. After that, we'll have to fight like we are actually on opposite sides until the third party of this whole thing shows up. Hopefully it will give me an opportunity to find out what's happening, and to learn what their plans are." Archer said, giving half truths of his betrayal.

The group didn't know it, but he had a secret motive of his own and he needed to get out of Rins control. It was true that he was doing all of this so he could double cross Caster and whomever was backing her in the end, but couldn't achieve his true goal while serving under Rin.

"I'm going to go all out against you. And I think the other three will as well. Do you think you can handle it?" Archer said to Godrick, who nodded in affirmation.

"Alright. Once the backers show themselves, Godrick will go all out, and kill Caster, her Master, and Assassin. If I'm able to leave with the backers, I'll take that opportunity. We really need to sell this, so do everything you can to be surprised." He said, now ready to start preparing to leave.


The Juggernaut rolled his shoulders, ready for the four servants' assault. Caster quickly made her way over to Artoria, probably to heal her, but the Juggernaut made the first move as he blitzed over to her, just to be interrupted by Assassin and Archer.

The two blocked his way as Assassin slashed at Godricks waist, while Archer leapt into the air, and brought his short swords down on him.

Godrick blocked Assassin's blade with his left forearm, while catching Archer's blows with his halberd before throwing him off, and bringing his weapon down on Assassin.

Sasaki deftly stepped to his left before jumping to his right in a twirl, jumping over Godricks halberd as he ripped it from the ground, and tried to swipe at the Assassin.

Godrick followed through with the swing, and met Archer's blades as he lunged back towards the Juggernaut, who's back had been towards him.

Godrick swung out with his free left arm, trying to clip Assassin as he turned his body to deal with Archer, but Sasaki wouldn't be hit by the same trick again, and slid under the arm to bury his sword in the Juggernauts back, which was now turned towards him.

Archer met Godricks halberd with his short swords, and used the momentum to launch himself into the air twisting as he did to give his blades speed as he came down on the Knight full force, only to be caught.

Godrick had seen what he planned, and after Archer had launched himself into the air, he redirected his swing up and over his head to come crashing down on Assassin, who was too close to dodge.

Assassin was hit however, not with the halberd, but with the hand that held the weapon, sending him to the ground. Godrick then reached up with his left hand and caught Archer by the torso before turning, and throwing him down on the shaft of his weapon, breaking multiple ribs.

At this moment, Artoria had been healed by Caster, and the two joined the fight.

Godrick was hit in the chest by a beam of magical energy by Caster Rain of Light, forcing him to turn his attention away from Archer and Assassin.

Ripping his halberd out of the ground, Archer was thrown from the blade and the Juggernaut brought it up to collide with another beam, completely destroying it.

More beams shot from magical circles Caster created, which Godrick had to ignore, as Artoria was on him.

Catching Excalibur with the head of his halberd, Godrick deflected it to the side before stabbing forward with his weapon.

Artoria recovered her blade, and smacked his halberd away from her before dragging her own blade up the shaft of his halberd, sending sparks towards his face.

Archer and Assassin had recovered and lunged at each side of the Juggernaut, forcing him on the back foot.

Godrick raised his right knee to catch Assassin's blade which was aimed for his waist, while catching Excalibur with his left hand, and using his halberd to catch Archer's blades on his back.

The four held this position for a split moment, but it was enough for Caster as she cast her ATLAS spell, locking him in place for a split moment. She knew this would do anything to him, as he had broken out of it the first time she had used it, but it didn't hurt to be cautious.

Suddenly the magical circles she had made, merged into one single giant circle before releasing its magical power at maximum output.

It blew the other three servants away as it threw Godrick to the ground, but the pentagram didn't stop as it poured everything out, forcing the Juggernaut deeper into the ground with each passing moment.

Or at least Caster thought.

Suddenly, she saw the massive Knight stand up with his left hand outstretched, his right holding his halberd before throwing it through the beam, destroying the magical node.

Recalling the halberd, Godrick stood on the blacked ground around him, smoke coming from his armor as he rolled his shoulders, raised his head, and let out the most bestial roar they had ever heard.

Caster gripped her chest as she felt like her heart would explode from fear as she readied herself to let everything loose, as hundreds of magical circles appeared in the air.

The rest of the servants weren't all that much better, as they all lunged at the Juggernaut at full strength, fear driving them to incoherent action.

They all lunged forward with their weapons, which Godrick caught on his halberd.

The resulting shockwave of Excalibur, Assassin's blade, Archers short swords, and Casters spells all clashing against Godrick halberd at their full strengths, nothing held back, blew the temple, and the surrounding areas apart.

Shirou and Rin, who had been keeping Souichirou busy, were all knocked to the ground, Shirou covering Rin with his body to protect her.

Godrick, who held each attack on his halberd, pushed their blades off his weapon with a sudden burst of strength before stomping on Assassin's foot with his own. He then released the kinetic energy from his halberd, which knocked everyone else away from him except Assassin.

Sasaki knew he had to escape, or be killed at that moment. Pulling his sword back, he used his Noble Phantasm, The Tsubame Gaeshi.

In Godricks eyes, he felt his neck be cut, but knew that this man wielded no blade that could cut through his neck at this moment, so he clamped down on the weakness of his brain, and forced himself back to what was in front of him. Three blades suddenly appeared in front of him, all aimed at multiple parts of his body.

But they couldn't do anything if he stopped them at the source.

Reaching out with his left hand, he gripped where he thought the origin of each blade would have been before three blades clashed against his hand, stopping them.

Grinning, Godrick brought down his halberd on the Assassin, taking his right arm at the shoulder before dropping the blade with the arm still holding it. He stepped forward to obliterate Assassin's head with his left hand before the man slid under his outstretched arm, grab his blade with his left hand and jumping into the air.

Godrick turned only to see Assassin's blade coming for his left eye. He took a massive step back, but it wasn't enough as the blade entered the left eye hole of his helmet before coming back out bloody.

Godrick reared back as searing pain bloomed from his left eye, blood pouring down his face and through the eye hole of his helmet.

Holding his halberd in his left hand, Godrick blocked Assassin's follow up stab with his right gauntlet, the blade cutting deeply into his forearm before he brought his halberd forward and buried its spike into Sasaki's stomach.

"So this is the end, huh?" Assassin said before falling from Godrick's blade dead before he hit the ground.

At this moment, Artoria and Shirou rejoined the fight, but the Juggernaut had no more patience. Dropping his halberd, he caught each in either hand before cracking their heads together. He threw Archer back towards Caster, while he threw Artoria back to Rin and Shirou.

Godrick turned to walk towards Caster, and slowly picked up speed as he charged, only for Archer to step in front of her and raise a hand up to stop him.

A portal suddenly appeared behind the two of them, and Caster turned to see what was happening, while Archer continued his incantation.

"RHO AIAS!" He shouted, a purple flower suddenly blooming into life as multiple shields formed in front of it.

Godrick didn't stop as he summoned his halberd as he ran full force at the shield. Finally reaching it, he used energy to increase his strength the EX as he swung his halberd full force at the shield, shattering multiple layers of it with his first swing before he dropped his halberd and threw his left first into the rest of them full force. He felt the shield resisting, but it shattered as well as his unstoppable might couldn't be matched in that moment. Godrick's fist struck Archer, throwing him back into the portal.

Turning towards Caster, who was also trying to get to the portal, she had used this moment to appear right in front of the Juggernaut with her jagged knife, stabbing him in the stomach.

Red lightning burst from the wound as Godrick felt an overwhelming force try to subjugate him, forcing him to one knee as Caster laughed maniacally.

The red lightning soon turned an amethyst color as his adaptation kicked into effect, and the subjugation force left him.

Steam came from one side of his helmet, as the other side had blood still leaking from it as he stood, towering over Caster who had a sudden expression of fear come to her face.

She suddenly lashed out with the knife again, only for her hand to be caught by Godricks left.

"let go of me you Abomi- GYYAAAAAHHHH!" She screamed as Godrick started to crush her right hand which held her Rule Breaker.

She continued to scream as her hand broke against the handle of her dagger, before Godrick tried to crush the blade itself.

"STOOOOP!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, but it only made him increase his strength.

Her master suddenly appeared to Godrick right, and struck out with his fist, but the Juggernaut caught the blow with his right hand, and kicked out with his right foot, snapping Souichirou's right leg backwards. The man tried to stay on his feet, but Godrick threw him to the ground before summoning his halberd.

"DON'T!" Caster pleaded, but there was no more mercy.

Using the sharp butt end of his halberd, Godrick stabbed down straight into Souichirous chest, impaling the man. He then pulled it back out, and proceeded to repeatedly stab down with the blade before the man finally died.

Godrick let his halberd stand from the man's ruined chest as he turned back to Caster, clamping down on her left hand once more, intent on breaking her Rule Breaker that she cherished.

He used energy to increase his strength to EX again while also using the power of his left arm to break the blade.

'SHATTER' He commanded, and suddenly the veins of his left arm glowed, and the blade shattered under her strength, crushing it, and Casters hand in one vicious clench of his fist.

Caster continued to scream as this was happening before Godrick gripped the clothes of her chest, and dragged her towards him in a headbutt that cracked her skull.

Dragging her towards him one more time, he smashed his helmeted head against hers before doing it again a third time, then a forth, then a fifth.

With one final headbutt he let her fall to the floor dead next to her master before she faded into blue particles.

But Godrick could tell that something was off, and once Artoria, who was finally able to get her bearings, spoke, he knew that this was only his first fight today.

"Shirou, Illya's in trouble!"

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