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60% A.M.A.Z.O / Chapter 3: New planet

Chapitre 3: New planet

Traveling through the stars the golden Amazo have pass to planets for months, he have met many different spices from those planets all with different culture. As he was passing to plants he stop at a particular planet, it look like similar to Earth, this planet had the same same bule and green landscape. Through curiosity Amazo decide to check out this planet terrain soil, at high speed he was making his way to Washington Dc. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Earth 2

Above the blue and green planets was Earth 2, home to the human race. Amazo landed on one of the buildings' rooftops. Amazo peeks over the edge to see the people walking around. He decides not to draw so much attention to himself and decides to take on what the superheroes call a disguise. Amazo, step back a bit before changing. First, his body became large well built; next was his height; he began to grow taller, around 8 feet. Next, his skin began to change color, no longer being gold but now a light skin color, and his hair was orange with red eyes. He also had chiseled cheeks, a square jaw, and a narrow, aquiline nose.

(Doesn't have the pointy ears)

Now that's done, Amazo needed to also add some clothes to his change; he couldn't just walk out there shirtless, so he added a long black trench coat with a white shirt and a black tie with a black wide-brim hat on top of his head and also black pants, with black round sunglasses covering his eyes. Once he was done, he turned around and walked toward the door. Opening the door, Amazo saw a flight of stairs leading down. Amazo walked down the stairs, closing the door behind him. As he continued walking from floor to floor, Amazo noticed that on the last floor he saw a group of teens with leather jackets, tattoos, and piercings harassing people as they entered the building. Amazo didn't care what these people were doing with each other; he tried to ignore them by walking past them and heading straight to the door until the punks blocked the doorway.

'Well, well, well, what do we have he boys?' One of the punks asks

'Looks like we got us a rich boy' One of the other punks said, while he another started to surround Amazo.

'Where do you think you're going' The punk asks Amazo looked down at one of them, still keeping his face stern.

'That is non of your concern' Amazo responded.

'Oooh' The three punks all said in unison.

'We got Mr. Serious over here, look here what going to happen...' The punk in front of Amazo said to him with a snarky and arrogant attitude that he pulled out a switchblade and aimed it right at Amazo's neck.

'Your going give us everything you got in your pockets, and we might let you go' The three punks laughed, and then Amazo thought of an idea..

'I have a counter offer' Amazo said.

'And what would that be' Before he could say any further, Amazo straight-up punched the punk right in the face, sending him back through the glass door and knocking him out. The two punks saw this, and their eyes widen.

'Oh, fuck this man' One of the punks said as he quickly left. There was one left. Amazo approached the man towering over him; the punk frozen in fear was sweating and shaking in his boots, and he was pretty sure he was pissed himself.

'And then there was one' Amazo said, he tower over the single punks left.

'Look, man it was a joke' The punk try to laugh it off, but that didn't work. Amazo grab him by the jacket and lifted him up into the air.

'C'mon man give me another chance' The man tried to beg for his life, but that didn't work. Amazo threw the man against the wall, knocking him out.

Amazo dusted himself off and left the apartment, stepping over the broken glass door. As Amazo left the apartment, he looked around to see the crowds of people staring at him. He stepped over the knockout punk and turned towards a person. The black woman was around her late 20s or early 30s. Next to her was a child, maybe around 5 or 6.

'Mommy, I'm scare' The child said.

'Just get me behind me sweety' The mother hid her child behind her. As Amazo approached the woman, the woman began to sweat.

'Excuse me, miss?' Amazo said as he tower over.

'Uu-mm, Yes? The mothers replied.

'Where am I?' The woman was surprise, why he ask this question but fearing for her life decide to answer the question.

'Your in New York' The woman replied.

Amazo stood silence staring at her, this made the woman very uncomfortable, until Amazo spoke again.

'Where is the white house?' Amazo ask.

The woman was surprised at the question, but fearing for her life, she hesitantly told him where to go, and Amazo thanked her before he left. After he left, the woman feinted and fell to the ground. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

White House

Outside two guards stand at there post letting cars in, if they had there I.D. The first had two cups of coffee in his hands.

'Coffee?' The guard ask.

'For sure, thanks man' The guard replied as he grabs his cup of coffee

'You ready for next week?' The guard ask.

'What's next week?' The other ask.

'Superhuman evasion training, we have to get recertified' The guard replied.

'Look I...I get the need, but it's the worst, when I was on the force, you had to do hand-to-hand training all the time' He said follow by a sigh.

'The guy comes at you with a knife, you gotta be ready, but, uh, this is...th-this is something else, I'm supposed to learn to tuck and roll away from the guy who can shoot lasers from his eyes, or control minds or kick a goddam school bus to the moon' The guard let out another sigh.

'It's the job' The other guard as he took another sip of his coffee.

'You're awful clam about it, hell last time you sprained your back, you-' The Guard was shock realizing what happen.

'Aw, shit, wait, you're not even gonna be here, are you?' He ask.

'Sucks to be you!' 2He said as he lets out a small chuckle.

'I'll be living it up in London, seeing sights, eating Indian food, enjoy getting laser burn'

'Oh, you're gonna be gone the whole time? All fucking week' The other guard held up two finger.

'Two, All Matt's spring break, the boy is obsessed with The Beatles, he wants to go Abbey road, he wants to visit Apple Records, I meet even get to see things I want to see, if we have time'

'And its just the two of you? You sure about that Steve?, I thought you two hated each other with the burning fury of a thousands suns' Steve out a small chuckle.

'Well maybe a hundred, I mean Matt, he had it rough, you know, but he really pulled himself together-' Before he could say anything else the ground began to sake violently.

'What th-'

As the people panicked and screamed, the driveway beneath them began to crack until there was an explosion, sending Steve and the other guard flying. The explosion caused a massive hole, destroying the White House front gate. As the smoke cleared out, the white heavy machine guns started to rev up and aim at the hole. Out from the whole large man holding large machine guns. The two look almost identical to each other. One of them looked around and seemed disappointed, while the other chuckled wickedly. They Were the Mauler twins.

'We were suppose to be inside' One them yelled to the other, he then let out a sigh.

'I should never have trusted the flaw calculations of a clone' As he said that he began to walk towards the white house while the other soon follow him.

'Clone? I am not-' The guy growled.

As they step closer, the machine gun fires at them, but the bullets just bounce off of their bodies.

'This was always the plan, the president is targeting us, so we shatter the illusion of his safety, Its not enough for us to kill him if it had to be a spectacle, you know this is you were truly the original' The Bule man said to his identical other. As bullets kept raining on them Steve was on the ground huddle into a ball.

'Oh, God, Oh, God, Oh, God...' Steve said panicking.

'Refreshing, kinda tickles'

'Mm, I prefer a higher caliber' Both aim their machine guns and fire at the turrets, destroying them.

One chuckled wickedly while the other felt a bullet shot behind him, and he turned around to see Steve holding a gun up.

'I order...I order...I order you' As Steve said that the bule guy knelt down to his level.

'You order what? Steve didn't say anything; instead, he looked away and pulled the trigger. This bullet landed straight into his eye. The large man screamed in pain as he covered his left eye. Tanks began to roll up and sim at the two blue brother.

'Kill that one and move on!' As he said that, a tank shot straight towards him, but he blocked the shell with his bare hand.

'Your eye is as replaceable as you are'

'I am the Original!'

The guy yelled back to him, then he turn toward Steve and try to kill him.

'Steve, look out!' Before he could kill him, he heard a distant yell, looked up into the sky, and saw a woman falling from the sky while doing a war cry. However, she wasn't alone; there were several other costumed humans with the woman. As the team landed in a dramatic pose. The Guardians of the Globe as there team was called was made of War woman, Red Rush, Martian Man, Darkwing, Aquarus, Green ghost, and The Immortal.

'Sorry I'm late' Red Rush said in a Russian accent still in his pose

'Red rush get this guy out of here! Focus on evac!' As Immortal gave the order, he charged at one of the Mauler Twins. He then threw punches at one of the Mauler twins while dodging his punches.

'We can deal with him once the area is clear' While the fighting continues, Red Rush grabs Steve and puts him in a safe place, while also grabbing Steve's friend. The War Woman then ripped off the back door of the tank.

'We can take it from here, fall back, help us evacuate civilians! As she said that soldiers began to exit out of the tank.

'Yes, ma'am! One of the solider said. As the soldiers left War Woman look up and saw something coming.

'Damm it! Run!' She said that until one of the Mauler twins crashed into the tank, causing it to explode.

'War Woman...' One of the Mauler twins said as he quickly got up and tried to crush her, but she easily dodged it and swung her mallet, knocking him back a bit, the twin look back at her.

'Please, you couldn't just sit this one out?, let us kill the President?, Haven't you earned a day off?' The twin said.

'Not our style, sorry' War woman answer.

Outside the White House, Darkwing on his hoverboard told the people taking pictures outside the White House to leave.

'This isn't a spectator spot! Move!' Everyone did as he was told...except for one. The man still stood there with his hands in his pockets. He was tall, well built, and wore a long black trench coat with a wide-brim black hat on top of his head.

'Excuse me sir, you can't be here' Darkwing laid his hand on the man's shoulder, and the man turned around and faced Darkwing. On his face, black round sunglasses covered his eyes. The man stared at Darkwing for a while before turning around and slowly walk away. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Back with the rest of the superheroes, the white house began to fall apart as the people tried to escape a chunk of it that was about to fall on them.

'No!' Green Ghost wouldn't have that, so she flew towards the kids and grabbed them one by one.

'Stay together, stay together, stay together, stay together!' She was able to grab the last kid by the foot and then phase through the falling stone with the kids. Exiting the stone with the kids in hand, she got them to safety.

'Don't move, You're safe now' Green ghost then handed the kids to Red rush.

'I got them! Red Rush put the kids somewhere safe while Green Ghost went inside the white house.

'They're in the clear' He grabbed another group of people and sent them to safety.

'You are on President duty'

'On it' Green Ghost replies; Red Rush then grabs other civilians and rushes them to safety.

'Sorry, I wouldn't normally, move so fast, but there was so many of you that...' He was interrupted when one of the civilians threw up.

'Oh, no it starts with one of you, then it-' Then other civilians began throwing up, seeing the people throwing up made Red Rush almost gag up himself.

'Oh! Sorry I can't...' Red Rush soon rush back to join the others. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Back at the white house, one of the Mauler twins was at the side of the house, obstructing the wall. Both Martian Man and Aquarus saw what was happening. Martian stretched his arm and grabbed a nearby tank, which he then tossed up into the air. This is when Aquarus shot out a rapid stream of water out of his hands at tank sending towards the Mauler twin. The twin was able to break down the wall but was crush by the tank. Martin along with Aquarus went inside the room.

'Now! While he's distracted' Martin said.

'This floor looks clear, I'll go up, you go down' Aquarus replied, going their separate ways.

Then Mauler Twin pushed the tank aside and was about to go in when, all of a sudden, small bombs were thrown towards his neck and exploded. The Mauler twin turned around to see Darkwing on his hoverboard flying away. Darkwing then turned around and was about to launch his shuriken when a woman came out of the broken wall, trying to escape the chaos. The Mauler twin saw an opportunity and took it; he grabbed the girl by the head and threw her, passing Darkwing, who turned his hoverboard around to save the woman. Darkwing pulled out his grappling hook and aimed it at the woman. The hook wrapped around her, saving her, but making both her and Darkwing fall off the hoverboard. The twin also threw the tank at the two. Darkwing and the woman were able to land safely on the ground, breathing a sigh of relief. But was quickly cut short when a tank crash into the building right on top then the tank began to slip out of the building and fell right on them. They would have been crushed if not for Darkwing's gear doing its beast to stop it, but the gear started to fail.

'I got you, we're gonna be fine, we'll get out of this'

Darkwing brings out his grappling hook and aims at a traffic pole and fires. Once the hook warps around the pole, he tries to use the grapple to pull themselves out, but it doesn't work, with no other option left, he hands the hook to the woman.

'No, no, what about you? The woman said.

Darkwing said nothing and let go of his grapplehook, causing the woman to be dragged to safety, but it was not so good for Darkwing because the tank was about to crush him. When the tank was suddenly lifted off of him, he turned around to see Omni-Man holding up the tank. Omni-Man was a middle-aged man with a towering, muscular physique. He possesses black and gray hair, a black mustache, blue eyes, and a rather masculine face. His outfit consists of a full bodysuit, with the top half white and the bottom half red. White "boots" with single red accents in the center are seen, with the "gloves" having a reversed design in color. A red cape is worn along with the outfit. In the center of the suit is a longer red center accent with a red "O" in the middle to symbolize his namesake.

As Omni-Man held up the tank, parts of the apartment fell towards Omni-Man.

'Behind you' Darkwing said as he threw some small bombs at the apartment rubble, destroying it into pieces. Darkwing then flew away on his hoverboard.

'You're welcome' Omni-Man said.

Back at the White House, War Woman, the immortal, and I are fighting one of the mauler twins. The other twin was dealing with some soldiers, and War Woman was holding him off.

'Get those soldiers out of here!' War woman said.

As the soldiers continued to rain bullets, the immortal punched the twin and threw one of the soldiers into the air. He then threw the rest of the soldiers.

'We can take it from here, too dangerous for you' As the immortal threw the last guy out, he was suddenly struck from behind, knocking him back a bit.

'When we crush the Guardians of the Globe and kill the president, no one will be left to stop us!' As two men threw punches at each other, Immortal looked up to see the 5 men falling down. 2 were saved by Omni-Man. And another two men were saved by Omni-Man, leaving one man to continue to fall. The immortal threw a punch and then jumped towards the men.

'Grab my hand!' He yells towards the guard, stretching out his hand. The soldier was about to grab his hand when Omni-Man saves him.

'I had him' Omni-man said.

As the Immortal landed on the ground, his other teammates, including Omni-Man, joined him.

'Ah. All clear' Red Rush said.

'The building is clear, it just us' Martian Man also said.

'Evacuation complete, Now we can cut loose and focus on taking these brutes down' As she said that, the team let out a barrage of attack.

As the team was defeating the Mauler twins, a group of civilians cheered for their superheroes, one of whom turned around and walked away without saying a word. This man was none other than Amazo, who watched the whole scene and had only one thing in mind.

'Hmmm, they seem quite...'

Traveling through the stars the golden Amazo have pass to planets for months, he have met many different spices from those planets all with different culture. As he was passing to plants he stop at a particular planet, it look like similar to Earth, this planet had the same same bule and green landscape. Through curiosity Amazo decide to check out this planet terrain soil, at high speed he was making his way to Washington Dc. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Earth 2

Above the blue and green planets was Earth 2, home to the human race. Amazo landed on one of the buildings' rooftops. Amazo peeks over the edge to see the people walking around. He decides not to draw so much attention to himself and decides to take on what the superheroes call a disguise. Amazo, step back a bit before changing. First, his body became large well built; next was his height; he began to grow taller, around 8 feet. Next, his skin began to change color, no longer being gold but now a light skin color, and his hair was orange with red eyes. He also had chiseled cheeks, a square jaw, and a narrow, aquiline nose. He also had chiseled cheeks, a square jaw, and a narrow, aquiline nose

Now that's done, Amazo needed to also add some clothes to his change; he couldn't just walk out there shirtless, so he added a long black trench coat with a white shirt and a black tie with a black wide-brim hat on top of his head and also black pants, with black round sunglasses covering his eyes. Once he was done, he turned around and walked toward the door. Opening the door, Amazo saw a flight of stairs leading down. Amazo walked down the stairs, closing the door behind him. As he continued walking from floor to floor, Amazo noticed that on the last floor he saw a group of teens with leather jackets, tattoos, and piercings harassing people as they entered the building. Amazo didn't care what these people were doing with each other; he tried to ignore them by walking past them and heading straight to the door until the punks blocked the doorway.

'Well, well, well, what do we have he boys?' One of the punks asks

'Looks like we got us a rich boy' One of the other punks said, while he another started to surround Amazo.

'Where do you think you're going' The punk asks Amazo looked down at one of them, still keeping his face stern.

'That is non of your concern' Amazo responded.

'Oooh' The three punks all said in unison.

'We got Mr. Serious over here, look here what going to happen...' The punk in front of Amazo said to him with a snarky and arrogant attitude that he pulled out a switchblade and aimed it right at Amazo's neck.

'Your going give us everything you got in your pockets, and we might let you go' The three punks laughed, and then Amazo thought of an idea..

'I have a counter offer' Amazo said.

'And what would that be' Before he could say any further, Amazo straight-up punched the punk right in the face, sending him back through the glass door and knocking him out. The two punks saw this, and their eyes widen.

'Oh, fuck this man' One of the punks said as he quickly left. There was one left. Amazo approached the man towering over him; the punk frozen in fear was sweating and shaking in his boots, and he was pretty sure he was pissed himself.

'And then there was one' Amazo said, he tower over the single punks left.

'Look, man it was a joke' The punk try to laugh it off, but that didn't work. Amazo grab him by the jacket and lifted him up into the air.

'C'mon man give me another chance' The man tried to beg for his life, but that didn't work. Amazo threw the man against the wall, knocking him out.

Amazo dusted himself off and left the apartment, stepping over the broken glass door. As Amazo left the apartment, he looked around to see the crowds of people staring at him. He stepped over the knockout punk and turned towards a person. The black woman was around her late 20s or early 30s. Next to her was a child, maybe around 5 or 6.

'Mommy, I'm scare' The child said.

'Just get me behind me sweety' The mother hid her child behind her. As Amazo approached the woman, the woman began to sweat.

'Excuse me, miss?' Amazo said as he tower over.

'Uu-mm, Yes? The mothers replied.

'Where am I?' The woman was surprise, why he ask this question but fearing for her life decide to answer the question.

'Your in New York' The woman replied.

Amazo stood silence staring at her, this made the woman very uncomfortable, until Amazo spoke again.

'Where is the white house?' Amazo ask.

The woman was surprised at the question, but fearing for her life, she hesitantly told him where to go, and Amazo thanked her before he left. After he left, the woman feinted and fell to the ground. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

White House

Outside two guards stand at there post letting cars in, if they had there I.D. The first had two cups of coffee in his hands.

'Coffee?' The guard ask.

'For sure, thanks man' The guard replied as he grabs his cup of coffee

'You ready for next week?' The guard ask.

'What's next week?' The other ask.

'Superhuman evasion training, we have to get recertified' The guard replied.

'Look I...I get the need, but it's the worst, when I was on the force, you had to do hand-to-hand training all the time' He said follow by a sigh.

'The guy comes at you with a knife, you gotta be ready, but, uh, this is...th-this is something else, I'm supposed to learn to tuck and roll away from the guy who can shoot lasers from his eyes, or control minds or kick a goddam school bus to the moon' The guard let out another sigh.

'It's the job' The other guard as he took another sip of his coffee.

'You're awful clam about it, hell last time you sprained your back, you-' The Guard was shock realizing what happen.

'Aw, shit, wait, you're not even gonna be here, are you?' He ask.

'Sucks to be you!' 2He said as he lets out a small chuckle.

'I'll be living it up in London, seeing sights, eating Indian food, enjoy getting laser burn'

'Oh, you're gonna be gone the whole time? All fucking week' The other guard held up two finger.

'Two, All Matt's spring break, the boy is obsessed with The Beatles, he wants to go Abbey road, he wants to visit Apple Records, I meet even get to see things I want to see, if we have time'

'And its just the two of you? You sure about that Steve?, I thought you two hated each other with the burning fury of a thousands suns' Steve out a small chuckle.

'Well maybe a hundred, I mean Matt, he had it rough, you know, but he really pulled himself together-' Before he could say anything else the ground began to sake violently.

'What th-'

As the people panicked and screamed, the driveway beneath them began to crack until there was an explosion, sending Steve and the other guard flying. The explosion caused a massive hole, destroying the White House front gate. As the smoke cleared out, the white heavy machine guns started to rev up and aim at the hole. Out from the whole large man holding large machine guns. The two look almost identical to each other. One of them looked around and seemed disappointed, while the other chuckled wickedly. They Were the Mauler twins.

'We were suppose to be inside' One them yelled to the other, he then let out a sigh

'We were suppose to be inside' One them yelled to the other, he then let out a sigh.

'I should never have trusted the flaw calculations of a clone' As he said that he began to walk towards the white house while the other soon follow him.

'Clone? I am not-' The guy growled.

As they step closer, the machine gun fires at them, but the bullets just bounce off of their bodies.

'This was always the plan, the president is targeting us, so we shatter the illusion of his safety, Its not enough for us to kill him if it had to be a spectacle, you know this is you were truly the original' The Bule man said to his identical other. As bullets kept raining on them Steve was on the ground huddle into a ball.

'Oh, God, Oh, God, Oh, God...' Steve said panicking.

'Refreshing, kinda tickles'

'Mm, I prefer a higher caliber' Both aim their machine guns and fire at the turrets, destroying them.

One chuckled wickedly while the other felt a bullet shot behind him, and he turned around to see Steve holding a gun up.

'I order...I order...I order you' As Steve said that the bule guy knelt down to his level.

'You order what? Steve didn't say anything; instead, he looked away and pulled the trigger. This bullet landed straight into his eye. The large man screamed in pain as he covered his left eye. Tanks began to roll up and sim at the two blue brother.

'Kill that one and move on!' As he said that, a tank shot straight towards him, but he blocked the shell with his bare hand.

'Your eye is as replaceable as you are'

'I am the Original!' The guy yelled back to him, then he turn toward Steve and try to kill him.

'Steve, look out!' Before he could kill him, he heard a distant yell, looked up into the sky, and saw a woman falling from the sky while doing a war cry. However, she wasn't alone; there were several other costumed humans with the woman. As the team landed in a dramatic pose. The Guardians of the Globe as there team was called was made of War woman, Red Rush, Martian Man, Darkwing, Aquarus, Green ghost, and The Immortal.

The Guardians of the Globe as there team was called was made of War woman, Red Rush, Martian Man, Darkwing, Aquarus, Green ghost, and The Immortal

'Sorry I'm late' Red Rush said in a Russian accent still in his pose

'Red rush get this guy out of here! Focus on evac!' As Immortal gave the order, he charged at one of the Mauler Twins. He then threw punches at one of the Mauler twins while dodging his punches.

'We can deal with him once the area is clear' While the fighting continues, Red Rush grabs Steve and puts him in a safe place, while also grabbing Steve's friend. The War Woman then ripped off the back door of the tank.

'We can take it from here, fall back, help us evacuate civilians! As she said that soldiers began to exit out of the tank.

'Yes, ma'am! One of the solider said. As the soldiers left War Woman look up and saw something coming.

'Damm it! Run!' She said that until one of the Mauler twins crashed into the tank, causing it to explode.

'War Woman...' One of the Mauler twins said as he quickly got up and tried to crush her, but she easily dodged it and swung her mallet, knocking him back a bit, the twin look back at her.

'Please, you couldn't just sit this one out?, let us kill the President?, Haven't you earned a day off?' The twin said.

'Not our style, sorry' War woman answer.

Outside the White House, Darkwing on his hoverboard told the people taking pictures outside the White House to leave.

'This isn't a spectator spot! Move!' Everyone did as he was told...except for one. The man still stood there with his hands in his pockets. He was tall, well built, and wore a long black trench coat with a wide-brim black hat on top of his head.

'Excuse me sir, you can't be here' Darkwing laid his hand on the man's shoulder, and the man turned around and faced Darkwing. On his face, black round sunglasses covered his eyes. The man stared at Darkwing for a while before turning around and slowly walk away. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Back with the rest of the superheroes, the white house began to fall apart as the people tried to escape a chunk of it that was about to fall on them.

'No!' Green Ghost wouldn't have that, so she flew towards the kids and grabbed them one by one.

'Stay together, stay together, stay together, stay together!' She was able to grab the last kid by the foot and then phase through the falling stone with the kids. Exiting the stone with the kids in hand, she got them to safety.

'Don't move, You're safe now' Green ghost then handed the kids to Red rush.

'I got them! Red Rush put the kids somewhere safe while Green Ghost went inside the white house.

'They're in the clear' He grabbed another group of people and sent them to safety.

'You are on President duty'

'On it' Green Ghost replies; Red Rush then grabs other civilians and rushes them to safety.

'Sorry, I wouldn't normally, move so fast, but there was so many of you that...' He was interrupted when one of the civilians threw up.

'Oh, no it starts with one of you, then it-' Then other civilians began throwing up, seeing the people throwing up made Red Rush almost gag up himself.

'Oh! Sorry I can't...' Red Rush soon rush back to join the others. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Back at the white house, one of the Mauler twins was at the side of the house, obstructing the wall. Both Martian Man and Aquarus saw what was happening. Martian stretched his arm and grabbed a nearby tank, which he then tossed up into the air. This is when Aquarus shot out a rapid stream of water out of his hands at tank sending towards the Mauler twin. The twin was able to break down the wall but was crush by the tank. Martin along with Aquarus went inside the room.

'Now! While he's distracted' Martin said.

'This floor looks clear, I'll go up, you go down' Aquarus replied, going their separate ways.

Then Mauler Twin pushed the tank aside and was about to go in when, all of a sudden, small bombs were thrown towards his neck and exploded. The Mauler twin turned around to see Darkwing on his hoverboard flying away. Darkwing then turned around and was about to launch his shuriken when a woman came out of the broken wall, trying to escape the chaos. The Mauler twin saw an opportunity and took it; he grabbed the girl by the head and threw her, passing Darkwing, who turned his hoverboard around to save the woman. Darkwing pulled out his grappling hook and aimed it at the woman. The hook wrapped around her, saving her, but making both her and Darkwing fall off the hoverboard. The twin also threw the tank at the two. Darkwing and the woman were able to land safely on the ground, breathing a sigh of relief. But was quickly cut short when a tank crash into the building right on top then the tank began to slip out of the building and fell right on them. They would have been crushed if not for Darkwing's gear doing its beast to stop it, but the gear started to fail.

'I got you, we're gonna be fine, we'll get out of this'

Darkwing brings out his grappling hook and aims at a traffic pole and fires. Once the hook warps around the pole, he tries to use the grapple to pull themselves out, but it doesn't work, with no other option left, he hands the hook to the woman.

'No, no, what about you? The woman said.

Darkwing said nothing and let go of his grapplehook, causing the woman to be dragged to safety, but it was not so good for Darkwing because the tank was about to crush him. When the tank was suddenly lifted off of him, he turned around to see Omni-Man holding up the tank. Omni-Man was a middle-aged man with a towering, muscular physique. He possesses black and gray hair, a black mustache, blue eyes, and a rather masculine face. His outfit consists of a full bodysuit, with the top half white and the bottom half red. White "boots" with single red accents in the center are seen, with the "gloves" having a reversed design in color. A red cape is worn along with the outfit. In the center of the suit is a longer red center accent with a red "O" in the middle to symbolize his namesake.

In the center of the suit is a longer red center accent with a red "O" in the middle to symbolize his namesake

As Omni-Man held up the tank, parts of the apartment fell towards Omni-Man.

'Behind you' Darkwing said as he threw some small bombs at the apartment rubble, destroying it into pieces. Darkwing then flew away on his hoverboard.

'You're welcome' Omni-Man said.

Back at the White House, War Woman, the immortal, and I are fighting one of the mauler twins. The other twin was dealing with some soldiers, and War Woman was holding him off.

'Get those soldiers out of here!' War woman said.

As the soldiers continued to rain bullets, the immortal punched the twin and threw one of the soldiers into the air. He then threw the rest of the soldiers.

'We can take it from here, too dangerous for you' As the immortal threw the last guy out, he was suddenly struck from behind, knocking him back a bit.

'When we crush the Guardians of the Globe and kill the president, no one will be left to stop us!' As two men threw punches at each other, Immortal looked up to see the 5 men falling down. 2 were saved by Omni-Man. And another two men were saved by Omni-Man, leaving one man to continue to fall. The immortal threw a punch and then jumped towards the men.

'Grab my hand!' He yells towards the guard, stretching out his hand. The soldier was about to grab his hand when Omni-Man saves him.

'I had him' Omni-man said.

As the Immortal landed on the ground, his other teammates, including Omni-Man, joined him.

'Ah. All clear' Red Rush said.

'The building is clear, it just us' Martian Man also said.

'Evacuation complete, Now we can cut loose and focus on taking these brutes down' As she said that, the team let out a barrage of attack.

As the team was defeating the Mauler twins, a group of civilians cheered for their superheroes, one of whom turned around and walked away without saying a word. This man was none other than Amazo, who watched the whole scene and had only one thing in mind.

'Hmmm, they seem quite...'

INVINCLBE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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