After a night of drunken fun with Norman, I showed him a real phaser and let him shoot it off a few times. I paid the waiter 20k to test it out on him telling him it was similar to a taser. Norman wasn't convinced the gun wouldn't kill so he had me do the testing as he watched. He didn't want to be tried for murder later if it went wrong. Taking aim I shot the waiter and the waiter fell to the ground.
"It has 3 stun settings that will keep your target stunned for three different time durations and the fourth setting is Lethal". I said as we waited for the waiter to stand back up.
Norman wasn't too impressed, but he could see the value in such a device and wasn't stupid, this technology had it's uses and he knew that his new business friend was more than likely a golden goose that would continue to lay golden eggs. It was best to have a good relationship with him. "So when would you like your private tour buddy?" Norman asked with a grin on his face.
I laughed as the waiter stood back up and I transferred the money to his account. "How about tomorrow?" I asked.
Norman thought for a second before replying. "It can be arranged, only I have an important meeting tomorrow out of state that should take a good portion of the day that can't be moved to another time. I can probably get someone to show you around in place of me or we can wait till I have free time if you would prefer it that way".
"It's okay for you to not be there, just be sure your people know to treat me nicely". I said half joking.
"I'll make sure they are accommodating, but before that, tell me more about these diet pills."
"The adipose pills as you can see work and without any side effects aside from slight fatigue, but because these trials were not done in the United States, you would have to do your own trials and get them approved by the fda if you wish to produce more and sell them" I said as I looked at Norman with a smile on my face. I had no intention of selling the pills to him. It was just extra bait to get him to want to work with me so that I could access his labs.
This was a multi billion dollar product and it would be silly to sell it to someone like Norman. A mans greed knows no bounds and Normans greed was worse than most. He practically had dollar signs in his eyes when he looked at me. I liked the guy because we were similar in some ways, but that was the problem. It was hard to be friends with someone that you had to constantly watch in worry he would stab you in the back.
The man was a hunter just like me, only he hasn't recognized me as one yet and because of this he will be easy prey. I don't feel bad for what I plan to do, because he would do the same if given an opportunity.
After going in depth about the adipose pills to Norman, we finally called it a night and went our separate ways. The next day I made my way to Oscorp in the same outfit I had wore the night before.
Walking in through the doors I made my way to the front receptions desk and informed the young blonde receptionist that I was here for my tour. The receptionist realizing who I was quickly made a phone call and shortly after a young man came scurrying my way.
"Mr. Titan, I'm sorry if I kept you waiting, please follow me".
"It's no problem, let's get to it then". I said as the young man walked me to an elevator. Looking at the elevator buttons I saw one in particular that needed a key to press, so I asked about it. "What does that floor go to?"
"Oh, that? I can't show you what's on that floor, it was the only floor not approved by the boss for you to visit. Other than that, he said to show you whatever you wanted to see. Even if I wanted to show you, I can't. I'm not authorized and don't have a key. I don't even know what they do on that floor."
"Oh?" I murmured. I made a mental note of it and didn't ask any further questions.
The tour guide showed me many parts of Oscorp I wasn't interested in. I met many big names in Marvel including Maxwell Dillon who later became electro. Eventually I was led to a laboratory where I saw a number of spiders kept in display cases meant for observation.
"You must be Sisyphus? I was told you would probably stop by my lab today. Please have a look around, just don't touch anything. If you have questions just ask". The man said. I could tell he wasn't trying to be rude, he was just extremely busy.
"That's Dr. Connors, he's one of our best" Said the young tour guide.
I looked around as I tried to hide my excitement and curiousity about the spiders. I asked about every little thing I saw in the lab until I stood in front of the numerous radioactive spiders. "Whats the story behind these guys?" I asked seemingly bored as I peered into the glass.
Otto raised his head from his work and sighed. "Those spiders were the work of a dear friend of mine that had died a while back. I helped create them with him, but without him, they would not exist. My old lab partner Richard Parker was a rare talent that is missed by many including myself."
"So what's their purpose exactly?" I asked
Otto shook his head. "They have no current purpose, but the potential for them are great. We are looking into ways of using their webs to create bio-cables, but we lack funding at this moment".
I nodded my head as I looked into the display cases and made note of a few spiders that stood out the most to me. I saw a spider with a fat blue and red butt that was clearly Peters spider, a black spider with white markings, a pure white spider, and a blue spider with red legs that had 'Alchemax 42' written on it somehow. Recognizing the last spider, I was extremely shocked.
"Why does this spider have something written on it?" I asked.
Otto without looking up, spoke. "Ah, that's the spider Alchemax partnered with us for. It was made after Parkers death based on his work. Technically, we hold no real ownership of it and once we are finished running a few test on it, Alchemax's people will come pick it up".
I was very familiar with this spider, but I also knew we weren't on Earth - 42, which meant this was a similar spider but not the same one I was thinking of. This one must be one of it's many alternate world counterparts that simply died and was never used to give a spider man their powers. The spider wasn't glitching either so I knew it wasn't from another spider dimension. It made me wonder if an alternate Miles existed in this Universe also.
Knowing Oscorp doesn't exist in this universe later, I knew I should act as fast as possible. I didn't know when or how Oscorp would cease to exist. I also needed to make sure Peter still got his powers in this Universe so I don't mess up the Spider verse.