'Maybe it was because the Northerners had too much sex. That, or the fact that they were very adept at soul control out of necessity. '
I controlled the soul rivers to move from my heart to my stomach and finally to my dick. They then crossed from my shaft into the Siren's body. Unlike before I learned, I no longer just "threw" the soul river at my partners.
Instead, I sought out their G-spots and rubbed the soul river there. Using {Imaging} I would partially turn my vision to see the insides of my girls. It was like the internal penetration shots that games and hentai loved to do.
Since I had been playing with the Sirens for three days, I already knew the weak points of my girls. So I rolled the soul rivers into balls and rubbed them against the girls' G-spots. I then gently removed the soul layer I had used to nullify the power of the rivers.
The effects were almost instantaneous.
Hi everyone,
As always, If you like the book please support it with a review, PS and comments. Also consider buying the 1 coin reaper tier. This gives you access to two advance chapters. This would tell WN that you like my book, improving the books exposure.
Anyway thank you all for your support. I was told these chapters were particularly hot? You all jack of to the girls?
Enjoy the read!
To God be all the glory!
Will return in May. Stay awesome everyone. Enjoy the read!