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66.66% Naruto: Singularity / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapitre 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The next morning both women was woken up by the sound of loud explosions. This caused both of them to shoot up and run towards were the explosions were coming from. They felt their eyes widen finding that Naruto's room was where the explosions was coming from. Cammy kicking down the door, blinked spotting Naruto sitting on his bed, his leopard tail wrapped around his waist staring at what looked like a 10 year old girl crushing things in her hand. This girl had long flowing dark brown hair, dark red eyes with three black rings, that had nine black tomoe sitting on each ring in groups of three. She was dressed in a simple white dress, with the kanji for god tree on her back. Cammy blinked recognizing this girl as Shinju, the god tree given human form. Nina ignoring Shinju rushed to Naruto and started to check him for any injuries.

After not finding any she started to run her fingers gently through Naruto's hair causing him to purr loudly. Cammy hearing this gained hearts in her eyes at how adorable her new child sounded right now. Nina the one causing the purring just giggled really loudly at how cat-like her godly child was sounding. Shinju hearing the purring turned to look at Naruto with wide curious eyes. Said eyes widened spotting how much power Naruto had and how much he could potentially unlock. Naruto himself was wondering what the hell was going on, as one minutes he's exploring his new room, and trying to find something to eat, the next some strange girl 4 years older then him is in his room destroying things with a crazy grin on her face, then his mothers burst into his room with his new door being kicked down and now he's purring like an oversized cat, and he liked it.

Nina as if somehow reading his mind giggled and said "You like it because of the jaguar inside of you. That's also the reason you're purring and why your hair is as soft as fur." Naruto still purring, became even more adorable when he actually mewled. This action was his downfall, as Cammy hearing this mewl, executed the perfected version of the flying glomp of doom. Nina hearing this did the opposite of her wife and did the perfect version of the motherly smothering of pleasant death. Shinju herself felt every fiber in her being tell her to glomp Naruto. So she did and Naruto was now trapped between three females who found his mewl too adorable. Sadly this got worse when Cammy accidentally grabbed his tail. This caused him to let out the strangled fusion of a mewl and a purr. This action caused all three girls to squeal and hug him harder to their bodies. This caused the poor boy to start turning blue, instead of purple.

Naruto now not liking the fact that he loosing air, used one of his new abilities and pushed all three females away with a purple dome of energy. He then gasping for air, glared at all three females and said "Never again." Cammy giggling said "Okay baby." Nina brushing her hair back laughed and said "Sure Sochi." Shinju tilting her head asked "Did you not like it?" Naruto snorting said "That's not the point." He then standing to his feet pointed at Shinju and asked "Who the hell are and why in Kyuubi's furry butt are you in my room?" Shinju tilting her head said "I am Shinju, who are you?" Naruto blinking smiled brightly and said "I'm Naruto…I think." He then tilting his head said "I could be Ookami, Kyuketsuki, Revan, Omega, Reshiram, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Draco, Lucy, Naruko, Megami, Red Egg, Shadow, Ultra, Godzilla, or Jill Valentine." He shrugging said "Let's just go with Naruto for now, but later I'll have to sort through all these damn memories I got from the fusion along with all of these weird feelings I now have for both genders." He shaking his head said "Plus I have to get over some of my alternate versions extreme hatred of humanity."

He then yawned revealing his teeth and asked "Do I get a new last name mother's?" Nina giggling said "Yes you now have several new last names, but the one you should have no matter what form you decide to take is Senju." Naruto hearing this blinked and said "Senju Naruto. Has a nice ring to it, plus this means that Tsunade-baa can say she's related to me." He then blinking asked "By the way am I a god or something like that?" Cammy giggling said "You are a god. In fact you have taken over the vacant spot for god of the night, and god of monsters." Naruto hearing this asked "Mom aren't you still the boss of the night?" Nina giggling said "Yes I am still the boss of the night, but I also control the moon. You my baby will take over most of the duties involving the night. This doesn't mean that you're limited to the darkness, as you can use any of your powers no matter what." Naruto hearing this sighed in relief. Cammy then giggling said "Enough talking about work. Come on Naruto-chan it's breakfast time." Before he could say a word, he was being carried by an excited Cammy. Nina walking behind her wife, was giggling into her hand. Shinju confused as ever walking behind the group.

Arriving in the dining room, Naruto was sat down in a chair as Cammy sat down beside him. Nina sitting on the other side of him, blinked when Shinju climbed into the chair Naruto was sitting in, and put him in her lap, which was quite odd as she was not too much bigger then him. Cammy giggling waved her hands and Naruto's mouth watered spotting all of the food in front of him. Nina giggling also clapped her hands and lots of drinks appeared by the barrel full. Shinju was now doing the same as Naruto. Cammy now snickering said "Go ahead baby, eat until you're full." Naruto hearing this was out of Shinju's lap in a flash and fixing himself a very large plate, with mostly sweets and meat on it. He sitting down in Nina's lap, started to eat his plate, starting with his chocolate glazed ham. Nina spotting this motioned for Cammy to take a picture. Cammy doing so giggled as the picture had Naruto literally tearing the ham apart. Shinju was also eating, she chewing on a piece of beef jerky.

An entire hour later and Naruto was finishing off his fourth plate, his face covered in a layer of chocolate, honey, strawberry soda, and blueberry syrup. Shinju was laid out under the table trying to get her full belly to go down. Cammy having eaten a small plate of bacon and eggs asked "Are you full Naru-chan?" Naruto nodding quickly said "I feel like a fat tick." Nina giggling said "Good baby, now your torture, I mean training can begin." Naruto hearing the slip up quickly wondered how painful his training was going to be.

2 hours later and Naruto was laid out in his training ground, Shinju curled up beside him, Cammy and Nina giggling in front of him. He looking up at giving the both of them a powerful glare said "I don't see nothing funny here mother." Nina giggling said "You look so adorable all tuckered out, trying to give us a powerful glare while barely being able to lift up your head." Naruto couldn't argue her point so he simply settled for laying his head back down, closing his eyes and ignoring everything around him. Cammy seeing this giggled even louder and said "Now he's gonna ignore everything like a pouting baby. He's so adorable." Nina shaking her head walked over to Naruto and picked him up. She nuzzling him said "Don't worry baby you'll get used to this training and in no time you'll be capable of going toe to toe with a fully realized jinchuriki." Naruto snuggling into her warmth said "It's okay mom, as long as I have the two of you everything will be alright." He then getting comfy said "Oh and Shinju-chan. As long as I have the three of you I'll be fine."

Cammy hearing this smiled and said "Such a sweet little boy. You will be such a heartbreaker when you get older." She then picking up Shinju who snuggled into the warmth she radiated said "Instead of one child, we gained two. Shinju-chan and Naruto-chan." Nina hearing Naruto snoring lightly in her arms said "Yeah and the two of them are inseparable and in a few years the elemental nations will shudder at the mere mention of just one of their names." Cammy nodding said "Yeah let's go place our little future S-rank shinobi in the healing tank." Nina nodding lead her wife to the healing chamber with a small smile on her face already picturing the bright future ahead of their two children.

7 years later and Naruto was sitting on a branch of a tree as Shinju slaughtered another bandit camp. Naruto now 12 was very handsome and powerful. His hair was still long but most of the time he had in a single braid, with one bang falling gently falling over his left eye. His light purple skin, was now slightly darker as he was in the sun a lot. His eyes were pretty much the same, along with the rest of his body. The exception was that he now had 1,000 jaguar tails, but they were all fused into a single one that unlike before looked like your normal jaguar tail. He was dressed in something much like Gogeta was wearing except he had on two black gloves with the Senju clan symbol on the back of said gloves. The vest was also closed and stopped just above his waist. He also wore no shoes, instead showing his bare feet. His toenails were painted black though.

He blinked when Shinju appeared in front of him. At 16 not much had changed about Shinju, besides the fact she now had D-cup breast and was still taller then him. She was coated in the blood of the bandits she had just killed, but had a large grin on her face. Naruto somehow knowing what was coming moved back, just as Shinju tried to pull him into a kiss. Shinju not feeling Naruto kissing her growled and said "Kiss me Naruto-kun." Naruto standing to his feet said "Not happening until you get cleaned up." Shinju growling louder said "I want to kiss you now." Naruto jumping down, set all of the dead bandits on fire and said "I refuse to kiss you until you're clean, as I do not fancy cleaning blood off of myself." Shinju growling more jumped down and said "It's gonna take me forever to clean myself up." Naruto rolling his eyes said "Shinju stop arguing and go cleanse yourself of the blood covering your body." Shinju growling teleported to the nearest river to clean herself. Naruto rolling his eyes said "She's such a big baby."

He sighing put the fire out and made his way towards the nearest town, to collect the bounty. He was about halfway there, when Shinju appeared all cleaned up. She had an expectant look on her face. Smiling he kissed her on the side of her face and grabbed her hand. Laughing at the happy smile on her face he said "Come on love, time to collect our bounty for the bandits." Shinju now smiling asked "Naruto-kun when do we become true shinobi?" Naruto smiling said "After this bounty. We'll go join the nearest ninja village." Shinju hearing this blinked and said "Naruto-kun we're in the land of fire, that means we're going to join the village hidden in the leaf." Naruto hearing this blinked and said "Most likely Shinju-chan." Shinju then asked "What are you going to do once we join or go there?" Naruto shrugging his shoulder said "Nothing. I'm a new person now and nothing is going to change that." Shinju moving closer to him asked "Are you going to listen to what your mom's said about you needing a huge harem?" Naruto gaining an atomic blush on his face sputtered out "Why would I listen to them about that you huge hentai?" Shinju giggling said "Because you listen to what they say most of the time, and will most likely follow their advice on this one." She then breathing on his pointed ears said "Plus you know that I'm Bisexual and will eventually seek out a female body to keep me warm at nights along with your body."

Naruto's face could now put a tomato to shame, keep in mind thought that his skin was purple. He walking into the town, with his face still crimson talked the person who had hired them to take down the bandits. He smiled when the woman hugged him very tightly for saving her village. She then handed him the sheath to the sword promised along with the money. He smiling at how the kids were looking at him and Shinju like heroes, decided to give a little show of his powers. Handing Shinju the sword and money, he walked to the middle of the village. Closing his eyes he tapped into his powers. Raising both of his hands, he smiled when something large and powerful burst from the ground, and gasp was heard. Opening his eyes he smiled spotting the very beautiful, very powerful, very large tree in front of him. He smiled when the children glomped him and started to beg for him to show them something else cool. He entertained the children for a little while before he and Shinju said goodbye and left the village.

Naruto once they were out of the village, pulled out a cherry lollipop. Carefully unwrapping it, he put it in his mouth. He sighed in bliss as the sweet sugary relief flooded his system. Shinju spotting this giggled and said "You're addicted to sweets Naruto-kun." Naruto glaring at her said "No I am not." Shinju giggling said "No need to get upset Naruto-kun I love that you have a huge sweet tooth." Naruto snorting could feel smoke blow out of his nose. Shinju spotting said smoke giggled more and said "Even your smoke has a sweet smell." Naruto deciding to ignore her started to whistled a haunting yet, luring melody. Shinju hearing this, felt her eyes glaze over as this what Naruto called his Nature song. For some reason all natural things, including some humans would be drawn to him. Shinju was no exception because she was basically a tree given human form. The reason Naruto did this was to summon his loyal pet from his mothers. Shinju was snapped out of her trance when a loud screech was heard. Naruto smiling said "Come to me Kirara."

The sky above darkened and the world swore a eclipse was happening. The eclipse vanished a huge shadow appeared above Naruto. He looking up smiled spotting what looked like the perfect fusion of a shark, and a dragon. It was pitch black with large slitted red eyes. Down it's back spikes could be seen. It's huge wings were helping it stay in the air. It had six arms, with shark like fins at the elbows. Naruto reaching up scratched the mighty beast behind it's head and said "Kirara-chan you are the best present mother has ever gotten me." The beast let out a noise, and nuzzled his hand. He smiling said "You're not like Shinju who teases me for my addiction to sweets. You're not like Zilla-chan who only wants to eat fish and destroy my things. You're not like Alice who always digs giant rabbit holes that I often find myself falling in. You're the perfect pet." Shinju hearing this scowled and said "I am not a pet." Naruto nodding said "Correct you are my mega perverted girlfriend, who also happens to be a god tree, that produces fruit every 1,000 years." Shinju now pouting said "I'm also 4 years older then you are and have big breast that you love to nuzzle when we sleep together." Naruto with a small blush on his face said "That's exactly why Kirara-chan is my favorite of all of my girls."

Kirara bellowed hearing this, easily happy hearing him say this. Shinju with a twitching eyebrow said "Watch it you future snack." Kirara roared this time and glared at Shinju. Naruto already knowing what was about to happen, climbed on Kirara's back and said "Ignore her Kirara. Transport me to Konoha." Kirara was about to roar again, when Naruto put a handful of gummy worms in her mouth. She licking her lips bellowed in happiness and with a mighty flap of her wings took off into the sky, increasing her already large form, until she easily could be mistaken for comet. Shinju spotting this pouted and said "Naruto-kun is always ruining my fun." She then gained wide eyes as she realized that he had left her. She cursing started to chase after the dragon and snoozing Naruto.

In the village hidden in the leaves, it was just like any other day, as Minato struggled to tackle his paperwork, while trying to get over the disappearance of his only son. He was also trying to think of a way to fix his ruined relationship with his now ex-wife Kushina. Kushina had divorced him when she came home from a rather stressful mission to find him in bed with Haruno Mibiki. He shivered as he could still remember the beating she put on the both of them. If that wasn't bad enough, she then informed the rest of the village what had happened and now every female he tried to talk to glared at him, including his own daughter and the kunoichi. He was about to sigh, when a chunin appeared in his office with wide terrified eyes. He seeing this asked "What's wrong." The chunin turning around pointed outside. Minato looking gained wide eyes spotting something huge heading towards the village. He trying to feel out the chakra of whatever was coming literally shit a brick, as whatever was heading towards the village had 20 times more chakra then the Kyuubi. He standing up gained a serious face and said "Get everyone ready to fight for the village." The chunin nodding did as he was told.

Minato teleporting to the front of the gates, pulled out two of his special kunai and got ready. He felt the others arrive seconds later ready to die for the village. He spotting Kushina tried not to stare at her gorgeous body but she hadn't let time to get to her. He was about to speak when his eyes widened feeling a just as large chakra signature following the first one. He was about to curse, when it got dark suddenly. He and the others looking up felt their blood run cold spotting Kirara above them. She setting down, let out a roar. Everyone blinked when an entire bag of gummy worms appeared in front of her. She snapping her jaw shut on the bag, started to chew happily. They then heard a voice that made many of the females grow weak in the knees say "Just as I was saying you're the perfect pet. You love sweets just as much as I do. Kirara-chan I love you." Kirara smiling let out a happy noise. Minato's eyes turned to the second chakra signature that had just arrived. He spotting a 16 year old girl with an angry glare in her eyes was about to ask a question, when the girl glared at Kirara and said "You did that on purpose you stupid future snack." Kirara now glaring back at Shinju roared. Shinju gaining flames in her eyes rolled up her sleeves and asked "You wanna say that again you over grown lizard?" Kirara roared again and held her head high as if saying that Shinju was nothing but a commoner. Shinju hearing and seeing this roared and said "That's it. I don't care what he says. I'm turning you into food."

She was about to attack Kirara when she was suddenly forced to the ground by an immense intent to kill. Everyone was forced to their knees, and Kirara was actually whimpering. The voice from before asked "Shinju-chan what have I told you about fighting with Kirara in front of people?" Shinju with visible fear in her eyes and sweat pouring down her face said "You told me to never fight with Kirara-san in front of people." The voice then jumping down from the back of Kirara revealed itself to be a scowling Naruto who asked "Then why in the hell were you about to attack Kirara?" Shinju gulping said "I wasn't about to attack her. I was going to give her a nice friendly hug." Naruto snorting said "You and I both know that you're lying through your teeth, but I'll let it slide this time." He then turning to Kirara ignoring the relief on Shinju's face said "Kirara-chan return to the garden. Send Zilla-chan and do tell her that she'd better be in her smaller form. Also tell Alice that if I return to my beautiful garden to find it full of holes and all of my vegetables consumed by her, she's getting put through training session 43 with mother." Kirara actually whimpered even louder hearing this.

Naruto rolling his eyes, reaching into his pocket revealing two more bags of candy and tossed them to Kirara who consumed both bags and vanished. Naruto crossing his arms held up a finger to silence any questions. A minute later a beast looking like a dragon or dinosaur appeared. It had reddish/orange scales. It's large slitted eyes were nuclear yellow. It had five fingers, with sharp black claws. Running down it's back were sharp spikes. It's tree trunk like tail was hitting the ground. The beast was about as tall as a tree. Naruto spotting the beast sighed and said "Zilla-chan you're still to big. Shrink down to about my size." The beast nodding shrunk down to just a little taller then him. Naruto smiling at this pulled out a red salmon and tossed it to the beast who chomped down on it. He then turning to the people of Konoha bowed and said "Hello my name is Senju-Valentine Naruto. The beautiful creature beside me is Valentine Zilla my lovely pet from one of my mothers." He standing back up turned to Zilla and said "Say Hi Zilla-chan." Zilla let out a small roar. Naruto then turning to Shinju said "This lovely young lady is my girlfriend Otsutsuki Shinju." Shinju did a quick bow and said hello.

Minato hearing their names felt his eyes widened as these two were quite famous for wiping out bandit camps. Hell the boy was said to be able to create tree's just like the first did. He quickly realized that if he could get the two of them to join Konoha they would gain two powerhouses. Minato putting on his best smile asked "Why are you two here?" Shinju rolling her eyes said "It's obvious sir. We're here to become Shinobi." He hearing this said "You can become a kunoichi, but he has to attend a year of the academy so that he'll be 13 when he graduates like the rest." Shinju crossing her arms under her breast said "Or you can test him against anyone you choose and when he defeats them, you make him a jonin." Minato hearing this agreed as he couldn't feel an ounce of chakra coming from Naruto. He then signaling for Kakashi said "Your opponent will be Kakashi and your test will be in a day. Until then the two of you are free to explore the village." He then turned around and flashed back to his office, never noticing that Shinju was cackling like an evil genius. Naruto ignoring his cackling girlfriend looked at Kakashi and said "I suggest you start training now Inu-san as even if I had both my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back, I'd still be able to kill you with a twitch of my fingers."

He then turning to Zilla smiled and said "Come Zilla-chan let's go find you a lake to hunt and live in." Zilla roaring nuzzled his head. Naruto turning to the still cackling Shinju said "Come on Love, as your punishment for earlier is to help find Zilla a suitable place to settle down in." Shinju hearing this blanched and said "Naruto-kun that stupid radioactive iguana is ten times pickier then you are and it took you a month to figure out what you were going to wear for our first date." Naruto smirking said "Good point. Zilla-chan take your precious time and pick the right place. Tou-san will fix it up so that you can lay your eggs without fear of being attacked there. Kaa-san will make sure there's plenty of fish for you to eat. Wouldn't want you to die from starvation." Zilla roared in happiness and took off running, with a crying and yelling Shinju right behind her. Naruto laughing pulled out a blueberry lollipop, unwrapped it, put it in his mouth and slowly followed after Shinju and Zilla while whistling a happy tune.

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