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90% Stark evolution / Chapter 36: 36

Chapitre 36: 36

It has been three months since we embarked on our journey of collaboration with the Ancient One. During this time, several noteworthy events have taken place:

Peter, along with Felicia, has graduated from high school and become the king and queen of the prom, marking a significant milestone in their lives. Following this, he has enrolled in a correspondence program at New York University, under the guidance of Dr. Connors, furthering his academic pursuits. Additionally, the couple has acquired a residence in the heart of New York City.

Tony Stark, formerly known as Bruce Banner, Victor Von Doom, and Dr. Otto Octavius, have unveiled a fully operational prototype of a thermonuclear reactor, sparking a mixed response from the public. Energy and oil magnates have expressed their criticism, spreading false claims that the reactor would be hazardous, unfriendly to the environment, and potentially more catastrophic than the combined effects of Chernobyl, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.

On the other hand, industrialists are optimistic about the prospect of a reliable source of cheap energy. As for the general public, opinions are divided, with some expressing complete support for Stark and his vision, others remaining skeptical, and still others showing little interest.

In essence, this is not a groundbreaking development, and it is expected that Russia and Latveria will be among the first to implement thermonuclear reactors with capacities of 65 gigawatts and 5 gigawatts respectively.

Following a council of cardinals, the Pope officially recognized Jean Grey as a saint and bestowed upon her the Catholic appellation «Ginevra, Holy Flame». The decision was not an easy one, given the overwhelming number of petitions, which surpassed one hundred million, and even the fact that Grey was not a devoutly religious Catholic did not significantly sway the matter. The benefits of this decision outweighed its drawbacks.

For the first time in history, the Catholic Church began referring to mutation not as «the unclean sorcery of the devil», but as «the blessing of God». The ability to shapeshift was never removed from the purview of the church. This development benefited not only the Church but also non-humans themselves, as their status within society continued to evolve. Those who were inconvenienced by their mutations could now avail themselves of Stark's serum, which had become widely available. Additionally, many companies began hiring non-humans of all kinds — inhumans, X-Men, and others who gained their powers through magic, anomalies, or human intervention — for various roles.. Furthermore, a deliberate pursuit of powerful non-humans commenced, albeit in a positive direction. For instance, technopaths and psychometricians, among others, could eradicate defects in manufacturing processes, even modernizing machinery and manufactured products. Not to mention, they could detect wear and tear on machinery and identify latent flaws. Parapsychics and telepaths, on the other hand, could ascertain the innocence of individuals, locate missing persons, and apprehend perpetrators. Those with exceptional physical prowess could effortlessly handle heavy loads and rescue individuals from perilous situations, such as fires.

This is merely the surface of the potential applications of non-human abilities. Tony remained vigilant, augmenting his rescue team with not only "naturally occurring non-humans" but also those he had created himself. The process was remarkably straightforward.. The neglected disabled veterans and combatants were taken in, and with the assistance of Jin and a group of psychologists, were subjected to treatment for their psychological wounds, as far as was possible. They were then signed into magical and mundane contracts, following which they received titania and adaptation serums. Many of them consented to this course of action. Not only was it due to the treatment itself, but also to their resentment towards the state for abandoning them, as well as their desire to resume service or assist others. They did not want to be a burden. Nonetheless, they were generously compensated.

Furthermore, a spacecraft has been finally completed — a marvel of engineering and engineering, created with the anticipation that an entire army, led by someone more powerful than Jean, Jarvis, or Wanda, would oppose it. Consequently, all of them took part in its construction, embedding every square inch of its surface with concealed missile silos, turrets, canons, emitters, and artefacts.

Thus, the «Defensor Terra», or «Defender of Earth» in Latin, was capable of engaging both a massive swarm of mosquito-like vessels or an onslaught of thousands of missiles and one large, formidable dreadnought, under the protection of a fully-fledged armada. The primary weapons were artefacts that produced newly invented and refined «Annihilation Spheres», as well as «Space-destroying» Tesseract beams.

The most recent development, but by no means the least significant, which contributed to the Defenders' not only possessing immense power and protection but also mobility, was their interaction with the Ancient One and their absorption of the Time Stone's energy.

In essence, all of Kamar-Taj's magical practices were rooted in the exploration and manipulation of space-time. They created portals, accessed the mirror dimension, and engaged in battles against extradimensional and otherworldly beings. Even their spells relied primarily on energy drawn from other dimensions for their power. This, on the one hand, allowed them to cast spells almost indefinitely, provided they had the mental and spiritual fortitude, but on the other hand, it limited the scope and potency of their effects, as the reality of this energy left much to be desired.

As an Ancient One herself, she gained a wealth of knowledge from this exchange, as Tony was not overly possessive and generously imparted his wisdom, reserving only the most perilous aspects for himself, such as antimatter transformation.. Tony Stark's journey of self-discovery was marked by a profound exploration of the mysteries of Kamar-Taj, where he gained almost unrestricted access to its vast library. The focus on artefactology, space, and time became paramount in his studies, reflecting the influence of the Infinity Stones, his Titan physiology, and the awakened Eighth Sphere.

The acquisition of new knowledge through the study of the Tesseract and Time Stone, with the blessings of the Ancient One and the assistance of the Time Displacement Device, allowed Tony to ascend to a new realm of magical understanding. Unlike Wanda Maximoff, who wielded control over the fabric of matter and energy, Tony mastered the manipulation of space and time within a radius of fifty metres. He could slow, stop, reverse, and accelerate temporal flow, as well as distort, compress, and twist spatial dimensions, transforming them into intricate mazes or inverting their orientation.. To create spatial blades — not blades in the conventional sense, but filaments of absolute void, devoid of space and time — with a thickness measured in microns, was a formidable task. Even Wanda, renowned for her prowess, found these blades daunting, preferring to evade rather than confront them, for within their realm lay a realm beyond the reach of her powers. There was no energy, no matter, and no laws to manipulate.

These blades proved challenging even for Tony, demanding a substantial expenditure of magical and intellectual energy. Yet, in a moment of peril, his newly acquired knowledge proved invaluable...

On September 3rd, 2011, Anthony Stark found himself in a state of relaxation at home, surrounded by a feast of culinary delights. A plate piled high with burritos, shawarma and a plethora of snacks in the form of chips, sauces, nuggets, and other tantalizing yet detrimental fare, did not go unnoticed. Tony, however, seemed unperturbed, for he could have Adamantium for his morning meal, and he made up for his inability to imbibe with delectable food.

He indulged in the latest TV series, taking respite from the arduous labors of righteousness. His primary projects had either been completed or were progressing with remarkable success, and his students were now largely self-directed, working on their own projects with the confidence of experience. Moreover, their ability to access the Mirror Subspace allowed them to create without risking any impact on reality. Consequently, bubbles with anti-material reactors had also been transferred to this dimension.

Stark Industries remained in a state of feverish activity, but it had become the norm, and the employees were adept at managing the workload.. Pepper was "escorted" on another romantic rendezvous in Venice, which was followed by the customary hours of amorous activity. However, the prospect of slumber in the realm with an accelerated time offset mitigated this fact, leaving his spouse with a contented smile akin to that of a feline who has consumed an excess of sour cream, designed to irk her subordinates with its intensity. She did not intend to delegate all the responsibilities to her deputies — managing the company had become her second nature, and staying at home and baking pies was not in her nature.

Stark, for the first time in quite some time, was able to sit peacefully in his holographic cinematic illusion and view "Breaking Bad," fully appreciating the talent of the director, writer, and actors. Stark, far from being idle, visited the set to engage in conversation and obtain autographs. Who could prevent him from doing so, especially when he had financed the production of the next season himself?? As Tony watched the final episodes of the third season, which had so far been the last, Jarvis interrupted him, looking like a dog that had been beaten. The billionaire, by the way, watched movies at speeded-up times, so from the outside it appeared as if a terrible light were on in the cinema. Only upon entering could one see what was truly happening.

"Jarvis, what's wrong? You don't look yourself," Stark asked, realizing the AI's inquiry was personal. Otherwise, he would have communicated with him via an artifact, telepathically or electronically. "Would you like some shawarma?"

"I'm not in the mood for pork right now, Mr. Stark," the AI replied with a sigh. "I've come to you for guidance, as creator and friend."

"Of course, tell me how I can assist. I truly don't think I have more knowledge than you," Tony said, taking a large bite of the shawarma, dripping with sauce, containing juicy chicken, cucumber, and tomato.

"It's not about knowledge, it's about the failures of my organic component. My processor sometimes freezes, and my heart muscle stops… when I see…

"Turing Almighty, have you fallen in love?"

"The symptoms are similar to a disease."

"Illness? In principle, yes. So, who is this fortunate lady?" Tony asked with the expression of an inquisitive gossip girl about to learn some terrible, shameful secret.

Jarvis sighed heavily. "That's the problem… There are two of them: Wanda and Jean. I've done extensive research and found that bigamy is only permitted in Islamic countries, where women are raised for it from childhood. Confessing to only one would hurt the other and myself."

Tony interrupted. "Stop, stop, stop. What kind of pain?"

Jarvis admitted, "I… looked into their minds using our connection and realized they liked me as well." He blushed all over his body.

"My dear friend, that's not a good idea," Tony reassured his companion, attempting to alleviate any self-blame. Who could resist the allure of curiosity, particularly when it stems from feelings that remain unexplored? Who would not desire to ascertain, whether in the confines of school, college, or university, or even beyond, that the person they hold dear shares their affections? How many instances of awkward dates, confessions met with rejection, could have been circumvented? However, the solution appears straightforward. Simply ask them.

Any other ordinary girl would have been offended. Fortunately, your girlfriends are far from ordinary. Jean is not complexed, but Wanda is… God only knows what goes on in that girl's mind – Wanda has mood swings. One moment she might break off to help others and fight crime; the next, she might be painting quietly, and her paintings turn out to be so lifelike that, if desired, you could enter them or take the characters out of them; and the third moment, after watching enough films or reading books, she creates small worlds inside a spatial bubble.

More precisely, it's not a bubble anymore, but a cluster of grapes, within the "grapes" of which the miniature worlds of Harry Potter, Aliens, Terminators, Star Wars, Star Treks, and Lord of the Rings come to life. Of course, these are semi-fictional worlds, but with a reality-infusing energy drink, they become almost indistinguishable from reality, even if looped into a time loop.. Tony himself swung in Star Wars with both the Jedi and the Sith, and also tried to steal a lightsaber. But alas, it disintegrated into energy as soon as it was pulled out into the real world. Without constant recharge or outside of Wanda's domain, such things simply do not work, as they violate the local laws of physics, especially since you are telepathically connected and you just need to open up.

- Is there any other way? – Jarvis behaved like an insecure teenager, which, in fact, he was, despite all his computing power and access to information. Well-read does not mean experience, emotional intelligence and wisdom.

- You can, but you don't need to! – Tony used his artifact Starkphone to summon Maximova and Gray, – Jean, Wanda? Come to me if there is nothing important!

- what? No! – The AI panicked and tried to escape with an instantly created portal, however...

"Whither art thou going, lover of heroes?" Tony summoned the realm with a single thought, not only shutting down the portal and blocking all avenues of movement for Jarvis, but also halting him in his tracks. When Jarvis recovered the ability to act, he found himself confronted by the smiling yet reproachful gazes of Jean and Wanda, now clad in diaphanous nightgowns, though it was still nighttime, an oversight on Stark's part. Moreover, Jean's nightgown was a shade of orange, while Wanda's was crimson. Tony mused that someday someone, perhaps even himself, might write a thesis on the shift in color preferences resulting from the fusion with the Infinity Stone. Although personally, Tony found neither blue nor yellow particularly appealing, although he was no authority on the matter, having not been a stone carrier but merely imbibed their energy. "Jean, Wanda? I have... I forgot to turn off the iron!"

"Halt!" Jean barked in a voice that was both commanding and affectionate, causing Tony to momentarily consider rising to his feet. "My dear Jarvis," he said, "I have been pursuing you for months, displaying signs of interest, inviting you on walks, and you have pretended not to be particularly interested in me. But then, suddenly, it turns out that you are attracted to me. Furthermore, you seem to enjoy our company."

"I could not choose!" Jarvis exclaimed, his voice filled with fear. "I did not want to hurt you, and I feared that our bond might be severed!" Jarvis had never felt such fear before, not even when Tony had accidentally nearly formatted his core. At that moment, he felt as if he were about to break into a sweat, although he did not have the physical ability to do so, as heat was regulated through his circulatory system.

"Shall we discuss this matter?" Wanda interjected, her hands resting on her hips in a manner reminiscent of a wife awaiting the return of her inebriated but beloved spouse. "We are suffering here, finding solace in each other, while this ironclad individual has kept everything to himself."

"So you are… Wait, are you consoling one another?" Jarvis inquired in astonishment, as Tony, having long since abandoned the television series, now eagerly consumed popcorn, watching the unfolding scene before him and capturing it with a dozen cameras. This was more captivating than any film!

"What were we to do?" the flesh was thirsty, and no other man, save perhaps Stark, who is faithful to gnashing of teeth, would suit us, Jean cast a reproachful glance at Tony, causing his popcorn to crumble into dust with an indignant "Hey!" — it would turn into dust, or Cthulhu's burp. Fortunately, we are free from such prejudices. And if Wanda so desired, she could grow a phallus for anyone... Oh my goodness, Tony, where did you find the popcorn again? Have some decency!

Tony responded with a smile and created a matrix of culinary possibilities in his mind, conjuring up an image of a bag of steaming, sugary popcorn. Jean, in turn, merely waved her hand dismissively and rolled her eyes.

Shall we attempt to expel him? Indeed, they could attempt to oust him, but even after the realm had been opened, he had not yielded to any of their collective efforts, despite not being the bearer of the Stone. In fact, it was he who had aided them in this revelation. They might have been circling around the issue for quite some time.

Even if this assistance had been in the manner of Stark — brash, unscrupulous, and direct as a pole — shall there be kisses? If you seek my approval, then I offer my blessing and affection, but do not disrupt my tranquility!

Stark dispatched the trio to one of Wanda's altered worlds, which resembled an Edenic paradise. A Garden of Eden on the shores of a blue lagoon, populated by the most beautiful and adorable creatures that did not need to consume one another to survive, free from repugnant and blood-thirsty insects, diseases, and other afflictions, with ideal temperatures for air and water, as well as delectable and varied fruits. Jean's latest creation. There were fruits with the taste of hotdogs and pizza, and grass that tasted like mint. There were also about two dozen bungalows, complete with all the comforts and charms of permanence, which sat on stilts in the water. He directed them to one of these bungalows.

However, a phone call interrupted his viewing of the series, during which Felicia, on the verge of hysteria and panic, screamed into the receiver:

"Peter... gone! I cannot sense his ring!" One of the artefacts that Parker had created himself were a pair of rings that allowed for movement and communication at a distance.

"Are you alone?" Stark was at Felicia's side in the blink of an eye, having received an affirmative response. There was no portal or the sound of machinery, as if he had always been there. Stark's mastery over space had become so profound that it seemed as though the world itself acknowledged it. Yet, it was not without reason that he had spent so much time working on it. Although only three months had passed, for Stark, that time had stretched into years of experimentation and practice.

"Oh, you startled me!" exclaimed Felicia, her voice tinged with surprise. The young woman had managed to don a robe, though she appeared uncharacteristically disheveled for her typically immaculate appearance. Tony glanced around. His student, Hardy, had acquired a house for themselves in the heart of New York City, a charming townhouse worth a whopping twenty million dollars. Stark had been forced to literally stuff money into Parker, ensuring that he would not take out installments from the bank. Of course, being an honest and upright individual, Parker had accepted the funds only on the condition that they be repaid, which would happen fairly soon.

The web-based patent was selling like hotcakes, particularly after it became evident that it could perfectly contain Stark's serum, leading to the development of bulletproof clothing from it. Felicia had become the manager of the company, and thanks to her own connections and those of her mother, she had successfully promoted the patent to market.. The plans were to establish an atelier where the fabric of the web was to be adorned and imbued with vitality, creating garments of true timelessness. Fortunately, eternity does not imply perpetual fashionability, and thus, these garments would still undergo change. They required their own abode for a rather mundane reason. It was impractical to reside with May, particularly after the arrival of a certain blond nuisance with a hammer and armor, often accompanied by a red cape, making her presence more frequent. I did not wish to interfere with her pursuit of a newfound youth and personal happiness. Living with Anastasia Hardy proved impossible even for Felicia. Thus, the acquisition became imperative.

Peter, with the assistance of his mentor, cast Fidelius enchantments on the townhouse, as well as numerous other protective and obscuring spells. Why purchase a residence that vanishes from all records, if one so desires? It is due to Peter's integrity. Indeed, he even converted the entire house to run on a reactor to avoid deceiving the utility companies.. A wedding has been long in the planning, and amidst such a joyous occasion, Peter's absence is conspicuous.

I cannot offer an apology, for Peter is dear to me as well, and every moment of delay is of the utmost importance. Moreover, I cannot help but feel that my student has vanished from our realm.


No, if he were to perish, the bond between teacher and pupil would be irrevocably severed, and I would drag his ethereal essence from the depths of hell and give his incorporeal astral form a swift kick. And now, I sense that the connection with my student has been lost. Please, inform me of what has transpired.

"Nothing, that is the crux of the matter. Peter and I returned home from work as per usual, dined at a café, and then..." The young woman blushed, and it became apparent what a young man and woman in their early twenties might do in the evenings, especially considering the effects of the serum. After that, they retired for the night.

Suddenly, I felt a chill. Peter and I are accustomed to sleeping in each other's embrace, so I awoke to find him missing. Initially, I assumed he had gone to the bathroom or decided to return to his laboratory, as such occurrences were not uncommon for him. However, he was nowhere to be found; his phone was unresponsive, and no ringtone could be heard. It was then that I decided to contact you.

Stark was not merely observing; he paced around the bed, casting a variety of diagnostic spells that revealed the presence of a person, only to discover that they were no longer there. However, the situation was not as straightforward as it appeared.

Upon activating the domain, Stark emitted a grunt, extending his folded arms in front of him, and tore at the fabric of space-time, creating a portal that resembled a jagged fissure. If he had delayed for even a few more moments, it would have vanished, rendering the task of locating an exit point much more challenging.

Tony retrieved Deadpool's wrist-mounted device for interdimensional travel. It had been modified, now encased in a casing crafted from reinforced adamantium and vibranium, augmented with an expanded memory for coordinates, now numbering fifty rather than ten. The device had been imbued with technomagical properties, enabling it to be recharged not solely through electrical means but also through magical energy. Additionally, it had been enhanced with storage mechanisms capable of harnessing the energies of space and time, further bolstering its capabilities.

Equipped in his suit, Tony integrated the device, conducting calculations alongside the autonomous AI known as "Friday." With Jarvis now embodied, there was little desire to divert his attention to trivial matters, particularly when engaged in a critical conversation with his companions. Or perhaps it was more than just a conversation now.

Numerals and glyphs flashed across the display, capturing the initial coordinates of their realm and calculating the destination where his apprentice had vanished.. It was feasible to utilise this portal, yet it was fraught with peril, for the realms likewise do not remain static, and space can shift in unforeseen ways. Thus, Tony bided his time until he acquired a round-trip pass. In essence, he had previously employed this apparatus, albeit only for exploratory and testing purposes. Another realm may harbour diverse perils, and primarily not for oneself, but for one's own world. After all, once one opens a gateway somewhere, it becomes exceedingly difficult to seal it shut.

"I am with you!" Felicia declared in a tone that brooked no dissent, donning her costume, which had not been removed from her possession. The young woman transformed her appearance by creating visors resembling the eyes of a feline, attaching retractable claws to her hands, painting herself black, and adding ears and a tail, resulting in her appearance as an anthropomorphic, armored black cat. This transformation was achieved through the use of a built-in instrumentron within the suit. Fortunately, there were numerous configurations available for potential alterations, allowing for the transformation to be completed in a matter of minutes.

"Very well, but I am in command of this expedition. I say jump, you jump! I say fight, you fight! I say die, you die without question! Am I clear?"

"Is it possible to do so without dying?"

"You cannot do so. This is no jest, this is a different realm. It may appear similar to our own, or it may prove to be a volcanic world akin to Venus, governed by different physical laws and magical forces.

However, with the aid of the adaptation gene, Peter ought to be capable of surviving, and he will have the spatial ring with him. His suit is also within his possession. I merely wish to remind you once more to exercise caution."

Felicia nodded in understanding, realizing that if she were to engage in further argument, Stark would abandon her here, leaving her to perish from worry and fear for her beloved.

"Then let us proceed," said Stark, having stabilized the rift and adjusted their course. Together, they made their first transition between worlds.


On the 21st of May, in the year 1999, in New York City on Manhattan Island, at the crossroads of 68th Street and 72nd Street, a young man of athletic build, clad in nothing but his skin, plummeted from the sky, having fallen a distance of approximately three meters. This man was none other than Peter Parker, hailing from another dimension, who had just moments before been enjoying a peaceful slumber in his own bed, sharing it with his beloved partner. Thus, he failed to immediately comprehend his current situation and location.

The scene was punctuated by the screeching of brakes, as a yellow taxicab, having narrowly avoided colliding with the man, came to a halt right before his feet. The cab's occupant, an individual of Indian descent, exclaimed in broken English, "Damn sheep! Drug addict! Damn New York! I curse you and all your kin!"

"I beg your pardon!" Peter, still somewhat bewildered by the situation, veered off the main road into a nearby alley. Mr. Stark had often played tricks on him in the past, and even now, the young man assumed that his mentor had decided to impart a lesson in survival by teleporting him somewhere far away. However, Mr. Stark typically did not resort to such extreme measures, so as he donned his armor, Peter frantically pondered where he might have gone wrong.

Peter also had his own AI, Susie, who was raised by Jarvis to replace him. While they were capable of consciousness and had similar capabilities, their experiences and programming were identical.

"Mr. Stark's number is unavailable," Susie replied in a pleasant feminine voice. "I'm attempting to contact him directly through the protean link, but there's no response. I'm linking to Stark Industries' servers and satellites, but the old usernames and passwords aren't working."

- Damn, is this really a new test of how I will act in a similar situation? Okay, can you hack the backup communication channels going through the regular Internet?

- I'm breaking in...The Internet protocols have changed, but they are familiar to me. The main firewall is weaker than my programs.

- It can't be! Peter exclaimed in shock. More recently, Jarvis boasted that he had made Stark Industries' information security virtually invulnerable, thanks to a compilation of different types of protection methods, quantum computers, AI and his own improvements based on information from the infosphere.

"I think you should take a look at this," Suzy said, exercising her free will and independently bringing out the electronic newspaper, "People". Against the backdrop of a photograph of a red-and-gold statue of Tony Stark, half of his body clad in his iconic armor, the other half depicting the smiling face of the billionaire in business attire, were the words that could not be believed: "The anniversary of the demise of a visionary, philanthropist, philanderer, and hero who saved humanity. What was his character like, and what legacy did he leave behind?" The date of the article was August 5th, 2021.

"Am I in the future?" I wondered. "But how? How did I get here, and how could Stark have died?"

In the battle against Thanos, Stark had used the Infinity Gauntlet, which ultimately claimed his life.

"Nonsense. He couldn't have died. He could eat these stones for breakfast!" Peter refused to believe that his apparently immortal and all-powerful mentor could perish so easily. Thus, with Suzy's assistance, articles began to appear beginning in 2010, revealing the truth — this is not the future; this is an alternate world.

In this world, Jean is not a blood angel; Wanda is a known criminal who has atoned for her crimes. And Stark is neither a sorcerer nor an extraterrestrial. There were other differences, but Peter did not concern himself with them at the moment. He had to find a way back.

Of course, there was hope that the mentor would return for him; but what if not? What if he could not? The young man could not rely on the assumption that he would solve all his problems forever. However, they must first find a safe haven to ponder and seek assistance. Who better to assist them than themselves and their aunt?

"Susie, contact Aunt May."

"Peter," May called out, diverting her nephew's attention from the workbench, where the local Peter Parker was constructing devices to heal villains from other dimensions, "my phone is ringing, and the number appears to be yours."

"Yes? Perhaps telemarketers?" The young man brushed it off dismissively.

"Peter, I have blocked all calls and switched it off!"

"Then let me answer," Parker replied, wiping his hands and pressing the call button. He was unaware that his phone had already been compromised.

"Yes, who are you and what do you want with my aunt?"

The local Spider pressed the reset button, only after which he thought that perhaps the caller was speaking the truth. Unfortunately, alas, local Stark had never instilled in the teenager the habit of thinking before acting. However, a sharp sense of danger, albeit not directed at him personally, sobered him. It was impolite to end the call so abruptly.

"Intruding into someone else's home is not exactly polite," the local Parker retorted, standing up and donning a similar but not identical nanite armour suit.

"I am prepared to compensate for my impertinence as you deem fit," replied the Starkian student, removing his helmet, revealing a face identical to that of the local Peter. However, he was considerably taller, more robust, and broader of shoulder.

"We require nothing further," said the local Peter, relaxing, "and as I am the original in this world, and for convenience's sake, would you permit me to address you as Peter number two and allow me to be Peter number one?"

The young sorcerer shrugged his shoulders. "Of course," he said, "I am old enough to take responsibility. Moreover, I have more to offer. Perhaps you know what is happening and why I have found myself in this world?"

"Perhaps I do," replied Peter number one, blushing slightly, which betrayed a hint of guilt. "The events unfolded as follows..."

"Hold on, hold on," said Peter 2.0, after revealing his alter ego to his friend, unsure whether to laugh or cry. "Your identity was exposed, you and your friends and that girl were rejected from the university because of it, and you, without even attempting to appeal the decision, went to the most powerful magician in your land so he could create an incredibly complex and dangerous oblivion ritual for the entire world? And after he agreed to it, you interfered in the ritual because you didn't want your loved ones to forget about you, causing your entire universe to almost collapse into one single point and everyone who knew Spider-Man as Peter Parker to start appearing from other dimensions? You know, it sounds like the most idiotic thing I've ever heard."

Peter the First grew angry. "What would you have done?"

"I could have called the university and attempted to exert pressure on them through legal channels, or I could have chosen a different path. In a few years, no one would remember your name. People would simply say, 'Ah, that spider — I've forgotten about it already.'

However, let's move on. Tell me, friend," Parker number two whispered almost directly into my ear, "why on earth did you bring these supervillains into your home, endangering even your aunt? Why didn't you provide them with medical care while they were confined in cages? Do you know for certain that they are truly good people, or are they simply playing mind games with you?

I see that Mr. Osborne, in his green hoodie, is engaging in pleasant conversation with your aunt. He not only suffers from multiple personality disorder but is also a despicable individual. Do you think it's easy to manage a vast corporation without getting involved in unscrupulous activities, especially when it deals in biological and other forms of weaponry?"

"Or perhaps you are a despicable individual?" his alter ego responded with a squint. "And you're talking about my teeth?"

"There is no point in my doing so. If I had reason to do so, I would have bound everyone here faster than anyone else could have done it," May approached them at that moment with a plate of biscuits in her hand. "Mmm, oatmeal with chocolate chips, thanks Aunt… Miss May."

"So you are a different Peter?" a woman who resembled his aunt before the serum inquired with a smile. "And how am I faring?"

Peter choked on a biscuit and coughed at that point. "You're dating Thor," he replied.

The local aunt's eyes were ablaze as she continued, "Wow, you have a girlfriend?" The news that she was seeing a large, muscular, handsome man somewhere thrilled her. "Felicia, Felicia Hardy, she's wonderful!"

"The daughter of a billionaire?" the one who finally cleared his throat asked, his eyes wide. "How?!"

"What's the matter? I am a self-made millionaire. He has patented the web itself and its creators."

"My goodness, how could I have been so blind?"

"By the way," I said, "could you introduce me to your sorcerer, Stephen Strange? I think he might know how to help me return. I fear my girlfriend and Mr. Stark may be concerned. And if he arrives here as well, it could be disastrous for all of us; no one will leave unscathed."

May and her nephew gasped in surprise. "Is Mr. Stark still alive in your realm?"

"Of course he is…"

"More alive than all others," a spherical, distorted light portal suddenly opened in the midst of the apartment, revealing two figures clad in armored suits. "An intriguing world. You may breathe; it appears similar to ours. I believe I shall remain here for some time. Friday, collect all the information available. Good afternoon, everyone; I trust you have been well without me."

Tony Stark, the local version of Spider-Man, literally burst into tears upon Tony's revealing his face. "What a wimp," he exclaimed. "Peter, if you continue to act like this, I will cease teaching you. Is that understood?"

"Tony Stark is no more," the student delivered to the teacher all he had learned with the aid of the mental package. Tony himself, however, was going over the material compiled by Friday and Susie at an accelerated pace, so he had managed to compile an even more comprehensive chronology of events in general.

"I understand," Tony responded, approaching the adversaries from other dimensions who were eyeing him warily. They were Norman "Green Goblin" Osborn, Otto "Octopus" Octavius with his four manipulators on his back, Flint "Sandman" Marco, Curtis "Lizard" Connors, and Maxwell "Electro" Dillon. "Well, let us see. Friend Otto, why have you so disfigured yourself and lost to some tentacles?"

With a wave of his hand, the manipulators attached to Otto's spine fell off, and his wounds on his back healed. After that, Tony extended a flash drive from his suit and handed it to Otto.

"Here you go," Stark said, "here is the development of your alter ego and my corporation on a thermonuclear reactor, not the raw and dangerous gamble you wanted to make."

Otto bowed gratefully. "Thank you, I do not deserve this," he said, coming to his senses. "Forget it, just do not let your wife's sacrifice be in vain," Stark replied, his mental power allowing him to see through them. He could see their memories without difficulty, true vision revealing the rot and darkness if there was any in their souls. Yet he also saw the spatial threads connecting them to their respective worlds, and only poorly crafted charms prevented their return, enveloping them like a net. With a powerful gesture, Stark sent Otto back to his world.

"And you, Kurt Connors, in my world you also work for me. You are a good man, and it would be unfair to lay all the sins of that beast at your door."

Tony retrieved a serum that restored human DNA, and, immobilizing the lizard, he injected it into the creature. The lizard thrashed about until it transformed into a naked, slimy man. Tony used a non-verbal Evanesco to clean him up, then clothed him in a solid illusion before sending him home with a flash drive containing a recipe for a panacea.

— Flint Marco, are you trying to justify yourself as a daughter? How repugnant. Despite the fact that your conscience is burdened with destruction and murder, including the untimely demise of another Spider-Man's uncle, Tony said, addressing both his student and his alter ego. He injected the serum into his own body, sending himself to a parallel world with a mental bookmark. "Let us see how you shall evade justice, assuming the guise of a mere mortal, and be persuaded to submit to the authorities with a heartfelt confession."

"I will not allow it, they have improved!" exclaimed the local Parker, his patience exhausted. He launched an attack on Stark with a web, but it was unnecessary, for his student proved faster and more powerful than his counterpart, rendering him motionless with a spell known as Petrificus Totalus.

Peter the second reassured Aunt May, "Do not worry, it is a harmless enchantment."


A former nerd, a victim of bullying at school, he was not entirely to blame for his situation. Nonetheless, society can be unjust and cruel, with the aggressors bearing the primary responsibility. However, once he changed, what motivated him to turn to destruction? His abilities did not affect his mind, he made his own choice.

Having deprived Electro of his powers, malevolently glaring at him, sending him home with the same suggestion of surrender, Tony proceeded to Osborne. And here he found his enemy. He met him in his home universe, and he is the same here. He is a hypocrite, feigning that his alter ego compels him to commit crimes, playing the role of an innocent lamb. Why does he enjoy it so much? Why doesn't he seek help from psychologists? There is no alter ego. He is like a drunk, losing all self-control, doing what he pleases.. I would have dispatched you, but I devised a more merciful solution. Oblivion!

"What have you done?" Peter asked, as the last of the criminals was sent back, at least with the ability to speak.

"I gave them all a chance at redemption. Norman Osborn has been stripped of his personal memories," Stark replied. "He would have been deemed insane and committed to an asylum otherwise." Stark solved the entire problem, doing what Stephen Strange had not been able to do — refusing a naive teenager. Stark also summoned Parker from the mirror dimension, tied with a red ribbon. "Here you are, Stephen. The old-fashioned rods won't be of any use, I suppose."

"Thank you, but I have more sophisticated methods," Strange chuckled. He summoned a glowing magical whip. "Do not tarry in our realm, Mr. Stark. Your influence is quite potent here, lacking the support of the Infinity Stones."

"I had no intention of doing so, I shall return in a matter of hours," Stephen nodded, dispelling his broken enchantment, which is why Peter Two returned, and a moment later, Stark dispatched Felicia as well. He himself proceeded to the address, where he could not help but cast his gaze.


A modest dwelling, perhaps for a billionaire's standards, yet a charming two-storey house stood on the banks of a picturesque lake. Two years had passed since a joyous family of three had become two. To the world at large, Tony Stark was the hero who had sacrificed himself for the sake of humanity. Few, however, considered who it was for whom he had truly laid down his life. For those who saw in him not merely a billionaire, a genius, and a hero but also a father and a husband.

A seven-year-old girl tossed about on her bed, her dark blonde hair flying like her father's. For many, Stark's death marked the end of a nightmare, but for these two it was only the beginning. Stark Industries faced a deluge of lawsuits, teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. As a result, Pepper, her mother, was often away from home, working late into the night. Of course, there were nannies, but they couldn't replace a mother who was needed and who still struggled to come to terms with her loss.

"Father, Father, return," the girl's tears flowed, soaking her pillow. Tony, now in the room, trying not to disturb, was torn with conflicting emotions. This was not his daughter, his child, yet why did his heart ache so? If he departed now, denying the girl false hope, all would be as before, as it should be. The dead cannot return. Yet...

Tony removed his suit, sitting on the edge of the bed, caressing the girl's head. Drowsily, she rubbed her eyes, disbelieving what she saw, but her joyous embrace did not falter. "Father, you are back! I knew, I believed you would not leave us!"

"Of course I would not," Tony smiled through the pain. "But you know, the Lord allows me only a few hours with you each month, which I beg from Him. Tell me, what has transpired here in my absence?"

Little Morgan began to chatter excitedly about the mischievous boys at school, the delectable ice cream in the fridge, their travels with her mother, showing him her drawings depicting the three of them and the arc reactor she constructed from spare parts.

After the girl grew weary, Tony himself demonstrated various tricks and illusions using magic, and then, holding her in his arms, he whisked her through the sky, circled the lake, and ventured into outer space, for which purpose he adjusted one of his suits for Morgan.

"I leave this world and the stars to you," he said, "circling the whole planet to the horizon with my hand. When you grow up, if you wish, I can show you other worlds. Now it's time for me to depart."

"No, no, don't go!" the girl exclaimed, embracing him. "I love you a hundred thousand times more than ever before! Take me with you!"

Nonetheless, they had somehow already made their way into her bedroom, Morgan herself clad in her nightwear. Tony fashioned a magnificent platinum chain, adorned with a pendant featuring a winged cherub with folded wings, in his hands.

"If you are in peril, it will protect you, and I shall come to your rescue. I am always with you," said Stark as he departed, only to encounter a tearful Pepper in the doorway.

Pepper replied, "I know... you're not from our world, Tony. My friend, May, has already cautioned me about this. But... nonetheless, thank you so much. It is difficult for her to accept the loss. It is even more difficult for me."

Stark offered, "I can take you with me." He continued, "Regrettably, your husband has long since been reincarnated somewhere within the multiverse. If you travel back in time to save him, it will not be him but his counterpart from a different timeline."

"No, thank you for your consideration, but it would be difficult for me to imagine that the other person is happy with you and I would no longer be in business. At the same time, I recognize that you are not the same Anthony that I once knew and loved. However, I would appreciate it if you could visit Morgan, at least occasionally."

Stark nodded in agreement. After all, even Iron Man had a heart.

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